The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 16, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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    01 the cars manufactured in America are
equipped with
Call and have your battery tested free. We
will tell you the reason for Willard Suprem-
We sell the only battery manufactured
that is brand new the day it is put on your car
Degge & Burrell ' v
Phone 203 418 Court Street
Lelle MetbodUC Kpisoopal.
loutn Commercial and Meyers Sts.
rac N.'Aldrlch, pastor. 9:45 a.
Sunday-school. E. A. Rhoten,
erintendent. 11:00 a. m. nubile
worship, -with sermon by the pastor.
7:00 p. m.; Devotional meeting of
the Epworth league. Ivan- Corner,
president. 8:00 p. m. song service,
and address by the pastor.
State Institutions. '
Services at the institutions 'will be
held Sunday as follows: 3:00 p. m.
Girl's Training School, by A. Wells.
3:15 p. m. Tuberculosis Hospital, by
Mrs. J. E. IIocketL ,
South Sa tern FVieml.
South Commercial and Washington
streets. If. E. Pemberton, pastor.
There will be no. services today on
account of yearly meeting at New
Lei g. I
Vniteil Kvaiigelical
Cottage and Center streets. Rer.
I. I-ovell, pastor. Sunuay school
at'lOtOO" a. m. Divine worship and
preaching at 11:00 a. m. "The Need
of Our Nation for Taith in Cod."
Christian Endeavor at 7:00 p. m.
Evening worship and sermon at 8:00
p. m. Prayer service on Thursday
evening. ,
Swedish Talemarle MethoriUt
South Fifteenth and Mill streets.
John Ovall, minister. Sunday school
at 2:00 p. m.. Gust Anderson, super
intendent. Miss Hannah Chrlstensen,
assistant. All welcome.
FIrt Christian Church.
! Center and High streets. ' Bible
school at 9:45. Good music and a
welcome for all. At 11 Mr. Madden
of Engene who has been a mission
ary In Japan for twenty years will
speak. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. At 8:00
p.m. Mr. Torter will speak on the
subject. "The Call of the Cross."
Good music at all services. No ra
cations this summer but for the
sick. "Over The Top" at home
while our sonvro "Over The Top" In
D. T. Rrown or the State Hospital
force will address the meeting at 4
o'clock this afternoon at the W. C.
T. U. hall corner Ferry and Com
mercial. Everybody cordially Invited.
Commons Mission. '
241 State street. Services at 2 p.
m. No services through the week
until further notice. Everybody
come. A. Wells, superintendent:
William Kenyon, assistant superintendent.
r2f;k:il' i.:-i Dealer In
- The gasoline consumption la. unusually
&- low. The tire mileage is unusually high.
V The most beautiful Car In America. w
A proven success, built and backed by the Mollne Plow
' Co., a $19,000,000 Concern
JWNbt BuyTHat
Goodyear Tire
ncaas inoro 'milcage---THey give better
EcrviceYou will be better satisfied
" 'fa UH3 AMD AKnjNfTl'o
:ze 363- 126 South Commercial
Cost I2 AB Much
Millionaires Don't WASTE Tires!
The millionaire appreciates quality and appearance in his car
a ia mar wres. j.nis is not pride but a trained sense 01 value.
The neglected car deteriorates quickly so does the neglected
J. - :- :. r-.T-;-.- ,,'':.
Gates Half -Sole Tires make your worn tires better and stronger
n any standard tire you can buyf-pand there is no better looking
3 naae: - xex tney cost only hair, as much.
; Zztii Commercial Street.
Phone 423
-. . 1
Highland Friend.
Highland and North Church street.
Sabbath school, 1 0a. m. Meetias?
for worship in charge of Mrs. Thomp
son. 1 la. m. The evening servio"
and Christian Endeavor will unite at
8 p. m.. the pastor being absent at
Yearly meeting at Xewberg. Prayer
meeting Thursday, g p. m. Jose
phine Hockett has agreed to remain
as pastor until September, on aceonnt
of the new pastor from the East not
being able to get here until then.
Court Street Ctiurrti.
Seventeenth and Court streets.
Frank E. Jones, pastor. This will
be a special day at the Bungalow.
Flag day will be observed at the
morn'ng service, commencing wita
the Bible school at 1 0a. ni. Sermon.
"Our Flag and Missions." Children's
day entertainment Jn the evening at
8 o'clock. On Wednesday evening
M. B. Madden .twenty years a mis
sionary in Japan, will address the
congregation. This will be a no,v
portunity that none should miss.
ficient lenderhip of Mr. McOilchrist.
load the congregation in singing pa
triotic songs. The whole service will
W in recognition of the American
First Methodist.
State and Church streets. Class
meetings, 9:13 a. ra.; Sunday school.
9:45 a. m.. John V. Todd, superin
tendent: sermon. "The Obligations
of Sonship," 11 a. m.; song service
at the Old Peoples Home, 3 p. m ;
Epworth League, 7 p. m.; sermon.
"The International Responsibility of
Christianity," 8 p. m. The music,
morning and evening, by the quartet,
with special solo numbers by Misi
Ada Miller.
' First Presbyterian.
Rer. II. A. Carnahan. D.D.. cf
Ashland. Oregon, wil loccupy the pul
pit morning and evening.' Sunday
.school at 9:45 a. m. Midweek pray
er service, Wednesday at S p. m.
Rural Congregational.
TL C Stover, minister. Sunday
school at 1 0a. ra. Children's day
program at 1 la. m.
Central Congregational.
South Twelfth and Ferry streets.
II. C Stover, minister Sunday
school at 1 0a, m. Prof. E. A. Han
cock, superintendent. Christian En
leavor at 7:13 p. m. A patriotic
program entitled "Little Patriots of
the Kingdom 'will be given by the
children of the Sunday school at S
p. m. '
, Church of God.
1776 Fair Grounds road. Sunday
school,' 10 a. m. Subject for the
morning service at 11 a. m. will be
"The Fall 6t Babylon and Her
Doom Rev. 18. Subject for the ev
ening service will be "The Second
Coming of Christ." Rev. 19. Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening. 8 p. m.
Al lare cordially Invited to atteni
the services. J. J. Gillespie; pastor.
Evangelical Association.
Seventeenth and Cbemeketa, street.
Jacob Stocker. pastor. Sunday school
at 10 a. m.. C. F. iWlliams, superin
tendent. Children's day exercises of
the Sunday school at 11 a. m. Ser
vice at Frultland, "The Signs of the
Times,r 3 p. m. T. P. A. at 7:15 p.
m., C. F. Williams leader. Sermon
by the pastor. "The Great Falling
Away," 8 p. m. j
The Salvation "Army. ,
3433 Court street Holds regu
lar services every day In the week
except Monday and Thursday. Young
people's meeting Friday: evening at
8 .o'clock." Street meetings Saturday
and Sunday at 7:30 p. m. Indoor
meeting Saturday evening at 8
o'clock Rer. Wells of the Naxarene
church will bring the message Sun-1;
day at; 10:15 a. m. Knee drill and
holiness meeting. Sunday school at
2 p. m., followed by praise meting,
at 3 p. m.; Mrs. Anna Smith reads
the Scripture lesson. Thej evening
service: at 8 o'clock Is conducted by
Harry Morrlss. All are welcome.
.First Congregational,
"Liberty and Center streets. Dr.
W. C. iKantner," minister. Sunday
school with classes for all ages, 10
a. m.; Prof. W. L Staley, Superin
tendent. "The Religious Uses of
Memory," 11 a. m. Christian En
deavor, 1 7 p. m. Flag service, In rec
ognition of Flag day, 8 pm. The
address will be given by Hon. Wal
ter Tooze. The choir, under the ef-
First Church of ttirlst. Scientist.
Sunday services are held at 4 40
Chemeket3 street at 11 a. m. and S
p. m. Subject Bible lesson. "God
the Preserver of Man." Snnday
school at 9:13 a. m. Wednesday ev
ening testimonial meeting at S. Read
ing rora in Masonic temple suite 209
is open every day except Sunday an-1
holidays from 11:45 a. m. to 5 p. m.
All are cordially Invited to our serv
ices and to visit the reading room.
t -
Many Applications Are Re
ceived at Office of Labor
J. R. Coleman, representative of
the deoartment of labor who is In
cahrge of the office recently opened
on State street, is gradually rm-eting
with response from the workine
classes In the effort to mobilize an
army of berry pickersand farm la
borers. The fruit nnions.the rheas
ant Northwest -Products company
and the larger bery growers are co
operating In the matter of informa
tion wfch the cpmmercial club and
the comittees In charge of the Boys
Working reserve.
Inquiries are coming In every
hour of th day from various sources.
I'p to closing time last night about
sixty-five boys and young men had
been enrolled in the boys reserve, a
large proportion of them expresing a
preference for work in- the local
plants. Disappointment awaits the
greater number of these, for the can
neries and other, plants will use but
a snail number of boys on their
force. The great demand is with the
berry growers, and special attention
is being given to securing the army
of pickers necessary to harvest the
crop promptly.
Mr. Coleman realizes that the cam
paign has been started several weeks
later than it should have been In
order to meet all requirements, aol
he urges that the local public get be
hind the movement both as a matter
of patriotism and business policy.
He holds that labor needs should be
supplied as far as possible from the
home population and the resources
of Portland be drawn upon only to
oVrk in the- fruit yuds may not
pay quite as liberally as wage posi
tions in towns, but wage positions
are comparatively few. and the berry
camps promise healthy, happy em
ployment in congeniad surroundings.
And ko far as the boys are concerned
the fact should be impressed upon
parents that every effort will be
made to place the boys la charge of
reliable supervisors, who will be ex
pected to exercise discipline as well
as care fog their well being.
Airplane TripFrom England
to America. Quite Feasible
LONDON, April 30 (Correspond
ence of The Associated Press) Air
plane trips from England to America
are quite feasible by use of a machine
traveling day and night at the rate
of 100 miles an hour, declared F.
Page, Inventor of a type of machine
named for him, in a recent statement
to the representative of the Daily
"I have received a cablegram from
Canada congratulating me on the
construction of a machine to travel
to and from America, continued the
inventor, "but I have no such ma
chine on hand.
"The trip would be from Ireland
to New York, via Newfoundland be
ing 1700 miles. An alternative jour
ney to America would be via the
Azores. On the steady 100-miles-an-hour-
basis yon can compute all the
long-distance runs that occur to yon,
including neck-tod trips to China
and Peru.
"For short distances, such as Lon
don to Manchester, I am not Inclined
to think that air planes will take the
place of railways unless in case of
preaslng urreney. A comfortable
m W y Nm
w fen r
lll ' -1 1 f II '
k .
13 11 I I I X IXJ I I I
I V- fi S
KJ I I I I 1 1
Why are motorists the world over
equipping their cars with oversize tires?
To get the increased mileage assured
by this additional carrying capacity,
LEE Regular Fabric White Tires are
You can SEE with your own eyes this
extra mileage.
Measure any one of these tires. You'll v
find it OVERSIZE. That means
MORE mileage I Examine the rubber.
Its WHITENESS proves its purity
and strength. MORE mileage!
Notice the big, rugged ZIG-ZAG tread.
MORE mileage! See why you should
use LEE Regular Tires?
Don't buy any other tires until fou
have examined these?
291 N. Commercial St. Phone 787
The big, heavy rugged Zig-Zag tread gives the' best
protection against skidding and insures extra mileage.
first -class carriage of a fast train will
continue to be a more usual course
of travel. The airplane has a great
advantage of speed, but it has severe
handicaps In the way of wind and fog
and other adverse climatic conditions.
"I do not think that after the
war wealthy men will take up private
motorcars. Few people can afford
private yachts, and a pleasure air
plane would be as expensive as a
"There Is no such thing a3 perpet
ual saft ty in the air. and this is
bound to have an affect on the aver
age man. I am speaking of course.
01 me immediate future only. In the
lonr results of tim thr r tnrinti.
possibilities in the evolution of avia
tion. "There is an Immense future for
aircrart as aids to the world's pros
perity, but what I call the tourist
Idea of 'round the world In forty
hours' leads nowhere and means
"In the course of time bigger ma
chines will be built with more pow
erful engines to direct them, but I
can see no immediate proepect of
turning out airplanes ihat will carry
as many passengers as ocean liners.
We must continue to beware of hot
air in airplane prophecies
Foreman Is Killed When
. Leland Tunnel Caves hi
E. N. PetUCforeman of a gang
working in1 tunnel 9 near LelanL
Josephine county, -was buried and
InstanUy killed by a cave-la or rock.
i. .1 . ii , . .
luiuios 10 au vices receivea
by the public service com I 1 on from
the Southern Pacific company.
Frank Chenowltn. was seriously In
jured.' Traffic was delayed five
iiuii r
Fr uit Growers' Attention-
Come in and let u ,ohe your hauling problem. What Trailer, are doing for other, they will, do for yon.
Hauling Capacity
covering every business
or farm requirement
Two and four wheel
f -,-- II II I
-t . . 1 - .. .' 1
v.' H
800 to 2000 lbs.
Solid or pneumatic
Fitted with the celebrated
Tmken Roller, Bearings 'J
Have ju,t finished unloading a car of Two Wheel Trailers. Make your selection while the stock b complete
Trailers make cars pay
"What better investment
can you makef
Trailcrize iTeans to Econ
omizer Miami Trailers Matft it
Possible. , " -.
Highway Traaeri, Trailer Truck,, Miami Tra3er, and SorHen Two-Bed Camping Trailer,.
5 Hl lor Oregon, rrasnington and Idaho.
I " V