The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, August 02, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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tr BORN ' In n
Have Your Eyes Examined
If. Yon suspect there is anything wrong with your eyes come in
and have them scientifically examined. ' We will tell you truth
fully if glasses will help you or not.
M. W. Carar State aaa Liberty Streets.
Dr. Burdette, Optometrist Optical Goods of Quality
;-tqiTY NEWS
OREGON State street near
O. E. depot. Home ol Artcraft
and Paramount pictures.
William S. Hart in "The Hell
Hound of Alaska."
LIBERTY Liberty near
State street. High class reels.
"The Floor Below." with
&fabel Normand.
BUGH State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird Mma. Special films.
An Unusual Bargain
A 760 Singer player piano for
1562 an exceptional buy for anyone-desiring
a high grade instru
ment. E. L, Stiff ft Son, 446 Court
Union Service Sunday
. The churches of the city will unite
in a union service to be held in Will
soa nark: on Sundav nveninv at n
o'clock. Rev. A. F. Lacy of the Jason juemoaist church will be the
preacher of the evening.
Maurer on Cash Basis--. V
Beginning August 1, my machine
ana repair shop will be conducted on
-a cash basis. ,-Heln ns conserve our
time by paying for work when deliv
erer i also ; take this opportunity
to thank my many and valued friends
for their patronage In tbe past, and
trust that any Inconvenience caused
by this change will more than be
offset by the knowledge that they
are helping us win the war. Re
spectfully, John Maurer.
Got to TmiHlU
Hiss Lorene Parker, who for a
time was food demonstrator for the
food administrator in Marion coun
ty, has been assigned to duty in
Umatilla county. Her headquarters
will be In . the federal building at
Pendleton and her work there will
be under the edpartment of agricul
ture. Irrigation J '
Even numbers on Monday, Wed
nesday, Friday and Sunday. Odd
numbers on Tuesday, Thursday, Sat
urday and Sunday.
Even numbers are on south and east
side of street. Odd numbers are on
north and west side of street.
The Regular Business Meeting
: Of the Christian Endeavor society
Of the Bungalow Church. Seventeenth
,and Court streets, which was to have
been held Friday night, August 2,
has been postponed until Saturday
night. August 3. This is one nf the
most wide-awake, live-wire Endeav
or societies in the city, and a cordial
welcome, splendid program and
pleasant evening are assured all.
- Wllholt Mineral Springs '
' Greatest health resort in the West
, An Ideal place to spend your sum-
ner vacation 32 miles from Salem.
Excellent accomodations. Ideal sur
roundings. . Good fishing. For full
Information, address W. F. McLaren,
Wiinoit, cregon.
- Stey at
"A Rome Away from Home."
Strictly Modern $1-00 Per Day
I Been f Sella Ceatfert
Only Hotel In Business District
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 952.
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
; " Herrous Diseases
CP United PUtes National Bank
v Building, Salem, Oregon
Day phone
Night phone
Efficiency Speed -
We will pack, move or store
your goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments
our specialty.
- Piano Moving and Out of Town
4S7 State Street.
, , . . i
Camp Stoves
And camp furniture at E. i sun
& Son's, 446 Court street.
The Woman's Missionary-
Society of the First Presbyterian
church holds its regular meeting
at 2:30 today in the church parlors.
Boys Hear Address
Pastor Partington of the First
Methodist church at Eugene address
ed the boys . at the State Training
school Wednesday night on the sub
ject "The American Boy." The ad
dress was illustrated by lantern
slides showing the life of the Ameri
can soldiers in France. The boys
enjoyed the lecture. They sang the
"Star Spangled Banner" and gave
the flag salute.
Cheap Tents
At E. L. Stiff Son's, 446 Court
street. ' Just received, 25 second
hand ones. 1
Dr. OI L. Scott. Chiropractor-
Will close his offices Saturday aft
ernoon, Aug. 3., to take a week-end
trip to Tillamook.
Oregon Patents Granted
Reported weekly by Beale & Park,
solicitors of patents, Washington. D.
C. for the week ended June 25, 19J8
Abraham B. Burger, Portland, Ore
gon, bicycle lock; Albert H. Goodman
Oakland, Oregon, poison wheat dis
tributor; Sumpter L. Flowers, Burns,
Oregon, coin controlled lock for lock
ers; Charles A. Maher, Wallowa, Or
egon, cleaning device; David F.
Shope, Portland, Oregon, "water
proofing and ornamenting objects;
Herman Waterholter, Portland, Ore
gon, hay and cotton trier.
Selling for Cash
Commencing July 1 we established
our business on a strictly cash basis.
Patton's Book Store.
Last Big Dance at Macleay
Next Saturday night. Supper
served by ladies of Red Cross auxil
iary. At the Court House-
In the case of E. K. Spyker against
May B. Spyker, the plaintiff filed a
motion for the dismissal of the ac
tion, the parties having been recon
ciled and abandoned the proceedings
for divorce. Complaint filed in the
case of James W. Clark against L.
D. Kelly, suit to recover the amount
of 415 in 'wage claims. Order issu
ed from the court appointing Cora
L. Prescott administratrix of the es
tate of Augustus Prescott. deceased
Order issued on the petition of
Charles F. Elgin, administrator of
the estate of Jas. H. Elgin, decetsed.
terminating all proceedings and strik
ing out all records of same on ac
count of error. Marriage licenses
issued to Montague B. Coade of Port
land and Hasel Edwards of Salem.
With Our Complete Equipment-
Refined services and latest meth
ods of embalming, 'twill be a ''funer
al beautiful." Webb Clough Co.
Dance at Moose Hall-
Saturday night. Another hip
Lam J
rVI "JitstthA n
r.m HOTEL 1 I
D A 8 for you : f5
COURTESY. Cesefert. besaellke
taseapbere at aeederate
Brieea. Aeaelately (Ireareef.
Ceatrallr leeate. CeaveaJeat
all earltaea.
PertLaaA. Ore area
Will supply your wants in all
kinds of wood.
16 inch Green Sl&bwood at
$3.00 per load.
Phone 520.
f pay the highest cash price.
Before yon sell, get my prices.
I also bay all kinds of second
hand furniture and Junk. .
The Square Deal House.
271 ChemekeU St. Phone 898
As All Klarfa mt Sa Hu4
Fad! Market Prices Sped
Prices aJ4 far Backs
2mr kefare ra sell
JUZA To Mr. and Mrs. Tom Juia
964 South Liberty street, Wednes
day. July 31, 1918. a daughter
who has been named Helen Jane.
Camp Equipment
Cheap tents, camp stoves, camp
funiture, etc., at E. I SUff Son's
446 Court street.
Machine Gun Men Meet i
Tonight at 8 o clock at the armory
final steps will be taken to organize
inmi machine eun company for
the Oregon guard. Almost the en
tire number needed have signed up
and the remainder 111 probably be
secured this evening.
Gnu Fire in Suburbs
The fire trucks were called out
yesterday afternoon by a grass fir
in the suburbs at Fourteenth ano
streets. Although there wa
considerable wind blowing at the
time, the department prevented th
flames from spreading and doin
damage. Too Much For the Band
Sociability is one of the pleasant
features conected with the gather
ings at Wlllson park on band concert
occasions, but when it develops into
hilarity on the part of children and
young people in the vicinity of the
band stand it becomes a serious
handicap both to the band and th
people who go there to hear music
Complaint has been made
Auxiliary to Meet
Tonight the Rosedale Red Cross
auxiliary wil have Its regular month
ly meeting at Hope chapel. Oscar
Gingrich is the principal speaker, his
topic being "How to Make S1000
Year on Chickens." Dan Langen
burg and Claude Stevenson will give
vocal solos, and Mrs. O. B. Allies
reading. Ice cream, cake and hot
weinies will be served at the close of
the evening.
Marion Draws $23,716.80
and Polk County Allow
ance Is $8,976.15 '
Til. nfffrA nf State Treasurer Kay
yesterday apportioned to Oregon
counties a total of 376,4Ui.7z irom
interest received on the lrreduciDie
school fund. This Is on a basis of
205.6S4 children of school age, be
tween 4 and 20 years, as ascertained
hv the school census lust completed
and turned In to the treasurer's of
fice by School Superintendent
The total number of school- popu
lation is 301 less than last year and
the apportionment is 15000 less, aue
to application of the federal loan in
tha tnt The ner canita aDDortion-
ment has decreased from $1.86 last
year to $1.83 this year.
The report shows that twenty
counties have decreased a total of
3023 In school poulatlon ana tnat
sixteen counties have gained a total
Marion county's school population
is 12,960 and its apportionment zj
71 a no. Polk county's school popu
lation is 4905 and its apportionment
$8976.15. "
The apportionment by counties roi
Baker. $11,666.25.
Benton, $7,246.80.
Clackamas. $20,717.43.
Clatsop, $10,467.60.
Columbia, $7,583.52.
Coos, $12,879.54.
Crook, $2,148.42.
Curry, $1,657.98.
Deschutes. $4,397.49.
Douglas, $11,128.23.
Gilliam, $2,126.46.
Grant, $3,771.63.
Harney. $2,953.62.
Hood River. $3,713.07.
Jackson. $11,503.36.
Jefferson. $1,956.27.
Josephine, $4,865.97.
Klamath, $5,235.63.
Lake, $2,391.81.
Lane, $19,403.49.
Lincoln. $3,376.35.
Linn. $14,284.98.
Malheur, $6,141.48.
Marion. $23,716.80.
Morrow, $2,900.55.
Multnomah. $97,454.82.
Polk, $.976.15.
Sherman, $2,033.13.
Tillamook, $4,198.02.
Umatilla. $13,324.23.
Union, $9,276.27.
Wallowa. $6,459.90.
"Wasco. $7,691.49.
Washington, $14,936.46.
Wheeler, $1,925.16.
Yamhill, $11,891.34.
Submarine Back Number
in War, Says Daniels
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1. The sub
marine is no longer a determining
factor in the war and statements by
Emperor William in a proclamation
to the German army and navy that
submarines "are tenaciously attack
ing and fighting the vital forces
which are streaming across the sea"
are without foundation. Secretary
Daniels said today.
"The reduction in sinkings has
been steady," Mr. Daniels said. "The
submarine, as a leading. Important
factor in the war is ended. It Is al
ways a menace and as long as there
is one In the seas and we are losin
ships and will continue to lose ships
now and then, but as for its being
determining factor in the war, that
fear is ender."
(Continued from page one)
amounted to more than 993.000,
000, or nearly 50 per cent more than
in the corresponding period of lrst
year. These results had Wen far
Leyond his expectations.
Sun Hats 20c to 35c
Ladies Hats (untrimmed)
$1.59 and $1.79
Ladies' Hats (trimmed) $5
These Are Best Silk Velvet
t Hats
Ladies' .15c to 79c
Children's 20c to 40c
Men's 20c to 40c
We also have a very com
plete line of Dishes and
Granite Ware
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c
152 No. Commercial St
C. W. Niemeyer spent Thursday
Kelzer schoolhouse.
C. n. Lusk. of Seaside, visited
briefly In Salem Thursday.
Mrs. F. R. Coleman, of Enterprise
is a recent arrival in Salem.
Mrs. P. C. Baer of La Fayette.
Or., is visiting friends in Salem.
S. R. Sonneland was among the
guests at the Bligh hotel Thursday.
Sirs. J. L. Calavan came in from
Scio on a business errand yesterday.
Mrs. A. Johnson, of Monmouth,
was In the city for a brief vTsit Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnes, of Port
land, were guests at the Marion ho
tel Thursday.
John and Dewey 'Monaghan. of
Yamhill, were in the city for a short
stay yesterday!
Dr. Carl Gregg Doney will talk on
the Red Crosa Friday evening at the
in Eugene on business.
Margaret Stambuck, of San Jose
Cal., wr; among the guests at the
Capitol Hotel last night.
Mrs. C. W. Niemeyer and little bod
have Just returned from a visit with
relatives and friends In Portland.
Miss Ruth Paxson left yesterday
for Central Point, Jackson County,
where she will spend her summer va
cation. Street Commissioner Low leaves
this morning for the Breitenbusb
country for an outing of a week or
ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jones and Dr
and Mrs. F. E. Seloues were tmonr
the Eugene people stopping Salem
Mrs. E. D. Flagg left yesterday to
Join' her husband who Is stationed
with the artillery corps at Old Point
Comfort. Virginia.
Miss Ella Anderson, of Grants Pas
has recently arlved In the city to take
a position in the office of the Indust
rial accident commission.
Glen C. Niles. who is connected
with a banking firm at Hood River
arrived in the c'ty recently for a brief
visit with relatives and friends.
Engineer John Dubois, who Is In
charge of a large irrigation project
In the Rogue river valley, arrived in
Salem yesterday, registering at the
Marion hotel.
IT. L. Upson, who is In charge of
the department of poultry husbandry
at the Oregon Agricultural college-
is in the city in course of one his
trips through the state.
Edwin L. Cbalcraft and daughter
Alice came in from the Siletz country
yesterday, registering at the Bllgb
hotfl. Mr. Chalcraft was fQrmerlv
superintendent of Cbemawa Indian
War Labor Board Appealts to Oregon
Paper Mill Men
WASHINGTON'. D. C. July 28.
fSDeclal) After a hearlnr todav.
War Labor board declined to render
final decision in the matter of dif
ficulties In the paper mills at Oregon
City. Camas and Lebanon, but tel
egraphs 1 the employe's organization
saying that the board is convinced
that the employers are sincere In
their efforts to adjust differences
and asking the employes to call off
the strike and resume negotiations
ror an amicable settlement.
Anne Martin Independent
Candidate for Senator
RENO. Ner.. August 1. Miss
Anne Martin, former president of the
National Woman's party, filed Jser
petition as an Independent candidate
for United States senator from Neva,
dawith the secrtary of state today.
The New Wesson Oil Productlor
for Cook Ins.
Crisco-Lard in the bulk.
Fruits Vegetables Confectiona
To Perfection.
Boiled Ham,
Minced Ham.
Break rast Bacon.
343 Vnlon Street
Railroad Ticket Office Inside
R. E. Gamble, Prop.
(Continued from page one)
repeatedly since then that he has
seen no reastn to change his opin
ion In that regard. Congress, how
ever, ruled against taking men below
the votlnic age of 21.
The reluctance of many members
of congress t go lower than the 21
limit is still annarent. although there
is evidence of a strong sentiment to
ward carrying the maximum up as
high as 4 3. There is no doubt, how
ever, that war department officials
would prefer to draw on the classes
nf 19 nH ?ft Year old VOllths to fill
the ranks and see no decided mili
tary advantage to be gained rrom
any considerable extension upward.
Selection to lie t'aretui.
Socretarv Baker baa heretofore
announced that his policy in recom
mending any cnange m arau ages
would be to seek a sufficient num
ber of men to meet the army's needs
in such ages as would least disturb
the economic situation at home. The
bulk of the new forces, in his view,
would be drawn from the youngest
class of men physically able to stand
the strain of modern warfare.
From the purely army standpoint
this has been a boys' war from the
start. The quick recuperative pow
ers of youth have been vitally nec
essary to the military machine un
der the conditions ot moaern war
fare. Older men are slower to Tecover
and are. therefore, of more limited
use to the army.
On the other hand, however, there
are a great number of men who
could be called out of the higher
ages, even up to 45. A far greater
proportion of the men between 31
and 43 have independent Incomes
than Is true with men below 31, re
ducing the dependents factor for ex
emption to that extent.
n infinite Size.
tf t. nt rertsln that the depart-
mnt la almlUF at the creation of a
r... nr .nv definite slxe. There
are now upward of 1.300.000 Amer
ican troops either overseas or
route. Secretary Baaer saia toasj
v .hinmHi rate of the earlT part
t ! tial keen maintained througn
the month, although he did not have
available the total snipmem. louw
the 250.000 a month suggestions and
without mishap to the supply line.
October should see 2.000.000 Amer
icans overseas and the opening oi
the spring campaign of 1919, when
many officers believe the final scenes
of the German defeat will begin a
great combined drive against the
German lines, might easily see three
million ready for action, wiin an
other force of substantially 2.000.
a a a r-niel at home. That would
represent the army of 5.000.000 men
for which, in a general wy, iuc
department may be aiming.
Cherrian Band Will Give
Popular Numbers Tonight
The nrnrram to be given by the
Cherrian band at Wlllson park to
night will Include some of the most
nooular and melodious" numbers in
the band's repertoire. Instead of
the usual vocal solo, there will be a
trombone solo by Director Oscar
Steelhammer. The program Is as
Star Spangled Banner .;
March. First Brigade .... J . Weldon
Selection. Algeria . . . Vlctdr Herbert
Waltz, an Autumn Reverie. . .Roue
The Merry Lark Bendix
Overture. La Belle France (rrencn
Trombone solo. Kentucky Home..
Oscar Steelhammer
Mazurka. Heather Bells Losey
Selection. The Royal Chef . . Jerome
March. Garland Entree King
Tfcnurh the mills nf Oa4 ar1nd slowly.
Yet they srlrwl eiceedlns small:
Thou ah with patlcBC lie stands wait
ing:. With xactnaa triads H alL"
Wool Rac S!ac
White Cotton Raff 2c
Kbody Hags le
Cast Iron 91.23
Salem's Leading Junk
Corner of Center and Conrt
Phone TOO
Get on the right side of
These four are leaders
The hest for lunches, while you are sating the berries.
Cherry City Baking Co.
Clean -Up On
Summer Dresses
Including Sample Line
sport models street models-
afternoon models C
for quick
U. G. Shipley Co.
Quality Merchandise. Popular Prices
Jugs and Churns
Crock, ' gallon .-.
Crocks, 1 gallon TZz
Crocks, 2 gallons 0:
Crocks, 3 gallons C0c
Crocks, 4 gallons ECc
Crocks, 5 gallons $LO0
Crocks, 6 gallons $120
Crocks, 8 gallons.. $LS3
Crocks, 10 gallons $3
Crocks 12 gallons r $173
Crocks, 13 gallons $3.7$
Crocks, 20 gallons $5.00
2 gallons with e ver.. C3c
3 gallons with cover tZt
1 gallons with cover...
5 gallons with cover
'i gallon,.... 15c 1 gallon 25s 2
333 EUta Street
The first dentists, the first optometrists, the first Eoaeo-
nalhs vrera not nnW rl iKm .. j x-.
- j v.t.i.Mvv4 uii. j vwuucowea as - j
posters. The first Chiropractors, were condemned in the suae S
ry wiat ut won iur mem ineir ruAsiu.
, Erery broad-minded 'doctor now acknowledges the rirtss
of Chiropractic.
Dr. O. L. SCOTT, .
Rooaas 40C7-, C. 8. Rational 11 a k tlnUdln.
Office rhone 87. IteaUleacn rbone SSH
the wheat sarin effort Boy
70 per
Phona 173
per cent wheat substitutes
cent wheat suhstitntes