GlassSfD.(dl Off (D (T "ll fT Xf W Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted 11 V VLx? U. VJsj) 11 y Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them 'If Par Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS tn-VB CLOTHINO, NlIORV BICY CLES. TOOL8. hTtC CAPITAL EXCHANGE (Hon 493 . 237 Court St. NORWini UNION HUB INSURANCE SOCIETY W. II. Burgtutrdt, Jr.. , RetHent Agent 383 State St. HONEY TO LOAN A IMPROVED PARN AND CITT PROPERTY AT LOWEST KATES TUnC If ErinnOmUMBMh I llWi Aa a vraa b,., Salens. Or. CUIIinEO ADVERTISMEXTS Rate Pee Word First Insertion le Subsequent inaertiona ........ He One week (six insertions) ... 3c One month ., 9c Six months' contract per mo. Sc Hmniithi' contract. or mo 7c J No account opened for less than 25c T A neat card riven frea with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing "For Sale. "For Rent, "Rooms or "Board." HEW TODAY Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today" for first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper claaa flcatlon. No advertisement will be run nnder "New Today" for more than one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY HIGHEST CASH PJIICE PAID FOR good clean cotton rags. Apply at bUtesraan Press Room. Phone 23. f SALE MODERN EIGHT ROOM .use. and lot S0xl50; located at cor ner of 15th and State. Phone 1173-J or write Mrs. Robert Eakin. Salem. Oregon.- rOUND GOLD PIN ON CHAIN. OWN er can have name' by Identifying same and paying for thla ad at the States man office. POUND CURRENCY IN WELLER -Brothers store. Owner call at store or money will be glverwto the Red Cross.- WOULD TRADE MY 1 90 ACRE FARM together with stock, crop and ma chinery, new buildings, large family orchard, on main road. 0 miles from Salem for good improved half sec tion in Canada. Please give full de tails in reply If you want to be con sidered. "L. D." Statesman, office. - Salem. LOST CHILD'S DARK BLUE COAT, white collar and cuffs, on Broad way. Phono 35. WANTEDCHERRIES. ROYAL ANN. Rings. Lamberts. Salem Fruit Union. Phone .330. 0 CHERRY PICKERS WANTED AT once, by S. P. Kimball. 1 mile west of Salem. Prefer those who can handle their own loaders. Will pay 3 cents. Phone 6CF3. WANTED SMALL BUNGALOW, furnished or partly furnished pre ferred, garare and garden spot de Ted If possible. Address P. O. box Salem,. Or. '' -- - 1 L'RNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Close In. Phone 773-J. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE WE CAN Insure your automobile against, fire, theft and transoportatlon, also col lision snd property damage Insur ance. You may not realise the Im portance of such insursnce until af ter you meet with a fire, or accl int nr loos Tour car. then you will wake un with a shock to the full realisation of the real Import ance of thla class of protection. H. A Jnhnann Insurance Agency. 1 end 1 R-ioh Punk BMr.. Salem, phone 347. EllPtQYMENT FEMALE WANTED TWO YOUNO LADIES TO learn to feed printing presses. Apply Statesman Job Printing De partment, SCHOOL GIRL WISHES WORK DUR Ing summer. .Some experience car i fi a lor cnuuren. auui - Statesman. care YOUNG LADIES WANTED PERMANENT POSITIONS NO, EXPERIENCE REQUIRED PAID WHILE LEARNING RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY "7 170 N. LIBERTY STREET MALE WANTED AT .ONCE A MARRIED man to work on farm. Principally team work. Good wages, steady Job. Phone 022 or 254. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION with small Ford delivery. Address 245 D street. L. E. Johnson, WANTED MEN FOR FACTORY work $3.30 for 9 hours. Steady time. See J. A. Mills. 320 State street. "WANTED MECHANICS IN ALL branches of the metal trades for ' emergency war work. Good wages, good working and best climatic con ditions." Astoria Marine Iron Works. Aatrois, Oregon. MISCELLANEOUS LOGANBERRY PICKERS WANTED 30 acres. 3 miles east of Brooks g"a camn arounda wood and water. We move you out to yard and back to town, picking wll last about five weeks. Mangis Bros, Salem, Ore, pnone in. WANTED I-nrSANRERRY PICKERS. ' Necessary conveniences. End of South Commorcal carl Ine. M. F Woodward, route 3, box 111. phone r t. EALB AND FEMAE HELP WANTED r-We have an opening In your town - for a navini nor salesman. You could make a good salary with our proposition. Address "11 47" States man onice. GOVERNMENT NEEDS 20.000 CLERKS - -(.xaminatlona everywhere July i- r'tperience unneceasarv. Men and lmen desiring government poai fn write for free particulars to J. Leonard ifnrmu rMvil Service .xamiBer)f lotO Kenols Bldg Wash- MISCELLANEOUS BERRY PICKEI4S WAJiTED-URU- yi j in mt vaucy. Uood camp ing, rood Water, provisions on the ground. We tnuve you out to yard and back to town. Picking begins about June 15th. Register now. we pay 1 cent with H tent bonus per ?und- , If, J- Roberta. R. F. D. No. 7. phone 41F24. Salem. Oregon., FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD FRESH JUKSKY cow eight years old price $45. route oox. no. smverton road. J. A. Jef ferson. MISCELLANEOUS. CHERRIES FOR RALE 4 CENTS PER pouna. u. W Jenkins, route 7, box oiKin, IF TOTJ WANT TO GET TUB nira iarm paper, sena ive to cne Pacirie Homeatead, Salem, Oregon, for a trial suDscnpuon. Mention this ad. FOR SALE I HAVE SEVERAL. MORT gages ror sale, from 1600 to $3,000, first class farm security. H. M. HawKlns. 314 Masonic Bldg. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRLS This true story of western immi gration has oven carefully revised making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of, the mas sacre' of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians aive years later ine price is zw cents, postpaid. Ad dress-Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa lent. Oregon. POULTRY IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published send 1 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this add. WOOD. WOOD FOR SALE OAK GRUB AND Fir. Locate! 3 miles northwest of Marion. Oregon. Address C M. Smith. Jefferson. Otegon. FOR RENT -FARMS FOR RENT W1SLL EQUIPPED DAIRY ranch with It cows on coast place, where grass Is green year around. This place Is making good money and if interested better come at once or write K. G. Calkins. Otis. Oregon. HOTJBKS FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Strictly modern Address box 373. Salem, FOR RENT $13.50 SIX ROOM MOD era houae on paved street at 1920 South High street. E .A. Rhoten. 1141-J. any time week days. HOURS FOR RENT COMFOUTAELE ROOM with use of bath. In modern hoine. Address A. B. care Staterman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conrenlencea. also In side rooms. Cloae to State Hons. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1230, 1 FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: $10 Neat modern bungalow i rooms at 90 North 20th street. Form erly rented for $13. Call at States man business office jor phone 23. $13 Modern 9 ' room houae ! on Cottage atreet, closet In. Formerly rented for $25. Call at Statesman basinets office, or phone 23. $32.50 Furnished flat, modern, at CS4)s Ferry St. Possession to be had June 15. Also; a furnished bungalow for $20. possession June 17. Phone 23 or call Statesman j business office. LOST end FOUND p-ocxi FOUND MONEY. North Capital. INQUIRE AT 223 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COW TO LET ON SHARES. OWNER pays for half feed for half f milk delivered, phone 71. WANTED 1 GANG EDGER AND 0000 feet of No. 14 wire for telephone lines. . Phone 180. Mark Skiff. WANTED USED FUNITURE. PORT- land man wants to make up a carload of used furniture to ship to Portland. Will nav hirhest cash price. If you have anything In this line phone 593 and ask ror earn. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR rood dean rags. Pressroom States- WANTED PERSONS WITH IORT- able sawmill to cut zou.uuu reel oi timber and about 5000 ties. Twice as much more, in same locality. Ad dress F. W. Kelly, route J, Gervals. Oregon, MONEY TO LOAN FEDERAL FARM LOANS Farmers desiring FedersI funds for fall and winter uses should file their applications Immediately. A. C Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonic Temple. Sa lem, Oregon. PERSONAL GENTLEMAN 30 YEARS OF AGE earning good aaiary wouia iiae ia correspond with refined middle aged lady. Address Box 187. Salem. Or. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHlPl-'SAUTO SERVICE CITT AjfD country trips. 1'none w. night. 359. TIRESEPAIREJD VCLCANJIZING GATES-HALI-SOLE TI RESER VICE Station 177. South Commercial St, phone 428. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND vuicanisina ' iu v.wuiuii street. Phone 44. WATT SH1PP CO RETREADS AND sections, tubes zc up. tr. Phone 3(2. 124 South Commercial street. BRACKETT Jb GRAY TUBES VUL- eanised. 25c iietreaaing our speeii tv. Free service car. I'hone 1100. 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DENTIST DR. F. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Buuaing phone 40. "PTCSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1313. PHYSICIANS DR. t. a. ALTalAM iiitumiiiTuiii Physician. Office and resident la'- "Al." i.u-rntK, North Liberty. Salem, phone 141. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD Or YOKMAX MEETS EVERY WEDNESDAY EVEN- tng In Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at o'clock. Alt visiting members wel come. Horace Sykes. Foreman. W. II. Prunk. Correspondent. MODKRTf WOODJIIT MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 1244. meets every Thursday eveninir at a o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. K. F. Day. V. G; J. A. vtrignu-ciertc BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COU W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner, Ore- iron. AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER- ed any place, city or country. Phone . or zvsi-k. w. w. yitber. BARBER SHOPS THE REAL SIGN OF SATISFACTION will be found at Ingrey's. A clean barber shop with barbers who know how. Ingrey's Barber Shop 311 State street. cuiRonurnn DR. O. La. SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chiropractlcs fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 404-7-3. D. 8. N. Bank Building. fnn 7 Raeldenee Sit-R. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 123. Salem's largest and beet equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses la connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office III South Co m mar cial street. CHINESE PHYSICIAH. DR. I. U. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dLase. 153 & Hly 8C Phone 33. DRY CLEANING AMU PRESSDTO JAPANESiC PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe. Prop, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's auits cleaned and pressed. $1.13 and $1.75- Work called for and dailvared free. Telephone Mala 112. INSCRA1VCB J, A. MILLS WOULD LIKE TO WRITE . your Insurance. RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE. J. A. Mills. 320 State. SEE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAIN st fire, theft and accident. A. C Bohrnstedt, Agent. 401 Masonic Tern " pie. Salem. Oregon. JXTHK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let ns I make yon a price on your household ' goods. The "Square Deal House Capital Junk Co, 371 Chemeketa Street. Phone 393. HAirt REIOTED "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or- sold for home use. Sanitary Beaaty Parlors, us unnoara tuag. LAUNDRIES 8 A LEU STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK aeiivery ana carerui worx. Dry waah Ce per pound. 11$ South Lib erty street. Fhone 35. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 30 cents we will collect, waah and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 247L MACHINIST WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylence welding, gas engine re- . pairing, model and experimental work. -Iowa Machine Shop. D. B. Brown.' prop, 253 Chemeketa St, Ba lem. OSTEOPATHS DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrka vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronle disease. Office 404-405 U. d. Na tional Rank Bldg. Phone fit. Resi dence 419 North Summer. Phone 014. DRS. WHITE dc WALTON. OSTEO pathle physlcans and surgeons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Klrksville. Mo. Post k-raduate and specialised la nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronle dlseasea Offices 505-0 7-3. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone 359. Residence, 1(20 Court street. .Phone 3315. Dr. White, realdence phone 4(9. SECOND IIAJTD GOODS WE BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, coiiai peas, tools, chains. Fred Cchlodler. 354 Center STORAGE AXD TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE- hold goods specialties: storage pack ing. shipping and - moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. Pick Transfer A Storage Co, 2nd and Pine streets. Portland. Oregon. Broadway 494. A 1994. UNDERTAKERS WEBB CLOUOH C B. WEBB. A. If. Clou ah. funeral directors - Latest modern methods known to the pro- reasion. t courx street. i TRANSFER sfAtTLINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND or hauling. Houaebold mot ins: lobe done prompt ly Try me once. Tim me. 4T5 State st Phone us. Kesia -. 1lt-T ' wall pipch. rarwr GLENN U ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEO coratlag. palatlag, tlnUag. neper hanging, etc, Work done by contract or day: good workman. Location ISIS Center St Phone 434-W. TEN CENTS A tXJTJBLE ROLL AND ?DW,f2 Kr-ffll- n.,TT iii iviill Uuren'e Furniture Store, mwll n SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WAUL Paper and Picture Framing. Uood workmen. 459 Court St. Phono Ui. Commercial street. For water apply at office. Make all complaints J i am ti ice, no aeaucuous la bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever aaleee water 1 cut off from premise. Hereafter water fo Irrigation will only be furaiabed to regular customers trslng water for domestic purposao. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes' under schedule of ratea. Apply at office for copy. wove wiri ra-Nciivo Depet National Jk ail slsee. M U. It U h. k.iw Palate. oUe and VaraUaWT tevee Reballt a ad Repaired Loganberry a ad Map Hooka, Fenee Steve Werea. XM Ceert SI rtMM 134 R. B. rEYTVtS. I SALEM MARKETS I1UYINO I 'HICK. Kgg and Poultry. Eggs, 35c Broilers. 20c to 22c. Ilensc, 18c to 20c. Old roosters. 13c to 15e. Pork. Mntton and IVcef. Pork on foot, ltic to 16c. Kwes, 5c to 7c. Veal, dressed, 14c. Spring lamb, 12c to 13c. Beef steers. 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 7c, Hay. Cheat, per ton, $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat, $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, 90c Beans. 7c. Mill Feeds. RetalL Bran, per ton, $3C. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLIvSALK TO DEALERS. Country butter, 45c. Creamery butter, 45c. Butterfat, f. o. b. aSlem, 42c. Fish. Shad, 15c. Salmon Trout. 30c Red Cod, lie. Salmon. Chinook. 25c Halibut, 35c Codfish, 15c. Firnit. Oranges. $8.00. Strawberries. $2.00 to $2.25. Tomatoes (crate) $1.75 to $2.25 Grape Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. Lemons, $9.50 to $11.00. Bananas, 8 He lb. Vegetables. New potatoes. 3e. Peas. 11 c. Cabbage. 3c to 3 He Onions (Imported) $1.85. Onions (horae-gTown) $1.25. Turnips. 2 to 2 He. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 60c. , Eggs. 40c Flour, hard wheat, $2 80 to $3. Flour, valley. $2.5 Ota $2.C0. Sugar, can and beet, 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. I PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy Prod nee. PORTLAND, June 18. Butter Prints, extras. ,4 4 fa 45c; cubes, ex tras, 42c; prime firsts. 41c; dairy. 32 He. Butterfat No. 1, 44e. Potatoes. Old. $1 1.50; new. 3 0 Sc. - Grain. Oats, No. 2 white feed. $59.50 bid; barley, standard feed. $50; K brewing. $52. Thirty-day bids Oats, No. 2. $59.50; barley feed. $50; brewing. $52. Eastern oats and corn in bulk Bids: Oats. No. 3 white. $54; 38-pound clipped. $54.50 corn. No. 3 yellow. $62; No. 3 mixed, $60: oats. No. 3. $53.50; clipped. $54.50; corn, yellow, $C2; mixed. $60. Denied Setback Cinven Corn Valnes Yesterday CHICAGO. June 18. Corn under went a decided setback In value to day largely owing to the spread of opinions that the present growth of the crop was far ahead of normal and that serious damage from hat weather was unlikely. Prices closed weak 1 to 2He .net lower, with Julv $1.43 to $1.44 and August 11 4SU to 81.45. Oats lost H to c. In provisions the outcome ranged 55e decline to an advance of 3 cents. STOCK TRADING IS BECALMED Gains Outnumber Declines at Stagnant Close Little Incentive Given. NKW YORK. June 18. Thej stock market was becalmed today, trading dlmlnlsring steadily after the first hour with an uncertain drift, al though gains outnumbered declines at the stagnant close. There was stain a complete ab sence of Incentive or any develop ments bearing. pertinently upon the yalnes. So far as Important stocks dis played ny tendency at all. they were governed largely by the Irregu lar course of such leaders as United Staotes Steel and other prominent equipments, also Reading and ship pings, those comprising fully 50 per cent of the small turnover. Sales amounted to 380.000 shares. Call money stiffened in response to a broader Inquiry, holding at C per cent, but time fusde for the shorter periods eased, with no In- , of aarply. Liberty bonds were Irregular. To- ! Il ?W, par value, aggregated $.- 50.000. Old United SUtes bonds advanced ,T . T, from H to H Pr cent OB ealL h-iREAL ESTATEI FOR SALE $ ROOMED HOUSE AND I lot tie. IIS down, enquire at 404 Bout lth street. fcaiem. DONT YOU KNOW THAT IF TOU wish to buy. sell, or exchange any kind of realty you should go right into an office of the Oregon rteaity Exchange Investment Co. Inc7 nl Because they put the buyer, seller. and exchanger of realty together,! and charge no commission, tfalem. office. Breymaa Bldg. THE BIGGEST SNAP tVER 149 acres of perfect stock ranch near Wren. New house, fine large barn. It acres bay crop, zt acrea in cult tvallon. Implements and machinery. 14 head of cattle, four horses, one I colt, chickens. ISO. Will take good Salem property for It- C Vi. Me-1 meyer. 644 State street- (Opposite the Court House. WANTED AN EQUITY IN A GOOD 5 or 0 room modern houae with good yard, for Canadian land, also some thing similar for 40 acrea well leased for cash a years and renumerativeiy. See Fleming Realty Co, 341 State street or phone 303. WANTED A GOOD VACANT LOT OR unincumbered land for an equity In bungalow property, what have you? I See Wm. riemlng. 341 State sueet. or phone. I HAVE, A CLIENT WHO DESIRES TO purchase from 20 to 40 acres, well Improved, south or Balem. John tl. Scott, 404 Hubbard Bldg. I HAVE A GOOD 25 AND 30 ACRE farm I consider n bargain, and de sirably located. $2300. easy terms. For one of limited means this Is a choice deal. Two 6 room bungalows one verr choice on installment plan. C per cent. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State. Dont phone on this. FOR SALE A NEW STRICTLY FIVE- room modern - bungalow not far I away from car line, or buslnesa dis trict. Can't be duplicated for less than $2,200. The lot worth $500. To I see la to buy It. All goes for 31400. must be sold. Small cash payment down. G. W. Laflar. 400 Hubbard Bldg, phone 1C44 or 2023, FOR SALE OR RENT I HAVE TWO. one five and one six room houses for rent, also three fine lots for sale. Also a six room strictly modern -new house good location and fine lot all at bedrock prices. Investigate thla O. W. Laflar. 400 Hubbard Building. A GOOD BU""'--xl0 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salem, together I wlh perpetual right of war over the I j . -. . . it . I 14Xfefc feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Sgptt Bosorth. 701-3 Spauldiag I liidg, Portland. Oregon, 30 ACRES IN POLK COUNTY so acres in cultivstion. good set build ings, all fenced, fine water system, family orchard, to exchange for entailer place, or part In city property. See Perrine A Masters. 403 Hubbard Bldg, phone 07. FARM LAID BARGAIXS 4s4lA .a t Rah .... ..WIuO 4VW irrigation, includes eight acres f prunes. 5 acres acrea of pears. s.'tu:red'? AaW nan Skalaa community. Worth $30,000. price 3 17 ate. A. c Bonrnsteor, 4vi Ma sonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. Snana 30 ACHES GOOD LAND. NEW bouse. rooms pisstered, not ana coia water ana peta. some orcaarai and berries, must seiL 32300.. one! third cash, terms to suit on balance land, new house, on bard surf ace road running water piped to house and yard, good outbuildings and crop In. $1050. take Ford part pay. :T L.I wooa. xsayne aiug. FOR SALE 40 ACRES OF GOOD land In the Liberty prune district. 20 acres pleated to Italian fft .,,, trees. 10 acres In bearing. 13 acres I plow land. acres of timber. 3 acres ... - .. II1U lift . . . all in crop, good buildings. $125 an acre: 70 acre farm, all In crop, food buildings, stock and farming tools. price $11000. 130 acres in Tillamook county to exenange tor vaiiey rarra i or acreage near Salem. 333 acres la I Lake county to exchange for lm- nroved aersaa-a nr nrnnat orchard 440 acres la Lake county to exchange ror atocK ranch. W. M. orabeahoral A Co, 875 State street, phone 8315. 308 ACRES 14 MILES FROM ST A f I van 4k sk I I s t 1st vtaalu naa Wuuf em new 7 room house, s bams. silo. 60 acres clover, annual Income $3,500, 1 always ready for wear price $100 per acre. 230 acrea 2isluwm'1 remaX tor wear. cultivated. 80 pasture 14 miles from station, fair Improvements, price $75 per acre, so acrea bottom, 30 culti vated, so stump pasture, s miles or town, exchange for valley farm else - where, price 39.000. to acres. cut tlvated. 25 In fruit. 30 timber and atump pasture, fair Improvement. 5 miles from Salem, will exenange for Southern Oregon, will assume, price 313.000. 390 acres. 2&0 cultivated. mYntV- w.;wVn.n7umed. "ranch VJinA ?ltaK ot ?,1r- - 11 change for valley ranrh or Salem resioencea not over .. j acres Lake County. Oregon, Improved, ex - change for valley ranch, not over 85.000. 10 acres with modern 7 room house. 4 blocks of Salem car line. r,. f,orrdVertncrpr."cr$4.:5"o' socoiofsky. 341 state street. LOOK AT THIS A REALM T ordered for sal.; 0PP0RTONITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acres clear: about (0 acres la stump pasture: balance in chol, piling timber and oak grubs. Timber aloae worth $10,000. New four - room house, new dairy barn, providing for so cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house, water piped i from fine spring to all buildings. Willi sell the whole at a great bargain. I Verr easv terms. 4 Per cent Interest Address l. owner, care The statesman NEW YORK MARKETS. NEW YORK, June 18. Hops, un changed;, prunes, nrm. DECALOGUE OF WAR FOR WOMEX. Dr. Shaw, as chairman of the Wo man's Committee of the National Council of Defense, has Issued a dec alogue of war for women that chal lenges renewed attention to this noted' cltlten's ability to hit the nan plunk on the head. These are the THINGS THAT Br CEKC 4 ( MEM- 00 ARC fMoW I OUT "TO FoOi THE, WORLD! war commandments defined by Dr. Shaw: "Do not chatter. Keep to yourself the news you hear. Do not listen to alarmists or slackers. "Be moderate In your spending. neither lavish in gifts nor sordid ta your economies. "Encourage national Industries. avoiding Imported ones. . , . "TV ant 1wV (instil V t Do not look upon the departures for the front of those dear to you as an abandonment. Be with them con stantly In thought, as they are with you. particularly In the hour of dan-. tr. "Do not complain of the difficul ties, annoyances ana privations I caused by the war. Multiply your activities In your home as well as outside. "Exhibit day by day and hour by I hour the same courage a man shows v' I ,lWJta Wnh4ajW IAJS lAHsf ' "No matter how long the straggle may last, await victory with strength and patience. " i esx ai i ecu oils near your sorrow noory ( , . jv. w iv. that your tears may bo worthy of the I hero whoso death yoa moum. I Woman Citizen. SAVE MOXET BY CARI-VO FOB . - Ifrniae fffma an4 liKnp maw alt Tsa I . . . " . I sarea u ue cioumg IS carerouy The hole should be mended when I t first appears. If left It grows I is...- diafltmiinr the garment to a I rer ""uruig garment w a I much greater extent and requiring When hooka, eyes, snaps or but I tons are not prompuy repiacea ui . . j . ww It all spots are remoYed and the garment carefully brushed and I pressed before It us put' away. It Is This constant care not only length ens the life of a garment but keeps it looking well as long as it lasts. 1 Charlotte E. Carpenter, C. A. C A HORSE BOOM CO MI N O. An artlele under the above head. In recent Issue of the American Breed I r. Is SS follows T...K.nn.t. r..u.4 vv 1 - mares and fillies sold for an average I m . ... oi neany au oi uttt mares M T tT7 I none of them were of the better class. Only a few of the best Shire mares taese nave orougat extremely niga prices. It Is very common to sell a good Shire yearling stallion for 12. 500. These prices are being estab lished by residents of England. The l Live Stock World, when commenting I ...... ,v., oa these prices, stated that there was . world shorts re of horses and ad vised their readers to keep all th the 3 hi re mares possible. "A few more Perch erons hare been imported from Fraare to England. rhe French government permits only few Percheroas to leave France, fhe Frenchmen realise the shortage f horses la their country. A short! TJI&1 - BLUE tK)NNXT3--vtf JVe eiris s-CA vW Fmtmm. LXSKTJt WYfrrtcAJI eV CO, NEVER HAPPEN BYRNES 1 A dCADOATlOr MtwEtt ever iNFCUtO TrtftT AMOr46 ftlt 4CRAOOMUS MlfiHT time ago the. Belgium government had two representatives In this coun try visiting the different Belgian studs in view of purchasing some of our best Belgians to use In their breeding operations after the war. These gentlemen realixe that this blood is very scarce. Only a com paratively small number of Belgian horses can bo found anywhere ex cept In th United States. The Ger mans hare taken many horses from Russia. The war situation Is destroy !ny many horses. The reason more horses for the army have not been purchased in this country Is the shortage of ships. CLOSE PUBLIC BATHS . - LONDON, April 21. All the pub lic swimming pools and some of the public baths la London are to be closed for the summer. The build ings are being used for communal kitchens. With their steam plants and heating appliances, they are very adapaUble for the purpose of establishing in them the central mn nlcipal kitchens from which food Is distributed to the smaller stations in their districts. NOTICE TO TOXTRACTORS. The Oregon SUte Highway Com mission will receive proposals at 1391 Yeoa building. Portland; Oregon, at Ut.lL. Tuesday, June 25, 1918. for eighteen miles of h-rdsurfaelag on the Pacific Highway between Sa lem and Aurora, la Marion county. Toe work will be let In two units of 7.35 miles and 10.C5 miles, re spectively. Bids wll b received on all types of pavement. For full particulars, kindly call at Room 303 Capltofbulldlag. office of the 8tate Highway Engineer. Sa lem, where specifications and all de tails may bo seel No guarantee of workmanship, material or maintenance bonds will bo required and a special price of $2 per barrel, f. o. b. Oswego, will bo made on the purchasing of cement, State Highway Commission of Oregon- S. Benson. Chairman. W. L Thompson. Com ml salon er. R. A. Booth, Commissioner. Attest: Herbert Nunn. SUte Highway Engineer. Salem. Oregon. June 13. 1918. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon as Administrator or the Estate of EH Warren, deceased, and that he has duly qualified as suck Administrator. All persons having claims against the Estate of said decedent are here by notified to present the same, duly verified, to me at my office at 499 Court SL, In city of Salem in Marlon County. Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated la Salem In Marion county. Oregon, this 7th day of June. 1918. A. M. Cloaca. . Administrator of Estate of Ell Warren, dereaaed. CHICHESTER S PILLS W- .tiisUHtrs xu)a yv rtr.ts. wf i?Vt tirvji Usis naaseriiJukfc. sa A n .asiSpssJiM.KewTesk "ln, u. c