The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, September 19, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Is Your CliiM Backward in School! Thre Is a Reason Why.
Consult Our Optometrist
W. W. Ceraer Stat aaa Llarty itncU
pr. Jlurdetle, Qptometrtet. We lllgii Grade Fever Thermometers
- mm
WALKER To Mr. and Mrs. Carl R.
Walker. Wednesday, Sept. 18.
1918. a daughter. She has been
named Ira Elnore. Mr. and Mrs.
Walker' Rye In Polk county.
Wallace orchard wants six women
to pack pears. Inquire at water
company's office.
U , ... ,. . ...... .....
Station W ill Stand
Because of a protest of natrons of
the Southern Pacific comoany has
withdrawn from the public service
commission an aoDlicatlon for uer-
mission to discontinue its station at
Midlands, Klamath county. The com
pany had asked to be allowed to dis
continue the station because employ
es there were needed elsewhere and
because service did not warrant the
maintaining of the office.
alHHI I 'fUjf
Legal Blanks
" Get them at the Statesman Job of
fice. Catalog on 'application.
Trespass. Notices .
On cloth. The kind that lasts.
Statesman job office.
OREGON State street near
0. E- depot. Home of Artcraft
'and Paramount pictures.
Featuring Dorothy Dalton in
"Green Eyes."
LIBERTY Liberty near
State street. High class reels.
Sessue Hayakawa, in ?llis
birthright." .
BLIGH State between Llb
. erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
Robert Warwich. in "The Ar
tyle Case." ,
'" A
I?nt "v.--
'E. L. SUff k. Son, 44 S Coort St,
Two Executors Appointed- 1
Joseph J. Keber was yesterday ap
pointed iexecutor of the estate of Ras
per Meier, valued 'at an estimated
$8000. John Purumer was made ex
ecutor of the estate of Frank Pum
mer, the worth of which is placed at
S3000.I Fred Schwab, J. ;D. Ebner
and P. N. Smith will act as apprais
ers of both properties. -
Bigger! and Better Ward's
Store. New Location, first door
east of Grey-Belle confectionery.
Suit to Collect Mens
Eight loggers' liens were appended
to a complaint filed yesterday in the
circuit court by the Business Men's
Adjustment company against W. P.
Kercher, Henry R. Haynes, L. J.
Beach and Harry Raymond, doing
business as the Sublimity Lumber
company, and L. D. Kelly. The un
paid bills for labor are owing for
DfQv I August ana September and are
"11 I J 1 -1 - - J. w . t.
iTiaimt-u iu ue uue iu ause tinier.
William Pine,-Irwin Indorf. R. L.
Robbins. Steve Erego. William
Tripp, CW. Bouck and Lula D. King
JIcElroy's Jaz Bonl 1
ol Portland;! bigger ; and " better I police court,-
t!ia ever, will be here all fair week,
mry evening at the city nail Larg
est and best floor in city. Real nau
tical features, a dance with neD. Ad- Tear
mission 10c, 5c per dance.
I Six Pay Fines
a a a uicu, w uv apTAicu iu iu? i Second Tlend
.. 'k. rA ,M I Camp furniture at E. L.
wUh 4,11 Hrr,f- IA ' lws 1 V' VOUfl SjU
of & each. : Among them were w.
C. Dyer, B. M.- Kretchener, Joha
Krebs, John O. Small. Paul II. Tayl
or and. W. W. Bowman. A. w.
Schmnk was - arrested for speeding
and will appear this morning in the
SUff A
Goes to Training Camp
Felix English, son of Frank Enr
lish, 2680 Cherry avenue, left last
night for Camp Pike, Ark., where n
win take a course of training in an
officers' training camp. He Is
candidate for a lieutenant's commis
WASHINGTON', Sept. 18. Pro
duction of. aircraft and motors and
the training of aircraft personnel
are now so well advanced, the -war
department announced tonight, aha
additional pilots, observers and me
chanics are needed. To secure these
men, the air service enlistment rolls
have been reopened for voluntary in
duction of men of draft age.
Since last March no civiliaans har
been accepted for aviation shools. bu
it was announced that the fast mov
ing overseas of air squadrons, planes-
motors and materials, together with
the completion of 29' flying fields.
20p Dehaviland planes, 000 liberty
motors,' 6.600 training planes, and
12.500 training engines, has allowed
all of the 6.600 prospective flier
enroled last year, as well as a num
ber of men promoted from the ranks,
to get their chance at the flying tests.
Candidates as pilots and as obser
vers must oe oeiween is ana i
years of age and' balloonlsts between I
IX and . mey may apply ror ex
amination before the aviation board
in Atlanta. Boston. Chicago. Dallas.
Fort Sill. Los Angeles. Minneapolis.
New York, San Antonio, San Fran
cisco. St. Louis, Washington and the-
Panama canal zone.
Skilled men for enlistment in the
ranks may be between 18 and 4a-
Those who. pass the trade tests at
concentratioa camps win ne sent in
to service at once for special train
ing. ..i "
Sine the declaration of war, tne
announcement said, the enllstea
strength of the air service has in
creased from 1,100 to 147,431.
PnrnKnrA Knta
Greatest furniture sacrifice of. the nayakawa Today
ar. Entire furniture stock of Im-I Tha nntA Jan a
The noted Jap actor with his own
Schenk 11a Now Returned
' Prnm hm vnratlnn anf crtenda
a cordial Invitation to his patrons Prunes Cettinjr Oyer Woe
and friends to visit his institution.
nerlal . KurniUr. Co.. . now - belne I . .
r- ----- , J r , HZ La ' V, :inew company - in nis iiri Dig pro-
.,0?i JTeldstein-prektor Co.. QQCtion, -His Birthright." at the Lib-
177 (North Liberty street, Salem.
Jfr. and Mrs. Warren, Hunt . "
' Announce a stepping party next
Friday evening at the Cotillion nail.
tssisted by Mary Talmadge and Mr.
Sueko. An admission of 75s will be
charged. . , v -. ' . .
Receipts, Ifotes and All Blanks
At SUtesman. job office.
. , Paul .Has Fair . ; .
John W. li. . Smith who Is con
nected with the industrial clnb work
in Marion county,' went to St.' Paul
yesterday to attend a school fair.
Much concern is being expressed
by fruit growers on account of the
sudden - ripening of prunes - still - on
the trees. The" fruit is now dripping
sugar inmany places and dryers are
running day and night in an effort
to get the greater art of them In
out of the sun. County Fruit Inspec.
tor S. H. Van Trump said yesterday
that the prunes are becoming, mushy
and! too ripe to use,
t "
Dr. 1 Alice Bancroft
' Eyes and nerves. ' Breyman Bldg.
Ford Anto Stolen
A Ford automobile belonging to
G. A. McKay of Turner was stolen
from High street near thl Grand the
ater last night while the nberty loan
ratly"was in" progress. " Up to a ' 1st
hour there & was . no clew to th
Men Wantel
! Apply Salem Kings Products co.
Snyder Held Not Insane
' It! was ascertained yesterday morn-
Mrs. L. J. Allen as judge of . the "Jnyxne. coniy p2T2lcian,rf: .U:
sowing exhibits and L. P. Harring-
Tom Orderaann to Com
! One of the -soloist at Happy Can
yon this year is to be Tom Ordemanp
of Portland, who .was a visitor Tier
durlne the summer. Mr. Ordemann
while here,' tried out the accoustlcs
of Happy Canyon, and found tnem
ton of the pigs, garden produce and
poultry. . " ' .;; " '
Tcomm Alfpntlnno.
, Election of officers Wednesday ev-!
wing, scptemoer is. .
Wells Returns ' lv
State Insurance Commissioner
Harvey Wells has returned after at
tending a national meeting of insur
ance commissioners at Denver. On
the way back to Oregon Mr.' Wells
stopped In San Francisco for a time
on business connected with his office.
N. Snyder," who pleaded guilty to the altogether suited to his voice. fen-
larceny' of a pig belonging to one of I dleton Tribun.
his neighbors at Hall's Ferry Tues
flar! l not Insane. ' Thft nrisoner an-1 nayakawa Today
neared 'before Judge Webster In the! ! The noted Jap actor. with bis own
ftomnnn and wa released, sentence I new company in his first big pro-
holiicr Rusnended dnrinr his eood he-1 duCtlon. His Birthright," at the Llb-
havior. Snyder was required to turn erty
over all ' weapons in! his possession
to the officers. ' "
Anto Goes Into lMtcl
day last year, but the school will no
be full until November, when it
should have about 6UV. Prartirallv
all of the new Alaskans will not ar-
rlre until the middle of OctoWr and
those who are already here have re
mained at Chemawa all summer.
Twenty-six students have rerentlv
arriveJ from Carlisle, the famous In
dian Mhool in Pennsylvania, whirb
has been closed this year. The
boys and those front the Pribiloff
islands bve ome the greatest dis
tance to attend.
Practically half of Chemawa's fac
ulty is new.
i - .
Secretary of State Olcott has pre
pared the printed Information for
county clerks relative to state and
district offices to be filled and refer
endum and initiative measures to be
voted on by the people st the elec
tion on November 5. County clerks
are to use the Information for the
regular election notices, adding the
county offices that are to be filled
at the election. The circular will be
mailed September 20.
The measures are!
Referred to the people by the leg
Islature Establishing and maintain
Ing Eastern and Southern Oregon
Normal schools. Establishing denen
dent, delinquent and defective chll
dren home and appropriating money
Referred by the people Prohibit
ing seine and set-net fishing In the
Rogue river tributaries. Closing the
Willamette to commercial flshlnr
south of Oswego.
Proposed by initiative petition-
Delinquent tax notice 'bill. Fixing
compensation for publication of legal
This week. Tomatoes axe coming in in excellent condition.
Juit right for canning. We offer oar best stock tt $1-25 per
There is Urge demand for this article. Send us your order:
at once.
We Have Those Luscious Urge Isabellas and Concords in bas
kets. Tokajs and Muscatels, per basket. . 1. . . .40c to COe 1
Special Quality Prunes, per bushel
DILL for The Dill Pickles. We Have It Now.
SEE OUR STOCK of Yellow Heated Cantelonpes and the Real
'Musk Melons. An extra supply of Cassabas
WMM 4).
nj7' i hi; :.ank'VhThe .t:;:.TThaT b";
Camp Stores ' ' ;
E. L. Stiff Son. 446 Court St.
ICven numbers on Monday, Wed
nesday, Friday 'afid Sunday. ' Odd
numbers on Tuesday, Thursday, Sat-
Even numbers are on south and east! r r 5 , . . ;
side of street. ' Odd numbers are on
hOrth' and west side of street.'' ' '
c: P.Trench. principal of Wood
burn grade schools, leaves tonight
for Outlook. Wash. Ills family will
leave a week later.
A.-1 Parker of Portland, accom
paaied by his wife and sister, are
Slopping at ue xtiu.
Mrs. K. White or Tillamook is rejr
l.tered at the Bllgh. ' c '
Kenneth Erlcksen. Thomas Malo-
nev and George Uagen of the S2nd
spruce squadron, stationed at Taqnt
na. were in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Featherton or
Portland are guests at the Marion.
Mrs. L. J. Allen of Corvallls was
at the Marion over night.
Tom Wood Is here on a short fur
lough visiting his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. George A. Wood. He Is In the
navy and is stationed on the bat
tleship Connecticut.
Judge F. L, Hubbard and F. A.
Olmstead of Baker are at Bligh while
In the city on business.
Hush W. Kyle of Corvallls Is at
the Bligh.
V. L. Staats of llosklns and C. E.
Staats of Alrlie passed the night at
the Bllgh. - -
S. B. Ellis of rrlnevUle is a guest
at the Bllgh.
11. R. Smith of Sllverton is stop
ping at the Bllgh while here on busi
; L. J. Allen of the bureau of ani
mal survey of the department of ag
riculture drove over from Corvaius
ston Shsll an increase of SSIO.eoo
In the total amount of the state levy
or taxes for the year 19 IS over the
amount omerwise limited by the rna
stitution of Oregon, be authorised?
TORT WORTH. Tex., Sept. IS.
Second Lieutenants James L. Me-
Keever of New ""York City snd John
M. Mdenham of Los Angfles. Cal.
both stationed st Love Field. Dallas
Tet.. were killed late today when
their airplane went Into' a' side-slip
sni crashed to earth, twelve mile
north of here. . .
(Continued from page 1).
palm of the left band by an' explo
sive bullet, wss sent to a hospital
but escaped and walked six mile
An automobile belonging to W. C-
Tilson iris aecldently TUn Into
ditch while travelling on the Jeffer
son road yesterday and 'was yesterday with Leland MenUer. both
damaged. No one was Injured. men spending the night at the Mar-
tcnir necessarr ior me tar n 1 tn
. - BUUa
Road to Contest
"The Southern Pacific company will
contest efforts of the city of Portland
to have a grade crossing established
at Nevada street, and ; filed an an
swer to the city's application with
the public service commission yester
day. ' The company also filed an an
swer to a petition of the Linn county
court for grade crossings near Sheda.r
CloInff ont Wall Paner
" Wholesale cost and less. Imperial
Furniture Co. ' ! '
Hammocks and '
Porch furniture.
Son, 446 Court St.
JL.L. SUff
jlouis mm
Catarrhal Deafness
. May. Be. Overcome
It yot Ka Catarrhal Dvafnvaa
r ar nni just a littl kar4 of
hrartnc r ha haS av4ca (a t
your tfrMsctat aa4 grt 1 euaca f
1'artntat (doobl treBKlal. aad
ad 4 ta it V plat of hot water aa4
a Itttlv arannlatad sugar. Take
a ablcpooBfal foar timaa a
day. ,
Thla will ertea hrla aatrk ra
lief frum tha diatrraaiac ha4
nolaea. C1ssr4 aoatrtla ahowl4
opn. breathing- bereata aaar and
tha murua atp dropptasr lata
tha threat. It ta aaay ta araaara.
coat littla aad
take. Aayona I oak
who haa Catarrh
haa4 aolaaa ahould Sta thla ara
arrlpttoa a trial. Capital Drue
coold "carry on" with his right hand
Severs! others were wounded hot
remained on duty. No one was
killed, however, even though a r
roan sis-Inch shell ploughed elar
through a ssusll task, destroying It
bat only Injuring one of 'the crew.
Another tank raptnred'a battery of
??'s but was so fsr ahead of the la
faatry It eoald not tsrn over tha guaa
to them.
The story Is told of another tank
which went into a town with a ser
geant armed with a rifle perched o
the turret. This machine raptured
two batteries of 77's. five tmachlne
gaas and many men..
Tanks were oeaarlonauy as ic U
ss two miles ahead of the lafantry
throwing coniirtatlon Into the Cfr
mans. Part of the success which at
tended their share la the battle un
doubtedly was dee to the Intensive
training given drivers who ar
taught to operate the machines blind
folded, guided only by signals from
the gunners. This sometimes is aec
essarywhea the 'drivers are tempo
rarily hlladed by splstaes of mea-
For seversl days before the oJiea-
slve the tsaks which were to te
part were masenverrd lnt6 sa In-;
terlor town while the eur.lani
watrhed t j-n with amateueat wlts
bo kaowledre of what they portend
ed, fomrtim before the battle, th
taak erews were given thHr flaal l
ntrttctloaa ea a bypoiaetUat battla
fleld essthematlraJry divided up tet
debarkalioa points and supply de-
JErfiert Cxih Trie Pali.
Also Auxin?! cX Jcak. -
Tba Squirt "Deal Hocm.
271 CaesiekclJaSt. Fhoaa 233
a7 ta araaara.
la pUaaaat ta I
alag haarlnc ar I
al Paafaaaa or (
' Phoas HH
Sal fin, Ortfou
Mxnufactnxm of dder to
drink. Brinx in jour rip
sanat be baled or eoUd! packed.
Wheat fUcks. Oat Sacks, OaJots
JUcka, rut flacks
A IUg Aaaortaarsic for Radaw
Mach Below FnrUeaad Price.
Baleen's Lediag Jaak
Oerwer cat
Oanter asad Ooaau
ta (VlWt cm' Satnrdar
nMiontfnn nf Calvatlnn irmr funda
on street corners msy be continued I Lonlg Schmidt, an Inmate of the
Satnrriatr. if deemed aavisaDie oy xo c.t Hosoltal ror me insane who
unman in phtrre. Mrs. John Carson
Wianaimr of the 'drive conducted
TnocMav had SHOO on hand last
hlght and more coming In.
3 Pair
Remnant Store
254 N. Com! St.
made his escape last week and who
was suspected of being the man wno ;
assaulted Mrs. Luclnda Long at Am
ity Friday night, was yesterday Iden
tified to a reasonable certainty as
tha man vhn rnmrnltted the Offense.
Sprrua Havakawa will be seen In I c-hmMt u arrested Tuesday in
his first big feature picture wun nis portlAnd and returned to the aUte
naw cnmrurT MHlS TiirthrlXnt. Olg-1 Vatarv ha araa
the school vear I Children .sutler- ger and better than ever, at the no- taken to Amity for possible ideatifl
UU cio;n Mtinnt mate erty tneaire woay, im o.iui, cation. A Mrs. Schroeaer. wno lives
6 ...... j - inieht.
Hve yon had your: child's eyes P.
examineai,. is .mat vuuu..b eje-
isight in proper condition to begin
ft showing with school work and
:l ; nave Your ' ' .
Electric Lights Repaired
Before Whiter
220 H, Commercial Phone 053
TtfUi malrA mra oriil ti a ta hat I vMtPrMav after a run of two an one-
T 1 II T llUb uaua, 0W. ' " I " ' - -
child s eyes examined and if nec
essary have the proper correc-
i . tions madef
near Amity. Idenufled Schmidt as
the man to whom she gave clothing
about noon last Saturday and who is
said to have changed his apparel In
her presence. When Schmidt wss
V i.tnm.m. VI.. T .mm -wA W
half days in tne circuit conn, the said shewas reasonably sure he
iz jurymen sigocu -"- was the man who attached ner, bat
arc uiicu iuKuk ( .m. action of T. L
Wood vs. W. II. .Witzel. concluded
more dependence was placed on the
r wit 11 romnletelr exoneraiins
Wa a -a ar 1 W I 1I VTi WJ U 7 afWT U U J
him' from blame in connecuon w.i. ,dentlflcaUon by Mrg gchroeder.
an accident 4 out of which Schmidt has heen placed in the ward
a rrB0 1V IIINl WSS liuiua sasaw w-- I rv a wlalaallw laaaaa
- - a w . -w " lur i nn fl lUICULl I 111 11 si uow
i - ,'w1t t nAMfit in t? 1 a n ' A motorcycle OH rui uuu I i !
defective vision in thJdreu eyes me Btre;t collided with on ProUsSOT Center Wul
f h- vcSi
iJUUIIUVI aa-,a, . 1
4sa a itru.kVa anfnmnhtl In AUCt
Over lOW wneei - w 1o.
Talk on Corn Selection
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
Nerrous Diseases
0I United States National Bank
and have examined
: ... . . ,, . I a manner as tu on "a ......
pairs of children's eyes in Marion I badIy below tne knee. He sued vj it-
and Polk aunties. If passes are .error ,;u YoTCf- to tb
not Tieetleil T will not recommend I , Rv the lury's verdict
iViom T cn nn rtrnM or drODS inl Wooa receives noiums ' " i uiuaj. i'. -1 " '-'y- v-
them. 1 use no arngs or arups iu LonteBt0n that the motorcycle rsn The meeting plsce will be at th
malrinef examinations, as they arel via machine In nlace of his ma-1 witeil school. The women of the
jt t mV.;.'nta. aatUfaft- chine running Into the motorcycle- community have planned . a plmie
uuuava vw o
A demonstration for the selection
of corn for seed will be given by
Prof. O. D. Center of Corvallls. Sat
; tion,
; i ... . - . '
210-211 ; U -i S. National Bank
lt.,l; rBuilding v
- Mr wifzel is a wi BBch to riven nromntiv at noon
vnown farmer of the Waldo Hills I aBi a cordial invitation lsstided t
district southesst of Sslem and Mr-Ian who expect to be present to brtna.
Wood is a collector of Portlsnd. Tne i their lunch snd their families sntf
) hen' in me """"i loin in ine picnic.
. February.. Thel professor Center Is director of
extension department at O-
C. and has hsd over 1&
selection or
rolected snd
of seed
Day phone
Night phone
V- 1S9S
Efficiency Speed I
s ReaponsfbQlt7
We will pack, move or store
your goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments
our specialty,
Piano Moving and Out of Town
457 SUta Street.
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
Phone T
Try our Checking System on
Daggage. tuum uwcks iw ,
; ery parcel handled. v ' J
And All Klaaa a Sad Baad Jj
'.. . Caasa. q
S nn Market Ptl eelal t .M
a nt aar Vneea aefava y aa arfl O
ejgmonpitHClCl'WCriCll L 1 " ""fTl waived.
-,Aii.n hanSened at the corner i tne
i- 4 -m xsotTinr streets near I a.
the rattrnresfdenee .a,t 'aUlme whe yers experience in the
.v. fw a ;ena seated with trat-1 corn for seed, hsvtnc i
f ic on arcjMini ot Portland day at the I stored OT 50oo bushels
.. ...a wit cat contended thst thel0rn.
rame out from behind I professor Center" will give a brief
some automobile or some place not talk, followed by a demonstration I
visible and struck him so quickly tbe field, after which he will glv
that he did not see it until it collided time to answering questions. a the
with his car. subjects of corn and earn growing
: Not only has Professor Center had
i . namm valuable exoerience in corn - growlnr-
m . a-- I . . . " t ilj Ml
A 4750 Singer piayer piano iw dui ne is one vaom rrjuwuy wM.
ess an exceptional ouy ior w
one desiring a high graae ""
raent. B. L, Stiff & Son. 44. Court
A .hurry call has been sent out by
the government for a supply of type
writing operators. The need Is so
.'Imperative that the usual emWgo
against those wno cuew sum
Chemawa School Takes
Up Work For The Year
With J50 stadehts registered for
the fsll term, the Salem Indian
Trainlnr school took up classes at
Chemawa yesterday. This Is a lsrger
number of pupils than on openlna
TIIKSK are t ! kind that applaud 1ut d. not act.
--ThU Mlet CeorxB Do it"
That delay -
-Thjit gay "I wiU' hzt don't
That can but wroa'V
Let's prove that Marion County and Oroa "Slate l.ave no "I'.Unk
CartHd" patrlota-lir iuttinff over the FUl'imi LIIlKRTY WS
as ONK MAN and VlllST.
Volocteer ytror application for rabscriptionj at
aiay bank or to the local liberty Loan Committeo
..This space contributed by one of Sal era's Leading Physicians