rir Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECONDHAND GOODS MFVB CLOTHINO. 8HOK8. BICY- cles. tooih. etc. CAPITAL EXCHANGE rbon403 237 Court St KORWim uxiox FIRE LSIRAXCE SOCIETY W. H. lurghrdt, Jr., Resident Agent . SH5 HUte St. EIOIJEY TO LOAN 0!T IWPROVKn FARM AKD CITT PBOrEBTY AT LOW K.ST RATES TijfiQ ir Fnwn ove u B... JlitSf BBk, Salens, Or, CLASSIFIED AD VERTI 9MENTS Rale Per Werd First insertion .. lc Subsequent insertions ........ e One week (six insertions) ... 3c One month .................. 9c t Six months' contract per mo. Se llmonths contract, per mo... 7c tio account opened (or less than J 5c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing "For Bale." "For Rent" "Roomt" or "Board." . i .(V KEWTODAT Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today" for. first insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. . Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under its proper class fication. No advertisement will be ran under "New Today for more than one issue under any circumstances HEW TODAY LOOSE WHEAT. OAT. AND VETCH or sale. Phone 07F3. -riCE WE ARE UNLOADING NICE ' grub oak wood. If you need any, , "let us have your order., Salem Fuel Yards. YOUNG MAN 18. SUPERIOR HIGH school education; good typist, desires employment at regular hours, cttj preferred. Address "II 81" care Statesman office. FOR RENT A 5 ROOM COTTAGE ON South 17th St. .Modern except furn ace and fire place, for $a per month. 1 1 have other houses for rent. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building., HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean cotton rags. Apply at Statesman Press Room. Phone 23. WIDE AWAKE BOYS WANTED TO carry Statesman. Apply at thia of ifice or phone 683. FOR SALE 200 ACRES TWO MILES from town, small bouse $7 per acre. 60 acres half clear close to town. 32250. arrea close to town, house and barn $1050. 30 acres good build Ings 12300. Nice four room cottage, two lota. 3658. Fine 7 room bungalow on paved street, a snap at $2800. 68 acres imnroved to trade for small place. 120 acre farm well Improved and cash for larger farm. Houses to rent. 1910-Maxwell very cheap. 1. L. Wood. Bayne Building. , I HAVE A" FIVE ROOM RESIDENCE, almost new that is going to be sold at slaughter sale for $1500. House cannot be rebuilt for less than $251 lt must be sold to prevent fore 7 i have a bungalow for sale that is strictly modern. It is a aream in mn nartlcular. For much less than the house can be built for. J also have for sale choice farm of 190 ' irrx x( acres beaverdam. Now be ing tended by Jap In the culture of onions and celery. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building. WANTED ONE OR TWO MORE FAM ilea to nick loganberries. Fine berries, well kent yard, tents, wood, straw and notatoe furnished free. If vou atav through the season ood water fine camp ground. One half mile from Waconda station on O. E. Kr. Good store. Fare from Salem. 30 cents, write or come out and look it over. I pay 14 cents. per 1 lb. box. Address,' Carl Aspin wall, Gervaia. route 2. 25 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED Mri nnr Ralem in the choicest dis trif tn exchange for-a stock ranch and will pa difference. Want cheap , 35 acrea all well Improved, eight room house with good water system and out buildings., adjolna good town. Want city property. Fine brick block. 2 story. 5 busi ness - store rooms and 15 furnished rooms above. Price $l7.50n want farm of about same value, rerrlent . A Marstera, 402 Hubbard building, phone 907. CANADA LANDS TO EXCHANGE. FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY PROP- EKTIES. ISO acres in British Columbia. 6 miles from town, complete with 8 k head cattle, horses, harness, wagon. sleigh, cutler, implements. etc.. $4800. ... . 160 acres It miles from Alberta Uwn, well improved. $200. . 1160 acres, 2 miles from Didsbury. 64 acres in wheat. 40 acrea In barley and oats, 30 head Of Durham cattle. IS horses. 50 hogs, frame house, large barn, all machinery and Imple ments, $10,000. 10 acres, improved. 9 miles to 160 acres. Improved. 20 miles to town. $22J0. 16(1 acres, high state of cultivation. 1 mile to town. $6100. . 240 acres, well Improved. 23 miles from town. laOftrt. 320 acres raw land. 8 miles to town $64 mi. san laerea hirhlv imnroved. 7j bean of Shorthorn Tnttle. 40 horses. 136 hogs, about Z0M9 chickens, 400 acres In crop pf whmt. oats and barley, excellent buildings. 8 miles to town. $15,000. The above are a few of the trade ihave for properties in the Wlllam tte vallev. 1 believe that I have the largest list of Canada trades on the Pacific. ' 1 hvn also a number of Excellent .prooofittions to offer for Canada lands. : C. VY Xlemever. 541 State street (Opposite the Court House. EMPLOYMENT FEW A I. R YOUNG LADIES WANTED PERMANENT. I'OSITIONS NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES K j CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY 1'KMAl.E ss-zssjsrrr-: r - A WK)D OPI-OKTUNITY- KOIt WOMANl wWr.. U -conomiif. b dt.tnir hnuiowurk inl ANTED-LSbD exchange for a goi-d home. Call 178 "V "n1 nn want South Liberty during working hours I I".. u. "pP':ur or 125S Knuih r ..,..-, i. 1 ...7. i II Will pay highest -w-.. .. a - laW J. I V RALR WANTED AT ONCE A MAHIUEl) man to work on farm. Principally team work. Uoxl wacea, steady Job. Phone 62 or 231. T WANTED MEN FOR FACTORY work $3.36 for 9 hours. Steady time. See J. A. Mills. 320 State street. WANTED MECHANICS IN ALL Drenches or the metal trades for emergency war work, uood wages, pood working and best climatic o ri ch t ions." Astoria Marine Iron Works. Astroia. Oregon, r MISCEI.LA SEOM CHERRY PICKERS WANTED. PHONE 13-U. LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED 30 acres. 3 miles east of Brooks good camp grounds, wood and water. We move you out to yard and back to town, picking wll last about five weeks. Mantis Bros, Salem. Ore.. pnone in. CHERRY PICKERS WANTED BIG tent house, stove, wood for family of three or four. Eugene T. Prescott, pnone iiSKZi, . JO CHERRY PICKERS WANTED AT once, by S.v P. Kimball. 1 mile west . of Salem. iPrefer those who can .handle their own ladders. Will pay i, cents, raone oSr z. MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED We have an opening in your town for a newspaper salesman. You could make a- good salary with our proposition. Address "U 47" States man office. LOGANBERRY PICKERS Vi ANTED Best picking ever. Ten minutes walk trom end of Asylum car line Live at home. Men. women and child ren, register at once with D. B. Simp son, east' D street, near powers Dryer. Highest price paid. Begin picking -Monday morning. June 21. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS Kyaminations everywhere July . Experience unnecessary. Men and women desiring goverfUfncnt post tions write for free particulars to J. Examiner). 1060 Kenoia Bids., Wash- lngton, D. C , j j) j BERRY PICKERS WANTED LARG- est yard in the valley. Good camp ing, good water, provisions on the ground. We move you oat to yard and back, to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now. we pay 1 cent with cent lwnus per pound. L. H. Roberts, It. F. D. No. 7, phone 41F24. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE H ISCELLANEO VS. IF YOU WANT TO GET Tlf? BE9 i farm paper, send 10c to tnt Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention thta ad. FOR SALE I II AVE SEV.5RAL MORT- gages for sale, from ?,S0i to $3,000, first class farm security. IL M, Hawkins, 314 Masonic Hldg. FOR SALE A GOOD SECOND HAND mower, rake and hay tedder. Ad dress Gervais. route 2. box 45, phone 3F11. CAPTIVITY. OF THE OATMAN GIRLS Thia true story of western Immi gration has been carefully revised, making a' handsome little book.' It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenxo. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died Of starvation and Olive waa purchaaed from the 'Indiana five years later. The price is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lem. Oregon. POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription Mentrn this add WOOD. WOOD FOR SALE OAK GRUB AND Fir. Locate! 3 miles northwest of Marion. Oregon. Address C M. Smith. Jefferson. Oiegon. FOR RENT f ARMS FOR RENT WELL EQUIPPED DAIRY ranch with 18 cowa on coast place, where grass la green year around. This' place is making good money and if interested better come at once or write E. O. Calkins, Otis. Oregon. HOUSES FURNISHED - HOUSE FOR RENT Strictly modern Aaarese oox a. Salem. FOR RENT $12.60 IX ROOM MOD- ern house on paved street at iszv South High street. E .A. Knot en. 1141-J. any time week day. ROOMS - Win BEST COMFORTABLE! ROOM with use ,or oain, in mootrn some. Address A, B. car Btaterman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER beat, modern conreniencea, aiso in side rooms. Close to SUte Uoua 1030 Chemeketa. Phona 1280. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $6 Six room house at 714 North Winter St- Modern. Formerly rent ed at $15. Call at Statesman busi ness office or phone 23. $10 Neat modern bungalow 5 rooms at 960 North 20th street. Form erly rented for $13. Call at States man business office or phone 23. $22.50 Furnished flat, modern, at (6414 Ferry St. Possession to be had June 15. Also, a furnished bungalow for $20. possession June 17. Phone 23 or call Statesman business offiee. LOST and FOUND Foiisrf FOUND GOLD PIN ON CHAIN. OW N er can have same by Identifying same and paying for thia ad at the fetaUa- man office. . 1 FOITND CURRENCY I IN WELLE R Brothers store. Owner call at store or money will be given to the Red Cross. ' LOST. LOSTCIULDS DARK BLUE COAT, white collar . and cufrs, on Broad way. Phone 35. " WANTED M1SCKI.LANKOCS ti-rTi.-r r-HKHRIKJ4. ROYAL ANN Rings. Iamberta. Salem Fruit Union. .,. Phone 380.. uimiKW r A tail PRICE PAID FOl til a a s -e j a - - - good clean rags. Pressroom 8Ute- MISCF.I.LANKOlS. FUNITU HE. FOItT- to make up a carload to ship toi'ortland. cash nrice. If vou have anything in this line phone 653 and ask for Sam. MOSEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOANS farmers desiring Federal funds for til and winter usea should file their .pplicationa Immediately. A. C. '.inrnmeni. tvi Masonic Temple. Sa irecon. TU GENfLEMAN 3 earning good PF.HSOSAL UENfJLEMAN 30 YEARS OF AGE earning good salary would like to correspond with refined middle aged laayv Address iiox 187.. tfr-lem, or. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day. 963 night, 359. TIHKS BKPAIBED VtLCAXIZlSU GATE3 HALF-SOLE TIRE SERVICE Station 177. South Commercial St, phone 478. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanising. 219 North Commercial street. Phone WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections, tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 362. 12C South Commercial street. BRACKETT & GRAY TUBES VUL- canized. 25c. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 1400 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DENTIST DR. F. L. UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Building. Phone 606. WCSIO TEACHERS R HARR, TEACHER Phone 1383. OF PIANO. PHYSICIANS DR. X G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence 2? North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTI1ERUOOD OP YOE3CAJI MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN ing in Maaonic Temple, fifth floor, at t o'clock. All visiting members wel- ' co mo. Horace Sykes. Foreman, W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 1246, meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R, F. Day, V. C; J. A. Wright, clerk. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner, Ore gon. AUTO DELIVERY HAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or countrjp Phone 64 or 2081-R. W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS WANTED EVERY MAN IN SALEM to try our service and see if it isn't a little bt-tter than the average. In Krey'a Barber Shop, 311 State street. SHAVE 15c: HAIRCUT 30c: CHILD- ren's haircut 25c. The Antiseptic Barber Shop. 11. L. Churchill, prop.. 16 South Commercial. CHIROPRACTIO DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chtropractlcs fountain head. Davennort. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects tbt cause of dlseaa. Office 406 7-8, U. 8. N. Bask Bulldlag Phon 87. Realdenee 828-R. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER COM PANT Phone 933. Salem's largeat and beat auipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight ratea on eastern shipment. Also for storage as w have three warehouse In connection with buaineaa. ' Furniture moving. packing, shipping and atorlng our specially. Office III South Commer cial street. r CHINESE MUSICIAN. DR. I. If. dLve, HUM CURES ANT KNOWN 153 a Hirh SC Phon 3S. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING JAPANESiS PRESSING PARLORS F. S Watanabe, Prop,, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's uits cleaned and pressed. $1.36 and $1.7 5. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 512. INSURANCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAIN et fire, theft and accident." A. C ' Bohrnstedt. Agent. 401 Masonic Tsm 1 pie. Salem. Oregon. O. R. A. SIGNIFIES -GILT EDGE . Fire Insurance Protection." For full information as to our plan of In surance, cost etc.. in the Oregon Fire Relief Association. call up today We can give you "Gilt Edge pro-t..-i ion" and save you money besides L A. Johnson Insurance Agency. 1 and 2 Bush Bank Bldg., Salem, phone SI7. Jl'VK jpun - JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let u; make you a prlc on your household goods The "Square pr Hone , Capital Junk Co, 171 Chemeketa Hreet. Phone 198. HAIR IIRMOTKII "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN SUC raful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlor. 32 Hubbard Bldg. I.ADKimiKS svt.KM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry. wash 4c per pound. 13S South Lib erty etreet. v I hone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG niae washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 89 cents ... a . . L J.ll...1 We Will COIieci. wu a-eiiTvr your washing within twenty-four hours, rhone 247L Read the Classified Ads. MACHIrflSTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxv. acetylence welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown, prop, 2&2 Chemcketa 8t Sa lem. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER, GRADUATE American School Osteopath v. Klrke- vllle. Mo.; treats acute and ehroni , disease. Office 494-49S U. d. Na itional Bank Kldg. Phone 919. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Phone Oil. UUS. WHITE WALTON. OSTEO pathlc physlcans and aurrenna. 1 (Graduates of the American Schools of I Osteopath. Kirksvllle. Mo. Post! gradual ana specialised In nervous! Diseases at Lot Angelea College. ; 'reai acute ana cnronie dlsea iOrrices (0&-S-7-S. U. 8. National ' Bank Bldg. Phone 159. Residence. 1(20 Court street. Phone 2X11. Dr. wnue. resiaence phone 469. SECOND HAJfD GOOD WK BUT AND SELL. SECOND HAND gooas or an a in a a, pipe ratings, bar- neaa. collars, eellai pad a. tools. chains. Fred tchlndler. Sit Center Btreet. STORAGE AKD TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE hold goods specialties; storage pack ing, shipping and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co, 2nd and Pine streets. Portland, Oregon. Broadway 69, A UNDERTAKERS . WEBB CLOUGH C, B. WEBB. A. 1L Clough. funeral directors. Latest noaern- metnoas known to the pro- TIIABTSFKH HATJXUfO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. -r aonui of haulina. moving Job don prompt ly. TTv me once. Tlmnt. . I 475 State 8. Phone 963. Residence phone 1139-J WALL PAPER. PAMITT GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- hanging, ate. Work dona by contract or oay; gooo workman. bocatlos itsv center bc Pnono 616-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wail Paper at uuren a Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial HI SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL paper ana Picture Framing. Good I workmen. 468 Court St. Phone 416.1 WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 11 SL I Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deduction In bills will be allowed for absence or for , any cause whatever unlee water la cut off from premises. Hereafter water roe irrigation will only be furnlabed to regular customers using I water for domeatie ourooaea. iVn. I tractors for sidewalks. brick, work, or nlastarinar. win rZ-1 building purposes' under schedule of I raoea. Appiy. at erricaj for copy. WOVKN WIRE FENCITCO Depet HatleMl A American Fene. all alaea, M la, I W lav kOsiav Palate, oUa anal V a rata aw Steves Hebnllt and ItepaJred Legaafcerry mm Hew He4u. Salens Fence Steve Work. zaaj uert St. rhva LM M- av. ruuo. I SALEM MARKETS 11UY1XO PRICK. I-Vcgs and Poultry. Eggs, 35c Broilers, 20c to 22c. Hensc. IRc to 20c. Old roosters. 13c to l&e. Pork, Mutton and Reef. Pork on foot, 15c to 16c. Kwes, 5c to 7c. Veal, dressed, 14c. Spring lamb. 12c to 13c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 7c. Hay. Cheat, per ton. $21. Clover, per ton, 20. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats; 90c. Beans, 7c. Mill Feed, IteialL Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton, $28. WIIOIiKSALK TO DEALERS. Country butter, 45c. Creamery butter, 45c, Butterfat, f. o. b. aSlem, 42c. Ftslu Shad. 15c. Salmon Trout. 30c Red Cod, 11c Salmon. Chinook, 25c Halibut. 25c Codfish, 15c. jr- Fruit. Oranges. $8.00. Strawberries. $2.00 to $2.25. Tomatoes (crate) $1.75 to $2.25, Grape Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. lemons. $r0 to $11.00. Bananas, 814 c lb. j Vegetables. New potatoes, 2c. Peas. 11 c. Cabbage. 3c to 3'4c Onions (Imported) $L85. Onions (home-grown) $1.25. Turnips, 2 to 2c Retail Price. Creamery butter, 60c. Kzz. 4"c. Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley. $2.5 0to $2.60. Sugar. can nn leet, 11 lh. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. I PORTLAND MARKETS I Hairy ItIucc-. PORTLAND. June 20. Butter rrints. extras. 4Sri49c; cubes. ex - tras. 4 2c; prime firsts. 4lc; dairy. 32 He. Butterfat Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 47c. j pirtatnr. Selling price Lncals. $1,259 1.50; new Californiasj 3 43ic. GralnJ June delivery Bio: Oats. No. 2 white feed. $59.30rley. standard feed. $0; barley. Al brewing. Z F.aKtern nat and corn in bulk Oats No. 3 white. $54; oats. 38-pound clipped, white, $55; corn, o. 3 yeiday as grerage men. IREAl ESTATE WANTED SMALL. BUNGALOW. furnished or partly furnished pre ferred, garage and garden spot de sired if possi ble. Address P. O. box 93. Salem. Or. DON'T YOU KNOW THAT IF YOU wish to buy. sell, or exchange any kind of realty you should go right into an office of the Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co. Inc? Why Because they put the buyer, seller, and exchanger of realty together, and charge no commission. Salem, office. Breyman Bldg. FOR SALE MODERN EIGHT ROOM house, and lot 80x159; located at cor ner of 15th and State. Phone 1172-J or write Mrs. Robert Eakln. Salem. Oregon. WANTED AN EQUITY IN A GOOD & or 6 room modern house with good yard, for Canadian land, also some thing similar for 40 acres well leased for cash & years and renumeratively. See Flem'ng Realty Co.. 341 State street or phone 303. WANTED A GCOD VACANT LOT OR unincumbered nd for an equity in bungalow prope-tyt what have you? I ree w m. temir.g, ii aiate sireei. or phone. I HAVE A CLIENT WHO-DESIRES TO I purchase from 20 to40 acres, well Improved, south of Salem. John II. Scott. 401 Hubbard Bldg. I HAVE A GOOD 25 AND 30 ACRE farm I consider a bargain, and de sirably located. 32360, easy terms. For one of limited means this Is choice deal. Two i room bungalows one very choice on Installment plan, c per cent. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State. Dont phone on this. a rmon t)Tret.ia ttit rr vio-e 1 side Commt.relal street, one door north or State street. Salem, together wlj perpetual rliit of way over the 14x9 la feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Snptt Bosorth. 791-3 8paaldlag Bidr-. Poruano. Oregon. 80 ACRES IN POLK COVNTY 60 acrea in cultivation, good set build Ings. all fenced, fine water system. family orchard, to exchange for smal ler ulace. or part In city propertr- Perrine ft Masters. 403 Hubbard! See Bldg.. phone 907 FARM LAND BARGAINS 296 acrea of which 299 re subject to Irrigation. Includes eight acres of prunes. 5 acrea of apple and two acrea of pear. Situated In splendid community. Worth $30,009. price $17500. A. C Bohrnstedt, 401 Ma aonlc Temple, Salem, Oregon. FOR SALE 49 ACRES OF GOOD land In the Liberty prune district, 20 acrea planted to Italian prune trees. 10 acrea in bearing, 13 acrea plow land, 5 acres of timber. 3 acres paature. price $4400. 160 acre farm all In crop, good buildings. $125 an acre: 79 acre farm, all In crop, good buildings, stock and farming tools. price $11000. 13 acrea in Tillamook county to exchange for valley farm or acreage near Salem. 332 acrea tn I,ake county to exchange for im proved acreage or prune orchard. 640 acrea in Lake county to exchange for stock ranch. W. H. Grabenhnrst at Co.. 275 State street, phone 231S. 308 ACRES m MILES t ROM 8TA tion. 390 cultivated. 18 pasture, mod ern new 7 room house, 3 barns, silo, 50 acres clover, annual lacome 1 1. 5ft A price $100 per acre. 289 acrea. 23SI cultivated. 89 pasture 1V miles rrom station, fair Improvements, price $75 per acre. 69 acre bottom. 39 cultl - vated. 20 stump pasture, 2 mile of V?ZL"?f:f2r "r7.2"r tivated. 25 tn fruit. 3 timber and stump pasture, fair Improvement. 61 miiea irom Baiem, win exenange I or 1 Southern Oregon, will assume, price! f.r llJ.nns. j5 acres. 250 cultivated. 40 pasture, well watered, good Improve- m"!- w."nl oincumbered ranch rime it faiem. n'v ptrr ii.iv, price $20,009. 320 acrea Alta. Canada, ex - change for valley ranch or Salem resldeneea not over 86.990. 339 acrea Lake County. Oregon. Improved, ex change ror valley ranch, not over $5.00. 10 acre with modern 7 room house. 4 blocks of Salem car line. exchange for $!. residence and mortgage for difference, price $1,650. Kocoiofsky. 311 State street. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 409 acre of choice Polk conn - ty land about 119 acrea clear: about SO acre la atump paature: balance In chola oiling timber and oak arrubav Timber alone worth $19,000. New four- room house, new dairy barn, providing ror 29 cow and four horses: new nia pen and new milk house. Water pipe from fin aprlng to all building. Will ll th whole at a great bargain Very easy terma. per cent Interest Addree L. owner, car Th Btateaman low, $64; com. No. 3 mixed. $62; oats. No. 3, $54; oats, clipped. $55; corn, yellow, $64; mixed, $62. Difficulty in Obtaininz . Licenses Leads to Sales CHICAGO, Jun 20. Announce ment that unlicensed persons could not take delivery of rash grain on future contracts and that no specu lator could obtain a license led to heavy selling of corn and oats fu tures today .and broke prices sharp ly. Corn closed unsettled 1 to 4c net lower with July $1.42 to 81.43and August 11.40 to Oatr finished to lHc down and provisions 45c to $1. . Nothing of "Weaker Sex About Women oer at Dallas I DALLAS. June 20.r (Special to 1 The Statesman.) YY'omen are doing work in the Dallas planing mill that formerly was done by men. F. J. Coad. proprietor of the large manu facturing concern on Mill street has been unable to secure male help to assist In turning out a number of large orders for prune trays snd oth er materials and has been forced to emnloy women for this work. Mr. Coad states that the women are good workers and that with a little train- ing wllT accomplish as much In al THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Copyright. . rnx. t loo ) - -53 I Topsf for hock yc' I rYt fLovitK ) 1 I rot Off THE ( i viinoow lorsc oiom, I i STOCKS BREAK DULL RECORDS UenCnLl LlSI ODOWS otrCnSTtll V,t uuluow on Urgent Demand for U. S. SteeL NEW YORK. June 20. All rcxnt records for dalnees and contracted operations were broken In today's stock market until the final hour when the general lint developed pro nounced strength on an urgent de mand for United States Steel at 1064, a net gain of 3 points. Prior to that period Important stocks were most often obscured by the spasmodic activity or specialties under profession propulsion. To baccos, so cars, fertilizers and so- calld food Issues featured the l'st- less dealings 0 ftho forenoon and In termediate session. Gains 0 ftwo to four points In United Cigars, Su matra and Tobacco Products wer offset by an extreme reccion of four pionts for Oener-il Cigars, which was largely retrieved later. Royal Dutch Oil. which .recently - sensational advance, regis 1 Hs-.line of six noints on a 1 ,,rM decline OI H P0""11 J 1 single sale, or sixteen po'ht two I days. Brooklyn Transit reflected the rig- I orous term Imposed by the war PB - .BC) board In coming to It assist - I .. ...... , niintiM wer re - " "d other utilities 1 Strainea. pmamiuij uj I alteration. .----tinenl rails were Included In -7- , , . . . 1 the upswing with Shippings, meiais. I notablr the active coppers and nu- " 1 " - . v- merous miscellaneous issue, market elosln gactlve and mostly at maximums. Sales. 4X5.000 snare. Further ease was shown by the money market, call loans falling off to 3 per cent with Increased offer ings of short time lunos. Bond dealings were again Irregu lar liberty Issue holding steady la the main. Total saies were ... 0000. Old i nited States oonas were I v , nn rail I changea on ADVERTISED LETTERS Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. G. L Copelln. I. W. Chambers. Mrs. T. F.mmett. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Evans. Martha N. Fowler. Geo. Gould. A. YV. Hardy. Charley Heller. Mis Susie Hutrhins. Mrs. J. C. Keith. Miss M. J. Myers. Otis V. Peters. Miss Zeffa Piatt. David Rhodes. IWnlce Charlotte Smith. A. YV. Savdr.r, Dan L. Y'easen. Mrs. II.. A. Willard. Rex Warner. Arthur August lluckesteln. P. 3 NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK. June 20. Prunes. dull. Carter's Mttle Liver Pills You Cannot be Sjt A Remedy That Constipated and Happy A SwMBPhl A'iSEfS S.1 pARTER'S IRON PILLS many cotorle face bmt Was wH greatly help snott pJ-ac)d pwopts) Aphit Get FUl of Leaves Then Tackle Green Fndt DALLAS. June 20. (Special to The Statesman) The aphis which have been destroying crops In this section of the country for the past several weeks have turned their at tention to the prune orchards around Dallas and not content with feasting off the leaves are now eating at the green fruIL Many of the prune growers are working night and day spraying with a solution of black leaf, water and soap snd In this manner the pests are being eradicat ed almost as rapidly as they make their appearance. Professor Lovett of Oregon Agricultural college has advised the local pruno growers to nse this spray for bud worms and twig miners which also have made an appearance In some of the orch ards. NOTICE TO CYJ.VnLCTORS. The Oregon SUte Highway Commission-will receive proposals at 1301 Yeon building. Portland, Oregon, at 11 a. m.. Tuesday, Jane 25, 1118. for eighteen miles of hardsurfselag on the Pacific Highway between Sa lem and Aurora, In Marion county. The work will b let la twq units or 7.35 miles and 10.65 mile, re spectively. Rids wll be received on all types of pavemenL For full particulars, kindly call at Rofon 303 Capitol building. rfte of thcNState Highway Engineer. Sa lem, rhere specifications and all de- Italia nir hm aeon. 1 v ...n.iM workmanship. I " " - 1 , 7 . . - material or malntenane- bond will be required and a spue's; price of $2 per barrel, f. o. b 0wego. will be made on the purchasing of cement. State Highway Commission of Oregon. S. Benson. Chairman. . YV. L Thompson. Commissioner. R. A. Booth. Commissioner. Attest: Herbert Nunn. State Highway. Engineer. Salem, Oregon. June 13. 1918. ATTEXTIOX OK CONTRACTORS. Warren Bros, company, owners of the patents used la the construction of butulithie pavements, have filed la the office of the state highway engineer at Salem. Oregon, a proper ly executed binding agreement to furnish any contractor desiring to bid on the hard surface Improve ments ordered by the slate highway commission, proposals to b received on June 25. 1918. all the necessary bitullthle surface materials, mixed ready for use and bltumlnon flush coating cement and stone chips for coating the. wearing surface, deliv ered on wagons of the contractor at the mixing plant, also use of flash coat bitumen and stone spreading machine. The price mentioned there in for bitullthle pavement mixture and flush coat composition, stone chip and use of machine will la rlnde a license to all the patents required la the construction of the yvitulithlc pavement as herein spe cified. The riling or a bid under bitalithle specification will he construed as an acceptance or th terms or the license agreements filed by the War ren Bros, company, at the price fixed in said agreements which are on file 1 with the state highway engineer. Makes Life Worth Living IT N. UBERTY STREET