THE CREOOS STATESMAN: THtttSDAY, OCTOIlKft Si. Idls. - - Class Med' v The Wants and Needs or me capital my are notea unaer rroper BClLOiry Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While geii Exchange all Kinds ....i -lYTllING SI .PmtaL exchange . VORWU1I IMON v JE-B"ta'J muceu air-cous. SECOND BAUD GOODS FOR SALE GOOD TOP lU'GG Y. I OS" r a nrvin pnipc.TnR rmm mmA j rtaniniD ii uirn ax onr. i rnr in iiniiiukniii nui m. Call U4 Mission st. Phone 2174-J.I for disposing of tnr niece b con- I . mm.. . I .. hv w. Com Market Still Shows DCAI CCTATC xline at Chicago IVLrtL Eid 1 i 1 L Rapid Decline CHICAGO. Oct. 30. Cort. ranidlw i STRICTLY - - r REVELATIONS OF A WIFE 337 Court St. goods ot all kinds, pip fittings, har- Fred EchlndUr. lil CaUr farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Jwss BUT AND SELL. SECOND HAND dfclned in value today under liqui dation due for the most part, to the new German and Austrian notes re ceived at Washington. Prices closed nervous, 3c to H4c net lower with November $1.17 and Decem ber $1.144 . 1.1 G. Oats finished Homeatetd, Salem. Oregon, for a trial auoscripuon. Mention this ad. I HAVE FOR 8AL.E TWO REGISTER- eti Holateln rows; two sets of farm narness; good heavy team, harness and waifon. John 1L Scott, 404 Hub- para uiag. ness, collars, collar pads, tools. I cnaina. street. NEW MODERN SIX-ROOM BUNOA- low. finest view In the city. lave will handle It. 8ocolofsky. UNDERTAKERS. UONEY TO LOAN - pnoTED FARM AMD CITT r"r.l mnn Tuns ILfUIVU ftaak. Snlesn. Or. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE. 86 horseoower. 1 cylinder a RultAhla-for grain elevator. Formerly used as I Cession. 437 Court street. auxiliary In electric light plant. Good condition. ioe gallon tank. Pries 10U. Scott Bosorth, Spalding Bids- Portland, Ore. m. i-i rii'f.u r n xatr.-a.-a a vi Clough. funeral- directors. Latest! lac to le down., and provisions moaern metnoce Known to vn pro-1 off 25e to SI 37 WALL PAPER, PAINT. ...tarCD ADYERTIJEME5TS - . o.- hi Word. Is-rtlo. . . . &" (."r u-Vr .w:;;, : : : : i; mmof coatrsct. per mo... 8e I UsnAfltBsT Cn vi saw. w a waSt opened for less than ISe X No. 'fTt Vrd given free with an X ertlsemest to the extent or o ? loanct 'For Sale," "For 4 Kol- -K" -Board.- j iCAlTlVlTT OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the mas- GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSfl DEC orating, painting, tinting. . paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone itC-W. escape of Lorenso, and the captivity I or Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased I rum the Indians' rive years later. The prU-e la JO cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, Sa le m. urcgun. Oats save with corn. Exporters were still out of the market and do mestic demand was clow. Weakness in the hog market as well as In grain caused provision to tumble. Pork especially made a sharp descent. HOAIftlAltK APPROVED. POULTRY FOR SALE WHITE WYANDOTTE I cockereles; also cider vinegar. Phone uoward for choice Wall Paper at I Buren's Furniture Store. 17 1 Com merciai St. Attorney General Brown has ap- I Droved as to legality the sss.ouo ZXZt mprovement bonds ot the Squaw workmen. 41S Court St Phone 4IS.I Creek IlTicatlon Project of Des chutes and Jefferson counties Since the amount Is less than $100. 000 approval of the federal capital Issues committee Is not necessary. Av--- " " 7"i . XCW TODAY a. Ms mmitmA sad WArtlnssw 4 Tarn sit w - - aa run under "New Tvodar" for the first Insertion, un- J iLsaotaerwUe ordered by the ad- 'obsequeBt Insertion of the ad. will appear under - Its proper J cUMlfietio;. - NO SflVSrilBeTOWM w . mrm auu , a -Maw Today" for more than eae Issse nsder any circumstances eaaeeee IF TOU WANT TO GET TUB BEST noultrv naner DUblished send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry X54 Court St. I Journal. Swlem. Oregon, for a trial I W. W. ri.EMnro aubeorlption. Mention this ad. WOVEH WIHJB FKJICUIO. Debet National Jk Aaaerlean rewssv 11 nlsea, SS law t 68 law high. Palata. OlU and nTrmUbw Steven KebnUt and Repaired. Loganberry natd llep lle4ie. Saleaa Feme A Stev Werka Fbm US COMMISSIONERS' COURT (Continued from page six) WATER $ U OOD State vs. Ordwsy Webster. D.. justice 2.8S State vs. Peets and Hassler FOR SALE GOOD BODY ASH WOOD. Phone 1806 W. LOST and FOUftD NEW TODAY FOUND FOUND PURSE. DOWNTOWN. LOSER phone 11C4, or call Mrs. C Paulua, l&SS N. Church street. SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, SSI & aoDlv at office. Make all complaints M ebster. D.. justice... at the office. No deductions in bills Varney, Percy M.. constable. will be allowed for absence or for ct Rval any causes whatever unless water Is Ble KVe' cut off from premises. Hereafter Brown. P. L., Justice water for irrigation will only be Simeral. A. F constable... furnished to regular customers using p.-.-i fronV wltnfeaa water for domestic purposes. Con- veai. rang, witness tractors for sidewalks, brick work. Cronk. Miss Grace, do or plastering, will pleas read -for i Cronk, Earl, do ouiiaing purpoMi uauvr Kataun i rates. Apply at of fie for copy. LOT trfi HSSSSr LOST YELLOW-JERSEY. COW WITH n-r r inurr viicsse jyiiuiiw 212S-R. TRANSFER IIArLINO r.yR REXT TWO ACRES: GOOD poultry nlac. five-room house, barn. BOX a, iurncr, vnw. xipRiRR WANTED FOR OREGON- laa route. See W. H. Burghardt. jr, 171 State street. LOST LEMON CREPE DE CHINE Wtlll. nniimaneu, vn tij m treats. Leave at iemn on ice. rOR RENT FURNISHED SEVEN room modern cottage. Possession, at Atire. Call MO Mill street. I'hone '2M-J... - COW WANTED. I WANT ONE OR more good dairy cows. Address: E. A. khoten, care Statesman office or phone J J. LOST 30x3 GOODYEAR AUTOMO- bile tire and rim. Kinder will be re warded. Phone 225. . Roslg. Mrs. Ernest, do.... Rue, Mrs. Bert, do Wooden, Mrs.W. M., do. . . Bornston. Marie, do Rrickson. E. N.. Juror. Cavender. Oscor. do AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND hauling. tiousenoia It. Try me on. Tlmme. I Tlngelstad. B.. do 47S Stat St. Phone MS. Residence i TJlvIn, A. A., do phon 11XI-J. 7.C5 18.47 5.4 20.2 2.8 38 3.80 3.80 3.80 2.80 2 80 1.00 1.00 MODERN. NEW HUNGA- lew. close in. at leaa than cost or construction. Pocolofaky. BARGAIN.-A GOOD LOT IN WEST Kulem. 671JS. Owner going away. til t-ade for good horae and light rig and cow. or will sell cheap. In quire at once of W. F. Thomas. West SaJem. THIRTY ACRES. ALL. CULTIVATED. rood road, aood Improvements, close to Salenu. prce 112.000. Want 10 to 100 acre of about equal value. mikl n mmi difference. SoCOl- ofsky. 7 The Story of a Honeymoon A Wonderful Roman- of Married Life WovvJerf ally Told by ADKLK UAHRLSON A GOOD BUY 21x10 TEET ON EAST S3 commercial street, one mor north of Stat street. Salem, together with perpetual light of way over the 14x10 Vi feet tract extending from iKia nrnurtr to State street. Tersna. Apply Scott Bosorth. 701 3 Spasldlag Bldg Portland. Oregon. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match yon. C W. Nlemeyer. Real aetata Agent. Canada lands, a tale lUML CHAPTER CXXII1 , WHY MADGE LEFT HOME Teary "women" were always sn abomination of mine In the years be fore my marriage. I suppose It is a little mo- 4 "Judgment on me" as my tbei used to say. that I seemed to be unable to control my tears when Dicky is unusually unkind. A flaming self-contempt consumed u as I lay on my bed trying to quiet the sobs which Dicky's brutal reception of Jack's letter had caused. Where was' the cool, cynical self poised womsn who I had so fondly imagined my tell to be? I could not recosnlxe myself in the nervous. weeping creature on the bed. But the anger which I felt toward my husband helped me to control my nerves snd my tears. 1 srose and bathed mv face carefully, .put on manner of sweeping me oat of the universe was superb. la five min utes I wish to speak to yon la my ' room. "All right, mother." Dicky's tons was unsteady, and as his mother's door closed behind her I prepared myself to face his Increased anger. dared you speak to my tuo TEN PER CENT. ON TOUR MONEY does not compare with the following Investment. 4S acres, nil cultivated, practically joining Salem, on account of arrangements to be met this beautiful, well located tract will be sold at SI10 per acre. Mr. Investor, you need not worry sbout this pro position lasting long. It will be sold. If Interested act at once. Bex 211.1 Salem. Ore. some powder to hide the ravages of B M -jf roa co 0nt of tears, and donned my hat and eoaL 1 door yoa KO oot for , had no very clear notion of what I for u nXt of a rompli ther In that fashion?" he demanded hoarsely. When I am most angry, a d la boll-. rally aggravating spirit seems to pos sess me. I could feel It esmeshlsg me. "Please don't be melodramatic Dicky." I said mockingly, "aad If yon have quite finished I will go." "No. yon wont at least not until I have told yon somethJag." he snsrled. ' He sprang to my s!d. and seised my. shoulder In a cruel grip that made me wince. "Well Just have this out once for that doat slacent was going to do. or where 1 was busband." Ing. one thing i anew, mat in imt eft me deadly cold. I blind wrath against Dicky I could ka.w of eosree. that Dicky was s not endure his presence for the rest bj,nae1 wUb rtt, mBa jealosry that of the afternoon. he had no Idea ot what he was say da the other hand. I did not wsnt nBl BBl0vemable as 1 knew his to give him a chance to go away and temper to be. b had passed the 11m- A BLOCK OF land IN salem SUB-1 leave me aione wun nis momer. i of mT forbearance. urbs with good residence for a stock i something whleh he was quite cape- m tuvir that tea In It ranch will aaaume som. BUtmk,. , if n hiiiMa la oecnr . ...i it.. Block Is clear. I v w . i mianirm. suu a ' A six - room HOUSE WITH NEW I to him. Thst. to me. was a i mom again. piumoing. it oiocas irons mix i terrifying posaiollliy inan pravin easy terms lik rant . A fin fiv-1 D,7 ar' ..... tii. room bungalow, southeast Salem, ab-1 "Where are you golsg? HU solutely at 60 cents on the dollar orT0iee was fairly A snarl. ieming mmjm eu. omm i ... An -n. V.ow " I reolled tmin- COlt him at Stl State street. for l had come to a decision as surtljng as It was sudden. I hastily threw some most necessary . thlnjV Into a bag. ) Then I pat a tea-doiUr bill of the honse keeping moner la- fully and coldly. "I am golsg out I.. mT .nurse, resolvlns to send It 1.00 for sale. -ACRE farm, well I for the rest of the afternoon. Per- back to Dicky as soon as I could get A & I 4 mm m. mm m m ST I BH I 1 A mmmW 4aSl SBM At S am B . A A m. A 0 1 WANTED LODGE DIRECTORY WANTED 2S GOOD DAIRY COWS. S rears to 7 years old. giving from 71. lbs. to 40 lbs. Kutch 4k Couper. Bligh Hotel. THE REAL REFRESHING FOLLOWS the summer outing when you get It In the big easy chair at Ingrey's . Barber Shop 111 State street. .. . I - HE CAME BACK. H Tf tou have anr old carpets you , wish woven into beautiful fluffy ' rues, notuy H. A. wooner, nrom H84-R. . A MAN EXPERIENCED IN GENERAL merchandise business has moved to the city with his family and wants work. If in need or help would ap arMlate a trial. If not satisfactory so harm Is done. Will accept an reasonable position. r Address "04Z Statesman.. . I - THE LEADINO INSURANCE AV thnritv nt th United States. Alfred M. Best, in his recent speech stated. '"To deny that the better class of mu in,l. hi rendered valuable and nnna aervlce to their patrons. In to mm an natrih and atlck Oflt'l head in . the sand to shut out an unpleasant reality. The Oregon Fire rtener Asan. tk. vtrA Relief Association of McMinnville comes within the ricMUon of mutuals referred to ' y Mr. Best. . mt a jnhmiAn lmurinr Agency. 1 kad S Bush Rank Building, Saiem. Phone EIIPL0YMENT MAtE MISCKLLAMCOCS MODERN WOODMEN Starr. J. 8.. Juror, . State vs. Roden Webster. D.. Justice..' State vs. Ross Webster. D.. Justice. Varney, Percy M.. constable State vs. Snyde" HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press room States BOARD AND" ROOM WANTED BY two vounar ladies In private ramuy. close In. Write stating-particulars A 23 car statesman. WANTED HOP BAGS FOR 8ACK- lng charcoal, state price and con dition. Western Reduction Company. 24th and Nicolal, Portland, or. PR0FESSWTIAL CHIROPRACTIC AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY DR. O. I SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of P. S. C Chiropractic fountain ,mmA ri.w.rnnrL Iowa. Chlrasractlc corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-S U. 8. N. Bank Building. Phon ST. Reedenc S2S-R. AUTO SERVICK An l bu veAb UAbM Anu I At jiODEKN WUULlMl.i'i ur - iiuw lit hi.r n Instlrp v cattle, pnon ias w. i Oregon Cedar camp no. m, " ' . . . very Thursday evening at s o cioca i varney. rercy m., constaoie. In Derby buUdlng. corner court nn- Smith, Josephine, witness,. . . High streets.. R. F. Day. V. C.; J. A. I QmiK nn An Aaines, L., do.. .......... State vs. Spencer Webster. D., Justice State vs. Steele Brown. P. L.. Justice Simeral. A. F.. constable, . . State ys. Wldick W ebster. D., Justice. ...... Coroner . Clough. A. M., Investigating death of H H. Ornlsby: . . School Safk. " Pulkerson, Mary L., supervi sor's expenses .......... Fulkerson. Mary L.. do.."... Fulkerson. Mary L-. adv. for stamps. Hoppes, W. Cj, supervisor's expenses, . : . i . . . Pacific Tel. A Tel: Co., the psone and the calls Parker Publlrhlng Co.. C- M.. leaflets. . .Vv. .. Patton Bros., mimeo' stencil psper, etc., Perry Picture Co.. The. pict ures . . Reld. Cora E., truncy Rodgers Paper Co., paper and envelopes. 1.00 1.00 2.85 2.8S 22.20 12.2S 16.20 2.30 3.30 2.30 I 2.8 5 2.00 5.S0 4.451 rLnrivnii nndi nToV you will be abU to control acewg to ,ny 0w tiny bank account. acre. S40 acres rin land, nearly niiijourii wucn line remnant ot hj .icwcmat ai as under plow, part tiled, good build-1 it was not the most tactful speecn t. B ptrcel I placed tie rest of the Mr sotVisisssto ,a th world- Bal 1 WM prt bousekeeplng tmonsy. my weddls sill P fee ' mm Pracr?. M across, ill whether Dicky were a gry or pleased. aad .nggaat rings and the lavaJ- clear. Xi acres In bearing prunes. am not very quick to wrath, but jler VBtCB Dicky had given me as a f?A i?u,t' mZii lThS, when It is once roused my anger la wddlng present. I put them la the side city' limits, 11.000. 7 -room mod-1 Intense. . .J back of the top drawer of my dress ers 'bungalow oa paved street, as-1 "You know you are lying, ne saao i int tabte. for I knew if I handed sesamenis paiu. iv Bcr"IInndTv Morrow county. Or, to trad fori10".7' acreage near jsaiem. Bayne Building. "Ton are going to see this t Dlckv ii his ereeent frame raae tor - - . rw n.v I - . . . . . . . F. I Wood. I precious cousin-oroinr-iwer w una- q mind ne wosid oesiroy mem. i ot ever he may be. II walked steadily Into the imajt tmmm Va V 1 1 A or his tnOthCr I mmwr K. m tm Kasil FOR SALE 140 ACRES OF FIRST- Y Z T ZZ" - nrlmL r7w i class farm land. In a high state ot I "u"'" " ' ' j------ I -" -w-w cultivation. ioo acres under euitlva-1 tlve Impulse i had to avenge the m-jbnt I heard the murmur of voices Is tion. baiane pas tur and som tin, nt words with a blow, as a man nl, mothey's room! I weal to the ber. running water, good road, price I I a w ni,v- it sia nr apta. is arrtm. ah under eul. I w . SHIPfS AUTA SERVICE CITT - AND country trips. Phon Day. Ss; nlrht. IBS. - DENTIST TIRES REPAIRED WLCANIZINQ DR. F. I UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 411-414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phon SOS. RATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 Soutb commercial nu Pboo 42S. MUSIC TEACHERS R, HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phon 1312. Q U AC K EN BUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND vulcanising. in noru womnwrau street. Phon SS. WirF'S AUTO SERVICE CITT AND sections, tubes 2&c up. Service car. Phone 342. 120 8outh Commercial street. O STKO PATHT DR. W. I MERCER. ORADUATft American chooi osteopatny. ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Offlc 404-405 U. S. Nation al Bank Bldg. Phon 1. Residence 4 IS North Summer. Phon Ola. BUSINESS CARDS OSTBO PATHT DRAYS AND SEXFRRSS. WANTED A JANITOR AT . WILLA Betts Sanitarium. iTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES aiaa routs. Apply la person. LARMER TRANSFER-WE MOVE and store goods. Day phone 930. Night phone 1808. CAHTAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phon 033. Salem'a largest and best quipped transfer company. Get our ' reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as w have three warehouses la connection with business. jrurmiur mowma;. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Offlc 22 Stat street. DRS. WHITE AND- WALTON. OSTEO- Smith. John W. L.. supervi ntKiA nhraiciana and surgeons. I sor s expenses Graduates of the American School of I Smith, John W. L., do., .... gV'ad.ndK.ll nervos Smith. John W. L.. do.,. . . diseases at Los Angeles College.' Smith. W. M.. adv. for Stamps Treat acute and chronic diseases. I and exp.. Office 60S.-S-7 s u. b. wauonai Smlth w am traveling ex- 1U.( UVHV WWW. . Court street. Phone 2215. Dr. Whits residence phone 4s S. penses - Steinau. O. L.. overhauling typewriter and cleaning, . . Fruit Inspector 5.45 28.25 9.25 1.05 30.00 6.50 2.25 7.15 12.00 29.00 13.29 27.84 14.68 29.06 30.69 16.67 15.90 tivatlon. 5 acres bearing cherry or chard, good five-room plastered bun galow, barn, rock road. 4 miles from Salem, price .$2,800. I It-acre farm. 225 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture, large house, barn, rock road, good location, price SO per acre. - Good fire-to ne plast ered cottage on paved street: east An Unwelcome Interruption. door and knocked. Dicky, threw it open, his face, still showlsg the marks of sagar. . , wv.n ni !.. V VABuV-nlaf You win apologise lor mat iab- i money la the top drawer or my guage to me when I come oacs. dressing table.". I said calmly. I will said Icily. "I do not know whether 1 1 end you my address as soon sas I shall ro to bid Jack good-by or uot-ca.Te oaa. and rou will pIsaa have . front lot. price f 1375. 10 acres of good I j jUTe no what 1 shall do. save Katie pack tsy things And send them Pe.'mju.t "coding uTtV beeri.Y. Ibatl must get away from here for a to w. - . -....... Sric $3,000 if yoJf wTn? Yo buy! little whUe. But If yon have any I turned and went swiftly, toward trade or sell, eee ua W. H. Graben-1 ubm of ordinary decencies Of Hie I the door. As I closed It after me. 1 horst & Co, 275 state street. . I wm lower yOBr TOlee. I do not I thought I heard Dicky err oot hoarse- for sale 70-acre farm near I suppose you care to have eitner your i cut I did not stop. Salem, well Improved. good bearing 45 acres oflmAth- or Katie overhear this edify prune orcnara. iit.i prune dryer, new oungaiow. ivait barn and other buildings, on inr conversation. good janca you va" " . (To be continued) Muiitr road end fine location. Fine I mother thinks." Dlckr rejoined, and money making home and on of the I tB. tjme n,g TOiCB was querulous, but About lbs. of prunes this year. I decidedly lower. Fine courteous nrleA tlS.000. I t.tmnl Ton'ri riving her. leaving for hale OR EXCHANGE GOOD 1 v n.. .vi. .v,n .v. k.t hwn la I . ' Xee acra firm near good valley town on I " - " 1 . . T" - Oregoalan brCS ( fine gravel road. 40 acres in euitlva- I the noute a coupie oi noura. i -to, i Oregon Expree ..... 0:11 a,.- tte Unalted... 0:11 1 TIME TABLES southern rAcmu co PHYSICIANS - I Van Trumn. aalarv and ex G. AJLTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC I tion. new six-room house, good large barn and otner ouiramnA FAMILY ORCHARD AND BERRIES, near school, store ana cnurcn. mi good loam soli and fine location, price 18.500, half cash. - and good terms on balance, or will exchange for eloe-ln screare. lOOD MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AND latge lot close in lor larn. or acreage. HAVE CLIENT FOR SHEEP Ott stock rancn. If you wsnt good evchange see PERRINE A MARSTER8. 208 Hubbard Building. Salem. 2.00 'Tour mother has shown such ea No. 28 Wlllaaaette gerneas for my society that no donbt cr''" VlllUt .he will be heart-broken If she lxxiria'::'.: Vull. awakens and finds thst I. am not I m - swthan4l here. IN. 33 Oregoalan ........... 3:10 i That's rlcht ilain my mother. Nttt TtJL V:''''tlll ml? Whw didn't rou say In the first place! No. it Roeebnrg ruwt-rtr.. .n aba. won ennldn't bear to have her In the -..-M -, same nouae wuu 1:33 "Dicky, yon are moet nnjast," I SALEM-CfnCSl uia UHY CLEANING AND PRESSINO pense, Poor Account CJont'd "ZLlttLVL i!.fteS J WaTanaboSrore?- clal street, uauies ana ra-iiawn. suits cleaned and pressed. m $1.75. Work called for and delivered free. ' Telephone Mala 653. ever to learn printing press work. Apply foreman presnroom Statesman. JfEN WANTED FALLS CITY MJM ber and Logging Company. Falls . City, Oregon, needs thirty men for general yard snd mill worn, wane 10 cents per hour, excellent living rT? r Physician, oenerai i-raciice. uiui fttnuAa and Goiter treated successful ly. Office and residence xss motui Bowerman. Mrs. U H.. room unerxy. ouein. poon I frt inuh Rnr era. a v. a a, awn w ar Burser. Wm. H.. house rent CHINKS-. rHYSlCXAX. for Mrs. Donald son. JUNK JUNK eosdiUoas, cheap wood," low cost N junK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST n-mg. DR. U M. hum CTJK5S ant KNOWN I Qlxb Stables, The. ambulance disw-aa. is b. miw mx. r-now i -erTlce for Lr. RnsselL 1 : I Drarer. D. G.. adv. for rail 'WHOLE MILK road fare for C Kimball . . FE3IALE WOMEN WANTED SALARY $24. full . tlmA ftae u Knnr a vi Are time. - dis tributing auaranteed hosiery to wearar. Permanent. Rznerlence un- secessary. Apply Ouarante Mills. Norrtstowp, Pa. 7,ArTr ...rV k.S TJ,ru. I Wa wrill r SWJW oer hundred de- Eppley. C M.. Groceries for m.k. vau a Dnca on iwui uwumhwi. i iivMwji mr uiem. itit. oa ma iwu.iww-, goods.. The "Square House- fat contents. Phone SW88 General Milk Business, milk streeC Phon J98. LAUNDRIES. MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. SALEM, OREGON 9.00 6.00 5.00 2.27 8.52 .35 FOR RENT HOUSES TOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTf ass rarma F. L. Wood, 341 Otaw treet, phon 784. iiiru STEAM LAUnUKI vulva J-""'- - . . . i. - r.. delivery and wash, (e per pound. ISC South Lib- Ttystreet. Fnon -a. HOME WET. WASH LAUNDRY REO ular was tuna; oost u m ' body can afford. For only S cents rniwt wash and deliver your washing within twenty-foor J I PORTLAND AIARKETS ! tnum Phone 2471. MACHINISTS pilars phone 15S9-W. FOR RENT FIVE - ROOM BUNG A- T .furnished complete. For par- i - ArrHINERT REPAIRINO OF I " -" 1 I. 1.1 W A. w- a11 kinds, automooii -acetylene welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. p. R Brown, prop,-262 Cbemeketa St, Sa lem. : FOR RENT MODERN FOUR-ROpM hptis t $8 per month. Inquire at n w. cottage street. - ROOMS 0U8E-KF.EPINO" ROOMS." FURNISH- a. a., rerry street. 0OD OUTSIDE ROOM. HOT WATE1 : seat, modern conveniences, also In : side 1 rooms. Close to State House 4 cnemekets, phon 1380. 'Oil RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with us of bath, in modern bom xmreaa A H . rare Bttrr( FOR SALE Dairy Products. PORTLAND. Oct.' 30. Butter Prints, extras. 60 6 65c; cubes, ex tras. 59(5 60c: prime firsts. 56c; dairy. 36c. Rutterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1' sour cream. 63 0 67c. Potatoea Locals, selling pHce, $1.75 02.25. Grain. ... Vovember, bids: Oats, No. 2 whit feed. S53: barley, standard feed. $48; barley, standard "A t 49 .'i0. December: Oats. No. 2. $53; bar- lo. rd, $48; barley. "A". 849: ..i. Vn s S46: oats, clipped. $48: ., vollow. S55.50: corn, mixed. rT t-vrrv nr monet to loan ON, -...orn oats and corn In bulk: rue.- y-- - , rateA ... m m m . MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST CLA farm security, rngw t HAVE A CUENTWHO DESIRES TO loen all or a p"1 lA t erm security at . per cent. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard Biag. jt --ma LOW lnierrm rates. LIVESTOCK f7.iM to nav 8100 or multiple on ,',.,l,t dates. Five -or seven year loans? li L 52! Hawkins. S14 Masonic Bldg, Salem, Oregon. . V2?..8A-VE FRESH COW. PHONE w. ,0J 8ALE-FAT HOGS. 3. Sllverton road. ROUTE 7. 17 BHOATa tvtn a t 're tifPinUT I . W A7 IX. fayeiBg. ww az- a w I a I 100 pounds esch. Phon 43F23 FEDERAL FARM LOANS per cent Interest . - sill wears time. . File your application now for your spring- needs. v A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. M..l tinned white. $48: corn. No. 3 3 mixed. $54; corn. No. 3 yellow. $55. October: Corn. No. 3 yellow. $56. M1SCK LLA X EOUS. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. Oct 30. Evaporat- .j diH and nominal. Prunes, strong Peaches, nominal. for Mrs. Phillips. Hall. E. N.. sect, burial Mil ton Coy Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co.. the phone at farm Klgdon, Co.. W. T.. experesa on body of F. Phillips, . . Roberts. C, M., groceries for Mrs. McAfee Salem Deaconess Hospital, care of Mrs. Martha Dicky. Salem Deaconess . Hospital, care of N. B. Doud Salem Deaconess Hospital. eare of Mrs. Clara Dierks. Salem Hospital, care of Bes sie Cooper Salem Hospital, care of Miss Llilie Howard Salem Hospital, care of Mrs. Jane Calwell Salem Hospital, eare oi George Hubbard Salem Hospital, care of Lu Moon Spauldlng Logging Co.. The Chas. K., lbr. for farm. . . To -inr Vsrl TC., suDerlnten- tendent poor Tarm " Jail v.uliiim W I hoard of Dli- 4lCVUU.fMk .- ... w A f. on or a JW.n -------- a. At ai vhtm W T.. do 33. ai 1. VVI wlBi-Hf iflVM i f onrx i.ovinn ttatttA xf auto hire 4.75 ISIV wB,aw-waA --'- Needham. W. I., do lojr Tn rtronnan Mike, refund Cknher and Mole IVwinty---3ont'd. Boyer. U. G.. adv. for bounty. 9.60 State l- air AAama f f!. parnenter work . . - w- - . . ae on booth ie.- 9.00 10.00 26. SS S.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 4.50 3.00 8.25 2.50 29.30 f?!!"HA!ro LUMBER AND TIES -aie. i-aone 1737 W. Boles. H. H.. do 112.001 BressJer. Joseph, vegetables. and fruit Burns. II. O.. onions and po tatoes. Cernlk. M. J., fruit, boxes and paper Dodge. W. H. H.. peppers snd egg plant, Field. Roth, squashes, mel ons and apples Hsln. John, crabapples Hyden. Gus. corn and beets. Imsley. B. S.. potatoes, corn and grapes Jap. Billy, eelery and lettuce. Cont'd I La Follette, A. M.. apples and peaches La Follette. Clyde, squashes. melons snd peaches, .... Lee. Henry, cloth sign Mason. A. R.. work on oooth. McElwaln. C. E.. potatoes and grass Meyers. H. W. at M. L.. calico. bunting and tape Mote. C. A., corn and squash es Penny. J.k C, bunting and wrapping paper, Roth Grocery Co., fruit, etc.. Shaver. B. A., printing fair tats Spauldlng Logging Co.. The Chas. K.. exhibit boxes nailed Taylor. Earl E.. hauling for exhibit Tax Rebate Murphy. Flora M.. rebate. . . .15 Stute. Henry, do War Cotitingent Federal Food Administration for Marlon county, steno grsnhic help and phone call Dry, D. J., uniforms for Co. A. O. O inv.i Needham. W. I., auto hire. In vestigating case 5.00 I Sims. Paul M.. mulllgrapning 4th Ubertv loan cards. . . . 2.70 1 Spauldlng Logging C. The Chas. K , lumber State War Savings Commit tee, pledge cards oiiff A- Son. E. I... chair. . . . Lnlit fnr nfeed Cattle -- --- - - - - bv.vv began hotly, and then stopped horror-1 k. 73 Arrive at Seiees tlo a-sa. i - - s svr ar a w sat.s . . stricken. I" " IM""" suopjbv "What la the matter, my son!" The incisive voice of my mother-in-law sounded from tfce door of her room. "Go bsck to bed. mother." said Dlckr hastily. "I'm awfully sorry we disturbed yon." "Disturbing me doesn't matter." she said decidedly, "bat what you were saying does. I heard you men-J IAUM. FALLS CITT 4ft .ii S1.. anotoT .... 7:00a,-, 143 Leaves Salean, sntr .... 0:11 aba. 145 Leave Sal sen. n-etor .... 1:11 p av Throng ear to Moaave-U and AtrU 1 171 Laatve Sal 0:11 piaw 143 Arrive at Salem 8 11 aba. 144 Arrive at Selewst 11:00 a-in, ICS Arrive st Saleaa 3:10 pan. IIS Arrive Selena 1:40 pas. OKJDCON SajCCTSUC aUfewCJw OeC Set, IS IS. 1.50 3.45 3.97 30.00 j 45.00 30.00 30.00 J 30.00 30.00 30.00 3.00 tion me. and I naturally wish to know If I am the suhlect of this VSrY r-.rk.r.l- onweraAtlon.M " . r?' Arrlre . . " 7 . . ro- -t-or-ie Bales E.gvn I know now where Dicky gets the Ltd.. l iltn lo iiaan t3:3lpi sneering tone which sets me wild T 30:46asa 13 io a Salem aiy when he dlrecU ir against me. His ; : moth-r-s Innectlon is exactly like Vo6 pZ V07 pm r).. . her son's. The Contemptuous glance 1 0:30pm 11:10 pea Saleea Iy l W VI.V .k. mmtmnt wnm mrvmA MA 'North Bank StAtlO t IwATS Jeffer 1.00 Lo .peak to her In a manner which I J" Bu"t " JiJ-'- Uter., - had never dreamed I would ate to I warthbennd 5.00 1 Dicky's mother. Tllm hVLl Her Decision Made .lie Ltd.. 1:41 ass S:4iaaa IS 13:16 pan a.M an r-Ii? . 'Mrs. Graham. turning her stare w lth a look equally $3 tUleeaonly 6:30 pea cold and steady, "my husband and I emphasised the words slightly I cVllu. "and I are discussing something which caaont possibly concern yon. 19.25 I You were not the subject of conver 11.60 1 satlon. snd your nsme wss brought In by accident. I hope yon will be good enough to allow ns to flnloh our discussion." My mother-in-law evidently knows when to stop. She eyed me tesdllr for a moment. "Dicky." she said at last, and her 4.36 pm 1:66 pss Arrive Pert land 0 :14 eea 11:1! aaa 3:36pm 6:4$ pr 1:40 pan 10 00 pea North Bank Station (arrive Jeffer- aoei Street 26 ml a a tee earUer). -Leere 2.00 4.00 6.00 CORTALt-tS COVNSXT10NS Leare Corvallia 8:26 asa 12:12 pea 3:41 pm 0:18 pm Arrtv Salens 0:46 aaa 1:60 aaa 4:00 aaa 1:66 pss 20.50 28.641 6.88 25.65 3.00 2.00 1.34 6.25 1.00 Sewthbd Leave Salem Arrive CervsHla S.36 aaa 0:17 mm 10:16 am 11:33 aaa 4:16 pea 6 30 aa 0:40 pea 8:00 pea Read the ' Clatsifitd Adf. Read the -aasiified Ait!&u.V"::: . t.o,,. w. , ..d.m.,.,. Carter's little Mver IEilIs You Cannot be Ol A.Remedy That Constipated roniW Makes Life and Happy Worth Living Maria teB-Al Dm A'SSJFJSJ.'SLiK BARTER'S IRON PILLS facse bwt 1 -O grai7y b4p