' ( V THE OREGON STATESMAN: TrKSBAY. OCTOHEK 1, 1918. The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While o o 1 assail e oirecicorv . 9 Titnnrrt all VirtAm Pf Bell nu fln '""6B Second hand goods trrra cLOTnixa snoES. BIGY- rtJ3. TOOLS. GUXS. SUITCASES. CAPITAL EXCHANGE toMlSi . S37 Cort Bt. jfORWicn union rmE INSURANCE KOCTETT v j W. U- BursJUrdt. J. - 1 j fcwldent Agt 383 State St. UONEY TO LOAN ft IWrKOVEH Finn A!D CITY j 6s.K.F0RD.i:iv; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS . ; Rate Per WereV ' ' first Insertion 1c Subsequent Insertion .....He n..Hk (six InaertUn)....; Se On month ...... -I 9cj tiw months' .contract, per mo.. J Sc it months' contract. per mo... 7c Ko sect, opened, for less than J5c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 50? anaouncinr ! "For t- Rale ,"For Beat." "Booms" or "Board. j HEW TODAY , . Each new1 classlfed advertise meat will be run under "New Today" for the first Insertion, un less otherwise ordered by the ad vertiser 1 i , Subsequent Insertion of the ad. will appear; under its proper cUtslflcatlon, : N advertisement will be run 4 Under flew iwiij ior, mor man . one Issue under any circumstance J ese.es ........... WANTEDQUI NCES. f company. SALEM FRUIT - '' ' '.i ! Hi WANTED SITUATION BY YOUNG , lady undergraduate nurse. Phone ' 6JF13. . J , ij.-i ;- W ANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK for board and room small wages. intone 1224. . I I WANTED MILKER AT PINCKNE1 liroa. dairy. Apply at dairy across hew bridge. CIRL II 'WANTS HOUSEWORK! AL! ALlj. day except two. hours for lessonsi. s John Lorenx. RlckrealL s I 1 il WANTED MEN AND TEAMS , haul wood also- man to work farm, steady Jobs. Phone 633. TO 1 n Wanted messenger boy. ri$i rears old or over, with wheel. Apply! FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR At" 'rood team mares, harness. wgr and dry cow, 2199 Broadway. SalejiK IT YOU DESIRE A LOAN ON RE-4f or personal security or to. insure V your proprtv, see John H. Bcotu W Hubbard Bldg.:. .' : J jj wisTrn man to Drive ExrRi- wagon and also man to work on tohfi form. Agt. American iiauway press company. I I LOST MONDAY. HElT. 23. HALF crescent brooch, pearls and sapphlr Finder rewarded by returning to t y returning to Mr Royal CfeterNjl .ESPASRtW WU on the U K.tV4ffh Wm. McGilcbrtst. HUNTING AND TRESPASS S. twA HA.Mt rt AM K A 1 estate near Cberoawa. without fieri- miaaion. Sie:nedl Mrs. L K. I'HK. lYJTTVTi SMALL BLACK CLASP PuV JL containing only small r amountj knv iicnrr mir nave sumo proving property. Call at this j flee,-' . '' K H fl'! 1TANTED TO RENT SMALL FUll- nished hous- or apsrtmenii tritly modern, trood neighnorhood. Or Wfifll buy a modern home or.sman acres t Si. phjone lpU rEW-:'6VRff close in. .1231 court A mUPABiTIVELT bungalow, mcrn except rurnsemm In good condition, for sale on fasj - trma tr.r tlAOA. Will tk firs Mvment in anv kind of iiy-siik John IL ScotL 40-t Hubbard 1 WANTRD POSITION ON FARM ' Ynune- man and wife have,' WO ft young rhildrenj want work onMrm ti av rru-h Ir. itrnnr. active and WUr- ing. Capable of mahagirig rancher tiairw farm it nprMrY.' 1!V It1)'"! ' r.f.r.nrM . Arfdrrns It. E. C, 62 N Front St. Salem, Ore. r.iti pnftv" ip Voir II AVE IV surance In the Oregon Fire RelWf 'Ain. of McMinnville. you hav "W'H dee." dependable fire .Insurance p)ri tectionJi We Insure on the nnuftl assessment nr on the flat rate, n?n asaessable plan. II. A. Johnson; In surance Agency. 'I 2 Hush . Hank Bldg, Salem, I'hone 347. Read the Classified! AcLi EMPLOYMENT M LR r 1 1 ISOT8-. WANTED TO'CAlinY ST man routes. r Apply in persony VTANTKD A i t MAN FOR iKIGHT- walchnntn. State School fi.r Denf. WANTEDNIGIIT SUIPriNG CleV Cherry City Haklng Co. Call fn person. Don't phone f'. T; XK KTPfLM A V VI1 Til U'rifk on furro. Man must be ko" nijlkit. woman kom1 conk. .--Address :F, care or statesman. ! t : :. WANTED CTL1NDER PRESSMANl Man above drrt aire or of ttrtrtf .1 . . imnsii icaiion prersrrea. niriqj tion for right man; desirahlo orM tloa and pleasant work. Adlrnser H, M. Duffy.. Cor vail Is. Ore. ! ' I 1J FEMALE. , tXPKniENCED STENOQRP It E R t wanted.' Permanent postion Address A.12, care Statesman, stating full particulars. V ' . n ANTED COMPETENT GIRL 'OR yoman fr general house work. M.rjs, wm. i;rown. Cor. Church ad Bt , sirru. Ptmne 101. . WOMEN WANTED SALARY Stl. Nil time -50c an hour anar tinibl dis tributing guaranteed howiry i to ""r.. i-ermmn-nt. i;xn-nrt'e . kisj- . Ml" nwessary. Apply Guarantee M( 'rrisiown. I'Si MIStTXLANEOO. HOP PICKERS WANTED Go4D! ROT . v.M Pnnne I1KW Read the Classified Ad s. NEW today: Xtks FOR RENT BOARD AND ROOM. ROOM AND HOARD REASONABLE at 104a .N. Cottage atreet houses FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS and farms. F. U Wood. 341 State street, phone 781. - FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: , $10. Modern five room house at 727 Houth 12th St. - ; r Call at Statesman business office or phone 23 regarding above. ROOMS FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED rooms coxy and nice. wood.. water and light. 730 N. Front St. 'Oil i RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath; In modern home. Auaress a. is., care Statesman GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM. HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also ln std rooms. Close to State House. ivv i.nemeaeta. i'hone 1ZI0. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK, SMALL J 34F24. TIGS FOR SALE niONE FOR SALE FOUR YEAR OLD JER sey cow. fresh soon, good milker. Til IS. Commercial. FOR SALE OR TO LET ON SHARES A few hundred rf stock sheep. F. B. Decker. Silver ton. "Oreson. WANTED TO EXCHANGE ONE OR two good work mares for cows. A. E. Chenoweth. Rt, 3. Salem. MISCELLANEOUS. iGOLDEN OAK CHINA CLOSET.- -360 Leslie SL I'hone 1261M. IFOR SALE 1917 CHEVROLET. LEAV ! ing town. Room 317 Hubbard Build S Ing. . . BXUy FOR SALE 12x30 SILO WORTH j ' $300. for $175. New. never been set up. A. J. Todd. Independence, Ore. iron SALE SECOND HAND SEAM. , less clover bags. Se them at Chas. IL Archerd Impement Co. E. A. IU10- i ten . IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to. the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR SALE ONE I USED TRUCK. 3-4 ton. $285; one Maxwell touring car, good as new. $675: one used Over land tour in&T carl $450. Inquire Ore gon Garage, High and Ferry St, Sa 2i lem. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE IS norse power. cyunaera. dhiwoi ur gTain elevator, i Formerly used as auxiliary In electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price $1000. Scott Bosortb, Spalding Bldg, Portland. Ore. 1 . ? . 1 AUCTION SALE JERSEYS. FARM imn .ntentt. tc. 'ConiDlete aisoersai October 3. 1918. ; Seven registered Jerseys, herd bull and choice cows, full line of farm -implements. Sale to be held on Kuney farm, t miles B E. from Shaw. Herman Robertson. Shaw. Oregon. AUCTION SALE OF SIXTY HEAD cattle and horses ana iarm impie rrTtnts. Many j beef cattle among ih.m Extra rood horses.. October in a m atT Rrinkmever Place. 15 miles east of Salem, seven miles south of Hilverton and one-half mile north of Victor Point store. Come and spend the daywith in.i Stoller and GantenbeiH. owners, itt- s. io 61. Silverton. I'hone 6F23. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western lmmi- rr.tlnn has been . carefullr revised, tneklna- a handsome little book. It t.iii in e-raohie terms of the mas um nf th Oatman famllv. of the escape of Lorenso, and the captivity i of Mary ana uiive.. Mary aiea 01 afarvatinn and Olive was purchased rrnm thsr Indians five rears later. The orice la 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, Sa m. Oregon. POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry - paper published aend 10 cents -to vthe Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial jbs.ription. Mention this ad. 1(T LOST and FOUND LOST tfeT CAMEO BROOCH. SOME Twlifra down . town. Iteturn to 482 t? t. lfl.k n t.utt a n.1 rw iVA r 1 & -- -.ward, ., LnST-TWO NEW INNER Ti:i5KW, im. lnrm i lit ii . inw -- dar forenoon in Salenv Reward, re turn Statesman office. .' yp RTHTKn OR STOLEN A PO lanl China boar a rear ana nan nlA Anvbodv finding the same, pleas notify the owner, and receive reward. W. It. iwwninu, onw, jr egon. I'hone 22 Fl 5. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WJtVTKTI A TON OK HTtK'K I'AH rots. A .13 care of the aiaiesman. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. -ress room pwk"- man. BRIGHT. CLE N LARD PAII-S WANT ed. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front street. WANTED TO RENT FAIOl "r a boat 100 acres, Aaarai care Statesman. ' , I , . - WOtn.D LIKE FURNISHED ROOM OI rfnm-s Artrtre.sa wnn terms iu, Klatesman office.; j WANTED A GOOD. HOME FOR TWO little girl, agesi le ana is year, during school year; clothing and pending money furnished. Write XVZ Statesman. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY : AUTO SERVICE SUIPrS AUTA SERVICE CITY AND country trips, l'hpne Day, 963; falghte. 15.' - V TIRES - REPAIRED VULCANIZING TE3 IIAI-F-SOLB TIRE SERVICE tation. -177 Boutn commercial hone 428. I . I UACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND (vulcanising. 21 North commercial treet. Phone . sinprs auto skrvicb city and S'-CtlonS, TUDCS ZC UP. 1'hon 363. 126 South Commercial treet. ' - - ; - t ' .. . . . - Read the Classified Ads. ... BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND' PARCELS DELIVER- ed any place, city or country. Phone Ct or 2081-RJ W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS tAKK ME TO THAT GOOD BARBER . shop and get my hair dolled up In 'the latest fashion. Ingrey's Barber Shop. 311 State street. DRAYS AND KJPHESS. CA1ITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and best : equipped transfer company. Get our I reduced freight rates on eastern 'shipments. Also, for storage as we - brave, three warehouses In connection with business. Furniture moving, packing. - shipping and storing our specialty, i Office 226 State street. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE ! PRESSING PARLORS F. H Watanabe. ITod.. 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladies' and genetlmen'a suits cleaned and pressed. $1.25 and . $1.75. Work called rfor and delivered free. Telephone Main 552. JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us ' make you a price 'on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa street. Phone 298. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, fie per pound. 13C South Lib erty street. Phone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing done at a rate every body can a r ford. For only bo cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing; oxy- acetylene welding, gas engine re-1 pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, prop., 852 Chemeketa St.. Sa lem. -' " MONEY TO LOAN. FOR itt PER CENT FARM LOANS see the Marion-foiK jounty ixaiion- Smith. 30$ Salem Bank of Commerce Biag. FARMERS NEEDING MONEY FOR Increased crop production, payment of obligations, buying land, fertilizer. live stock or equipment, call at fed eral' Farm Loan Information . Booth. second floor. New Pavillion. State s i.rnfm.ttfiii m tn hnw ITn- ' cle Sam can help you. A. C. Bohrn- stedt. 401 Masonic Temple, eaiem, Oregon.- ' SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe linings. Har ness, collars, collar pads, tools, chains. . Fred Echindler. 356 Center street. - UNDERTAKERS. WEBB . CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors.; latest modern methods known to the -profession. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER, PAINT. GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- orating. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc Work done by contract or by day; good workman.! Location 1020 Center St. . Phone 686-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice wall fa per at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com merclal St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. . WALL Paoer and ' Picture Framing. 000a workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 488. WOVEN WIRE FENCING. Depe Katlestal t Assert can Peace. all atses. SS lav. te 8M la. high. Palatn. Oils and aVralah. i Steves Rebuilt mm Repaired. I : Lstaaberrj ssd Hep Hka. Halve Prace A. Stava Warms 2SO (Tear St. Patcae IZ4 R. ft. tt,f:win y WATKll S1.F.if WATF.n CO. OFFICE. 801 8. Commercial street. For water service nnlr t office. Make all complaints at the office. .No deductions in bills will hA I inured fr absence or for anv cause whatever unless water is cut off from ; premises. Hereafter wafer for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers, using water for domestic purposes. jon- r.rtnrn for sidewalks, brick work. or plastering, will please read "for building purposes' under schedule of rates. Apply at ornce ror copy. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND - hauling. nouienoia mnvlnor lobs done prompt- a , m Try me once, i mime. 47S State St. Phone 963. Residence phone 1122-J. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF. AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. a24. '"'t" every Thursday evening at oclocK 1n Drby building, corner Court and High, streets. ,-R. F. t&7. V. Cl J. A. Wright. Clerk. . PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L. BtvTT.i v. u, uiirti'ufli . Of P. B. - tBirorii - head. Davenpt. Iowa Chirapractic corrects the cause of disease. Office 4-7-8 U. S. NV Hank Building. Phone 87. Resdence 828-R. : DENTIST DR F. L. UTTKH, uiinuai, iiuvno m - . m m - a? ae 1 1 4! I ea - 413-414 Kana OI uwunn uu..u.ue Phone 606. t ' MUSIC TEACHERS R. IIARR. TEACHER OF i PIANO, rhone 1383. . v - OSTEOPATHY. OR- W. 1 MERCER. GRADUATE America njScbool Osteopathy. Klrks MflTt treats acute and chronic disease. Office 44-405 U. 8. Nation Jil Bank Bldg. Phone. 919. Residence 419 North Summef. Phone 614. OSTEOPATHY DBS WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO- i n.tt.lj. nlivelcians ana surgeons. i:raduale of the American S.hool of ;i7ia2.ub a'ud specialised lu nervous diseases at 1 Los Angeles - College. Treat acute and chronic- diseases. Offices 605-6-7-8 V. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859- Residences .1620 Court street. Phone 2216. Dr.1 White residence phone 469. ' ' PHYSICIANS DR. L. O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. Gall ' Stones- and Goiter treated successful ly. Office and residence 39 North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. CHINESE rUTSlCaajr.. DR. U M. HUM CUR&S ANT KNOWN duveaae. 163 & Hiyb St. Phone 383. PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OP REVIEW AND EQUAL IZATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL. The, State Tax Commission will at tend as a bbarkl of equalization at the Capitol in Salem, Oregon, on the third Monday in October, 1918, and publicly examine the assessment roll by it made, and review the same, and correct all errors in valuation, des cription, quantities or qualities of property by. it assessable and in ap portionments of assessments made by it; and it shall be the duty of the persons and companies interested to appear at the time and place appoint ed. . 1 - " Petitions or applications for the reduction or chapge - of apportion ments of a particular assessment shall be made in writing, verified by the oath of the applicant, its presi dent, secretary, managing agent or attorney in' fact, and be filed with the commission during the first week it is by law required to be in ses sion, and. any petition or application not so made, verified and filed shall not be considered or acted upon by the Commission. , ( State Tax Commission, By Frank K. Lovell. Secretary. WHOLE MILK We will pay $3.2) per hundred de livered at Salem. Price based on 4 per cent fat content. Phone 2488 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. SALEM, OREGON I SALEM MARKETS BUTUfO PRICH. . j Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 45c. ' ' " ' ' Brailers, 23c. . Hens, 17 to 19c. , Old Roosters, 15c. . Pork, Mutton and Beet. -Pork on foot, 18 c. .Ewes,, 7 to 10c. , Veal, dressed, 18c i SDrinr lamb tie. ' Beef steers, H to 9c; cows, 4 to 7c Hay. Cheat, per ton, $28 to $27. Clover, per ton. $28.50. Oats. $25. GraJjL Wheat, $2.00 to $2.02.' Oats, 90c to $1. Beans, 7c. ' Mil Feeds, Retail. Mill run, $38 to $39 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Creamery. butter,J 54 to 55e. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 52c. Fish. ' Black Cod, 18C Red Cod, lie. Salmon, Chinook. 25c Halibut, 25c Codfish, 15c FrulC . . Grapes, $1.75. ' Oranges. $8.00. Canteloupes, $2.75 'to $3.25. Watermelons, 1 to 2c Local tomatoes, S0c. Casabas, 3 c. lemons, $8.50 to $9.60. Bananas, 8c. Vefcetables. New potatoes. 3 Is to 4 c. Green beans. 4c. j Cabbage. 4 to 4V4c. (Onions '(imported). $2J5. v I Green .peppers, 8c lb. ,t ! . Retail Prions. Creamery, butter, 60c Dairy butter. 65c. Eggs, 50c. Flour, hard wheat. $2.10. Flour, valley, $2.90. Sugar, cane nd beet, ll lh. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.26. Oil Products, Red Crown gasoline .In bulk, 22c. Standard engine dlBtlllate, in bulk, 13 cents.' Kerosene Pear, In bulk, 11c; Elaine, fn case, 28c; Eocene, In case, 23c. Oronlte Aroturpp la ease, 25c; In bulk, 26 c PORTLAND MARKETS - Dairy Irndnc1. PORTLAND. Sept 30. Butter: Prints, extras. 63(fc6f.c; rubes, ex tras, 60c; prime firsts, 58c; dairy, 36c. Butterfat. Portland dellvery:v No. 1 soui cream; 68c, .. !' . Iotafoe.. ' Locals, sclliCK price, $2.40 02.75. Grain. '. October delivery, bids: Oals, No. white feed. $S.ii0; ba,rley. stand ard feed. $47; barley.A' . $48 No vember delivery: Oats, No. 2, $58; NO. 3. $51; clipped. $51.50; barley, feed. $47: barley. "A". $48; corn, yellow; $6?; mixed. $60 Eastern, oats and torn in bulk, bids: Ooats. No. 3 white, $51.5.0; oats. 38-pound clipped. $51.50;. corn. No. 3 yellow, $62; No. 3 mixed, sei NEW YORK MARKETS. i NEW YORK. Spt. 30. Evapor ted aooles. dull: state. 14flc. Ptunes. scarce and strong: Califor nia's. 716,4c; Oregon's, 15 16c. - 1 - I r fcrBhlng has set home for 30000 houses and niules.. im taete m oc renaissance of th cavalry? j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A WELL Improved 235 acres, half -mile south of Marion.' - Will accept small i farm. Henry Fennell. Marlon, Oregon. . rOR SALE 10 ACRES LAND, FIRST I class bottom: some stock and grain: Implements. Must be sold. For par. ticulars, address Rt. 1. Scio. care of Balsiger & Son. WILL SELL 80 OR 160 ACRES OF MY farm 1 miles south of Dallas on improved road, mail route milk route phone line and railroad. , Mary F. L. Lee, R. 2, Box 102. Dallas, Ore. A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door I north of State street, Salem, together I with perpetual right of way over thel 14x50Mi feet tract extending from! this oroverty to State street. Terms. Apply Scott Bozorth, 701-2 Spaulditigl Bldg,. Portland, Oregon. BRING Y00R TRADES I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer. Real Estate Agent. Canada lands, 544 State street. SNAPS 96 ACRE FARM. WELL IM- proved. 5 miles from Salem. $80 per acre. 200 acre farm Waldo Kills, $30 per acre, easy terms. 10 acres Im proved near Salem, $2200. 4 room I house, paved street, fine -location. 8650. : 7 room plastered bouse. 3700. Strictly modern room bungalow. paved street $3000. Exchange some stock and farm implements for sale cheap or trade for good car. Want small hopvard in exchange for good city property. 160 acres in Sask. fori home in Salem. 6 acres fine land. take bouse part pay. 170 acres for rent. F. L. Wood, Bayne Bldg. A , GOOD 80 NEAR SILVER FALLS with old house and Darn ana waier i and-25 acres of good timber adjoin ing a good county road 8 miles from It. R. station, with about 10 acres under cultivation, well fenced,7 some good pasture and some bottom sou, s2S an acre. Wnuld consider a town property in exchange for it as II can't use ranch to advantage. You are assured of getting a good fair deal. Also have a small town house with several excellent garden lots where owner will exchange for brush land. What have you for eith er of these two things? See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St, phone 303. T- rnn sale good 8 ROOM house, corner lot. . east front. pavea street, car line, good location, price tsson. Oood S room modern bouse, paved street, sightly location, price $2000. Good 7 room modern house. naved street: orice $2850. 5 room modern house, price $1000.00. Im proved 25 acre farm, good house, or chard, good soil.;good road, 6 miles from Rilem. or fee 25000. 10 acre tract, new 6 room plastered bunga low, barn. 5 i acres bearing cherries, nrica 82800.001 320 acre faTtn. bouse. barn, srood sdil. price 812.800. Well i"!6 7" 5rv.L J.a "r I $11,500. 6 acre prune orchard just I coming Into bearing, smau now, SE&ri. .nod harnT. well, arood road, stt miles I south, price $1000. if you want to EJkVS!. 27s "state 'sSset I " 45 ACRES. 35 CULTIVATED. HOUSE. fa'kS- 7?5C0T sSe'm" TOdT ai- morteane back for balance, price $3000. Have Salem residence $2500. eLI!fi""ca ".!ku,"Vo; TrvL Anrrsiim on or Sublimity, not over $10,000. 40 acres! far too high on a peace basis dom 20 cultivated. 20 timber and pasture, I . (h- nit ae cnun as business good improvements, family orchard, $800 cash. $1700 mortgage . back at 6 per cent. 160 North Dakota ex change for ranch in valley not over $5000. 600 acres, 400 cultivated, all tillable, running water, fair Improve ments, located in Grant county. Minn., want to exchange for ranch In valley not over $40,000. 145 acres well Improved. 6 miles of Jefferson. good road, want $3000 Portland resi dence and easy terms on balance, price $15.2f,0. 90 aicres. 60 cultivated 25 timber pasture. 30 in bearing fruit to exchange for stock ranch in the valley not over $12,000. Have iomt very cheap acreage near Salem. For anything in my line see me. socoior sky. 341 State street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 80 ACRE farm 4 miles from towh. 30 acres In cultivation and balance can be, some - buildings Snap. $25 per acre. Want small acreaire near Salem. FOjt SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD 165 acre river bottom farm near Sa lem. about half In cultivation now and balance can be when cleared ' lots of good wood timber.1 good set farm buildings and family orchard. Snap for $85 per acre, want' wheat ranch. OOOD 18 ACRE TRACT CLOSE IN ' with Improvements, want house and lot In Salem for exchange. What have vou. FOR SALE FINE 11 ACRE TRACT close in wun goon sei nuuaings inn family orchard. iTice $i8q on good Foil SALE FINE NEW . MODERN bungalow and good large lot on car line. Bargain tor j. IF ' YOU HAVE FARMS. ACREAGE city property or business property for exchange, call and see our list .of exchanges. : PERRINE tc MARSTERS. 306 HUB bard Bldg.. Salem. Oregon; FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 10 ACRES. WELL TM proved. Hee H. E. Bolinger, 406 Hub bard Bldg." GREAT STRENGTH IN THE MARKET Portentuous News from Abroad Shoots Up Oil Stock from the Outset NEW YORK. Sept. 30. Under the Impetus of the portentous news from abroad, today's stock market devel oped unusual activity and strength. Oil shares were conspicuous from the" outset. Moderate strength was manifest ed by United States Steel and kin dred industrials and equipments in the early dealings, but profit-taking anA short spiiin? soon ciieciea re- art iona of one to four points. Investment tails wrre backward ii i-int- thp erear rtart of tho ses sion, but rose briskly towards the eln T'anadian Pacific leading at an advance of 7li 4 Points, most of which was retained. Salt amounted to 735.000 shares Honda wore variable, liberty Issue displaying moderate irregularity ru.Gs vAstm av CANfT FOOL ivytl i? W ra wi I .V AHD StT VAL.OC 3 Fl 1lLa instead 7 CeysjUal, "UBS v 1 ' ' T- i Total bond sales, par value, aggre gated $8,650,000. , Old United -States bonds were un changed .on call- - - j SLIDE TAKEN ON Hopes of Speedy Peace Cause Tobaggan Moyement ' Among;, Traders CHICAGO. Sept. 30. Hopes of a speedy general peace captivated the traders today on change here, ana Tf'-lflS ve downward like maidc. After conUnuous heavy Beinntr and an extreme break of 7'Hc, the corn market closed excited; ZV.M,c to"5c net lower, wltn oc I to5er 11.35 to $1.36 and Novem ber $ 1. M to l.ZZ Oatshow a setback of 1C to 2 C. In pro- 1 visions, the result varied from $1 decline to 15c advance. .. Belief that the corn market" was inated the pit as poon as business eot well. under vny. At first me chief influence was the news tnat the signing of an armistice had made Bulgaria's surrender complete. This contingency had been largely ais- counted I beforehand., however, and auick rally fallowed rapid forward sweeps by the entente allies, ana oi signs that a peace move by Turkey, if not by Austria, might apparently soon be looked for. Pressure to li- quidate holdings now assumed -big proportions, ana tnrougnoui me rest of . the day all support was lacking except from shorts who had profits. Oats and provisions succumbed to the same fetors, that carired down corn- Theories that peace talk was bullish as to provisions failed to work. ' BIG GROWTH IS SHOVN BY BANKS - v Statement Is Issued on bans of Last Call, Up to Sep tember 1 . Notwithstanding subscriptions to liberty loan bonds have been -very heavy during the last yar. combined; figures of the 177 state Danns, pri vate banks' and trust companies, and 86 natiohal banks in Oregon show an increase In deposits of $15,675,852.- 96 over the call of September 11, 1917. and an Increase of $5,631,- 097.37 since June. 29. 1918. These figures are given in a statement Is sued by State Superintendent of Banks W. A. Bennett today. The figures show further that bond holdings have Increased ill. 317.373.03. Indicating big invest ments in United States certificates of indebtedness. During, tne past year the total re sources In depositories of the state have shown an increase of $23,435, 011.60 and an increase of $4,972.- 496.20 since June 29, this year4 the date of the last previous call. ; SPRINGTEX is the underwear with a million little springs in its fabric which "give and take" with every movement of the body; and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washings. 1 It if the year-around underwear, light, medium or heavy weight, a ybu like. "Remember to Buy It Yeu'll Foret You Have It On" Atk Yomr iWr UT1CA KNITTING CO, Makers Sales Room: 350 troatfway, Kew York CHICAGO r.lARI(ET - - ! " ' "Thls reflects lirery satisfactory growth and prosperous' condition of the banks of Oregon' says the state ment which Is based on the last call taking the condition of banks up to the close of business oh August 31. : Si I i i I ' - - Soldier Given One year j Each lor 21 Burglaries . , , j j j. ft '- f . CAMP LEWIS; ;!Tacc-ma.' Wash.; Sept. 30. Approxlhatly onej year each for 21 . burglaries f he "confessed to have committed! jn! Tacoma be tween Jnne J and Jtjlyj 24 lastL was the sentence passed oh Private Faye B. Slade by a courtrartialj here which was approved! by j the jddge ad vocate general In nitices Irecelved to day. . -y i ihm .- Slade, according to hrtay; officers. was a leader or seven members ox the school for cooks and bakers.' In burglaries and highway .robberies. He was the htBt to be convicted. Tour were convicted for high Way robberies and three for burglaries, fjjf - -. f : ', They wee sentenced! t from 10 to 30 years each in government peniten tiaries or discipnary barracks. Slade was sentenced to McNeil s Island, Wash., for 20 yearp, dishonorably discharged and forfeiture ;jbf all pay and allowances. - r . if il J y TIME TABLES 4- ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Aerthfceaa xt e. r- , , , :tr3i No. is Oregon Express 6:55 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 1:20 pn. 4:00 p.m. 7:55 p.m. -; - -- So. 28 Willamette Limited No. 18 Portland Passenger, no. zt coos Bay No. II Portland Express Seathteewa No. 53 Oregonlan ...... 3:30 a.m. 9:42 a.m. No. 23 Coos Bay ... I .Vi No. 15 California KpreKa ... 10:58 a.m. No. 17 Roseburg Passenger . 4:18 p.m. , ft. i n tiismviie i ini ..e.ee p.m. t No. 13 San Francisco' Pa 9:33 p.m. No. 73 Arrive at Salem l.... 9:10 a.m. No: 74 Jeave Salem ..,..... 3:10 p.m. SALEM. FALLS CITY eV WESTERN 161 Ieaves Salem, motor .... 7:00a.m. 163 Lesves Salem, motor ...J 9:2$ a.tn. 165 Ieaves Salem, motor . ... -1:55 p.m.. Through car to Monmouth and'Airllei 17t 'Leaves Salem ... 6:15 p.m. 162 Arrives at Salem ........ 8:25a.m. 164 Arrives at Salem 11:00 a.m.- 166 Arrives at Salem ,. 3:20p.m. 172 Arrive Salem 7:40 p.m. . OREGON ELECTRIC ' Effeealve Oet. 1st, 1S18; Seathaaaa.. Train Leave Arrive Arrive Eugene No. 'Portland ' Salem 10:15am 12:60 pm 5 Ltd.. 8:15 am 12:25 pm 7 9 . 13 Ltd.. 17 ..... 19 21 10:45 am 2:05 pm 4:50 pm 6:05 pm 9:20 pm 4:15 pm 6:35 pm 6:40 pnr 8:60 pm 8:07 pm Salem only 11:20 pm Salem only 2:00 am 6:50 am 11:45 pm North Bank Station (leave Jeffcr son. Street 13 and 20 minutes later.) KertbbMa4 Train No. 10 Ltd.' 12 16 Ltd. 20 22 Leave Arrive, Arrive Portland 9:25 am 11:35 am 2:25 pm . 5:45 pm 7:40 pm Eugene Salem 7:15am 9:45 am 12:15 pm 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 7:55 pm - 7:45 am 1:53 pm 4:10 pm 4:25 pm 10:00 pm North Bank Station 4arriv Jeffer son Street 15 minutes earlier). 'Leave Corvallis. ! t CORVALLIS CONNECTIONS. ' Nerthbeaaid Leave Corvallis Arrive Salem 8:zr am 12:12 pm 2:41 pm 6:18 pm Leave Salem 8:36 am 10:15 am 4:15 pm 6:40 pm 9:45 am . 1:50 am 4:00 pm 7:55 pm Reatkkeasa ; Arrive Corvallis I 9:57 am 11:33 am 6:36 pm ' 8 :00 pm . 1 .' "aV ' ' ; i: " .ill l. aaaaaaaaeeSSSBT ' Li t i