The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, October 01, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Is one of the busy dcpartfantjs in our store. Correct fitting,
eyes carefully cxamratMjand service is the reason.:
V. W. CracrKSa mm
Have you bopght'ithat Liberty Bond!
X II 1 1 111 f
. r ; .. .
': AA;- -. A - ; r: 1 .'
' OSEGON SUte street near
O. E. depot. ! Home of Arteraf t i
and Paramount pictures.
... m T. t V .. M
'Till 1 VOuie uitiv iu iuu, i u
LiBEKTY Liberty near
... . -A 4 TI I rrVt .il-iea MaI.
Francis X Bushman! and Bev
erly Dayne In "A Pair O f Cu
plds." . '-A W1
- BLIGH State between LI
erty and High, 'Mutual and
Bluebird film. Special films.
Tent : . 1- V
E. L. Stiff Jb Son, 448 Court St
library XcwIh Helpers- .
Thursday at the public library, be
tween 200 and 300 books '.wlU be
prepared fpr. shipment -to.. soldiers'
libraries and- Miss Flora Case, head
librarian,, has asked that as many
women as possible come and assist
in labeling, stamping and , packing
fXm.) A typist will also be needed
-tnake out -the cards.. ; V
Ceceipts, Koes and AU Blanks
, At Statesman Job office. :
Miss Bilyeau Jwfnd r C . - '
.Miss Opal Bilyeau, who was re
ported missing from her home last
Tk, was Ipcated by the, police at
the state fair grounds late Saturday;
. Dr. a Ji. MJles i
Will be out of the city until about
October 1. , ;
Fire in Taint Shop
A smiil blaze In the F. W. Bliss
carriage! painting shop on Commer
cial and Trade streets, about 3:30
Sunday afternoon, slightly damaged,
quantity of supplies. The, propri
etor of the establisment as Inside
the time some of his painting ma
trials ignited frdm a piece of burn
Isinglass ' with" which : he was
klng. , He was not Injured.
Closing outran Paper
Wholesale cost and less,
furniture Co.
Paul Out on Bond
W. E. "Paul, who was taken to
Portland Thursday by United States
Marshal Alexander, to appear before
the federal district attorney and an
jwer charge of having. attempted to
obstruct-the sale. Of liberty bonds.
was released on laOO bonds. He will
appear later before the United States
district court. . : '
Canunocks and
Porch furniture.
Ion, 448 Court St
E. I SUff ft
Office 60 U. S. Nat Bank Bldg.
Hoars 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Phone 859
. Residence:
355 North Capital SI.
Phone 469
Diseases of Women and Nervous
' Diseases
Etest ! Cash Price Paid,
Also All .Kinds of Junk.
The Square Deal House.
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 333
l ' ; : ' Have Your . : ,
Electric Lights Repaired
Before Winter ;1
229 V. Commercial Phone 953
Xay phone J Night phone
. Efficiency Speed .
t Responsibility
' We , will pack, move or store)
yonr goods and guarantee sat-
- WacUon. . ;, '
Rtes on Eastern Shipments
oar specialty.
lnoiMovrflg and Out of Town
j - Trips. .
" 457 State HlreeC
IJWrty ItrMta.
Speeder 'Pny.s Fine , t
P. W.Geiser yesterday paid a $10
Hue In the justice court for speeding
on a county road, lie was arrested
Sunday. ' " . ; - . - -
Legal Drank- " T , " -
Get them at the Statesman job of
fice. Catalog on application.
Vrver "Fpneral Today
The burial of i the late John W.
Carver .will-taWnpUce' at the City
View cemetery at 10:3r-ajn. today.
Rer. Richard N. Avisotfof the First
Methodist church will conduct the
services at the grave. - It was the last
request of iMf. Casrver1 that there
should be no floral offering.
Second Hand -
Camp furniture at E. L. Stiff
Son, 446 Court St
Will Xurwe in Array-
Miss OrsrCavitt will leave Wednes
day morning for Camp Lewis, where
sh haa enlisted In-th Army curses'
corps, l Miss Cavitt gradnaUd rrora
ao and hai done private and surgi
cal nursing! here since that time.
. . -.-4 ;
Fnrnitvre Sale ,. '- , ; j
Greatest furniture sacrifice or tne
. . m. ml m Tm.
year, Knure iurnuure eiock oi im
perial Furniture Co., v now belag
closed out byTeldsteln-Drektor Co..
177 North Liberty street; Salem.
Two .JWen Kscai'e--'
Richard William, an inmate or me
state hospital, escaped from tne in
stitution yeBterday while working
bntnej grounaa, m a connusrw
harmlefs. George Magers, who had
been in the hospital f arm has alo
beenMlssing since Sunday afternoon.
Ml. -i zzz - -. . ..
Bigger and Bttter-Wiw'i urug
Store. New Location, first door
east of ' Grey-Belle . confectionery,
Fake Officer In Jail-
55. 34 McNeill la in the county jau
pending Instructions from federal of
ficers as to his disposal. McNeill was
irrested Sunday In Silvcrton by Con
stable Simeral for falsely represent
ing hlmstdf-to bo a governmeni e
.rt e.i-vice man and deputy sheriff.
He claims to have been trvin? to get
inonuation concerning a man em
ployed in a Sllverton mill In order
that he might tea u xo psrwus iu-
terested. i.The prisoner' aamuiea
that he had at one time etn a mem
ber of the I. W. W.,; lui aisciaimcu
any such ; connection at present.
Even numhers on aomu;, ".Z
nesday. Friday and Sunday. Odd
numbers ottTnesday. Thursday. Sat
urday and Sunday, fj .
Even number are ptt south and east
side of street. Odd numbers are on
north and west side of street, .
tiause the p-osunog wrm
In the case of the SUte vs. Delhcit
.... . fM . nnrl X'ftt-
RltTRS lalieo .W appear v
terday morning, the case was dismissed-
Those who made the com
plaint now' live' In the state or vv asn
f riuM not be compelled
to come here on account of being
out or tn? cuun 9 j,.!,. - - matter before tne circuit mun.
lm lie H r of McCutcheon
acainst the - Donald ; cheese factory.
i wwh the former seeks to recover
damages for percpnai, injury.
A $750 Singer pw"
$:6Z an exceyw!'1""
. n.k mrwAm Instru-
on desiring . rn,
. i. ctirr tr Son. 44f Court
street.' ' ' i -S 's . '
" ' W bTen recerVed by the
lot.l draft w!. '"5"" Vv
Itary service on. ucur .
..J7 -ini.rinlterr. The reasom for
ei. ihprevaience of Spu
ish influenia ay.w w"'
. r - i .
ur. taww. rudr.
, r.t ana nerves. i -
Btudent, in SeiTlce
..wt Munmtinltr east or '
. - nrtniilated -of Its
1 IS ailUWOfc -.w-. mjt .,
Xew Lot Just
Remnant Store
oil N. Com'l St.
OregonTaxi & Baggage Co.
! Phone 77
Try our CTiecktng System on
Baggage, Checks for evr-
ery parcel bandlea. :
rtl Market rrlui Satrfal
fit mm T n
munity for'federal service are Marl
son and Case Nichols,' Walter Hain
and Mike. Battalion, all pf . Jwhom
have Joined the Students' Army
Training corps at Coryallis, and Har
lan -Hoffman, irwho has 'jolned ' the
corps at Willamette university.
Middle-Aged 3 Ian Wanted'
Suitable for light 'work. Perma
nent position if suited. Gideon Stolz
ft Co. - -v 4 -
Ovting to Recent Advance,
Of butterfat prices.) the milk dis-
trlbutors find" it necessary to list the
following prices on short notice to
take effect Octobdr 1, 1918: One
pint per day per month, $2.25; 1
quart per "day per? month, S4'.25; 3
pints per day peri month, 16.25; 2
quarts jcr day per ir.onth, 8.25t 3
qnartsiper day per month, $11.50;
4 quails per day pier month, $14.00.
Table cream per pint,, 35c; whipping
cream per pint. 45c. Wholesale
In bottles, per gallon. 45c; incan.
per gallon. 40c. Salem Sanitary
Dairy, Fairmount Dairy, Pinckney
Bros. Dairy. ; '
Hold Sunday School Rally
Sunday school teachers of the city
met last, night at the Y W. C. A.
dining room t enjoy a banquet and
rally. Haiold Humbert.. of Eugene.
Ptate secretary of the Oregon Sonday
School association, was the princi
pal speaker. Following the meal, a
business meeting ; was t held at ' the
Christian church.
Caimf, Store
E. L. Stiff
Son. 446 Court St.
Come to FuneTal
Private Will Carver has arrived
from Camp Fremont. Cal., to attend
the foneral of Ms father,! John W.
Carver. Private Carver reports that
the California camp long ago has set
tied down to military efficiency and
that real action may be expected
frem troops being trained there. He
inion duty et present, with the 8th
division, dental detachment, a new
organiaation among the officers of wTPri Ore con dentists are
members. - . V
Closetl liorne ItewUurant h
September 30, 1918. at 7rl0 p. m.
Manv thanks to the' general public
lihrai natronsge we have en-
loyed whUe In business in itbe city
of Salem. Yours, Proprietors and
Seventy-five Measure Up j .
Wednesday night of this week Is the.
drill night for M f'PWiJ
new National guard unlL- Seventy-
five of the men aireaay ua in
ured up for uniform and Captain
Hewlett says he wants the other 25
present Wednesday nigm
may nave xneir iucmu- - ..
Green Prunes Wanted
The West Salem ,rrun
limit sn
ing company win uu,
amount of green prunes. Phone 998.
The Jenks Stndlo , t. minn
Of .this city receive iu---
. tate fair.
ors again vqi "
Their exhibit consisiea t
of six pictures, among
class, received special j
. -win Vi on
nrlze-winning pi""' r ...
exhibition In the show cases i
studio thig week.
Treicpstsa HoUces
niTrfoth. The kind
that lasts.
Statesman Job office.
To Hear Petitions V
peSSoS eit 7pp1ics"for
?Uizen.;p' to the United i States who
are about to receive . their .pa
ners Those wno mue ,
rntention. are Thomas Hugh Clark.
Daldd Hutcheon, Ceofge Albert Rel:
nohl Andrew
Thomas Acneson, , , -
SasSs. all fmmngland. and: WU
iKm Wengenroth, of Germany,
wWr7 nn Students Are
Enrolled at Indian jcuu
.iwr r.A0 students v,OD
sch hand.;Salem indlanriing
tthool is in full swing .
Thi should be a warninfir to you
-jySou should haire your chil
dren's eyes exanrined to make
sure that they are prepared for
the 1 school year. .There may .he
defects of vision that will keen
your child from attaininjf the
bestl results in school. An exami
nation will decide and if glasses
are hot needed I will not recom
mend them. I make a specialty
of i (correctly fitting: children's
eye. .
f 1
I guarantee satisfaction
charges are very reasonable
210-211 U. S. National Bank
-Building v
A group of 40 is expected today and
with a few more who' are to come
from Alaska, the institution will b
filled to capacity. One: noticeable
feature of . this year's registration
Is that many of the Indians are froio
Montana and less from the northern
islands and Alaska. Thirty students
and two teachers are here from Car
lisle, which has been closed in order
that the "government might take over
the buildings for a hospital..' Ther
are five large Indian schools re
maining in the United States, Che
xnawa being one of these, -
John W. Carver was born October
17 1858. at Sparta, Ky. He was
the son of Milton W. and Sarah Car
ver, and. his father is still living, at
the age of 90 years. Three brothers
and one sister also survive him.
The deceased came to , Butte,
Mont, in 1870, xhere be was en
gaged as a teamster aiding in the
transportation of machinery and sap
plies at the time when the West was
sparsely populated'.- 'From 1S95 he
followed the carpenter trad 9 for 10
years, working in Washington state,
and In 1909 he came with his family
to Salem. -
; In 1892 he was married to Lillian
Leslie Copeland at Butte. Three
Children survive him, William Leslie,
Angeline Mary, and Joseph Edward.
The latter enlisted in the hospital
corps of the navy in August, 1916,
and is now stationed in the war zone.
His daughter, Angeline, until recent
ly, was employed with th .United
States food administration, - but is
now with her husband. Lieutenant
Ralph S. Allen, at Fort Still, Okla.
William Leslie enlisted in the medi
cal corps of the army and "Is nowon
duty with the Eighth division of the
dental' Infirmary, at Camp. Fremont,
Cal. ; Private Carver arrived Monday
morning in Salem for a short fur
lough. - M
Mr: Carver's death was due to
heart failure on Ff iday afternoon,
Seotemher 27. at 5:15. At the re-
qaest of the deceased there will1 be
no funeral . services. The remains
are at the Webb & Clough chapel.
Interment will be in the City View
cemetery, at 10:30 tod ay. 5 Mr. Car
ver was a member of the Woodman
of the World and of thejjrotnernood
of American Yeomen. .
- - - i' .
H Mevers. manager of theOr-
eson hotel in Portland, was a guest
at the Marion over night.
Kenneth Hill and Mark MCK-inney
of Goldendale, Wash., registered at
the Marlon yesterday. , .
Mrs. W. rl. fariter una 5"o
Toledo to pass, two weeks vrith her
daughter, Mrs.? Cv F.' Young. She;
left yesterday.' , ;
E. ' A. Tedrow of Monmouth is
stopping at the Bligh. " '
Miss Florence Richards, who Is to
h the new lean of women at Wil
lamette 'University, arrived Saturday.
She is a graduate orne university
of Michigan and has an M. A. degree
from i that institution.
J. B. Littler left yesterday on a
business trip to Toledo, where he
will establish a branch shoe store.
He expects to return the latter: part
of the week.
Miss Grace Roberts and miss iwary
Ware of Pawhuska, Okla., are regis
tered at the Marion.
Mr. and Mrs. D, j J; Caldwell were
a th rtiizh over nisbt.
T.Ipii tenant G.i P. Cletln, one of
the miUtary instructors for WiBara-
ctte university, arrived: in xne khj
last night and. is at the Marion. '
Great Coal Production
Drive Is Pat Under Way
avert a coal famine this winter and
also meet all the needs of the war
program, i uei aamiDinrauir
field today launcnea a nnve wr
production which is to continue un
til.Anrll 1. v
In a formal proclamation to oper
ators and mlners'alike, the fuel ad
ministrator calls upon an to enjisi
in a rief&iled nroeram to produce 12
234vM0 tons of bituminous coal and
2.030.000 tons of anthracite coal ev
ery week. This tonnage, he prom
hn. will give the country all the
coal needed this winter. It repre
sents a weekly Increase of 1.731,000
tons of bituminous and 121000 tons
of anthracite over the weekly pro
duction averages of the correspond
ing period a year ago. ,
Mr. Garfield's call was transmitted
to every district production manager
who will apportion a weekly quota
for edch mine. Each miner will be,
asked to assume personal responsi
bility for a weekly production repre
senting bis equitable proportion 01
the mines' allotment - J
A Gnaranteed Treatment That Has
f Stood the Test of Time
Catarrh cures come and catarrh
cures go, but Hyomel continues to
heal catarrh and abolish its disgust
Ing symptoms wherever civilisation
exists. ..
' Every year the already enormous
sales or tnis reaiiy scieniic ireaimeni
for catarrh grow greater, and the
present tear should show all records
broken. & .
If rou breathe Hyomel dally. as dl
rected It! will end your.catarrb, or It
won't cost you' a cent.
-If you have a hard ruber Hyomel
Inhaler somewhere around the house.
get it out and start It at once to for
ever rid yourseu .ot caiarrn. i
Daniel J. Fry. or any other good
druggist, will sell you a bottle of
Hyomel (liquid), start to breathe it
and notice how quickly it clears, out
the air passages and makes the en
tlr head feel fine. -
llvomei nsed regularly will end ca
tarrh, coughs, colds. - bronchitis - or
asthma. A complete outfit. Includ
ing a hard rubber pocket Inhaler and
bottle of llyomel, costs but little. No
tnmarh dosinc: iust'breathe itV 4 It
kills the germs, soothes and, heals
the inflamed membrane, - -
Salem Man Writes Interest
ingly About First Impres-
sions in France
Frank Davey Is in recefpt of a let
ter from It. A. Harris, now in Paris,
where he has a- desk in 'Paris head
quarters of the Young Men's Chris
tlon association. He1 gives some in
teresting news concerning .Salem men
whom he has seen, or heard, about
since arriving overseas, f 1 The trip
over was enjoyable, Mr. Harris says.
He writes in part:.- II i!
, "Have been in Tarisf about 10
days. Had a long wait InjNew York.
Before I had completed the rounds of
my initiation details here I was nail
ed to a desk ih the Paris headquar
ters and the good Lord only knows
how long they will keep jme here. I
work in a room about 2Q by 30 with
seven stenographers and another
man clerk besides myself.
"Please ten the Parents club that
I shall remember its commission and
carry it out to the yeryj best of my
ability and opportunities j The work
given me is (very heavy! at -present,
however, as it" is greatly; congested,
and for this reason it is "very doubt
ful as to whether or not I shall have
much chance to find any of the boys
except as they ehance to come to
Paris and I meetup with them,
. ,'Watson and Halvorsen are . both
at Paris headquarters under some of
the; most important responsibilities
connected therewith. Halvorsen Is
responsible for a truck business ex
tending all over France, the expen
ditures of which run away into the
millions of dollars a year. Elvln Is
at an . outpost somewhere in France.
Baker and Burgess Ford have pass
ed through Paris headquarters, but
Porter must have been retained for
service in England as the Salem men
here have no knowledge of Tiis hav
ing come to Paris as yet." Watson
told me of having seen Paul Wallace
and Dana Allen recently. I have
heard of the location of many of the
Salem boys but know not when. I
shall' have a chance to go and see
them. Elliott is also- here and work
ing at an outpost in ranee. v
"I was one of two Y. men assigned
to accompany a transport. It was
some trip across for me, being the
first. The experiences ,with the
troops coming over I shall never for
get; It was altogether pleasant and
agreeable and we were made to feel
in no uncertain way that we had
helped some. I cannot go into de
tails now for fear1-of overstepping
regulations which are necessarily
"Please give my regards to all the
friends there. I hope to be able to
send something for publication but
the restrictions are vvery great and
as yet I have not satisfied myself on
what is. permlssable iu this Una I
have learned enough to know that
regulations are being wantonly vio
lated by many unless they have spe
cial I privileges, and while the re
strictions do. seem' unduly sweeping.
I have no desire to evade or violate
them. .'
Tell the Parents club they might
play I am the lonely soldier who .re
ceives no letters, and write to ; me.
While Jny ipeople write regularly I
have1 received no lettrs on this side
yet, and friends say they are mighty
few and far between."-
War Actiyity Committee for
State Contains Names of
s Salem Men"
Oregon Elks have'formulated plan
for narticinatlne to the fullest ex
tent In all patriotic endeavors. . A
war activity committee', on whlo
every exalted ruler in tho state will
serve, has been selected. Plans in
eltid pnlisffne 10.000 tncnioets or
the order In patriotic work. Dr
William S. Kennedy, president of th
state association of the order, has ap
pointed the following comruittees to
serve during th.e war.:
Committee on laws w. i4. looze
chairman.' Salem lodge. No. 33 6 1
Thomas A. Burke. Oregon City lodge
No. 1189 and prewltt Cox, Heppner
Iodze No. 358.
Auditing committee J. uoraon
RaVcr oTaltetf rnler. McMinnville
lodee.'.No. 1283. chairman: Lee L-
Jacobs, secretary. Medford lodge
No. 1168 and Stanhope S. Pier, Port
land lodge. No. 142. 1
Credentials cpmmlttee T. J. Don
nellr. past exalted ruler Baker lodge
No. 338 C. H. Hayden. secretary
Klamath Falls lodare No. 1247. and
Jack Rodman,
, Eu
lodge. No. 357.
Distribution committee--J. W
Hlfdenbrand. past exalted ruler
Mar'shfield lodge. No. 1160. chair
man: Thomas Fitzgerald, Pendleton
lodge, NO. 228; Charles Burgraff
past exalted ruler Albany lodge. No
359. ' :i' '
Grand lodge commIttee W. 'L
Toney. past exalted ruler, McMinn-
vii1 lndre No. 1283. chairman: J
J. Ruckteer, exalted ruler, Medford
lodge. No. 1188, and M. B. Donahue
past exalted ruler, LaGrande lodge.
No. 433. j :' '
Relationship with other state as
sociations cdmmitee A. E. Crisbp
past exalted ruler. The Dalles lodge
No. 303. chalrmin:llal D. Patton
Salem lodge. Not 336; Dr. Clyde B
Mount, past exalted ruler Oregon
City lodge. No. 1189. !
Big brother committee W. F. Mc
Kenney, Portland lodge. No. 142
chairman; Judge W. N. Catena. Sa
lem lodge. No. 336, and J. E. Gratke.
past exalted ruler. Astoria lodge. No -180.
' - -: - '
Fifty-two years ago, Germany and
Austria were at war, and n spite ot
the present coalition they are not
lr""" . .. , .' "y.'..;.1!'.'1': 'tTv'-Tft
H-:-:; '-t"--'": '-i !ri:i'i::--1 lij :
j . - , . , , . , . .
- , - I- .
We wilhwin
Nothing else really
.11 5,-
- - . - .
: - -A- ."
The Flavor Lasta
ThlS City HaS Chance e It It
Works Fast Enougli in
1 ;n Uherty" Loan
Ten i-shins of America's merchant,
marine iill bear the names of cities
in the''-twelfth federal: reserve dis
trict making the best records in over-,
subscriptions to', the fourth liberty
loan; and. 10" fighting tanks will be
named, after counties' with the high
est loan subscriptions, according to
plans announced from headquarters.
Salenf Isl roetioned as having a chance
to have j a Bhlp named in its honor-
Citiesjin the district "have been di
vided injto five, classes' for the ship-"
naming competition. 1 ! j '.
Class fA Lo AngeWs, San Fran
cisco, one ship. i (,
Class U Portland,.! Seattle. Oakland.-
on shij). . -M
ClaBs C Honolulu, Spokane. Ta
enma. Salt Lake city. one; Khip.
Class D Berkley. Sacramento
San Josq. Sau Piego, Pasadena. Cal.:
Ogden. ITtah two ahlps- lh, ' '
Clas? IE. Phoenix, Arizl, Alameda
Riverside. Redlands, ll?akerfields.
Fresno, f'urcka. Santa Crttz. Pomona:
Iong- Beach. Stockton, Vallejo. San
Bernardino, Santa Barbara. CaUEv
orett, Yakima. Valla Walla, Aber
deen, Bellingham, Wash.; I'.oise
Ida.; Salem, Or., five, ships.
The tank naming competition lim
ited to counties in which there Is no
city, eligible for the ship naming con
test, will' be states an.i territorial di
visions. . One i tank each;, M to , ! be
awarded to the" county making the
best record In Alaska. Northern Cali
fornia, Southern California. Hawaii
Idaho. Nevada, Oregon, Utah and
Washington, and one to the necond
highest county in 'the state or dis
trict showing the largest number of
over subscription counties.
a good ramND
A good .friend stands ?by you when
in need. Salem , people tell how
DoaB's Kidney Pills haH-e stood the
test, A. J. Wood of 68$ K. Commef
cfal , street, Salem; endorsed Doan's
twelve years ago and again confirms
the story. .Could you ask for more
convincing testimony? ; !;
"Kidney ard bladdery trouble got
to a point with me 4'he"e I was
blieed to take' some stps In check
ing It or suffer more serjous results,
says Mr. vood. "The Sworst time 1
had was just after getting up in the
morning, and the kidney secretions
were always very annoying. I began
using Doan's Kidney Ills. getting
them from Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
My kidneys were restorM to a nor
mal condition and I was freed fom
every symptom f tl)e trouble."
(Statement given January 30, 1906).
On April 11, 191 6. Mr. Wood add
ed: "I . have 'had bu Tery little
trouble from my kidneysjor backache
since I got" hold ' of Ddan's Kidney
pills. I don't know of anything equal
to them." ' " ' .
rrice 60c at all dealers. " Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy--get
Doan's Kidney PITl thV same that
Mrl-Wood had. Foster-iMIlbtirn Co:,
Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. I n v
- this war
matters until we do!
Changes in Schedules '
Oregon Electric Railroad '
; ' Tuesday, October 1st
Northbound trains 'No. 2, . now
.l :50 p. m., and. southbound trains
All. I- H II i V I UL 111 DHldlii at UUU
m., anu ,o. n, . . in.,
withdrawn '
No. 7, arriving In Salem 12:50 p. '
ra.. from Portland and No. 20, leav-
ing Salem 5:30-p. m. for - Portland ;
will be withdrawn between Salem
and Corvallis. '
No. 12 ncrw leaving Salem 11:10
a. m. will leave -at 12:15 p. m., ar
riving Portland 2:25, ' i
?ew local trains between Salem
and, Woodburn daily, except on Sat- ,
urdiy and Sunday, will arrive in Sa
lem.' 8: 35 a. m., and leave at 8:55 a-
m. -. -
No 5. will leave Portland .8:15 a-,
m. instead of 8:30, arrive Salem
10:15 instead of lOill. making lo-.
cal stops between, Tualatin and Eu-S-gene.
.' - v5'."' :- - '
-'Nos. 1, and H. leaving Salem at
:4S arm. and 4:00 p. in- for ron
land wilt make local stops between
Eusene and Salem.; ,-
No. 1ft will also stop to discharge'
passengers from Salem, except Sat
urday ami - Sunday, ati Cfaxtar. -St-."
Ijortts and Intermediate stations.
given on request. :
. J. W. Kitchle. Agent.
O rRTES Y, Caafrt BMMllbc,
I , tBovli-r . mt M4crM
. irirrn. AbItely flreMC
CrmtrtUty lmt4. Cmmvmlemt tm
all wiHUm. -.
-.- : artlad. Owt - -
Phone 2194 . r
" Salem, Oregon. f
Manufacturers of cider to
drink. Bring in your ripe
apples . i-y.x
Wlient Sacks. Oai Sacks, Onion
Sacks. lotato Rack
t A Big A sjwrtrnrnt for Sale.
Ain.1 nmm Trf land Prices. !
Salem's Leading Junk
Corner of
;V Center and Cornmerx;
. mona ?uo