The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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T1IR ARHftrtX ftTATKSMA Kt'XlUY. Jl'XK 30, 101ft.
Flares and Flickers
Jesse L. La&ky, V ice-president of
the Famous Players-Lasky Corpora-
' tion la charge of productions. latt
'week issued a statement which will
materially effect the future produc
ing activities of that organization.
After a thorough "canvass of both
trade and public. Mr. L&skjr an
nounces that his company will here
after eliminate from Its productions
all photodramatlc offerings of a
morbid, depressing or tragic charac
ter, as well as those concerned with
religious problems, fairy tales, cos
turn plays, allegories, etc., during
the course of the war. Subjects
thai will help cheer th nation will
be selected for film presentation
only. ,
n. .rt a . .,
Over the Top," featuring Sergeant
rthur Guy Empy himFelf. will te
.Wn at the Liberty theater about
pe middle of July.
J Mary Pickford still adheres to her
determination to rest for six months
following the completion of her en
gagement with Artcraft June 2C s
the date the contract expires.
"Tarzan of the Apes" has been
booked on the Liberty theatre soon.
Olive Thomas thinks so much of
Hubby Jack Pickford that she wants
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i f: The Man that Defied the Kaiser! 1
I Live with Gerard the four trying
years in the Hahenzollern hell of
I empire-grabbing intrigue.
t i , I'mrtfiMri r au.,.,..,...
to ko to France as an entertainer to
be near him. Jack is n the navy.
From July 23. llS.So February
4. 1317, Mr. Gerard was ambassador
at the German imperial court, and
-ajd diji nctdn pa.)Bilfiq Amu d.uwtU
hire's of the historicaf-wenes in which
he took a leading pSrt. One of the
scenes in the pictnr Vhich raised a
great laueh was that of the kaiser
and his ministers dividing the United
States when they got through with.
Kurope. - Texas was gien to Mexico
and California to Japan, while the
rest was reserved exclusively to Ger
man kultur. , '
Every soul who carries around
a warm Fpot for the old home town
lhould Ree Charles Kay in "His Own
Home Town" at
the Oregon today
and tomorrow.
"The girl with a distinct person
ality" is a critic's best' description of
that vivacious little lady, Virginia
IIaytln, who contributes a delight
ful piano niimlHT together with sev
eral . up-to-the- minute voal num
bers. Possessing a clear, well modu
lated soprano voice of flexible qual
ity. Miss Hayden delivers her sev
eral numbers in a styl distinctly
her own and impresses her auditors
with her artistic temperament. A
distinct feature on the Hippodrome
snow at the Hugh today.
r 1 J A: f i i i ii ii
i i i i '-y r i i n l l i i mi
X X X X I rv i i
William S Hart met with another
accident latt week when a snow
Uide. buried the players Including
the star. Katherine McDonald, the
leading laJy was not located until
an hour afterwards, when she was
fr.imjt ilntknLi4ftlltl liV II Art. E- A.
Allen. Hart's business manager, suf-'
fered from a di.lo..Uon of the arm.
caused by a pi-ce of tiiuber which
struck Jim as be ent down under
tb avalanche
Hertie Fowler, who, bills herself
as "An Interesting Woman." Is that
and more. She Is an exceedingly
pretty woman of goodly proportion
and stately mien to which can be
added remarkable ability a a come
dienne, tells stories and imperson
ates little, children better than any
living women. On the Hippodrome
show at the Uligh today.
! Douglas Fairbanks will appear
Thursday and Friday In one of the
best, comedies he ever made. "Man
hattan Madness."
Case and. Carter, two men, one do
ing comedy, the other a straight
character, present a comedy singing,
talking and dancing act which Is
billed as "Two of the Nut Family."
On "the Hippodrome show at the
lUigh today.
Bill Hart will be seen at the Ore
gon this week sported by his favor
ite little girl Thelma Salter in "The
Little Patriot" next Saturday. One
day only.
The Travotore Trio a refined mo-
deal act including two ladies and
Starts Today at
General Admission 25c
one gentleman Is the added attract
ion at the Oregon today.
The world Is clearly shown In the
wonderfully vivid motion picture re
production of Mr. Gerard's book.
"My Four Years in Germany."
Here you see unrolled before you
the whole page of history from the
ZaWrn incident to the gathering of
the American army over there.
Every American should see this
picture so that he can b-tter under
stand why America must stand unit
ed against this common foe.
The picture will be shown at the
Uberty theater today.
Dorothy Dalton In "The Mating of
Marcella." her latest Paramount suc
cess will he the attraction at the
Oregon Tuesday and Wednesday. It
deals with the morals of New York s
Thos. 11. Ince's newest and great
est spectacle. "Zeppelin's Ijist Raid"
will be the next big attraction at the
Liberty -theater next Wednesday.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Fatty Arbuckle will make his ap
pearance in his new Salem home,
the Oregon Theatre next Thursday
and Friday. July 4th and 5th In Ills
latest comedy, "Good Night Nurse."
"My Four Years in Germany' is a
big dramatic production that will
give Armericans a better understand
ing of the most important page in
world history. It will be shown at
the Liberty today.
late theatre
"There are 501,000 lamp post
in America to hang the German
reservists to."
Man that Defied the Kaiser
2 P. M.
Same as Portland
When It comes to
w - m
- X
equipment . the Oregon ranks with
the best on the coast. The manaZe
ment has just installed two sew Mo
tlograph machines which are the
besf.that money can buy. They are
absolutely silent and the picture is
perfectly steady.
Early Experiences
(Continued from page 1)
gave it to-Vremont to examine. A
test was asaln made, and its value
determined." Hut the discovery was
hushed up by Fremont's advice urion
this ground, that as the FaQi
States had Tiot up to that time ac
quired the . possession of California.
It would be very unwise to make thts
discovery public because if It became
generally known that children could
pick up gold along the gulches to
the extent that these samples Indi
cated. England would use every ef
fort to secure a base upon San Fran
cisco bay. and If possible prevent
the United States from securing th
control of California. Therefore the
Mexican war was fought to a Hnlsh.
and Mexico ceded California to the
United States by the Guadalupe
Hidalgo treaty of February 2. 14S.
which was proclaimed by President
Polk on July 4 or that year.
"Before closing I must indulge In
another reminiscence will dis
close a hint of the 'metal perhaps
grit' would be a better word pos
sessed by tomettf the young folks of
half a century ago.
"In the summer of 2864 Thaddeus
Welch, a neohew of the late Mrs. P.
S. Knight and Jndge Seneca Smith
and I roomed together in Fortiana
and we 'Hooverlxed considerably by
living on bread and milk straight for
event months. Thad was an ap
prentice In the Oregon Farmer Job
printing office, and was only earning
19 a week. I was earning good
wages as a compositor on the Ore
gon ian but saving every dollar pos
ihie ii I thought it Incumbent upon
mi to 'send money to my parents In
Thurston county. Washington terri
tory, from time to time: and besides
I was planning to go to Pennsylvania
" !
and enlist in the 106th Pennsylvania
Inrantry .a regiment in which I had
a number of cousins with whom 1
had arranged to mess. The time
came In the summer when Thad
wanted to visit his relatives In and
about Salem, and In connection
therewith was confronted with the
matter of 'ways and means. The
regular fare at this time by stage or
boat to Salem was $7. exclusive of
meals en route. Thad was the old
est child of th Welch family, which
consisted of hts mother and several
children living In Yamhill county,
with the father. Russell Welch, away
in the mines, and was dependent on
almost exclusively to supply the
need for ready cash. Therefore, to
nay out $18 for a round trip to Sa
lem. on a weekly stipend of 9. pre
sented a problem to Thad not easily
solved. The matter was discussed
between us for a few days without
belnr settled, and finally I offered
to loan him the monev with the prl
vilere of returning it In installments
of a dollar a week. This B ae-
clined. Then I said:
" Thad. It I was In your place I'd
walk: yon can make it In a day. ana
rim with TOD What TOO WSni lO
-At length he agreed to that pun.
and set out for Salem early la tne
morning of July 3 .and. reached his
destination about 8 o'clock that ev
ening; remained there until July is.
when he walked back to roruana
The comment in my diary of that day
ia this: .
- Thad came back. He waiaea
all the way from Salem. Appears
to have enjoyed himself. Looks bet
ter." . .
"Thaddeus Welch abandoned tne
printing business many years ago.
and has achieved consiaeranie
tlnctlon as an artist. He now lives
In Santa Barbara. Calif."
Iterovered Ktretigtli After tne
left my little boy aged nine years
in a venr weak, rnn down condition
he coughed a good deal, ana as
medicines did not seem to- help him
we finally took him out of scnooi.
and thought he would never o
strong again. One day I read about
the cod liver and iron tonic known
a Vinol. and such a change as it
has made in my little boy It stopped
hia murh. and lie Is now back in
school, strong and well." Mrs.
A. Wrlg"ht.
There is nothlnjTlike Vinol to re
store strength, appetite and vim to
pale, sickly children. We strongly
recommend Vinol for this purpose.
Emll A. Scheafer and druggists ev
Thej Dainty Songstress
The Dashing Star of "Come Through" in
"The Flash of the Fate"
A Bad Eye has
Spoiled Many a
Good Man
A JSLl it
BLURRED vision,
eye will not cure themsrlve.
When you notice the slightest symptom of
warning you will 1 doing yourself a t re me ml -cms
favor ly having your eye examine! at
once even though the trouble may at first
seem small.
-and don't neglect headache. They often
rise and fall through some little de
rangement of the, eye.
in the correct fitting of glasses is at your
I have fitted many thousand
of people in Salem. My large
patronage is their endorsement
of the quality of my work.
Fits Zyet Comctly
210-211 United SUtct Nttloatf Btak Bldf.
On account of the increase in salines of la
bor, all woodsavring prices will adrance 10c
per cord on and after July 4.
WANTED Four men to work on wood siwt, $3.50 pr
day. Apply Club Sublet Monday, 7 &. a.
Buy War Saving Stamps-
Jqhn Sundin, Tailor
347 mat Street
Two of the Nnt Family
An Extraordinary 5 Real Feature
"w ri
watery spot
An Interesting Woman
i).iMiN'i'iiiiiiiiiiiiii i mil mi ii 'ni ii mi
VX.V.ff 1 1 1
1 1