t XnE ORKGOX STATEalAXi SUXIlAT. SKPTKMRTTt 15, 18IB. Di Tlie Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper J Headings So You Can Reacffly Find Them They're Worth While wiassmea recto Buy, Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS MEN'S CliOTIIING. SIIOK8. BICY CLES, TOOLS, GUN'S, SUITCASES. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phone 403 337 Court St. NORWICH US'ION HUE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. II. BurKUanlt, Jr. Resident Agent 383 State St. MONEY TO LOAN OH IMPROVED PARN A!fD C1TT - PRWBHTV AT LOWE9TIMti':i THOS. K. TORD'EaaK CL.A8SIFIKD ADVERTISEMENTS Kate Per Ward. First Insertion ............... lc Subsequent insertions . ..Vc One week (six Insertions).... 3c One month 9c Six months' contract, per mo.,. 8c 12 months' contract, per mo... 7c No tcct. opened for less than 25c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing "For Sale." For Kent." "liuomi" or Board." NEW TODAY Each new classlfed advertise ment will be run under "New Today" for the first insertion, un less otherwise ordered by the ad vertiser. ,, Subsequent Insertion1 lof the ad. will appear under its proper classification. i No advertisement wilF be mn unit.. KU.w Tr. - . . . wumvi ..v.. awimwlj tur mure man one issue under any circumstances J NEW TODAY It PHONE 622 FOR WOOD OR HAY. FOR SALE REGISTERED Holstein cow. Phone 622. FOR RENT 160 ACRE GRAIN FARM. Cash rent, F. L Wood. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM Steady job. good wages. Phone 622. WANTED HOP PICKERS ON MIN to's Island. Hartley and Craig. Phone 1757 or 1489. FOR RENT HOUSE WITH BAR. Phone 178 mornings. Call 394 North ' Church street. WANTED MAN EXPERIENCED IN soiling shoes and trimming windows. Apply Gale & Co. 1 TOUNG "LADY WANTS "ROOM AND t ti:btwrd tin private famriy-near State house. Phone 1192. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER wanted for general office-work. Ap ply in person to Circulation manager Biayasman. WILL GIVE TO ANYONE GIVING . good home white English bull ter r' -rler. Female. Prise stock. 629 So. "-Conuuercial-.- - 7 m 1 1 - - "WANTED HOUSEKEEPER, TO cook for 8 or 10; no washing oft Iron- Ing. Address Box 45, Gervais, Route -f Phone 3F11. - : Ranted three on four prune '.pickers Monday morning. 15c per f (bushel. J. R. Chapman, Twin Oaks, ,Polk county. Phone 17F2. ' ' . Wa'nted-hop PICKERS FOR HART 5 V tly A Craig's yard on Minto's island , Ten minutes walk from Mission . street. Call 1757 or 1516 Wj or 1489. GET . AWAY FROM THE MUSH OF business and rest yourself while get ting refreshed at Ingrey's Barber Shop, 311 State street. Best barbers In the state. rOR SALE CLOVER ANTJ OAT HAT. Light Bramas and Buttercup spring chickens, i De Laval separator No. lt. Tel. A. E. Petersen or call Sunday R. 9. Box 160. AUCTION SALE AT MY FARM five miles northeast of Salem, on Sil- verton road. Monday Sept. 16 at 10 a. m. sharp, property consisting of 10 tuberculin tested high grade Jer sey cows and heifers, farm machin ery and seed grain. Big free lunch served byRed Cross The Red Cross ' will also 'have tee cream tor sale. There have been over 108 articles : donated to the. Red Cross., including Jersev eerie; lav chicken. Belgian hares and many other articles too numerous to mention, which will be 1 sold at a very low price. If you have anything for the Red Cross, brine- it. Come and have a goodl and have a gooa time. Brlng.your wife and neigh-1 bors and his wife. Terms of sale. I 7, box 120.1 f F. N wooory, auction eer. Phona 610. EMPLOYMENT WANTED TWO STRONG MEN IN prune drier. Phone 107F11. CARRIER FOR STATESMAN ROUTE. AddIv in oerson today to circulation manager. 1V rsrw-r HPM W AlMTWri IUMEDI. atelv. Lnno- lob. Good wares. An-1 ply immediately. C. W. Niemeyer. 644 State, phone 1000. "MENNOT NOW EMPLOYED IN ES SENTIAL WAR WORK CAN SE CURE WORK AT WEST LYNN) MILLS. 42c HOUR, S HOUR DAT. COME TO OREGON CITT AND AP PLY AT FREE EMPLOYMENT .OF FICE ACROSS BRIDGE. DON'T '-WRlT .-OrMB. 8TR1KB ON 45irr NOT BOTHERING US." TEMALE. SCHOOL GIRL WANTED TO WORK for room and board this winter. Ad dress "A8" care Statesman. FIVE GOOD MEN WANTED FOR FAC tory wwrk. long job at good wages. Call at room 3U3 Salem Bank of Com merce Rldg., or phone 482. Agent W D. Smith. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Salem In September. Government clerk, teacher, Inspectress, typewrit er, bookkeeper, research clerk. Preference given women. Salary 91200-32000. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring golvernment posi tions write for free particulars, Ray mond Terry, (former Civil Service Examiner). 925 Columbian Building, Washington, D. C FEMALE WANTED TOUNG LADIES PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED, is PAID WHILE LEARNING. t t RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. Call at telephone company. - 170 north ubertt. HISCELLAKBO C4I HOP PICKERS WANTED GOOD DOT torn yard. Phone 2136W. PRUNE PICKERS WANTED EVERT thing handy. Phone 11F14. nurruhEits WANTED 5 MILKS jrom town. iuu acres. 60c box. Call on Hop Lee. 4 36 Ferry to register. Lee Hing. Hi. 8. Box 98, Salem. Pick ing starts Sept. 7. GOVERNMENT CIVIL SERVICE Ex aminations everywhere October 6th. iz.uuu cierKs to be appointed at wanngton. Salary 11200. Expert ence unnecessary. Men and women desiring government positions write for free particulars. J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), xvsw ivenois cuiiaing Washington. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT HOUSES, APARTMENTS ana farms. F. L. Wood. 341 State street, pnone 784. TOK KENT 9 -ROOM HOUSE. IV- quire at 898 Broadway or 112 North com. est., phone 975. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: 312.50 -Modern five room bunga low wnn Dasement, at i860 South wnurcn. Call at Statsman DuMnens office or pnone Z3. regarding all of above. ROOMS FOR RENT COM FORT ABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. li., care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM. HOT WATER neat, modern conveniences, also In side rooms. Close to State House, 1U3U unemexeta. pnone izso. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. PEARS GOOD CANNING PEARS. 50c per ou. aeiiverea. pnone 1399J. FOR SALE DUMP GRAVEL WAGON good as new." Phone evenings 111F21 WANTED FURNISHED STRICTLY modern 5 room house. Phone 1429, FOR SALE: AIR-MOTOR WINDMILL. For particulars phone 542 mornings or evenings. FOR SALE SECOND HAND SEAM lesv clover bags. See them at Chas. R. Archerd Impement Co. K. A. Rho ten. t FOR SALE ONE TEN-HORSE IN national gasoline-engine, practically new. Also a two-ton truck. B. W Peyree, Macleay, Ore. . IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST rarm paper, sena ioc to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad.. FOR SALE ONE USED TRUCK. 3-4 ton. 8285: one Maxwell touring car, good as new, 8675; one used Over land touring car. si&o. inquire ore gon Garage, High and Ferry Sta, Sa lem. . PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE. 35 horsepower, 3 cylinders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price 31000. Scott Bosortb, Spalding Bldg.. Portland, ore. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS This . true story of western immi K-ration has" been carefully revised making a handsome little book. It tella in graphic ' terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The or Ice la 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, Sa lcm. Oregon. POULTRY FOR SALE MAMMOTH PEKIN ducks, white, at 1030 Chemeata at. igv-YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST nnnltrv nanee eubltshed aend 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WANTED PMSCELL Alt EO U i WANTED SECOND HAND BICYCLE for lady. Address man. "HS" care States- I HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR I good clean rags. v press room oiaiea I man- WANTED TO KENT ITAlvM Uf about IUU acres. Aaarew sxsa. Icare Statesman. FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST price paid ror used furniture, stoves, gas ranges, carpets, rugs. Portland Furniture dealer. Phone 951, Salem. I am shipping furniture to Portland in carload lots but will buy it in anv quantity. i AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY T AUTO SERVICE SHIPP'S'AUTA SERVICE CITY AND country - trips, trnone iay, .. night. 359. . j TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING GATES HALF-SOLE . TIRE SERVICE Station. lil ouin commercial oi.. Phone 421. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND vuicanixing. a i ? iiutiu v. ...... street. Phone 88. SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND sections, tunes zjc up. eervice v. Phone 362. 126 South Commercial street. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY ninmni? and PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. """" .84 or 28S1-K. W. w. risner. DRAYS AltD EXPRESS. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMH2WIT Phone 933. Salem's largest and nest equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with -business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 226 State street. DRY CLEA.MMU AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe. Prop.. 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladiea' and genetlmen'a suits cleaned and pressed. 31.25 and 31.76. Work Called for and delivered free. Telephone Main (52. INSURANCE RELIABLE FOR "GILT EDGE" FIRE Insurance protection insure your property in a company with a Ions: established record such as the Ore gon Fire Relief Assn. of McMinnville. our mhtual. or in the Yorkshire In surance Company, our standard old line company, with S35.U0U.OOO.O0 In assets. 11. A. Johnson Insurance Agency. X A 2 Bush Bank Bid-.. Sa lem, phone 347. JUNK JUNK UNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa street. Phone 298. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash, 6c per pound. 136 South Lib erty street. Phone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- uiar wasning done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four nours. - rnone Z471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetyiene welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop., 253 Chemeketa SC. 8a lem. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN FOR CLIENT IN sums from 3300 up. Ivan G. Martin. Masonic Temple. - FOR 6 PER CENT FARM LOANS see the Marion-Polk County Nation al f arm lan Association. W. li. Smith, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. FARMERS DESIRING FEDERAL Farm Loans at 6H per cent Interest should call on A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Aiasonic Temple, Salem, Ore. SECOND HAND GOODS WK BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har nesa. collars, collar pads, tools. chains. Fred Echindler, 356 Center street. TRANSFER HAULING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND . hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tim me. 475 8tate 81 Phone 963. Residence phone 1122-J. UNDERTAKERS. WEfeB A CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clourh. funeral directors, latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. WALL PAPER, PAINT. GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- oratlng. painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by day: good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone (S8-W. TEN CENTS A DOCBLJS ROLL AND upward for choice Wall 'Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 1T9 Com merclal St. . SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paoer and Picture Framing.' Good workmen. 4 55 OOurt St. Phone 4 85. WOVEN WIRE FENCING. Depat National 4k America Feaea all alsea. M la t U la. Ugh. Palnta. Oils and aVradaaw Stoves Heltallt and Repaired. Laaaaberry aad Hay Ilaaka. Saleaa reset 4b Steve Warks 3SO Caart St. Paaae 114 R. R. SXEWTNO WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for anv causes whatever unless water I cut off from premises. Hereafter water for Irrigation will only be furnished to regulsr customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, oe nlaaterina. will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office ror copy. LODGE DIRECTORY MODERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 6246. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in rterhv building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wright. Cleric PR0FESS10HAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE of p. s. C. cniropracucs loumain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chlrapractlc corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8 U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Resdence 82S-R DENTIST DR. F. L UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank or commerce tsuuamg. Phono 606. MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1383. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American scnooi vsieopniny. iviras ville. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 V. S. Nation al Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence 419 North Summer. Phone 614. OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO pathlc physicians and surgeons. Graduates of the American School of Osteopathy. Kirksvllle. Mo. Post graduate and specialised In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. rtttom 05-6-7-8 U. S. National Bank Kid. Phone 859. Residence .1820 Court street. Phone 2Z1&. Dr. White residence phono 4(9. rmRSONAL. HANDSOME FRENCH LADY. 21. worth 8125.0e. Anxious to marry honorable gentleman. Mr. Warn, 2216Vi Temple St.. Los Angeles, 1'al. MARRY IF LONELY FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful "Home Maker;" hundreds rlrh wish marrige soon; strictly confidential; mutt reliable years experience; de scriptions free. "The Successful Clul." Mrs. Purdie. Box 556, Oakland. Calif. MARRY IF IjO.NELY FOR SPEEDY marriages, try my club, very success- ful. best, largest In country, estab lished 12 years, thousands wealthy wishing early marriage, eonf identiat description - free. Old Reliable Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 733 Madison, Oaklana, California. PHYSICIANS DR. L. O. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. Gall Stones and Goiter treated successful ly. Office and residence 396 North Liberty. Salem, phono 147. CHINES 31 PHYSICIAN. DR. It M, HUM CURiS ANY KNOWN disease. 153 B. Hlra . Phone 388. WHOLE MILK We will par fa per a and rex de livered at Salem. Price baaed oa 4 per rent fat content. Phone 2488 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. SALEM. OREGON SALEM MARKETS BUYIXO PRICK. Ecss aad Poultry. Eggs, 43c. Ilrailers. 23c. Mens, 17 to 19c. Old Rdoiters, 15c. Pork, Mntton and Reef. Pork on foot. I8tt to 19c. Ewes. 7 to 10c. Veal, dresaed, 18c Spring lamb 12c. . Beef steam, 7 to 9e; cows. 4 to ?c IUy. Cheat, per ton, $26 to $27. Clover, per ton. $26.00. Oats, $25. GraJa. Wheat. $2.00 to $2.0$. Oats. 90c to $1. Beans, 7 c. Mil Feeds, RataU. Mill run. $38 to $39 per ton. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Creamery batter, 54 to 55c. Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 63e. Flab. Black Cod, 18c, Red Cod, 11c Salmon. Chinook, 25c Halibut, 25c Codfish, 15c Fruit. Grapes, $1.75. Oranges, $8.00. , Canteloupea, $2.75 to $3.25. Watermelons, m to lc Local tomatoes, 85e to 95c. Casabas, 3c. Lemons. $8.50 to $9.50. Bananas. 7Vk to IHC Vegetablea. New potatoes. li to 4 c. Green beans. 4c... Cabbage. 4 to 4 He. Onions (Imported), $2.75. Green Peppers, lOe lb. Retail Prices. Creamery bntter, 60c Dairy batter. 65c Eggs, 50c. Floor, hard wheat. $3.10. Flour, Tslley, $2.90. Sugar. cas b& beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. Oil Prod nets. Red Crown gasoline .In bulk. 22e. Standard engine distillate. In balk. 13 cents. Kerosene Pear, la bulk, lie; Elaine. In case, 2le; Eocene, in ess. 23c. Oronlte Arotnrps In easa. 15c; In bulk. 2$tte. r PORTLAND MARKETS 1 1 Ihilry Products. PORTLAND, Sept. 14. Bntter: Prints, extras, 56ff60c; cubes, ex tras 53c; YrJme firsts, 40c; dairy. 36c.' " Butterfat. Portland delivery: No. 1 Bour cream, 60c. PoUtoea. Soiling price, locals, $2.50 0 2.25. Grain. September: Barley, standard feed. $51.50; "A". $52.50. Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Oats. No. 3 white, $52.50;- 38-ponnd clipped white, $52.50; corn. No. 3 yellow. $69.50; mixed. $6S.50 October bids: Oats, No. 2. $60; barley, foed. $52: "A . $53; oats. No. 3. $52.50.. clipped. $53.50; corn, yellow, $69; mixed. $68. NEW YOR KMARKKTS. NEW YORK. Sept. ated apples lifeless. Peaches, firm. 13. Evapor Prune. firm. BEARS IN CORN GET ADVANTAGE Favorable War News and Bet ter Weather Have Decid edly Reducing Effect CHICAGO. Sept. 1 4. Favorable war news and better weather rave a decided advantage today to the bears in corn. Largely as a result the market finished nervous, 1 to 3 cents lower with October $1.52 to $1.52 "Si and November $1.49 7 to Jl.SO'i,. Oats lost He to Sc. The outcome in provisions varied, from 10c decline to 12c advtnre. Corn developed weakness quickly, and at no time displayed much power to recover. The continued rapid pro gress of the entente allies formed aa REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BARGAIN IN MODERN room house If sale is made at once 1625 Court street. FOR 8ALE flit EXCHANGE A WK1X improved 11 arrea. half mile of Marlon. Will accept small farm. Henry Fennell. Marion. Oregon. TO EXCHANGE FOR PROPERTY IX Salem or vicinity, 40 acres irrigated land in Utah; all In rultitatloa. im proved. Write U D. Br ww a. Dallas. Oregon. FOR SALESIX ROOM MODERN bungalow. Close in. Paved street, gaa. electricity, stationary tuba, hoi water heat, garage. Address "U." care of Statesman. A GOOD BUY 6 ROOM orTTAGn with bath and electric lights. 3 lots 5xl50; 16 fruit trees, grapes, rasp berries, barn and chicken house. Price $850. 1976 Falrmvunt Aav ON ACCOUNT, OF OWNER GOING away. 1 am offering, for a few days. as modern a 6 room bungalow i there Is In the city; close to Junior or central iiign ana the business cen ter, at only 82.000. Socolofsky, 311 - oiaie si. A GOOD BUY 25x10 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of Slate street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x504 feet tract extending from this property to State street. Traa Apply Kcott Boaorta. 701 3 SpauMlag Bldg, Portland. Oregon. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match yon. C W. Nletnever, Real Eatate Agent. Canada lands. 844 State street. WANTED A GOOD HOME IN SALEM in exchange for 1(0 acre farm In Canada, value IS.OvO. Have a ale five acre tract for aale cheap or will take home aa part pay. Will take acreage or a home In Salem as part pay on good 30 acre farm. Want to buy a modern six room bungalow oa paved atret prefer South Kalem. Have a prune orchard to exchange for modern home. Houses for rent. F. L. Wood. Bayne building. FOR EXCHANGE 13 ACRE TRACT. close to Koeeburg. Oregon. 8 acres bearing orchard. 4 room house, large barn, good land. Price 82&00. Want rMd small residence In Kalem. FINE HIGHLY IMPROVED ACRE tract adjoining city limits, good buildings, all kinds of fruit and ber ries, good green house, fine garden land. Price $4S. Want small farm. 1000 ACRES EASTERN ORGON Wheat ranch for good prune orchard. 1(0 ACRES EAMTERN WASHINGTON wheat land and cash for valley farm. Call and see our exchange list. PER- RINK HAHSTERS. 300 Hubbard building. t 383 ACRES. 240 cultivated. 40 pasture, few acres timber, well fenced with woven wire, well tiled 60 acres young clover, different fields alternately clovered aad well fertilised, watered by 3 springs .water piped to house. barn and lots, barn 98x4018. a lot of aiiI 1 Id. I aa aa aAiwl Sa aAASH kAnaa 4 alloa, lots of" fruit. The whole farm la la No. 1 eoadiUaa aad la fiae state of fertility. mile from store sta tion aad schools, very prosperous neighborhood, on two good roads, price only 8 per acre. This farm Is located la Marlcn county. Ore, aad Is the biggest snap la tht real es tate market today. Owner will take any reasonable payment dowa aad carry the balance back at 8) per ceaL Bocolofsky. Salem, or. fS ACRES. ALL CULTIVATED, ALL well fenced; 38000 worth of Improve ments, I mile from Kalem. must a sold. 813.800. 140 acres. lO.eultlvat ed. 30 slashed. 80 timber, fslr room house, new barn, 3H miles from town, price f 1100. 18 acres, fair Im provementa, 10 cultivated. 0 acres stump and timber pasture, close to 8alem. for a short time, 82800. 10 acres, house, outbuildings, cow, horse chickens. 8 cultivated. S In stump pasture, a snap. 81880. 320 acres, 100 cultivated. 220 timber pasture, fair Improvements. 4 miles from town. only 81 per acre. 20 acres, 10 acres cultivated. 3 orchard. IS pasture, 7 rr cent tillable, running water, good room houaa. 4 miles from Salem, oa good road, only 81.000. Socolofsky. 341 8tate street. Salem. Ore. FOR 8 ALE 14 acre farm. 30 'acres cultivated, balance pasture and liar ber. house and barn, orchard. S ac res of 4 year old Italian prunes, price SISOO. i acres an euuivaieo. gooa a room nlastered bungalow, barn. miles out. Price 81. 800 down. halanee 8 oer cent Interest. 28 ac farm, all cultivated, good house, barn orchard. 6 mllea from Salem, price tsaee. lSVi acre tract, about 200 cords of standing timber, balance n. at ure fins soring, orlce 2100. acres of besring prune orchard la rtr.t class shan. or ice 82204. 140 acres of good land. In high state of cultivation, 100 acres under cultiva tion, balance oasture. running water, nrir. its Mr acre. 6 acres, all cul tivated, house, barn. well, good road, orlce 81000. If yml want to buy. trade or sell, see ua. W. It- Grabea horst Co.. 218 State street. PRUNES & WALNUTS WANTED PARTNER IM THE PRUNE and walnut business, sse acres, lo cated 0 miles south of Salem la the Roaedal district. Is some of the best prune and walnut land la the Willamette valley: 200 acreo ready to set. more easily cleared; will sell one half Interest In place at bed rock prices to right party. Owner has had experience In growing of 'prunes and walnuts and will superln ' tend the setting, cultivating, etc If necessary; place later to b plotted and put on the market. Plenty of good timber so each tract sold may Include tract of timber; 6 good springs and creek running through; 1 3-4 miles to Oregon Electric station References given and required. For further Information address H)4" care Statesman. ron hett- 'ARMS FOR RENT 10 ACRES. WELL Im proved, tee IU E. Boliager. e uu bard Ride. evdent handicap for the bulls and was made more and more o fa bur den as reports cam in telling of ni proved conditions for dryng out the no pand of Increased likelihood for a complete escape from damage by frost. Oats showed stubborn resistance to selling pressure. The chief rea son ascribed was that purchasing had been liberal for tbr government and the seaboard. The higher quotations on hng strengtened provisions. In the 'ate dealings, however, pork evinced something of a tendency to sag. Read the Classified Ads, THINGS .THATNEVEH HAPPEN MOVJ UMOtflSTAMOX wire otmAMD -rwate I yl Ts. I nights a wee roi Jw - , V OOT VJITH -THC f0t. lfJJO CftiCCTtO- V AMD hAVt . - .!XTO.TKAT A" AU.UJ ' ' - . I to . it : i "N ' RECOVERY FROM YEAKNESS SHOYN NEW YORK. Sept. 14. With the stock market exhibiting: a strong undertone for the first time this week, general recoveries Trom the weakness of the last few das fea tured the Saturday short session In trading;. Indications were clear that the stringency la money, to which was attirbuted the liquidation which has marked the retrograde move ment of speculative Issues, had been modified at least to a limited extent, and this factor and the continued favorable war news, together with a marked rise In liberty bonds, served to encourage Investment buyers. The short covering at the levels .brought about by the recent break also con tributed to the firmness, and stocks generally rated from 1 to S polats above yesterday's closlar quotations. General Electric aad United States Alcohol scored the largest galas, each rising rive points. United States Steel and other representative issues. Including Reading. Ecathern Pacific aad Candl. n Pacific, rose between one aad two points, while some of the specialties which have been la the forefront la the recent decline, made even greater advances. Sales amounted to ISO. 000 shares. Analysis of the baak statement disclosed a much smaller decrease la loans than was commonly expected In view of the drastic liquidation, of the week, the retrenchment amount ing to only $32. 000. 00. Surplus bank reserve. $33.7fl.220. Miscellaneous bonds maintained a good tone In sympathy with the Im provement In liberty Issues, Total sales, par value. $4. $0.000.. United States bonds, old tsne. were unchanged oa call of the week. HERE ARE TIPS ON SAVING COAL PHILADELPHIA. SepL 14.- VarL ous ways to save coal and still keep warm are pointed out by the general committee of the Aathraclte Coal Op erators In a series of suggestions giv en out here on conservation of the fuel during the coming w later months. Briefly they are: Start furnace aad kitchen range fires aa late as possible. Forget the first few cool fall days. Raise wladow curt alas during the day to admit snnLghL for that la free heaL Dispense with awnings as they shut out the son. Weatherstrip all doors and win dows and pot asbestos around all furnaces, boilers and cellar pipes used for heating purposes. Reduce the home temperature to C? degrees. Do not wait until the mercury shows 74 degrees before closing the drafts. Ry this time that extra amount of coal will have been consumed and wasted according to all economic rales. Bedrooms, where windows are op ened for the night or otherwise. should be shut oft from heaL Use blankets and feel better la the mora Int. HWMWMMiiwwmiMIMmiMMMWWWVHi S SPRJNGTEX U the undcrweax with miioo Iinic spriars in ks fabric which "rive an4 take" with every rnoremeat of the body, and preserve the shape of the torment dctpste long wear and hard washuin. It is the year-raad mderwear, fWt, mediuta or heavy weight, as yea 18. "Remember to Buy It YeVU Forget Yoa Have It Oa' AJk Ymmrn IWer uncA icxrrnxs co, Makin Salsa Iseai: IZ9 tsraaeaiy. Ksw Tart ISltlOiOM CjSCs Wear heavier clothing. This ma terially saves body heaL . ' Thoroughly clean soot from pipes and boilers and do not tnlad doing a little work In the cellar seeing that wladow panes are tight and weather, stripped like the other parts of the house. r Barn oil. wood, coke and bltaml nous whea possible. - Ca gas for cooking aad heating. Gaa lighllac at night aids la healing the, home, stores aad buildings where used. Use heavy draperies oa doors and windows for Interior home Cecora tloa. This aids in heitandlng later lor heat supply. CHICHESTER S PILLS Warr (a Main IbUiiv a V . s a . sUmis tuu riLuk sa Tlllt TABLES otrrorrsur racino co. - - Ka. 84 Ovigsaiaa fr08aan No. 14 Oefn Esprass T:8a-sa Ka. 38 WlUaaaette LirJto4. 0:18 a.aa. No. 18 PeetisMl .Passenger. 1:88 p.aa. ra. is VOs Bar I Msa, Ka. 14 8orUao4 Exrreea . .. 8 l psa Na. tjl Local Way rrs rhL. 8 ft e-sn, Ka. sis roeuana rut iru..lia; S tabsaaa Xe, ft Oreree'aa I llaaa. Sa li Co Pay 1141 ana. Na. llOeJtfers a Eisrea...10.!8 a-an. Na, 17 p3-urf passenger.. 4:fip-aa, No. IT WiUansatte L.S. u4.. I II saw K 13 Its f react see Pass.. 0:l4p-sa Ka. til laa Frca. Fast Frt . . J t a.am NetJiiLecai yvsy jTsihl..laAl i Sat.Eii-4.rrrm Ltrai Ka. T8 Arr 4 at eaieai O il Ka 14 Lease aalsaa I At itt. FALLS CTTT at WatS-TKaUr 11 Leavaa. ,am. saotor..... T Ma.se, 18 Leave Salem Westoe t il a. as. ! Laaves ikslecs, saotor..... 1:40 pas, Throoafe ear 4a aieaasaata aad ArUe 187 Leaves Felem. aaeu.t... 4 llpsa, lt Leaves Salem, asotar I llaav tit War rrsisht laetas aaiem I Haav 143 Arrive at Mlees. ........ t It ana, 144 Arrive at Mlsm. ........ II et ass, 118 Arrive at fa leas fipm. US Arrive at Kalesa. 3 tip sa ITO Arrive at Salees 1:30 pas. 140 Way Freigtt Ar. Saieta... t.li sa. 08t3CCO atLatCIBUO TrsJa Leave Arrive Na. Pwrtlsad I OlOarn 8 Ltd.. 8 It am 1 1048am 3 t pm 13 Ltd.. 44tpm IT ..... 8 01pm It Illtm 11 11 4 lent Was Eaceaa III am It It aaa II Ilea liaipas It llpsa 4:Ilpea II pas 41 pas I II pea 8.17 pas Paleanaaly ll:ltpm Saieeaaala 8 It ass 0 .10 asa Ft ilea 4 leave Jsfrse- so Street 18 aad 30 salawtas la ter. lhsses4 Trala Leave Arrive Arrive ie Esfeat ,3 ll.tlesa 10 Ltd.. 7;lla 11 !.!.!lt :1l sm IS Ltd.. 1:18 pm 1 4 llpsa 11 4 tlpes No. Eugene Calees Feetlaad 4 II an l as -7:110 I II aaa llsm. II II aaa ll:10sa 1 rtpaa 111 Pa O.sopaa Ittpaa 8:41 pas 8 llpsa T 4 Ipsa til aaa IBS asm a.oria cm a a aiaiiaa a mv Jeffer Street 18 saianle earlier). Leave Cor vein. cwktallis rosrrsxTtoss Leave Crvstlia 0 II aaa 11 II pm 8 41 pm 4 II pa till 1.80 asa. 4 Upas I Itpaa i ll sea - s l pm Leave 1 gai Arrive CarvaUla Seat t IT asa I 8 If sat 10 Itsas 11 Upas :4II pa 8:10 pea II It as I 8 III 84 pas -SO paa f . &lUlQtGC &lZUjJljJi At -jar a T - A