I r THE OTtECOX STATESMAN"! Sl XMAV. SKPTKMIll.lt 15. 10 IB. FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL OREGON STATE .SALEM J SEPTEMBER 23- Splendid exhibits; daily lectures and demonstrations on food production and conservation; high-class amusements; attractions and entertainments; an excellent racing card, ideal camping grounds and best of accomodations for exhibitors and visitors. A. H. LEA, ! : Secretary-Manager, Salem CHIMES - 1 " i First iTeshytertan Tier. Thomas S. Anderson, pastor elect, wilt preach- morning and even, ing. Subject of the morning ser mon "What We Should Think About" Subject for the evening. "Parable of j the Good Samaritan." In the morning Miss Ada Miller, will sing. "ThoV Wilt keep Kim in perfect peace" Patten, and in the evening: "Light'! - by- Stevensen. Sundar school at 9:45. Christian Endeavor atjt Midweek prayer service Thurs day at 8. Strangers cordially wel come to all services. First Christian Church Center-and High Streets. 9:45 a. m. liible school; 11 a-, m. sermon "The Shadow on the Dial"; 6:45 p. m., Y. P. 8. C. K.; 8 p., m., sermon "A Sane Test of Christianity Wed nesday evening, prayer meeting. Thursday evening, chelr rehearsal. En Epreyrdlfector. Leland W. Porte,-pastor. .". ' -.-j' -s:f . .' V: 7"tfrlle Metlodkl:plcopat'Tir Booth Commercial v and Meyers streets. Horace N. .Aldrich; pastor 9:45 a. m.i Sunday school, with class- I. A i - es for all ages. . A. Rhoten, Super intendent. Well equipped primary department, under the direction of Mrs. Mason Bishop. '11 a. m. public worship, with sermon by the pastor, theme, " The Great Temptation." 7 p. m. Devotional meeting of the Epworth league. 8 p. m. song ser vice and address by the pastor. The fourth quarterly conference will be held Monday evening, Sept. 16. Catholic Church Chemeketa and Cottage streets Masses at 7:30 and 10:30. Benedict ion with special music and sermon at 7:30. Commencing with next Sun day's evening sermon, the pastor will gfcve the first of a series of sermons especially designed for placing the truths of the Catholic church in their true light. He will undertake to prove the Divinity of Christ by the light of reason, how the Catholic chueh came into existence, the mis sion of the Catholic church. He will also treat of such sayings as "Out of the church there is no salvation.". and also just how the Catholics re gard the Bible. Non-Catholics will find them of especial interest, and are most cordially invited to attend. Services will" commence promptly at 7:30 and benediction follows the sermon.. - Evaneellcal Association Seventeenth and Chemeketa streets lacob Stocker; pastor. 10 a. m. Sundal school, C. T. Doty, acting su perintendent, 11 a. m. Devine ser- Tice and sermon, "The Christian in rmm n the World, lut not of tb World.' 3 p. m. Service at Pruitland. 7:15 p. m. Young People's allaince. 8 p. m. Sermon by the pastor "The Apostle Patil an example of a Chris tian home." Church of CJod 1776 Fairground road. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. Baptismal service 3 p. m. in Mill Mill creek near the ball ground on North Fourteenth street. Young people's meeting at 7 p. m. Preaching ser vice at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 8 p. m. All are cordiall in vited to attend theee services. J. J Gillespie, pastor. First Baptist Church Rev. G. F. Holt. D. D., pastor. Sun ehip with preaching 11 a. m. and 8 day school 9:45 a. m.. Public wor p. m. The young people's meeting 7 p. m. Sermon topics: Morning. "Driving the Kaiser and the Devil Back Home. Evening. "Vicarious Suffering." Second in the series on Christian life and thinking as modi fied by the great war. All are cor dially Invited. First Church c? TirW. Scientist Sunday services are held at 4 48 Chemeketa street, at 11 a. m. "Sub stance" subject of Bible lesson. Sun day chool at 9:45 a. m. Wednesday evening a testimonial meeting at 8 p. m. Reading room in Masonic building is open- every day. except Sundays and holidays, from 11: a. rn. to 5 o. m. All are welcome to our services and Invited to visit our read ing room. The First Methodist KpUeopal State and Church states. Mr. Cum- ... . . . t . mlngs vui meet me mornm ciass At 9:45 the Sunday schpol will be opened by Mr. J. W. Todd. At 11 o'clock reports of the work and Dlans for the coming conference vear will be presented by Mr. W. C- Winslow. Mr. N. S. Savage and the nastor. At 7 d. m. the loung Peo ple's meeting will be led by Miss Mildred Garrett. Young people not otherwise obligated will bo wel comed at this meeting. At 8 p. m. President Carl G. Doney of Willam ette university will speak of "The Spirit of America and the Spirit or France.' Music by the quartcti ai both morning and evening services At 8 o'cl'k Thursday evening Rev. . T. B. Ford, district superlnten- Dr dent will conduct the prayer service and hold the fourth quarterly con ference. K. N. Avison. pastor. Cattle Chapel t'nited Brethren Corner Seventeenth and Nebraska streets. Englewood. Bible school 10 a. m.. Rev. W. W. Rosebaugh. super intendent. " Preaching 11 a. m. by Pastor F. H. Neff. topic "Founda tions.", text. Psalm 11-3. Y. P. C E. service and Intermediate 7 8 p. m., Mrs. Guy Fitch Phcjps. president Preaching 8 p. m. by pastor. Prayer meeting every Thursday. W. W. Rosebaugh, class leader. Come and worship with us. First Congregational Liberty, and Center street?. Rev W. C. Kantner, minister. 10 a. m. Sunday school with classes for old and young. .Prof. W. I. Staley. su- F 1. MONTY'S 177 S. Commercial St., Phone 428 nerintendent. 11 a. m. Worship !f with sermon. "The Touch of Christ's Hand." 8 p. m. "Urt Fp to Lift VP." followed by motion picture film. Prayer meeting Thursday 8 p. m. A cordial welcome to every body. . Burn! Congregational If. C. Stover. Minister.' Sunday school at 10 a. m., morning service at 11a. m. Central (Vngrrcat tonal South Nineteenth and Ferry stieets. II. C. Stover, minister. Sunday school at 1" a. m.. Mrs. Bur ton Edwards, superintendent. Chris tian Endeavor at 7 : 1 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Subject, "Can we love our enemy?" Court Street Church, Seventeenth and Court Street. Frank E. Jones, pastor. Bible school at 10 a. m.; Preaching at 11. "Be Not SAVED BY A FAITHFUL WIFE Suffered Thirty; Yearn with Stum- acii Trouble ami Hemorrhage of the Bowels. The Story ofa Wonderful Ilecovery There Is aardly any one who does n o' t ; experience some trouble with the stomach. It is so common that we frequently pay lit tle or no attention to it. Yet, the stomach is very easily upset, and catarrhal inflam mation of the mu cous lining devel ops, grow worsn the pain and distress is incessant and the truth dawns that we have chronie stomach trouble. The case of Mr. Louis Young. 203 Merrimac St., Rochester, N. Y.. Is typical. He writes: "I suffered for thirty years with chronie bowel trouble, stomach trouble and hem orrhages of the bowels. We bought a. bottle of Peruna and I took it faithfully. I began to feel better. My wife persuaded me to continue and I did for some time as directed. Now I am a well man." Mr. Young's experience is not unusual. If you suffer from catarrh In any form, whether of the head., stomach, bowels or any other part of the body, try Peruna. It may be Just what you need. Peruna comes In either liquid or tablet form and la sold everywhere. Your dealer has It or will get it for you. Ask for Dr. Hartman'i World-Famous Pe runa Tonic and Insist upon having It. If yon want your health accept nothing else. All the sick and suffering are in vited to write The Peruna Company. Dept.. 78,. Columbus, Ohio, for Dr. Hartman's Health Book. The book ls rree ana may help you. ask youf dealer for a Peruna Almanac. N am ' , ; y i. g TIRE S mtf 3 carloads of Overland Cars WE NOW CAN FILL YOUR ORDER! WE ARE AGENTS FOR Q. M. C. Track WE EXPECT F0RDS0N TRACTORS SOME TIME NEXT WEEK. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW, AS ORDERS ARE FILLED IN ROTATION AS TAKDl The Valley Motor Co. Front and State Streets Weary in Well Doing"; Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.; Preaching at . "Misplaced Trust." All are welcome. Saltation Army Services will lie held in the Sal vation army ball at 2S2 State strict at a. m. and 3 and 8 p. in., con ducted by the orrirers in. charge. Captain J. Millar and Cadet M. Mor ris. Sunday-school at 2 p. m. Ser vices every weeknUht at 8 p. m. Everybody welcome. BIG PARADE . (Continued from page 1). full list of names to b secured so the Invitation has also been extend ed to those who were not reached in this manner, as they are equally as welcome to march. The tentative plan for the proces Mon divides It Into five sections, the mothers first, then wives, sisters, daughters and last., those who have no relatives In army or navy. Pos sibly there 4I1 also be som -special features. The women who are en- titled to have servlr flacs la their homes are are asked to carry the. Tne otner patriotic women snouiaihon hearlag tne words, "j am piecg have small American flags. ed. This Insignia of honor should ILL HOP The marchers will gather al the court house square, gwisg from lacr west oa Court to Commercial, south on Commercial to State aad east oa State to the park A abort Use of march a ad short pro cram have beew arranged so that the vorora a ill have littb opportunity to get tired. As marching parade are eoasidered more patriotic at this time, very If any. automobile will be la llae. The Oregon Guard companies a III prob ably be given a part la the event. Kdard Cooklagham. liberty loaa executive rhalrmaa for Oregon has Issued the follow log proclamatloa with reference to the loaa campaign lo the state. The pre-eam pairs pld period for liberty loaa sabaertpUoas ppeas throughout Oregon Moaday. Septem ber 1C and la Port land on Wedaes. day. September It. Oregon's fall qo ta should be pledged before Septem ber It. the openiag day of the offi cial sol letting campaign. Every per son who pledges aim Self to sab- scribe for. his fall ejaota as set by his rating committee and files his application with his liberty loan com j mittee will be preeated with a ria ! . Elbert Thompson, Mgr. be worn by all a bo pledge ta4r tiV sciiptloas dariag the eaUre pre-caa. pa Ira pledge period, bat In ae es should the official fourth liberty k s a beer iters oatloa be worn aiJ I SepUmber St. f T13rUftH 1XIXT. CHEITAUS. Wash, ftreL It Delegate to the 31st aaaaal eaorUn Kalghta Templar of Washlartee, W gan lea v lag here today follewlac tv. close of a two days sessioa. (X .-! elected were as follows: Grssi ra maader. Tu. A. Wlnaas, Stti; - aty graad cammaader. II. IL t-i T aroma: grand generalissimo. J. E Miller. Weaalrhe: graad rarii general, IL D. Elder. Aberiwi. graad senior warden. W. C f Spokane: graad Junior warden. T. I Pa sly. Walla WaJU; graad treasi er, II. W. .Tyler, Tacoma; rraal r carder, T. C BUlock. Walla Ta rraad prelate. Rer. M. A. Matttr Seattle; graad ataadard bearer. T TL Carter, Vancouver; Craad rrtH bearer, J. W. Romalae. Belliacl&s. rraad warden. John Campbell. f tie: graad 'captain of the guar. J. U. S. Leicher. Caeaalla. , 1 1