The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 08, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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i -
?U UT1 Wbat OU want In Pla at thU
.tore., Pearl Necks. Pearl Illngs. Lavalliers, etc. We' have some
beauurui pieces in aneuieia silver
OREGON State street near
O. E. depot. Home of Artcratt
and Piramonnt pictures.
Edna Bennett featured in "The
Biggest on Earth."
LIBERTY L.I b ort y near
State street. High class reels.
The Fall of the Romanoffs.
featuring the czar's confidant.
; BLZGH State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special : films.
Hippodrome vaudeville.
SfrElroy's Jazz Rand Featuring
Dorr Gen sel, "ghost of the Saxo
phone," will give a dance at the
Wood burn armory Saturday night,
June 8.
For Rent
Well equipped dairy ranch with
13 cows on coast place, where grass
Is green year around. This place is
making good money and If interested
, better come at once or write E. G.
Calkins, Otis, Oregon. .
Logging Company File
V The Seattle-Portland Logging &
Milling company, capitalized at $100
000 and havong its main of fices in
Portland, filed articles of incorpora
tion at the office or Corporation Com
missloner H- J. Schulderman yester
day. The Incorporators are II. J.
Miller, Fred C- King and oJbn Van
Come, To The lied jCross Picnic , , ...
Sunday June ,9th, two, miles west
of Salem. Follow Independence road
and after crossing It." R. tntclncar
Kihgwood Park, follow first road to
right up hill to the grounds. Bring
your baskets and have a good time
and at the same time help the Red
Cross. ' Refreshments sold.
Polnal Not Condldaie
H. S. Polsal announces that he Is
not a candidate for school director
and has not filed ; a petition with
School Clerk Burghardt as "previously
published. Although he has been In
vited to be a candidate. Mr. Polsal
says he does not desire to be elected
to the position for! the reason that
he has given much time to the eRd
Cross and the Y. M. C. A. drives -and
expects to continue In patriotic work.
Judge Peetz, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Salem Velio Co., Phone 44
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
Phone 77
I Try our Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Checks for every
parcel handled.
Welch Electric Co.
220 N. Com.
Phone 953.
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
Nervous Diseases
SOt United States National Bank
Building, Salem, Oregon
Day phone
Night phone
Efficiency Speed !
We will pack, move or store
ynnr goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Rates on Eastern Shipments
our specialty.
Piano Moving and Out of Town
Trips. .
437 State Street.
2SSS5SSi3BfiH58 8M5ssaasSsSsi5sMainSi?,wi,MSM wimm !
for yohr selection for the Ju
E. N. rceta. has just returned from
inree years service with the marine
f?rpsA He niade several trips across
the Pacific, visiting Japan. China,
and other foreign countries, as well
as the Hawaiian islands. He will en
joy a thirty-day furlough before re
enlisting. Itandrurr
Miles Dandrufr Remedy guaran
teed by Ward's Drug store.
Sheriff Return With rs-imo..-
County Sheriff Needham returned
sterrfnv nnntin. , , I
yesieraay morning from his 1400-
miie trip to Ketchikan, Alaska. Mr.
Needham made the trip in the short
est possible time. The journey,
which is one of the most interesting
on the Pacific coast, was made with
out incident. He found climatic con
ditions about the same as in Oregon,
with the, exception that there is evi
dence of abundance of rain. Ketchi
kan, a town of several thousand in
habitants, appears to be busy and
with very much the atmosphere of
thrift and modernity as marks the
coast towns of the United States.
Dandruff Cti red
Miles Dandrufr Remedy guaran
teed by Ward's Drug store.
Mobilizing Y. M. V. A. WWkers
"Jim Palmer, of Portland, who Is
one of the livest men who has worked
on the French front, was in the city
yesterday "Interviewing and furnish
ing pointers to prospective Y. M. C.
A. field workers for the other side.
He found ten" men in Salem who are
"seriously considering the matter of
going Into the service. It is doubt
ful If any other city In Oregon can
make a better showing in this ret
spect than Salem.
Pbvyer Piano ' i
- I have a $750 Singer player plan
which I will sacrifice for $562.' It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone - wanting 'a high
grade instrument at a low price. E.
L. Stiff & Son. 446 Court St. "
A Woolly M la-Statement " ;
A recent article in the Oregonlau
with regard to the " wool' industry',
makes , the statement that all, wools
of this district must be turned over
to the mills of the valley for the use
Of the .government,, but it appears
that no Buch ruling has been received
from .Washington by local wool ship
pers. A carload of wool has recently
gone to the east from Salem, and
another, aggregating 75,000 pounds.
will be started Monday. ,
"Two In One", Shoe Polish 10c .
Shoe soles 25c to 7e pair; heels
10c and 15c pair; heel plates 5c pair;
shoe nails, tacks, strings, etc.
Shafer's Harness Store. 170 South
Commercial street.
Mammoth Public Auction Sale
At W. J. Turnldge farm June 18,
1 1-2 miles east of Buena Vista near
Talbot station, on Oregon Electric.
I will offer for sale over 80 head of
cattle of the Jersey, Holstein and
Durham grades, consisting of cows.
stock cattle and beef steers. 200
head of Angora goats, mostly nan
nies: 5 head of horses, some regis
tered Durock hogs. 2 farm wagons
and nfher farm ImnlpmpntS. Sale
. . v.u-. .... - .....
Woodry. auctioneer. W. J. Turn
ldge, owner. "
Special 10 Per Cent Off
This week only on an auto tires
In stock. ''Clark's Tire House." 313
N. Commercial. I save your rim-
cut tires.
Will supply your wants in all
kinds of wood.
16 inch Green Slabwood at
$3.00 per load. .
10 load lots at $2.75 per load.
Phone 520.
ufAiiTrn iiimu
WW All I wWllil
AH All Kl4a ( 9m4 Ha4
. Fll Market Prteea Salal
I'rleea mM fr Saeka
mmr ara hfr aril
271 W. Vmwm't tt. ( T34
I pay the highest tush price.
lWore you sell. Ret my prices.
also bay all kinds of second
uind furniture and junk.
The Square Deal House.
271 Cliemeketa St. Phone 308
M'ALLISTER At their home. 1433
South Liberty street. Salem. Ore
gon, on Friday. June 7. IS 18. to
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. McAllister,
a son, named Alan Finley.
i . ,
BARFIELD To Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Harfield In Salem, Thursday, June
6. 1918, at their home on South
Twenty-third street, a son.
The baby will be called Robert
Harding Hatfield. The mother was
Miss Bess Harding before her mar
riage. liatFt Prevent
Mm 11. II. Holes was very pleasant
ly surprised recently when a fit
piano was brought to her home, the
gift or her father and mother. Mr.
and Mrs. Peter teunt of Fruitland.
Player Piano i :: - "
1 have a $730 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an unusual bargain a rate oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade instrument at a low price. K.
L. Stiff & Son. 41C Curt St.
llishon llughe Owning
Announcement Is made that Hish
op Matt S. Hughes of the Methodist
church will be the speaker at the'
unveiling or a service flag at the
Scandinavian church South Fifteenth
and Mill streets, Sunday afternoon.
June 9. at 3 o'clock. Bishop Hughes
crs n the united States.
llig Dance ...
At Frank DoerHer's barn ror ben
efit McAlpin Knitting club. Saturday
night, June 8.
Called Into Service
. Archie Tuttle, for the past eleven
months connected with the local
branch of the Paciric Telephone and
Telegraph company, received orders
to leave last night for Fort Leaven
worth. Kansas, where he will enter
the army as a switchboard expert.
Mr. Tuttle plans to spend the week
end in Portland before boarding the
train for the east.
YIek Bro.
Scarcity of f labor compels ns ti
change our present system, and af
ter June 10 our Ford Service Station
will rlnnnt ID n m anil mimi at ft
m. We think this will accomms-
date nearly every one and will beaj
saving on laoor wnicn is neeaea mi
all lines.
Want Only New Pper
Orders 4ave been Issued by the
postoffice department that only cur
rent magazines are desired for
diers. Others not within a reason
ably recent period will not be taken
See The Erlipue Saturday
Br viewing It through . one of ear
screens especially made for the pur
pone. The Parker Studio.
Stamp Total Big .---..
. War Savings startfp sales slnce-De-
rember amount to $82,333.25 In Sa
lem alone, according to a' Yrort Jt
prepared by the local postofrice. This
Is up to June 1.' rt " - '
Irrigation for 1018
For the purpose of trying to- make
the Irrigation service more satisfac
tory the city will be divided tnte two
districts- so that each district will
get the full service of the plant upon
the day It Irrigates.
The plan Is to have the houses
which bear even numbers on the
streets Irrigate only on Monday,
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, and
the houses which bear odd numbers
on the streets Irrigate only on Tues-
riav. ThnrariBV- Saturday and Sunday
This plan will permit every house tol
trrieat four dava nut of each week. I
nany In fnrnlshlnr water for trriea-
tlon is not to furnish all the water a
person can run through the hose lnat the home or ner parents. Air. ana
th six Irrigation hours ever day. I Mrs. Harry Lucas on Court street.
hut tn fnrnixh rnnnrh wafer tn Voon
th lawn In condition. To nse morel
than enough Is a waste. We will
numn the usual amonnt of water and
hoDe to furnish it more satisfactorily,
Salem Water Light & Power Co.
. L . ,
At the Court Honse !
Notice of appeal was filed in the
case of F. It. Reynolds aagtnst Edith
M. Reynolds, In which defendant was
awarded judgment as the holder of
certain real property. Write of at
tachment Issued in the tase of C. F.l
Cook against R. L. Gainer, suit for
money. Order Issued appointing A.
M. Clough administrator of the es
tate of EH Warren, deceased. Mar
riage license Issue dto Thomas M.
Jones, of Lebanon, and Carrie K.
Palmer, of Stayton,
In the Circuit Court-
Friday was a short day in the
court loom, as there were few eau-s
ready Tor trial. At an early hour the
Jury was excused until Monday morn
ing. In the case or nave Trester
against A. T. Morfitt . tne jury
brought In a venlirt for ine piatn-
tifr. awarding judgment in the sum
ot $49.22. In the rase or lientlv
against Tower, suit to recover $1200
on a promissory note, the matter wa
rtmnved trom the raienaar on mo
tion of the plaintiff tor non-suit.
' Eva Hicks left yesterday morning
mi trln to Seattle.
Miss Clara Stan gl and Miss May
Ilowlette leave Unlay for St. Inuis,
K v Whitlow has recently pur
h a fif.-arre farm in the vicinity
of Falls City and will make his home
- w ltrant. of . Portland. . was a
with friends in th-j clly FH
Y 17111" " "V
Ion on Friday.
i.,o. n. Chenoweth was amons
the Portland vltltens stopping In S--lem
n A Shaver leaves this morning
for Portland to look a Her business
matters and attend a meeting or the
Mvstie Shriners. . ,
i lican Rutler, ot Ore
' r'ifv - in Salem yesterday.
having a caso. - before
O. II. Morria cf Pallas was in Sa
lem on Thursday.
Frank Braden of San Francisco.
California, was in Salem Friday on
R. G. Balderree of Dallas spent a
few days in Salem this week trans
acting business.
Mifs Louise Rasnmssen left Thurs
day for. -a few days visit In Portland.
Robert Ewing made a business
trip to Dallas this week.
Mr.and Mrs. J. It. Littler motored
to Portland Thursday evening.
W. L. Rogers of Great Falls. Mon
tana, was in Salem this week visiting
w.ith fr'ends. .
Among recent guests at the Cani
tol hotel were P. E. Williams of S'l
verton. W. M. Reals of Shedd. an I
K. O. Uaker of Goble. .
Mrs! J. R. Stephens or Eugene was
a reernt arrival in the city,, register
ing at the Dligh hotel. '
Harnett Y. Roe arrived In the city
yesterday from Gaston.
Dr.C. N. Mat this of Amity, had a
business errand in Salem Friday.
Rev. E. E. Gilbert of Oregon C:ty
spent a portion of Friday in Salem.
Rev. C. R. Lamar came in fro.n
Lebanon yesterday for a brief stay
In Sakm.
Mrs. II. C. Lewis of Aumsville was
among the recent visitors In Salem.
Among the Portland people stop
ping at the Marion hotel yesterday
were Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Meseh, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. I. Stoutemeyer, J. J: Mo
Kenzie and J. E. Burks.
X 4 ;
A slight kidney impairment may
lead to dropsy or Brlght's disease.
Don't neglect it. Frank Miller. Bing
ham. Utah, writes: : "Was troubled
with, my kidneys so bad I could not
work. Tried many kinds of medlclna
which did me no good. Then I tried
Foley Kidney Pills: now feeling as
good as I ever did before." J.C
Perry. .
Prominenr PatnoUC Worker
ea D'
ana rOnncr OlalC riuiicr
Leaves Today
R. A. Harris, former state piinter
and at nresent head of the registra-
sol-ltion department-in the office of Sec
reary ot State Olcott. will leave to
day for New Yora ana, later sau ior
France to engage Inwar work Tor
the Y. M. C. A. Prior to saiUng
he will take, a course of Instruction
at-Princeton, beginning June 19- Mr.
Harris was state printing erpert dur
ing Governor West a aamtntsuwuon,
and at the death or ,W. S, Dunlway.
XiaiTls was npinjiuicu uia suuckwi
as state printer. t - v. ,', . - . ;
i Mr. Harris will go by way of Tort-
land and will leave rpr thai city over
the Oregon iJEfecrrfc f at 7:15 this
mornlmc. Since the' declaration of
war with Germany he has been active
In' all of, the patriotic.. drives, 10 ha
I and Marlon 'county and has done
much work ort solicitation and pub
licity committees'." 'Mr. Harris and
some tot-, the-.other. Salem: men ,-who
have already left on the same mis
sion will probably sail on the same
ship from New York.
Society at Dallas Has
Welcome for Mrs. Hicok
DALLAS. June -7. (Special to
The Statesman.) Mrs. Elva Lucas
I Hicok of Colusa. Calif- arrived In
Dallas. Tuesday afternoon with her
I little daughter for a summer's visit
I Mrs Hicok was gradQate Of the
1916 class of the Dallas high school
and was one of the leading members
I of the younger set while a resident
or this city. On January!. 1917 she
was united In marriage! to Irving De-
witt Hicok or Colusa and since that
time has! made her home. in-, the
souinern state. - Jseverai smarc eociai
affairs hve been planned for , her
while she Sis visiting here.
n 1
! i
Best Shortening
No. 10 $2.35,
No. 5 $1.20
Pure Lard
No. 5 $1.40
Best Creamery Butter
45c Per Pound
Fresh Bread
10c Per Loaf
Originators of
Low Prices
351 State Street
Thrift Campaign in Oregon
Opens June 28 Price
Schedule Given
Three-fold is the purpose of the
Oregon thrift campaign, announced
by the Patriotic Conservation league,
beginning June 28. in the mustering
nf waste materials from eveiy home
and hamlet In the state, with school
children as a ready regiment for the
promotion of the enterprise; says in
formation reaching Sal era.'
The Patriotic Conservation league,
at its headquarters in Portland, wilj
receive shipments ot waste mateilals
rrom every community, paying there
for at the highest market rate, in
baby bonds of the war savings stamp
issue. The purpose of the league
is to further the distribution of war
savings stamp, to provide a fund for
the welfare ojf Oregon boys summon
ed to seivloe. and to conserve war
materials for Vmerlca.
In each community the supervis
ion of the work will be In charge
or the war savings stamn represent
ative, and it is proposed to ship the
collected materials in rat load con
signments to the league at Portland.
Individual shipments may be made,
however . In any case the name of
.the sender, with complete address,
should appear on every package, in
order that proper payment may be
Artk-le Paid For
The materials that Oregon school
children and citizens are urged to
collect, with the prices per pound
that will be paid therefor, are as
. Copper wire, free of hair wire. 21
cents: ligrht copper and bottoms, IS
cents; heavy red brass 20 cents;
heavy yellow brass. 14 cents; light
and medium brass. ' 10 rents; soft
lead, 6 V4 cents; tea' and hard lead.
bVx cents; sine 4 cents; battery lead,
3 cents; battery sine. 2 cents; No.
pewter, 40 cents; alumnium. 20
cents: tin toil. 45 cents; block tin
pipe. 55- cents; No. 1 rubber, boots
and siioes, 6V4 cents; No. 2 rubber,
boots and shoes, 5 cents; No. 1 auto
tires, 3H cents; No. 2 auto tires, 2
cents: No. 1 inner tubes, 16 cents;
No. 2 Inner tubes. 7 cents; bicycle
tires- 2 cents; solid tires, 3V
cents; black scrap rubber, 1 cent;
garden hose. 40 cents; rire hose. SO
cents; mixed rags, 2 to 3 cents;
paper, per ton 1 8.
Twenty-rive per cent or the value
pr waste, received by the Patriotic
Conservation league will . be . retain
ed as a commission to establish a
buffet for "the entertainment of Ore
gon soldiers and men of the selective
draft who; are leaving for the train
log camp and. the, front. , .It is esti
mated that from $3000 to $5000 will
be needed tor this purpose, and every
young patriot who sends In a pound
or metal - rubber. ; will . know: that
he has borne his share in the rare
well tendered to Oregon men who are
to serve in France. Should "a sur-
pliis exist it will be dovoted tcr the
Geed college fund-for the reronstrtie-1
tlon workr.for. wounded soldier, -!
Hoy And Girl Enlisted.,.,:, ,
Every, boy and eirl in Oregon. "as"
well as their seniors.' Is urged to bet
gin" at once.tbe! collection of -vaW-Sble.
waste materials,' and to attend
to their shipment to the league, af
ter , the date of June 28. In air
cases the prices are F. O.' B. 'Port
land, and represent the ' best price
obtainable.' .. . .
Shipments should be sent oy
freight where possible, owing lo the
prohibitive cost of express shipments
for material of this character, and
should be plainly address to the Pat-
2 cans Milk 25c
3 lbs. Royal Club Coffee 80c
15 lbs. Onions... 25c
2 cans peas 25c
2 cans corn .....25c
2 cans Tomatoes 25c
5 bars White Laundry Soap
1 pound Coffee 19c
6 BoilsToiletPaper. .. 25c
i -
5 pounds White Beans. . .65c
i - i
5 Boxes Matches. . . ; . .25c
Corn Meal. .1 ! . .'. .7c
We pay 32c cash, 33c in trade
for eggs.
4 ft. Wood or sawed
2 Stores
855 N. Commercial Street
(Damon's old Stand) v '
Phone 68
74G Highland Ave. Phono 496
Geo. W. Stoner, Prop.
Iriotic Conservation league, Portland,
Oregon, and should bear the name
and address of 'the sehder. Payment
In war savings stamp will folio;
Every school child in Oregon can
aid in winning the war by joining
this crusade for the saving and sal
vaging of valuable waste materials,
which are urgently-needed by Uncle
Sam for the equipment of his men on
land and sea.
Three Fatal Accidents
Are Reported for Week
Three fatal accidents were report
ed to the industrial accident commis
sion for the week ending June 6 out
of a total of 572 accidents recorded.
The fatally injured woikmen were:
Chris It. Kowe, Fumpter, dredging;
A. It. Church. Portland, shipbuild
ing; Carl Muths. Portland, ship- j
ouiiding. or the total number of
accidents reported 515 were subject
to the provisions of the compensation
law, 18 were from firms and eoxpor-,
ations that have rejected the act and
nine were from public utility corpor
ations not subject to the provisions
of the law.
Walter Tooze to Make,
Elks Flag Day Oration
Walter L. Tooie Sr. has been se
lected by a committee of Salem Elks
to deliver the Flag day oration In
Willson park on June 14. A his
tory of the flag will be given by
John II. Carson, and the tribute to
the flag wil be given by Bert Mary.
Is considered one of the ablest
speakers In the United States.
Dallas School District
Asks Special Tax Levy
DALLAS.. Juae 7. (Special to
The Statesm.) Notice . has been
posted to the legal voters of1 school
district No. r in! which the city of
Dallas Is located, that at the annual
school election to be held in the high
school building on the afternoon of
Monday June 17, besides the election
If you'ralue your car have it repaired at the
Highway Garage
lOOO Sbuth Commercial Street
Like Our Bread
Anel Food Cakeseach. , m'm .wi . . . .V. .) . . . . . t 25c
Devil Food Cakes, eath: ,-. . . . . k . J20& 30o-
Layer Cakes, each 15c, 20c, 30c
.. .: '. so per cent Wheat Substitutes - .
i I
170 N. Commercial St.
to give a 2 ounce1 Bottle of M & R Vanilla or Lemon FREE
with a 3-pound for $1.00 Package of ' t"
Rothes Gem Blend Coffee
Wa are particularly anxious to have you try these extracts.
THEY HAVE GREAT MERIT. Will positively not evaporate
or bake out in Baking. , . '
We havo kept the wires hot assembling the best that nature
produces. ' .. ..
Oregon Telephone Peas, two pounds for ,25c
Hot House Cucumbers, the largest grown. .10c '
Hot House Tomatoes, extra fancy 25c
Fancy Head Lettuce, 10c; 3 for. ..Y. 125c
Fresh Hawaiian Pineapple.... ; 40 and 50c
Clark Seedling Strawberries. .2 for 25c
Gold Dollar Strawberries.'. ............ i l0c
California Grape Fruit, 3 or 25c ;! per dozen 90c
Ripe Bananas -. J 40 and 50c
Apples, per dozen. t ,50c
Imperial Valley Canteloupes , . 15c
Learn To Use The Finest Product of the Age.
of two directors to serte for three
year the proposition of .voting
special district tax will be placed on
the ballot. The total amount of
money needed by the district daring
the fiscal year beginning with June
20 and ending on Jane 30. X is
estimated to be something like $32.
000. The total estimated receipts,
not including the money to be re
ceived from the tax which It Is pro
posed to vote is f :i,Si0. which
leaves the amount to te raised - by
the special tax levy $15.S00. This
amount is considerably less than the
amount voted by the taxpayers of Jhe
district for the schools last yr.
Ernesf Blue Pleads Not
Guilty, Is Under Bonds
Ernest nine, former Salem attor
ny.. who is accused of niisapproprir ;
ation o frunds belongin to gthe ntni
ripality of West Salem, was arraign
ed In the circuit - yesterday. P4o
I leaded not guilty and was released
nnder bonds of $3000. His trial will
be held nest week. Blue, who was la
Alaska when the charge was filed
against him, was brought from Ket
chikan by Sheriff Needham of Mar-,
ion county. Thursday.
5 Our Daily Prices I
S Wool Bags. . . . . ... .. . . .5,c
Whita Cotton Rags .2c
ShodjR&gs lc
Sacks 9c to 15V2c
. Salem's Leading Juak '.' '
2 Corner of Center and Court
: Phone 706 . - :
2 Watch for announcement on
".;':- t - Sondajr u.u-