7 GlasWd(D I r e c t r y The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them n i Bay Sell and Exchange all Kinds SECOND HAND GOODS MEN'S CLOTH IX, KIIOKS. B1CY- clks. too us, etc. CAPITAL EXCHANGE Phone -UK 237 Court St NORWICH UNION FIRE INSIHANCK SOCIETY W. II. lturgluu-dt, Jr.; Resident Agent 3X5 State St. MONEY TO LOAN OW IMI'ROVEO FARM AI1 CITV PBOPKRTV AT I.OWKST RATKS ,TH0S. K. FORD CLASSIFIED ADVEItTlSMEJSTS J Rate Per Ward fFlrst Insertion .............. lc c 3c !c 8c Subsequent Insertions . . One week (aix insertions) . .. One month .................. Hix months contract per' mo. llmonths contract, per mo... 7c No account opened for less than 25c A neat card Riven free with an advertisement to the extent of 60c announcing "For ; Sale." "For HenC "Rooms" or "Hoard." SEW TODAY Each new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today" for first insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under its proper class f icatlon. . v No advertisement will be run under "New Today" for more than one Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean cotton rags. Apply at Statesman Press Room. Phone 23. WOOD FOR SALE IN THE TIMBER or will deliver in town. Phone tzz or 254. WANTED AT . ONCE A MARRIED man to live on farm and haul wood . and do other work. Steady Job. Phone 822 or 254. LOST-THURSDAY AFTERNOON either at Meyers or Shipleys or on street between those stores, a gold drop ear rfcig set with pearL Finder please phone 1632. 80 ACRES IN POLK COUNTY 50 acres in cultivation, good set build ings, all fenced, fine water system, family orchard, to exchange for smaller place, or part In city property. See Perrine Ac Masters, 402 Hubbard , Bldg, phone 107. LOST A PACKAGE ON STATE street near the- Gray-Belle, Thurs day afternoon. containing lady's hosiery. Finder please phone 377-M. PEOPLES COMPANY. THE OREGON Fire Relief Association of McMinn- . villa wrote 30 per cent more Insur ance' during the first five months ef the present year, than during the same months of any other year of tts entire history. There's a reason for the ever increasing popularity or this reliable old Home Company. The O. F. R. A. Is and always has ', been conducted in the Interest of the people of Oregon, and that Is Jhe rea son we issue god dependable fire Insurance for less money. in.. a rail and he convinced. 7 II. A. Johnson Insurance Agency. 1 3 and 2 Bush Bank Bldg, Salem, phone - 347. EMPLOYMENT FKMALB ViNTrH -COMPETENT WOMAN FOR ' general house work. Phone 1142-M. WOMEf WANTED FULL TIME SAL ary f 24 selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer 0c an hour spare time. Big business. Experience unnecessary. Guaranteed Mills. Norrlstown. I'a. TELEPHONE OPERATORS We request the services of a few young ladies $8 a week paid begin ners with extra pay for Sunday and holiday work. Regular and frequent increases. Apply Chief Operator. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. MALE WANTED BOY TO CARRY 8TATES man. Apply In person. - WANTED AT ONCE A. MARRIED man to live on farm and baul wood. Phone C22 or 251. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION with small Ford delivery. Address 248 D street. L. E. Johnson.; HIGH 8CHOOL BOY WANTS i WORK on farm for summer, experienced. Phone 2224 or 485. OTOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS T stationary engineer. Familiar with JT steam engines and pumps. Cjn i Turn ' Ish references. Address "II 7 care Statesman. WANTED IATMBER FILERS. HAND LRUS AND CAR LOADERS. SIMJUCK. CjniNO WAGES. CrKn RAIIDING HOUSE AND lCATION. WESTKRN l.ivp iviiVTV APPLY WKST- l.AKE LUMBER CO, WEST LAKE. ORE. ; WANTKD MECHANICS IN ALL branches of the metal trades for emergency war work. Good wages, Rood workinic and best climatic .n dtttons." Astoria Marine Iron Works, Afitrois,!: Oregon. OLD LINl HEALTH AND ACCIDENT Insurant romnanv wants csnable ac tive district manacer in the Salem. terrifory. Splendid opportunity for the right man in make some mighty good money. National Casualty Co.. lroit. Mirhlcan. - misct:llaheou WANTED KF.vi.-ff i t. MOTIK I.OGAN berrv pirkers. Clean, well-kept yard. gooq picking. Roy V. Ohmart. LnriANKEiJiir ficifKita WANTED 30 acres, 2 miles cast of Brooks good. camp grounds, wood and water, we more yoti nut to yard and back to : town, picklnc wll laft a!wut five weeks. Mantis Bros. Salem. Ore, Phone 717. W 'TED LOGANBERRY PICK ERS necessary rnnvenienrea. End of tb Commerral csrline. M. JTwrd. route 3, box 111, phone GVMENT NEEDS 29.000 CLERKS -.aamtnatlons everywhere In June. Jl,jZrxKnV unnecessary. M-n and TwrlTe "r Rovernment positions Leiaj particulars to -4. amln-rt ,V rn"r Civil Service Kx Q, 9 K" B'JK Washing MISCKLIa 7TROTJ9J 5 I MAg AND FEMAE HELP WANTED -W have an opening In Tour town ror a newspaper aaleaman.- Tou could make a Rood salary with our proposition. Address "H 47" States man office. . v , f BERRY PICKEIeS WANTED LA RG- j.iu ,a inf vat iey. uooa camp. ing. Rood water, provisions on the ground. We move you out to yard and back to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Rerister now, we pay 1 cent with cent bonus per pound. 1 . Roberts. It. F. I. No. 7, Phone 41K24. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE JBl'SlNKSS OPPORTUNITIES HOTEL. AT N K WIS )UT LEASE AND furnishings Tor sale, 14 beds, restau rant and bakery fittings, good loca tion.. Season Just opening, for price and 'further details address Mrs. At. E. Parker. Newport. Oreson. MISCELLANEOUS. MAY KOH SALE- M lST BE TAKEN out of field at once. Signed, Stale r air ltuara. FOR SALE SOUTHERN PACIFIC OLD station buildinr. Salem. See Inspect or at new station. IF TOU WANT TO GET THK BES : i arm paper, sena 10c to n Pacific Homestead, 8alem. Ore Ron. for a trial suDscrtptton alentton this ad. FOR; SALE 1917 MAXWELL. FIVE paasenRer ear . fiood as new. 4 new tires. 855 South Liberty. Phone 145. FOR SALE PLATER PIANO. THIS is not a tin pan. but a high grade instrument. Party leaving city and will sell at bargain for cash. 855 South Liberty. FOR RALE CHEAP-4- GREV HORSES. llatt pounds each, wagon, harness, plow and other tools. Valley Motor Co, State and Front streets. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY. JUNE 15.1918. 10:0ft a. m. 14 head cattle, part registered ' -Jerseys from the breeding of Ross jMelsen and Clark Hembree, same grade jersey and beef cattle. 3 horses, span Percheron mares, 1 gelding, complete farm ma- ; chinery and harness on my farm 2'i miles north from Monmouth. Oregon. Chas. O'Brien. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN GIRI.H This true story o wes'ern immi gration has been car oily revise!, making s handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the' escape of Lorenso, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indiajna five .years later. The price Is cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Ba lm. Orrnn. POULTRY IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published, send 10 cents to ' the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WOOD. WOOD FOR SALE OAK GRUB AND Fir. Locatel 3 miles northwest of Marion. Oregon. Address C. M. Smith, - Jefferson. Oigon. FOR RENT rARM FOR RENT Wl'-LL EQUIPPED DAIRY ranch with II cows on coast place, where grass Is green year around. This place in making Rood money and if interested better come at once or write E. G. Calkin. Otis. Oregon. HOUSES FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Strictly modern Address box 373. Salem. FOR RENT MODERN 9 ROOM HOUSE with garage, J 14 per month, phone 935. FOR RENT $13.80 SIX ROOM MOD ern house on pavtd street at 19W South High street. B. A. Rboten. 1141-J. any time welc daya ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with us of bath. In modern house. Address A. B, care Sta terms. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER beat, modern conreniences, also In side rooms. Close to State Housa. 1030 Cbemeketa. Phone 1280. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: fit Nent modern bungalow 8 rooms at 70 North 20th street. Form erly rented for 313. Call at States man business on ice or pnone . $18 Modern 9 room bouse on Cottage street, close in. Formerly rented for $2. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 3. 122.50 Furnished flat, modern, at 884 1 Ferry St. Possession to be had June 15. Also, a furnished bungalow for 20. possession June 17. Phone 23 or call Statesman business office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED CULTIVATING TO DO. Phone 1360. WANTED THREE DOZEN' BARRED Rock pullets. April naicn. " street. WANTED ONE OR TWO IlOlbfc- keeping rooms in toni ..-. ... K. Oaken, box 285. city. wiVTKrwiSED FUNITURE. PORT- land man wanta va m w -""'-' of used furniture to ship to Portland. Will pay highest cash price. If you have anything In this line phone 593 and ask for Sam. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOl'. good clean rags. Pressroom States man. MOEY TO LOAN MoVEYTOIAN ON REAL ESTATE II. M. Hawkins. 314 Masonic building. Salem. FEDERAL FARM LOAXS Farmers desiring Federal fundsv for fall and winter uses should file their applications lmmedlatel. A. -ltohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. Sa lem. Oregon. PERSONAL rt-tiTllFMAN'-SI YEARS OF AGE GlriII. IVL -alarv would like t : correspond", rf ined mMdle aged lady! Address Box 1ST. Sr.lem. or. NKW YORK MAKKKTS. i NEW YORK. Jpne 13. Prnnes, quiet fe nanTBBBBBBBasTM AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICB SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE C1TT AND country trips. Phone Day. t: night. S59. GATES HATjr-SOLB TIItK 8ERVIC Station 171. South Commercial eu phone 42s. Q U AC KEN BUS H AUTO B1TPPLT AND Vulcanising. 31 North Commercial street. Phone 86. WATT 8HIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes fee up. Service car. Phone 3(1. 128 South Commercial . street. BRACK ETT Q RAT -TUBES VUL canlsed. lie. Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phone 148S. J7 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL OK.VTISTS DR. F. U UTTER, DENTIST ROOMS 412-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER - Ptione 1383. OF PIANO. PHVS1C1ANS DR. I O. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence S?4) North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TO KM AH MEETS EVERT WEDNE8DAT EVEN ' ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at o'clock. All visiting member wel come. Horace Sykea. Foreman. W. H- Prunlc Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. tI4i, meets every Thursday evening at S o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. K. F. Day. V. C; J. A. Wright, clrek. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COU W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER . Farm sales a specialty. Turner. Ore- eon. ' All TO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER ed any place, city or country. Phone C4 or 20S1-R. W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS SEND THE BOYS IN EARLY TODAY end they will Ret the best hair trim ever had. In grey's Barber Shop. 311 State street. ch i itorn a cme DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE jOF P. 8. C Chlropractics fountain bead. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 4 00.7-8, U. a N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Bealdenee 813-R. PRATS AND EXPttESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFeA COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and best equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses In connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 1(1 South Commer cial str CHISK5H rnYBiciait. DR. I, M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 1S3 & Hlrh Phone ! - ' " DRY CVRAHINO AND CTIESSINO JAPANESE PRESSINO PARLORS F. & Watanabe. Prop, 434 pi. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. 11.28 and 8L78. Work called for and delivered freo. Telephone Mainltl. ISSUnANCB INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAIN st fire, theft and accident. A. C l'.ohrnstedt. Agent. 401 Masonic Tem ple. Salem, (trt-ron. JUNK JUNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let as make you a price on your household srooda Tne square umt Mouse Capital Junk Co, 371 Chemekata StreeC Phone lis. AIR RKSOYCD -CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Par lor a, 328 Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and. careful work. Dry wash 6c per pound. 138 South Lib erty street, t-hvne 38. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing, done at a rate every body can afford. For only 80 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY "REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile reparrtng. oxy acetylence welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop.. 283 Chemeketa St, 8a 1m - OSTEOPATH a DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Klrks- ville. Mo.: treats acute and chronle disease. Office 401-408 U. d. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone 918. Rest dence 419 Ncrth Summer. Phone 614. DBS WHITE A WALTON. OSTEO- ntthic ohvslcans and surgeons Graduates of the American Schools of osteopathy. Kirksville. Mo. I'ost graduate and specialised la nervous diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic dlaeasea Offices 803-6-7-8. II. S. National Pnk Bldg. Phone 859. Residence, ic Court streeL Phone 2218. Dr. White, residence phone 489. SECOND HAND tiOODl we HtiY and SELL second HANDL. liberal volume tended also to give rrrTl vrwa r.vi.u. la( rsanavV I i RPAe.(irA f rotn rotnmlM-i- chalna T llfil sw was ass va v e esavw - -"-.w mm w- Blreet ATORAUB AND TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE- hortl goods speciauics; storage paca- ing, shipping ana moving norse and euio vana; irti.i "s to all points. u. v nca; irnicr Ktotage Co. 2nd and Pine streets, Portland. Oregon. Droadway . A 1?J tnrDKRTAKKRI WEBB A CLOUOH X B. WEBB. A. XL Clough. funeral directors Latest! modern methods known to the pre-' fesalon. 4)7 Court street. a I TRASirilk riACUkU AUTO TRUCK HER VICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household moving Jobs done prompt ly. Try me ooca. Tim ma 478 Btate 8. Phone 888. Keeldeaee pht 11JJ-J MALL rii'tM. A1A1 GLENN L ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC eoratlng. palming, tinting, paper hanging, etc Work done by cob tract or day; good workman. Location 1988 Center Su Phone tS-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wail Paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 17 Com mercial Bt, 1 SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Oood workmen. 4H Cnnri Wt Phow 4I&. " " WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 301 a Commereial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter wster foe irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will pleaae read "for building purposes" under schedule of ratea Apply at office for copy. WOYRV WIRE rgHCINQ Depet sTatteMl AaserWnn Feaw. all eiaee, M lav t M law hla-k. Pt"t, Oils m4 Varmlsal twvee ReheUlt a4 Repaired legaakerry mmt Hew H4va. ... J1"" Feskee Stere Werka. SS4 Oert It rM 1S4 r. a. rExurtv I SALEM filARKETS nmxo prick. I rTjcgs and rxmltrr. Eggs, 35c Hroi(prs. 20c to 22c. Hensc, 18c to 20c. Old roosters. 13c to 15c. Pork, .Mutton and Reef. Pork on foot, 15c to 16c Ewes, 5c to 7c. Veal, dressed, 14c to 15c. Spring lamb, 12c to 14c. Beef steers. 7 to 9c; cows. 4 to 8c. Hay. Cheat, per ton. $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat, $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, 0c. Beans, 7c. " Mill fVeK Retail. Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton. $38. NVIIOLF-SALr: TO DKALEIW. Country butter. 45c. Creamery butter. 45c, v Bntterfat, f. o. b. aSlem, 42c. Shad. 15c. Salmon Trout. 30c. KM Cod. 11c. Salmon. Chinook, 25c Halibut, 25c Codfish, 15c. Fruit. Oranges, $R.00. Strawberries. $2.00 to $2.25. Tomatoos (crate) $2.25 to $2.50 Grapc Fruit. $4.50 to $7.75. Lemons. $9.50 to $11.00. Bananas, 8c lb. Vegetables. New Potatoes, 4c. Peas. 10 He Cabbage, 3c to 3c Lettnce (crate). $3.00. Onions (crate). $1.X5. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 50c. Eggs 40c. Flour bard. wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley, $2.5 Oto $2.60. Sugar, can and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25. 1 I PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy Prodnce. PORTLAND. Jnne IS. nutter Prints, extras. 44W45c; cubes, ex rma. 4l4c; prime firsts, 40c; dairy, 32 c. Rutterfat Portland delivery: No. 1 sour cream, 43c. Potatoes. Selling price. $161.25; new Cali fornia's swa3.. firalna. inn riollverr Rids: Oats. No. 2 white. $59; barley, standard feed. $42.50; 30-day oats No. 2. $". Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Oat". v 5 white. i53: 2K-tKund clipped. $54; corn. No. 3 yellow. $60; No. 3 mixed. $58; oats. No. 3 $53; clip ped, $54; corn yellow, $60; mixed. GOOD VEATHER FAVORS BEARS Sharp Bulges Occur in Last Half of Session Impet us Given Selling. CHICAGO., .limo 13. rdeal weath or for the proving crop- favored the i..ar tndav In the corn market pite some sharp bulges In tho last half of the session the market cionca hnaw 1 to l"?c nt lower, with Jnlv 11. 43071. 43 and August Th fact that. receipts worf still Koar nrouurn from COUimiSM hnnsos the market averaped d'!'. Hlv lower In the first two hour, but then made an opward'shoot. the effect of which was not exhausted ntti near the finish of the day . . to be " ' '. 'V ir,..tnt cntrllJ responaiuiv mi ."" -,iT-nc- Ab5ence of demand from exporj- REAL ESTATE TO TRADE HOUSE AND LOT FOR automobile. 332 Water street. WANTED THE BEST HOUSE IN 8A lem that S20U cash will buy. C W. Niemeyer. 64 4 State street t Opposite the Court House. WANTED TO SECURE $1104) LOAN on larm security. See me at once. Socolofsky. 311 State street. . FOR BALE LEASE, WITH FARM machinery and stock furnished. Socolofaky. 341 State street- FOR RENT FIVE ACRE TRACT with fully modern bouse, two blocks from carline. 220. C. W. Niemeyer. S4 4 State street. FOR SALE BY OWNER NEW EIGHT room house, strictly modern In every respecL Three blocks from post office. Furnished if desired. Terms can be arranged. I 'hone 88. WANTED SMALL ACREAGE AS first payment on choice It acre fully equipped stock farm. lt acres In crop. 39 head of good cat tle. 8 horsca and colts, full range of Implements and machinery. 8190 an acre the lot. Carries mortgage of $1500. C. W. Niemeyer. 844 State St, DO NT YOU KNOW THAT IF TOU wlah to buy. sell, or exchange any kind of realty you should go right into an office of the Oregon Realty Exchange Investment Co. Inc? Whv Because they put the buyer, seller, and exchanger of realty together. ana cnarge no commission. Salem, office, Breyman Bldg. ( A SEVEN ROOMED RESIDENCE IS offered by my client for $1.80. $! cash, at cost 83.S six years agn. This Is a forced sale, and is a great bargain. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard mag. A GOOD AND WELL IMPROVED rarm or 10 acres with small mort gage for aale with 8 acres of creps. stock and Implements complete. Will consider some trade in part and give terms. See Wm. Fleming. 341 Slate street. FOR SALE OR RENT I HAVE TWO. one five end one six room houses for rent, also three fine lots for sale. Also a six room strictly modern new house good location and fine lot all at bedrock prices. Investigate this. G. W. Laflar. 40C Hubbard Building. A OOOD Bir"- 5xl FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street. Salera. together wt perpetual right of way over the 14x4 feet tract extending from this property to State street Terms Apply 8ytt Bosorth. 701-3 Spaulding siag, I'oruena, oragon. FARM LASD BARGAINS 29C acres of which 290 are subject to Irrigation. Includes eight acres of prunes. 8 acres of apples and two acres of peara Situated In splendid community. Worth 820.000. price 817800. A. C Iiohrnstedt. 401 Ma sonic Temple, bale on. Oregon. WE HAVE FIRST MORTGAGE PAPER for $8000. and city property to trade lor rarm up to si .. Fifteen acres. 4 ml las from Salem, 10 acres in cultivation, small im provements, all fine land to exchange for unincumbered city property. Ier rine 4k Masters. 402 Hubbard Bldg, phone 907. 83 ACRES. MILES FROM TOWN. 37 cultivated, fair Improvements, on macadamised road.8S2&0. Slxtr acres. 19 acres In prune, fair Improvement. 1 mile from town, all cultivated 87800. 33 acres good Improvements. H mile from town. Income last year .. price $10 per acre. 240 acres. 2ft cultivated. 40 timber pasture. 3 miles from town. $23,000. 700 acres. Soft cultivated, fair Improvements, will exchange for Minnesota or Da kota. 320.000 Portland rooming house for ranch, will asaume. Socolofsky, 341 State street. A OOOD 180 CANADA IMPROVED land for a medium sized Salem resi dence with good yard. A good five arrea of pruoes with full crop, little cash and long time, low rate, of In tcrest. owner can't tske care of It. close in can handle and live la town A good bungalow property, homelike equity for auto or vacant lot and a little cash down. For good square trades, see Wm. Fleming. 311 Stat street, room 7. Snaps 30 ACRES GOOD LAND. NEW house. rooms plastered, hot and cold water and-bath, aome orchard and berries, must sell. $2300. one third cash, terms to suit on balance 8 1-3 acres close to Silverton. good land, new house, on hard surface road running water piped to house and ysrd. good outbuildings and crop in. flOie. take Ford part pay. F. L Wood. Bayne Bldg. FOR SALE 5 ACRE TRACT ALL CVL- tivated. New 6 room plastered houae. good barn, chicken house, well. Ma cadam road, price 3II&0. ISH acres of land. 1 acre In cultivation, balance timber and pasture, fin spring, cl.tave to railroad station. 4Vs miles from Salem, price $1050. Seven room strict modern house, paved street, price S2I90. 100 acre farm. 40 acres cul tivated. balance timber and pasture, runnng water, housa and barn, price so per acre. w. if. urahenhorst a. Co, 275 State street. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acres clear; about 80 acres la stump pasture: balance In choln. piling timber and oak grubs Timber alone worth $10,000. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing or 20 cows and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water pipes from fine spring- to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. 6 per cent Interest. Address L. owner, care The Statesman- ers did much to pull down the value of oats. Provisions reflected tho general weakness of grain and hogs. U. S. STEEL HAS HEAVY CLOSING NEW YORK. Jtine 13. Dealings were light on the Mock exrhane to day until th final hour when a firltel. inquiry for United States Steel and some of the more specu lative issues effected an active and strong close. Money rates were undisturbed by heavy transfers of cash to meet In come tax payments but the snpplr of time funds were exceedingly lim ited . 1 TUN THAT NEVER HAPPEN f Copyright. : ffOT PUT -Yt-vose saoo I IV &L K 9 M I e-JOT rl . rV cow CNTSL I S" Z c,y AMCAO rM p CAKC OR ILL alVE YJVraSS OC ,P A 4(000 TMKA54-UH6 -j TtlAiHCO DAM 1 -y 1 WILL ( CAT ICC CZXf The demand for United States Steel ;whlch made a net rain of three points. Infused strength to the entire Kst towards the close, rails and shippings alone holding back. Tobaccos were also extremely vari able. Sales amounted to 600.000 Bargain Day ROSTEIM & GREENBAUM i Saturday, MILLINERY AH poo! at 20 per rrnt discount, c the purrhaj lare or small. Our pre have always Isren the lowest, anil now 20, per cent discount, is a gift of a dollar off on a five dollar J sale for thi day only. Childmrs Union Suits 25c Ladies Union Suits 39c Children's , Hlue and White Striped 1Mb Overalls sizes 3, 4 and 5 35c Ladies Fine Liale Nu-Sleeve Vests old price 50c " Bargain Day 25c Ladiei Long Silk Cloves Colors Values ti $1.50 Ilargain Day 50c Nice Crepe Kimonas pretty colors our regular $1.65 liar gain Day . . $L25 Children's Muslin Shirts sizes 2 to 10 Dargain Day 15c and 10c Children's Mulin Night Gowns 50c ones for 25c 75c ones for 39c 1.00 ones for 50 LOTS OF BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE ST0ES : : : 240-246 North Carter's little liver Pills You Cannot be Ot A Remedy That Constipated and Happy . smnrni SsmS Deee r S IIIIVrlH I r r iii m ii i AflilZZZ iOARTER'S IRON PILLS ' tnsny cokdeo faces bat ss shares. Liberty issues and the general bond list were Irrerilar. Total sales, par value, agsrecated $ 4. (75.000. Old United Stales bonds were en chanced on calL June 1 5j? DEPARTMENT Children's Vests and Pants 15c : 3 Children's UuioiiSuits olds and end . 50c and 7.x, goods Ilargaiu Day 35c Iaadies Waists 'slightly soiled tL50 goods Ilargain Day 25c Ladies Muni in Underwear Odd IxjU Kegular 75c to 1.25, now 45e Commercial Street Makes Life Worth Living wtl greatly help most pals faceai ssopas J a ft ICttTE&f iCHTJJX i