The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    Save Your Eyes ose of our t0 the minute optical service.. Correctly
fitted glasses will protect your eyes from sun glare and eyestrain.
Consult us now,
W. Crafr nut, aaj uwy sirttU.
Dr. Bordette Optometrist
OREGON State street near
0. E. depot. Home of Artcraft
and i Paramo a n t pictures.
"Mile-a-Minute Kendall," with
Jack Pickford.
LIBERTY Libert y near
Slate street. High class reels.
Jnne Caprice in "Unknown
BLIGH State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films.
Hippodrome vaudeville.
Another Great Show Today
Decide, before you leave home then
go. lilign s always the best.
All New Show. No Hold Overs
Bligh's. tbey come for miles
around the public's one great thought
Bligh's. Bligh's.
Complete New Show Today
Three Hippodrome Vaudeille acts
direct from Portland, eight reels of
the best pictures. Blight Theatre.
' : '
,. Oscar Gingrich
Will give Indian pantomine num
ber at recital tomorrow night. First
Congregational church.
Miller Tires Are Guaranteed
- For four and five thousand miles.
Ninety-nine out of every hundred ex
ceed the guarantee. As about the
Suess Ribbed bead light Iense.
Clark's Tire House, 319 North Com
mercial street.
. MS :
Balem Velio Co Phone 44
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
Phone 77
Try 'bar Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Checks for every
parcel handled.
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 953.
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
Nervous Diseases
50 C United States National Bank
Building, Salem. Oregon
Day phone
Night phone
f Efficiency Speed"
f . ' Responsibility
We will pack, move or store
your goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipment
our specialty.
Piano Moving and Out of Town
" 457 State Street.
UotM Cloush's
, . i. - f '
Complete Equipment
tloderato Prioei
Corner Court and High Rta.
EQ2ns ISO-Night or Day
i '
Ilruken Lenses Qulrkly Duplicate!
Mrs. Hlanclie Howard In
r Musical readings. Prof. Roberts on
pipe organ will assist, at the Con
gregational churcb tomorrow night.
Hats Of All Kind
..'or? men and women, cleaned,
blocked. Panamas bleached. nvi
work. C. B. Ellsworth. 495 Pnnrt.
Don't Fail To Hear
iiss Ada Miller and Alfred
Schramm In duet and solo numbers
at First Congregational church to
morrow night.
Annual Muk-1 of PupiU
Of Miss Beatrice Sheiton at First
Congregational church. tomorrow
night. Mrs. Alfred Schramm ac
companist. That Will
A great patriotic community sing
at the Congregational church this
evening. See the old patriotic songs
will be sung.
With Our Complete Equipment
Refined services and latest meth
ods of embalming, 'twill be a "funer
al beautiful." Webb A Clourh Co.
Hear Hon. Walter Tx
On the American, nag "Old
Glory" at the First Congregational
church this evening.
Join In The Patriotic-
Community. Sing at the First Con
gregational church this evening. Mr.
McCilchrist and the choir lead.
Everybody sings.
Canvas bags $1.65. Teamsters and
auto truck aprons $1.25 to $1.75.
Shafer'a Harness Store. 170 South
Commercial street.
Soldier Comes Home
, Burt Pratt, a sergeant In the
quartermaster's corps. Is in Salem on
a ruriougn. lie was formerly a
barber In the P. J. Hitler shop.
Player Plan
1 have a J 730 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $5(2. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade instrument at a low price. K.
U Stiff A Son. 44 !,urt St.
In The Circuit Court-
Only one civil case was up before
the court yesterday, that of Cevenke
against Kanup. suit for the purchase
price of a horse. The jury found for
tne defendant. Frank Smith, found
guilty of assault by the Jury some
days ago, was called up before the
bar and given a fine of $150.
Oregon Electric ' j I
Changes train schedule. On and
after Monday, June 17, trains num
ber 63 and 4 will be discontinued.
Numbers 9 and 14 will have daily
Woodburn connections schedule as
Vote Is Canvassed
Canvass of the vote cast for Re
publican and Democratic candidates
for state and district offices In Ore
gon at the primary election on May
17 was made at 10 o'clock yesterday
at the office of Secretary of State
Olcott. The canvass required the
mere formality of signing of the ab
stracts by Secretary Olcot and State
Treasurer Kay. Governor Withy
combe was not present.
8t at
"A Ram Awtr from Home.
Strictly Modern $!. Pr Dayf1
lee w mw miii un
Only Hotel la Business District
Will supply your wants in all
I kinds of wood.
16 inch Green Slabwood at
$3.60 per load.
10 load lots at $2.75 per load.
Phone 620.
Am All KlaJs t Us-4
Felt Market l'rli S-etal
rrl(M foe Soefc-
Gt Mr pwtrrm before yoa sell
71 W. Cmml St. rfcoo Tl
I pay the highest cash price.
Before you sell, get my prices.
I also boy all kinds of second
band furniture and Junk.
The Square Deal Hooe.
271 Chemeketa SC - rhone SOS
Dra. White A Walton.
608 " Baak Bld- Phone tSt.
Reeltal For Younger .PnplU
There will be a recital for the
younger pupils of Elma Weller. on
Friday evening, June 21st. Futher
announcements will appear later.
H. E. Pemberton
Candidate for a place on the school
board wish the public to know that
he stands for efficiency In all that
waxes ror the education of
Is the day young people should
begin some practical work at the
Capital Business College. Many are
planning to enter, will you be one
young lady, to prepare to take the
place of some young man who Is
called to the service of his country.
You can do his work In a business
office If you have the requisite train
ing. Salt Case Strap
15c to COc; bill folds, genuine lea
ther. 25c to $3.50; suit case handles
35c to COc. Shafers' Harness Store,
170 South Commercial street.
The Pioneer Hewn ion
Wil be held on the oJhn Hunt
farm In the Waldo hills, 16 miles
east of SsTem. on Saturday. June 22.
Walter Tooze will be the main speak
er of the day. Everybody invited
and a good time insured to all.
Jefferson, Xot Hilverton
Silverton erroneously has been
given credit for being the home of
the pupil who received the highest
marking In the recent eighth grade
examinations. The star pupil Is Eth
el C. Klarape. and her home is on
a farm a half mile east of Jefferson
She enteied the Jefferson public
school at the age of 8 and has finish
ed the eighth grade at 13.
A Private Home
In all of its apoplntments Is what
we offer for the use of our patrons.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. TerwIUIger.
Funeral Directors. 770 Chemeketa
St. Phone 724.
Sergeant St rat ton Leaven
Sergeant Floyd Stratton who has
been visiting at the E. A. Dunigan
home left for Camp Kearney Satur
day. Sergeant Stratton Is the son
of W. E. Stratton of Eugene and has
been In the United States service for
the past five years.
War On Moles
. E. Croshong. of the ML Angel
district. Is hailed as a public bene
factor In his section, as he is clean
ing out ground moles at the rate of
fifty or seventy-five a week. H
was at the court house yesterday with
a string of 120 mole pelts, claiming
a bounty of 5 cents each. In addi
tion he receives 5 cents each for the
skins at fur dealers.
Hid For Wood
Sealed bids will be received by the
undersigned until Wednesday, July
3rd. 1918. at 1:00 o'clock P. M. for
the delivery of One Hundred Forty-
five (145) cords of large second
growth fir wood, to be delivered be
fore November 1st, 1918. Twenty
(20) cords of same to bs delivered
I at the County Poor Farm, on River
road. Certified check for 5 per cent
of amount to accompany bids. The
County Court reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
U. G. Boyer, County Clerk.
Soldier Has Furlough
Sergeant C. M. Gogswell. accom
panied by Mrs. Cogswell arrived yes
terday for an over Sunday visit In
Salem. Mrs. Cogswell was formerly
circulation manager of The States
man. He has 'been , at Vancouver
barracks, for four months in the
headquarters company or the signal
corps. Mrs. Cogswell and their
young son are living with Mrs. Cogs
well's parents at Gresham. Or.
Great War lctnre
The Salem public will be priviler
ed to hear one of the most interest
ing lectures of the year at the armory
tomorrow night. It Is entlued
"Wake np America 'and will be pro
fusely Illustrated with stereoptlcon
slides and moving picture films.
many of them taken on the battle
fields of France. The lecture will
give a vivid description of war scenes
and war activities, and will bring
home to every patriotic citizen an
appreciation of the peril In wnicn
the country stands if the war Is not
won. as well as the magnitude of the
task before the nation. It will be
Instructive and It will be Inspiring.
The lecture is under the auspices of
the war department. Admission Is
ProsrrcMs Mjule At Bridge
The steel frame of the new Will
amette bridge Is all In position with
the exception of the big 100-foot arcn
In the center. All of the parking
Tenth Installment
I met a voune lawyer not long
ago who was the perfect picture of
a nappy comemea man. ne -imp
ly radiated happiness. It Is my
business to know the otner teuows
business in so far as it affects my
business. I learned that this young
lawver had accumulated two good
paying wheat ranches: owned his
home in town; drove his car ana en-
i joyed a lucrative law practice. He
always looked on the nrignt siae ana
uracticed and preached happiness.
When I asked him about his me
insurance he told me that he car
ried $10,000 with an old line com
pany and that he would consider as
much more. The increase in ine cosi
of living. In his mind made it In
cumbent upon him to double hia life
This young man could afford to
be happy. He was making a success
in life, but was taking the right
method of protecting his income. He
realized that when hia work was end
ed on earth that his estate might not
be so great and by carrying life in
surance his family could go on llv
Inr as they had been accustomed
Better follow his example.
J. P. HUTCnASOX, Diet. Mgr.
pvBwsBwimrfVBHMKwwBkK ssvaL
Kryptok Glasses
combine near and far vision In one
lens without unsightly lines or the
use of two pairs of glasses.
In the lower part of Kryptok
glasses you get the necessary cor
rection for reading or other close
work. In the upper part you get
the correction for distance.
I make a specialty of correctly
fitting Kryptok glasses.
If you have trouble with your
glasses and are not getting the pleas
ure from your reading on account
of your eyes, come to me and I will
fit you with Kryptoka and your
troubles will be over.
My 35 years of practical exper
ience will fit your eyes correctly.
I guarantee satisfaction and my
charges are very reasonable.
Dr. M. P. Mendelsohn
SlO-Sll Vnited States National
Hank nalldlns;
on the west half of the structure Is
now In place, and It is planking that
looks as if it might stay until the
river runs dry. It is made up of
the cleanest fir timber, three Inches
thick and six Inches wide. laid on
edge, so that the roadway la a solid
mass of wod six Inches thick. The
railings, which are made of three
Inch tubing bolted to steel standards.
Is all In place .on this part or th
bridge. The handsome approach on
the east side is now complete with
rodway laid.
Player Piano
I have a I7S0 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice ror $5C2. -It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price. E.
i stirr & son. 44C Court St.
Should One Hare M-tde
Other engagement for next Mon
day evening, they should cancel it.
If a lover of what is worth while
in a musical way, as that ia the date
set aside for the annual musicale of
the senior piano class of Miss Beat
rice Sheiton. at the First Congre
gational church
The program will suggest the spir
it of the times, the piano numbers
to be Interspersed by vocal Selections
ny Miss Ada Miller, and Alfred
Schramm; musical readings by Mrs.
Blanche Howard and Indian panto
mime by Mrs. Oscar B. Ginrrlch
Mrs. Schramm and Prof. T. S. Rob
erts will assist In solo's and accom
panist at the piano and organ.
PRESCOTT At her late home. 33
South Commercial street. Satur
oay. june ia, isib at 1:30 n. m..
Mrs. Augustus Prescott, who was
a years old.
Her husband died a year ago In
May. She leaves to survive her two
daughters. Mrs. Isabel White and
hiss uora rrescou 01-saiem and a
granddaughter. Mrs. T. J. Shlpler of
oik county.
The funeral will be held from the
residence. Tuesday afternon at 2:30
o cioca. -1 ne services win De con
ducted by Rev. J. Bowersox and Rev.
John E. Fee of Portland.
Mrs. Prescott had lived In Salem
tor over torty years. She was of
a retiring disposition but active in
her home life, and a lover of her
home. She was a native of Auburn.
Maine. Mrs. Prescott will be buried
in City View cemetery, by the side
or her husband. The arrangements
are in charge of Webb Clough.
Irrigation for 1018
For the purpose of trying to make
the Irrigation service more satisfac
tory the city will be divided Into two
districts so that each district will
get the full service of the plant upon
the nay it irrigates.
The plan is to have the houses
which bear even numbers on the
streets Irrigate only on Monday,
Wednesday. Friday and Sunday, and
the houses which bear odd numbers
on the streets Irrigate only on Tues
day. Thursday. Saturday and Sunday.
This plan will permit every house to
irrigate four days out of each week.
The purpose of the Water Com
pany In furnishing water for Irriga
tion Is not to furnish au the water a
person can run through the hose in
the six Irrigation hours every day.
but to furnish enough water to keep
the lawn In condition. To nse more
than enough is a waste. We will
pump the usual amount of water and
hope to furnish it more satisfactorily.
saiem Water Light Power Co,
Red Cross Money Raised
at Strawberry Festival
Many people attended the benefit
strawberry festival which was held
at the S. P. Kimball home In Polk
county last night and as a result $S0
was raised and will be given to the
Red Cross. An Interesting program
was given In which was the singing
of the "Star Spangled Ranner out
of doors byi Mrs. Hallie Parrlsh Dur
The chairman of the festival. Al
bert Stelner. gave the opening ad
dress. It was followed by . a solo
dance. 'The Coming of Spring' by
Miss Genevieve Harbour. Other num
bers on the program were a reading
by Emily Loose; song. Dan Langen-
berg; Highland Fling dance. Miss
Martelle Shipp; patriotic song by
Mrs. Durdall; drill by a bevy of
girls ;talk by Dr. A. B. Starbuck or
Dallas; Madeline Brown and Miss
10. 1018.
Genevieve Barbour in "The Dance of
the Butterflies"; recitation by Mrs.
8. Yates; song. Carl Stevenson; cor
net solo. Charles Kurth; sword dan
by Martelle Shipp; talk by Walter
Denton, and another solo by Mrs.
Sugar Restriction is
Made Known to Dealers
Secretary R. S. Gill, of the County
Food Adminlatraticn. Is, mailing out
circular letters to the retail dealers
of Marion county calling their at
tention to the restriction to be placed
upon the sale of sugar for domestic
consumption. They are anthorie-d
to fell sugar orly at the rate of three
pounds for each person a month dur
ing the canning season. In order to
regulate and equalise the dlstribn
tlon of sugar to the entire population
it Is required that only two pounJs
or sugar at a time be sold to any one
person. This regulation, however,
does not Interfere with the Pales of
sugar in quantities for canning pur
Poses. Any family can secure sugar
in amounts up t a full sack on mat
Ing affidavit that It is strictly for
canning purposes and to be used only
within the family purchasing. This
ruling is not inter ded to cut down
the domestic consumption of sugar.
but merely to divert It from general
use to the preservation of fruits.
The food administration, through
Secretary Gill, has mailed out let
ters to the bakers of the county no
tifying them that they are expected
to kep their output of what bread
down to 70 per cent of last year's
output. This Is done as a means of
checking the drift or all the bread
baking to the commercial bakers,
thus nullifying the regulations call
ing for a wheatless county during th-
next two months. The effect of the
wheat conservation Is being shown In
a gratifying manner In this county
by the turning back of several hun
dred barrels of flour from the deal-
era to the food administration. This
flour will be sent to Portland In th-
near fctnre nd from ther will go
directly to France. It is estimated
that from 4000 to rooo barrels i
flour will be turned bark by the
dealers of Oregon.
Teachers' Evaminations
WU1 Be Held this Month
3. A. Churchill, state superinten
dent of public in structlon has sent
to Oregon teaehers notification 01
the annual teachers' examinations
which are to be conducted at me
several county seats on June 2. .
S8 andzs. The subjects of domestic
art, course of study for domestic art.
domestic science, drawing, course 01
study of drawing, manual trlnlng
Ing, mechanical drawing, music.
physical culture, stenography ana
typewriting are for applicants want
ing'. ppvclal rertlneavs. The pro
gram of examinations follows:
Wednesday Forenoon. United
States history, writing (penman
ship!; music, drawing;
Wednesday . afternoon. Physlool-
ogy. reading, manual training, com
position, domestic science, methods
In reading, course or stuay tor
drawing, methods in arithmetic
Thursday .forenoon. Arithmetic
history or education. Psvcnoiogy.
methods in Geography, mechanical
drawing, domestic art, course of
iJy instituting a free deliv
ery service we have made "it
easy for the housewife to se
cure anything in our line
without the necessity of com
ing to the store especially to
secure it. This is most con
venient on the housewifes
busy days at home.
For the rural resident we
have a Parcel Post service
that makes a most handy
way to secure supplies of
anything we sell. We pay
the postage and send the or
der at once.
135 IT. Commercial 81.
Experience backed by a reputation
forhonestwork insures a square deal.
One Door North of the Elgin Salesroom
148 So. Commercial Phone
You should have that Dental work done here and done
right now.
ft Painless Parker dentistry is high-class dentistry
iff the work of experts rpedxlirLi in one particular
branch of the dental science.
nd. No dental work ctct goes ont of my offices
tinta it is absolutely perfectperfect ia every detail.
rd. Hydrocaine Banishes Pain. Hjdrocaine is a
local anaesthetic a purely re ft table product, harmless
yet powerful enough to remove all fear of the dental
chair. We have a supply of this anaesthetic purchased
before the war.
th. Our Chain of Dental Offices extending from
new York to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to
Seattle will take care of your dental work. If work
done in any of our offices proves unsatisfactory in ny
respect any other Painless Parker office will remedy ths
defect absolutely without charge.
th. Reduced Prices Till Aug. 1st
No Waits No delays No appointments necessary
study for domestic art.
Thursday afternoon. Grammar,
geography, stenography, Americas
literature. physics. . typewriting,
methods in language., thesis ror pri
mary certificate.
Friday forenoon. Theory and
practice, orthography. ( (pelting),
physical geography, English litera
Chiropractic Has Made Good
Although Chiropractic is a comparatively sew science
having been practiced but little over ten years, it has dem
onstrated its worth.
Thousands of doctors of chiropractic now practic
ing throughout the United States is indisputable evidence
of the fact that chiropractic is winning its deserved recog
nition. Dr. O. L. SCOTT.
Knows 400-7-8, U. 8. National TUaJk XtaildlaX.
Office rhone 87. ResUrace rhonc KTT-It
Pulled Free .when plates "axe
All Dental Work Reduced'-
ture, chemistry, physical culture.
Krlday. afternoon. 6chool lav.
geology, algebra, cirll gorernment.
Saturday forenoon. Geometry,
Saturday afternoon. General hist-
tory, bookkeeping.
Qauliied Adj. Work for Ten''