1 TTiB OKEGON STATKSMAXt TITBSDAV. XOYEMDKR 10. 1018 The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper I Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While L-SW Ti w W L Tl TT" O DSrectorv p-t Sell and Exchange all Kinds 0ND HAND GOODS Jva cLoniixci. kiioks, uicy- SHca. TOOLH, CJtNSr 8U1TCA8ES. rCAPITAL EXCHANGE 837 Court St.1 . KORYYICJI UNION fTRE IXSUltAXCK KCM1ETY ThMsen, Itolnnd & llurghardt evident Axent 371 State St. QjNEY TO LOAN A ntinovKn farm asd citt SiorKBTr AT IOWEIT RATES CtAfflFIED iDWCHTllKllKCTI $ IUU Per Ward. J first lastrtioa le J sheMaent Insertions Ue I . " i. 1.1. . - V i tms -.... s 0s snonvu ; ....... oa Sis nit&s contract, per mo... So I il9 sect opened for less than tie A ""at card given free with an advertisement to the extent of too aanouoclng "For Bala." "For Rest," "Rooms" or "Board." IKW TODAY Each new classif ed advertise . nent will e run under "New Today" for the first insertion, un law otherwise ordered by the ad vertiser. subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear under Its proper classification. No advertisement will - be run snaer . few iuur ur uun wan . one Issue under aay circumstances J NEW TODAY SALE A GOOD FEED CUTTEH. Phone 174-W. BALED ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE IN ear lots. Write Plnney A Bender, Ontario. Oregon. LIBERTY BONDS IF YOU MUST dispose of your bonds, we will buy tnem. u Masonic ttiag. . EXPERIENCED STATIONARY ENGI eer wants position In or near Sa km. C. E. Miller. 18S Marlon St. I PAY THE HIGHEST PRICe"FOR livestock of all kinds. Will ship this week. Phone evenings XS57J. G. D. kurdick. - rP.CITLAND NURSERY WILL NOT kae any sales yard this fall. Please call at nursery for trees of all kinds. Mursery located one mile east of pen- lttnUary. Phone 111FZ1. ' ffOTt RENT FINE SIX ROOMED FUR-Blahed.buna-alow. close In. modern in every respect. Four roomed cottage on paved street, at 5.00 per month. 0. V. Laflar, Hubbard Bldg. II ACRES. 15 CULTIVATED. BAL- ! inr a-Aod oasture. well watered. Cfieed. good Improvements. a mil Vnd a ba.lt from town, to trade for " acreage near Salem. Price 3000. gocolofsky.441 SUte. ANYTHING PERTAINING TO FIRE insurance Is our line of business. We represent the very strongest and best Matual and Standard Old Line coin- antes operating In this territory. t not convenient for you to come ta eur office at any time Just phone S47 and we will do the resC H. A. John . ton Insurance Agency.-l i-2 Bush ' Bank Bldg, Salem. EMPLOYMENT . FEMALE. WANTED ELDERLY r LADY FOR kousekeeplng. W. E. Cantrell. Ger- vals, Oregon. MA LB WA.XTED CORDWOOD TO CUT. Her maa Yogt. 1144 S. Liberty. ' SOTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES- maa routes. Apply In person, fANTED BY UNIVERSITY STUDENT ttady employment afternoons and Saturdays. Address A-2S, care of Statesman. 00D CHOPPER WANTED iGOOD fir timber. Big and second growth. Will pay the highest price per cord. T. B. Jones. 417 N. Commercial St Phone 912. MTS CCLLA HTCQ TJS. V. S. GOVERNMENT WANTS THOU Mads of clerks at Washington. Men women., IS or over. $109 month. Quick Increase. SO days' vacation, with pay. Easy work, common edu eatlon sufficient. Pull unnecessay. He patriotic. Your country jjeeds Ton. Help her and live in Wash ington during these stirring war times. Write Immediately for free list of positions open. Franklin In stitute. Dept. SIS M- Rochester. N. T. FOR RENT APARTMENTS tOH RENT FIXRNISHED ont Phone 2092R, HOUSES APART-I FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS sad farms. F. U. Wood. 841 State - "treat, phone 714. 5 ROOMS FOR. RENT MODERN 9 ROOM House . per month, phone ss. TO RENT ONE OF THE J. L. STOCK ton Co's. stores after Jan.. 1st. 1919. or both stores by March 1st. ""BiajBBBasaaiBB MnMWHiaHWaawaMaaaaMaHB OR Rm-rnMlrORTABLH ROOM - , with use of bath, in modern borne. areas a. b.. care statesman. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK "OR SALE-TWO THOROUGHBRED Duroc Jeraey brood sows, one with P'1-s. Gordon E. Tower, R., 6. Salem. "one. ITLL BLOODED DURHAM COWS and elves for sale, also some good Her Jord calves, both sexes. C. A. Mc- Crow. Rt 1. Box 72. Dallas. "OR SALE SIX HIGH GRADE HOL tln heifers; also one registered Yorkshire brood sow heavy with pigs. , William Kaufman, Sllverton. Ore., phona Red 112. KIM CELLAJTKO CS TOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm paper, aend lOe to the Pacific nnmeatead. Salem. Oregon, tor a trial subscription. Mention this ad. MISCKLLAXLOIS. PEERLESS OASOUNB ENGINE. SS horsepower, S cylinder. Suitable for raln elevator. Formerly use as auiI.,Tjr lB ltrlc light plant. Uood ?i,.u?tU: ..S, tank. Price tUlTor J?00'"1- 8pUdin Bld- iCAITiyiTX OK THB OATMAN GIRLS irui iiorr or western Immi gration baa been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terma of the mas ters of the Ottawa family, of the eacape of Lorenso. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price 1a 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lem. Oregon. x " POCLTRT IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST pw pu oiianea send 1 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WST and FOUND LOST mjst-BEAVEK PILLOW J1UFF ON outlaw n In front of John Maurer res idence. 117 North Liberty. Thursday .TmM. iinuer pnone lata. WANTED f I RCEI.L AK KO C HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR gooa ciean rags, press room States man. . .- WANTED SECOND HAND BICYCLE rrame with hangers. 1511 S. Liberty bl rnon xtiJ. . FOR SALE CHILD'S BED. set chains lor r'ord, 151 Ford car. Faverole Cockerels. Wanted to buy or rent, a standard typewriter. P. O. Box 7. Salem. WANTED TO EUY THREE COWS. xresn or to rresnen by Dec 1. Jer sey or Guernseys preferred. Must be good ones. Address Pearl Wood. ervais, ore. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE.- 8HIPP8 AUTA SERVICE CITY AND country trlpa. Phone .Day. Ml. wlsrht. 181. - I TIRES REPAIRED VTJLCANIZIHG GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial EC Phone 4SS. SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITT AND sections. tUDes zc up. zervice car. Phone SSI. ltt South Commercial streec BUSINESS CARDS CHIMXET SWEEP SALEM CHIMNEY SWEEP PHONE 1. .Ben Wheeler. . DRAYS ASU EXFREIS. urmsr. :banfkr-we move and store goods. Day phone 9 SO. . Night phone 1191., CAI1TAL CITY TRANSFER COMPAN1 Phone 9SS. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as We have three warehouses In connection with business. Furniture moving packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 121 State street. DRY CLEAX1SO AJfD PRESSI3tG JAPANESE PRESSINO PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe, Prop., 414 n. commer cial street. Ladies' and genetlmen'f suits cleaned and pressed. $1.21 and 1 1.7s. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 652. JUHK JCSK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for junk r,every kind. Let u make you a price on your houehl goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 271 ChemekeU ) street. Phone 28. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRT -O.UIO. delivery and careful work. L)r wash, Se per pound. Ill South Lib erty street. Phone .25. HOME WW WASH LAUNDRT REG ular washlnar done at a rate every body can afford. -For only SO eents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within , twenty- our hours. Phone 2471. . MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, xy- acetylene welding, gas engine re pairing; model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B Brown,, prop, 252 Chemeketa St, 6a IOHEY TO LOAX. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON arood farms. Low interest ratea Privilege to pay $100 or multiple on ; In tar rat dates. Five or seven year i loans. H. M. Hawkins. Sll Masonic Bldg, Salem. Oregon. PARTIES WITH GOOD FARM SECUR- Ity want to Borrow as ioiiows: One $750.00 three years. C One $1,000.00 three years. A. C. BOH RNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple - Salem. Oregon irons ERIE. vnw 1 THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR order- for rose ousnes, snruooery. fruit, walnut and ornamental trees in immediate nlantlnar. with Capital City Nursery Company. 10S0 Cheme- keta street. Phone 7. SECOND SIAHP GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND .goods or ail aisos. pipe nesa, collars, collar pada, tools chains. Fred Echlndler. S5 Cente -trt UNDERTAKERS. WEBB CLOUGH C. B WKflft A. M tJIOUgD, lunci.i modern methods known to the pro fession. 407 Court street. WALL PAPER. PAINT. GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC .,.( ar naiBInr. ununi. amwmr- banging, etc. Work done by contract nr Ky dav:god workman. .... .. . i. r t Location 10ZO venter ou Phone 6II-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com mercial St. j. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL vmnr and picture rraratnr. uooa workmen. 456 Court St. Phone 415. WO VEX WIRE FENCING. . National Asae-rlean Feaee, all alee. SS In. fe t la. Ugh. Paints. OIU and aVraUh. Steve It hell t aa4 Uepalred. Loganberry Uep lleeka. ... Steve Week Cenrt St. Phes 14 IL B. FLEMING WATKR SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, SOI a Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water la cut off from premises. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or Plastering, will nleaae raA "tnr building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at or nee for copy. riiAXsrER uiirmo AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND Household i m naming. moving lobs dona prompt ly. Try ma one. Tim me. 175 Bute St. Phona ICS. Reaideace phoi. im-j. LODGE DIRECTORY MODGRX WOOOMK2I MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6244. meets every Thursday evening at o'cioca in Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. wrignt. cieric . . PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. 8. C Chiropractlca fountain bead. Davenport. Iowa. Chlrapractlc corrects the cause of disease. ouic 40C-7-S U. & N. Bank Bullfli ing Phone ?. Raadence Ill-R OEHTIIT DR. T. L. UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 41g-41l Bank of Commerce Building. Phone SOIv , MCIIC TEACHERS R. HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone ISIS. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. I MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrks ville. Mo.; treata acute and chronic disease. Office 404-415 U. S. Nation al Bank Bldg. Phone 1. Residence 419 North Summer. Phone 14. OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND WALTON, OSTEO pathlc physicians and surgeons. Uraduatea of the American School of Osteopathy. Ktrksvllle, Mo. Post graduate and specialised In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic dlseasea Offices 605-1-7 I U. 8. National Bank Bldsr. Phone SS9. Residence .1(29 Court street. Phone S21S. Dr. White residence phone 419. PHYSICIAHS DR. L. G. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. GaH Stones and Goiter treated successful ly. Office and residence 2I North Liberty. Salem, phone It 7. CHTXKSK PHYS1CIAS. DR. Tv M. HUM CURiS ANY KNOWN disease. IBS a Hlrb St. Phone SIS. PCBXIO KOTTCE9 TURKEY SHOOT AT THE GEORGE Palmer farm, Sunday, Nov. 24. Mne and a half miles south of-Salem on the Pacific highway. Turkeys and ducks for everybody. . WHOLE MILE We will pay S&33 per hundred" de livered at Balem. Price based on 4 per cent tat contents. Phone 2188 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. SALEM. OKEGOX filve fjulck Unltel War Work Give Quirk United War Work Net Contents 15 Fluid Prac! At mHOL-3 PER CEMT. AAot.nhlerVeiitrTBslfAs 1 -ithFood IwScdilU- tlnijlheStofaacss aiBgg t Thereby IVcnaoliniDirtton : Chccrfulnc5S JUncraL NoTiNAHcoj JembBrJWKf a A....1Cmettvfbr P LOSS OF SLEEP Exact wopy of Wrapper. m : ' ' 1 i I U llyj J r- ' - - T I PORTLAND MARKETS UREAL ESTATE 1ka!s. llsn,l.S. Prints, extins, 63c: cubes, extras. I 60c: nrlme flralii LH- dalrv 57 ia Butterfat. Portland delivery - w " we ' No. I 1 sour cream. 67c. loUtoe!. liuying price, locals, $1.50: selling price. $!.7&J2. Grain. November delivery, bids: Ooats. No. 2 white feed. $55; barley. sUnd- "ard feed. $50.50; barley, standard A ,f 51.50.. December: Oats. No. 2. $56: bar ley, feed. $51; barley. "A". $51; No. 3. $..2; corn, yellow, $58; mixed, $56.50.. January: Oats. No. 2, $6; bar ley, feed. $31; barley "A", $51. Eastern oats and corn in bnlk: Oats. No. 3 wnite. $51; 38-pound clipped white. $53; corn. No. 3 yel low, $58; corn. No. 3 mixed, $56. XKW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK, , Nov. 18. Hops. firm; state, medium to choice. 1918, 27K33c; 1817. 18 0 20c; . Pacific coast. 1918. 28032c; 1917.;19G21 Evapuorated apples, nominal. Prunes, strong-; California's, S G104c; Oregon's, nominal. Peaches, nominal. Sharp New Advances in ' Corn Market Experienced CHICAGO. Nov. 18. Sharp new advances In the com market today I resulted chiefly .from attempts to anticipate the price effects of the hunger necessities of Europe. Quo tations closed firm. 2e to Je net higher, with December $1.28 to $1.2 8 Vs. end January $1.29 to $1.30. Oats finished lUe to 2 lie! up. and provisions varying from un changed figures to a rises of 25c. Oatg strengthened with corn. The dedglng pressure, though, checked the gains. Besides, export bldB were somewhat out of line. Provisions were lifted by the up turns In grain and hogs. New York Market in State Of Suspended Animation NEW YORK, Nov. 18 The stock market was in a state of nusnended I animation during the greater part f .k.I hnost part rising and falling within we, avwemj g axoaiviia a a ivcg 1VI U circumscribed limits, although gains prevailed at tho close. Sentiment among- the professional element .was strongly influenced by last week's adverse bunk statement. the reduction cf actoat resserveg giv ing fresh point to the basis for re newed restriction of Credit. Labor problem? also assumed greater prom inence, f . ' United States Steel aid Marine. preferred; divided the honors for the day. the former rallying easily In the last hour from Its one-point de cline and closing at substantial frac tional aivftnee, while Marine held Its fonr point rise, despite another meeting of. the directors at which "no progress" was reported In the prooosed sale of the company's Brit isb tonnage ' Rails made a partial recovery from their extreme setback of one to two points. Sales amounted to 550.000 shares. Most divisions of the bond market were disposed to ease. Internationals as well as liberty Issues, on a mark ed fall'ng off in dealings. Total sales, par value, aggregated $"9,600,- 000. .Old United States 4s gained U per cent on sales; declining as much on call. 8ITKI For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the iSignature t of Use For Over Thirty Years POTJT1 avri x o . M14 EXCHANGE OR SALE ON EASY I UKTLAM), Nov. 18. Butter : I tt-rma M.Mtr ? r.w.m ,... .nt aiP a ii mm .iWT vhs esevaea eeaeaev. good lot. Salem. Ore. Address Own r.Bo l. Dallas. Oregon. MY BUSINESS REQUIRES MY LIVING in Mirm. win traee Portland in come up to f U.V09 fur Halem business or warehouse. Pay difference or as sume. Would look into s good farm property. Address "A-ir1 care of Statesman. A GOOD BUY ZSmle FEET ON EAST side Commercial streec one door north of State street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x11 H feet tract extending from this property to State street. Ter Apply Scott Bosorta. TtU-I Spauldlag Bidg yvruasa, uregon. 4. GOOD SS ACRES IN FULL CULTI- vatlon. well equipped In buildings, half, now seed In and stock snd team ind all Implements and grain and hay, potatoes and wood and every thing complete; 24 miles from rail road, must be sold. See Fleming. Ill State Be IF YOU WISH TO SECURE A LOAN on real or personal security; If you want to sell or rent your property or desire to Insure It In a company that will pay In case of loas. see John H. Scott. 4M Hubbard Bldg. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match von. C W. Nlemever. Real Estate Agent. Canada lands. State street. . . n Summer street, close In. for acreage. jso encumbrance. StfOO. An l-room house en Capitol street for small acreage $1500. IS acres near Junc tion City to trade for house and lot in Salem. $1000. IS acres fine land 1 mile from good town on 8. P. rail way and 1-4 mile to station on Ore gon Electric for city property. $1009 a Houses on the Installment plan. Terma. See me for bar trains. O. W. Laflar. 400 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE 509 ACRE STOCK RANCH Close to town. SI600. 10 acre tract. good .buildings, most all In bearing prunes, close In on main road. llsoo. 100 acre farm. Waldo hills, nearly all under plow, fair buildings, spring water. 190 per acre. Exchange, good five room residence for small tract with buildings. Three houses In Sa lem to trade for rood close In rest dence. - 40 acres to trsde for bona In Salem up to $1500. Farm for rent. For rent S room modern house. $10, For rent S acre tract on car line. $19. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. for EXCHANGE aciie wheat kaim lt. rn Oregon, near good town, half now In cultivation and 100 acres more can easily be put Into cultiva tion. On good road and good fences. set farm buildinrs. with spring wa ter piped to buildings. Close neigh bors and near school. Good stock or grain ranch. Price $10,000. Will sell easy terms or exchange for stock of hardware, furniture, groceries or 1 TIMBER CLAIMS WITH ABOUT a minimi tme saw umoer lo ex rhtnit for residence property in 8a 1.M S MILLION FEET FINE SAW TIM her. well located gooa per ctni pine. One mue irom tu n. wnn nam mill alte. Will sell on good terms. IV vol I WANT TO BELL OK - rhane-e rotir property ee oar PERRINE At MARSTERS 104 Hubbard Bldg. FOR SALE 149 acrea first class farm land. ISO acres unaer cultivation. " a nee creek bottom land, running wa ... v. .w4 .amiI nrlr. IIS iter acre. Good I room plastered house, located on oaved street, east front lot. ce ment walks, price $1230. acres bearing cherry orchard. 2s miles out. iltftS- S acres sll cultivated. bouse, barn. well, good road, price $1000. 17 acre fruit ranch. 10 seres bearing prunes, house, barn, rock road, price $1750. S20 acre farm. SO acres plow land, balance timber and f eature, buildings, will consider some rede, price $15,000. 40 acres of bear Ins Italian prune orchard In first class condition, price $150 per acre. 10 acre tract. S acrea cultivated. ba mm Mature. 4 room house, barn. running water, some orchard, price $1200. 1 acre tract, good house, welt, close to car line, price $1200; terma. If yo want o buy, trade or sell, see us. W. H. Crabenborst Co, 27 S State street. COREY FINDS NEW BILL IS NEEDED eBaBBBBBeaBBBBBBBBBeaBSSBBsnsn9 Public Service Conixnlssioner Drafts Measure to Go to Ugislatnre II. H. CorVy. of the public service commission haa drafted a bill which he expects to put before the next leg islature which Is designed to prevent public utilities from attempting to in crease rates without first pustlfylng them by regular procedure before the service commission. The attempt of the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph company to Increase its rates with out asking permission of the commis sion caused Commissioner Corey to 4r't the bill. The title of the bill la "To provide for the suspension and jvesligiAlon of the Intrastate sched ules of public utilities before the same becomes effective." The meas ure reads as follows: "Whenever any public utility shall rile with the public service commis sion of Oregon any schedule stating or establishing new Intrastate rates. or Increasing any existing schedule of rates, the commission may. either uoon written complaint or upon Its own initiative after reasonable notice. conduct a hearing to determine the propriety and reasonableness of sucn rates. At such a hearing the utility shall bear the burden of showing that the rates proposed to be estab lished or Increased or changed are Inst and reasonable. "The commission may, pending such determinations, order the sus nension of the schedule. After fnll hearing, whether completed before or after auch schedule has gone Into ef tmt the, eommtiilon may make such n.4.r in reference thereto as would be proper In proceeding Initiated af ter such schedule baa Become cum Ive." REVELATIONS OF A WIFE The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Roauuw of Mnrrled Life Wosderf allv Told by AUELE C1ARR1SOX CHAPTER CXXX1X WHY DICKY'S MOTHER SAID. "I WOULNT TRl'ST DICKY'S JUDGMENT." "Madge, is this yoo7 Whatever has happened?" . . .... . There was a note of distinct annoy ance In Dicky's voice as it came over the 'phone from his studio. Even as I answered I wondered vaguely-If he was piqued because 1 called np the studio in his sbsence and discovered that Grace Draper, his beautiful mod el and protege was there. I put the thought from me as un worthy. 1 would not believe that Dicky had Intended to deceive me. His annoyance, of course, was due to his fear that something might have happened since be left the house. I "Nothing Is the matter." I said I oulckly "but you have your mother's I trunk checks, and she 1 anxious I about them.' "Uy Jove!", Dicky's voice was full of consternation. - I forgot every thing about thoae trunk checks until this minute. I should have attended to them yesterday, but" he hesitated and then finished lamely "I didn't have time." I felt my face flush as though Dicky could see me. The reason be did not have time to see to his mo ther's trunks on the day of her ar rival, touched a subject any Illusion to which would always bring a flush to my faee. Yesterday I had sent a melodratn-1 atic whirlwind of happenings andlrled for three years that she sight emotions Into my life. I had fled from Dicky's angry Insults, had bid- den a final farewell .to my brother- cousin. Jack BIckett. and had been restored to Dicky's arms through that brother-cousin's Intervention. I was still too shaken with vary ing emotions I had experienced the day before to bear well any reference l to them, no mstter how casuaL I Fortunately, Dicky was too much I taken up with his own remissness to notice my silence. IH go out this .minute and at tend to them." he said. "Try to keep the mater's mind diverted from them if you can. Better get her away on your sight-seeing trip as soon as pos sible." "She says she doesn't wish to go ntll her trunks arrive." 1 was con scious of my mother-in-law's tU- stately figure standing near me as I spoke. Whatever else she may be she is not a fussy. Impatient woman. 4t any rate ahe made no attempt to in term pt the conversation, simply stood still and listened. I Knew He Had Forgotten," "What rot. Dicky ejaeuiateo in- elegantly. "Shell d no sigai-eeemgi todsy If she waits for those trunks. unless I can find some expressman that'll move faster than any of hisiatjB. Foley Kidney Pills thst'I soon breed ever moved before. I suppose she Is In an awful wax about tbem.iBey Pills help the kidneys throw out isn't she?" - "Of course, she Is anxious about them." I returned, realising the dir - ficulty of conducting a conversation "!.Leoner,,ln, w molher 10 UCI t weFVE save Oh! yes, ahe Is anxious." mim icked Dicky. "I can see her. It Is tittle old me that wll be anxious If I can't get an expressman started with them. Hut make her understand one thing. There is. no possibility of their getting there much before noon, and It will be probably 2 or S o'clock In the afternoon when they arrive. Katie can attend to them perfectly welL Tell her so. Get her out on her trip and keep her mind off the trunks, for heaven's sake." Having thus shifted his responsi bilities to my shoulders. Dicky blithe ly hung up the receiver. I turned to his mother. "Well!" she demanded. "He Is going out now to attend to the trunks." I said. "There! I knew he had forgotten them." ahe exclaimed, with a little malicious' feminine triumph running through her tones. "When will they be here?" Not before noon at the earliest." I repeated Dicky's words In as mat- ter-of-fsct way as possible. "Prob ably not until 2 or 3 o'clock la the -fternoon. We might as well stsrt on our trio. Katie Is perfectly able of attending to them." Mv mother-in-law frowned. I could see that she was hesitating be tween the desire to get out Into the city and the wish to see that her belongings had not been hurt in any war. "Are you sure that your maid is perfectly honest?" she demanded at ast. 1 gave a quick involuntary xlance toward the kitchen door. knew that Katie was not above listen ing to conversations. I certainly did not wish her to hear this one. SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million Hale spriars in its f.KrU. wK'irH "fi,a and tk" wkk every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the torment despite long wear and hard washines. It is the y rar-erond underwear, light, medium ef heavy weight, as yon Us. "Remember to Buy It Yee'Il Fergst Yew Here It On" AJk Fewr JWer UTICA KNITTING CO, Uaksrs Sales taesK 339 tuevy. tsw York eeaaayaeejeaaaavVVVCV Sure of Katie's Honesty. Mrs. Graham followed my look. "The door is closed." she said Quick ly. " I was sure of that before I spoke." I could not resiit a little tribute to my mother-in-law's tans frold. Ton have not answered my Ques tion." she persisted. "Are yon sure she Is honest?' The Incident of the lavalllere flashed Into my brain. Upon my un expected return to the apartment one day I discovered that Katie had been rummaging In my trunk evidently with the Intention of finding and ex amining a beautiful black pearl set In a lavalllere. which was Dicky's wedding present to me. I had proved to my own satlsfae- tlon later that Katie had only wasted to look at and handle the beautiful ornament. I resolved 'net to prejo- dice my mother-in-law's mind against the gin hy speaker or ue Incident. I am sure of her honesty," I said firmly. "I do not thlak yon need to worry in the least," "IHow long has she been In your service?" she atked slgniriaetly. "In mine only a short time less than two weeks." I returned. "Bat she had a very good recommendation from the woman with whom she last worked, and. besides, two or three years ago ahe kept house for a group of artists, of whom Dirky was one. He knows that she can be trusted with any amount of money. I remembered the story of Dicky s ten-dollar bill which Katie had err restore It to him. -i wouldn't trust Dicky's Judg- ment on the virtues of a cat." his do- ther returned caustically. "Bat I suppose there Is nothing to be done but to trust her. sheweat on. "There can't always te "someone in the apartment to watch her. She cant get Into the trunks without keys nnless she Is an accomplished sneak thief, and I hardly think she Is thaL I think w had better start on our trip. How soon will you be ready?" "1 am afraid It will be about half an hour before I can start," I said apologetically. "That will be all right," my mo ther-in-law returned good h urn o red ly. She was evidently much pleased at the prospect of the trip. But aa I rapidly .Artaaed I. heard arain her contemptuous comment, I wouldn't trust Dicky's Judgment on the virtues of a cat," and I reflected I grimly that my mother-in-law p rob I ably did not. thlak much of her son's I judgment In selecting a wife, either. (To be continued) Mrs. O. Hrde. nomestead. Mich- wrltM. Bad tJl4t terrible back- acbc aa1 tlre4 oot feUng. ecareely I -vj. o do my work, but fisd by rMi jike a new person." Foley Kid- I poisons thai cause backache, rheo- imatlc pains and aching Joints. J. C l Perry. Two More Priscners Are Victims of Inflaenza Herbert McDowell and Herbert J. Parent prisoners at the state peni tentiary died at the prison Sunday with Influenxa. McDowell was com mitted from Crook county In 114 to serve a life term for killing a mail carrier named Scrogglns. Parent, who was on the prison record as Wills m R. Buck, was committed from Umatilla county fast February for obtaining money under false pre tenses, his sentence being from on to five years. His home Is at La Salle. III. Authorities report about 100 cases of Influenxa at the prison and several of the men are danger ously UL The two deaths Sunday make a total of five at the prison. Protect the CliDdre. Children are as likely to get the grip and Influenxa as grown-ups. Foley's Honey and Tar given quick relief from all kinds of coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough; covers raw. Inflamed surfaces ith a healing, soothing coating; clears air passages, checks strangling, choking coughing. Contains no opi ates. . C. Perry. COLTTUX PLACE SOLD. esBewsBBBasn SILVERTON. Or.. Nor. 12 ( Spe cial to The tSatesman.) William Dallee. a night watchman at the Sil ver Falls Timber company's mill, has purchased the E. Coltrla place In Paradise alley and with his family has taken possession. Mr. Coltrin Is stsylng at the Bailie home at present, ell will probably go to his son In Montana later. ' ' . . . f fyWWiCftCX V3 WUN&tAAv tAA V- V f -