The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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omethies New
The Keith Konquerer Shoe Company, of Brockton, Mass., notified
their exclusive local dealer, The Paris .Shoe Shop, that for one
week, July 1st to July 6th, they will inaugurate a new profit-sharing
system of introduc'ng their shoes for men and women, by giving
any man or woman that buys a pair of shoes at the regular pur
chase priceihe opportunity to buv the second pair at ONE-HALF
PRICE and the second nair may be any style or size. Remember
this soecial introduction of Keith Konquerer Shoes for one week
only, July 1st to July 6th.
PARIS SHOE SHOP 357 State Street
By the Associated Press
Another week has Dassed without
the Gemans resuming their offensive.
The entente' allies have shown the
greatest atlvitjr daring this period
and- In several parts of the battle
zone have carried the fight to the
These actions have been local in
character., bat have been fought .for
important immediate objectives
which strengthen the allied line
By Using
25 lbs to 100 lbs
70c per 100
Book ....,$3.50
300 .1b. Coupon
Book .....$3.00
200 lb. Coupon
500 lb. Coupon
Book $2.00
My line of summer suitings embraces all weights,
textures and shades, Suitings of quality. Come in
and make selections.
My prices are remarkably low considering the
quality of the materials and the perfect fit you
are guaranteed.
Scotch Woolen Mills Store
where it needed bolstering. At var
ious points the allies have placed iu
Jeopardy thy enc mjr'i tt nure of cer
tain parts or the line and have ex
tended their "control over, wide sec
tors of the front.
This was the notable result of the
attack near Helleau Wood on the
Marne front, by the Americans on
Wednesday. . They did not seek to
break through. the German line.' but
wanted, to reach high ground which
wonld command the villages of Torcy
and Rouresches. This ground is
now securely in their possession.
The French attacking -oulhwest
of Sois-ops. on the Aisnc front, had
the same object in view. Herman
counter-attacks against the new
French positions have been repulsed
with heavy losses to the enemy.
The liritfeh. on the Lys salient of
the Flanders front, cut into the Ger
man lines on Thursday and succeed
ed In shoving the enemy from his po
sitions on several little ridges of
land to lowwr levels.
There is reason for believing that
preparations are now nearly com
plete for a resumption of the Ger
man drive. Jtist where the blow
will fall is not known, but it is ex
pected to eclipse the ferocity of the
attacks of Cambrai and Aisne. An
epidemic of influenza in the German
armv it rerwvrtAr! anil thf together
with the prevalence of typhoid, dys-l
entery and other disease may delay
the onset for a time.
A week ago the Austrian began
their flight across the Piave river
from the western bank where they
had received a sanguinary check at
the bands of th Italians. It is pos
sible now' to view the vent In Its
true perspective and estimate the vic
tory of the Italians as a great defen
sive triumph. General Dial, the
Italian commander la chieT, has not
pursued the Austrians further than
the Piave. except for the setting up
of strong bridgeheads on the eastern
banks of the river. y
There is still danger of 'another at
tack being launcher against Italy,
this time from the mountain front
and with German forces leading
their allies in their attempt to force
their path down into the Italian
plains. For this reason, apparently.
Genera.! Diaz is content to hold the
Piave strongly and to wait, for the
moment at least, any farther attacks
against his vital mountain positions.
The situation in Russia is obscure.
While there are indications that the
sway of the Bolshevik! may be near
its end, there is no confirmation of J
tne reports that tne government or
Lenine end Trotzkv has ben over-
thown. The same situation obtains
ts to Silierla. where the llolshevlkl
and the German and Austrian pris
oners of war are- fighting againft
the Oxrcho-SIovaks on the west and
General Semenoffa army on the
The emperor of Austria has re
fused to accept the resignation of
Premier von Seydler's cabinet ani
he has called on parliament to meet
on July 16. It has been said in re
cent dispatches that the program to
be laid before the Austrian parlia
ment will he quite limited In scope.
Mritisli and German torpedoboat
fleets rft the Itelglan Toast had a
brief encounter on Thursday evening
bnl.when the Germans received re
inforcments the British withdrew,
without loss apparently having been
Inflicted by either side.
Corn Market Closes Unsettled
Rain Reports Induce
Stop, Look and Think
J-' r
Do you know you can have your car repainted, new top and
seat coven put on, all under one roof, in a fire-proof build
ing? w .
Best Skilled Labor on the Coast
i Oregon Auto Top Co. Auto Painting Co.
Phone Broadway 4408 .
Fourteenth and Conch Streets Portland, Oregon
XFW YORK. June 29. Trading
In stocks todav 'did- not' get beyond
the nominal stage, the market bear-
fhg the many familiar aspects of a
week-end summer session.
Interest was wholly professional
and concentrated in very Jew issues.
notably metals, oils and other shares
f like speculative character.
Extreme gains in these groups ran
from one to two and a half points,
with extremely narrow fluctuations
In some stocks.
General news of the day had little
Influence on values, but railroad
earnings were not especially favor
able. Canadian Pacific reported a net
decrease of $864,000. The strength
of francs was the solid feature of the
foreign exchange market.
Heavy mid-year shifting of loans
was disclosed by the bank statement,
actual loans increasing by almost
$67,00(1.00.0, reserves of member
banks in the local federal reserve In
stitution gaining almost $129,000,
000 and excess reserves increasing
bv the very large sum of about
lionds were Irregular, liberty is
sues easing slightly. Total sales, par
value, aggregated $3.r75.000.
John 0. Hall Issues Statement
Relative to Work at
Star American Flyer Beside His Plane.
Which Has Uncle Sam's Hat in the Ring
."V v. - 1 "n
f -
km 'm
m i
kt..' v ill a , i
LA iz- S?Z-f V - ie--r ,
R-lative to the ne-l of"the gov
ernment for tatuitivians. John
Hall, who has Quallfk-U as siatUtl
cal expert says;
"The public knowing that I have
qualified as statistical expert with
the war department are asking rue
all kinds of que.tiont concerning
these government positions. Per
mit to stale briefly, that the t'nltel
.St a i en I , rbort of help la sutls
lics that in he Ja.t announcement it
does nd require civil servire exam
inations even for statistical clerks.
"Croup I Competitors will not
be required to report for examina
tion at any place, but will be rated
on the following subjects, which will
have relative weights Indicated:
physical ability 10 pr cent: educa
tion, training and experience 90 per
cent. Salaries ranging from $1600
to $14Mi a year f.r Grade 1. and
$14n to $s a ear for grade 2.
Croiip 2 Oronp 2 l statiticlans
with salaries ranginf from $lstf
and up. Iloth males and females
are eligible as statUtkians and sta
tistical rlerks.
"Croup 2 StatiMical expert, for
Why Not Buy That
Goodyear Tire
It means more mileage They gire better
- cTviceYou will be better Mtisfied
Phone -363 126 Sonih Commercial
men onlv. tvaUries are raafisg
from $lti to I T j6 a year for
Grade . $200 to $. year for
Grade 3. ec.
War Wvarrx. wfJ Trliut
"lteprate-i rej unt from JOTfrB
ntent. dparlien anJ boards at
VahIntttn and sub4-qqent aaaly
ris of the situation tbtte haxe shown
the jrting need for p-rn who
have ttatiMkal training and are fit
ted to rr.d-r asltane in the rap
idly expanding olfVe and orgaaita
tion work in the various departments
of the government. Similar re-nuest-
ere tenr made by bulne
rraalxawns wJmm persoaael L3
be-a depleted as a rvsnlt of war d-
To meet tats :tt!oa CoiirroMi
t'aivervity. New Tork. offers Itls
umruer a Uar Kmrretry Trzl
iag rjnr-e- la (at!tir. laJ'i'n- ati
Iihar. ad ele-ewiary atreovaatiaC-
"At the repeated reqet .f
frlemi. I im alw offering esr--tf
trIJ-for e-.Bs In tatltlcs
far th Bumlnal prlcr tif $!. A
Tew roort Join tb cL Teday. J
ly I. 7 o'lUk p. m. la the Capital
tul- roJlere. orr.r f rr7
and Ilirh street.
Lieutenant Eddie RIekenbacher.
the aato racer, found driving & car
lor General Penning la France was
not exciting enough for 'him. so be
became a filer. This the latest pho-
i-- . cows eurters'SACMt q
to of him. shows him standing by
his plane with a picture of Uncle
Sam's hat la the ring; The Ger
mans are learning what that means
oa a car.
Less than next year's wholesale prices. Thousands of pairs of Tennis Shoes.
Bearfoot Sandals, Pomps, Oxfords and Elk Bab must be sacrificed to make room
for the Largest Fall Stock we have eVer ordered.
Lo? est Prices Ever Put On Hi-Grade Shoes
Ladies'. $4.00 and $5.00 Patent and Kid Pumps.
All sizes and styles, whije they last, go at. .
Ladies' $5.00 and $6.00 Patent and Kid Pumps,
All the latest creations, every size and width
Including' Hanans, go at
Hundreds of Pairs Men's $5.00 Work Shoes,
Brown and Black, double and single soles,
all sizes, to close at
Pnrn A I Ladies' Patent Cloth Top and Ed Cloth Ton
OrijVslriL S8 00 Drcs sh0. low d fclsh heels, all
sizes, to close out
CDrn A F Low Heel Neolin Soles and Bubber
Ul LLliiL Hef1 New Bck Sport Shoes, $7.00 Grades,
while they last
500 Pairs Men's, Women's,' Boys and Chil
dren's White and Black Tennis Shoes;
Men's 95c; Women's and Boys' 75c; Chil.
3ren's 65c
100 Pairs Boys' Dress Shoes, Black only,
sizes 1 to 5, button and lace, to close
out while they last $L95
500 Pairs Barefoot Sandals, best tan leather,
thick soles, equal to Sandals costing twice
as much; sizes 5 to 11, go at 95c; ll2 to
2 go at $1-35; Women's sizes 22 to C,
go $1.95
Few Pairs Men's Large Size Hip Rubber
Boots, $SD0 grades, to close out at . .$195
Boys' $5.00 Army Shoes, sizes 2 to 6 tan
only, to close out at ;; $95
Few Pairs Men's $5.00 Dress Shoes, button
and lace, Neolin soles, to closest at $-195
1200 Pairs Men's and Boys Elk Bals, Black
and Tan, the Favorite Summer Shoe fcr
play and work; Men's $2X5; Boys' $Lk;
Children' $1X3
Ladies' Dress'Shoes
Ladies' $6.00 Dress Shoes, Black and White,
button and lace, now go at $4J)5
Ladies' $7.00 Dress Shoes, Black and White,
button and lace, now go at $5.95
Ladies' $8.00 Shoes, Black and Colors? lace
only, now go at $5.93
Ladies' $9.00 Shoes, all colors and styles,
lace only, now go at $7.95
Men's Dress Shoes
Men's $C00 Dress Shoes, : button
o-auc ana tan, now go at
Men's $7.00 Dress Shoes, button
, black and tan, bow go at
Men's $3.00 Drets Shoes, button
1.1. .
Diacjc ana tan, sow go at
and lace,
. $4LS5
and lace,
.... $5.95
and lace.
Men's $9.00 Dress Shoes, button and lace,
black and tan, now go at $75
SU-lcnt New Live Rabher Heels put on for One-Half Price
25 cents
Vt 7
SHOE ffl