if i as -s If Bed fl) I rectory S v tivuuo j s yupittti vasjr aa A,vi,Lt it der Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them if Rnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAM uuuuo TS CIvOTHlNO. SHOES, BICY B 4.Ka TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 237 Court St. phone 403 NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY V. II. Rurghardt, Jr., Kcident Agent 85 tot st- MONEY TO LOAN IMPROVE" FAHW a w - Hos. k. ford CLASSIFIED ADTKRTISMEJITS Rate Per Ward first Insertion . lc Subsequent Insertions c One week (six Insertions) i.. 3c One month ;c Bis months contract per mo. 8c limonths' contract, per mo... 7c iio account opened for less than 25c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 50c Jnnounclng "For Sale." "For Bent," "Rooms" or "Board." HEW TODAT "Each new classified advertise ment, will be run under "New Today" 'or first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver- ubsequent Insertion of th ad will appear under Its proper claas flcatlon. , No advertisement will be run ndrr "New Today" for more than one Issueunder any circumstances NEW TODAY WANTED AROUT 2.5 BUSHELS OF old potatoes. . Phone 8F21. Mark 11. Savage. - ' ' BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE I-hone 111F3. R't No. 6, Salem. How ard Jones. FOR SALE. CHEAP STONE AND j brick layers iois. inquire aim Hickory street. North Salem. TAKEN UP ONE BLACK . JERSEY tow, about 7 years, one black Jersey male about 1 year, two Jersey steer calves, one-Jersey heifer calf, at Mc Ilwaln place, one mile west of- N. Howell school. t - ACID TEST WE REPRESENT BOTH - Mutual ana manaara uia ijin uim- panics of highest rank. In selcttlng, cotntakntes to ctmpiew imr n"7 we fa-d every precaution to accept only surh companies that measure up to the highest possible decree of ef ficiency. They will stand the "arid tent" and prove 100 per cent to the good from every stand point. II. A. . Johnson Insurance Agency, 1 & 2 Hunt Bank-ldc.. Salem. I'hQjie 347. EMPLOYMENT MALB BOYS WANTED FOR STATESMAN routes. .Apply in person at this of fice. WANTED A N1GHTWATCHMAN AT Bute Training School for boy3. Sal ary $10 with hoard, room, laundry. rIT phone 1357. FEMAI.K WANTED GIRL FOR housework. Apply 645 GENERAL S. 12th. WANTED COMPETENT tADf OKJK. $15 per week; eight hours a day. Ad - dress 39, care Statesman. MATERNITY! NURSE WANTS PRI vate nursing. $20 per week. Phone t273R. R9S Marlon St. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. rOHD TRAILER quire at 271 "D" FOR St. SALE EX- LATE DUKE CHERRIES AT 3C A sound on tree. I'hone 11F15. "IT YOU WANT TO GET THi BE8 Jfarra paper, send 10c to vne Pacific Homestead. Balem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. PEERLESS GASOLINE ENGINE. 35 . horse power, 3 cylnders. Suitable for grain elevator. Formerly used as auxiliary in electric light plant. Good condition. 100 gallon tank. Price $1000. Scott Bozorth, Spalding Bldg., I'oruann, ewe. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised making a handsome tittle .book- It tells In graphic terms of the mas sscre of the Oat man family, of the encane of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of . starvation and Olive was purchased rrom me Indians five years later The price la 20 cents, postpaid., Ad- artss Oregon Teachers Monthly, 8a TO. Oregon. POULTRY TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST Poultry paper published send 10 rents to th . Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial IV ""ertoMon. Mention this add t FOR REN f BOARD AMD ROOM. 0R RENT MODERN ROOMS WITH "r wimnut board. 461 N. High St. inone 1S27. nousES vri KENT $12.50 SIX ROOM MOD nouse on paved street at 19 w ith High street. K .A. Rhoten -J, any time week days. tU RENT TO PERMANENT RENT r i . , . j . ir , , , - rurnnnen it uiuurnmnm "ncrn fven room house, and gar- 7?.- all at nlare Sunday a. m. bouth Commercial street. "'R RENT TUP FOLLOWING: .. Six r"m bouse at 7I North "infer St' lett. Formerly rent t 815. at SMtesman busl neaa offire or plionf 23. Moftern rive room mingHlowr a 'i North lMh St. n pnved street formerly r-nvl for $15. Call a f'aiesrrtan buaincbh office or phon $10 Ne;it. modern lun?low. 5 rooms st North 10rh Ftreet. For "KTly rented for $13. rati at States man business ofilce rr phone 23.' $ HunKnlow. modern, fullv fur "tHhen. 635 Sixteenth street. Call at elatfsinan bwlness office, or phone I V $55.50 Fmnlhed flat, modern, at 6 Ferry St. Phone 23 or call States "an buelnesu office;' HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Strictlv modern. Address box 373, Salem. FOR RENT HOUSES. APARTMENTS ahd Farms. F. L. Wood. 341 State street, phone 791. rooms FOR R ENT COM PORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home. Address A. 11. care Staterman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER beat, .nod cm conrenlencea, also ln s id o. rooms. Close to State Housa 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AC TO SERVICE! SHIPI-S AUTO SERVICE CITY ANtH country trips. I'hone Day, 963 nitrht. 359. TIRKS RF.PAIRK.n VULCANIZING- GATES HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St., pnone T1KKS II K PA I It KII V V LC A Si I Zl O QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street, .none 66. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections, tubes - 25c . up. Service car. Phone 362. 126 South Commercial street. V BRACKETT & GRAY TUBES VUL cahized, 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL "DENTIST DR. F. L. UTTER, DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Building, rhone 606. OSTEOPATHS DR. W. L. MERCER, GRADUATK American School Osteopathy. Klrks vtlle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. &. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone ?1J. Resi dence 4t North Summer -hoti 614. OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE & WALTON. OSTEO- pathic phyaicans and sura-eons, Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kitksvllle. Mo. Post graduate and specialized id nervous diseases at Los Angeles V-Colleire. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices 605-6-7-8. U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, 1620 Court street. Phone 2215. Dr. whitw. residence pnon 69. LOST and FOURD LOST. LOST NEW TIN BUCKET CONTAIN inc three packages of dry Ktuxla and small package of hardware. Weiinea day between Center street Feed Barn , and KeiJ!r school. Finder please cav Bt (Vntpr utroct F ! Barn. .. . JVAWEP. MJSCEI.LAXKOCS WANTED A PAIR OF YOUNG GUI- na pigs. I'hone 2494IC HIGHEST CASH PR1CB PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom States- PHTSICIANS DR. Is G.- ALTMAN, .HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and reeiaence 2?4 North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. MUSIC TEACHERS It IIARR. TEACHER OF' PIANO. Phone 1383. . LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OS YOKMAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- ing in Maaonlc Temple, fifth floor, at 8 o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace Sykex, Foreman, W. H. Prunk, Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF 'AMERICA Oreeon Cedar Camp. No. 5246. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Writrht. clerk. . BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner, Ore gon. AtTTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELTVER- ed any place, city or country. Phone 64 or 2081-R. W. W. Fiaber. BARRER aiiopa TAKE ME Tu THAT GOOD BARBER shop, and get my hair dolled up In the latest r.hion. Ingrey's Barber Shop, 311 State street. CHIROntAOTID DR. O. L. SCOTT, D. C GRADUATE: OF P. 8. C Chlropractlcs fountain bead Davenoort. Iowa. Chiropr actio cor rects the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8. U. B. N. Bank Building Phone 87. Raldence 828-R. CHINESE rilTSIClA. DR. l M. HUM CUP.iS ANT KNOWN d tease. 162 8. Histi 8t- Phone M DRATS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced frcipht rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our POrnlty. Cittf tS State street DRY CLEANING A)TW PRESSING JAI'ANKM PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabfl. Prop 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladles' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $1.26 and $1.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 6E1. ISITRANCK . W. LAFLAR, 406 HUBBARD BUILD intr. phones: office 1H4, residence 2023. Insurance in the best old line companies. Some houses and farms for role or trade. JtJNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WB PAT HIOHEflT price for Junk of every kind. Let ua maka you a price on your household goods. The "Sqnare Deal" House Capital Junk "o 371 Chemeketa. Street, Phone 138, LAtJItDRlBCS SALKM STEAM LAUNDRT QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wftnn 6c per pound, lit South Lib erty street. Phone 15. best. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO uljr washing done at a sate every body can afford. For only SB cents w will collect, wash and deliver yoUr washing within twenty-tour hour, Pbohe J47L MACHINISTS WE?DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF al kinds, automobile reparring. oxy acttylence welding-, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental wrk. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brbwn. prop.. 253 Chemeketa Bt, Sk- IBCOSD HARD GOODS WJfl aJUI AND BELti SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, bar. nese. collars, collai pads, tools, chains. Fred Echlndler. 866 Canter Bteeel bTORACH asp thakskkr ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE- noia gooas specialties; storage pack ing, shipping and moving, horse and uto vans; special freight rates to? all points. C. O. Pick Transfer ec storage JO. zna and Pine streets, Portland. Oregon. Broadwav Ks a UNDERTAKER WEBH & CLOUGH C'B. WEBB. A M. Liuuin, aunerat airectors. Latest moaern methods known to the pro- TRAVlFKh tfATJLISO AUTO TRUCK BERVICK. ANT KIND Trv or hauling. Household CtfisiTH moving Jobs dona prompt ly- Try me once. Tim ma. Phone 861. Residence 41$ State St phone 1122-J. WALL PAPIER, PAIHT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- corating. painting, tailing, paper banging, etc, Work dona by contract or day; good workman. LocaUoa 1020 Center St. Phone 686-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 178 Com mercial St. 8EB f PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paner and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 456 Court St- Phone 486. WOVE WIRES reitciHo Dest Natfenal Jk Aaaertean rtsH, all staee, M In. M In. high, . Paints, oils and Varnish. -Steve Rebnllt and Repaired Lennberry and Hen lleeaa. Saleaa Feme Steve Werka. t5 CMrt . Pbeae l4 ' R. ft. eRvfIWJ. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 801 a Commercial street. For water aerylce apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductlona In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water foe irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for .domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, r plastering, will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. UPWARD SVING S IS GIVEN CORN Damage td Crop Feared From Hot Winds in Southwest War Makes Breaks CHICAGO, July 26. Fear of crop damage from hot winds In the south, west; gave the corn market a pro nounced upward swing today after breaks duo to fresh gains for the en tente allies In France. The close was unsettled c to lc net high er, with August 1.52 to XI. 53 and September $1.53 -to $1.54. Oats finished c to HJc up, and pro visions down 5c to 70c. Notwithstanding that two days frost danger was a bogey, the corn market today found high tempera tures a powerful source of disturb ance to values. At first, however, continued defeats of the Germans, especially the capture of Oulchy. led to general selling and to resulting downturns In prices. Slightly en larged rural offerings together with bearish views regarding crop condi tions tended also to bring 'about weakness. Then came talk of hot win?, and there was a complete re versal of sentiment. Throughout the rest of the day, absence of press ure was very evident and the buying was persistent, although chiefly in small lots. Seaboard Inquiry helped to lift the oats jnarket. The chief elelnent off strength, though., was sympathy with i-ofn. Sharp declines In the price of hogs carried down provisions. Liquidat ing 'sales developed, and about the only (support was of a local char acter; PRICES HARDEN BEFORE CLOSE Nevl York Exchange Hesitant on Account of Unreliable War Rumors NEW YORK, N. Y.. July 26. The slock market was hesitant and Irre? nlar In the first half of today's sup erficial session, presumably on tht fnil'We of Kcnsational war rumors current yesjerday to . materialize. but prices- hardened "later, a few leaders making maximum quotations for current movement Pools were conspicuous in numer ous minor specialties, but steels, a lid equipments, . cnppeip and some of the tobaccos featured the occa sional intervals of activity, mainly on short covering. Unfted States Steel was easily In th fvrcfront .furnishing about 40 jkt cent of the offerings and attain- Inc tho highest price of the 108, closing half a poln Bethlehem, Crucible and Lacka wanna 9teels, Republic Iron and Col orado fuel gained one to two points, I'tah coppers and oils one to ane and a half and General Cigars was prom inent for Its sudden rise of four points. Rails were extremely ITstless. Un ion Vacific. as on Instance. remain Ins together unquoted until at the end while Reading tlowly regained its one-point reversal. Ofner bark- ward issues included General Motors. Sumatra Tobacco. Industrial Alcohol and; Cuba rane sugar. Sale amount ed to 335.000 shares. Internationals fared better than domestic Issues In the Irregular bond market, Paris 6s gaining and Anglo-French Cs j a small fraction. Total sales, par lvalue, aggregated $4,925,000. Old United states bonds were unchanged on call. I SALEM MARKETS nunxo nucK. Eggs sum Poultry. Eggs. 38c. Broilers 24 to 26c. Hens, Id to 21c. Old Roosters, 15c. Pork, Mutton and Reef. Pork on foot, IS to 16 Ue. Ewes, 5c to 7c. Veal, dressed. 12 to 15c. Spring lamb, 10c. Beef steers, 7 to 9e; cows. 4 to 7c. lUy. Cheat, per ton. $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, 0c. Beans, 7 c. Mill Feeds, Retail. Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Creamery butter. 51 52c. Butterfat. f. o. b. Salem, 52c. Fish. Black Cod. 18c. Red Cod, lie. Salmon. Chinook, 25c " Halibut, 25c Codfish. 15c FrnIL Local peaches. 90c to $1.00. Oranges. $8.00 to $8.60. Canteloupes. $4.00 to $4.50. Watermelons. 34e. Tomatoes, $1.95. Local Tomatoes. I5e lb. Grape-Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. Lemons., $S.5 Oto $10.50. Bananas. 8c lb. Vegetable. New potatoes. 4,4c Green beans, 5 to 6c Cabbage. 4c. . Onions (Imported), $2.50. Retail Price. Creamery butter. 60c. Dairy butter, 60c. Eggs, 45c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $J. Flour, valley. $2.5 Oto $2.60. Sugar, can snd beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. Oil Imdurta. Red Crown gasoline n bulk. 22e. Standard engine distillate. In bulk. 13 cents. Kerosene Pear. In bulk, lie; Elaine, In case, 28c; Eocene, In case, 23 He. . Oronlte Aroturps In case, 35c; in bulk, 26 c ; PORTLAND MARKETS I llnlrjr Produce. PORTLAND. July 26. Butter: Prints, extras. 5051c: cubes, ex tras, 45 45 prime first, 44 He; dairy, 34c. Butterfat: Portland delivery. No. 1 sour cream. 54c. Potatoe. New California's. $3.75 ft 4.00. Ctraln. July delivery, bids: Oats. No. 2 white feed. $61:; barley, standard feed. $55; barley. "A" brewing. $56 Thirty days, bids: Oats, No. 2, $61; barley, feed. $55; barley, brew ing. 86. Eastern oats and corn In bulk. bids: Oats, No. 3 white, $56; oats. 38-pound clipped white, $57; corn. No. 3 yellow. $67; corn. No. 3 mixed $65: oats. No. 3. $55; clipped oats. $5"; corn, yellow. $67; torn, mixed. $65. XKW YORK MAHKKT. NEW YORK. July 26. Prunes. firm. Hops, unchanged. CAPTAINCY MAY AWAlTj MARTIN Marshfield Man Visits at Dal- las Prior to Going to Camp Lee, Virginia DALLAS. Or.. July 26. (Special to The Statesman.) Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mattin of Marshfield are In Dallas for a short visit with friends. Mr. Martin was formerly local man ager of the Oregon Power company's properties In Tolk county and for the past two years. has been manager of tho Coos may property or the same company. Mr. Martin ha been grant ed an Indefinito leave of absence and will go to Camp Lee, Va.. soon to take training In the officers train ing camp where he expects to secure a captain's commission In the engi neers. Mr. Martin Is an expert In construction oft electric lighting sys tems and before coming o Oregon was engaged In this, work In Indian Territory, now the state of Okla homa. I SSSiBHL ESTATE WANTED Ti THAIE THHEK V. rant lots for a hue and lot. Will pay canh dlffrrence. Itine li't-W. have a call for a St loan and a ?& on good town property at 6 and per rent. Loanrre please e ane. Wm. Fleming. 311 State St. FOR HALE FtUR ROOM Ct ITT AGE, furnished, furnace, electric range, paved street, rlnae to ear-line, sac rifice price. W. II. Grabenhorst at Co.. 27 State 8U Phone 2315. 16 ACRES IRRIGATED UWD IN Sutherlln valley. Oregon kmm1 anil. mm! iwhotil and good community. For quick sale. 6. phone 177. A. Itohrnstedt. 461 Masonic Temple. Salem, Ore. A GOOD BUT 26tSt FXET ON EAST aide Cotniattelal street, one door north. of State street. Balem. together t' perpetual right of way over the 14xtVk feet tract extending from this property to State strel Terms Apply Sytt Boaorth. 701-8 Spauldlag B1J of. Portland. Oregon. BARGAINS SIX ROOM HOt'KE. 1766 Lee St.. 162S.06. worth 810M. Esst front fine corner lot In good location close In. 8I2S.OO. Lot on paved street. 7 blocks from postorflce I&2S.M East front lot on 26th 8L, near Center. IZ2S 00. street paved. Fred J. Hmlth. 22 Breyman block, phone 1J22W. FOR SALE OR TRADE NEW MOD-' ern five room bungalow, water piped In house. One acre of truck land, two springs, main highway, near three state Institutions, where steady employment ran be secured. Fine place for chk-kens. Price $!. will script automobile as part payment. Write R. V. Wright. Turner. Oregon. MAN WANTED WITH BAH NO OUT- flt. to bale ftrty tons or hay. I have fir and oak wood for sale. I have clients with money on personal or real estate security. John 11. Scott. 401 Hubbard Building. BRING YOUR TRADES can match you. C W. Nlemeyer. Real Estate Agent. Canada Lands. 641 State street. FOR SALE 20 ACRE FARM. ALL cleared, family orchard. S acres wheat. 9 tons of bay In barn. 4 acres planted to corn, beans and potatoes, a-ood team. cow. chickens, farming Implements and household goods. wt-ll Drlnar. runnina water In pas. ture. nrice SSOeO.00. one half cash. terms on balance. 6 per cent Inter ests W. II. Grabenhorst 4k Co.. 871 State St, I'hone 221S. FOR EXCHANGE It ACRES LOOAT- cd near Gilliam Station all In timber estimate! 0 cocrta or wntt ana room his and 8 lots on Turner 8t Salem. Want larger bouse close In for the above. Will nay some rash. 6 Room Bungalow, lot 60x110. well to taled In Loa Ansreleau rents for 12. aim 8 room eottage at Baldwin Park, rents for 810. Want acreage for the abovenear Salem. Perrlne Ac Marsters. 401 Hubbard Bldg. afH RAI.K SEAT FIVE ROOM COT tag nearly new, two lota, one block from nxrm.nl ItO 1A swell Ilv room modern bungalow naj paved street, not far out. $18. Vinm t room bungalow on paved street. 8200. It acre tract bearing erehard and loganberries, good buildings, main road, close to Hlm. bargain at tlftne. flood farm. 318 aeres. hot torn land, new house, good barn, well fenced. $S per acre, take smsller place part pay. Equity In six room house for lots or auto, llouaca for rent. F. I Wood. Bayne Building. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 4tl acres of choice Polk eonn ty land about lit acres clear; about 6t acres 1 stump pasture: balance la eho! piling timber and oak gruba. Timber alone worth Slt.tv. New mur room house, new dairy barn, providing for St cowa and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water plp4 from fine spring to all buildings. Will sell the whole at n great bargain. Very easy terms, 6 per cent Inter est. Addreaa L. owner, car Tho Stateemaa. TRADES A 28t WELL Efal'lFPED ranch 65 A. In cultivation, har Hoe- kins for a small valley place. A Good Equity In an St acre farm for anv clear property of $: or near. Wanted a modern Salem house for Portland lots as bart payment. Will take clear lot for eauty In nice llttl kunrilow home. A comfortable bouse. Fairgrounds road for a It to 15 acre Improved place. A 16 In Waseo county homestead for a Kalem house or small acreage. A Canada 1-4 section for a good small modern house Salem. A Newoort house for Salem.' and a Sa l-m Knuu, for Nawnort Or CfMiSt. Th. above are nrominent for the week. but we have several hundred other listings for trades. If you don't what vou want, ask for It. The Fleming Reslty Co.. 811 State St, lent. Phone 303. FOR EXCHANGE 5 ROOM HOUSE. for varart lot and cah. price $; $1?.00 hardware stock and buildings. for valley ranch, not over siz.ess.ee lft acne with modern improvements. rear car line tor fc rm house and m'TlKtK back for balance, price 8I6SS. 32 acres, all cultivated. 12 acres In prunes, some Inganberrlea. frood Itnrrovetient. 6 miles from Sa ent. will take K len residence and eaah. nrice 8T.SS0. tt acres, fslr Im 1,1 vemcnts. a m.les frou Salem. 2$ arrt-a r-tones and rherrlea. want Southern Crcgen rshrh not over $11 01". .'0 acres. 25 cultivated. 6t cl-ver. a lot of the balance has been rlovered. g-U morftn Improvements. close to station. well fenced with woven wire. Income 86. want good smsll ranch close to ft lem as part, srd cash and mort gage back for bslsnte. price 81t per acre, fiorvl haavy team for sale or tiade f.r lighter team or good milrh cows. Oood equipped dairy. to Salem, for tr.t- ttorotofsky, Stl Flat ft. tx;;.H soli iiy iHii xi). Canada has been making the ex periment of selling eggs by the pound instead of by the dozen, ac cording to Consul Fred C. Slater, Sarnla, Ontario. "The only obstacle In the way of a unanimous Indorsement of th plan Is seemingly that the public ha not been educated to buy that war. says Mr. Slater. "As refuting tbla objection It In pointed out that. In view of the wide variation In the is of eggs, the consumer would quickly realize that the system affords a fair and Just basis ot charge. THINGS TKAT .tlVEP. HAPPEN sr. D30V1SS5 P1CVU82S 1 g r-i FtLLtR LJKi Know I Miners Union Officials Deny Strike Was Called nUTTE. Mont.. July 2 i. Officials of the Metal Mine Workers Union today denied that a strike of the miners employed in the Butte mines had been railed for tomorrow at noon .and In a bulletin Issued by the executive committee of the union a notice to miners was pnblUbed which said: "The Metal Mine Workers Union wishes to warn the membership aaglnst the misleading Inference that a strike Is called for tomorrow noon. Stay at your work until we rind that there Is no other course left to set tle oar grievances. Hold your places until a general call Is Issued. An open meeting of the miners has been called by the mine workers ror next Monday. The publication nt ih. in in workers this afternoon stated that an answer to the demand's of the union was expected tomorrow noon. Vice President Con P. Iley of the Anaconda Copper Mining com pany, at a public meeting last night. Stated that his fflTprrr refused it treat with an organlxatlon which Mr. Kelley alleged was an I. W. W. organisation. Army Raises Rank of Man Called Han Spy - CAMP LEWIS. TACOMA. Wash-. July 26. Regiments! Sergeant Ma lor Thomas llelmnth Rltter. who I few months ago was the central fix are In charges agatnst him that he was a spy In the service of Germany and that be was also the grandson of the quartermaster general of the eighth German army corps, today was made a sergeant In the 166th depot brigade. Rltter. two months ago. was leased from the guardhouse of tho 1epot brigade, where he had been confined fallowing his removal from the county jail In Tacoma. He was amsigned to the depot brigade for doty as a private, having been dared while In confinement. The fact that the charge against Elm could not be proved and his later re lease and restoration to duty was not permitted to be pablished at thai time by the officers of the 91st di vision, who. with the district attor ney's offlee In Seattle, were la charge of the case. Another Claim Is Held up - by Secretary of Stale . claim for $50 by John A. Col ier. deputy district attorney for Multnomah .cdunty.for service ren dered a state department has been held up by Secretary of 8tate Olcott pending an opinion by Attorney Gen eral Brown for which Mr. Olcott TaU m !, Py afVn, funn AuattHurra-rrtl biAMoan sttks riiXa,- sa SOLD BT CSJJGuISn ntsToXIXf jnnn SPRJNGTEX is the underwear with m million little sprints in its fabric which "five and take" with every movement of the body, and preserve the shape of the trarment despite lone weir and hard washings. It is the year-arouad underwear, FfV, medium or heavy wright. aa yon like. "Remember to Buy It YeVti Fcat Yen I lev It On Aa rwr iWsr UTICA KNITTING CO, Maitr Srs Iten: 3V) fPtHgty. Rtw Trt Ma444MMWt4W.M4V asked yesterday. Collier represented the Issarsac department la a coafetrace at Tillamook vber a qaesUoa of over Insurance was at Irs ace. Th conference took place la Job Mr. Olcott says Collier has been paid la fall for his Jane services and ha wants to know If the cilia should b allowed. Consolidation Board May Call Meeting Next Mofilh It is reported that a conference between the state consolidation com mission and some heads of state de partments may be called aboat the middle of An cast. What department heads will be Invited to appear is not known- J. W. Matthews, who has charge of the commission's of fice here, refuses to give oat an lanformatloa. TIME TABLES IOITMKRV PACtnC CO. eel a a xa a 4 New 64 Ocegoataa K... t:t$a.aa. Km. 16 Othos Kapreea ..... T Saa-na. N. 2 Wlllsmotte Insulted.. I llaav N. 16 Portland Paaeenger.. 1:36 p sm. NS 21 fnoa Hay 3:44 p aa, Na. II pertland Express ... 6 tip-fa. SA i:t lcal Way Freicht.. 8 Man, N. 222 I'ortlaad Fast rC..ll li aa. Sx II orataaiaa 3 It ana- No. 3 Cooa liar It tl svsa. No. 16 California Espreee. ..lt:&8 a-aa. No. IT ItoMbtarg Paeeger.. 4 -".. So. 27 Wiilanwila Liaaited.. 6:64 pan. No. 13 Kan rraadare Pass.. 8:14 P-sa. So. 321 Baa Fran. Fast Prt . ..llrtt avaa. No. 321 Local Way Freight.. 13-41 a. an. SALrW-Cr.:! LtiBI No. 73 'Arrive at Salens trltasa. No. It Leave talesn 3.t Rtl.RM. FALLS OTT A WSCrrrtt 141 Leaves. Kaleaa. saoter..... T:6ta.sa. 161 leaves Kalena, saoloe..... VII an. 161 Leave Ha lean, motor l:4taa. Througn car te kl am mm Ik and Arlie 167 Ua SUIeaaa. motor 4:16 pan. Itt leaves BaUaa. Boot or . . . . . 6:66 p.aa, lit Way Freigkt leaven Sales 6 et as. MI Arrive at Hal em titan. 161 Arrive at Helena llrStaaa. 144 Arrive at Saleaa S ttp.sa, Itt Arrive nt Saleaa......... Ill pea. lit Arrive at Saleaa T Itpan. lit Way Freight Ar. Salesn... 3.11 pan. tsrcov rLKcraic tbae4 Train No. Leave Arrlv Salens Arrive E - 1t.lt ana 11:26 pen Portlan4 1 llltn 8 liana It It sea 11 It pea 6 Ltd., I It ana T .....lt:ll ana t IS IT It I si pa 4:6 pna t 6 pna t:X4 pna 4:ltpa 4:2$ psa 6:4tpna 8 64 pea t tT pan SUIeeaaly lt:7tpea 6aln nl r 8:taaa I Ilia 31 11:46 pna North Ibink tatio (leave Jeffer son Street 16 and It sniauUe later.) Xank Train Iave Arrlv Arrlv No. Eeren Salaai port lead 8 ll tiana 4 Han I Uan 4 T:ltana Tl ana I U4-. T:Utm t:4$asa 11.11 aa 12 II I ana l:2tpea II Il:1$ara I it pea 4 tt pea 14 U4.. 1. 66 pna 4 pan 6 44 pan 2 4:1psa 6. It pan T:4t ptaa 22 4-26 pea 7.86 pna It te pen . a North Iiaak sitstlon (Arrive J-ffr. so nireet 1$ sninwte earlier). Leav Corvallla. CORTALMt tmjr.CTtOSS Kdkta4 Leav Corvslli Arrlv Salens 8 31ana 1)11 pra 8:41 pea 4 1 pna 6 tt pna Leav Salens Stk t If am 114 am 13 tlpra :41t pea 4 - a a iia 1-ltaea 4 pea 6 ) pna 7:68 ra . Arrive Corsni ITana 11 tl em. 2.1tpea, 6 :1 pm e