The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 05, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Ve Carry n Complete Lino of Conklin nnd Moore Fountain
Tens. The. Ease in-Tilling, Superb Writing Quality ami Xon
Leakinjr Feature Easily Put Them in a Class bv Themselves.
Call and See Then!
A. V. Ufifr State Jt Liberty Sta.
OREGON State street near
O. E. depot, Home of Arteraft
and Paramount picture.
John Barryniore in "On the
Quiet." .
LIBERTY Liberty near
State street, High class reels.
Harry arey as ; Kaintuck
BLIGH State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
A Fight for Millions." Star
Wm. Duncan and cast- Hippo
drome ' vaudeville.
will be held this afternoon at 2
o'clock from Illgdon s Undertaking
narlors. Tier. II. C. Stover of the
Central Congregational church will
conduct the services, interment wm
be in City View cemetery.
W-ACKEN- To Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Wacken of Route' 9. Salem, a
daughter 1 on September 28. Her
name is Mildred Katharlna.
Buy More Bonds-
election, to be called soon. The fol
lowing officers were proposed: Chair-
ma W. A. Denton; first. vice chair
man, Mrs. n. O. Schucking; second
vice-chairman. Mrs. Roland K. Page:
secretary i Mrs. ,W. H. Dancy; treas
urer, David Eyre: chairman, civilian
relief section. Mrs. Alice Dodd.
Al(MemIer of, the W. U. A.r
O. T. M. i are requested to meet
at the hall at 1:30 p. m., Saturday,
to attend in a body the funeral of our
sister, Mrs, Edith Darr. By request
of the commander.
Wanted Young Ladles
To room' and board. Also have
one suite housekeeping rooms. In
quire at 161 South 11th St., three
doors from State St. . .
lotxiie Meeting , .
Members 4f the Willamette Valley
prang association at a" meeting at the
Co'mercial club rooms last night not
fully advised as to conditions de
cided' to meet later to determine
what to do i relative tothe prune
parks. The; meeting will probably
be held next, week.
IalHr IVwrd Wait Ing
. The United States Community La
bor board held its regular meeting
Delivery Man Wanted
v -Apply at once In person to C. M
Roberts the Court street grocer.
Verdict For Defendant
A Jury forUhe defendants was re- towns
last bight to discuss the work it is J turped yesterday in the suit of Frank I per cent.
Astoria Second in Bank De
posits Salem Remains at
Third Place
In the 'six month from March 1
to August 31 the shipbuilding indus
try elevated Astoria from fourth to
second places in its standing oq the
Da&is, or, bank deposits among. Oregon
towns and cities having, deposits of
91.000.000 or more. State Bank Su
perintendent Bennet made, this com
ment yesterday in issuing a state
ment showing the deposits of all
points in. that class. ..." .
In the March, report the order of
the, first four places was Portland.
Pendleton. Astoria. Now, the order
is Potland. Astoria. Salera. Pendle
ton. Total deposits for. Portland are
ius,z3i.z86.7i and for Astoria 6,.
218.059.83. The report shows that
Z7 or the 162 towns in. the. state
nave deposits or. a million dollars or
more, the grand total for the 27 town
being 1164.795.802.97, or 83, 6 per,
cent of the total deposits of the state.
The city of Portland has 54 per cent
of the state's total deposits and the
26 towns outside of Portland have
168,502.516.26 or 29.7 of the state's
total deposits. The remaining 135
hold S32.132.615.13 or 16.3
$257,000 IS
Liberty Loan Figures Climb,
ing Slowy and Second
Visits Are Made
about to take up for the government
in. the .way of separating essential
and non-essential Industries and dis
tributing labor. Because Instruc
tions are not yet forthcoming from
Portland the board took no serious
action on any business.
ford to recover. l,al7.9 8 from Rich- The deposits for each of the 27
ard L. Swarts and Ralph Swartz. cities follows:
I Goott Dance-
Moose hall.
Good Dance
Moose ball-tonight.
Ejectment Action Settled
The Dunlathey vs. Aspinwall eject-1 Notice-
Trial of the. Ed Wert vs.)Al Tucker
case was begun. The object Is to
secure 1148.50 and interest on
$133.50 from January 20. 1918 al
leged 'to be due the plaintiff on ac
count, of loss in the exchange of a
milk route and cow. . Emmett vs.
Dane and McGllchrlst. vs. Loose are
scheduled for hearing- Monday.
New Warehouse Company
-filed articles of incorporation at
V . tTnttina nt tat fnrnnration II. J
J M w.V.V V - m w r , ,
lnuderman. The incorporators are pcircuu cour.
It. It. Crawford. B. G. Cochran aid
James G. Jleltzel, The capitalization
is 810,000 According to the artK
cles a general , warehouse business
is contemplated. .. . 1 "
Ion action, sent back from the su
preme, court after, equity consldera
tidns had been dismissed, was set-
led yesterday by stipulation in the
Registration- of Voters in the
county clerk's office closes today at
5 o'clock p. m. U. O. Boyer, county
Receipts, Notes and All Blanks
At Statesman job office.
Furnltnre Sale. - I
Greatest furniture sacrifice of the
year, . Entire furniture stock' of Im
perial Furniture . Co.. . now . being
closed out by Feldstein-Drektor Co..
177 North Liberty street, Salem.
Allen Rynon Promoted
Allen JBynon ot -fialem Is now a
first lieutenant after having served
aa adjutant in - the quartermaster's
department at a casual- . base : In
France. He has held this post the
past lx months. Mr. Rynoh. was In
the first officers' training xamp at
the Presidio. . - . - :
Tillamook Has Rain (
State Forester F. A. Elliott. yestej?
day was Informed that there has
been a heavy fall of rain in Tilla
mook county, relieving the county of
further danger of forest fires. The
state now has been generally covered
by -alnfall ; sufficient to eliminate
further serious danger from fires.
Legal. Blanks :
Get them at the statesman joo oi-
tke Catalog on application.
Last Day for Taxes- .
After, today the last half of the
1917" tax levy, becomes delinquent.
Contrary to the rumor that the 5 per
cent penalty ; is - not in effect until
February, it i will be operative on
Nov. 6. It' Is the opinion of the tax!
collectors that 'there will be only a
'small .number of delinquents tV
year. . . j -. ; : .
Portland. $106,291,286.71.
Astoria,- $6,218,059.3$.
Salem. $6,113,774.24.
Pendleton. $6,075,020.35.
Eugene, $3,605,926.13
Baker, $3,159,713.33.
Albany. $2,498,164.11.
The Dalles. $2,305,363.64.
Medford. $2,287,108.70.
Klamath Falls. $2,277,497.52.
Oregon City. $2,146,596.17.
McMlnnvllle, $1,913,933.75.
Marshfield, $1,835,710.76.
LaGrande. $1,816,092.16.
Roseburg, $1,761,931.10.
Corvallis, $1,714,589.01.
Hillsboro, $1,481,856.38
Heppner, $1,225.87.13.
Tillamook, $1,213,793.63.
Silverton, $1,177,810.56.
Ontario. $1,155,367.24.
Grants Pass. $1,161,452.61.
Hood River, $1,138,575.67
Bend,, $1,087,887.45. -Milton
Jl. 076. 1.66.11.
Lakevlew. $1,053,262.94.
Ashland. $1,009,984.24.
Total. $164,793,802.97.
.Liberty loan figures climbed slow
ly yesterday until at 4 o'clock they
totalled $743,250, showing that Sa-
ltm still, requires about $257,000 to
complete its quota. Slackers are be
ing gone after persistently by one
committee after another. In an ef
fort to bring the sum up to the stan
uard set by the rest of. the state.
Even though a loan dodger may
take a sudden departure from his
home he has little chance of evading
the solicitors. An example of this
is given In the telegram sent the lo?
cal committee yesterday by v. u.
Thompson, chairman of the Pendle
ton drive.-, He wired as follows:
a wealthy retired farmer
rated at $1000. took $600 and left
for Gervais in your "county. We want
him followed and landed, lie is a
consistent shirker." '
The case will be given attention
rhere immediately. -,
X second solicitation conducted by
C.'B. Webb at the Spauldlng Logging
company met with much success. He
started all over again and within two
hours had received pledgee for $2700
-I" P for from $30 to
Buy More Bonds
PerMimal KnpervUloa ami .U Yeam EijxrVncr In Srlertinc aal far.
In Behind Tbrra. All Cut lYnm "hicrn the Ikt Live block
Markets Offer
Steusloff Bros., inc.
Wbojeale anl Retail'
; BUTCHERH .i.D . P.iCliKIW - "
Meats of All Klnd. Santas?, Lard. lUe
Perfertlon arxl
ileealliM of
Manufacture .
Court and Liberty Sts.
Ten Rots Inducted
Ten youth were inaucteanio ine i streets.
S A. T. C. yesterday by the locai
draft board. Two of them, i Robert I stiulent Body Electa
Emerson" Fisher and Herman i lesae i Lawrence Davies was
Notice We" are Ready-
To receive cider and vinegar ap-J 'Deposits of Freewater branch of
pies at the following prices: ciaer the First National Bank included.
apples sound; frujt shaken from I Buy More Bonds
Elisrindf"lwSifultn?' 5oUier.Hefornj Home to
Stols Co.. near Mill and Summer Attend DlOtneT X tnneXOL
"Jlare of this county while the others I treasurer of the student body of Wll-
PRATUM. Oct. 4. Fred , Gerl
who Js here on a ten-day furlough
from Camp Lewis on account of the
death of his mother. Mrs.'R. R. Ger-
2 $750- Singer : player piano :forare jiiefeTjnuere-Xfflrttend illamette I lamette university at a meeting held wll, reaTe next Sundar for camp
. I . I HMi..MltV
an exceouonai but ior uj- umiwwi;.
one desiring a high grade Instru
ment E. L, Stiff to Son, 446 Court
street, r - , .- ' ?
Dr. Alice Bancroft I
Eyesand rierves Breyman Bldg.
-itLinrhard llearine Today-
Clarence Blanchard' will appear a
Lodge Buys Bonds f , , '
fourth mevG Aoln d.Ul be 10 o'clock this.mornInS in.the justice whi,e the. blher offices had,
Purchased by the Salem Elks, It was court for a hearing concerning cumbent, m acount of their
charges or naving cgmmmeu' . renusiea since ju.
tutory crime made against him by
his wife.
yesterday morning in v euer nan. i . a. L. Bowen. a Selem expressman
The only opposing canaiaaie was has" returned to the solL. He Is now
Paul Flegel. Miss Eva Farrett was llTing wlth his family on Leo Child's
chosen eaitor or tne oueKian u rancn one mJie i0uth of this place
Harvev Coooer its business manager, i winum Siharf nH famiiv from
The former, filed the vacancy lef t by MaCleay are goin to live on the Cav-
the resignation, oi nomer anauch ranch where Sam, Yates has
unanimously voted at a' lodge meet
ing Thursday. The membership re
port presented a the meeting showed
the local organization . to have 779
members, 84 of whom are In the ser
vice. ', : ' :-;,- I-
no ln-
Cloinjt oat Wall. Paper,
Wholesale cost ana less.
Furniture Co.
TrestMMB Notices
On cloth. The kind that lasts.
BUteiman Job. office.
Owing to Recent Advanre
Of bntterrat prices, uie mua
tributora find it necessary to list the
Imperial 1 muowlne nricea on short notice to
take effect October 1. 1918: one
nint nr day Mr month. $2.25; 1
quart per day per month, $4.25; 3
tint, -nor Hit iwr month. $6.25; 2
Darr Funeral Todar
The funeral services of Mrs. J.: A.
Darr, who died Thursday, October 3.
Office 560 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.
Hours 10 a. m. to A p. m. , Phone 859
Guardian Appointed
ll..r. . Tv Itoninn vaa . aSDOinted
guardian of Cyril Benson, a minor. 1 quarts per day per month. $8.25; 3
to whom the allotment of his father. I qQaru per day per month,' L -o;
R. W. Benson, now in tne army, n 4 quarts Pr aay per monm. A
been made payable. Table cream per pint, 35e; whipping
, -: cream per pint, 45e. Wholesale
i . . I tn Kniti mi ner irallon. 4c; in .can.
i the nleht for a ood time at
ner gallon, 40c.
Brooks. . v - i Dairy. Falrmount
i ' Bros. Dairy.
Feather Bed lTovides Pillows
Salem Sanitary
Dairy, Pinckney
Phone 469
1 -
Diseases of Women and Nervous
. . .t. v XnmtMl tr. the Red I . Itnm. Wvtlval .
Cross is to be cut up intrf sections ,n tho Presbyterian ehurch all nest
tnin ntiinwi needed in anl a--. cneial rally day service in
allotment assigned to Willamette th Sunday whooU under the direc-
. . i. .nil, I nn II. . . w iK..i ' ThA Sun- I 1
chapter. - jaoro - 17- " ," ir for -
ibout1 ZO.oy 2 iniiiCT iu I day morning wuiii v "
needed and must De in uunu8 1 tB tbeme A uaasev w -
next two
sent direct
the evening there
lived, for the past several years.
Many silos have been filled or part
ly filled during the past ten days
and a number are still te be filled.
After many wears of waiting this
neighborhood, is finally getting some
grave on, the road between here and
Macleay. The county trucks have
been busy for several days improving
the road' for the eomlng winter.
Mrs. John. Bear or Portland. Is a
visitor at the home of here parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. PowelL
Lea Rich of Grande Ronde who
came here with her father to attend
the funeral of Mrs. Gerlg is still a
visitor in this neighborhood.. Her
father, Mr. John Rich, left here for,
home last Sunday. .
School will open here next Monday
with Mia Anna Harold and Miss
Eleanor Shaap teachers.
Buy More Bonds
W a
. r
Bit 1
1 1 . r
Whether Coarse Is Maintain-
' ed This Year Depends on
: Registration
Whether the law college of-Wil
lamette university Is to be maintain
ea this year depends on wnetntr a
sufficient number of students regis-Iter-
In the department to warrant
continuing,, the .work this year. It
is the experience of many other-law
colleges in the country that-enlist
ments, in the. army and -navy bare
cut down enrollment to the extent
that the courses in law have been
closed down. tor. the present, year.--
. At .Willamette . some misunder
standing has arisen relative to the
place. of registration. Dean I U. Van
Winkle said yesterday that It is nec
essary' for all students Intending to
llakoj the law course to register at
once at the university registrars of
flee in Eaton ball. Formerly the
law college has had a separate reg
lstratlon: office which was in. charge !
of A. A. Hall, who Is now. In the ad
jutant general's office in Portland.
l it is necessary to ascertain at once
I how tnaay are going to -take 'the
course , so It can be determined
whether the course is to be maintain
ed .this year. Registration for the
law, college will begin Monday, out
Instruction in the department as far
as it applies to the military depart
ment at the university is now in pro
gress. All law students will be ex
pected, to take the military Instruc
tion In the.xourse..
. . . Bay . More Bonds
'I ;
Today Is Last on Which
Registration Is Allowed
Today Is the last on which voters
are permitted to register for the gea-l
eral election on Jovemoer m
o'clock this evening the books -wm
be officially closed by County Clerk
IT. O. Borer.
The city recorder's books win re-
main open until 15 days before the
ballellag or until- October 21.. A
large number of residents registered
yesterday at the city halL -
Boy More Bosnia
PARIS. Oct- 4. Premier Clemen-
eeau paased tne aay at iae ironi.
where he had a long. conference. wit
Marshal Foch.
Buy More Bonds
. 54 era, Oregon
MinniEctuitrs of' cider to
drink. Briaa' la jocr ripe
New! Rosen 'Rich Gerlg was' bom at
, . i.rtii. the young people lssz. uving in ijku ni v.
S KfdM?. ThVeve- for three years.. at Moundrldge. Kan-
Wheat Sacks. Oat Sacks. Onion
Sacka, Potato Sacks
A Big Aasortmrnt for Sale.
' Much Below Portland .Tricee.
Salem's Leading Junk Dealers
Corner of
Center and Commercial
Phone T06
J airs
Highest Cash Price Paid.
Also All Kinds of Junk.
The Scraare Deal House.
Jl Chemeketa St. Phone 393
A Dance . .
Tonight at Brooas, ana
Iwrday night from i now a.
have a good crowo wdisuk
If we I
Boys Again Warned . .r .
1 Disturbance causeu uj
L. aaiom Thursday' night
P?JA "J7M. V7-a nersonal visit
were rrv""- - -
made at their nomea '
Acting Chief wngni. "'.7"".
;!Sme ones bonje
treet corner usi "uv
I A . Arr bTI HS W&B lv bmw-
inier . . hotl u
lng oft of bianK mws - i terday
ui iuc v..- rr ... . ...iut ... rivA riri and since isso iney
- P" '."S? .I "k" "V t o7- nTv'e lived he?e.- Iler husband died
ganitat'lons of the church. The
church will be appropriately decora
ted for the occasion. i
Buy More Bonds
in iR9t: Eleven children survive
them. Joseph Gerlg. Nlcklaus Gerlg.
Jacob Geria. Valentine Gerig. Mrs-
JaMih Stnuffer. Mrs. Freddie Fries.
Mr. am. filrod and Miss Lena Ger-
i. .11 ltvinvwnear Pratum: Daniel
r.eri at Chicaco. Samuel Gerlg at
Aim ritv and Fred Gerlg at Camp
-. . . .
Levis. She was a memoer oi-mo
1' ' '-nave Your. '
Electric Lights Repaired
Before Winter
220 N. Commercial Phone 053
gun at a late hour.
Ml" r.iiw" v., entire
Who is now oeTouus -
vnw tiin inntruction is
time to pni
prepared to meet new puj
studio, 563 Court St. I
j Committee NInale i -.
Mr ne lieu viro-
.Mas submitted yes-
terday afternoon w - .7 nn
. A tIT1 . nn TOICU..UUVU.
ier uu ; -
'. ' o fa.. Mennonlte'churcb, and was especially
Istrict Attorney- w--w . k f hc hoaI)ltaiity. Mrs. Ger-
of St. Helens.waa in tne cay.j .g deatQ waf due to neart
lay on business. OQ TuesUy Sept. 24 at 11 p.
osdmaster W. J. Culver will ,erment toolt pure - Friday.
Day phone
! iso
Night phone
Efficiency Speed
. Responsibility
Ws;win pack, move or store
foni goods and guarantes sat-
lUtes on Eastern Shipments
our specialty. u
. ?laao Moving and Otit of Town
7 '. Trips.
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
Phone 77
' Try our Cheeking System
Baggage. Claim Checks for rr
ery parcel handled.
w j. uuiver w n. i . . . - ivmi sentem- tnr the east today on account o I . the Mennonite cemetery.
illness of a, relative. 1 Rev. S. S. Banmgartner officiating.
it.. ... nr itbinv and W. "t Tin More. Bonds
a.- . i s
Woodfln of Falls City are stopping
the Bligh. They expect, vo jwu
navy shortly. ; - t ot
Joe. Oscar m,rs---, r
Philomath are stopping ai w
Miss E. King oi onaw
r1 ! .V. .' Itntal
L. Oarnter is an awwuu I to the state inuusiriai mwcun..
tfcaTllleh. mission of which three were
Tom Ordemann. formerly a . ;MTh sea were: - , .
. . .v. u.Hnn over nlKui. I a v.m.iiiiii Philomath, ioggins.
singer. w he gchoo Watheny. PorUand. ship-
More Fatal Accidents
Reported to Commission
For the week ending October a
tal of 585 accidents were' reported
) loa.Mnold Fwrwitnre. and Of
fice Kurnitare of every aesenp
tlon. Am shipping to my Port
land store. Phone 31 0
The Auctioneer
Pinli, per doxen. ... . . . .79c
Quaxtx, per-dozen...... ".80c
2 Quarts, per dozen. . . . $1.03
Wide. Months. Self Sealin
Pints, per dozen .$L15
Quarts, per dozen..... $1.25
2 Quarts, per dozen. . . .$L40
Self Sealing 'MASON'S
Pints, per dozen 00c
Quarts, per dozen. ..$1-00
2 Quarts, per dozen. . . .$120
855 N. Conunercial Street
(Damon's old Stand) .
Phone 63
746 HfgtiUnd Are, Phone 453
Geo. W. Etoner, Prop. .
. at. ftiA l.nimsilj "MVnllHInr1 Andre gTIu"ii
OI raunuwu. I""', "r t. A I It Inn were
,,.,,nn was in tne ciiy nana, iounarymau.
SSL Tt ih Marion. He came H be, two following fatalities resulting
from Corvauis.
VUI eassso.
A C " Petereon or uai "DO"-
the nfeht at the Marlon.
Bny More Bonas
-tinrio. nreviously reported:
emoloved hy a meat
company in Portland, Injured Sep
tember7?, and Walter Nelson i. en
gaged la grading work at Dirkenfld
Or.; and mjurea epi-u
a a s im am a hiii m urraa uuv wemns mi unv mj m m - - i
ana V'Z " rC't tB Ji- ' .T';V th workmen's compensa-
rest ana wr.. "'r ' ... .i.imAii
tern Is run down ana .uu- "-7 uos . . nondft-,
isnos ---- i i u7 pw.w - -. .
may reuiu .
-I f i vi m uvere cold ano
i ?:wV;":;,i;;.iV;f msht: could
rnuciiru wwi." -
rrested that old
couehed continually v w-;- , - - - -rht on war. Here
hardlr sleep. Foley's eioney ana i :----- r..
This Space Patriotically
contributed hy
351 State Street
Originators of Low Pricei
Comr. dicing Monday, Oclobtr 7, each purchaser will be given
a card. These cards will bo redeemed as follows:
50 Cards Tea Fpoon
BO Cards Coffee Spoon
100 Cards Sugsr Shell
13 S Cards Table Fork .
150 Cards Table Spoon
150 Cards Orange Kpooa
200 Cards Batter Knife
300 Cards Table Knife
Onr Bread Is Still White
170 N. Commercial St. .
457 SUte Street.
cured my cough. ..!