2 THE OREGON STATESMAN: UMNO, SEITKMHKR 15, 101. yll TIRES iffjl I BIFF B&G ' 1 I BOOM yw BANG! C " V. ,i " ANOTHER TIKE GOXB BAD i - Insure ydurseU aeamst W sort of lire trouble by using tba 1 31 l HARTFORD TIRES I) ' JXff'L'RANCE OP COMFORT IN RIDING. W Thsiv tfi J 1NSL KANCK AGAINST T1KK TROUliLJS. (P I l.NSLIUXCK OF COilHLKTE SATISFACTION l jEp Ws s-!! them because they make satisfied customers and 1 Wl y create new ones. The liartfor! trademark has for years Indi- or cateU Uw finest la Ure construction. Lt your next Urs h 3vw ILVItTFORD . J Largest Stock of Auto Accessories in the Valley. We have WHAT YOU WANT, when you want it RAY L FARMER EVKnvniixo Phone 101 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ; , The World's Greatest Highway ... , vi ' Special Ilound Trip Kates from 'l VANCOUVER. 15. C, TO - CANADIAN ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORTS BANFF In the heart of a grandee. Switzerland LAKE LOUISE The lovliest Spot In North America " OX YOUR TRIP EAST ' ; "- " : TRAVEL VIA THE CAXADL1X PACIFIC RAILWAY ' . Through Mountains More Wonderful than the Alps of - - Switzerland ) For complete B. E. Canadian 55 Portland i , (IcAMaoiMi;) ' rADnC I V 111 tKJ ARMY SHOES j We handle the Herman Make, the Original Ar my Shoe not how cheap, but Quality. This Army Shoe takes a good polish just the shoe for Home Guard purposes. HAUSER BROS. 372 State Street FOR SAliE I Excelsior Motorcycle, 1914 model. V . Harley-Davidson, 1913 model . Indian Motorcycle, light 1913 AH in running condition. See till noon. ' v- Lloyd E. 1 1 , Bicycles and Motorcycles i Supplies and Repairs ; 221 South High Street STATESMAN CLASSIFIED HARDWARE CO. ix hardware - , . s . Corner Court and Commercial Streets CP Colossal L.1" T Mountain information call or write Chace, C. T. A. ! Pacific Ry. Company Third Street Oregon in $65, $50 $75 model. . them here today from 10 a. m. Ramsden Phone 1C87 -ADS ONE CENT A WORD TROTZKY AND LENINEMRATE UNDER GERMAN PAY BETRAYAL OF RUSSIA OTIRELY DUE TO HUN GOLD BOLSHEVIKI BACKING DISCLOSED IN DOCUMENTS (Continued from Fage 1, Section 1) The committer on public informa tion releases for publication herewith a series of communications between th firinan imperial government and the Russian liolhevik government ahd between the ISolsheviki th.ui fcf lvea. and also the! report therton made to George Creel1 by IMgar Sis son, the committee's special repre sentative in Russia during the winter of 1517-18. These documents show that tne present heads of the Holshevlk gov ernment Lenine and Trotzky and their associates are Oerman atu-nts. They show that the Iiolshevik rev olution was arranged for by the Ger man general staff and financied by the Oerman Imperial Rank and other German financial institutions. Thev show that the treaty of Tlrest I.itovsk was a betrayal of the Rus sian people by the German agents. Lenine and Trotzky; that a German picked commander was chosen to "defend" Petrograd against the Ger mans; that German officers have been secretly received by the Rolshe vik government as military adviser. s spies upon the embassies of Rus sia's allies, as officers in the Rus sian army and a director of the Bol shevik military, foreign and domes tic policy. They show. In short, that the present Bolshevik governments not a Russian government at all. but a German government, acting solely in the Interests of Germany and be tarying the Russian people, as it; be trays Russia's natural -allies, ferjthe benefit of the imperial Germftn'fOT ernment alone. And they show also that the Bol shevik leaders, for the same German imperial ends, have equally betrayed the working classes of Russia, whom they pretend to represent. The documents are some 70 In number. Many are' originals, anno tated by Bolshevik officials. The balance of the others are photo graphs of originals, showing annota tions. And they corroborate a third set of typewritten circulars of which only two originals are possessed, but all of which fit perfectly into the whole pattern of German intrigue and German guilt. The first document is a photo graph of a report made to the Bol shevik leaders by two of their assis tants informing them that In accord ance with their instructions, there nad been removed from the archives of the Russian Ministry of Justice the order of the German Imperial Bank "allowing money to Comrades Lenine. Trotzky and others for the propaganda of peace in Russia;" and that, at the same time "all the books of a bank in Stockholm had been "audited" to conceal the payment of money to Lenine, Trotzky and their associates by order of the German Imperial Bank. This report is indorsed by Lenine, with his initials, for deposit in "the secret department" of the Bolshevik files. And the authenticity of the report is supported by document No. 2, which is the original of a report sent by a German general starf rep resentative to the Bolshevik leaders, warning them he has Just arrested an agent who had in his the original order of the German imperial liank referred to in docu ment No. 1, and pointing out that evidently "at the proper time steps were not taken to destroy the above mentioned documents." Document No. 3 is the orlginaj protocol signed by several Bolshe vik leaders and dated November 2. 1917. showing that "on instruction of the representatives of the Ger man General Staff in Petrograd" and "with the consent of the' Council of Feople's Commissars" of which Trot sky and Lenine were the heads, two incriminating n " - - - v. vsta i a uau also been "taken froni the .deptrt- uieui oi secret service of the Petro- graa aisirict" and given to thsecret service department of th' r- general staff in Petrograd. On the ixMioni or me protocol the German adjutant acknowledged two incriminating circulars with his cipner signature. Andkto complete ti e evidence the circulars are them selves penciled with tk. i tures ofthe head of the Grman se cret, service ourean. These two circulars apparently had ren obtained by some Russian agent in Germany and transmitted to Rus sia. The German general staff evi dently wished to get them back in order to destroy them. By the or- r.0fne Germai general staff and With the "consent" f T Trotzky they are turned over to the Germans 10 be destroyed. Why Be cause they are conclusive proof that on June 9. 1914. the German gov ernment was preparing for war. sev eral weeks before the assassination of the Austrian Archduke, which wa made the pretext for war. One circular is an order from the German general staff dated June s 1914, informing "al! industrial con cerns" in Germany to open the seal ed envelooes irial mobilization- plans and registra nt ,orms so that they might be prepared for war for whih cuse had not yet been found. me second circular is an order frwsA-tbe German general staff of VT ,1: a dated November ZS, 1914. callinz for t ho nKn tion of "all destructive agents and observers" In the Tnitd q. j . umira iuu Canada for the purpose of preventing ,ue auing or snips rrom American ports to Russia. France and 1,1 a The order calls for .rni.in..' .... - a. Strikes. 'delavn nArnilm.nt. i difficulties." and it reenmmfid. ik. employment of "anarchists and es caped criinals" for the purpose. In these damninr nroofs of a nr. man conspiracy against the nations of Europe in June. 1914, and against the Lnited States in November. 1914. it Is shown that Lenine and Trotzky surrendered to the German secret service In Fetrograd on order of "the J representatives of the German gen eral staff in Petrograd." And they surrendered them In conformity with a working agree- j ment between the Bobhevik leaders , ahd the German general staff, of 'which agreement a photograph is lu , eluded in the series as document No. 5. It is dated October. 1917. It is from a division of the German gen eral staff. It is addressed to the Council of the Peopled Commissar, of which Lenine and Trotzky were the heads. It begins: - "In accordance with the agreement which took place in Kronstadt. In July of the present year, between of ficials of our general staff and lead ers of the Russian revolutionary ar my, and democracy. Messrs. Ienlne and Trotzky, Rasalinosk and Dyben ko. tbttr Russian division is ordering to Petrograd officers for the disposal of the Information department of j the taff.M Amrtng the officers named are Ma jor Luberts, whose cipher signature Is giyemas It appears on the two sur rendered German circulars mention ed above (document No. 3) and Lieutenant Hart wig. whose cipher signature is given as it appears on the receipt for the two circular. And an Indorsement on this letter froro the1 German general staff re cords" that the German officers as signed to. Petrograd had appeared "before the revolutionary military committee" and had ''agreed on con ditions with regard to' their mutual activities." ' What their "mutual" activities" were to be Is sufficiently Indicated by document No. 7. which Is a pho tograph of a letter signed In cipher by this Major Luberts and his adju tant. Lieutenant Hartwig. They no tify the Bolshevik leaders on Janu ary It. 1918. that "by order of the German general staff" the German Intelligence section "has informed us of the names and the characteristics of the main candidates for re-elec tion - 10 me Kusian lioishevik "cen tral executive committee" and the "general staff orders us to Insist on the election of the following peo ple." They add a list of Russian leaders satisfactory to the German general staff. The list Is headed by Trotzky and 1-er.ine. They were elected, and the rest of the present Bolshevik executive committee were hosen from the same German list. Document No. 28 gives evidence of the quid pro quo. It is a photo graph of a letter from the president cf the German Imerial Bank to the Bolshevik Commissioner of foreign cfrairs. It Is marked "very secret" and dated January 8. 1918. It says: "Information has today been receiv d by me 'from Stockholm that 50, 000.000 rubles or gold have . been transferred to be put at the dispos al of the People's Commissars, which is the tltla of th Bolshevik leaders. "This credit; the letter continue, "has been supplied to the Russian government In order to cover the cost of the keep of the Red Guards (the BoUhevik revolutionary troops) and agitators in the country. The imperial government considers It ap propriate . to "remind the soviet of People's' Commissars of the necessity of increasing propaganda in the country, .as the antagonistic attitude of the south of Russia and Siberia to the existing Russian government Is troubling the German govern ment."" Four days later the same president, of the German Imperial Bank sent another 5. 000. 000 rubles to the same address to privlde for the sending of a Russian revolutionary- leader to Vladivostok to get possession of the "Japanese and American materials" at that port, and if necessary to de stroy them. A photogroph of his letter is given as document No. 9.- There were earlier paffltBts1. but probably none later that:(jiefe. None was necessary. By this. Unut the loot of an empire lay open to the Bolshe viks and the Germans. Most significant or all are two ititographs of further conniunica liont from ths German i:operla! bink. given as documents Nos. If and 11. One ij a Kiter addressed U the chairman of th? Ccuncil of People's Commissar, and he other I the "resolit!oa conference of tcv.esentatives of tbi Geiians com ii crclal banks" rece-ven by the chal.--iuaa or the Bolshexik c-i rkl execu tive committee and in-lo-M-d by h'n in pen and Ink. Tozetbei' they give a complete synop or Ihe terms on nhich Germany intend to have con trol or all German Industjios. Fo I've years from the sisnins of peace, l'i glish. French and Am run capi tal In Russia aie to be barlM-d" nr d "not allowed in th" following In d .?.iies: Coal. .i' t-llur ;:cnl. ma th ne building, oil. ch. miral and I h.-.rmaceutical." Thr- Industrie ' to be developed ui.1e- the con l.ol of a "siipfni. ah'M:y organ tcnsistlng of ten Russian tpeciallstj. Un from German 'ndiistnal organi sations and th German ind Austrian latika." -Gerrni- and AuMria are t "enjoy the tinlimUt'J privilege of wncing mecban'icj and t.tialiried prkmen Into .(ussin." "All other ''reljtn mechanic:! and vorkmen ate i't to be allo to entei vt all" to f'e years, afier the concision or tace between Russia and Cermanv P.lvate banks In Russia arise only w.tu the consent ' .f the union of the German and Austrian banks etc." 1 And this conspiracy between Ger man Imperial capitalism and the pre tended Russian Reds Is lnHarH . a Bolshevik leader, with the recom mendation that it should "be taken under advisement" and "the ground prepared In the soviet of the work. men s and soldiers' deputies In case the Council of People's Commissars will not accede to these requests - Various detail, nf trim nnat.l... between the Bolshevik leaders and the German general staff ir'. ed in documents 16 to 29. These are photographs of letters which passed between the Bolshevik leaders and the German general staff, or the Ger man officers in RuMia. iKicunient No 21 shows that on November 1. 1I7 when Russia "was etill regarded a" an ally of Great Iltltalo. Frame and America. lh-Orms -pjwnral staff was having '"tlx honor to request" the ltolnhevik leaders to inform it "at the earliest pos.lbl moment" roncrning "the quantity and storage place of supplies that have b-n re ceived from America, Kngland and France and also the units which are keeping guard over the stores. Document 18 shows the German general staff requiring the Bolihevlkj leaders to send "agitators - to the ramps of the Russian prisoners of war In Germany," In order that they might procure spies to work among the Knglish and French troops and ; to turther eace propaganda." And this Is proposed by the German gen eral stafr as being "according to the negotiations between the Rosslan and German peace delegations at Brest-Lltovsk." In document ' 22 the Bolshevik leaders and the Germans are arrang ing to send "agents, agitators and agent destructors" out of Vladivos tok to ports of United States. Japan and British colonies In Eastern Asia In document 1C Trotzky Is provid ing fraudulent passports for German officers who are going to England. France and America, as spies and en emy agents. And document 17 shows Trotzky Indorsing a similar proposal "to be urgently executed. L. T." Three German submarine are to be sent to the Paciric on the Trans Siberian railway In document No. 23. Lists of German and Rutudan spies watching the British. French and American embassies In Petrograd are given in document No. 2S. And finally. In document No. 15 the Bol shevik leaders are warned that In formation concerning "the connec tion of the German government with the Bolshevik workers' has leaked out and that Russian troops are hear ing It. Letters are given to show how the Bolshevik leaders and the German officers arranged for the assassina tion of Russian Nationalist leaders (documents 35. 39 and 62. for the destruction of the Polish legionaries in the Russian army (documents 40 to 421. for the disorganization of the Rumanian army and the deposing of the Rumanian king (document No. 37. for the substitution or officer satisfactory to Germany to command of Russian troops Instead of -patriotic Russian generals (documents 31 and 32). for the suppression of potrlotlc agitation among the Russian soldiers (documents 13 and 14). for an at tack upon the Julian ambassador In Petrograd and the theft of his pa pers (documents 2( and 27). and for the employment of German sol diers In Russian uniforms against the Russian National armies la the south (document 35). Several of the letters are Indorsed br Trotsky. Even standlaff alone, they are complete proof that the Bol shevik leaders were ruling as Ger man agents In Russia and obeying German orders to act against all Geremanv'a eem'es and even against Russia Itself. Moreover, these Bolshevik leaders acted as German agents by suppres sing their own socialist revolution In the Rasslan provinces where their doctrines Interfered with German plans of annexation.. Document 4C Is the original letter from the Petro grad denartment of the German gen eral stafr. addressed to the Bolshevik Commissar of Forelcn affairs. It reads: "According to Instructions of the representative of our general taff. I have the honor once more to insist that too recall from F.tlnd Utva and Courland all agitators or tne central executive committee of the soviet of workmen and soldiers' deputies. And in document 47. the general staff orders the Bolshevik to cease the agitation In Estland. which had "finally led to the German landlords being declared outlawed" and to "take immediate steps ror the re storing or the rights or the above mentioned German landlords." Another group or letters (No. 33 to 31 shows how the Germans cheated the Bolshevik leaders in their -dealings with the Ukraine and made a separate German peace with the anti-Bolshevik leaders In that Russian province. And another group shows the Germans assisting both sides or the civil war In Fin land. Fred 7. Drake Is Named as New Judge Advocate Fred II. Drake or Portland has tH-en appointed by Governor Wltby combe to rill the position of Judge I?1 00 lh' r"al military held by Colonel J. M. Williams Joint- JrnTl V f cUa JJ"st gen eral prior to him nt.ri. .w. : " rvic. .t Camp Lew,,. w "mr rine appolntmentof Mr. Drake rr Kstrlei if? Cotnma,'" for the district Of Ormn . Vli. .. , - iaiur was d.!a1:0i:,t sdmlnls- ..-..wu oi uovernor Pennoyer. Hoff Names Gram for Mission to Washington State T r . Hnff C.. , -T: ' -oner o. p. comb- th., v v liOT,,rno" Wlthv- Tt site Mi!: IO al,"Bd f"nnce Sln'n1 J4b ?TlIr-J" Wa.h.nr- tlon w ,K "ld7 P,an" of Pera- piicatToL f uthorit ror.p- Platlon or factory and other labor time",GTer,,0r Wltbycomb. some time ago requested Mr. Hoff to at- Sstninoes aU the tbe dira cf I reeduca THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE whkh tM Unitrd Statr 4jtWitir t-jtr rt.WJ at W4 lib fcf'rrn dilinriHeJ miit4M 4 the ! ry lu ritturt lr M cad.try tri&inr, kit rrr J U tbe cil. JW V-Mrft kticmiIr J Mdv f its suXtary intrtt( lot Dttriaci.ua is toa Its t trng StJdttrtjl crmr- f sora asJ I . Ar t. t- m,mmm. m,f . 1 1 , Mm, rvk t, J Its WloJrwsr, ttirr!l'Jrt l-J"-tt drstwKfatic t'SUfr ruit. Its .irfl fTiAt-t. Studentt rrmilrj l yt. Jlf. j: c service Ir. Iljl. CoIU S f I r. - tend the conferest v bw-4 lat tr We by sal st aa'iA (Tiy v- explains that sine iiratu Is soon tnlclil bring abodt'2b,t 89 post ad t be in the labor commissioner's of-1 lice it will ie more appropriate tor him to attend the conference. Tbe conference has been called by Felix Frankfurter of the war labor polk-y board of the depattmeat of labor, la a letter to Governor With) com be, Mr. Frankfurter urr-ted that the labor conimltMionr or hi ttecesitor In office be appointed to attend the conference. LONDON. Sept. 14 Tbe pig which Queen Mary preseated to the Red Cross and the thousands of pearls given to this society for dis position by raffle will have to b dis posed of at auction as tbe reu!t of tbe rejection by tbe hoa or com mons of tbe Lotteries of War Chari ties Bill, which would have legalised lotteries and ra fries for charitable purposes. Sir George Cave, at the second reading of tbe bill, said that between one and two million pounds would have been realize! a, tbe pearls had they been d It posed of tn tbe manner proposed by the bill. IRES Of All Makes Bicycles and Motorcycles Uoyd E. Ramsden 221 S. Hkh St. Why Not Buy That Goodyear Tire Now" It menu oort miti They firi UtUr terrle Ton will be btttcr utlitM -ft'd-stpS-gESag Phone 363 126 South Commercial i-ttttttttttttttttttttttlttttttttttitiititttii H. F. BONESTEELE IVaW Ii Dodge Brothers MDTDR. CAR 11 ,lr swileage U imrauUly hjih. PAIGE CARS M0UNE UNIVERSAL TRACTORS A r-ovew b-,U h, (be )It4l t,wr,.y. BUY A THRIFT STAMP THE Salem Vulcanizing Works The o!Jl ind bejt eqnipped repiir thop la Sales. 'f'f ' "Pk work and do it well. GOODRICH, GOODYEAR AND UNITED STATES TIRES FOR SALE W. M. HUGHES. f.re asJ ci the !j.U t lft4amkr U. lilt Y Read tiie Clauified Ark Stu- ba n I - t A" SERVICE STATION PHONE 355 FOR OUR SERVICE CAR HIGHWAY GARAGE F. W. JOHNSON, Prop. 1000 South Canxserdal ZL, SAI.EM, OREOOIf 474 Ferry Street