TTIE OREGON STATESMAN : THURSDAY, Alfil'ST 22, 101. Classified The Wants and Needs of the Capital City are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While C ' -m T m MJ ----te Di rectorv . . - ' S 1ST- ! ii- : l put Sell and Exchange all Kinds Sttunu hauli uuuua UKV8 cLoxnixo. SHOES, mc'Y rf JSS. TOOLS, GUNS, SUITCASES. CAPITAL EXCHANGE IT.0M403 337 Court St. FOR """ NORWICH UNION HUE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. II. Burghardt, Jr. jlJent Agent 385 Stat St. MONEY TO LOAN IMPROVED FARM AND CITT PROPERTY AT LOWEST RATES THOS. K. FORD 7-1?"-. "Ji! r CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS k Rat rer Ward. I f Mrl i fi n ..... . 1c Subsequent insertions ic One week (six Insertions).... 3c on a month 9c T Six months' contract, per mo... 8c 11 months' contract, per mo... 7c flo sect.' opened for less than 25c A neat card riven free with an advertisement to the extent of 50c announcing ?For Sale." "For Rent," "Room." or "Board." SEW TODAY Each new claaslfed advertise ment wilt be run under "New Today" for the first Insertion, un less otherwise ordered by the ad vertiser. Subsequent insertion of the ad. will appear under its proper classification. No advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than one issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY pCiyjKZ OI1V4 WJ tUlilVI vv r r business. Apply at statesman. UR SALE FIRST CLASS SECOND j Vrv iu a a a . w wve- a uvuv i.i a . BOTS WANTED TO CARRY STATES man routes. Apply in person today. FOR SALE GENTLE DRIVING tare, price $30. 1120 Center, phone 111. WANTKIV A WOMAN FOR IRONING and general cleaning. Call mornings 4SP FOR . RENT $6. NEW FIVE ROOM bouse with barn, near mute school. Phone 2321W. TF ANTED 25 GREEN PRUNE PICK tra to start work at once. B. Cun aingham. Phone 21F2. AUTO FOR SALE FORD RUNABOUT in first- class condition. Inquire of Phil Begin. Dallas, Oregon. HAVE A BUYER FOR MODERN 4 r 5 room bungalow close in. See H. E. Bolinger, 406 Hubbard Bldg. INDULGE' YOUR SECOND SENSE AND observe the character and uncommon service rendered at Ingrey's Barber Shop. 311 State street. T CROCHETED HAND BAG AT Willson park Tuesday evening. Large ' letter "S" and large rose crocheted sides, contained small change and numerous small articles. Finder ' please leave at or notify this office. ana receive. rewara. CITY PROPERTY WANTED $2000 equity in 5 acre suburban home. ouse and barn. 1 acre variety fruit and berries, fine soil and sightly location. Will trade for unincumber ed city property. H. A. Johnson, owner, 1 & 2 Bush Bank Bldg., Phone 147. EMPLOYMENT FIVE GOOD MEN WANTED FOR FAC- tory work, long job at good wages. can at room 303 Salem Bank of Com merce Bldg or phone 482. Agent W o. smith. MALE HEX WANTED ABLE BODIED. Ov er 1$ years for paper mill work at west Linn. Oregon near Portland. Wages $3.3$ eight hours. No experl- ence necessary. Permanent positions nd advancement for steady men. Ktrike declared eight months ago ooes not affect peaceful and normal operation of this plant. Free trans- Aortation. 141 North High St. Phone ANTEDMAN AND FAMILY TO ivu acres irrigated farm tana, divided into fruit, clover, alfalfa and Jock. Located at Murphy, Idaho., This Is new settlement and offers an exceptional opportunity for right Party. Lumber on place for house; all fenced. Party must have full working equipment' and experience In Irrigation, with a willingness and determination to tackle a real Job nn good returns are In sight. Must give reference and full descrip tion of family, age. experience, etc. K. I W.ncitt (irroham, Oregon. FEMALE Wanted at once a married to work on farm. Good wages. '"one 622 or 254. CIRL WANTED GOOD CLEAN young girl to help In household, not ? Work- School girl would do. phone 1591 or stop at 1048 Bel- Mont lf?NMKNT WILL HOLD CIVIL examinations In Salem In Au Li . O.SOO women clerks to be ap- Panted at Washington. Experience nneciiary. Women desiring gov- -f.mtt clerkships write f or . free IwiC2Ur" to ,l- K- Terry (former s. hi.- '.J14 Examiner). 315 Colum -ullding, Washington. MI CELL AN EO C illKB,To TALBOT, OREGON TO Start oh Sept. 2. Prefer mines. tyENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS 1.7 " August. Experience nn--. ' Men and women desiring .i mnt Poaltlons write for free rivii uUr" ' leonard, (former ElVI "r.rv'c Examiner), 1060 Kenols . Washington I). C. FOR RENT Top rT.: ; T HOUSES, APARTMENTS 794. -SIX ROOM MOD- iu:. n paved street at 1320 lln i eet, K. A. Bhoten - any , time week days. 'R.JNT-TIIF. FOLLOWING: . rive rnnm hmi mt Insi c . .t AWm ,rt,y modern. Formerly rent "fi 1 cu Statesman business "OOM t'SOKHTAKKRSt YAHrreofbath ln modern home. Address A. B., care Statesman. GOD OUTSIDE ROOM. HOT WATER ,J r ",uuern conveniences, also in 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FRESH JERSEY COW live years old,, and calf, Phone 4IF3. FIVE SHOATS WEIGHT 75 TO 100 V, u . -,0; "ale- enquire W. It. New, Route 2. Box 67a. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 3 HORSES. SET OF" Htn. n'?? two WHgons. Phone 377J 2095 Trade street. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific numcmeaa, toalem, Oregon, for a trial nuusiripuon. . .Mention this ad. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENC31NK. IK horsepower, 3 cylinders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary In electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price $1000. Scott Bozorth, Spalding Bldg.. Portland. Ore. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacre of 'the Oatman family, of the escape of-Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, 'postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lem. Oregon. POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WOOD WOOD ON CAR AT MARION. OREG. Fir at $4.50 per cord, grub oak at $6. C. M. Smith. Jefferson. Oregon. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR good clean rags. Press room States- man. . i WANTED TO RENT FARM OF about 100 acres. Address "H35." care Statesman. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID for fat hogs and cattle. Will ship Saturday. Pr.ore 1I25M. C. W. Fm mett. WANTED TO RENT ON SHARES small farm or to be caretaker of a place. Phone evenings orr early morn ings 1167W. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPPS ACTA SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day,. 863; night, 359. TIRES REPAIRED VVLCAXIZIXG GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station. 177 South Commercial St.. Phone 428. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street. Phone 66. SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND sections, tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 362. 126 South Commercial street. BRACKETT & GRAY TUBES VUL canized, 23c." Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 279 North Commercial. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phone 64 or 2081-R. W. W. Fisher. DRAYS AND EXPRESS. CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY "Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on - eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in conneetlon with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 226 State street. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe, Prop., 434 N. Commer cial street. Ladles' and genetlmen's suits cleaned and pressed, $1.25 and $1.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 552. JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for junK or every Kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co., 271 Chemeketa street. Phone 298. LAUNDRIES. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and carerui worn. ury wash, 6c per pound. 136 South Lib erty street, I'hone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylene welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. II. Rrown, prop., 252 Chemeketa St., Sa lem. 'I MONEY TO LOAN. FEDERAL FARM LOAN FUNDS TO loan on 34 years time at 5V4 per cent A. C rsohrnsledt, 401 Masonic Tem ple. Salem, Oregon. SKCONII II A. Ml GOODS WD BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, collar pads. tools, chains. Fred 'Echindler. 256 Center f ret ' : TRANSFER HAILING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND of hauling. - Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me once, 'limme. l StVie?Sti Phn Re,idenc phone xiii-J- wkhu & CLOUUH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Hough, funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. kthu WALL. PAPER, PAINT. GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC orating, painting, tinting, paper hanging, etc. Work done by contract or by day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone 536-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall I'aper at liuren'a Furniture Store, 17a Com mercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL ; Paoer and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St, Phone 4S5. WUVE.N WIRE FENCING. Depot National t America Frace, all elaea. 20 I, to 6X la. high. Palate. Olla aad aVralik. Staves It-ball t aad Repaired. Leiraakerry "ad Hap Hooka. Saleaa Feaee Stave Werka 2SO Ceart St. l'keae 121 R. R. FLEMISQ WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 S Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water for irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "Tor building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF YEOME MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVE nlng in Maaonlc Temple, fifth floor at 8 o'clock. All visiting members welcome. Horace Sykes. foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp No. 524S, meets every Thursday evening-at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. 1L F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright. Clerk. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACTIC DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C. GRADUATE of P. & C Chlropractlcs fountain nead. Davenport,' Iowa. Chlrapractlc corrects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8 U. S. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Resdence 828-R. DENTIST DR. F. U UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of. Commerce Building. Phone 606. MUSIC TEACHERS R: HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1383. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. U MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Kirks- vllle. Mo.: treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. S. Nation al Bank Bldg. Phone 919. Residence 419 North Summer. Phone 614. DRS. WHITE AND WALTON. OSTEO nnthie nhvsicians and surgeons. Graduates of the American School of Osteooathv. Kirksville. Mo. Post graduate and specialized in nervous diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices 505-6-7-8 U. S. National Bank Bldar. Phone 859. Residence .1620 Court street- Phone 2215. Dr. White residence phone 469. PHYSICIANS DR. L. O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. General Practice. Gall Stones and Goiter treated successfu ly. Office and residence 296 North Liberty, Salem, phone 147. CHINESE) PHYSICIAN. DR. J. ML HUM CUK-S ANT KNOWN d lipase. 153 & Hipa 8L Phone 881. PI BI.IG NOTICES NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS OP MARI ON COUNTY, OREGON. The board of eqoalizatlon will meet at the court house in said coun ty on Monday, September 9th. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m., and publicly ex amine the assessment rolls and cor rect all errors in valuation, descrip tion or quality of land, lots or other property, and continue In session un til such work is completed. All persons interested are notified toappear and examine the- c-fess-ments for the year 1918. and If not satisfied wHh the same file sppli tifp lit writing properly vorifId for a reduction or alteration cf the isame d'L-Jiig tho firLt fifteen days cf surb nrrolitg, as no complaints can be re ceived thereafter. Ben F. West. Assessor of Marion County. August 21, 1318- DULLNESS MARKS STOCK MARKETS War News and Home Events of Favorable Import are Alike Disregarded NEW YORK, Auk. 2. Disre- Rardina; the war news and home events of favorable import, todays flock market drifted Idlv In no do finite direction, dullness being re lieved only- at rare intervals by rcl ntivly wide movements In specula tive Issues. Traders as well as the more sub stantial members of the financial com m unity fhtve evidently arrived Rt tlr conclusion that prevailins market conditions will e-perlenre no material chansc until the n"xt lib erty loan has been successfully floated. The presence in this city of Secre tary McAdoo was coincident with another advance in liberty 3's to the hiph record of 102.06. This nw maximum, reached on a very larpe i turnover, compares with the year's I . . . , 1A minimum of 97.20 . Shippings were the active and strong features of the opening on vague reports of a consolidation of leading American marine inter ests, dui leu uacK norupiiy follow ing publication of authoritative de nials. Ignoring recent admonitions, pools tentatively resumed operations in some of the high-priced specialties. Rails, equipments and various miscellaneous issues held within one point areas, with a disposition to ease at the Irregular close. The one striking setback was made by Cuban-American sugar, which drop ped 16 points on a single offering. Sales amounted to 215.000 shares. The enlargegd bond dealings re sulted mnly from increased activ ity in liberty issues, other divisions showing slight irregularity. Total sales, par value, aggregated $. 2T.O.O0O. Old United States coupon 4s rose per cent on sales, others were unchanged. I SALEM MARKETS I nuyrxa PRICK. Kggs and rooltrj. Egss, 41c. Rroilers. 20 to 24c. Hens 16 to 19c. Old Roosters, 15c. Pork, Mutton and Roef. Pork on foot. 16 to 18c Ewes, 5c to 7c Veal, dressed, 12 to 17c. Spring lamb. 10C Beef steers, 7 to Jc; cows, 4 to 7c Cheat, per ton.. $24 to $25. Clover, per ton, $25. Oats, $25. Grain. Wheat. $2.00 to $2.03. Oats, 90c to $1. Beans, 7c. Ml Feeds, fUUlL Mill run, $36 to $37 per ton. WHOIJOSALK TO DEALERS. Creamery butter. 54 to 55c. Uutterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 53c. Flan Black Cod. 18C Red Cod, 11c Salmon. Chinook. 25c Halibut, 25c Codfish. 15c- FrmlL Grapes, $1.90. Oranges, $8.00. Canteloupes, $2.75 to $3.25. Watermelons, 1 to 2c. Local tomatoes, 95c to $1. Casabas, 3c. Lemons. $K.50 to $9.50. Bananas, 71. to 8 Vic. Vegetable. New potatoes. ZYx to 4e. Green beans. 4c. Cabbage. 4 to 4 He. Onions (Imported), $2.75. Green Peppers. 10c lb. Retail Price. Creamery butter. - : Dairy batter. 55c. y Eggs. 45c. i Floor, bard wheat, $2.80 to 2. Floor, valley. $2.5 Oto $2.60. Sugar, can n beet. 11 lb. 41. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. Oil Prod nets. Red Crown gasoline .In balk, 22c, Standard engine distillate, ln balk. 13 cents. Kerosene Pear, ln balk. 11c; Elaine, In case, 28e; Eocene, in case, 23 He. Oronlte Arotnrps In case, 25c In balk, 26 He WHOLE MILK Wo will pay $2.75 per hundred delivered at Salem. Irlc based on 4 per rent fat contents, I'hone 2488 MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. 8 ALUM, OREGON PORTLAND MARKETS I Cirain. PORTLAND. Aug. 21. August de livery, bids. Oats, No. 2 white feed. $00. &0; barley, standard feed, fit; barley. "A", $55. September bids: Oats, No. 2. $60.50; bailey, feed, $'3.S0; barley, "A", $5.1: oats. No. 3. $53; oats, clipped, $51.50; corn yellow, $75.75; corn, mixed. $74. Eastern oats and corn In bulk, bids: Oats. No. 3 white, $53; oats. 3H-pound clipped white, $55; corn. No. 3 yellow, $75.75; corn. No. 3 mixed. $74. Sales: 100 tons SeptemlKr yellow corn at $75.50; 100 tons September yellow corn at $76. Hairy lnwlarta. Rutter: Prints, extras. 52 ft 54c; cubes, extras. 51c; dairy, 35c. Itutterfat, Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream. 56c. otatM. Soiling price. $2.2513.50;. new California's. $3.75 i 4. NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW quiet. YORK, Aug. 21. Prunes. CORN IS STILL MOUNTING FAST Oats Share Early Strength o Corn But Turn Weak on Selling Later CHICAGO, Angc. 21. The corn market started the day still nder VMBHBBBM MVWMMMMH HHHHaiMMBBa---M REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE AND lots, at your own price. Phone SIS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 16 acres in lienlon county. 3 miles south of Alrlie. C. I. Kilmer. TO EXCHANGE 50 ACRES IMPROv- ed. well located, for city property. See H. ii Jolmgrr. Hubbard Llg. FOR KALE IMPROVED Its ACRE farm 4 mllra fr.m Kalem at a gar gain. Owner. Addrcas H9V" b la Ira nian. IF YOU WANT WOOD OR A I1AR- gain in a house either to rent or punhM,. ,ce John II. Scott. 4tl Hub bard Bldg. EXPECT TO SPEND A SHORT VA ration in Southern California. Par ties having real estate to exchange or other business commission that I could execute for them may see me at 341 State street until Wednesday, or phone 303 for an appointment. Wm. Fleming. A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street. Kalem. together with perpetual right of way over the 14x50 'i feet tract extending from this property to Ktate street. Terms. Apply Scott Itoaorth. ill I Spauldlag mug.. I'ortiand. Oregon. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C. W. Niemeyer. Ileal Eatate Agent. Canada lands. 641 State street. FOR RENT 5 ACRE TRACT CLOSE to car line. 73 acre farm. 160 acre farm. 44 acre farm. For sale. ! acre tract Improved close to Kalem. $.. acre farm. $90 per acre. 10 acre aim per acre. 29 acres close In. prunes and loganberries, a bargain. Ex change, acre farm close to Kalem fcr small ranch. Equity la 6 room house for auto or lots. F. L Wood, Hayne lildg. FOR SALE 21 ACRE RIVER IIOTTOM ranch, good $ room house, barn, or chard, stock, and machinery, rlc $)900. ' 71 acre farm, house, barn, orchard; will take Improved IS acre tract close to Salem as part payment. Price $ 00. l-H steres of timber and pasture, fine spring. 6 miles from Kalem. price $ 146 acre of good farm land. $15.00 per acre 35 acres Improved farm, price $T6 per acre. W. H. Grabenhorst Co 275 State street. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FINE 226 acre river bottom farm with lt ac res In cultivation, well fenced and cross fenced, mostly woven wire, good set farm buildings, on good road and 1L F. D well watered and fine soli. Price $:.. will take half In good Kalem property or acre age. Mlnnce on terms. fOH "EXCHANGE FINK WELL IM proved 64 acre farm 8 miles front Kalem; 4S acres In cultivation now good buildings, running water and good well; will take good Kalem res Idence as part pay. SNAP FOR QUICK KALE FINE ALL modern room bungalow; full base ment, all built In conveniences large lot, price $1760. $00 caafc. balan terms. PERRINE ft MARSTERS. 366 IIUD- bard Illdg. 46 ACRES. 4 MILf?t PROM TOWN. 26 U acres cultiavted. 3 prunes. 2 timber pasture, a rom house, barn, well and sprtnsr. on good road. 1 mile to school. $H00 canh. balance terms, nrlce 825AO $11,600 HARDWARE STOCK A3D mj'.iding to exchange for rn-h. $2S.000 PORTLVNL APAKTMEVT house, vented, cchan-j ciulty fi-r ranch not orf $lC0e. 58 ACRE. 45 cultivttl. g.xxl barn fair house, well ten--. joining will take Kal--n restd nr up la 3 0VS and mortgage bark, no money required, price Ifc.iftO. 32 acres, good Improvements. 20 arres cultivated. II acres prunes, will take Kalem resi dence, some rash and mortgage back for balance, price $.6ee: Have sunt very good residences priced below cost of construction. I write fire insurance. Kocolofaky. 311 State St PRUNES & WALNUTS WANTED PARTNER IN THE PRUNE and walnut business. 36 acres, lo cated 9 miles south of Kalem In the Rosed ale district. Is some of the best prune and walnut land In the Willamette valley: 290 acres read? to set. more easily cleared; will sell one half Interest In place at bed rock prices to right partr. Owner haa had experience in growing ol prunes and walnuts and will superln tend the setting, cultivating, etc.. ir necessary; place later to be plotted and put on the market. Plenty o good timber so each tract sold mai Include tract of timber; good springs and creek running throuih: 1 3-4 milea to Oregon Electric station References given and required. Fr further Information address. "lt6" care Statesman. FOR IlKST FARMS FOR RENT 16 ACRES. WEI J. IM E. liolinger. la Hub- proved. ee 11. bard llldg. FOR RENT KTOCK AND GRAIN farm. Referencea required. Inquire at room 33 Rreyman block. Kalem. Or apprehension as to crop conditions, and prices mounted rapidly. Oats shared the early strengtgh of corn but turned weak on selling. which was observed to come frpm recent early piiirhaaers. The sell ing developed that the market had little buying power. Countty offer ings Increased on the advance The close was weak, 'ie to net low er, win October 7l'c. In the dull atmosphere of the pro visions a little profit-taking was suf ficient to offset demand from scat tered commission houses. CUT WEST FRONT 50 MILES, SAYS MARCH (Continued from psge nnet Sixth. Inclusive."- or miliars; "th 2filh. 27th. 2Sth. 29th. 30th. 32d. 33d. 35th. 26th. 37lh. 41st and 42d national ati and the 7th to v3d. Inclusive, and the fc5ih. R9lh. 9lh Tl 1 st. ::d and 93d national rtn. Transportation of Iropps nnl.r lb'" cnlirped military program It d pendent In the main, upon abllltv ef th government to seenre adequate shipping. Gene'sl March said. While the shipping board's deliveries were constantly growing. mor tonnage will have to t.e chartered and hired to carry ont the present schedule. General March mentioned Incidental- THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN 1 " ' , DONT BE .SILLX 1 YJOULXNT TtAlMK OF IT. JttOOU) ACCEPT TWO YJEEKS ROOM RCWT j Copyright. " -"Ve w ly that llraxll had given the United State a vessel for two trips without compensation. BRIDGE FIGURES SHOW INCREASE Corrected Summary Shows That First Estimate of Re ceipt! Was Short Complete figures on the proceeds from the Bridge day celebration were prepared last night by W. If. Danry. secretary and treasurer In charge. They show an Increase of about $700 over those given out last week, mak ing $2S7.92 the net toUl. This money all goes to the Red Cross, keif supporting auxiliaries retaining their share. The corrected report Is as follows: It-ret. Vlck Tiros, bridge crossing. $$. Mrs. Calder. llghtlnr bridge. $100. V. T. Rlgdon. sale poem. $20. Nemo Auxiliary, d-at ion. $7. Advertising program. The Dootery, $10. Jitney dance. $137. CS. Donation. W. K Newall. $7S Flags sold. $1140. Lutheran auxiliary, donation, $(4 Christian church auxiliary, sale. $16 51. Hubbard auxiliary, sale. $30. Community auxiliary, rale. $17. Novelty concession, commissions on sales. $15. 25. Cafeteria. $730.02. r Garden Road auxiliary. $7.AC. East Keller anxlllarv. IIS. SO. Central Howel and Prat urn auxtl lar. $3. Prlngle auxiliary. $50. Weet Salem auxiliary. $45. Oak Point auxiliary. $35. Fre-ch Prairie anxHlary. 120. Eastern Star auxiliary. $50. . Havesvllle. auxiliary. $112. Mornlngaide auxlllarr. $21. Hopvllle. auxiliary. $160. First M. E. Church auxiliary. $27. St. Joseph's auxiliary. $105.90. Total. $332.79. Flags. $532.43. Reception committee. $5. Muile committee. $27.15. Cafeteria, $57.74. Perorating committee. $4.95. Jitney dance. $4 4.20. Executive committee. $3.30. Total. $474 87. Net balance. $2957.92- Revenue Measure Nearly. Pounded Into Completion WASHINGTON. Aug. 21. Th new revenue bill was practically com plete tonight except for the eser s profits rate which will apply to cer tain large corporation, the Income tax normal rates so far n affected by the three per rent differential against unearned incomes and some administrative provisions and minor details. The hoa way and mean committee adjourned until Saturday. Chairman Kltrbln and treasury de partment experts will work out mat ters to be put Into final shape by the committee. SPRINGTEX it the nnocrwcir with a million little print! in its fabric which "give and tile" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the garment despite long wear and hard washinc. It ia the year -a mead aoArr r ar, fokt, medium ot briry weigkt. aa yent I. at. "Remember to Iluy It Tea U Peert Ya llsv Oa" Ak TWr fWr UT1CA KNITTIKG CO, Uaktts Saks Rn: 30 rtsevtr, Irs Trx Seven on Petrol Boat Die During High Cede AS ATLANTIC PORT. Aug. 21. Seven members ot the crew of the United States patrolboat Moatauk were lost when the craft was driven ashore by a high northeast gale on Cumberland Island. 20 miles north of Fernaadlaa. at one o'clock Wed nesday morning. The body of on has been recovered. Tht Moatauk encountered the gale Monday about midnight.' Tues day noon her engine went out of commission. Iter anchor chains parted Tuesday night and she was soon driven ashore. The seven men wer lost In the breakers trying to reach the beach. The Moatask Is a complete loss. She began to break un soon after grounding. Serrate survivors have been landed at, Fer aandlna. TIME TABLES torniRsv racrnc No. $ firegoauesj HUs. fv 16 Oregoei Kxpreea ..... 7 ea- Sa SI Wlllaanette Uanlted.. liana. Nov Na il Port U ad 34 Co Ha 14 Portia Paaaesgar.. 1.3. pea. 34 C"e Hay I P - -J4 Eapeeee ... I.HM- NV til Iral War Frete-t.. I -S awaa. Now 3.3 P or Used Fast IT L. .11:3 P sa. iMlUeaM $3 Oregon ...... S3 Cone liar .. S Slasa. No. Ne. No. No. . . - - . I. ralifotaia Kipee. aaa. IT Hebwrg Paeeeagee.. 4 pssj. 3T VIIUm.(t Billed.. l:Ma No. IS Kaa Fraaciae Paso.. 1.14 P-aa. Nk III ftaa Fraa. Fast Frt . . . 1 S rw4 swan. Now III Local Way Tert. .liai aaa. BAL3C.l-Cr.rM 1411 No. T3 Arrive at Saleas 9:11 aaa. No. 14 Leave taleaa $.l SAt.rat. FALLS CTTT m WESTKmaT ll Leaves. Kalem. aootor..... t .aa-aa. US Leavea Ketenk. awlor II aaa. lit Leavea Kletn, motor 3:41 pea. Throes a ear to MwiaU ad ArUs l? leaves Keleea. aaotec..... 4 1 1 p ae. I I-avee Kaleaa, aaotee..... I Ham. 1 Way Freight leaves Bales 6 M aaa. tS Arrives at Kaleea.... I llia. Ill Arrives at Kaleaa II eiaaa. 1(6 Arrives at Kaleaa. ........ I ee p.aa. Ill Arrive at Kalem I llpaa. IT ArrJvee at Kaleaa T llpaa. 31 Way Freight At. aleaa... 1:31 -. okcco- rLarmuc eoaa-e-d Train Leavo .Arrive Arriva No. 'P-rt la4 Kaleaa tia 1 II ana I It am 1 Slam Ltd.. II am II Ham 11:36 pm 7 1141am llAlpm 3:l$p l ltpaa I 31 pea 13 U4. 4 tlpm 6 41 pm I II pm IT I alpm I ! pm Kaleaaoolf 19 Ilpm ll Tlpm galeaaeailr 31 ll 6pm t Mam 161am Net lUnk HmtVmm (leav Jeffee aoa Street 1$ a ad 3 astasias Uler WeethSaeed Trala Leave Arnv Nv l.a feee Kalem 3 IS.lLaa I Slam t T Ham I Ltd . 1:4taa illia Arrlv Pert la ed I I am It am 31 Slam 1 11 pm I pm 41 pm t-4l pm j IS II 1am .11 Ham 1 v em Ltd.. 1 . 1, pm 4 pm I :! pm 6 S pm IS I 33 pm 3. It m II Ml sNet Uk KlatlA t A reive Jeff re street It aalaales earlier . Lev CorvalUa. COKTALtt C irXTTSOi aieetSWood tave 0eve!lui Arrlv Saltm ITtam Kim IMlpm t Urn ! S 41 pm 4 pm 1:11 pm 6 II pm ! 6 II pm 1 66 pm I Leave Kalem Arrive farinu eot-fceoed a St am IT am 1 Itam It IS am IS 66pm t MS :416pm 6 SI m III m INf M r.e!-s .Nr V w- , S 3 i i