SHIPLEY'S Annual June Clearance Sale of Odds and Ends and Broken Lines Is at Its Height; teeming with values and varieties which draw throngs of eager purchasers of quality merchandise. The many who attended this sale the first days of tho week have carried thd good news far and wide and their friends are coming to share the bargains in ODDS AND ENDS AND BROKEN LINES which are offered in the several departments. We are prepared with extra sales people f or Ltvely Doings this Week-end for market con ditions prohibit a repition of equal savings for some time to come, i i- U. G. SHIPLEY COMPANY WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE LABOR AGENT WILL BE HERE FIRST OF WEEK Office Will Be Opened in For mer Red Cross Office on State Street be treated as a cash transaction so long as the consignee continues to pay It freight charge promptly upon presentation of the freight bill. Sim ilar application of the rale should be made In the collection of a pre paid charge from a shipper. That is to say, payment of such a charge if made on the day tee shipment Is forwarded will be treated as a casa basis, transaction. "The enforcement of the cash rule will require payment by the shipper and consignee, for the most pait, without oportnnlty for the correction of errors In the freight' bill, but in all cases where a mistake Is obvious or where it is plainly indicated upon the face of the bill, the agent should make the correction before exacting pavment. "The director general It also" anx ious that the public shall understand RATES MUST BE ON CASH BASIS Passenger Ruling Effective . July 1- Same Will Apply i to Freight Effective July 1. the collection of passenger transportation charges by carriers under federal control will be on a cash basis, according to an order from Director General McAdoo that has been received by the Oregon public service commission. On that date any credit accommodations which may be in conflit with ertain regulations of the railroad adnunls-l that the reason for the;gatioi n - - 01 mis oruer is 10 pnrirui uiacuuuur tion between shippers and consignee The extending of credit In payment of transportation charges to one per son while It is denied f another re sults in a preference in favor of the person to whom credit Is given. While repeated attempts haye 'ea made in the past to check this evil, competitive conditions have rendered it impossible to do so. . At the pres ent time many shippers and consign ees, -especially large ones. no7 with respect to many of their freight bill a credit not only of days but of week and sometimes months. There seems to be no way of dealing with this ex cept the cash rule. ; "The director reneral further in structs me to say that he has under consideration rules, which will be promulgated In the near future touch log upon the settlement of over charge and claims for loss and dim age which he belitves wilt result Id the prompt and fair disposition of such matters with a minimum rl In convenience to the oubUc. tration must be cancelled. will be sold only for cash In advance of service. Baggage charges will be subject to the same rules as tickets, except C. O. D. baggage and storage charge must be paid in cash before delivery. : Thecommlssion is . also Informed In a circular from C. A. Prantr. a director of the railroad adtninistra. that the director reneral is cor.tetn plating ' an" order which will 'place the payment of all freight transporta tion charges on a' cash basis. : JThe director general is about Is suing an order putting the payment of &H transportation charges upon a Cach basis, and is especially desir ous that this shall result in as little inconvenience as possible to the pub lic." says Mr. Prouty's letter. "The rule should b interpreted in a prac tical business way.;. U, for example the consignee who is financially; re sponsible, : Is accustomed to 3end for his freight In the morning and the collection of the freight charge Is effected in the afternoon, that should L -1 NEW SHOW V TODAY BLIGH THEATRE- tt -.-' i i "- r -i MAY STILL CUT INTO BUSINESS Police Cannot Protect Jitney Men From DriVers of Pri vate Cars Girls! Use Lemons! i: Make a Bleaching, J Beautifying Cream; The juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a small Jar of the ordinary cold creams. Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try It I Get three ounces of prchard white at any pharmacy and two t lemons from the grocer and make op a quarter pint of this sweet ly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. It naturally should help to soften, freshen, bleach and bring out the roses and beauty of any skin. It is simply marvelous to smoothent rougn, rea nanas. DEAF SCHOOL GRADUATES S Commencement Exercises Will Be Held Tonight Dr. Slingerland Here The case of Z. J. Zlnn. last In the series of unlicensed jitney drivers to appear in the police court, was heard by Judge Race yesterday morning and being fully advised' of the facts in the case, and the accused signify ing his intention to retire from the business at once, the magistrate dis missed the case and closed the Inci dent. The thorn of dissatisfaction remains with the jitney drivers, how ever, for the police department can offer them no assistance in the mat ter of apprehending drivers of pri vate cars who cut into their busi ness; and on the other hand the j'tney men do not care to take npon themselves the role of detectives and attempt to bring the alleged violat ors to justice. 1 THE FALL OF THE ROMANOFFS ' "Through the panorama moves Illdor, the Siber ian monk who brought about Rasputin's downfall; the . emperor, a superstitious weakling; his wire, the Czar- ina, with German family leanings; indeed, the whole . court. The Kaiser himself appears briefly. - Brings the ' story up to the murder of Rasputin and the revolu tionists' arrest of the Cxar In a railway carriage on March 15. 1917. Iliodor, who plays himself in the pro duction, iliodor provided the wealth 3 of facts upoif"" which we based the story, for historical data to details of secret religious ceremonies. More than that, he prov- . ed himself a remarkably good screen actor. TODAY AND TOMORROW NO RAISE IN PRICES R - j ERTYTHEATRE Five students will .be graduated from the Oregon School for the Deaf at-the annual commencement exer cises to be held at the school tonight. The pi gram will begin at 8 o'clock. Dr. V. H. Slingerland. a representa tive of the Russell Sage foundation of New Tfork, wiU give . the com mencement address and deliver the diplomas. The .aduating students are Rosa lie Ilendrlckson. Portland; Edwin Hill, Baker; Selma Hagen. Portland; Milton Berry, Hubbard, and Daisy Morrison. Helix. The class colors are white and blue and the class motto Is "My country first." Following is the program that will oe given: Invocation; Essay. Whaf the Deal Are Doing to Help Win the War. el ma Hagen; America. Alton Peterson. Henry Ilrelje and Ray Hummel; Ut ile ratriots, juniors; Star Spangled Banner. Cleo Vinyard. Daisy Morri son and Pearl Lundar: essar.- What Women Are Doing in the War. Rosa lie Hendrickson; banners of democ racy. Beldam. Clara Eaton; France. Rosalie Hendrickson; Grat Britain (John Bull), Francis Holmes; 1taly. i eari L.unoay; Japan. Frances Poi: Lnited States (Uncle Sam). John t.oiaen; a soldier. Lysle Fowler; a farmer, uoyal Cooke; a mechanic. oeorge uroomns; a Red Cross Nurse. Cleo Vinyard. Address and delivery of diplomas. Dr. W. H. Slingerland. representative of Russell Sare foun dation. New York. Rifle Production in U. SL Shows Increase . WASHINGTON. Juno 6. More than a million and a half rifles have been produced by the United States army since this country entered tho war, says an announcement tonight by the war department. Of this number 1.1 40.595 are modified En fields. 176.796 Springfied models of 1903 and 251.270 Russian rifles. "Besides the rifls made sinr war was declared," said the announce ment, "there are fiOO.000 Spring fields, model of 1903, In use. Only about one-half the soldiers in an army carry rifles. On this basis thj 'ordnance department, has enough rifles. Springfield and modified En fields, for an army of about 2.000. 000 men, allownig wastage for one fyear." AUSTRIAN ACTOR DEAD AMSTERDAM. April 30. Alexan der Girardi. Austria's leading actor, is dead from the effects of an opera tion tor blood-poisoning. He was 6S years old. . SITUATION IS IMPROVED Rumor Come $ That Laborers May Come Into Valley From Hood River At length there is a glint of sun shine and encouragement athwarft the fog that has hung over the labor situation in this part of the valley. With a demand for several thdusand fruit pickers and cannery employes needed wi.liin the next thirty days, there has been but a small percent age mobilized thus far. The matter has been under consideration by the Commercial club, the Y. iL C A. and the Pheasant Northwest Products company, as well as of a committee of the Boys Reserve organization, but with no definite resulu on a broad scale. Some days ago negotiations were opened with the federal labor agent In Portland, and recently Manager R. C. Paul us of the Salem Fruit union went to the metropolis to consult with the federal representative in person. As a result he has secured a promise from R. P. Bonham.- who is ailing for the government In the labor field of this state, that a rep resentative would be" placed' in this city the first of next week. . It is proposed ' that an offic be opened In the rooms recently occupied by the Red Cross campaign managers, on State street, and that this, be irarts a clearing hooes for employers T","-rr, nlor- tho whole line of fruit industry- While no details are forthcoming at this time, tho loplcsl supposition is that an active camprgn wHI te carried on to se en an army of fruit pickers that will be virtually pledged to the work en the ground that It Is a patriotic duty as well as a matter of public benefit foCcvery "unattached boy, girT and woman to lend a' hand In the work. It has been suggested that In addi tion to the efforts of other organi zations, the women's societies of the city get behind a movement to enlist tlie women of the city for the work. One .bit of encouragement that floats in from Portland Is the fact that there. I? a surplus of help signed up for the harvesting of the Hood River strawberries an Indication that the crop' In that section is con siderably short of past seasons. i Judgments Are Rendered In Circuit Court Cases Only three or four civil cases have bee a disposed of la the present term of court, the first of these being the case of Emerson Hardwood company against Andrew Kemp, judgment for S250.95 beins awarded to the de fendant. In the case of Koehler Chase against Savage, suit to recover on a promissory note, verdict was rendered to the plaintiff In the sum of $457.80 with $75 costs. At the hour of closing last night the case of Dave' Trester against A. T. Mof fttt was being staged. This Is a se quel to the case of Moffitt vs. Tres ter. in which the latter was accused of the larceny of a few timbers, and which was dismissed from the Jus tice court. Trester now brings suit against Morfitt for malicious prose cation. A fourth civil case was dis missed from the court on motion of the plaintiff. RED CROSS BULLETIN "Corn-Less Day" for Feet, Every Day Vk Geto-It the Great Corn Dis covery! Makes Corns Peel Right Off! Look at the llluvtration below. Se the two finKera peclinr'6rf a corn a though it -r ax banana p-l! And the man ia smiling while he' doing it: All done painlessly. Joyfully. The mom ent Tfo-t-It touches a corn or caJiui " - -""v Kt-I mly ealae. TWraKh Corn PrIer Krrr DUrvrr4. h-aim "tieta-It." growth is doomed. It takes but two aeronda to apply ,Get8--It. The coin. pain Is eased at once. You can alt at your desk or walk about, danoe. think. love and work with ahaolute eaae. 1 ou can apply "Oeta-lf con veniently almoet anywhere where you can take your shoe and Mocking off for a moment or two. "Gets-It" dries at once; then put your shoe and stock ing on again, meres no farther ex cuse for suffering from corns and corn-pains. r-t -1 1. the rnariiilMKl backcorn remover, the only sure way J,ut,? ,tr,n l dr "tore! Mrd. by li Lawrence & Co. Chicago, SoM in SaTem a nd reenmmfi - - the world's beat -rn remover by J. C. ferry and D. J. Fry. T From Red Cross headquarters in the U. S. Bank building the following were shipped yesterday:- 1350 ab dominal bandages. 1120 triangular bandages, 90 suits of pajamas. . Iled Cross Wants. A call lor 1300 dish towels. Use sugar sacks of 100 pounds size or Hour sacks 30-lb. size or larger, lie sure and hem the edges and darn the small holes and wash clean. A call for 300 dish cloths Use susar or salt sacks from 10 pounds to 50 pounds. ot necessary w finish the edges. Wash clean. The above, calls are urgent and should be turned In to Red Cross headquarters, U. S. Hank building, by June 12 to 14. sure. . Donald Red Cross Xnw. Mrs. Denjamin Quinn of Donald called at Red Cross headquarters and reported good work at Donald. They furnish their own finances by holding entertainments. Mrs. Quinn reports that Donald residents are en thusiastic workers for the Red Cross. Just now they are making pajamas. The Prospect auxiliary Is now be ing formed. The town will have a good strong branch. Central Howell Prairie auxiliary of the Red Cross was formed last ight at the HoweU Prairie school house. The home service section report for May shows 166 families were visited during the month: service was rendered to forty-two families and helpful Information given to 124 familie. Financial assistance dur ing May amounted to $85.20. Silverton Red Cross workers are reported to bo doing escellent work. Marion Circle auxiliary of the Sil verton branch of the Red Cross I now being formed. Ten members are enough to form an auxiliary. No more comfort pillows or quilts needed. If any auxiliary has any of the above Items, sell the quilts and use the cash In your own auxil iary. ! BONUS PAY FOR TELEGRAPHERS Local Western Union Appris ed of Specials Distributed on October 1 The local . off ice or the Western Union Telegraph company has re ceived from Newromb Carlton, pres ident of the company, annonnrement of a distribution of extra special pay ment which will be made October 1. The distribution will be in addition o the two special payments of July 1, 117. and January 1. It8. - The payment is to be made to all regular employes, except the presi dent, who shall have served the com pany continuously from April 1, 1918 The schedule will be as follows: All messengers at Independent of fice, flat atum of 16.25 each em ployes receiving less than, $1200 year, at the rate of 4 per cent of semi-annual wages: employes receiv ing from $1200 to $1999.99 a year, both Inclusive, at the rate of 3 per cent of semi-annual wage with a minimum of $25; employes recelv ing $2000 a year and bo more, at the rate of 2 1-2 per cent of semi annual wage with a minimum of $32.50. Special payment will not affect the increasing of salaries which will be determined on indi vidual merit. SENATORS AGREE ON NAVY PLANS Complete Confidence in U- Boat Protective Measures Expressed by Both Sides WASHINGTON-. June 6 Complete confidence In the measures taken by the navy to deal with submarine raiders was expressed in the senate today by spokesmen on both sides of the chamber. Senator Lewis of Illinois. Democratic whip, and Sena tor Lodge of Massachusetts. Repub lican, joined In declaring that the navy was on the alert and ready for the enemy. These expressions came In tb inidst of a sharp debate precipitated by the reading of Senalor Brand v ce of Connecticut, of a newspapor editorial criticising- the navy depart ment for not warning shipping of the presence of the submarines. Commenting on this. Senator Lewis and Lodge agreed there was no complaint against the navy, al- iuii;n iury nau very uuirrt'ni ine ories as to what possibly drew the submarines to American shores. Sen ator Lewis said the attack was In vited by false statements in congress and elsewhere regarding the nation's nnpreparedness; while the 'Massa chusetts senator suggested "that loose brags and boasts" about the number of American troops trans ported overseas had contributed to the appearance of the raiders. Want Another Appropriation. While this discussion was in pro gress Secretary Baker sent to con gress a request for a $16,000,000 appropriation for 16 new balloon and airplane stations along the Atlantic and Gulf roasts, to supplement ths army's preparations for Its part In Enid of Season Sale on Ladies' . COATS and SUITS Entire Stock of Ladies' Coats iz Suits now greatly reduced 30 ttvt Coats just received, all go on Special Sale. " v 9 See window display and prices J Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale & Company Commercial and Court Sts. Formerly Chicago Stcre Phone 1072 repelling submarine or air attacks. Eqiupment for the stations is said to be in hand, and they probably will be established within a few weeks after the money Is provided. In connection with the warning f shipping. Acting Secretary Roose velt disclosed late today that a radio message was sent broadcast by the navy more than a week ago Inform ing all shipping and. shore slat: that enemy sotmarlses mig&t ;; at any -port along the Atlantic tl. At that time the news that the es had attacked schooners off the T ginia capes had not reached th partment and Mr. Roosevelt deck to discuss how the navy received) information npon which the wan was based, , . ,-,.-. fcj'l ft TTr ..'..' He does, if you simp VpKone ?r sarr"send me a !af of bread.' Get the best for your money, always specify 3 -C J V - iV r 'a-L it -a r f p c: 3 1 3 IT'' o Younijer Days'' TfiliesYou Eccsaay Si A Victory Brwd With Victory Haver at Your Grocer CHERRY CITY BAKING CO. You Cannot be Constipated and Happy Smarm ianllDow rrica 1 ABSENCE oi Iroa lm tho ' ftlA-J I - . 1 nianjr colortcas iacca little JCiPTFlSt liver Pills' AJtemedy That Makes Life Worth Li viri& p BARTER'S IRON PILLS but W grextly he aott rl-faced tfl ... . . - mm licautiful llut and Shoulders rr,"lbl? " w,n wrr a ricaUacAnr ootttnriH vppwUuc lauaclc that tte roatnsr of Ihr tfnm mpmied. pat the htt Wk mhrrt it W iaacx. prrrcat tU fail hat tnm bating tH arrtrsranrr t Sa- fr a m .m . htmrt. eliminate lb Hinfff M ORATl F. r? rrS drm maarlr atxi ronSn. the .... Seh af tb thonlder fimS araccria line to tLc tulin pprr bodr. TfcTr r t h dainlit aivt mrmt tmimhlf rmrrn( imr MbWoiM ia ail BiaU-riala anrl rlin; C rr bark. !" r mt. SwnMirp. (iiiKkM. rtr. frmnt ith J." te rnlea baainc-frrmttliax waahtnc iUaout renwwal. !! fMir dVatcr ht.w jfm BS Jni Brm-rra. ifnn atnrk ni. i! (tadlr apDd hi at, yrrpaai. Maptn t. ilww . BENiSMIN la JOHNES. SI Warrca StrrU Ne-ara. X. J