The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 03, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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. - : " ' "" Ml
Br Ml ftH't. tin 1 vr
The way to make friends is to
tu f rl'tl ill V thi wrav tn r.-..
w " - r . j
; , mole rraiernrty is to be
.brotherly; me way. 10 secure nar-
fooy 1 to pleasantly to the
Ul.of the majority: the way to be
."' happy ! to make others happy; , the
aw ui cuiiuurr ail urue-iiiv is 1 n isa
nrta rwiu wi r? 11 & ur hkv 1 11 sear.
nre the respect of your lodge is to
your brothers and sisters and ln-
ttead of kicking: at everything that
U done, p"ut your shoulders to the
wheel and help roll it along; , the
- way to make yourself a useful mem
V ber-of an order is to be useful, not
cojy at a banquet and in the show
procession, but . in a sick room and
1 etery place where a member Is in
distress;- the way to work, for the
rood of the order Is to Induce others
to read the literature and keep post
l ed about the order; the way to make
' your life bright Is to carry sunshine
4 with you; the way to be a true mem
t ber is to do unto others as you
would have tnem do unto you.
! , - .-
- "Just what Is the war program of
tht Young Women's Christian as-
aociatlon and how does it spend its
f money secured through the drives?"
- is a Question asked by many people,
who realizing that girls and women
r do not go to the front, are not quite
;. certain on this point. In view of
X the Y. W,'s participation In the big
drive to be held-all over the country
K next month, the following facts
concerning the expenditures of Its
j $5,000.00O last year are Interesting
hod timely: : v
lathe United Stata it w.w i
hostess houses in army and navy
camps (for white and colored); 3s
uusit'ss nouses under rnn.tMiu..
provided 10 emergency housing cen-
w, upenen Kb clubs and recrea
tion centers for white and colored!
furnished 8.000 women war work
rs; organised 714 Patriotic league
mm wi b. Ill a A v ax... . 0
uita wiiq txu.uuu members; start
ed 25 international I
ioreigii, bora women; put two, land
service units on farms: rreate 14
industrial war service centers; sent
uui o, women physicians who eavt
Z.O 50 lectures to 380.000 worn
and girls, white and colored. Issued
ui-moniniy ouuetins and over 2 -000.000
educational leaflets, t
In Francr Operated 12 hotel
for American women in war work;
conducted 16 social centers for nur
ses In base hospitals; furnished 15
foyers for French munition workers
asked for by the French govern
ment; directed five out-door recrea
tion centers for the French women.
In Itussia Pioneered in three
were accompanied by Miss Irene
iiodgm and Miss Olady Nichols who
have been spending the week at the
JMcnois' home. Miss Nichols nl
Miss Ilodgin are students at Willamette-universlt.
Mr. and Mr. E. V. MrMxhan ir
p.miua) , nor lamma. Wash., to
spend two weeks at the honm r v.
AicMecnan's parents. While in Wash
ington they will spend a few days in
""'uu i-ugev souna pities, among
mem laconia, Seattle and Spokane
j-riaay night a merrr rroun of
girls gathered at the bidding of the
iausanne fresbmen to the "Spook
assembly". The assembly room of
Lausanne- hall was decorated in typ
ical Hallowe'en fashion. The fresh
man girls glided around clad as
ghosts and entertained by fortune
leiung and, other stunts- A number
of old-fashioned games were played
unui late hour after which light re-
iresnnients, were served.
Chemeketa chapter. Daughters of
the American Revolution, received
word that the exercises which were
to have been held Saturday bv the
Sarah Shildress Polk chapter D. A.
at Dallas in conectloa with the
unveiling of the monument to mark
wmtuKQi. pany lasi r naay at ner 1 street, Thursday evening. The af
nome, 35 xsorth Capitol street. A I fair was In honor of Miss Mary Bar
number of Willamette university I rick wSn 1. iAvin. , k.
girls were bidden. Those present I week for her home in Portland. Those
were: miss uerina Anutns, Miss Ell- invited were: Miss Lucy Holt. Miss
uiu crises, miss Liia, jonnson I Mabel Uarrick. Mtsa iSarv Bell nln
Best of Metbotla Orchetra 1.
Tralniac awl Violin Knemble
phone 244 or 176 , .
Jtudlo 503 Court Street
and Miss Theresa Fowle.
Mrs. Homer Link and Miss Nell
Link, after having spent a few days
with friends In Salem, motored to
thlr home at Alrlie, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bobnstedl
were hosts. at a motor party last
Sunday when they entertained Miss
Mildred Wells. Miss Ruth Taylor
and Miss Mildred Brown. They mo-
Then Tour New
1 . .-.,.
It'.' t
1 Fall Outer
FaBhionable wo
men of today
realize the ne
cessity of choos
ing their new
Fall Corsets be
fore having their
new Fall Outer
Apparel fitted.
We make a spe
cialty ot, fitting
the-4- v -
C A It
Ilrass teres
Bandeau &ront&ed 6hne6
Models for All Types or FIgufes
Corset Specialist
115 Liberty St.
centers; workers temporarily out j the site of the first Polk county court
nouse have been .postponed indef
initely.. A number of members of
Chemeketa chapter had planned to
attend the event.
. 1
Miss Greta Wltxe' delightfully en
tertained a bevy of girls Informally
at her hesldence, 412 North Cottage
Tt WW 1 -
Miss Charlotte and Miss Elizabeth
Tebben, students at Willamette uni
versity, are at the home of their parents-In
Portland. '
Miss Theresa Fowle gave a novel
hart and Miss Oerta Wltzel.
MIbs Ilarrlck has lived In Salem for
the past number of years and will
be greatly mlsred by a wide circle of
friends. Her father. L. E. Uarrick.
is leaving for Independence where
he plans to locate permanently. Miss
isarrle will make her home In Port
land with her sister. Mrs. Fred De-
Sart (Edna Barrick).
John, MeCormack, the always wel-
ioru 10 jvooaourn ana ouverxon, come on hIg way to lhe coait
and later had a picnic dinner at the has been fortunate In being able to
uuuuBieuv urifl. Irnnllnna Tif tniir nn tn ha nrotont
' w " ; I Knwavai1 the. infliianrii In Ortntham
Miss Helen Ellis delightfully en-1 raHfrni u . tn
tertalned a number of her. friends atv. moB i n ,....,,
While at the seashore they were the
guests or Mrs. James Kae. 'Mrs.
Hand and Miss Redmond are teach
ing In the SalemTLrgh school.
Captain and Mrs. O. VD. Brrd are
the proud parents of a daughter born
to them Thursday, Oct. 31. at the
Salem hospital. The little miss ha
Deen named Virginia Mary. Mes
sages of felicitation have been show
ered upon Mrs. Byrd upon t Tie ar
rival of the daughter, which 'was
birthday of the little miss' uncle
Dr. W. II. Byrd. Captain Byrd left
last July from Camp Lewis and la
ter for overseas service In Trance
and since that time Mrs. Byrd has
been making hef home with Mrs.
Martha Byrd at tit) Union street.
Miss Lena Hansen and Miss Laura
Hansen are spending a few days In
Portland visiting with friends and
relatives. .
Ml sa. Dorl'hy Buchner and a hum
ber of her sorority sisters of Oregon
Agricultural college motored up from
Corvallls recently for a brief stay a
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Buchner. at 1S10 Court
street. Miss Buchner Is a member
df the Delta Psl fraternity
Miss Emily Cornell ot Portland Is
the guest of Mrs. Ida M. Babcock at
her home. 74 North Commercial
street, this week.
Mrs. B. J Miles. and son, Donald
Miles, are spending a f' days Id
Portland as the guests o Mrs. Miles'
daughter, Mrs. W. A. Knight. They
will return to Salem early In the
Miss Laura Heist received official
notification, Thursday .from the sur
geon general of Oregon to report for
immediate duty In. ..reconstruction
work. She has been instructor 10
the commercial department of the
Salem high school. Miss Heist Is s
graduate of Willamette- university
with the class of i 911 .She left for
New York Friday preparatory to
sailing overseas. -'
A new course of training will open
December 1 at Reed colege. This
Eieo was decided upon owing to the
recent heavy casualties on the west
ern front, the surgeon general hav
ing revised his estimate of needs and
notified the college that 7000 re-
an informal party at the Barton
home Friday evening. During the
evening various games were played
and phonograph music was" enjoyed
Light refreshments were served by
the hostess late In the evening.
i note Diaaen were miss .Margaret , - Kl. in
Wlble. Miss -Helen Flfleld. Miss -"7" rT"T .,7;:T.,i;
bis dates, which now scheduled will
bring him to Los Angeles much lat
er this season. Manager Behymer
recently received a telegraphic com
municatlon which positively verifies
his coming later. Mr. MeCormack
ments of the wan It stimulates the
boys In camp and the sailors at sea.
Miss Eva Parrett and the hostess-.
Helen Ellis.
'' I - A t. Vfva f tinni It la nt lm
Mrs. Edward L. Wells of Portland I . . ," c.I Vw.
. ... . t . . . j I lUCUUIlVK IUW mw wvm
spent tne wee wun ner uaugoier. 1 . r h ...... -itiM f the
who have been forced to remain in
at Willamette, university.
T Miss Marfaret garrison let Fri
day afternoon for Portland wnere
she will spend the week-end with her
sister. Miss Garrison has been in
Salem for, the oast two weeks visit
ing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
the United States, instead of lln
their concerts : la. Europe,
MIrs Hazel Fishwood returned the
first of the week to Salem after hav
ttivinr snent a few days at 'Cedar-
1KB, mi. .mw '"! . v- v- n.r
clal street. She is an Instructor in SX"
1 f : ! - 1 1 art teacher at the Salem high schooL
I mii Blossom Redmon and Ml
o-. , mrWar, kI oii Ttae Metcalf Hand returned
OlOlUi eu uj 3iciu tium ..v b I . , , Vara
v .v .rutnri a few dars Fr day evening from Newport where
ilf , ttV 1 j -k-ik nim I been thepast two weens-
VllQ lueir BUIl. OUIMU 1 f wmmmwmmmmmmmmm,M,mmmMMW
l':'': SHIPLEY'S.
Adequate Assortment of Useful Gift Merchandise
Consenre time, labor. and money on your tz Hi choocirig this year by SHOPPINa EARLY
- -
at tbig store of complete stocks of Rood practical articles of FEMININE WEARING AP
PAREL Jtust the things which win be most appreciated as gif ts this year.
Shop Early Purchase Useful Gifts
A choice from the following will simplify the fine art of sensible and rueful jriring
Shop early and purchase useful gifts where shopping is a pleasure.
. .
Liberty Street T ' .
Important social events of the year
In Oregon.
A picture of Miss Elizabeth Fox.
construction adds In pyIo-tfierapy formerly Dean of Women, at the
would be needed. This Is PProil- UnjTergty of Oregon, whd li on a
mately seven times the estimate or
Sree months ago. It now seems pos- a?e of absenee from the university
.ihta that everr candidate who is ad- to engage In war work with .the
milted and receives the recommends-lYotng Women's Christian associa
tion of the college will be appointed uon war Doara in Tance, is postea
by the surgeon general to assist re- on the bulletin board of the library
turning soldiers In. recovery the use the university. The pktore is in
of their functions In military bos- 1 r work bulletin for October 4,
pltals of this country or France. nlch Is Usued by tb national
These women will receive all llvln board of the . W. C. A. The mes-
expensesana ira-veung expeases, ZT" .7. ' 7 . ' ' -
a month as head aides, and $50 Franc. Mis. Fox picture appears
month as aides. Their uniform wlU n a group of women who are having
v". "Jm ih. nad Cross. t t Tonrs, on the recreation 1s-
"c I""'"-- - Hand la (It Tnln
ShTeSS Miss Edith Cltxto was a delight.
Portland Friday t.rno6b gJveff br Jul i!.0"? wlTh
Mrs. J. R. Montgomery In honor of ahe enjoyably entertained with a
Miss Fanny ChamberUIa. daughter Hallowe'en party. The rooms were
oi c nV" State. Senator Chamber- decorated l k"Plag Jnt
wmueiasmn.i. ". ..- dark corner, of the rooms- The
Invitation, for tte wedding have JJJfU wen. J. i drwSe
Chamberlain J'JW ton and MIm Catheryn Parker. The
PW .'Iv 1. J w u tl evealna waa passed with Diuk a.4
church Thursday. November 11. at .ft-rhl.H .i-t lanrh.
8:30 o'clock. The wedding of the.. S ket S wlSht
popular yount- people I. o.e of the T" M"1remen Mrs- Fred
as BBOVosczeAik rxxjvxrcu uamx ixAoa to
. J' aT?-k ' li
In iplte .1 the scarcity of good merchandbe and H IncrWuie price,, we now have
.lock of new and de,He eo6d, at very reasonable price,, t .J!tt
Stop wline "rfoeki are urge; ale,peoplenot rnrtea and noppra5 nu.uou. :
' "
k4 -rm S wwa - ,
". mm ' ' . ; TV' '
Winter Goats
IIL-aIw In ft 1nft AnJ
New vimter uresses
Ladies' Stiits
Fresh arrival have swelled our 3lplay and it is now at
its best, and presents a comprehensive review of the sea
son's neweHt' and best styles at remarkably low prices
)j(15.(X) up to $75.00. A speeial lot at -
Splendid qualities in the
newest winter fashion. Come
see for yourself. "ouni
need a new dress for the hol
idaysnow 's .the1 time ;to;
buy it and here "I the plaee.
3Iaterial Silks, Latins.
Jerseys, Velvets, ScTfjes and
Poplins. Prices ,
$12.50 to $45
Ladies' Waists
Your feminine friends and relatives
will be delighted with the gift, of a
charming waist. We have a -special
display from which satisfactory selec
tions can easily be made. Prices
$1.00 to $12.00
A special lot of Silk Crepe tie Chine
Waists, white and, flesh, all sizes
$2.95 v
Ladies' Sweaters
4 W -
Wool and Silk Fibre Sweaters a Rood
assortment excellent 'values. priced
Stunninir Suits in the new
est fashions. We carefullr
selected ,theso suits, so we
' rati guarantee their correct
style; their excellence, and
i tlieir perfect tailoring and
: fit Prices.l0.50 to $70.00.
. A special lot," extra Rood
value ; , . -
; $25
Dress Goods
$3.50 to $19
Dress fabrics are welcome. A dress
pattern of Silks or-Ve'lvets or Dress
Goods is an acceptable gift, especially
if it is chosen at this store from the
big stocks of fine fabrics now on dis
play. Specially low prices.
Other Appropriate Gifts
Umbrellas, " Handkerchiefs. Scarfs.
Hosiery, Napkins, Lunch Cloths,
Knit Goods, Shoes, Slippers, Corsets,
Ties, Belts. Boudoir Caps, Silk Petti
coats, Hair Ribbons, Toilet Articles,
Hand Eags, Purses, Furs, Fur Sets,
Gowns, Underwear, Wool Gloves,
. Mltteuia. Bath Robes, Pajamas., GhH-.
dren's Knit Suits, Knitting Bags.
Fancy Bags, etc
416 State Street, Salem, Oregon.
The best and newest of the Fall
Styles are represented in this as
sortment Silks, Satins, Poplins
and Serges. Priced from
$3.50 to $19.50
war-time requirements.
Barker and Mrs. liar? Barker serv
ed. Those bidden were: Orleaas
Thomas, Esther Ilalesard. Fearl
Collins. Daisy Valley, Edith uc rarer
land, Selma Bartx. Grace McDonald.
Mae Varley, Bernlce Gohnson. Edith
Barker. Marrell Thomas. MlaSrdft
Fabey, and FrsocU Trask of Tort-
a- -
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C Whitney
celebrated tbetr golden wedding an
niversary Friday afternoon at their
home, SlOS-North Liberty street-
when they were honored at a cna rav
in reeeotlon. A nomber of out-or-
town guests were present and a nO tu
tor ef old-time friends cauei io pay
their respects to Mr. aad Mrs. Whit
ney. About CO guests railed during tbt
afternoon between the hours of t
and 5. The reception rooms were
brilliant with masses of deep yellow
chrvtanthemums and goldtn mart
golds. Afctaun foliage wn In evi
dence about the rooms which lent a
gay eolor scheme to the decorations.
Assisting Mr. snd Mrs. Whitney
In the recelvlnr Itr were their
daughter. Mrs-Paul Hauer. Mre.V.
J. llagedorn and Mrs. Llo)d Rams
dra amalated about the rooms, and at
iha a tables. Mrs. Louis Tnomfl-
on of Portland assisted. Dslnty re-
frai.mnta la keeolnc with the war
time regulations were served during
iv. ariarnoon. The couple were the
recipients of a number of handsome
gifts and congratulatory messageS-
aii r tt twelve emiaren were
ent with -the exception of one daugh
ter. Mrs. W. J. nunn, of Los Angeles.
ts. H,nfhun nresent were: Mrs.
W. J. llagedorn and Mrs. NenjJJ
n A e.lam- ltm. F. S. LUptOD
. .,t..4. ifra j. it. Stelvers et
Alta. la.: Mra James Funis, Cnre-.
kee. Ia.l Miss Nina Whitney of Port
Und: Mrs. Uoyd Ramsden of Saleni.
Mrs. Stsev Reeves of Astoria and
Mrs L. W. Price of Salem.
Mrs, J. B Sutherland rharmlnglr
i.j . a luneheon Tflursdsv S
her residence on Chemeketa -slreot
eompllmentlng Mrsnderson Cannoa
of Portland. Later fa the afternoon
a few eloxe. trleaas or ir-.
" m.. i. n ts to creet the
guest. Mrs. Sutherland frequently j
entertains informal with afternoen
f fairs which are always charming la
their simplicity. Mra. V?
nest of Mrs. L. F. Lablsh
r.. n W Walton, who IS an IB-
structor In tha Lebanon high schoot
this winter. Is In Salem with her
partnte. Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Smith.
17e Center street Mrs. Walton rs
eentlv recelted a message from net
nusband. Dr. Walton, siaiing u
he was sailing f er FTance. Dr. W al
toa, who Is In the medical corps, was
flmt stationed at Port Itiley. Kaa. A
little over a week g he was traas
f erred to Camp Fremont, where he
found awaiting tjra field otdera to
leave Immediately for New Tork, pre
paratory to sailing overseas.
Mrs. Robert Kwlsr entertained a
few friend very larormslly at n pret
ty appointed luncheon Wednesday la
compliment to her house guest, Mrs.
Bunnell Seaton of Corvallls. Mrs.
Seaton retamed to ney home the lat
ter part of the week.
The women of the ft. A. T. C. club
of the First Methodist church have
Issued Invitations to the members ot
the 8. A. T. C. of Willamette uaU
verslty for each Satferday night dar
ing the winter months. The first
event will be given by the mothers
hera of the, boys over tere. The
second will be conducted by the mo
thers of the boys -over here." Plans
re being formulated to have the
fathers preside at one of the meet
ings. All of the university girls aad
the gins of the church are to be wel
comed at each festivity. The etec-
ntlv cemmlltM of the dab Is com
posed ot the following menbers:
Mesdames H. 1L YandervorL C. U.
Doney, C. II. Alden, D. L. Steevea.
A. A. Lee. A. 11 Hant. 1. L. MeAdams.
M. C. Flndley. F. A. Legg. R. N.
Avtson. U. G. Holt W. F. Precter.
WV C Vincent. B. I Farmer. B. T.
Randall. .D. W. Fisher. C. C. Oark
M. 11. Paranouglan. IX. L. Walker,
and Miss Adella Chapltr. .
474 Drart St
A few friends were entertained
Wednesday evening at adinner party,
given by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rollo.
at their residence. 210 Mission street
The dining table was artistically deo
o rated with fern and gray colored
autumn leaves. Seated around the
Uble were Rev. and Mra. II. N. Aid-
rich. Rev. and Mrs, G. F. Holt Mrs.
A. McConntU and Mr. and Mrs. Rol
Miss Fannie ninegar was united tn
marriage to Ralph Geaaer at a quiet
wedding Saturday evening at S
o'clock, at the home of Rev. It N.
Avlson of the First Methodist church.
The wedding was marked by the alm-
pllclty and the bride waa attended
by Mfa Heeete Uadegraaa.. The cou
ple will take up them residence at
SCC Ferry street
A very pleasant evening waa spent
(Coutiaoed on. page aU)
Are Here
Those new mU-winter
bats yoa have been looking
for so anxiously. They're
beauties, too, with newness
t a
and eU&sinrs in every fea
ture rccojrniied at a glance
ss late creations of clever
nets and originality.
They're taking like wild
fire, too, a they leaerve.
Our windows are full of
them. See them today.
The French Shop
1L Btffe-lIorrUoa
115 K. High St.
TiTksonle Tespla
1 1
Do Ybii Look at an Out-df-Prbportion
ObjecU seen nesr the edges of flat lenses are dis
torted, but the deep curve of tone lens prevents
this and gives yoa m large, dear Held of vision.
Toric lenses are a vast improvement. let us show
them to you.
DR. C B. O'NEILL. Optometrist
DS. L. H. WILSON la Charga
fWn Ererr Dav Excert Saturdsvs
m - -
I r MCT? TaAA & Buih Back Bid. TtazM
Nothing is more readily packed and shipped than needle,
work. At the same time it Is light, requiring little postage.
Uncle Sam asks you to order early.
420 Court' St.-
Thone 0S