RigoWs Funeral Parlors t if;- I ! -K ; - . mi f -Hi i im lanji in i mMtmmiL,- J . The Home of Square Dealing. Beautifully Appointed Frivate driveway. Superior, service. .Lowest in cost. furnishing, tluveii and range?. t J? li,t;W"i flito..XttY 'ftc.' Wide Range of Bargain! (Continued from page 1) f Itoth Grocery Co., fancy and staple jrroceries. and The French Shop, millinery millinery supplier. Imiierial Funiture ., funitures, stoves, house furnishings, etc. II. L. Stiff & Son, funiture, pUnos, talking machines. lliiren'M Funiture SCore, funiture. carpets, etc. O. J. s hel. nun's furnishing, clot hlnjr, shoes. ' I. K. Fnllcrton, millinery and la dies Phoes. . Uk V. Will, the pioneer music house of Salem. . W. - JohoMtn Co., men's clothing, hats, sLes, etc. A. J.' Paris shoes; shoe supplies, shoe- repairing. . Ciale ., ifeneral merchandise. II. miser Brothers' porting goods, guns. ammunition, etc. The Sa, candies, ice cream, light lunches. The Jry IJelle, candies. Ice cream, light lunchesli" ,: The iHtch .Woolen Mills made to meamre suits and oTercoats. Saiiijwon (ikleoit. notions, dry goods, kitchen ware. Watt Shit Co., sporting goods, tires, etc. . Illicit Theatre, motion pictures and Taudeville. Ye Uberty, motion pictures. llrewer lrug Co.. drues, station- and photoplay Ladios furntsh The Store of rej;n Thent re, vaudev iIhoiiSe. . I", .. hiphy Co., Injts. " Wm. . 'alilsdnrf , Hon'Sewares. FIU rity-Setlrm I.nmher Co., lumber, builders r.arrrrr paints, oils, "eTerything: In hnilding mater ial." Myrtle Knculaml, Sonora phono graphs And. music. Xeelleeiaft Sfn, . Embroidery, NfMilfwork, etc. Helpful Hints on Banking f A LOST PASSBOOK "lllHEN a Savings depositor loses his Pass x y book he is then without a record of his deposits and withdrawals, which is very im portant Immediately notify the bank in such an event and in addition to taking steps for the protection of the depositor should anyone else try to use the Passbook, it will issue him a hew one. r ' The Saving Account' depositors at the United States National Bank num ber well over 2,000. Mt,i,Tira, MtedStates OreorU J $10lDown and $2.00 a week buys A BICYCLE Lloyd EL Ramsden 221 S. High St Salem V'' , &c3. -. - ,- ,. ' -i - fc J- . . Hotel . SEWARD t ; ......- i , Alder mt 10th Street POUTLAXD, OREGON ' The most homelike hotel In Port land.' All Oregon Electric trains ttop at the SEWARD. 5 IUte $1 and sp. With prlr&te' : bath $10 and up. " . W. M. Seward, lfjuiacer. Clear Lake CLEAR LAKE . . .Danlelas-?;N'1ir;o A-rerort of work of the Clear. Lake Red Cross auxiliary for the year from January C, 1!17 to May 23. 191S. shows the follewfn? articles have' been conudeted: . -Flfty-sJx pairs bed socks, ?, 13 triangular bandages, 42 pair operating legging. GO abdomin al bandages. 2H handkerchiefs, 6 hot er bajt coTers. 45 pajama suits, C knitted wash cloths, 1 knit ted ouUt. The snni of $l.r,l was trned into headquarters for cash membership fees, 10 was realized from an Ire cream social. Clear Lake league do nated $5 and $100 was realized from a Red Cross entertainment DurlnjE L6V year fifty-four and one half yards of muslin and fire skeins of yarn, besides buttons and thread hare been donated by members of the auxiliary. Mch credit Is jrlven the officers for the successful year and the auxiliary has retained them for -th ensuing year. They are: President. Mrs. A. M. Anderson; sec retary. Miss Z. Painter; treasurer, Mrs. Charlie Beckner; cutter, Mrs. Nolan. : . LOCAL PLANTS GOING STRONG Salem Kiilgs Has Time for Some Other Things Than . Government Orders U01UKll OF TEA. LONDON. April 2C. Tea is not a food within the meaning of the Brit ish food controller's order against hoarding, according to a decision handed down by ' the King's bench dlrision of the high court of Justice. The ca3e under review was that of a woman-woh had been fined $230 for accumulating 122 pounds of Eng land's favorite beverage. The con troller's anti-hoarding order reads: "For the purpose of! this order the expression "artirle of food shall In clude eveirr article which is used for food ly man. or which ordinartly en ter Into, the composition or prepar ation of huruan food.'." The- court said: "Unles tea could be got-wtthiw-rlie wwtd 'food' it could not come withio4he prohibition. The SppeTladf acquired Tlry tea leaves. No body eats tea leaves. So that what she ate was something different from what she boeht.xIt she had acquir ed a drink. there would have been ho prosecntlon. It would te straining the order to say tbt tfie word 'food includes tea leaTes." I Salem's Industrial plants have all been up to normal duilng the past week, with prosp-eta for jTeatly In creased activity next Week. The Sa lem Kings dehydrating plant has shipped out two Cars of prod net U tir ing the weekv Somejrtiiall consign ments of spinach . haYleen receiv ed, but nol enough to interfere with progress on the big government con tiact. which will probably be com pleted within the next thirty days. The company Is not placing any fur ther contracts for potatoes, having euough on hand to finish up the con tract for 600 tons of the finish! product. Both the Hunt Bros, cannery and the Oregon Packing company plant have been using limited forces on gooseberries during the past week, the latter plant using about seven tons of fruit a day. Both plants made a start on the cannipg of strawberries yesterday, which are coming very. slowly thus far. Next week it Is expected that the consignments will be coming in Cast enough to employ a full force of workers and all tjie equipment. Cards have been mailed out to all those who have registered request ting them to report Tuesday for work. Probably there will be em ployment for every unattached wo man and girl in the city, next week, with the plants In full operation in addition to the Loja and Pbez bottl ing works. . Children of Leslie Church Give Programs This Week terflies: Gipsy girls are we. solo Gipsy girls the wood-nymphs, solo, wood-nymphs: lost In the woods, so lo, lost girl; the lullaby, solo, dream land fairies; Brownies we, solo, the Brownie . band; . flower song,, solo, flower girls;.! am a princess, solo. fairy princess: the owls' song, solo. INVINCIBIT-TRIUMPHANT- MAGNIFICENT CHAMPION RIDERS, ACROBATS vd AERIALISTS "COLOSSUS" SPECTACULAR EXTRAVAGANZA ALIVf ISNT "GORILLA" TieWarTiri HilfHaa :7v?.;.';!S'-..,v4 ; mm- 'V fry A juvenile cantata. "The Brown ie Band." will be given by the chil dren of Leslie Methodist church on Monday and Tuesday nights, Jnne 10 and 11. No admission will be charged, but a silver offering will be taken for the benefit of thee hil dren's fund The public Is invited to attend, the program begining at 8:20 o'clock etch night. The pro gram follows: Introduction, Instrumental, piano; opening chorus, chorus, ensemble; the Brownies at play, march, the Brownies; to the woods away, chor- ii a nctmh1- tYiA fiativ tifrrfa Kllo. Jennie; sweet hutterflles, duet, Tut-r,nJ'' 0,' Iie king and princes; "BIRTH of the RAINBOW" INCLUDING 10 0 MACNXTICENTLT COSTUMED PRETTY GIRLS , THE CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL 20 . PERFORMING ELEPHANTS MILLION DOLLAR , MENAGERIE -.TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY AJUfMM . ..2:1S Nljkt I.'.-.. 9:1 Den Op Om Um tmrUmf MONSTER STREET PARADE AT 11 A. hi SALEM-DHE DAY ONLY THURSDAY, JUNE 13 two owls; little wee-wces, solo, the wee-wees; ' L'm a Brownie, solo. Brownie Dude; the fairy's lullaby, solo, fairy queen; the .Brownie's charm, solo, queen of forest; the The CuLbs have given evIJcnc that they anmuch strcner than fx dom predicted. - More than one Ji ' Hgured that the Mitchell crew wouM blow the minute Alexander left th team. In the rirst.Red fiox-White Fox series of the reason IPtcher Joe Borfc Third base seems to be the weak 01 lD Iurrow oaUH downed U.s spot in the White Sox infield,, and pvhite Sox tw1tf. Joe not only held me raampions Ftxe au Lne way,, dui In each game he made the cllnchlci hJL exception of the auxUiary committe?. Manager Rowland is having consid erable trouble In finding a capable guardian of the hot corner. Z 2 I i 1 ! 11 Mr fj 1 I I i I Your Credit -" ' Is Good ' - :" " ;- Till II IT D - Mr EOPLE OF THE JUNE 10, 11,12, 13;V14, 15, INCLUSIVE Factory Demphstration Week WORTHWEST -..---'' . - - ni ii HI 1 . Make Your Own Terms Empress Ueiveraf .GoiilbiEaitioE ge Three Ranges in One We will place this range in your home" v on 30 DaysTrial I 1 A factory-, expert will be here during this week to demonstrate this troly I I wonderful three-fuel range. " x It saves labor it saves fuel. -It makes cooking, baking and roasting a real pleasure. 1 -r-It assures a warm kitchen in cold weather and a cool kitchen in warm weather. ;r Every Salem housewife who is interested in the conservation of food and fuel should call at1 our stove department during this demonstration. POCCLADpOR Urn I 1 uuncohTtouxo CO. AACMOOO H pan r,ri ni avw I !) J WT lii!...i..li.i.m;..4....ii!. ; T l- A A lmsrfa.i Burn gas, coal or wood-nb ioarts to change-it. adjusts itself to ' gas, wood or coal DAM r UK CbiP PA14 WtOt 0 SHALLOW - fWC bO i r I n DC op 3ft r staottp rcw r. I BSS V UN1X.I) GRAILS UCAST0NBOOV Li.: vcfKTUusCA'tCnciii C xfitiBLt w not 3 PUV - 5CTS IN 40 tNCrl f fCC -This three-fuel wonder range is the most compact (sets in a 40-inch space), most simple, most practical and most efficient range made ! Burns coal, wood or gas at the same time or individually!. no parts to change, nothing to remove. " . Turn on the gas and the oven equipment automatically adjusts itself for gas. " - s-. Turn off the gas and the oven equip ment . automatically adjusts itself for wood or coal. . Self starter for gas no matches. Self starter for coal and wood no kindling. . 1 X A 11-PIECE PYEEX COOKINa SET WILL BE GIVEN WITH EVERY UNIVERSAL COMBINATION RANGE SOLD DURINO DEMONSTRATION WEEK. V :' ' - ' .'-';"."; ' r A complete set of this PYEEX GLASS COOKTNG WARE, as shown'j here will be given with each Range sold during 'this' week." The handsomesfl and " ' jn6st sanitary cooking ware made, an d a set that any woman will be 'proud to own and use. A premium well worthy the companionship of the Range with which it will be given. p , In three finishes: Blue Porcelain, Black Porcelain and Plain Black, fully nickel-trimmed. 1 Our liberal credit will make it easy very easy for you to get . one of these great ranges ! . N , E. L STIEF L& SON 446 Court St., Salemj Oregon Phone 941 Your oW stove range or heater tak en as part payment on the purchase of a new one "make your own terms" If you hare an aeconnt hero your pnrrhaBes will Ixs added without additional payment. We aar to you; it Is very eay. Inded. for. you to furnlh your home on our well known, liberal. dlKBlfied credit terms.Let ns know your home furnishing need and we -will arranre onr widely-asel credit aerrjre in a, wutntlly fair and rea!6nable way you know "YOUR CREDIT 13 SURELY COOD HERE!" Phone Us Just telephone 541. If you wUU to exchange "your, old ran re. stove or heater for an EMPRESS I'M VERSAU COM- HIXATION RANGE. One of our ran re sales men will call and be will jclre you Interesting' valuable lafor- niation. - v. i' u