2 TUB ORKfiOX STATESMAN: SIWHAY, 41XK j THEY MAKE GOOD WHEREVER THEY GO Just as the red-blood quality of America's men means triumph oyer foe, so does the true-blue quality of these Extra-Tested Tires mean service triumphf or users. i RACINE Country Road ' and Midti-ieCord TIRES i 1 wa Each Extra Test adds definite fighting strength. For instance: the extra test for carcass smoothness does away with all internal ridges by a "feather-edge" process of joining all fabric usd. Ifeans many extra miles. . ttmcimm Country Road yields service far beyond the 50OO Mile Guarantee. Raciam MtrftiMiI Cord Tirt is in every way worthy the Dame Racin Rubber Company. RAY L FARMER HARDWARE CO. Corner Court ard Commercial Streets Sala,yj)regon j . fWjwar mm mrmttdmm ha eerf a eery nri 7.- ro Awr . twn a ium . -i RACINE RUBBER COMPANY, RACINE. V. TSC" . SOCIETY (Continued from page one) Patterson. . The ceremony wa performed by Rev. A. Wells, pastor of the Nazarene church, in the presence of close rel atives o7 the young people, and Intt- ! mate friends. The bride was attired f ; in a smart gown of ruffled nettaleno - adorned with silver lace. Her veil "'.was held in place by a wreath of - white sweetpeas. She carried a bou r quet of bride's roses, she was given t away by her brother. Rev. E. D Pa: ; terson or Rogue, River. Little Max ;.' iee Jack acted as flower girl.? Albert U Miller sang "When you Arc Truly Mine." The bridal music was played by Miss Thelnia Blessing. The bride was a graduate of Sal,n high school in 1917. The bridegroom In the eldest son of a well known Polk county family, and was a sti dent of the Oregon Agricultural Col leg. " . ' , Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were greeted by a sjhower of rose petals as they left on the afternoon train for He alth?. ' Preparatory to the Robertson-P.cn-son nptlal. Mrs.-M. C. Briggs. Jr.. of Hollister. Cal. has been a guest at the home of; her parents. Judge and Mrs. Henry 1. Benson, on North Mirumer street. Mis. Ilricts will re main only a day or two longer, fol lowing a Week's stay. The senior class of ISIS of Wil lamette university was invited to as semble at a farewell party Tuesday nihgt at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Keigelman. S 10 M'!l street, following th class play on the cam pus. The home was in cala decora tion fr the event, masses of roses and varied colored sweet peas being used. The Keigelmans have a son. Perry Reigehnan. a WiHamette uni versity graduate, who is in war training at Columbia university. A military touch was added to the gathering also, as one of the gradu ates, Harry Bowers, is a soldier at Camp lwls. 4 Thirty-five men and slrls were present. A merry informal time was enjoyed and refresh ments were serv ed. Those assisting were Miss Ki" lyn Reigelman, a graduate, and the Misses Bernice Kisch and Areta Jones. Additional guests were Mr. and Mrs. Perrie Mark of Sheridan Mrs. K. 1. Ueiehard and Mts. Stella White of Portland. .Miss Iris Evelyn Saunders of Port land Is the week-end guest of h.r sister. Miss Lurile Saunders, at the residence of Mrs. James Godfrey, 405 North Liberty street. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith and their daughter Josephine of Grants Pas?, passed the week as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Smith. Df. J. C. Smith is a member of the state sen ate. Ir. and Mrs. II. C Epley, accom panied by John Lewis and hs moth er. Mrs. K. K. Iewis. are enjoying a week-end motor trip to Mt. Hood. They left yesterday. Mrs. J. B. Litter and Mrs. E. E. I'pmeyer are entertaining their s'j ter. Mrs. L. R. Case of Marlon. Ind., who will pass the summer In Salem. Mrs. Case was In Salem three years agd and since, that time has been at her home in Indiana. Mr. and Mm. J. C. Reigelman en tertained as their guests during th week. Mr .and Mrs. Perrie Mark of Sheridan, whose daughter. Miss Olive Mark, was among the graduates of Willamette university. Mrs. Mark arrived Saturday and was later join ed by her husband. The family re turned Thursday. Mrs. E. D, Relehard of Portland, a sister of Mrs. Reigelman. accompani ed by Mrs. Stella White, were guests at the Reigelman home Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. Frank Wilbur Chace lett Fri day night for New York city. He will be Joined later by Mrs. Chace. who left a week ago for Oak Park. 111., where she is the guest of a s's ster. Dr. Chare has resigned his chair of music at Willamette univer sity and will take up his musical work in New York city. The'Chaces have many, many friends since their three years residence in Salem and will be much missed by both the college and townspeople. Many townspeople motored to th State School for the Feeble Minded L 7 July m i f ' -- i , nit, ........ ; i ' 1st is the Last Day July 1st freight rates advance 20 per cent, cnt price of the Chevrolet "FOUR NINETY." This means an advance of $20.00 on the prcs- An cars that we receive between this date and July 1st will be sold at the old price, ; $765.00 (war tax added) fob. Salem. . i - -i ' j We wish to give FAIR WARNING at this time, that after July 1st automobiles in ddiikehejChCVro!a be vcry scarcc and hard to get and many is the man that fcas said W. himself, that he would buy a Chevrolet SOME DAY SOON, .will not find one to , ;.uy. This h no scare cry to hurry your decision,' but straight honest facts. The govern (:tment needs, andmust have the material used in the construction of automobiles and as a result tho production will be reduced 75 per cent as compared with the past year's production : Book your orders with us NOW as long as the supply lasts and save yourself this advance. We have sold ahead of our allotment and the cars we have in stock, and the ones we have rolling, will not last long. Satem F. G. DE LANO Auto mobile Co. 24C SUte, St., Salem, Oregon Phone 97 . A. L E0FF Wedncsdajr, during the afternoon ana evening to view tne annual ex hibit ef the school. A wonderful ar ray cf articles was on di.-play fnm the industrial and manual training departments. ine rooms or the school were adorned with ross of many hues. combined with huge clusters of swe--t traa pnd snap dragons. The guests were received by Ir. and Mrs. J. N Smith, assisted by a corps of teach ers. They were Mrs. W. 11. Pyr-1 tMiss Inez Adele Cramer land Miss Esther Cox of the crade ad musical department: Miss Edith Millar, gym nasium; Miss Lillian Dull, manual training and basket weavine; and Miss Mary Julian of the industrial department. No refreshments were served. ---- William R. IllrUs or Forest Grove and Miss Jennie Tturt of Salm. wcr united In marriage at the I'nited KvangHical church at noon June. 12. in the presence of a few friends. Rv. G. L. Iovelt read the service Mr. and Mrs. Hicks left at I o'clock for Newport where they are passing their honeymoon. A recital will be given for the vounrer pudIIs of Miss Elma Weller Fridav evening. June 21. IWalls not obtainable at present ill be an nounced later. A surprise party was given for Miss Eva Goodsoeed at the home of Mrs. William Skipton Tuesday even ing by the members of her art class Delirious refreshments were part of the delirhtful informal rasllme. Miss Goodspeed has lived In Salem fo- two vears and bet work has endeared her to a larg circle of pupils and ad mirers who feel genuine regret at the news that she Is soon to leave this cHr. Those of her class who tendered her the surprise were: Mesdames Skinton. Murphy. Lvnch. Chappelle. Kellar. and th Misses Lennon. O. Skipton. J. Chrlssingc and G. Brewer. The ninth blrthdav anniversary of little Miss Wllma Coursey was the motif for much Juvenile JolUfieat'on Friday when, the mother of tho Utt!e girl, Mrs. II. G. Coursey. gave a partv at her home. 214 Court street. Pink ... t . . was the color seneme us- in rooms and th birthday table was made pretty with streamers of pink ribbon. Games were enloyed. A sister of Mrs. Coursey. Mrs. Ben J. Werner of Seattle, assisted in erv Ine the refreshments. The llttl folks present . were Wllma Coursey. Velma Kmmtt. Florenr Pope. Dor Tthy Kerar. Paulino Johnson Mrvr rcry McDonongh. Ieora Forn!r. Maxln Jack, porothv Twenlal. Josephine Albert and Vera Kezer. Miss Mary Julian, an Instructor at the State School for the Fecb'e Minded, will pass the summer jn Chicago with relatives and friends. : Manr Salem pee-v'e and Polk coun ty rcsllcnt motored to the residence or Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Kimball Jn Volk county last night to attend a strawberry, JPetTal..whlrh wm held as a Rd Cross benefit. Mr. ad Mrs. Iwls Olon ft North Liberty street have Wt f"r Portland to make their bom. Thev havo a large drcleof friends in Salem mho Mncerely regret ther departure. Mrs. Olson was Miss Ida Boetticher before her marriage. tLl BEST IN THE LONG VI UN ' r v;& j pWJit k ; 1 ITS inventor, David Bushncll, an American, in 1776 attempted to sink the British warship, Ealc. Bushncll tovrintf his torpcdot charged vrith powder, by means of a hand-power scmi-submcrsiblc, planned to fasten it to the hull of the attacked ship with a steel plunger; then explode it by clock work. His torpedo too much of an experiment failed. Safeguarding the user against failure, Goodrich never markets an experiment, tires or anything else. Goodrich Tires, though built with the experience and still of the oldest and largest rubber factory, are proved out by the practical road travel of Goodrich Test Car Fleets to make them in word and deed. WS5s e mm 1 1 j mm. . For .Goodrich recognizes but one value in tires their SHUYICE VALUE on your car and on the road; one tire value SERVICE VALUE. Whatever pounds of rubber and other material go in tires; whatever hours of work and skill, their VALUE to motorists is their SERVICE, in com fort, dependability and durability. And you are sure to get it if your tires arc Goodrich SILVERTOWN CORDS, or BLACK SAFETY TREADS. Make sure of economy and security in tires by demanding big, masterful SEEVICE VALUE Tints. the b. fgoodrich rubberco: Portland. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Mrs. Oar Says Vino! fnr?d Her Darlington. Pa. "I suffered from bronchial Astma so badly I would often have to sit up hair or the night or lean over the back of a chair, and so week I conKi nanny waiK across the floor. I had spent lots of money for different Asthma medicines with out help but Vlnol helped me so I sleep well, and am so well and strong I am doing all my work on the farm. Mrs. Emma Graf. Vino! is a constitutional remedy birh contains beef and cod liver peptones. Iron and manganese pp- tonates and glycerophosphates. We strongly reeommed Vinol. Emil A. Schafer, and druggists everywhere. Music . i i iTHE CITY OF G a.:rv4VkaYa:&aasa3C4asjeaa 1 M-i- OODRICH AKRON. -a- m m w w sj aj W "A-aZ J ":' i ! ' !i i ' ,. ' f. mur.&X J , OHIO. ?v'-Iv ' ever had, one which was absolutely true to pitch, splendid In Its inter prettion of the numbers and bavins unusually good low voices. The pupils or Miss Margaret Fish er, assisted by Miss I .a Yon Coppock. reader, and Albert Moore, violinist, will appear in a piano recital at tho First Baptist church Wednesday. June 19. at 8:15 o'clock. - The pub Ifc Is cordially Invited. . " ! For the pleasure of Vlrelnla" Dor cas and Genevieve Campbell, two little school girls who will leave soon for their homes In Portland, a merry party was given yesterday afternoon at the home of Miss Campbell's grandmother, Mrs. James Godfrey on North Liberty street. During the fore pirt of the afternoon tho young sters formed a party at the Oregon theater. Later they returned to th- Godfrey home and plafcd games anj Buy your Goodrich, Safety aniSil verton Cable Tires at the Salem Vulcanizing Works W. M. HUGHES, 474 Ferry Street Phone 364 had music. Refreshments were scVr ed at a carnation decked table. Thoe enjoying the fun were Janet Plimp ton. Evangeline Hall. Iris Evelyn Saunders of Portland. Virginia Dor cas. Genevieve Campbell. Ilerbrt Iicnt. Sherman Plimpton, and Dar win George. "Pe tack or manv n fth tA rlally trained boys choruses due to the singers having left school in or der to take up rummer woik. th annual concert given by the high school chorus on the nlgbt of June 12 at the armory was a huge suc cess. The carefully selected prrram was an especially plearing Mendin? or numbers, several solos standing put beyond the rest. Agnes Halsell charmed all of those who heard her soprano obligato In Berceuse," her clear mellow ton.s carrying aove the rest. This song waa elaborately ipresentvl by the entire chorus. Music In the inter ludes was layed on the violin by Mary Talmadge and Marian Kmmona. "America Trimnphant." which ojen ed the program, was a stirring pa triotic piece snrrg for the rirst time In Salem. Among th striking solos vn "Shipmates o' Mine" bv William Harris. Mr. Harris is a very popu lar singer among tb hlsh school stu dents and he was at his best In this number. As an encore he gave "Laddie In Khaki, 'the entire chor is of ift voir j joining in th refrain. Miss Florence Jones was verv win- some and eharminc in her Interpre tation or "Will o 'the Wisp" and re sponded to the applause with a mu sical telephone order which brought down the house. "Joys ot Spring." a brilliant soprano solo, was splen didly rendered by Joanna James, a young girl whose voice promises a bricht future. "Maeic of Spring" was an espclal boaotlful selection in five parts, with eiccllent pianissimo. work and 'great forte contrasts. It 'was one of th rnost dlfricnlt nuralters and was well handled by Ieslie Springer, bari tone. The concert was under the direc tion or Miss Minetta Magers. whom critics agree, has this year coached the best girl chorus the school has of the Co., Interest Vail ey con News froinni Motor ceriniin Trucks and Tractors , We have four arJoad, of Maxwell d Oml.nd .Car. on th. roaa aod expect them .t V Those wuhinir car, would do well to make arran-ement, at ouce the matter of rrettinr ar. ur11 K. . ! m . b 1 w '" uuccrwin.. juzi rcccircd a car load of Sanuou Tractors. lead of Samson and Monarch Tractors on the waj We arc agents for , , Auto s A car I i Li n -I m MAXWELL CARS OVERLAND CARS 0LDSM0B1LE CARS MAXWELL TRUCKS SAMSON TRACTORS MONARCH TRACTORS WATERLOO . BOY TRACTORS FAGE0L TRACTORS : VALLEY Front and State St. n ! I JN . WSlS1ltWW LX..:.vs': MOTOR CO. . VICK, Mgr.! 'lN"atfllSllWlSIWifcal