The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 21, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    YBft BTATBSMAK: SUNDAY, JULY 81, 1018.
Glad to Try Anything
ago my system
r run rm-
. . . An lull Mil
cnnumun miiu
LklB relieve m. 1'erama
"Thru yerV
over ny
worried about my cnnd
blood remHly and tonic, and
Jon fud thal u wa 'rl,y
It .mIw. A Tew Dome -
i JTL eaa4llla materially and
f- a hort time I wa all er
"L."lr-fcl. l,we my restora
TZn to health and strength to
Puna. 1 aa (lad eadarae M."
Sil4 Kwerywkere
Was in a
Run Down
MIm Rleka
288 Layco Si,i Alenaha. "Wis..
Kee'y Liederkranx. Miaa Lbolda
letter opposite convyi in no un
certain way the, gratitude she
feels for I't-runai
a ad Tablet Kara
Peals in Real Estate
" Henry- G. llamel to Laura Tharp.
tract 19, Feller's Subdivision, con
Iitlng of ten acres.
First Presbyterian church of Sa
lem to First Presbyterian church of
Donald, lot 1,'. block 4. Donald.
M. P. Dennis to T. L. Williams, 80
acres In section 24, townHhip 8, R
3 W. '
t B. B. Colbath to Charles L. Mc
Nsry, lot 4, block S3, Salem, .
Ray Reeves A. C. Llbby, lots
j j and 13. block 6. Jefferson.
P. E. Brown to F. E. Gordon, 20
teres In section 35, township 6, R
1 W.
North Side Investment Co. to J.
Kafudes, lot R, block G, North Side
Addition, Silverton.
Nearly Right Though Wholly
Wrong. ''And now. children, we
come to that important country, Ger
many, that is governed by a man
called a kaiser," said the teacher
"Can any one tell me what a kaiser
is? Yes, Willie." "Please, ma'am, a
kaiser is a stteam of hot water
springin' up in the air and dlsturbln
the earth."
At Boston "
Dauss and Spencer;
Ball Parks to Close Gates for
Duration of War. Announce
ment Last Night,
R. II. E.
.17 2
Jones and
At Washington
Score: R. II. E.
Chicago . . . . 1 7
Washington 6 10
Shellenbach, Danforth and St balk;
Johnson and Alnsmltb.
At New York
First game.
St. Louis
New York
Sothorn and
R. H.
5 10 3
2 5 2
Nunamaker; Love
and Robinson, Walters.
At Philadelphia
First game.
Score: R. H.
Cleveland 4 10 5
Philadelphia 10 13 1
Bagby. Groom and Thomas; Perry
and McAvoy.
CHICAGO, July 20. American
League baseball parks will close
their gates for the duration of the
war after tomorrow's games unless
unexpected developments occur, it
was announced tonight by Byron Ban
croft Jonhson, incident of the or
ganization, tonight.
No appeal from Secretary of War
Baker's interpretation of the "work
or right" ruling as applied to ball
players will be made and no effort
is planned to finish the season with
teams recruited ftonvveterans above
the draft age and amateurs below the
draft ace. Such an attempt, base
ball officials say, not only would be I
... . i . . ".!
an imposition on me ians, out wouiu
also be more or leu of a subterfuge.
in view of the administration's edict.
1 a Vila lllttA1lfllliHI m fAW
of whom are reported as favoring J
efforts to weather the storm, will
meen In New York Wednesday.
.iaw.i,iJiM i'ti iS.'i
They Are Mere-
Those American Fibre Chairs and Rockers Just Armed
and they sure are Beauties-And that isn't all They are
Comfortable and Just the Thing for Summer
And the Prices are Such That all May Have a Comfortable
Chair or Rocker for the Perch.
The "Favorite Polished top steel range six lid regular
The Iron Range" polished top six lid regular $65.00
Old Ranges taken in exchange;
Sheet Iron. ........ ....... .....$1.50 and $1.75
Cast Top Stoves . $3.00 and $3.50
Coal Oil Cook Stoves, 3 Burner.
333 Stat Street
Phone 172
At New York
Second game.
Score: R. H. E.
St. Louis 3 11 1
New York 5 7 0
Bennett. Houck and Nunamaker;
Magiidge and Hannah.
At Los Angeles
Score: R. H. E.
Los Angeles 2 8 1
Vernon . ., 1 9 0
Pertfca and La pan; Chech, Frora
me and Devormer.
At Philadelphia-
Second game.
R. H. E.
. 9 10 3
Phil&delDhla 0 4 2
Enzmanu and Thomas: Pearson
Adams and Perkins.
On account of crowd surging on
field that could not be cleared game
forfeited to Cleveland.
At St. Louis
Score: R- . E.
New York 6 9 2
St. Louis 4 7 2
Ten innings.
Perritt, Smith and McCarty; May,
Doak and Gonzales.
At Cincinnati
Score: R
Roaton . 8 9 0
Cincinnati . 3 9 3
Nehf and Wilson; Schneider,
Haines and Allen. Cueto.
At Chicago
Score: E
Chicago 2
Marquard. Cheney and M. Wheat;
Hendrix and O'Farre".
At Pittsburg
First game.
Score: '
Philadelphia 0 f J
Pittsburg 1 0
Hogg and Adams, Burns; Mayer
and Schmidt.
Second game.
Score: " . V
Philadelphia 1
Pittsburg 2 8 0
Trniiprrast and Burns; Cooper
Sanders and Blackwell, Schmidt.
If You Want to Sell or Buy
( v
For Your
The Brtoklyn Dodgers have been
hard hit of late by having their play
ers called to the colors.
The Athletics own some pretty nif
ty hitters, but weak pitching has kept
the team down in the Joke region.
Quite a few former big leaguers
now In the service will spend their
furloughs pastiming with their old
The Phillies' roster contains the
names of few baseball wizards, yet
the team Is a great hustling outfit
at that.
There is no disputing the dope that
the Cubs have traveled at a more
even pace so far than has any other
big league aggregation.
Tom Hughes, one-time sparkling
twlrler for the Braves, Is having a
hard time of It trying to break into
the win column.
Geoerge Sisler, the Browns' star.
Is certainly having a great season, his
hitting and base-stealing being the
top-line feature of the year.
The fact that the Red Sox are able
hard Jolts is highly pleasing to the
to come back after receiving so many
admirer of the Barrows' outfit.
Ty Cobb has been coming fast of
late, the eDtroit star having gained
a place among the first three In hit
ting, run-getting and base-stea ling In
the American league.
Should the Reds continue to drop
games, the Cardinals ere long will
have to yield their exclusive fran
chise on the cellar.
Some sort of a Jinx must have
picked Hal Chase as a victim. It la
the first time In many seasons that
the Cincinnati star hasn't figured
prominently In the records.
The lack of a single .300 hitter
doesn't seem to bother the Pittsburg
team, which continues to travel right
along In first division company.
Even ir the Cleveland Indians ran
to win the pennant they will have the
satisfaction of knowing they put up
a real battle for the flag.
It Is quite some performance on
the part of Thormalen, the Yankees
kid hurled, to top the list of Amerl
ran league pitchers after only a few
months of big yard pastiming.
The National Is gradually falling
behind the American league in the
matter of .300 hitters. Recent av
eraees show 13 heavy swatters In
the American and 10 in the National
It begins to look as If Max Carey
of the Pirates will not encounter any
strong opposition In either big
league for the season's base-stealing
We have the finest selection of Trunks, Wardrobe Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags, "etc.,
in Salem for your Inspection. Trunks at all prices, Suit Cases and Bag) in Genuine Leather,
Fibre and Matting.
SEE our Line Before Baying Prices to Suit Each and Every Purchaser.
Porch Shades, Chairs, etc. Demand that we Show Them to you ; it's a Pleasure. -
and sunfast colors, very durable and they
sure make your porch a joy.
We have a nice line of Hammocks priced
from $1.50 up. See them.
Special Discounts on All
All Kinds of OU Stoves
Come in and Let Us Show Ton What We Have in Summer Furniture
371 Court Strset
Phone 893
Leftlie MethodUt.
South Commercial and Meyers
streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor.
45 a. m., Sunday school. E. A.
Rhoten. superintendent; 11 a. m..
public wothl3 with sermon by Dr.
Hammond. union meeting in the
park at 7 p. ni. The Epworth League
will meet with Epworth League of
Mint. M. E. church.
Fim llaptlat.
Dr. G. F. Itolt'a topics at the First
Baptist church will be morning. "For
What We Stand; evening. -A Chap-;
ter from the Modern Book of Acts."
Sundav school, 9:45 a. m.; public
worship with pit-Lching, 11a. m. and
8 p. m.; young people's meeting. 7 p.
m. Every one Invited to all these
F1rt OirULUn.
Center and High. Bible school as
sembly at 9:45 under the direction
of H. C. Epuy. Orchestra music.
1W. C. Kantner. minister. 10 a. m..
Sunday school. Prof. W. I. Staley.
superintendent, classes for old and
young; 11 a. m.. A Well by the
Gate." There will be no evening ser-1
vices In this church. The congrega
tion Joins with other churches la the
union service.
CfcuUe Chapel Vn.t'd Brethren.
Seventeenth and Nebraska stieets.
Englewood. Bible school at 10 a.
m..' W. W. Rosebraagh. superintend
ent. Preaching by the pastor at 11
a. m. No evening service as the
congregation will worship la the op
en air meetings at the Willson park.
Prayer meeting each Thusrday sight
at 8 o'clock. F. 1C. Neff, pastor.
Rural Congrrcatlnna!.
II. C. Stover, minister. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Morning service
at 11 a. m.
Central roagrejcatlnnaL
South Nineteenth and Ferry Sta.
If. C. Stover, minister. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. No morning ser
vice. Sermon by the pastor at 8 p
United Evangelical.
Cottage street near Center.
Staple and Fancy Groceries, Dry Goods and Notions
Eggs, strictly fresh, none fertile, per
dozen .... .... :..........-..:..--...40c
Hand Picked Apples, per pound... 3c
Raspberries, red and black, per
Onions, 8 pounds...........
New Potatoes, per pound.
Green Beans, per pound -10c
Cabbage, per pound 5c
Beans, Dry, White, Navy, Kidney, per
pound .... .. . - - 10c
Grape Fruit, 3 for J. 25c
Honey, pound-cake 25c
he farmers Store o! duality
A. W. Schrunk
270 N. Commercial Street
Phone 721
SCOTTS MILLS. Or.. July 20.
Mrs. Emma McCown returned to
Crooked Finger last Thursday after
spending several days with her sis
ter, Mrs. John Noblet and her father
John Ring, at Mollala.
II. Newberry of Heights is
visiting relatives In Salem.
Mrs. Lena Bellinger returned home
Thursday after visiting several days'
In Salem.
Mrs. G. Gerlick of Abiqua Heights
Is visiting friends in ML. Angel.
County Surveyor R. B. Herrlck. I
Lambert. J. Ileren and J. Hunt, all
I of Salem, are surveylns a new road
through Frank Shepherd s place.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Splon
ski Tuesday night. July 16. a ton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Fisher are mov
ing to Scotts Mills, where Mr. Fisher
will be in the garage business. They
have rented their ranch and will
have a sale Thursday. July ZS.
Allan Bellinger motored to Salem
and Portland Wednesday.
Elvin McCown has returned to
Los Angeles after visiting several
da vat Crooked Finger.
Mr ami Mrs I. D. worden . 01
Fargo. N. D . have returned to their
1 ranch above Scotts Mills to harvest
their prunes.
One Hundred Men to Be
Examined at Court House
Between the hours of 9 In the
morning and 3 In the afternoon ao
proxlmately 100 men will take their
physical examinations ior me onu
at the court house todav. These In
clude all of the class 1 registrants
of June 5. 1918. those rejected after
being sent to camp and those under
the required height or weight.
Two alternates In addition to those
men drafted for July 29 have been
selected. They are Leo George
Chrlstoph SpiUbart and Albert Har
mon Whorley. both of Salem.
live lessons. All welcome. Rev. I day school at 10 o clock, preaching
Clarence Reynolds who Is visiting his
people here will speak at the 11
o'clock service. Special music by a
chorus choir. Mr. Reynolds is the
minister at Stockton. Cal. A good
attendance Is desired.
There will be no evening services
at the chutch while the union ser
vices are continued In the park.
Fin PrebjtYUn.
Rev. H. A. Carnahan. for met ly of
Ashland. Oregon, will occupy the pul
pit this morning at 11 o'clock. No
evening service on account of the
union services at Willson park. Spe
cial music under the direction of
Miss Minetta Magers. Mr. Archie
Smith who enters military service
the coming week will also sing. Sun
day school at 9:45. Classes for all
ages. Midweek praper service Thurs
day at 8 o clock.
Flrt Congregational.
Liberty and Center streets.
at 11 o'clock by Pastor G. L. LovelL
No servke at the church la the eve
ning; will worship at the union ser
vice of the city.
ChrUtlan and MUakmarr Alliance
Rev. J. E. Lee, pastor. Services
on next Thursday afternoon. July 23.
at 32 South Commercial street, at
2:15 o'clock. All cordially Invited
to be present.
The Salvation Army.
343 4 Court street. Services will
be held on aSturday at 8 p. m. Sun
day at 10:45 a. m.. 3. z. S p. m.
Bro. Tlbbetts will preach at 3. 2. S.
p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Cap
tain J. Millar. ofHcer In charge.
HwedUh Tabemnce MethodUt.
South Fifteenth and Mill streets.
John Ovall. minister. Sunday school
at 2 p. m.. Gust Andersan. superla
tendent. Miss Hannah Christiansen.
assistant. All welcome.
1'akm 6VrW.
It has been thought wise to hold
the Union Servke on Sunday eve
ning la the First MethodUt church '
Instead or Willson park. The ser
vice will be at I o'clock. Rev. II. 8.
Carnahan. now supplying the palplt
of the Presbyterian charch. will
presch the sermon. Theiw will be
special music. Mr. Archie Smith
III sing a solo and the quartet of
the Methodist choir will furnish a
number. A cordial Invitation Is ex
tended to everybody. Remember the
llace and the hour. .
Coommu Ml ton.
241 State St. Service at 3 p. m.
at usual. Everybody Invited. Wil
liam Kenyoa, assistant ruperlatend.
Coart Ktreet Chore h.
Eleventh and Court. Fraa..k E.
Jones, pastor. Bible school at It a.
m. Sermon at 11. la the evealng
at 8 o'clock Bro. M. B. Maddeo will
address the congregation. Bro. Mad
den was for many years oar mission
ary to Japan and Is soon to return
to that field. No one should miss
this opportunity of hearing him.
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
Evangelical Aanortatkm.
Seventeenth and Chemeketa. Ja
cob Stocker, pastor. 10 a. ra Sua
day school; 11 a. m.. divine service
and sermon; 3 p. m.. service at Fruit
land; 7:30 p. m.. dedication of ser
vice flag. Tuesday evealng 8 p.
Field Secretary Wiener of Napervllle,
III., will speak at the local ehsreh. '
W. C T. I.
At the W. C.T.U hall. 201 South
Cotnmetrlat. at 4 p. m.. Rev. Neff.
pastor of the United Brethren church
of Englewood. will speak. Welcome
For Infants and Child rea
In Use For Over 30 Years
AHrar-s bears
SgTftrire of
Oversize Your Battery and Be Happy!
The EXIDE is the only Oversize Battery
at 148 South Commercial Street .
Phone 348