The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 22, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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-b ssssss-, --. .
yoi must be sure and see our special pricea we are giving you on
Cot Glass. Water sets -from $3.50 and up. Vases, Sugar and
Creamer at very low prices. An opportunity you should not miss.
pleasure to show you.
W. Ceraer Stat aa4 Liberty treats.
Eujcene Man Marries
David Allen Dyerlee. a minister
from. Eugene, and Miss Victoria
Anna Cave of Salem were married
yesterday., Th bride is a vocal
Corvallis Want Permit
The city of Corvallis has anolied
to the public service commission for
permission to construct a crossing
over the Southern Pacific track 1b
i Washington and Ninth streets west
i erly to Tenth street.
1 - )
Win Attend Meeting
Manager Robert C. Paulus of the
Salem Fruit union is planning to at
tend tne .hearing on federal express
fate increases to, be held in Portland
on September 20. Two other local
I concerns also wift probably send rep
resentatives to the gathering.
f f
.n- i
. 1 ,,. .... . -
An Unaumal Bargain
A I7B0 Singer Dlaver niano for
OREGON State street near
a E. depot. Home of Artcraf t
tad Paramount picture.
"Lore'-' Conquest," featuring
Una Cavalierl.
LIBERTY Liberty near
guts street High class reels.
Featuring Harold Lcckwood In
-Broadway Hill."
BLIGII State between lib
trty and High. Mutual and
El.eMrd film. Special films.
-Dam Girl of Portici," featur
ing Pavlowa. ' ;
S5.z an exceptional bay for anr- Raker of Salem, writes his mother
one desiring a high grade lnatru-1 that he is in the front lines of Franc
meat. E. L, Stiff ft Son. 44$ Court and that he has not bad his clothes
street. I off for two weeks, lie oeeunies a
dugout all alone, considerable of a
Grain Marks Needed-- I contrast with his former mode of llv-
i'FJve hundred grain sacks are need-1 ,n when a dugout occupied by hln-
ed Immediately by the Red Cross fori elf and comrade was furnished
the purpose of collecting sphagnum I w,in manogany cnairs and taoie ana
moss. used, in the making of surgl- r-n piano.
cal dressines. Th hn e ahnuirf h
brought to Red Cross headquarter """; company y
r. Scteuk, Office
Will be closed from August 3
jtember S.
rafted Men Go Tuesday--
0 Aoeust 21. 42. men will leave
L!em for Camp Lewis. This will
f rlct the August draft quota.
-Jiers for Statesman routes. Ap-
? in person today.
Improved In Health
Dr. M. . P. Mendelsohn nassed
bone here yesterday for Seaside
ere be will complete his vacation.
doctor is Improved in health and
3 be back In his office Saturday
rut 31 . j
J BlankZI
Get them at. the Statesman job of-
i catalog on application.
zktrars Appointed
The local war board yesterday ap
ited 160 registrars to have charge
precincts in this district on the
Member registration day. As only
' out or the 200 needed volun
rtd. It was necessary for the board
cue the selection.
s Kotlci
Uota. The kind , that last.
a jop office. t , ...
-Ire Given Guardian
v. J. Banlck was yesterday ap-
3tea guardian of Richard and Ed
iffirsch, heirs of Gottlieb Hirsch
boy are 10 and 6 years old re
dely and in .order legally to
Uct the affairs of their father's
U it fas found ' necessary to se-
ei guardian for them.
.. - . H
ng for Cah
ommencing July 1 we established
boiiness on a strictly cash basis.
s Book Store. ' r .
All Alone In ft Dugout
Aubrey Jones, son of Mrs. F.
in the United States National bank
We Will Start Hopplcking '
August Z6. All trains will be met
August 23 and 24 at Brooks and
Hopmere for picker . coming that
way. Jerman Bros.
Suit Against Warden '
Because be is alleged to have
killed a dog belonging to C. F. Van
Arnem of Silverton, a criminal act
Ion has been filed against A. W.
Steele, deputy game warden.' The
animal Is said to have been killed
upon no provocation whatsoever and
In Jhe presence of Mr. Van Arnem'
small son
Artiles of incorporation were filed
at the office of Corporation Commis
sioner Schuldertnan yesterday by the
Portland Times Publishing company.
The company states its purpose to
collect and publish news and edit
newspapers and Jeriodlrals. The
capitalization is $2000 and the In
corporators are W. D. Allen. J. A
Merrlman, William A. Maggett
George P. Moore, W. R. Lee, J. D.
Emery and E. Richardson.
For Bale or Exchange
Good modern eight-room bouse.
also 160 acres Eastern Oregon land.
Will acept good team, wagon and
harness, machinery and, stock of any
kind in exchange. G. W. Laflar.
1206 Hubbard bldg.
A limn ic
The auction sale of O. A. Boett
cher on the Salem and Turner road.
was well attended and everything oh
the whole brought good prices. . The
bidding was brisk and F. N. Wootfry.
the auctioneer kept things on the
move. A small cake which was made
and donated by Mrs. George W. Por
ter for the relief of Belgian babies
brought a neat little sum of $45.50
Mr. Boettcher and family are movln
to Klamath Falls. Oregon, where
they will resume farming on a larger
scale. ' '
Members of Salem Red Cross
Department Not Faithful
in Attendance
Service Cornxnissiontr Says
Administration Is Apathetic
on Co-operation
With two large allotments far be
hind and scant attendance at the Red
Cross surgical dressings rooms, di
rectors or tne classes are wondering
what they can4 do to remedy the sit
uation. All efforts made this sum-
women have failed add now Salem WRITES NEBRASKA MAN
Is probably turning out the least
work of all chapters Its size In Ore-
Until yesterday the average after- Dnrt Not Hnlrl It PrarrirahlV
postofflce building was between five I to Call National AsSOCia
and eight. The young women In the
business girls class held twice a week
In the evening, the supervisors and
small group of faithful women In
the afternoon have found It Impos
sible to keep up with the demands
upon Willamette chapter. Shipment
of sphagnum pads and army kits are
now long overdue.
The Instructors regret bavlnc
tion Together
"It wonl 1 seem from Information
which we have rerelfed that there
Is an appafent apathy in administra
tion elides with regard to the im
portance of full and owj'lrte Jt-
. Your Last Chance To See
Also Special Comedy BUI
Sign of the Best Shows
publicly to beg for helpers at the hr""00 J",?U.I?r
workrooms." said one of the depart- ' Chairman F. J. Miller of
ment heads yesterday afternoon. "It
doesn't look well to the boys over
there who are taking their home pa
pers and will read of the laxity of
their mothers and sisters. There is
hardly a family in Salem that is not
represented In the war In some way
and one would thing women would
have more patriotism when their
boys are giving so much.',
Professor Albert It- Sweetser. of
the University of Oregon, was down
from Eugene Tuesday to secure In
formation on the amount of sphag
num moss the local people would
the Oregon public service eorumls
sion la a letter to V. E. WIUos of
the Nebraska railroad rommlsaion.
The letter In in reply to a com man I
ration from the Nebranka commis
sioner, who Is chairman of a com
mittee appointed by a number of rail
toad and utilities commissions to
consider the question of representa
tion in the higher councils of the
railroad administration.
Chairman Miller believes that the
question ahould be taken op to the
director general through the execu
tive committee of the National Ao-
need for the winter, as it baa to be ton of Railroad and Utilities
More Period lals Desired--'
An additional call for current per
iodicals has been issued by the war
department, which Is seeking to sup
ply the army and navy with reading
matter through gifts. The custom of
putting a one-cent stamp on the mag-
Arranging for an Exhibit
In the interest of the Red (!ross
booth to be. conducted at the state
fair next month. Guy E Pyir of the
extension division of the University
of Oregon was in Salem yesterday
azlnes and dropping them in the maiil meeting with a committee represent
box has proved popular with the men ,n Willamette chapter. The local
In the service. Only recent Issue coduiki uay nu( ni.a
of publications are desired. demonstrations in the making or
. ' - sphagnum moss dressings and in
Dr. O. H. ScIiMi-- knitting.
commissioners, but he doubts the ad
visability of railing a special meet
ing of the national association for
the parpose of devising ways and
means. Mr. Miller deplores the fart
that the director general's official
family Is made up of railroad men
"without a notable exception." and
declares that the line of demarcation
between federal and state regulation
of Intrastate affairs Is so vague that
It is Impossible to tell where author
Ity lies. He writes la part:
The so-called 'twilight tone." so
frequently mentioned in the past, is
IbOSe Who Uldn t Want It inltunately the state commissions seem
to be left hanalngln the air with
mandatory rtate laws and refla
tion to be enforced and without any
Information from the administration
as to what we may expect on their
part and what, if any. Jurisdiction
we still possess. Without a nota
secured before the rains make the
roads In the woods Impassible for
teams. He mentioned, while visiting
the local work rooms, that dally be
tween 100 and . 150 Eugene women
are making surgical dressings.
Salem Win in Appeal to
General Staff
Those who were opposed to Sa
lem's being distinguished In state
military circles by having the ma-ble exception the director reneral's
chine run comnanr of the new reel-1 r mil- r - r-iimad rimi-i-
The home service section ment, now being formed, apparently J tration la concerned. Is mad up of
Hydro-electrfce Therapeutic . InstI-1-111 practical information bur- have won their fight, so Salem, will men whose sole occupation, environ
tute will be elosed from August 3
to September 8.
eau and the juniors are to exhibit I have no machine gun company.
milr" Campbell Wounded
"Billy" Campbell, who Is with the flints
Amerian Infantry In 'France, was
wounded in the trenches early this
summer and has passed two months
in a hospital. , He Is the son of Tom
samples of the work done daring the
eomlng school year. Among the ar-
It develops that no machine gun
company will be organized at any
tides the children are to show are! point until at least two line com-
Statesman Auto Found-
Through some good work by A. W.
Mohr, county surveyor of Wasco
Campbell, formerly a resident of Sa- J county, the Statesman's Ford anto-
lem. Tne news of the boy injuries l moDiie wnicn was sioien more man
was brought here' by bis sister, who 1 a week ago. has been found. Mr.
Is visiting at the August Huckestlen Mohr found It on the Columbia River
home. "Billy" .has not yet passed I highway near his place at Wyeth and
his, 18th birthday. , ,
panies have been organised and ac
cepted, tus. policy was decided, up
on at a meeting of the general staff
in Portland Tuesday. The machine
son company gos to Portland, one of
the arguments being that there is
but one officer instructing in this
line of work available for Oregon,
and he Is now Instructing at Van
couver barracks.
It was decided by the general staff
ment and . practice have been from
the railroad standpoint. Their en
vironment has leen each that they
have not beep obliged to give care
ful thought and consideration to the
shipping Interests, only as far as it
might affect the financial affairs of
the several lines with which they
have been connected. It Is unrea
sonable to expect that men who are
In a large measure responsible for
the rates, rules, regulations and
practlcea of the carriers will now af
ford much. If any. greater teller to
the general public than they did for-
rllold School Fair
onty ' School Superintendent
ta made a trip to Sublimity this
k and learned while . there that
for a school fair are under con
dition by the local people. The
Mt will be along ind as trial line.
'flpta, Rotes and All Blaoka--U
Statesman Job office.
snTaxi& Baggage Co.
' f Phone 77
Try one Cherkln H-f nr t nn
Sage, Claim Check for ev
"1 parcel handled.
'."Have, Your '. 1 "
Dectric Lights Repaired
"Before Winter
ConspercUl phone 053
Doctor White
psw of Women and
"Htrycai Diseases
:J Cnltsd BUte NatJonal Bank
Sarklte Balam. Oregon
I Vlko
l -
St .
. Night phone
1811 ,
. Responsibility
, JL ni Pack, move or tore
kJJ nd guarantee eat-
on Easterm Bhlpmeau
Hovtng and Out of Town
Crawford Canning Peaches
Now ready. ;Order, immediately;
crop light, short season, "quality ,
fancy, i Lacbmund'a orchard, five
miles north of Salem, in Kaiser bot
tom. Phone H. W. Bowden, foreman, !
Farmer zF3. urrar your boxe.
KJL-LU UIAUDf ALU L A 11 U U a - .M w I - .I. A - I - -
7.j 7- uZJ-aa-.a fi i companies uto lie 10 ce lortiea ail ion that some disinterested and com-
ivuuu iu uie ci auui ccntu iu i pnrlani1
Vetersms from East Vtelt
Before going back to their homes.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Evans and Mr.
and Mrs.( J. W. Buzzard, who have
been attending the G. A. It., encamp
ment at Portland, are stopping in
Salem as the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
A. E. Evans whom they met at Che
Portland celebration. The Evanses
are from Sapulpa, Okla., and their
traveling companion from Jaspei
City, Mo. The party; will visit Mere
for a month.-: "
Statesman. He at onCe communicat
ed with The Statesman offie. The
car was stolen from near the res!
dence of R. J. Hendricks, and it is
believed the culprit was Barney De-
Spain, alias Ed. Omar, and escape
from the penitentiary. The car was
returned to Salem yesterday.
Lieutenant Colonel A. T. Wool pert
of Salem won the appointment of
senior officer of the first reglgment
outside of Portland and at once will
begin recruiting woork.
sld street Sonus of the offke-i
claim reward Is dae on each of
the cars, because of the recovery, bat
u appears that the Insurance com-
paaie are reluctant to par the
Merchant Marine Fleet
Attracts Dallas Farmer
DALLAS. Ore.. Ang. 21 .fSoeclal
to The Statesman) R. 8. Fisher, the
strawberry king of this eommaalty.
went to Portland the first of the
week where be enlisted In the mer
chant marine. Mr. Fisher la not a
new band at the Job by any means
e having been connected with the
engine room staff on a passenger
steamship plying between Seattle and
points la Alaska several years aro
before coming to Dallas. Mr. Fisher
Is the second Dallas boy te enter the
merchant marine service within the
past month. T. C. Stock well, another
citizen of this place, entering the
service as a wireless operator a few
weeks ago.
Burmnz 0 Slashbtzs Is
Permitted by Governor
Upon recommendation of State
Forester .Elliott Governor Withy
combe baa rescinded his proclama
tion Issued early in the sa miner
which placed a ban on burning of
slashings by tlmbermea. The order
rescindlag the proclamation Is ef
fective Immediately, the state fores
ter holding that Oregon forests are
now In condition to allow horning
of alashlnga without danger.
fla. rrrsoas or orgaalsatloes of
foreign attraction will have the priv
llea. of raUiag the flags of their
nations aoder the stars aad stripes.
AH will salute the American baaaer.
Another part of the program will be
Hired hy women la the costumes of
their native countries. Mo ale aad
addressee will be given la the mala
acdltorlatii. While the day will be
known as the Day of All Nations,
anything vl German flavor will be
conspicuous by lis absence. .
Om 10 hut x power blgh
awH boHsosital boOer and es
tuoocs jumtt. wprtgnt. ls
All Nations Da' Is
Plan for State Fair
Tb; first day of the 191S state
fair. September. 23. wltt L designat-i
ed aa the Day of AH Nations and
Dr. John C. Hall of Salem, a Scandi
navian by birth, will be director of
the day. A patriotic celebration will
be given, and a feature will be the
unfurling ct a large aiik American
Wool Rag Sle
White Cottoa Rags
Shod lUgs ie
Caat Irow... ........... flJS3
a sheading Jaak
of Oe-Uv mmd Cosurt
rttoae 70C
Irrigation ' n
Even number on Monday, Wed
nesday, Friday and Sunday. Odd
numbers nn' Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
urday and Sunday. '
Even numbers are on south and east
side of street. Odd numbers are on
north and west side of street, " '
John T." Llghtel- of Portland is at
the Marion 1
E. F. Caton of Boise, Idaho. Is a
visitor at the Marion
Mrs. J. T. Bratton from Portlnad
registered at the Marion yesterday.
, J. O. McCullen, a teal estate dealer
from Portland, Is In Salem on bus!
Dr. a Id Mrs. F. E. Hall of Tipton
Grand Army Man 74 Years
Old Makes Distance in 36
Minutes 4 Seconds
petent man should at least have ad
visory powers with those now In
control of the railroads of the conn
Spokane Young Men Is Rela
tive of Prominent People
of Valley
The following la part of an item
appearing la a recent isjue of the
?d: Irs .T,rjr:'.7.:
k oiu iiu vi ctiuii, miu,, 1 1
yeST-old veteran, here for the en-
California were guests at the BHgh campment of the Grand Army of the
II. C. Woodham and J. C. Dell are
here from Corvallis for several days.
They are stoping at the Bligh.
H. It. Lazenby of Portland Is here
n....kii. " i 1 1 - t4- i
36 minutes aad Tour cconds. defeat- " 1 . " v ,V . .J,',.L
. -. .v- . ' i-. - I o as to enter Y. M. C. A. service
a quarter of a mile each against him.
George W. Belt Jr. mas a p pointed
secretary of the state board of con
trol yesterday. Clrene K. KH lag-
eon, who was previously named for
May iloM Club Rallies
Three Ind nstrial club rallies will
probably be held by school children
In the southern part of the county
next week. If plans being made .by
County Superintendent Smith mater
ialize. The districts will be grouped
so that none is left out of the rallies-
which will feature entertaining pro
grams, reports of the work ana in
spection of its progress.
and also distancing several Boy
Scouts who took up the race where
Cjrmn HtTTVI
And camp furniture at E. I Stiff
ft Son'. 44 f Court street.
of Portland, which he represents.
Mrs. Etta Magers and Mrs. Eunice
Woolworth have returned from the
G. A. It. encampment at Portland.
Mel G. Duncan, manager of the
Marshfield Commercial club. la. a
visitor in Salem. He Is taklne a
short vacation..
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pattlson or
Portland, passed the night at the
Marion. They are driving to Corval
lis in their car. -
Mr. .and Mrs. C L. Dick drove
down yesterday from Portland and
are staying at the Marlon. They for
merly lived in this city.
Miss Marie Myers and Miss Ted die
left off.
Rev, Howard McConneU
Quits Dallas Pastorate
DALLAS. Ore., Augl 21 (Special
to The Statesman) Rev. Howard
McConneU. who has been pastor of
the Christian church of this city for
the oast three rears, has resigned his
nositlon and with his family win
leave shortly for Selma. cai., wnere
he haa accepted the pulpit of the
Christian church of that city. Witn
Highest Cash Price Paid.
Also All Kinds of Junk.
The Square Deal House.
271 Chemeketa St. Phone 398
Rev. Mr. McConnell's departure Dal-
M.rts of Scott. Mill, will b. iSU ' """ ".t0"!"";. S"i
of W- -. SSnPn-? n'sWSl
came to Salem yesterday. ".,. " v u vi-- h. nnl re-
Phiio Steward and J. A W Rank- ;f - tprofe'sslon
ins are home again after paslsng the J the otn-ri-havlnK entered
earlier part of the week at the p. A- trmy y M a A during the past
with the army In France. Belt will
take office Immediately. He Is a son
or Judge Beit. Is an attorney and
was secretary or the Spokane Demo
cratic county central committee for
two years." .
The new appointee Is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. George W. Belt of that city
and a nephew of Mrs. George II. Bur
nett and Mrs. Charles S. Weller of
Salem. He will reside In Olympla
during his ofrlcial term. Oldtlme
residents of Oregon's capital will re
memler that the parents of the
young man here mentioned formerly
dwelt In Salem. Mrs. Belt's maiden
name being Ollie Chamberlin. The
senior Belt is a brother of Mrs. Bnr
nett. Both hare a large no ml of
friends and acquaintances In this
part of the state. Another son Is
numbered among the American ex
peditlonary force In France, and late
information from him is tor the effect
that he baa been In active service a
the front.
Am All Kl Bas
R. encampment In Portland
Mrs. C. W. Keen of Silverton was
In the city yesterday for Instruction
in surgical dressings work for the
Red Cross. She Is head If this wora
in Silverton
Mrs. M. J. Crelghton and daughter
Mable. who have been-the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Al Jones, will leave
today for their home In Portland.
Rosalie and Crelghton Jones will ac-
-omnanv them. The entire party wlP
drive down by automobile. .
several months.
Autos Are Recovered
Officer Thinks Reward Dae
-n Market frle
Price imu see b-cm
net r Brtee ef ere T sell
Both of Che automobilea which
were reported to the police as mlsa-
-line at a late nour incsaay.nisni.
In "TOTS of Fate, starting Uilw-r- recovered hortlv afterward bv
great Nazlniova. which will be shown I the njKi,t officers. Chief of Tollre
at the Liberty theatre tooay, tne i Poland is of the opinion that the
wonderful Russian star, has wnoje occurrence was Intended for
clared to have surpassed her marvel-J a practical Joke. The Sdidebaker
ous work In her previous screen I car belonging to H. O. McCali of Sil
classics super-picture, "Revelation. Iverton was traced after three hours
As a Gypsy princess. aslmova t search to a point on North High
Tt Is sur tested that gasoline ought brings all all the histrionic talent street, where it had been abandoned.
h taxed ? cents a callon. Of which hass made her famous Into el- A Ford taken, from in front of the
couJe Idea emTnates from a Chi- fective play. Tomorrow and Satur- Commercial club and also belonging
"awl. I certainly lo enjoy The Statesman. It sure
teems KTrat to pet all the liotne new!'
You don't have time to write as often a ymt wru11 like,
and then when you do it seem you alwaya forget to tell him
Mme of the thinjrs he would ! tw iiiteri-sted in Vnowinc, '
hut you CAN send him the Daily Oregon Statesman for the
amall sum of fifty rent a month ($1.25 for three months). If "
you're not; drop in at our office today; phone yonr order
(583) ; or fill out the roujHMi Ix-low and let us help to keep that
foy cheerful and in touch with Lome.
Statesman lnh. Co.
Salem. Oregon.
Enclosed find S for which you are to send
the Daily Oregon State-man for a eriod of.. month
to the addresa given below.
Name: ...
A Drama That Thrill Your Very SouL
The Triumph of the World's Greatest Artist
Today Tomorrow Saturday
1 '
. il
. t 't
457 State Street.
m ""I i I dav I1" oiiiciivu iua u ua