r THF. ORF.GON RTAmSMAWf 5UTITUUY. ArfHT 10. 101. Directory Class The Wants and Needs of the Canital Citv are Noted Under Proper ! Headings So You Can Readily Find Them They're Worth While 5 . ill ... -. a . ified j Ill Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECONDHAND GOODS m vunticsn . shoks. ihcy- rt,-S6ITAI. EXCHANa phone 41KI 8.17 Court M. NORWICH CXIOV FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. II. warghardt. Jr., Reside t Agent 33 St. MONEY TO LOAN a IWlMlOYED FARM AND CITY rROPtRTY AT WWEIT RATES a VJ Jt rl V--e Bank. Salem. Or, CUIIirffiD AD VKRTISMsTS Bat Per Word First lBrtloB o Subsequent insertions . . . . . . c On week (six insertions) ... 3c On month 'c Bis months' contract per no. Se llmonths' contract, per mo... 7c ioaccouat opened for less than 25c neat card riven free with an avertlsinBt to tha "tent of 60c Enouncing "'or Bale." -For SunC "Rooma- or -Board," 11 HEW TOP AT Each bow claaaified adTrt!aa mmnt will b run under "New Toda" for firat tnaertlon, ualeaa otherwise ordered by tha adver titer Subsequent Ineertion of tha ad will appear under ita proper class- f lotion. No advertisement will b run sorter -New Today" for mora than oa laau under any circumstances HEW TODAY WASTED GIRL KOK HOUSEWORK state School lor ueai, pnn FOR HALE PIOS AND HOUTE Jl heifer calf. State cnooi lor ueai. ro mini Td nfPlP.HT 7 S T( I 1 pound for sal. Enquire w. iv. new, jtoute-z, isox iii. ROOMS FOK RENT COMFOKTABLh ROOM with use of bath. In modem home. Addresa A. li. car Statermao. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATEK neat, modern conrenlence. also In side room. Close to State lioua. 1039. Cbemeketa. Phone 1280. TRANSFER HAULINU AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND ejrt . f hauling. Household jtiiL&t moving Job dona prompt ' ly. Try m one. Tim ma, 47$ State Bt Phon 983. fUaidane phon U3-J. LAUNDRIES FOR SALE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOK SAl.ET-rSMAL.Li SHOE REPAIR hup doing good business, in good-location, will sell on time or cash. Ad dress "1-A" care Statesman. HOTEL, FOK LEASE FURNISHED. run, pays 11000 per month. Rent $80 month, logging ramp. 29 rooms. Pow ers, Coos county. Address Box Il l's." Statesman. , SALEM STEAM LAUNDRT QUIC-t delivery and careful work. Dry wash 8c per pound. 138 South Lib erty street. Phon St. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRT REO ular washing don at a rat very body can afford. For only IB cents w will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hour. Phon 1471. shares. Exchange wan firmer, all around, reflecting the more confident feeling regarding the foreign situation. Sterling and francs were higher and likewise rates to neutral renters. Spain excepted. For the flint time this year Liberty 3 Vis sold at a slight premium, touch ing 100.02. Foreigu flotations also stiffened fractionally on an appreci able increase of trading. Total sales, par value, aggregated $7,450,600. United States bonds, old Issues, were unchanged on call. . . SECOND HAND GOODS MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT TO GET TVK BESi' farm paper, send 10c to tn Pacific Homestead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription Mention tbia ad. WE BUT AND BELu SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pip fittings, har ness, collars, . eollai pads, tools. chains. Street. Fred Behind lar. 1st Canter UNDERTAKERS) PEERLESS GASOLINE ENOINE. 35 horse power, 3 cylndera. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price 11000. Scott Bosorlh, Spaldin Bldg, Portland. Ore. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRLS -rThl true story of western immi gration has been carefully revised. making a handsome little book. It tella in graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive waa purchased from the Indians five years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lem. Oregon. POULTRY fc W&'Bh A CLOUOH C. B. WEBB. A. M. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 4t7 uotirt street. WALL PAPER. PAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC ..us, ,".m..a, . u .- A , r.r hanging, etc Work don by contract or day; good workman. LocaMon Its Center Be - Phone tll-W. I SALEM MARKETS I TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for ebole Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St. IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published send IS cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this add WOOD. WWD. ON CAR AT MARION. OREO. Fir at $4.50 per ford, grub oak at I. O. M. Smith Jefferson, Oregon. Read "the Classifier Ads. F0K SALE NEW $45 BICYCLE FOR 2. Apply IT. Moore, Diiemu.n u. flee, P. m. I LOST and FOUiW JPOB SALE NINE NICE PIGS. TWO months old, well kept and splendid tock. Also two shoats weighing bout 125 each. Phone 622. TEACHERS WANT ED-MANY TEACH tr for all kinds of positions are wanted at salaries ranging from $60 to $100. See Charles 11. Jones, 60 tooth Church street for further information. LOST. PARTIES TAKING LEATHER HAND hag containing jewelry and valua bles from car near Hileman Machine shop are known. Please return same to Statesman office to avoid further trouble. LOST ON SUNDAY. AUGUST 4TII, ner north falls at Silver Creek, a lady'a wrist watch, Waltham move ment, black leather wrist strap. Finder please leave at Statesman of fice and claim reward. r L AUTOMOBILE IT WILL PAY YOU TO .e us before " placing Insurance on our automobile. We Insure against fire, theft, collision and property Manage. See u today. H. A. John V Insurance Agency. 1 St 2 Bush lnk Bldg,. Salem. Phone 347.- ; "' ' ' ' " J - EMPLOYMENT MALE fPiuuTcn WANTEn . STEADY work. Call 10 N. Cottage Street. G. H. Tracy. WANTED AT SAWMILL MAN TO file handsaws and small cut on Bpauldlng Logging Company. riVB GOOD MEN WANTED FOR FAC- torf work, long JoD at gooa wBe f .ii w.wr, -jui K.lam Runic of Com merrs P.ldg, or phone 482. Agent W u. Broitn. WiSTEn HOUSEKEEPER FOR haut io-ht neraons. No children lL'.ahl.fr man nnt. NMf Oregon Electric R. R. station. Address Ger vals. Or., route 2. box 45. Phone 31-11 urv wiwTPti it?I.R ROD1ED.' OV' r 1$ years for paper mill work at West Linn. Oregon near ruru.uu Wages $3.36 eight hours. No experi naaurv Irminnt position A iitvinMinMit for steady men Strike declared eight months ago Sloea not affect peaceful and normal i thtm niant. Free trans- , rution. 141 North High SL Phone Hi. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 415 Court St. Phon 435. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depet Watleatal A Aaaeriesm Faw, all aiaea, M la. M law Uga. Palate, Oil and VamJabw ewe Reballt ad Relred Legaaherry aad He Uka alesa Keave A Steve Vterka. tN Cmmrt St. rates 1S4 R. B. rEKINO, REAL ESTATE THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN FR TRADE HOUSE AT 1441 FER- ry street for Portland property. IRRIGATED IDAHO RANCH TO trade for ranch near Salem, not ovr $!&.. Socolofsky. . JC ACRI NEAR AMERICAN FAUJ4. Idaho, well Improved, to earhange for ranch near Salem, not over $12. Sow. . Sovolofsky. FOR SALE 1 ACRES OR 25 ACRES. New bouse, orchard, main road. Terms to suit. Write Mrs. H. M. Woods. 45 Court street. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 81 B. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Mak all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for abeeoc or for any causes whatever unlae water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water fo Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will pleas road -for building purposes" under echedul of ratea. Apply at office for copy. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF YOEMAN WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANT $3000 LOAN AT 8 PER CENT, coioKy. , HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR rood clean rags, pressroom statesman. MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN Ing in Masonic Tempi, fifth floor, at 8 o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace syken. foreman, w, H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MOD"e"RN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 1248, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A, Wright, clerk. WANTED SIX OR, SEVEN ROOM modern house. Address "ll-9i , care Statesman. WANTED 300 OR 400 BUSHELS OF potatoes, old stocK, lor lame use. Call R. B. oodin ftcrelnry, Oregon fetate Boari of Ct-ntrol. Phone 310. FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED 6 OR 7 rooms completely rurnmnea noue close to car. nice yard. Will lease for a year. Manager Oregon Theatre. PROFESSIONAL CHIROPRACmo DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chiropractic fountain head. Davenoori Iowa, Chiropractic cor recta th cause of disease. Office . 406-7-8. TJ. 8. N. Bank Building vYnn t? XtMldene StS-R. BUT1XO PRIfJK. Kggs and Ponltry. Eggs, 40c. Uroilers. 20 to 24c. Hens 16 to 19c. Old Roosters, 15c. Pork, Mutton and Reef. Fork on foot, to 1714c Ewes, Se to 7e. Veal, dressed, 12 to 16c. Spring lamb. 10c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows. 4 to 7c Hay. Cheat, per ton.. $24 to J 2 5. Clover, per ton 25. Oats. $25. Grain. Wheat, 12.00 to $2.03. Oats, 9 be Beans, 7 c. MIL Feeds, IUU1L Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLK8ALE TO DEALERS. Creamery butter, S4 to Z Sc. Uutterfat, f. o. b. Salem, C3c. Flab. Black Cod, 18c Red Cod, lie. Salmon. Chinook, 15c. Ilallbnt, 25c Codfish, 15c FmlL Oranges, $8.00 to $8.50. Canteloupts. $2.00 to $2.50. Watermelons. 1H to 2c. Local tomatoes, 9Ze to $1.15. Grape Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. Lemons,, $8.5 Oto $10.50. Bananas, 8 He lb. Vegetable. New potatoes, 2'i to 4 c. Oreen beans, 5 to 6c Cabbage. 4 to 4 Vic. Onions (Imported) $3. Retail Prices, Creamery butter. 60c Dairy butter, 55c. Eggs, 45c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $8. Flour, valley, $2.6 oto sz.so. Sugar. can and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. Oil Products. Red Crown gasoline .In hulk, 22C Standard engine distillate. In bulk, 13 cents. Kerosene Pear, In -'bulk. 11c; Elaine, In case, 28c; Eocene, In case, 23He. - Oronite Aroturps In ease, 85e; In bulk. 2 6 Vic AN ARTISTIC LITTLE RESIDENCE In picturesque surroundings and 3 lots, must be sold. See Wnt. Fleming 341 State St.. for a bargain. FINE PRUNE AND LOGANBERRY ranch near Salem, to exchange for residence, la Portland or Salem and rash. IT Ice $S.0t. Socolofsky. 32 ACRES. PRUNE AND HAY RANCH good Improvements, will take Salem residence and mortgage back for balance. ITIce $.. Socolofsky. WILL TAKE A VACANT LOT AND little cash for a good & room house on paved street. 178V N. Commercial. William Fleming. 311 State street. TO EXCHANGE EQUITY IN $25. 000 Portland Apartment property well located.' for ranch In vicinity of ttaiem. not over jia.owo. tfaK-oiofsky FOR SALE MODERN BUNGALOW two lota. Has furnace, fireplace, gar ace. fruit and walnut treea. east front Address 32 N. 19th. phon 2313 W. FOR BALE FOUR ROOM POTTAGE. furnished. .srnace, electric range, paved street, close to car-line, sac rlflce price. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co.. 275 State St. Phone 2315. A $1500 first mortgage and a second one of $2000. well secured, and two Portland lots for what have you In exchange to offer for consideration? Bee Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. Foil. HALE 10 ACRE FARM. FINE land, good buildings. $90 per acr. 10 acre tract close to Salem, bearing or chard and loganberries. IZsS. Ex change. 4S acres well Improved $. 800. Take part rltr properly or acre age. C room house $150. 'Take lota part pavment, time on balance. F. L Wood. liayne Bldg. FOR RALE SECOND HAND GRAIN sacks, wood and ensilage cutter, a silo 12x32 feet, both practically new. also an automatic dump bed cheap. John If. Scott. 484 Hubbard Bldg. intone 2S4 or (22. A NEW MODERN 5 ROOM BUNOA low to a vounr couple at 88 a month A 7 room house, very close In at $15 a month. Another same sis further out at $14 a month. William Flem Ing. 211 State St.. agent. sasJ!PPwWflSj bbbTw" "aaawaaWat J 1 SI I mm i ' ' X yS' THUS .STRAW tWc, U&Z I Barley, bo Oats. bo. Rye. bu. . Hay, tons S5.9S6.000 57.664. 00o pared with 22.16 per cent a month 50.652.000 43.037.000 1.043.000 680.000 12.6S1.000 13.604.000 Although a marked Increase In pro duction of wheat, oats, and rye over last year Is Indicated an extremely cold spring with scanty rainfall has caused a reduction la the earlier es timates. This Is most noticeable In California, where the barley produc tion Is estimated at nearly 6.000.001 previous, and Is heavier than at any time since the strike of last July. The mIDs have practically completed ship, meat oa government orders, but the retail trade has been buying heavily, orders and shipments being 13 per cent above normal, aad further or ders from the government are expect ed In the near future oa account of the housing projects at Bremerton SMALL HOME IN BALEM WANTED In part exchang for 71 V4 acres near Yoncalla of which 10 acres are In prunes. 20 In cultivation and 41 4 acres timber and pasture. Fair build ings. Team and tools Included. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. Fslem, Oregon. DENTIST AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPP'S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. , Phone Day, 863 night. 359. DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerc Building. I Phone EOS. MUSIC TEACHERS It! HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1383. OSTEOPATH WHOLE MILK Wo will pay $2.75 per hundred delivered at Haletn. Price baaed on 4 per cent fat contents. lTiono 2488 MARION CREAMERY 8c PRODUCE CO. RALF.M, OREGON A GOOD BUY 25x80 FEET ON EAST aid Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over th 14x501 feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms. Apply Scott Bosorth. 701 2 Spauldlag Hldg- Portland. Oregon. 40 ACRE TRACT, mostly bearing D rune a. with drier, house and barn and fine spring. If taken at once rroD goes with It. price 812.000. Will take third or more In good property. Terms on balance; 3 miles from R. It depot. 11 miles from Salem. William Fleming. 341 State street. Salem. BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C. W. Nlemeyer. Real Estate Agent. Canada Lands. 544 State street. TtRES REPAIRED VU LCAN1ZIN3 GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St.. phone 428. " TIRE REPAIRED VULCANglNO QUACK EN BUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanising. IIS nvrw vuuui,in street hone 6. "HEN WANTED WHO ARE NOT NOW ENOAGED IN ESSENTIAL ,n ,n . rrr -v wvqt LINN! sections, tubes 25c up. Service car MILLS ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE- WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections, tubes 26c up. uervice cr. Phone 3S3. 128 South Commercial street, ovr .r m iTsn TttUKE VEH BRACKETT 4k GRAY TUBES VULr canixed. 25c Retreading our special EVERY DAY. SO COME ALONG. STRIKE ON BUT NOT BOTHER ING US. WAGES 42c HOUR. EIGHT HOURS WORK. TAKE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN TO OREGON CITY." FEMALE tv. Free service car. i-none vv- 278 North Commercial. BUSINESS CARDS DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrks- vlll. Mo.; treats acut and chronic disease, ornc 404-40 U. a. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phon MS. Resi dence 418 North Summer. Phon 814. I PORTLAND MARKETS I 4- 4 DRS. WHITE & WALTON. OSTEO- 'PORTLAND. Aug. 9. Butter: patnic pnysicans ana surgeons, prints extras, 52c; cubes, extras. Graduates ,of the American Schools of I . .1 Osteopathy. - Klrksvllle. Mo- Poat 449C. Kraduate and specialised in nervous I uuiteriat: rortiana acuvcry, diseases at Los Angel College, j IOUr rrram, 55c Treat acut and chronic dlseaaeal Office 605-8-7-8. V. S. National . Bank Bldg. Phon 85t. Residence, I Htiylng pr:ce. locals, ja.uutra.z ; 1820 Court street Phon 2211. Dr. gelling price. $3.25 fj, 3.50: new Cal Whlte. residence phone 489. I ,r Z- -.n t-.nr.e?r. llNln PHYSICIANS . j... " " V,-. AUKUti ui'iivrrjr, uimb. uma, LN. HOMEOPATHIC 2 $"9; barley, standard feed. $54: r' treatdCsuceessVui-1 "A" . niber delivery: AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER- d any place, city or country. nm 84 or 20J1-R. W. W. Flshr. CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK lv dsv. M-Ql, care of Ststesmsn. MISCELLANEOUe GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS at Washington Exsminstlons every' BARBER SHOPS DR. L. O. ALTMAN, Physician. Genera J. .1 , 1 . I ntuiicn Rim toiler ireawu luccniiiiii' . . - m m r 1 u , r J. v. OfficK. and residence 2 North f0. i, oariey. irm. fi, Liberty. Salem, phone 147. "A" feed. $55; oats. NO. 3, $52; 38- pound clipped, $53; corn, yellow. CHINESE PHYSICIAN. DR. I. M. HUM CURS ANT KNOWN d!a. 1K3 8. Hlsh at fhm SSI. FOR BALE 20 ACRE FARM. ALL cleared, family orchard. 8 acre wheat. 9 tons of hay in barn. 4 acres planted to corn, beans and potatoea. good team. cow. chickens, farming implementa and household goods, well, spring, running water In pas ture, price $5000.00. one half cash. terms on naiance. per cent inter est W. H- Grabenhorst 4k Co- 278 State St- Phono 2315. 320 ACRES STOCK HANOI NEAR Mc Coy. Polk county. 125 In cultivation, balance open pasture land; place all fenced and rrn.i tenced with woven wire and board fence, 7 room house, barn and other buildings. Small or chard. Watered by two wells and several springs. Good road; tele phone. It F. D. Want Salem prop erty for equity. iTIce $ per acre. 218 ACRES. 1 MILES FROM SALEM on good gravel road; good house and barn, all fenced with woven wire fence. 158 acres of first class river bottom land. This Is a firm with soma outrange adjoining. Will trade for smaller place or city property bushels less thaa la 1917. although aavy yard aad other coast Industrial the acreage Is only 40.000 less. In j centers, as well as for 100,000 new California. Arizona, and Nevada the freight cars recently authorised by new crop of barley Is already coming the railroad administration. Into the warehouses, aad the wheat The limited sales of War Savlags harvest has started. land Thrift stamps Indicate that, al- Pastures are reported as about St though the publle subscribed liberal- per cent below the average. Short '7 to the three Liberty loans. It has crops of peaches and prunes are - not;yet realised the importance ef oected. while anricoLs and tha other this rorm or government finance, n deciduous fruits will probably yield lis aly by constantly practicing self- aa average crop. A heavy crop of denial In the' purchase of luxuries cantaloupes Is Indicated. ' Fruit U aad the curtail meat of all SBessea- now being shipped from California la tlal spending that the people can ae- eonsiderable Quantities, and the can-1 cumulate the surplus savlags necee- neries are la operation. Lemoa and ry to supply the Increased amount orange groves are In splendid eondi- ' money needed by the coverameaL tlon. Vegetables show an average rnmllHnfi ttitt a iliArtin In an ear beet production Is expected, due not CHICHESTER S PILLS onlw to adveraa weather conditional w .laisusanBtita v but also to a reduced acreage. Pres ent Indications point to a norma grape crop at double last year's prices. The food administration Is regulating the prices of most pro ducts on a basts eminently fair to producers and consumers, speculation being prohibited. California has the highest yield of cotton per acre of any state la the T mi ii Br , W piMlW. u. fct II M Hi -TTXt 4 MAjZeBB) a4Ssrii-Laa ae TIME TABLES SOUTH-SIN PAOrtC CO. Bert anew a4 V'a Kl nr.fui.a I 111 am. Union. Louisiana ranking second. I so. it or(oa Kxpres 7 a.aa. , . , . . , ..I.. ik. N' 28 Willamette Limited.. II a. am. nu"B yietu eou Kiia 1 I Saw IS Portland PaaeeageT.. 1:35 p. aw last three years are as follows: I f?, r""' MS 2 I-e av m w xw a a p" m-mw w . w w aw bb Vn. Jit Ixral Way Kria-nt.. 8 eaa. Yr. .Acres. Ttl. bales. Value. I awia.awa4 - 1917 117.000 67.000 $9.3$0.O0O2; """""issi stsat 1916 52.000 44.000 4.362.000 So. 15 raliforata Kapre...l0 58 a av e .a maa ea aaa i aaa I No. 17 rtoeeoerg raaaeager.. e :s p-aa. 1915 40.000 29.000 1.599.000 N. I7 wtiiasnett Limned.. 8 sa , ,, I Sv 13 Ha a Fraacisce Pa.. 0:24 P-Sa. The first ocean voyage of the con- nam tm r Krt...l8:oe a-a. crete steamer Faith was entirely sue-l n 327 Local Way Freight.. 1UI aau cessful. The Emergency Fleet cor-i salew-cfkr uxr ; So, 73 Arrlv at Salem 74 Leav Salem......... 3.00 avsa. .,,, . , -,.t, tv. aatlafse.1 no. Ti Arriv at ivatem : i am. yv.mw. mm m .-w I V AFTER THE OUTING COME IN AND enjoy our real reiresonit ini parlor, with a shave and shampoo. Ingrey's Barber Shop. 311 State" ht j ---' mmmmmmmmmmm I II RAYS AND EXPRESS where In August 'Experience unneo . , . .1 i i r J . pur it ami women oinn -. ... -soversment positions write for free! CAPITAL 'T v, , , ,ji.V hii mono - ---- eau loped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern hlpments. Also for storag as we hav three warehouses in connection with business. Furnltur . moving, nacking. shipping and storing our Specialty. Office State straet particulars to J. C. l-fnnrd. (former Jvi service examiner). 1060 Kenolsl 'g, Washington. D. C. STOCKS TAKE UPWARD TREND Dealing! Moderate in Aggre- CORN PRICE IS gate but Lover Large um- nM nrPIIMrl ber of hues U1M A LIiLLlllL $69.50; mixed. $67.50. r,il- note and rnrn in n II I C Oats No. 3 white. $53; 38-pound """J.V-f cuppea. wnue, j; corn. io. j yei- low, $70.50; No. 3 mixed. $G7.E0. XF.W YORK MARKKT. NEW YORK. Aug. 9. Hops, un changed. Prunes, strong. FARMS STtM'K PASTURE FOR RENT. ALSO small place. god house, near town. Box 5. Turner. Or. FOR RENT-8TOCK AND GRAIN for reenrd made has nlxced orders for a number of concrete steamers of ut i.'aea. Kaiem. moior i:iut 7500 ton. dead weight, 2000 ton. greater capacity than the Faith, and Throve- car t lioaawau and Ante ,... , . 17 leaves Salem, motor..... 4 15pm. eight of these vessels will be con- u, ,mm fut-sa. motor 158 pm. structed at a plant to be Installed by JJ y'?';' J'"" BUm ' ?i the corporation In Oakland. Cat ii Arrive at tuiem U Him. The threatened shortage of hydro- JH l MmZ::::::::: iVllZi electric power la northern and tlwV V '."'L-, I'-.!'"- . . ,T . .. ,, 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem... 2:30 p aa, FOR RENT HOUSES 'OK KENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS rarma. F. L. Wood. 341 State "I, pnone 7fi. 'DRY CXEAN1NO AMI PRE S 3 IN O 'OR RENT 11 r.n but iioom von. noas on paved street at izo ffnth High street E .A. Rhoten, any tim week days. pt'R KENT -THE FOLl)WING: . Mix room house at 748 North rioiunM PRESSING PARLORS F . .a, , ,- B. watanao. r-rop- a . cial I St Ladlw' and ""' suits cleaned and pressed. $ 1.28 and 8L7I. Work called for and dllvrd free. Tlepnone stain ess. . JUNK JTJNK ri . ioiii nuum at, 1 1 o "i i i . . .... winter t Modulo. Formerly rent- I JUNK WANTED WB PAT HI H EST ;aii at statesman dusi aeaa of f lc- M -,.-.- -1 rive room imnu ar iniiz si irl. Co. 171 unemeaeu Btreet Phone SS, "5W- Psrt'v modern. Formerly rent f at $lo. Call at Statesman business it. op Phone. 23. -Neat moilern bungalow, 6 1 '"oms at , North 20lh street. For Jly .rentel for $13. Call at States- H1New bungilow, modern In'ev-' wr respect Five rooms and large iee n- .. - . ...i ' Use of garage If desired, at 640 orth nth St Call at Statesman usiness office .or phon 23. price for Junk of every kind. Let us nag roods. mak yoo a price oa your household -v-nda. The "Sou are Deal" House r'aoltal Junk co. MACHINISTS vVE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automooiie repamng. oay-.A..in-A welding, gas engtn re- -airing, model and experimental Twnrk. Iowa Machine Shop. D. t S ctrown. prop, 252 Cbemeketa St, 8a ! lm. - 'cad the Classified Ad CUnified Ads Work lor Y oo '.Ar'Aiiltral California, due to the small amonnt of rainfall aad saow in the en as Causes CHICAGO. An. 9. Corn tssed down In price today owing latgely to Improved weather and to the gra PACIFIC COAST BUSINESS. General business conditions In the Twelfth Federal Reserve District up era arrivals of oats added to the selling pressure. Weakness of provisions was at tributed In some degree to the fed eral trade commission's report ad- NEW YORK, Aug. 9. Gratifying I vising control of packing inausines. war pews ana prospects or an eariy i ntllcT rfeaincr rvepuri uu iaia via ui.rui amicable adltistment of the dispute - -r nr a weather would cause nog move- between the railroads and federal Better War fieWS ATC VJlv- I ment to Increase, authorities save an upward Impetus to tocr today, the hardening pro-! ceasing extending to bonds. Dealings were very moderate In the aggregate, but encompassed more than the usual variety of Issues. Ac tive rails wore extreme gains of one to two points, that range also ap plying to industrials md specialties. United States Steel presented the wjv throughout Its extreme advance of 14 points to 111, the highest jiricc in several weeks, -nd retaining all but a small fraction. Baldwin Locomotive advanced 2 on the stength of reported divi dend action In prospecL Other firm and strong features In cluded marine, preferred, American Locomotive, Railway Steel springs. New York Alibrake, Great Northern ore, Mclean Petroleum, and tobac cos. Sales amounted to- 3 C 0,0 00 ORCCOX Kt-KCTRie Matkkesa4 mountains lsst winter, has become Train Leav , Am Arrive ... I No. "portlaad Baler F.wceee acute. The electrie power companies , teem B itam lo t am have, with the approval of the state Vl'.lV'taZ 12 Ve'pm railroad commissioa, agree a to tn riisn niw s:Jipa pooling of all power resources, aad ? , lUm Bal'mUl? the commission, through Us assist- M It!- ,",.r1' .21.... .11. pm j ee am l it in ant engineer, win exercise control 1 Xrth Bank stattea t leave Jffr over the dlstrihntloa of power be- d20mi.te uter i 1 - - - iTrala fav Arrive I No. r.ugea Salem I 2 12:5ara t tlfvine character of the war news, to July 1 sre reported as follows: The close was unsettled, v. to lV.f I with a large demand and nign rices for all agricultural producU. i.t.l.l A .nn f ..tnrln f -. . .. . t 1 run iuuubli 1.1 v. . - 31.63. uais iinisntHi - i 10 --: ... - .i.w- nmi.inni off i7c to 2 Oc. establishments operating at full ca General rains and the break-up parity, and wiin iaor muy empioyru of the hot wave tended plainly to -t nigB wages, the Twelfth Federal dispel fears of an extension of crop R.MrTe District Is prosperous, damage In the corn Aggress- ,., 0f lve selling which resulted was em- The government crop report of phasized somewhat by bearish In- June 1st gives the folowlng estimate ferences regarding the government 0f production of grain for the dls- report. but as a rule the report was trlct: looked on as having been discounted jjjg jji7 ata ranger lower will, corn. LlbJ Wheat, bu. .100.916.000 70.S99.000 tween companies aad from the com panies to consumers. Kay bank clearings for twenty principal cities of the district In creased 20.0$ per cent over the same month In 1917. The greatest gain was shown by Seattle with 62.5 per cent, followed by T aroma with 43.3 per cent, and Portland with 29.3 per cenL San Francisco, although hav ing the largest amount of Ineresse. with $64,519,000. wss sixth In rate of Interest, with 16.S per cent. Building permits for the same cities Increased 2 51 per cesL Lumber production increased dur ing May until on June 12th It was only 4.6S per cent under normal eora-l 10 Ltd.. 7:45am 12 It 11:15 am l Ltd.. 1:55pm 20 4:10pm 22 4 25 pm 4 1 am 7:U am 9:45 am 11:10am 1 19 pm 4 oo pa 5 10 pm 1 85 m a Sort h Bank Station 4 Arrlv Jerfer- mi Street 15 aalaMte earlier). Laaa Corvallla. Arrlv Portland O'l am 9:25 am 11:15am 1:20 pan 4 :00 paa 8:45 paa 7:40 pa 10 00 paa CORYAt-t.tS CONNECTIONS Norths Lrav Corvalli S:25m 12:12pm 2:41 pm 4:10 pm 18 pm Leav Saleaa 8 21 am 1:1tm 12 8$ pm :413 pm 4:41 pm th Arrlv galea 9:45am 1:50 am O O pm 8 10 pm 1:85 pm Arrlv Cecanie 9 :87 asa 11 11am t 10 pea t 28 pm 1:00 rm