Tim fWlEOON STATKSMAfv: Fill OA Y, Jl'XK 28, 10 1 H. ii i I lass J f 1 dell P i r e 6 1 yThe Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them Buy, Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS MEN'S CIjOTIUNCJ, SHOES, BICY-J CLES. TOOLK. KTC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Pbone 403 237 Court St NORWICH ITXIOX FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY V. If. nurghardt, Jr., Resident Agent 383 State St. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARM AW C1TT I'ROI'ERTy AT LOWEST RATES THUS K FnffnOtfrL.IIB..k saw aae a wavae- Bank, Salem. Or, CLASSIFIED ADYERTISSf ENTS Rate Pee Word First insertion .............. le Subsequent insertions e One week (six insertions) ... 2c One month .................. c Six months contract per mo. 8c 12 months' contract, per mo... ?c No account opened for less than 25c A neat card (riven free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing- "For Sale." "For Rent." "Rooms" or "Board-" XKW TODAY Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today for first insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under its proper class flea tion. No advertisement will be run under "New Today for more than one issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR rood clean cotton rags. Apply at Statesman Press Room. Phone 23, 1 IrANBERKY PICKERS WANTED lood camping-ground, running water. 'Will provide for transportation. Whelan Brothers. Phone 12F25. tXJ A-NB ERR Y PICKERS SHOULD come Monday morning. Fine pick In. ' East D street near Powers dryer. M. E. Getter. 333 Mission St. WANTED TEN CORDS GOOD ASH wood. August or September delivery D. Webster, phones 23 and 1891-M ! TEAMS WANTED AT ONCE TO mv to get at. on good road. John H. Scott, phone $22. FOR SALE TWO HOUSES ON SOUTH Commercial street. Price $4,000. half cash or Liberty bonds, balance long time. Address Frame o. t-aratr, dox I ZZ2. Jieppner, urcgon, I 27 APUFA t MILES FROM R. R. TOWN. 20 acres in cultivation. 10 acres full hearing Italian prune, new 4 room hunzalow. new barn, fine water ays tern, fine erot of prunes. Price $6.37$, will take Salem residence up to $2500: and will keep this year's crop end sell place at $1500. S-e Perrine It Marsters. 403 Hubbard Bids. WANTED CULL POT 4 TOES FOR hog feed. Phone 3SF11 or address . route 3. box 117. BUSINESS MEN THE YORKSHIRE Insurance company is a standard old Line company, established away back in 1124 and now has over sae.uno.wi . , In assets. Look through your insur ance pspers and If you haven't any Yorkshire policy can up an. we can protect you on any line roc any amount upon a moments notice, it. A- Johnson Insurance Agency. 1 end 2 Bush Bank Bldg, Salem, phone 347. WE LOAN UP TO $50 PER ACRE ON improved farms at per cent. Also up to $100 an acre on j improved acreage near Salem. ! We also have plenty of money to loan on good residence property In Salem. W. A. Liston. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE w VTF.h'HhirSKKEEPER NOT OVER 25 years old. Good home for right party. Address "H 33" care States man office. YOUNG LADIES WANTED PERMANENT POSITIONS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY 17$ N. LIBERTY STREET. MALE WANTED FOUR TO SIX HOURS. EM -. htnm..i ri i i v kctwHii 10 and 4 by man with general knowledge of of fice work. Address "11 $2" 'care Statesman. . "WANTED MECHANICS IN ALL (branches of the metal trades for J emergency war work. Good wages. ' good working snd best climatic eon ! di lions." Astoria Marine Iron Works, Astroia, Oregon. LITHE HAND INCREASING MA china shoo crew. Strike on West Unn milla. Wares (5Hc for eight hours. Can work ten hours if de- Ire. Address B. T. McBaln, West Linn. Advancement assured right mn." ' mnCELLANEOra) MALE HELP WANTED WANTED A competent rrocer clerk, good wages to rijrht man. Anply 1L Stumberg et Son. Vancouver, Wash. MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED We have an opening in your town for a newspsper salesman. You could make a good aelary with our proposition. Address "H 47" States man office. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS Examinations everywnere. juiy . Experience unnecessary. Men and women desiring government post tiona write for free particulars to J. " C leonard. (former Civil Service Examiner). 1040 Kenols Bldg, Wssh- lngton. D. C BERRY PICKKnt WANTED LARO . est yard in the valley, flood camp ing, rood water, provisions on the ground. We move you out ln yard and ba-k to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now. we pay 1 cent with Vt cent bonus per pound. 1 U H. Robert. R. F. D. No. 7. nhone 41F24. Sslem. Oreron. FOR SALE MVKSTOCK S FOR SALE PHONE 2512J3 EV- cnings after :30. " MUCELLAJTEOCS. FOR SALE-BICYCLE IN GOOD RB pair. $16.50. Call at 06 South Church street or phone 1S70-M. FOlt S A LE C It ES E NT COM BINATION wooa working: machine. 5 h. p. motor, veneer press. Sander, grinder, f rind stone and -many other shop tools; must sell, am leaving- town, terms It desired. Call at 1435 Hines street. IF YOU WANT TO GET TlfK'BES " paper, sena ivc to n raciric Homestead. 8aletn. Oregon, for a trial subscription MenUoa this ad. FOR SALE MAY DUKE CHERRIES for canning. Se per pound if you pick them. Ready now. J. R, Chap man, i none 17F2. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western Imni gration has been carefully revised. inaKing a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas acre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased rrora the Indians five yearn later. The price is 0 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers .Monthly. Sa- lem. urcgon. FOCI-TRY IF TOU WANT TO GET THE REST poultry paper published send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this add. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT OR LEASE FINE STOCK or dairy ranch. 100 acres cultivated, good roads, good location. 45$ South High street. Phone 1432. FOR RENT WELL EQUIPPED DAIRY ranch with II cows on coast place, where grass Is green year around. This place is making good money and if InterestMl bet-ter come at once or write E. G. Calkins. Otis. Oregon. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Strictly modern Address box 33. Salem. FOR RENT A HARD FINISHED FIVE .room residence, with bath. South 17th street. For -i per month. John H. Scott, 401 Hubbard building. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE at Newport. 330 North High or phone 4. FOR RENT $12.50 SIX ROOM MOD ern house on paved street at 1920 South High street. K .A. Rhoten. 1141-J. any time week days. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $6 Six room house at 71 North Winter St. Modern. Formerly rent ed at $15. Call at Statesman busi ness office or Dhonc 23. $10 Neat modern bungalow $ rooms at 90 North 20th street. Form erly rented for $13. Call at States man business office r phone 2$. $22.54 Furnished flat, modern, at 664 Vs Ferry St. possession to be had June 15. Also, a furnished bungalow for $20. possession June 17. Phone 23 or call Statesman business office. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. care Statermaa. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern eonrenien-ea. alo In side rooms. Close to State House. 1 ASS Chemeketa Phon 1RS LOST and FOUND For WD FOUND A PURSE. OWNER MAY have same by calling; at 413 Masonic LOST. LOST TRAVELING BAG N SILVER ton road. Iteturn to l.l5 a Kama den's bicycle shop and receive re ward. LOST ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON Ladies hang bag containing Bible snd purse. Kinder please notify Mrs. T. B. Nunnemaker. Salm. Or, phone 01F11 and receive reward. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS VACUUM CLEANING SOO PER RUG. L. L. BUCKNER. PHONE 1022. WANTED CHERRIES. ROYAL ANN. Rings. Lambert. Salem Fruit Union. Phone 3$0. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOP. rood clean rags. Pressroom States man. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN FOR CLIENTS. Ivan G. Martin. Masonic ' Temple. PARTIES DESIRING FEDERAL FARM loans should file their applications with this office immediately. An ap praiser for the Federal Land Hank will be here within 30 days and any whose applications are not on file for a sufficient time to give our appraisement committee time to ap praise the land and send in their reoort to the bank before the arrival of the appraiser will be obliged to wait until the next appralsmnt. A. C. Rohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. Knlm . (iKeoa. Office closed Sat urday afternoons during cherry and berry picking season. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SlilPP"S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Dsy. 93 night, 359. TIRF.S WF.PA IBF.O VCXCANlglNO G A T ES I I A I .F SOLE T 1 R E S E R V I C E Station 177. South Commercial St, phone 428. QUACKKNBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanising. 21 North commercial street. Thone $6. WATT FHIPP CO RETREADS AND sections, tubes 25e up. Service csr Phone 362. 12 South iCommerclal street. . , ( i BRACK ETT At GRAY TUBES VTL- ca nixed. 25c. Retreading our special tr. Free service ear. Phone 1409 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DENTIST DR. F. I UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 4tJ-4M Bank of Commerce Building. Phone $0$. rarsio teachers R HARRv TEAC1IEB OF TLANO. rhone 1383. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF YOE2CAN MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- tng in Masonic Temple, firth floor, at o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace Sykes. Foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. HODEftN WOODMElf. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 124. meets every Thursday evening at 1 o'clock In Ierby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS irCTIOSEERl COU W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner. Ore- ron AITTO DELI VERY KAGGAQE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phooe C4 or ZSSl-R. W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS SEND THE CHILDREN HERE WHERE you are assured, of perfect hair trim ming: Just the way you want it. In grey's Barber Shop. 311 State street. cm morn actio DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chiropractic fountain bead. Davenport, Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 40S-7-S. D. B. N. Bank Building. Phone tT. Fealdenee BZS-R. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 133. Salem's largest and beet equipped transfer company. Get eur reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses la connection with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 111 South Commer cial street. CHINESE PHYSICIAN. DR. I. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 153 8. Hirh St. Phone 213. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Wa tana. be, Irop, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $1.1$ sad $1.7$. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main its. JUNK 'run JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let as make you a price oa your household goods. The "Square Deal House Capital Junk Co, 273 Chemeketa Street. Phone 19$. HA I It REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Par lor a, $211 Hnhherd Bldg LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash c per pound. 13$ South Lib erty street. Vbone 2$. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 10 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing: within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylence welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop, 252 Chemeketa St, Sa- l-nrv OSTEOPATHS DR. W. I MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrks ville. Mo.: treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-405 U. d. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone fl$. Resi dence 419 Ncrth Summer. Phone CI 4. DRS. WHITE WALTON. OSTEO pathlc physleans and surgeons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Klrksville. Mo. Post wraduate and specialised In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute snd chronlo dlseasea Offices 505-$ 7-$. U. S. National Bank Bldg. Phone $59. Residence. 129 Court street. Phone 221$, Dr. White, residence phone 4C9. SECOND BAND GOODS WE BUY -AN1 SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars. eollai pod's, tool, chains, Fred Echladler. 21$ Center 8 tree L STORAGE AND TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE hold roods specialties; storage pack ing, shipping and moving, horse and sute vans; special freight rates to all points. C O Pick Transfer A Storage Co, 2nd and Pine streets. . Portland. Oregon. Broadway $9$. A 19J4S. CNDERTAKEKS WEBB A CLOUGH C H. WEBB. A. U. Clough, funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. TRANSFER HAI71.1NO Alvlu TkfcCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of haullnr. Household moving lobe done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme. 471 8tate 8. Phone 93. Resldsace phone 112J-J. WALL PAPER. PAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- eorattnr. Delating, tinting, paper banging, etc Work done by contract or day; rood workman. Ixvcation isis Center Sc. Phone $$$-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Huren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St SEE lORTER FOR PAINTS WALL fat., r and Picture Framing. Good v..t k men. 45$ Court St. Phone 415. 4VATEJI Al.irl WATER CO. OFFICE. 391 B. Commercial atreet. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In hills will be allowed for absence or for any cause whatever unless water Is cut off from premise. Hereafter water foe Irrigation will only furnished to regular customers e-atur water for domestic purposes, con tractors for sidewalks, brick work. or plastering, win please resd "for .-'.f PHYSICIANS DR. JU 43. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and res id nee 2r North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot Kattenal Jk ail sloe. M La. Paleta, OUs I Steve UebaJlt Pea. H law aisa. YaraJa4v d SLepaJred Hea Hooka. Saleaa Verne k Sieve Week. XSS Court St. FTheat 1M H. B ! SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICK. Kjcss and Poultry. Egjts. J 5c Itroilcrt. 22 to 23. Hem, 2 Oto 22c. Old roosters. 13e to lSe. Pork, Mutton and Ilccf. Pork on foot. 15 to lCc Ewes, Be to 7c Veal, dressed. 14e. Spring lamb, 12e to 13c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 7c. lUy. Cheat, per ton. $21. Clover, per ton. $20. Vetcn. per ton. $22. Grain, Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, 90c Beans. 7 c. Hill Feeds, Retail. Bran per ton, $3$. Shorts, per ton. $38. wholesale: to bealers. Country batter. 45c. Creamery butter, 45c, Butterrat, f. o. b. aSlem, 42c Shad. 15c. Black Cod, 18e. Red Cod, 11c Salmon. Chinook, 25c Halibut. 25c Codfish, 15c Fruit, Oranges. $8.00. Cantelounes. 33.25 to $4.00 Tomatoes (crate). $1.75 to $1.85. Crap Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. Lemons. $9-50 to $11.00. Bananas, 8e lb. Vegetable, New potatoes, 3 He Peas. 12c. -Cabbage. 3c to 3 c Onions (Imported) $1.85. Onions (home-grown) $1.25. Turnips, 2 to 2Hc Retail lUcea. Creamery butter, 55c. Eggs, 45c Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, Yalley. $2.6 Oto $2.60. Sugar, cane and beet, 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. PORTLAND RiARKETS j a iMxlrv Produce PORTLAND. June 27. Butter: Prints, extras, 48 O 49c; cubes, ex tras. 44c: prime iirsis, Hairv 32t4C. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 47c k Potatoes Potatoes: Locals Selling price $ 1.3 5 & 1.50; new California s. 3 0 Grain Grain: June delivery Bids uats No. 2 whit feed. $58.75; barley, standard reed. $50; A. brewing. $52. Thirty days Oats, ro. Z. $&s.ia. b.riev. feed. 150: brewing. $52. Eastern oats and corn in bulk Oats, No. 3 white. $54.50; 38-pound clip ped white. $55.50; corn. No. 3 yel low, $64.50; No. 3 mixed. $S2; pats. Ko. 3. 254: cliDDed. $55; corn, yel low, $64.50; No. 3 mixed. $61; oats. No. 2. Clipped. $55; corn, yellow. $64; mixed. $62. NEW YORK SIARKKT8 NEW YORK. June .27. rrune. firm. VHEATANDCORN STANDARDS MADE Consolidation Commission Asks Questions About School Superintendent To fix the standards for wheat and shelled corn In Oregon to con form to the official standards of the United States as established and pro mulgated bv the secretary of sgrt culture Anril 13. this year, and ef fective July 15. the public senrice commission has Isued an order mat ine- the necessary changes. The main change arrectlng wheat aclifs to the hard red spring variety for which three sub-classes are tahiuhed instead of four. The elim- Inated uh-claas is known AS SUD- w . -- ., ci-. ia ne red snrtnx humpback The other three sub-classes and" the descriptions in the order are: fal Dark: northern spring - - - This sub-class shall Include wneai of the class hard red spring, of which 73 per centum or more con- Bints of dark, hard and vitreous Ker nel, but shall nnt contain more than 10 per centum t)f wheat of the var- I'-Jy humhark. The only change is the substittion of 75 per centum for of 85 Ter centum. (b Northen spring This sub class ehall include wheat of the class hard red spring, of which lss than 75 per centum and more than 25 per con I ii m consist of hard. dark and vitreous krenels, but shall not con tain more than 10 per centum of wheat of the variety humpback. The chance in this is the substitution rf 75 per centum for 83 per centm. tel. Red spring This sub-class rhall Include wheat of the class hard. red spring, which consists of kernels I of yellow or mottled apearance, of starchy texture, and of not more REAL ESTATE A MODERN FIVE ROOMj BUNGALOW with fruit etc.. on very easy terms like renting, with one or two or three lota, about half what owner paid for It s years ago. and Is certainly a bargain. See Wm. Fleming. 311 Slate street. DO NT YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU wish to buy. sell, or exchange any kind of realty you should go right Into an office of the Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co. Incf Why Because they put the buyer, seller, and exchanger of realty together, and charge no commission. Salem, office. Bray man Bldg. FOR TRADE A GOOD MOUNTAIN stock ranch of 29 acres, good build ings, good water, unlmlled out range, fully equipped. Hi miles to It. It, has telephone. Price complete $14,000 will trade for place near Salem of $4000 or $1000. See J. A. Mills. 320 State street. A CHOICE INVESTMENT IN $ ACRES bearing prunes with the crop which will bring in nearly one third of In vestment. Close In too. No phoning on this, come and see me. Wm. Flem ing. 341 State street. FOR SALE LOT 4 BLOCK 31 R08E dsle addition Salem, also lots 7-1 snd Touts addition. Wood burn. Address Sam Chatwln. general delivery Sa lem or Woodburn. FOR SALE MODERN EIGHT ROOM house, snd lot $0x150; located at cor ner or 15th and State. Phone 1171-J or write Mrs. Robert Eakln, Salem. Oregon. FLEMING TRADES $4 ACRE FARM 50 in crops equity for anything clear. A $ room bungalow half cost on In stallments or will take a town lot 'for equity. Another similar, with fruit, flowers.' shrubbery on paved street, for a town lot. See Wm. Fleming. 311 State street, or phone 303. A GOOD BUT "IxlO FZKT ON EAST side Commtfclal street, one door north of State street, Salem, together wlfe perpetual right of war over the ltxee loot tract exienaing- rrom this property to State street. Terms Apply 8tt Boeorth. 701-2 Spaulding Bldg, Pbrtleaa, Oregon. I HAVE FOR SALE A NUMBER OF houses that are offered very cheap. s follows: $ rooms, good condition. $750: 7 rooms with nice lots, plenty of bearing fruit trees. $1250; S rooms ?1500; cheap at $3500; rooms strict y modern, $2200. $ rooms, strict ly modern, very fine, $3250: 7 rooms very fine In every particular, wen located, for $1750. John H. Scott, 404 Hubbard building. FOR SALE 209 ACRES TWO MILES from town, small house $7 per acre. SO acres half clear close to town. $2250. C acres close to town, house and barn $1050. 30 acres good build Ings $2300. Nice four room cottage, two Iota, $(50. Fine 7 room bungalow on paved street, a snsp at $2100. CI acres improved to trade for small Dlaee. 120 acre farm well Improved and cash for larger farm. Houses to rent. 191 Maxwell very cheap. F. Lv Wood. Bayne Building. FARM WANTED FOR RENT WITH from 100 to 150 acres In cultivation Occupancy from this fall. Would prefer a lease of five yara. Have good teams and machinery- Will pay either cash or share. Cox 13. Statesman office. Salem. $2,000 RESIDENCE AND CASH FOR A farm in vicinity or ttaiem. 1170010 acre tract with modern C room house, close to car line for t room bungalow and mortgage back for difference. $13,000 fruit and grain ranch of 99 seres. $ miles from Salem for South ern Oregon ranch, will assume up to $3500. $30,000 grain and stock ranch with rood Improvements. In southern Ore gon. for rsnrh In vicinity of Salem party must assume $7,500 mortgnge at S per cent doe In 20 years. $14,000 well Improved Waldo Hills farm for Salem residence snd mort- rage hack for difference. Socolofs- ky. 311 SUte street. FOR SALE SC ACRE GRAIN AND prune ranch. 42 acres under cultiva tion, balance timber and pasture, 18 acres bearing Italian prune orchard In first class condition. room house, good barn and other out buildings, rock road. 4 miles from Relent, price $13,500. 100 acre farm. 40 acres farm land, balance timber and pasture. running water, old bouse and bai nrlce $49 per acre. 41 acre farm miles from Salem. 30 acres plow land. 1 acres yesr old prune orchard. house, barn, spring, orchard, price $3S. S room cottage on paved street, rood location, east front, price $1400. W. H. Grabenhorst at Co, 27$ State street. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITT About 499 acres of choice Polk eoun ty land about lit acres clear; about $9 acres la stump pasture; oa lance in cholw piling timber and. oak grubs. I Timber alone worth $10.t00. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing ,'or 20 cows and four nor sea; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine sprlnr to all buildlnga Will sell the whole at a great bargaim Very easy terms. S per cent Interest. Address L, owner, care The Statesman. than 23 per centum of hard, dark and vitreous kernels, but shall not contain more than 10 per centum of wheat of the variety humpback. This is unchanged. . ADVERTISED LETTERS Burnham. Miss Martha C. Baldwin. Miss Ethel Cotting, Mrs. Ella Cramer, Clayton C ratty, Geo. S. Ennis, Mrs. Bertha Gibbons. Miss Maud Hays. Harold M. Horton, Mrs. A. R. llofer, A. J. ! Hutcblns, John Jones, W. Lake. Coral Montgomery. Mrs. Joe Mciske. Fred Martzall, Zua C. Magers, Ronia Myers. Miss Iva Newcomb. L. W. Pernot. Emlle Francis rowers, Mrs. Mabel S. August Huekesteln, P. U THINGS THAT - CapTTllht. . HOW IS IT YOO SfYHTVjPOp, Tr, MOST ' t erve.OyaHCXi KAT1XO Alb. Once I met s lady, handsome, plump. and fair: Said I. "What's the reason. Said she. Said she. "Eatlnc elrr Said I. "Sure, you're Jesting r "Not a bit! If you're sick and gloomy, take a dose I m "Throw your shoulders upward.' Get out In the sun: Concentrate your wishes with your mind tis tone! Wake the solar plexus, health will come complete: Air la splendid eating eat and eat aad eat- You can't be a glutton oa suck splen- aia tare: Life is for the having! Just keep eat ing air! Aad your mind will broadsa to all pleasures sweet Successes grand await you. It you eat aad eat! "Don't believe those half-truths, where by some men swear: I caa't live oa sunshine.' 1 caa't live on air." For I'm sure ao mortal, fool, or knave. or wit. Could exist without them, cept a little air. "Climate makes strong people sun shine keep them free; Upward throw your shoulders; eat some air with me; Cast drugs to the caniaea, .throw pine to tne Data Air Is for the lean ones; air Is for the I a is. 'Air Is for the gloomy, bilious, grave, and sad: Air Is for the good ones, air Is for the Air Is for the lowly, women, children. men: When you are real hungry, pass your piaie again i "Vitalise your body freely without price: Eating air 1 Jolly, eating air Is alee eatr- IL C Tripp. TUB FAIRY BOOK. When mother takes the fairy-seek Aad we curl us to hear. Tie "All aboard for fairy -lead." Which seems to he a near. For soon we reach the pleaaaat place ji jace-upoa-a-ume, Where hirdiee slnr the hour ef day. Asa iiowers texa la ray me; Where Bobby Is a velvet prise. aiht where I am a queen: Where one caa talk with sslmala. Abu wain about unseen; Where little people live la hats And ride on botterfile. And wonders kindly come to pass uerore your very eyes; Where candy grows on every bush. And playthings oa the trees. And visitors pick basketful As often as they please. It Is the nicest time of day Though bedtime Is so near When mother takes the fairy-book And we curt up to hear. Ahbls Farwsll Brown, Girl Stage Driver Is Latest Stayton Novelty STAYTON, Or.. June 27 Miss Alma Mende. a prominent high school girl, is doing her bit by driving the Stsy ton-Kingston stage for her father during vacation, and the labor shortage season. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Lilly spent Sunday ln Corvallla. Mrs. A. S. Davie and little son left last week for Astoria where they will join Mr. Davie who has employment there. J. T. Kearns returned home last week from a weeks visit at Bend whete he was looking after business interests. ; W. A. Rlggs lost a horse last week. The animal, hitched to a wagon was being driven down a street when It fell, breaking a leg and had to be shot, Andrew Fery and family, and E. C. Titus went to Salem. Wednesday. The trip was made ln Mr. Fery's new automobile. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Doll and Mrs. Kate Lons- wsy motored to Wllholt Springs Sunday for a days outing. They stop ped at Molalla en route. Joseph Sestak and family. Cora Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Gard ner -and Gene Titus made a trip to Sodaville Sunday., enjoying a picnic dinner under the "pines, and return Ing home In the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young and daugh- NEVER HAPPEN ters Vivian and Veda of Salem were week-end guests at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. L J. Ware. E. M. Walters has resigned his position in the Stayton po tor flee and has moved to Redne where he has employmenL Mrs. F. I. Jones and little s went to Albany. Friday for a few days visit with her parents, aad alst with ' a brother who left Monday with the troops for a training camp. Forrest Mask, chairman of the W. S. 8. drive and his bunch of com petent solicitors put Stayton over the top with a margin of several bund-' red dollars la two days time. Dr. G. F. Korniek and wife cams up from Portland Saturday. The Doctor returned home Sunday; Mrs, Komlek will remain for a few weeks visit at the home of her parental Post master E. D. Alexander and wife, A. E. Roy aad family came op from Portland Sunday for a two daya visit at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs, E- Roy. GARRAXZO (TtOP IARGK NOG ALES. Artsoaa. Jen 14. It will require $1,000,900 or more to handle the gar ban to crop of Son ora this year, which is a Spanish pea, has. been selling for $1S per sack of 240 pounds, which Is the highest market price ever paid. To pay th doty on the Mexican side of the border. 100.000 was shipped here from the east. . General Al vero Obregon. former minister of war. is one of the largest growers of garbanso la Mexico and Is the bead of the garbanso growers asso ciation. The crop Is sold largely la csba aad spala although It is a fav orite article of food oa the east side la New York, TIME TABLES OCTHrsiN PACIFIC CO, Sarltlwas No. 1$ Oregon Express T.OIaaa. No. $4 (rrf oaUa $.05a-na. No. 2 Willamette Limited.. 9:20 a na. No. 1$ Portland Paseeeger.. 1:35 p.sa. No. 34 Coo Bay 3.44 pm. No. 14 Portland Ex press ... 9 05 p.ua. No. 23 Local Way Freight.. I Man. No. 222 1'ocllaed-Fast fr rt..ll:li a nr. No. $2 Oregon tan $ 3 a sa. No. 23 t o.4 Bap 19 01 a.sa. No. 15 California Espree. .. 10 5 a uv No. 17 Beee burg Passe ger.. 4 9 p.sa. No. 27 Willamette La ml led.. Ill p sa. No. 1$ Sea Fraacisc rase.. 9:24 p.sa, .No. 231 San Fran. Fast Frt. ..11 0-ana. I No. 221 Local Way Frsicht.. 13.91 svav ALE4I-9TKR USE 73 Arrive at Salens 9:1 anv. No. No. 74 Leave Salem..; $.09 1 SALE?, PALLS CTTT t WESTEM 141 Leave. H less, motor..... 7:50 ana. 143 Leaves Saleaa. motor 9:35 am. 15 Leaves Salem, motor 1:40 pm. Through ear to Monmouth snd Arils 1(7 Leave Salem, motor 4.15 psa. 4 lettta Kalm. motor 5:51pm. 33 Wsy Freight leave Salem :00a.av 13 Arrive ml Salem 9:10 anv. 14 Arrive et Salem ll.-eOaaa. 144 Arrive at Salem 3 e e m it Arrives st Salem 5.35 a.m. lie Arrives at Salem 7:10p.m. 24 Way Freight Ar. Salem... 2:30pm. OREGON F-LtCTSUC tht Train Leave Arrive No. 'Portland Salem 1 4:10am l.litm . t Ltd.. :3sm ll lltm 7 10:44am 12:50pm 9 ..... 2:05pm 4:15pm 13 Ltd.. 4:50 pra C:4pm 17 S:04 pm :7 pm 19 9:3 pm 11:2 pm 21 11:45pm 2 09 am Arrive Eugene 10-50 am 12 35 pm :3$pm :& pm Salem onr Salem oaly 5 am North Bank Station leave Jeffer. son Street 1$ and 2 minutes later.) Nerval Train No. 2 ... .,. Ieave Arrive Arrive Portland :50 am 9:35 am 11:35am 1:20 pm 4:0 pm $.45 pm 7:40 m Eugene .12:05 am Salem 4:34 am 7:15am 9:45 am 11:1 am 1:5 pen 4:0 pm 5:3 pm 7:5$ pm 10 Ltd.. 7:15am 12 11 ll:1Sam 1 Ltd.. 1:55 pm 20 4:lpm 22 4:25 pm 10-00 era sNorth Bank Station (Arrive Jeffer- son Street 1$ minute earlier). Leav Corvallla. . . CORVALMS ro4NrCTTb4S heevkbewaa Leave Cnevalll Arrive Salem :25am 9:45am 12:12 pm 1:40 am 2:41 pm J 4:00 pm 4:10 pm . 4:3 pm 4:11 pm 7:55 pm Leave Salem - Arrive Corvalll Soafaeouad . :3S am :t7am 115 am 13:5$ pm :415pm :0 pm 11:33 am 2:30 pm 4 :14 pm $ .00 pm i