TITE OREGON RTATCslAN: T II n WHAT, AI'nrftT . fin. 1 ass ifi-ea Directory 5 Tka Wonfff n4 Mwir1e Vi Ponlfnl Plfir Nnforl 1nAff PmnPf II Rnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECUflU MAnu uuuuo 1 tXOTUlN1 , 81IOKH. IHCV- cxks. too us, inc. CAPITAL EXCHANGE NORWICH ITXIOV fTRK INSUBAXCK MM'IKTY 1 W. II. Rargliardt. Jr., Resident Agent St. MONEY TO LOAN w -. aTwsw-s- f THOS. K. FORD . iMpnnTCD FARM AND CITY ZuoVLhTY AT LOWEST HATES I uttr immm as Bank. Salem. Or, 1 CLASSIFIED ADYERTISMESTS f first Insertion ......... lo J Subsequent Insertion ........ He Use week (six insertions) ... 3c Ons month .. o Sis month' contract per mo. 8c llmonths' contract, per mo... 7c i, ..count opened for less than 25c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 50c toaounclng "For Sale." "For tout." "Rooms" or "Board.- Headings So You, Can Readily Find Them They're Worth Whilej ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with us of bath, in modern botne. Addreaa A. U. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER beat, modern conrenlentes, alio lu aide roomi. Cloae to State House. lOSOCbemeketa Phone 1280. EMPLOYMENT AUKNT9 MEN WANTED AHLB HODIED, OV t IS years fur paper mill work at W est Linn. Oreguti near Portland Wage $3.36 eight hours. . No expert- . nioe Dpcfuimry. Permanent position ana advancement for steady men mriKe unmrru eignl months ago doe not affect penceful and normal operation of this plant. " Free trana- portation. 141 North High St. Phone 840. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OV YOEMAH SALEM MARKETS MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAY EVEN- ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at S o'clock. All visiting memben wel come. Horace Sykea, Foreman, W. H. Trunk. Correspondent. MODEHlf WOODHEH. REAL ESTATE MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 1244, meets every Thursday evening- at S o'clock In Derby building-, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C.; J. A. Wright, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS MALE FIVE GOOD MEN WANTED FOR FAC tory work, long- job at good wages. Call at room 303 Salem Rank of Com merce Illdg., or phone 482. Agent W . D. Smith. AUTO DELIVERY HA GO AGE AND PARCELS DELIVER, d any place, city or country. Phone 4 or znn-K. w. W. Fisher. i KI2W TODAY . ' . j Each new classified advertlae ment will be run under "New Today" for first Insertion, unless' otherwise ordered by the adver tiser Subsequent insertion of the ad will appear under its proper claaa ficaUon. . No advertisement will be run ssder "New Today" for more than os Issue under any circumstances MEN WANTED WflO ARE NOT NOW ENGAGED IN ESSENTIAL WAR WORK. APPLY WEST LINN MILLS ACROSS RIVER FROM ORE GON CITY. CAN USE THREE MEN EVERY DAY. SO COME ALONG. STRIKE ON BUT NOT BOTHER ING US. WAGES 42c HOUR. EIGHT HOURS WORK. TAKE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAIN TO OREGON CITY. DRAYS A BID EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933, Salem s largest and best equipped transfer company. Uet our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses fn connection j with business. Furniture moving,! pacKing, snipping ana storing our specialty. Office 1 State street. DRY CLEANING AWfJ PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe, Prop., 414 N. Commer cial St. Ladles' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed, $1.1$ and 11.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main SIS. INSURANCE FEMALE TODAY FURNITURE FOR SALE IN FIRST cist condition. 935 Oak atreet. CAPABLE WOMAN WANTS WORK by day. H-91, care of Statesman, LADIES AND MEN TO GATHER ferns and evergreens, all or spare time, pood pay. Reply envelope, please. Address "F. 1'." care Statesman. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FIVE ACRE SALEM SUB urban home for rent, .flit) per year. H. A. Johnson At Co. FOR SALE SMALL SHOE REPAIR hop doing good business, in good lo ration, will sell on time or cash. Ad dress "1-A" care Statesman. AFTER THE OUT I NO COME IN AND tnjoy our teal' refreshing tonsorlal parlor, with a shave ana shampoo, lntrey's Barber Shop, 311 State St. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS at Washington. Examinations every where in Auirust. Experience unnec essary. Men and women desiring government positions write for free particulars to J. C. I,ennnrrt. I former civil service examiner). 1060 Kenols Rldg.. Washington, D. C. G. W. LAFLAR. 40S HUBBARD BUILD- ing. phones: office 1644, residence 2022. Insurance in the best old line companies. Some bouses and farms for sale or trade. JTJNK sunn JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIS H EST price for Junk of every kind. Let as make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal" House Capital Junk Co, 171 Cbemeketa Street. Phone IIS. MACHINISTS LOST and FOUND LOST. H. A JOHNSON INSURANCE AGENCY toes a . general lire insurance ousi ea, bo to Mutual and Old Line com potes. 1 & 2 Bush Bank Bld.. phone lit Lost on sunday, august 4th. mr north falls at Silver Creek, a lsay! wrist watch, Waltham move ment, .black leather wrist strap. Finder please leave at Statesman of t ties and claim reward. itt 8 ALE 100 ACRE FARM. FINE ' Vnd, good buildings, $90 per acre. 10 trr tract close to Salem, bearing or chard and. loganberries, izuuo. r.x fhsnge. fig .acres well improved $6,- toa Take mart cltv nronerty or acre- lit. C room house $1500. Take lots art navment. time -on balance. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. LOST SMALL BAY SHETLAND Stallion, newara. rnone in.. WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all klnda. automobile reparrlng, oxy acetylence welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, prop., 253 Cbemeketa. St, Salem. TRANSFER HAULING LOST PAIR OF GOLD RIM GLASSES at comfort station. Finder please lv with police matron, Oregon Electric. ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AVTO SERVICE lFSTfUTCrSERVICECITY AND country trips. Phone Day. 163 night, SS9. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE ANY KIND or hauling. tiouaenoia moving lobs done prompt ly. Try me once. Tim me. 47S State St. Phone IIS. Reeldenee phone 11S?-J. LAUNDRIES DUYIN'G PRICK. KstCs and Poultry. ERfs, 40c. Broilers. 22 to 24c. Hens. 18 to 20c. Old Roosters. 15c. Pork, Mot ton and IWf. Pork on fout. r,'3 to 17'ic Kwes, Sc to 7c. Veal, dressed. 12 to 16c. Spring lamb, 10C Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows. 4 to 7e IUy. Cheat, per ton,, $2 4 to $25. Clover, per ton $25. Oats, $25. Grain. Wheat, $2.00 to $2.03. Oats. 90c Beans, 7c. MIL Feeds, IUU1L Bran, per ton, $S. Shorts, per ton, $38. WIIOLKHALK TO DEALERS. Creamery butter. &4 to 5Te. Hutterfat, f. o. b. Salein, 53c. KUh. Black Cod, 18C Red Cod, lie. Salmon. Chinook, I Co. Halibut, 25c Codfish, 15c Fruit. Oranges, $8.00 to $8.50. Canteloupex. $2.75 to $3.25. Watermelons, 2 to 2'4 Local tomatoes, $1 pr crate. Grape Kro.it. $4.50 to $7.75. lemons., $8.5 Dto $10.50. Bananas, 8 He lb. Vegetable. New potatoes, 3',i to 4c. Green beans, 5 to 6c. Cabbage, 4 to 4 He. Onions (Imported) $3. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 60c Dairy butter, 55c. Eggs, 45c. Flonr. hard wheat, $2.80 to $8. Flour, ralley, $2.5 Oto $2.60. Sugar, cane sod beet, 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. Oil Product. Red Crown gasoline .In balk. 22e. Standard engine distillate, In bulk. 13 cents. Kerosene Pear, In bnlk, lie; Elaine, In case, 28cpEocene, In ease. 234c. Oronlte Arotnrps In ease, S5e; in bulk. 26He- IRRIGATED IDAHO RANCH TO trade for ranch near Kalent. not over Ili.vus. Socolofsky. 3t ACRES NEAR AMERICAN FALLS. Idaho, well Improved, to exchange for ranch near Salem, not otf f!2.- lot. Kot-ulofsky. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES AN -ARTISTIC LITTLE RESIDENCE in pi-turesiu surroundings and 3 lots, must be sold. See Wiu. Fleming, 311 Stair St.. for bargain. FINE PRUNE AND LOGAN HERRY ranch near Malem. to exchange for residence. In Portland or Malmi and cash. Price l.0U. Socolofsky. 32 ACRES. PRUNE AND HAY RANCH good Improvements, will take Halem residence and mortgage back for balance. Price I.VW. riorolofsk y. WILL TAKE A VACANT MrT AND little cash for a good & room hiniw n paved strtet. 1 N. Commercial. William Fleming. 311 State street. TO EXCHANGE EQUITY IN S2S.- Portland Apartment property, well located, for ranch In vicinity of Salem, not over 1 1 .. Socolofsky. eSSl FOR RENT- STOCK AND GRAIN farm. Itnferences required. Inquire at room 22 Breyman block. Halem. or FOR SALE MODERN BUNGALOW. two lots. Has furnace, fireplace, gar age, fruit and walnut trees, east front. Address 329 N. 19th. phone 231S W. FOR SALE FOUR ROOM COTTAGE, furnished- 'irnirc, electric range, paved reet. close to car-line, sac rifice price. W. II. Grabenhorst Co.. 275 State St. Phone 2I1&. SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash 6c per pound. 1SS South Lib i erty street. Phone IS. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ii ip ,hinr don at rat every ' body can afford. For only SI cents we will collect, wash and deliver - your washing; within twenty-four hour J. Phone S47L TIRES REPAIRED VULCANIZING TIRE FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE 400 GOOD GRAIN SACKS or will exchange for hay. 1925 State. PIANO FOR SALE ALSO MAN'S Desk and Household goods. Phone H7I. . FOR SALE 19 IS FORD ROADSTER body and top. $15.00. Highway gar , 1000 So. Commercial. IF YDTT WINT TO GET THUS BBS J farm paper, send 10c to tne Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ao. ttlj-i vow Ail.P. PHEAP. 12x32. ONLY beca filled twice. Heavy hoops and iliv rwl A !. 2(1 steel stantlons food as new. R. C. Hallberg, Inde pendence. Kt. 1. . FOR SAI.R on TRADE FOR SECOND ftisnd Ford In good condition One Iheavv horse . wagon, harness, fresh row and calf. Will pay difference if any. Geo. S. Titus. RL 4. box 70-A. GATES HALF-SOLE Station. 177. South phone 428. SERVICE Commercial St.. TIRES REPAIRED -Vrt.CNIZlNG QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. i nmm v-umuiv' street. hone C6. WATT 8H1PP CO. RETREADS AND sections. tuDes Zic up. frr.it. Phone' 362. 12S South Commercial street. imtrKETT A GRA1- TUBES VUL- canizedt 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400 279 North Commercial. SECOND HAND BOOPI WE BUY AND BEL. SECOND HAflU goods or all Kinds, pip linings, nar neas. collars, collai pads, tools, chains. Fred Bchlndler. SSS Center Street. UNDERTAKERS WHOLE MILK We will pay 2.7.1 per hnnlreil delivered at Salem. Irlce liaaed (mi 4 per cent fat contents. Phone 24 HS MARION CREAMERY & PRODUCE CO. 8ALKM, ORKCJOX v A II 60S first mortgage and a second one of 12000. well secured, and two Portland lota for what have you In exchange to offer for consideration? See Wm. Fleming. 341 State St. FOR TRADE FOR MODERN CITY residence A five acre tract, -ooi Imorovements. In city limits. Seven block from carllne. I'hone 1S99-W or call after 2:30 p. m. at 19th and Oxford. FOR SALE SECOND HAND GRAIN sacks, wood and ensilage rutter. a silo 12x32 feet, both practically new also an automatic dump bed cheap John If. Scott. 44 Hubbard Bldg I'hone 2S4 or 22r V NEW MODERN S ROOM RUNG A - low tt a voting- couole at II a month A 7 room house. Very close In at IIS a month. Another same sise further nut at II a month. William Flem ing. 311 State St.. agent. SMALL HOME IN SALEM WANTED in part exchange for 7 1 acres near Ynnralla of which IS acres are In prunes. 3S In cultivation and 414j acres timber and pasture, (air build Ings. Team and tools included. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 411 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. PS SieWv mmc tii a J . w1 Tfc r Ve.Mkt MM1 JOtlH Otfi, . . Tef L AON 0 i rArM X f roiwOT TO JfHt TOuS. w., . .' &tCE 4 CtOAtO- , I OUT 1HAT- TO tOo NAM(! ' , PiJl AIJ . J -iil Iv. f-rW. I RUSSIAN CAPTAIN IN WASHINGTON Denver WUl Control lis Own Water Plant A GOOD BUY 2-xlS FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14xSWi feel tract extending from this property to Slate street. Terms. Apply Scoit Rosorth. 701 2 Spauldlng Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. 40 ACRE TRACT, mostly hearing nrunea. with drier, house and nam and fine spring. If taken at once crop goes with it. price $1 .SOS. Will take third .r more in good property. Terms on balance; 3 miles from R. IC depot. II miles from Salem. William Fleming. 341 State atreet. Salem. i Clough. funeral dlrectora. Latest ! modern memoes Known 10 ui -' fesslon. 497 Court street. PORTLAND MARKETS I WALL PAPER. raiNT PROFESSIONAL GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE' DEC coratlng. painting. tmUng, paper hanging, etc, Work don by contract or day; good workman. LocaMon 120 Canter Bt. Phone SSS-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren s irurniiur oiore. tn mercial St. CHIROFH ACT! O FOR SALE TEAM HORSES, WOOD rtok. harness and new wagon. Horses 7 and 8 years old. Address R. T. giddall. at Smith's saw mill. Kast Independence, Route 3, Salem, Oregon. DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE Ot P. 8. C Cnlropractlcs fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Cblropraetl 1 cor rects the causa of disease. Office JoS-'-s! O. a N. Bank Building. Phnn, m Reaideneei IH-R "PHYSICIANS DR. L. G. ALTMAN, HUMburAi Phv, an (ienerai rracuce. uan o..na nt Goiter treated successful iv. Office and residence 296 North Liberty, Salem, phone 147. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE. 35 horse power, 3 cylnders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price $1000. Scott Bozorth, Spalding Bldg., Portland. Ore. ni) V. L. DTTEK. BEMTHT, tixjyjsaa 413-414 Bang, OI vommerce duuuius, Phone COS. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true itnrv at western immi gration has been' carefully revised, nsking a handsome little book. It tells In graohlc terms of the mas sere of the Oatman family, of, the rspe of Lorenzo, and the captivity ef Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased rom the Indians five years later Th price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad ss Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa- POCrLTRT -V J TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST Dm poultry S t ot naner nuhllshed send 10 BU to the Northwest Poultry Journal. 8alem. Oregon, for a trial iweelntlon Mention this add WOOD. W7J0D ON CAR AT MARION, OR EG. ;'r "t 14.60 per cord, grub oak at -J- ' " Kmlth Jefferson, twes-on. FOR RENT HOUSES RKNT HOUSES APARTMENTS Farms, p. L. Wood. 341 SUte "wt. phone 794. t6 3 RENT 112. CO SIX ROOM MOD i nouse on paved street at lizo "ouin ui.k ...... t.1 , tikt W. anv 1 1 m week Aava 1i 3 'R; RENT -THE FOLLOWING: A Six room house at 746 North 5 "'"ter St Modem. Formerly rent r" $15. Call at Statesman bust orrice or phone 23 , 1 0 V.. f k- n .T . v n f,n...lAitt. 'ooms at !r,1 .Vorth 20th street. For for IZ. Call at States Y "riy rented f, .".business ofi'ce cr phone 23 " New bungalow, modern In ev IT' r"Dct- Five - rooma and large 'Teping norch Formerly rented for I". Use of garage if desired, at 640 NOItK 1 4U (J i" 1 1 . 0fl. i 6u"Jness office or phone 23. t..?-5ft Futnl.hed flat, modern, at Kerry .St. Phone 23 or caU at "utesman business office. DENTIST OSTEOPATH . rrt a MCP rT w 1 . HEKUfitt. un-auAAJ. American scnooi waieopamj. "-"mT" viii. Mo.t treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-40S U. 8. tlonal Bank Bldg". Pbon fit. Resi dence 41f North Summer. Phone ! Dairy ITtxIttcf. PORTLAND. Aug. 7. Butter: Prints extras. 52c; cubes, eitras, 48 fl 4 9c; buttcrfat. Pottland deliv ery, No. 1 sour creaid, 55c. Potatoe. Buying price, locals, $3.00 0 3.25; DENVER. COLO Aug 6. WnBlrl pal ownership of the water plaat was voted today la Denver by a heavy majority, according to Incomplete re turns. The proposal was la the form of a bond issu for $13.97.0S9 submitted to the taxpayers. This valuation for Ita plant has been ac cepted by the Denver Union Water Company, from whom the city pur WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. Captain I ehased. Vladimir Hurb.n. formerly of I .J!fT VflLilT: Russian army but who is now in i "" - Tells of Experiences Among Army of Escaped Czech Prisoners BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. C W. Nlemeyer. Rul Estate Agent. Canada Lands. street. State selling price, $3.25r.i 3.50; new Call- I SEE PORTER FOR PAiNTB WAU. Paper ana nctur rraraiD. uwy workmen. 4E6 Court SC I'hone 4 IS. WOVEN WIRE FEN CINQ De N01 Jk AnseHeaa rae, all sle. S la. t SS la. big-. Palate. Oils and Vavmlsh, Steves Rekallt mm4 Repaired Legaaberry mm He) Ha. Vmmm Stava U'crfcs, s Cmrt St. Ph 144 R. B. rEMISO, . . rxiMRirf n DRS. WHITE WAX.XUW. w-cw- pathlc . pnysicana ana "---Graduatea of the American Schools of Osteopathy. o Post graduate and apeclalised in nerTOus diseases at Los Angeles College .... and chronic disease A.y.i":- K0-..S.7.S U. S. National 1 Bank Bldg. Phone 85$. R-?idsnce.i 1620 Court street Phon mas. White., residence phone 4SS. WATER ucu WATER CO. OFFICE. 801 B. Commercial street. For water seryle apply at offtca Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will be allowed tor aosence or ior any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises- Hereafter water foe Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for eldewelks. brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of ratea Apply at office for copy. fornlas. $3.50 0 3.75. Grain. August delivery, bid: Oats. No. 2 white feed $59: barley, standard reed. $53; barley "A". $55.25; Sep tember delivery: Oats No. 2, $5S; barley, feed. $53.50: barley "A". $55.25; oats. No". 3. $52: oats, clip ped, $52: corn, yellow, $68.50; corn, mixed, $C5.25. Eastern corn and oats In bulk, bids: Oats. No. 3 white. $52; 38- oound dinned, white. $53; corn. No. 3 veilow. $tfS.e0; corn. No. 3 mixed, $65.2b. Sales: 10 tons August "A bar lev. $55.50: 200 tons September "A barley at $54.50; 100 tons "A" at $55; 100 tons September "A" barley at $5..25. FOR SALE 20 ACRE FARM. ALL cleared, family orchard. S seres wheat. 9 tons of hay In barn. 4 acre planted to corn, beans and potatoes. good team. cow. rnicaens. iwrnini Implements and household gooda. well, aprlng. running water In pas ture, price $ 100SSS. one half rash, terms on balance. per cent Inter est. W. H Grabenhorst a Co, 37S State St, Phone 231S. XKW YORK MARKKTS. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. Prunes are firm. PUBLIC NOTICES MUSIC TEACHERS R. HARK. TEAUibH Phone 1583. OF : riANO. CHINESE PHYSICIAN. DR. I dikes se M. HUM CURZa ANY KNQWN .7 HI 8 Hlrh St Phons WANTED "NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING CHURCH STREET FROM THE NORTH SIDE OF NORTH MILL CREEK TO THE SOUTH LINE OF D1.STREET. Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the city of Salem, will, at or about the hour of 7:30 o'clock p. m. on the 19th day of August, 1918. or at the same hour at any subse nnent meeting of the Common EXPORT BUYING GOOD FOR OATS Large Purchases Strengthen PricesHogs Reach High Leyel IS ACRE FARM ClWE TO R. R-.4 river bottom land, first class Im provements, to exchange for smaller plareup to $10,000. and good liberal terms on balance. Price :S SOS NICE 7 ACRE TRACT FOR RENT close In. good Improvements AI.KO 12S ACRE FARM NEAR J Er ferson to rent, about ss acres ntm land. fr Improvements FINE MODERN BUNGALOW ON I'AV ed atreet to exchange ror acreage n . . . flal.m See PERKINE A MARSTERS. 402 Hub bard BMg FEW MEN VISIT STOCK EXCHANGE Intense Heat in New York Reduces Attendance of Traders to Minimum army of Cxecho-SIovaks, bss resehed Wathington. Captain Hurgan gste the Associa ted Press an account of some of the experiences of th srmy of escaped prisoners. He told how after th peace treaty was signed by th Rol shevikl government the Ceho-?l-vak army of 50.000 men was In 1'kralnla. The Germans advanced against the Czechs In overwhelming numbers snd the emperor of Austria sent a sieclal envoy with the pro mise that If the Csechs disarmed they wonld receive amnesty and their lands would be mi 're. The answer was tliat they would have no dealings with the Austrian ..a . . . emperor. A battle witn in- k"- , mans was fought for four days dar ing the retreat from Kiev and lb Cxechs were victorious to S point where the German commander of fered a 4S hours truce, whlrn was accepted. In this battle they lost about 00 men while 2000 Germans were burled In one dsy. Thus the Ciechs escaped from Ckralnla and still maintained friend ly relations with the Bolshevist, They turned over arms, horses, auto mobile and other equipment which had been taken from the Germans to a large extent. I-ater at Irk utsk a train with 48 Ciechs a hoard armed with ten rifles and twenty hand grenades was surround ed by several thousand red guards equipped with machine guns snd can non. At a command In German th red guards began firing. The Csechs I iimned front the train and In five minutes. Captain llurban ears, all the marhlne guns were In their pos session, the Russian Bolshevik I dis armed and all the Germans and Mag yars "done away with. slon. Saskatchewan Wheat Now Beinz Harvested REGINA. Sask.. Aug C Wheat editing his commenced la Saskstrh ewan. Reports at hand toa'ght show that farmers la the Maple creek dis trict commenced euttltg operations a few days ago. wh'.le at Leras'ord and Lancer th binders were In th fields en Saturday. la some districts In the strei f heavy retting will be gtneral In a week or tea dtys. Reports from many parts ef th provla- show that the grain Is eommcarlsg to turn. CHICGAO. Aug. 7. Government announcement that much actual it.ni,,, hat tMn done by excessive council, at the Council Chamber In j heat ful,y offM.t !n tn. corn market the City Hall, proceed to assess today the beailsh Influence of wel come rains. Prices closea unsetiieo. $1.61a to $1.2 for September snd $l.G3i to $1.3 for October, Ue MISCELLANEOUS WANT $3000- LOAN AT 8 PER CENT. Socolofsky. ' WANTED SMALL POTATOES stock feed. Call 14F15. FOR WANTED TO BUY VEAL CALVES Any sizfc Phone 1576V. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOP. good clean rags. Pressroom States man. V WANTED SIX modern hous. Statesman. on SEVEN ROOM Address "H-92". care upon each lot or part thereof its nmnortionate share of the cost of improving Church Street from the north side of North Mill Creek to the Bouth line of D Street. All persons Interested In said as sossment or affected thereby are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place before the said Common Council and present hir oh lections to said assess- off to a like advanc. cctnpared witn 24 hours before. Oats gained H O S,c to 1c. The outcome in provis ions varied from 4 5c decline to a rise of 7c. Big export purchasing, stld to ag gregate more than 500.0 bushels. eve strenrth to oats. Liberal coun- ment. if any they have and apply d h f. tnat,on, of ,0 the Common Council to equate, ? ternporary bearish their proportionate share ot said FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED S OR 7 rooms , completely fu'n'Hh,d1 n. close to car. nice yard. Will lease for a year. Manager Oregon Theatre. 1 nHoAtimpnt. By order of the Common Coun cil this 5th day of August. 1918. EARL RACE. City Recorder. Passed and adopted by the Common Council this 5th A?S of August. 1918. . Attest: EARL RACE. City Recorder. effect. Hogs at nearly the highest level on record upheld lard and ribs. Pork. however, could not be disposed of nnles notable concesalons were of fered. The Austrian commander. General Wurni, has been stepped on. NEW YORK. Aug. 7. The Intense heat, which reduced attendance to a minimum and caused partial susin aion of operations at Industrial cen ters the enlarged war casualty list, and' the further erratic movements of specialties, contributed to today's nominal stock market. leaders were slugglrh from the outset. The most conspicuous ; in eluded General Motors, which react ed 8 4 points, hut rallied later, and tobassos with recessions ranigng two to five noints. IT. s. Steel rose and fell within fractional limits .supplying less than its usual quota and ending vittually unchanged. Kindred shares fluctuated In the same restrictea manner. Metals were motlonlsss until the last hour, when some slight reaction ensued on announcement that tne war Industries hoard had declined to rrant an increase In the current price of copper. Sales amounted to 15. 000 shares. Donds were Inactive, although the French issue showed mote sal- strength. Total sales, psr value. $5. 595.000. Old P. S. bonds were unchanged on call. LEVY CAUSE OF FINANCE CLASH Experts of Treasury Depart ment Disagree With House Committeemen It Is reported that th Emergency Fleet corporation has accepted th design for a si sk less ship, prepared be Hudson .Maaira. Talk about yonr Wlaard K-dlsons. what's the matter Ith Maxim as a magician? Th In vention of smoxele-- - der was sa Insignificant arrmp!ii.hmenL TIME TABLES WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. Differ ences between ine nous j means committee and tax experts of the treasury department looking into the method of levying excess proms taxes to be Inserted in the $S.oee. 000.000 wsr revenue bill now being (rsmed were considered today by the committee snd Dr. T. 8. Adams, chairman of the treasury's excess pro'lts advisory board. Chairman Kltrhln at the close of the session announced that the t-o ru nt It tee would adopt an alternative system of applying pre-war prorits as a basis where they coulJ produce ereater revenue than the excess pro Mts tax. lie also said the commit tee and treasury would "get togeth er" on the excess profits tax as soon Secretary McAdoo had gone over . a a ..l.lleal alAttlk4 tsV n system iro..u.n, lt rvrvsllt he committee. Th plan of super- i :tar mpo.tn- a strictly war fvoflts tax '- dd't'n lo the etcess profits tax lid devet'-n much support la the ommlttee today. The excess profits levy, upon which the treasurr snd th commit tee differ, hlnre largely on a matter SorTIIKRN PACIFIC CO. thb4 V.'S Oregnaia S.OSaaa. No. 14 rao Lsprea ..... 1 IILM. No. II Wlllaaaette Limited.. II asm. Sa II Portland Paaecagar.. I ll p- He. 34 Coo Bay 1:44 pm. Sa II Portland SU press ... s-s.paa. Nn. IJI Local Way Frets-M.. I Mi sa. So. 313 PorUead Fast lL..ll;li sa. ImiMss4 S. It Ortfssns .......... 3:14 ana. So. 21 i'omi t'y ...It Htm. Sa. IS Califerata Eisfes...l4:U am. S. 17 howhsif Paa-ge.. 4 paa. S. 37 Willatt LiMite.. I M aa, S. 11 Saw Franclae Paae.. 9.14 paa, So. 321 San Fran. Fast Frt.. .11:04) aaa. No. 321 Local Way Freight.. 1141 swan. B4LBW-4.KKIS UI1 So. 73 Arrive at aaleaa 9:10 aea. No. 74 Leave Saiaaa S SOblSb. silks. rALi.i Ttty Jk. witrsrstN 141 Leave. Sale. mtor T ana. 1(3 liMiej alea. eaotoe 9 1. am. It. Leaves Saiea. motor..... I lln. Thrwik ear t UeasiasU an Aril 1(7 lrave S-alem. motor 4:11 pan. 1(9 leaves Salem, mat or S llpm. 1 Way Freight leave Salens I eaa. 1.1 Arrives at Halem 9 IS as. Ill Arrive at Salem 110 ana. 1(4 Arrives at lom. ........ 3 ee p ra. 1(1 Arrives at Kalem l.S.pm. ITS Arrives at Kalem 7:?Spaa. 140 Way Freight Ar. SaUm... 3.30 pan. s OREGON rU-aCTSUC ganthnseed Train Ieave Arrlv S. Portland Saloaa I 4 14am S Ham S Ltd.. S IS am l ll am 7 10:41am 12:10pm S 3.m 4:llpm II Ld.. 4:14 pm 4-44 p, 17 t 4. pes I ST pm 19 S.-Opm 11:74 pm II ll-4Sm 2 44 am Nrth Bank Statlo (leave Jeffer Street IS and 30 minutes later.) Arrlv Cage 1414 am llllpm I Itsa S kO pm Salem nly alom oalp I II am Train Sa. S 4 4 is Lad IS .... 14 .... ic Lid. Xrl.b4 !eve Arrtv Ees-ew Salem .12 4. am 4 14 am 7:11am . 7:ISam 9 am 11:14 am .llllam 1 Usm 1:1. pm 4 44 pm Portland 4 14 am I II am 11:11am 1:10 pm 4 4 pm S:4lpm 7:44 pm 10 0 pm Read the Classified Ads. I Qf deductions u be aiioaed. 4 4:14pm 114pm I 4 1. an T ..pm x North Bank Station (Amve J-rrer-a Street IS salnetea earllee). Leas Corv all la coryaiiis nmmioii. SselfcitesS Arrive Saleen 9 41 am Itltpm 1-4) in S-4lpm s-eepm 4:14 pm S14pm ISpm 1:SSpm Leave Salem Arrlv CorR1 MtkbMSl I Itim 9 S7sm 11 Kim llllam ' IftSpm !!! :411pm I I am S 4lpm 8 SOrm '