The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1918, Page 5, Image 5

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    - - ;
makes are rirfn i
Xt world'" leading make are represented labour torv
them all. In fact. Hartman Bros, enjoys the dinting' . taTe
S le-ding watch establishment: 'tlSlt 2S2l?LbelB S"
!L kind and all beautlea: ai ".watcne:tn Suaran-
V. W. Caraer State a4
OREGON State street near
0. E. depot. Home of Artcraft
and Paramount oictarea.
(Edna Bennett featured In "The
Biggest on Earth."
LIBERTY - Shorty near
State street. High class reels.
The Fall of-the Romanoffs,"
featuring the czar's confidant.
. BIJOU State between Lib
erty and High. Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special fllraa.
"Buckley's Monkey Circus."
Opens on Gooeberriea ' . ,
The Hunt Brothers cannery. one
of the bnslest concerns In Salem,
opeeed this week on gooseberries and
has a; good-sized tonnage to park
away Into cans before the season for
that fruit Is concluded, r, - t
- fM :
Bamlmfr Cum! , . j t
Miles i Dandruff Remedy guaran
teed by -"Ward's Drug store. ,
' 11,1 "' ""
.Jvlng In Salem
J$ Miss Ella McMunn, " well known
Oregon newspaper woman, and her
mother, Mrs. Susan MrMnnn, are liv
ing at 560 North Water street, hav
ing motpd to Salem from Lake La
bish. Mlss'McMann was formerly on
The Statesman staff and later was
connected with -the Oregon Daily
Journal. - j
Dandruff Cured
' Miles Dandruff Remedy
teed by Ward'sxprug store.
Former Wife- Write , ,
, Mrs. S. J. Bo-en of Heppner, Mor
row county. . writes The Statesman
relative to the death of Harry Walk
er who died at the .Deaconess h6s-
pital May 2. Information turlnshed
"at the time of , Mr. Walker's death
was that he left no friends or rela
tives. f Mrs. Bowerf says she was for
merely his wife and is the mother of
his four children. . . .. j
- ' " ...;': i .
Anex Klertrlc Oeanei- , f -
Ar the best electric carpet clean,
ers. Bold -on term. Hamilton's
Furniture Store. -
BB . r '
Boy Foneral Today
V The funeral of Loren L. Sargent,
""i 17iyear-oId member of the. home
guard at Silverton, ,will be held in
Salem this afternoon at 2 o'clock
rhnl of Webb & Clough.
Holt will conduct the
burial fUl be in City
View cemetery.
Salem Velio Co., Phone 44
Oregon Tali & Baggage Co.
Phone 77
Try onr Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Checks for very
parcel handled. -
Buy One
Welch Electric Co.
226 N. Com.
Phone 953.
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
Nervous Diseases j
SOS United Statct National Bank
Building. Salem, Oregon
Day phone
Hlghl phone
Efficiency -Speed
Reesponsibllity r
We will pack, move or store
Tour goods and guarantee sat
isfaction. Hates Un Ka&lcrn Shipments
r specialty.
Piano Movtnir and Out of Tbwn
1 . Trips.
, 57 KUte Street. I
g oaauiy
n inni
r - ,
V 1 II M
,,"y"' vetoes see
Libert a.i.
1 Ifcial - . -
Wen In 'Seattle
P. E. Hall a hrrthr-fnJI-.
,r-" J 1Ierndon of near Salem.
uicu June 4 in Keattl Vf . Ti.ii
lived on a farm near Chemawa about
ten years ago.
Player Plan
I have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an naasual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price. E.
U Stiff & Son, 44 6 Court St.
Society Meet Today
The Missionary society or the First
Presbyterian church will meet todiy
ai me enure n parlors at 2:30 o clock
The devotional will be led by Mrs. C.
A. Park and the leaders are Mrs. O
s. Hogue and Mrs. J. J. Nunn. The
hostesses are Mrs, Otto Wilson and
Mrs. Charles Wilson
si"' v
Two IaOne" Shoe Polish 10c
Shoe soles 25c to 75 pair; beets
10c and 15c pair; heel plates 5c pair;
shoe nails, tacks. . strings. .etc
Shafer's, Harness Stor0.1?0 South
commercial treew
lUshop 11 unite . Coming ; . '
Announcement is made that Bsh-
oo Matt S. Hughes of the Methodist
churcji will be the speaker; at the
unveiling of a service flag at the
Scandinavian church. South Fifteenth
and Mill streets, Sunday night. June
9. at 8 o'clock. Bishop Hughes is
considered one of the ablest speakers
in the United States.
Wllh Our ConVpIete Equipment
Refined services and latest rnctn-
ods of embalming, 'twill bo a
al beauUrul." 'Webb ft Clou
CIouKh Co.
More Enter Navy
The latest group of navy recruits
leaving this week includes Glen C
Smither and Walter 1. Smith of In-
LdRpendence. Oscar E. Sehwabbaner,
Jesse R. George, Roy Ford soum ana
Warren M. Undsay of Saleml Rus
sell Beckett will leave Monday and
John C. Mulcare went Wednesday.
Harry Cronise, who went down to
Portland early In the wrek and tooK
his examinatfoTi' fbti the Veerves.' Is
back here passing a few days until
called.' . . '.
Money Goes Through Red Crow
Monev Intended for soldiers held
prisoner in land occupied by any of
the Central Powers or meir aiues
must be sent by means of a money
order to the bureau of prisoner re
lief of the Red Cross at Washington.
The board has been ganted license
hv th eovernment to forward th?
f,.nH. without further cost to th?
The Aiex Electric Can Cleaner
Has greater suction than any
.isanor at the same price. Let us
demonstrate. Hamilton's Furniture
Store. ' ' - ,
Service May Be Resumed
A party of government engineers.
!n charge of Colonel Zinn. has been
making a tour of Inspection down the
Willamette bj launch, with a view
to'the re-opening of river transporta
tion.' The recent advance oii v
cent In railroad freight rates may
make It nossible to advance river
rates to a point where it will be pos
sible to operate boats at a profit.
- toa at
"A Home Away from noma."
Strictly Modern $l.t Per Day
ISO Room of Solid Comfort
Only Hotel In Business District
Will supply your wants in all
kinds of wood.
16 inch Green SUbwood at
$3.00 per load. .
10 load lots at $2.75 per load.,
U Phone 520.
t Am4 All Kla of 2nd Ilnna
Z Ut4m.
S Fall Marhrf I'rirea SfM-elal
S Prteea Bval4 for Sneka
Z ;t onr n.rtee'n he-fore yo nelt
S . Tin: rKpi.K4 ji w zm .
m 97 1 f. 'a'l St. I'hone T
I pay the highest caJ price.
Before you eH. get my price.
I alo buy all kind of ecomI
liand furniture and Junk.
The Nona re Ical Houm.
271 Cbemeketa St. Phone 308
CASH1N To Mr. and Mrs. M. A. EL.
Cashln. In Salem, Sunday, June 2.
118. a daughter.
The baby waa born at the home of
the grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Sayre.
on North Water street. The Cashln
live in Sacramento. Mrs. Cashin is
the daughter of Mrs. Maud Chitten
den. ,
BARF1ELD To Mr. and Mra. R. C.
Barf if Id. South Twenty-third
street, yesterday morning, a son
T"he youngster has been -named
Rojert Hardy Rarfield. The moth
er was formerly Miss Bess Hardy.
Thursday. June 6. 1918. at 5 p. m.
Miss Lenta Patton and Kenneth I).
Kavanaugh .with Rev. C- F. Holt,
officiating.' I
The ceremony was read at the
home of the bride's grandmoter. Mrs.
Mary Howd, 1572 State street, on the
presence of about twenty relatives
and friends.
Following their marriage, the
young couple left on the 8o'clock
train for the north. They will make
their home in Oregon City where the
groom is employed In the paper mills.
Special 10 Per Cent Off
This wec only on all auto tires
In stock. "Clark's Tire House." 319
N. Commercial. I save your rim
cut tires. -
Aliens Mot Register
United States Marshal G. F. Alex
ander or Portland will be in the city
today and tomorrow to supervise the
registration of aliens , who do 'not
want to be barred out of the half
mile zone about the armory. The
government regulation provides that
no alien may approach within half a
mile of any armory, arsenal or mu
nition plant without a 'special per
mit. Hence, those aliens in the rural
sections who expect o come into the
city on business errands must be
l-ovided with a certificate of regis
tration or it may be made Inconven
ient for them. There Is a penalty
prescribed' for failure- to register.
Irrigation for 1918
t,For the'purpose of trying to make
the Irrigation service more satisfac
tory the city will be divided Into two
districts so that each district will
get the full service of tbe plant upon
the day it irrigates.
The plan is to have the houses
which Dear even numbers n the
streets irrigate orfly on 'Monday.
Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, and
the houses which bear odd numbers
on the Etreets irrigate only on Tues
day, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.
This plan will permit every house to
Irrigate four days out of each week.
The purpose of the Water Com
pany In furnishing water for Irriga
tion is not to furnish all the water a
person can run through. tha hose in
the six irrlgattpn' hours, erery day,
but to furnish c sough tate- to keep
the lawn in condition. , To. use more
than enough is a waste. We will
pump the usual amount of water and
hope to furnish it more satisfactorily
Salem Water Light ft Tower Co.
Criblen Star IHtllsli Mo
, Regular 75c size, 25c when bought
with polish, at Hamilton s. -Sun
I llaxlly Freckled
It is a fancy of astronomers that
5 pots on the sun have a lot to do
with weather conditions on the earth
Possibly this may aceount for the
spotted condition of the weather in
Oregon, for the man with the big
telescope on the street corner says
the sun Is developing a very bad case
of eczema J There are now a couple
of eruptions or cyclones of fire In
sight which he estimates to be 20,
000 miles In diameter.
For Rent-
Well equipped dairy ranch with
13. cows on coast place, where grass
is green year around. This place is
making good money and If interested
better come at once or write E. C
Calkins. Otis, Oregon.
Why Iay oni $M.OO to S10.OO
For excelsior mattresses when we
can sell you a 50-pound cotton mat
tress for 9. 85. Hamilton's Furni
ture Store.
Come To The Red Gtom Picnic
Sunday June 9th. two miles west
of Salem. Follow Independence road
and after crossing R. R. track near
Klngwood Park, follow first road to
right up hill to the grounds. Bring
your baskets and have a good tim?
and at the same time help the Red
Cross. Refreshments sold.
Riff Dance .
At Frank Doerfler's barn for ben
efit McAlpin Knitting club, Saturday
night, June 8.
Petition Are Circulated
Petitions were placed about Salem
yesterday to be circulated In behalf
of the war fund bill that is being ini
tiated for the November election by
the state council of defense. Th
bill provides for a tax of 1 mill on
all the taxable property of the slat
and If passed win produce over
$300.00 annually. It is to le cf
fectivc until the close of the war.
Player Plan
' t have a S7H0 Singer player piano
which'I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price. K
I Stiff & Son. 4 41 Ciurt St.
lied Cross Social TtiigM
A lawn social and musical enter
tainment will be given on the lawn
at the Knglewood school tonicbt. lv
cinnlng at 8 o'clock. It will he given
by the Englewood Red Cross auiil
iary. Ice cream and punch will be
VIck Hrw.
Scarcity, of labor compels us t
chance our present system, and af
ter Ju,ne 10 onr Ford Service Station
will close at 1 p. m., nd opn at C
a. m. We think this will irrommj
dale nearly every one and will bo a
snvlng on labor which is needed In
all lines.
Groceries, Soft Drinks and Can
dies. Our store is kept root by
electric fans. Our drinks are al
ways on Ice. " We keep different
flavors of ice rmun, and the bett
which N the Weatherly. We can
supply you with everything In tbe
grocery line. T-'resh fruit always
on hand. Butter, milk, cream and
anything you may want for tbe
home. Give us a trial.
213 Vmtmm St. rfcae 2M
S. I. Tlrkrt Orric la the Slrc
Vmimi At parUi f&t Wmr, w wffl a
mm Amtncmm M4mrt Mmrvl MM mml ttm
fui pnnmfmmmmlt lm l.fl nmitmfm vwmm
Kg. mr mar C" ' l wtk Jlwmr mmdjm.
DO YOUR BIT. Help the Gov
ernment by saving the freight
a wheat and flour. Rcllaw th rail
roads mt this WMrtmrr. cooretU by
Mtabtiahlna ia yovr community of
thvoo wondarful Am or leu Mtdg-at Hir
l RolUr Flour Mills.
And Make Money.Too
til to r-"" month b insds
with this permanent, substantial and '
aiStti&sd hoslncaa.
This wondcrfnl so1f-ntaln4 rollor
mill Is rrvoluttonlxinjr milllnc Maks
plead Id floor nt n hotter yWld than tbo
Oorornment require. On man without
prortons mUllna osperleneo ean ran It
snccoosfally. null root, sraaU power.
oaoT operation enables It to make a
Better Barrel of eloar .Cheaper." Ton
ean nark your floor ander our nationally
hdrertleed brand -FLayo."
Our Ferrlco IVpart.
"' . tnent Inepects your prod
mmmkO nets each month free.
Lij&MtM! quality. Hlsa of mills .
F""" ' -1 from IS to 1H barreia
J r I m.mA imm M mm tm
per day. Too ean start
with tho small six If
you hare !- to In
veau rWild on It days
r trlnl.
Write for Onr earahar and
eper wn of mwi fnlew a-
AarW.AMriena KOI Cow
tit-m Trust Did.
Oweniboro, Ky. tzlfc)
Salted Kmelt
Cheaper than any other fish or
meat; 6c per lb. 50 pounds for $2.
Ward K. Richardson. 2393 Front.
Will Elect Office
The C. W. B. M. of the First
Christian church will meet this after
noon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. , D. D. Olmstead." An election
of -officera will be held. .
Clean-O OtlFlenr IvtJsH f t' -
Mops. '.regular i mop, 7a at
Hamilton's. .. ... , . ,
Special 1 rolden Star Map ' j
Worth 75 ccnla tor. 25 cents .wtion
taken with Golden Star polish at 50c
por tottlc, at Hamllfon's "Furniture
Store, - v r ' -
Marriajrc Llcen
License to wed was issued by the
county clerk yesterday to Kenneth D.
Cavanaugh. of Oregon City., and
Ienta Tatton. of Salem; to Kugene
A. Ast and Clara Varonika. both of
ML Angel.
Photographic Screen
For viewlnr the eclipse Saturday
Only a limited number on hand but
will fill all orders fl placed by six
o'clock this evening. ' The Parker
Studio. x
Goggles And Smoked Glasses-
Perry's Drug Store.
At The Court Hoase
Complaint filed in the case of Ore-
eon Motor Car company against, o
W. Senn. suit to recover a motor
trdack valued at $2000 on the de
fault of the defendant In complet
ing contract. Demurrer filed In the
case of A. I Warren against Ed
Moore and Roy Redman, alleging
that complaint does not state facts
sufficient to furnish cause for action.
Decree Issued In the case of Eric
Kreft against IL W. Clapper, suit to
recover title to real property through
default of contract. Complaint in
the case of O. E. Tompkins against
rearl Tompkins, suit for divorce.
Couple were married In 1916, and
have no children. Plaintiff charges
Wo Sell Tanlac
Perry's Drug Store.
Don't swelter in the hot sum
mer weather when you can
ffet a light weight all-wool
suit made to your personal
measure at practically the
price of good ready-to-wears.
We have a very large line
of high grade suitings from
which you may make selec
tion. Let us show them to you.
A. C. Bohrnstedt recently returned
from a visit to the Big Elk ranch J-
near Albany, and left yesterday for
Portland on a business, trip.
Lieutenant Julius Garnjobst, who
has been stationed at Fort Riley.
Kas., has been visiting for a fey
days in Salem.
W. F. and W. Rlckert of Seap
poose and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wing
of Junction City were among the
guests at the Capitol hotel last night.
C. S. Brewster of Corvallis spent
Thursday in the city on business.
Otto Zimmerman was In from Me
hama on a business errand yester
day. ...
W. E. Smith came, in from Jeffer
son yesterday for a ' short stay, in
Mrs. Fenton Starr was one of the
Silverton people in the city yester
. w
day. T
Among the guests at the Bligh
hotel yesterday were W. E. Frazien
of Portland, George E. Hoppe, Se-,
attle: George J. Swirt. Portland: G.
W. Skeele, Newberg; R. C. Whit
ney, Portland.
E. C. Meade of Albany stopped In
Salem on business matters yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Brock of Port
land were guests at the Marion hotel
last night. !
Mrs. George Parkison of Eugene
was a visitor in Salem Thursday.
Ben Bowers of Ashland and T. E.
Scautten of Medford were among; the
southern ' Oregon visitors In Salem
Big nance-
Moose Hall, Saturday night.
Kkren Get Special Training
Following is the complete list of
the boys from the boys from draft
division No. 1 who will go in re
sponse to the government's call for
grammar school graduates to take
special training: Raymond G. Lar
son, Hugh C. McCain mon. Howard B.
Churchill. J. II. Humphreys, Merrill
D. Richmond. Clyde C. Boyce. Ben
O. Faught, Thomas D. Porter. Paul
Gronke, E. II. Kennedy, all of Salem;
Earl M. Cady, of SL Johns; E. R.
Van Nuys, Stayton. All are volun
teers. Kat More Potatoes
Good Burbanks. $1 per hundred.
Ward K. Richardson. 2395. Fronts
See The Eclipse Saturday-
By viewing it through one or our
screens especially made for the pur-
pone. The Tarker Studio. '
CHICAGO. June 6. Plans for the
Immediate construction of a . 16.500,-
000 plant for the production of
heavy shells tor the ordnance depart
ment of the United States army was
announced today by the associations-'I
tr Commerce. . - i: r ; ' j
The plant will employ 5000 men
and wil have, an output.ot.ten thou-
aa sums a mj. -
TelU How Hard Working Women
May Keep Well and Strong.
Pittsburgh. Pa.: "1 keep house for
my husband and myself and I got
into a weak, run-down, nervous con
ditiorand no appetite. I heard now
Vlnol helped others and tried It and
it built me up so I am strong.' have
a good appetite and feel better In
every way." Mrs. James Croker.
The reason Vinol was so success
ful in Mrs. Croker's case Is because
It contains the very elements needed
to build up a weakened, run-down
system, make rich red blood and
create strength. Emil A. Scbaefer.
and drurcists everywhere.
COt BTKSV. Ceaftrt, fciellke
a I here at ai4erale
ariera. Ah-llelr flrea-f.
Ceatrallr reate4. Ceelet
all rarllaea.
(,TKX B. IIIT Mar.
Pwrtlaa. Orea
Summer Hetts
Hot Weather
$2.00 to $3 1
Best Milan Straw
$2.19 to $3;25
Silk Pongees per yard: . .89c
Silks, per yard $1.35 to $t75
Silk Flags, each 25c
Fancy Hoso 50c and 79c
Sun Hats 15c to 30c
5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c
152 No. Commercial St
m m a i a - v -
m iwz
lrl JtSTTHE ini CUa
?A l 1 IIOTKI. 1 I f 9 A'
fr Vfl ronvor Bii.
Corey h Appointed on
. Utility Kate Committee
II. Hi Corey, member of the publie
service commission, yesterday receiv
ed notification of his appointment as
a member of the committee on public
utility rates of the National Associa
tion of Railway and Utilities commis
sioners. The appointment Is made
by Edward C. NUes. president of the
national association. Other mem
bers of the committee are E. F. Mor
gan. West Virginia, chairman; T. W.
D. Worthen. New Hampshire; R. C.
Bacon. Vermont; I I. Williams.
Colorado; R. II. Burr. Florida, and
Solomon Lewenberg, Massachusetts.
The next annual conve'ton t the
national association .will be held at
Washington, beginning November 13.
If you value your car have it repaired at the
Highway Garage
1000 Sooth Commercial Street
There's a Reason V "',
The Chiropractor Will -
What That
Dr. O. L.
Rooms 406-7-A, C. 8. National Bank Da riding.
Office Phono 87. Residence Phone R28R.
The only sore
in this world
for cah.' sa v
rent; anL bay
25c Cat chop. .. .
10c Pore Spices'.
35c Coffee. .
25c 'of fee
15c Pea....
J 5c Tomatoes
Sulpher, "per poo ad. . .
C5c Kyrnp. .............
J5c rrn Flake.
25c Kalmon.
It ays to bay
Cash More,
Screen Him or Trap Him!
.'..'" "
All widths 18 in to 48 in. galra
nued, sq. ft. f.4c .
Black Wire, sq. ft. 3c
Adjustable Window Screens, each
40c to 75c
Fly Swatters, each 10c
Fly Traps, each. ..15c
Garbage Cans, galvanized, with
covers, all sizes $2 to $6
5? J
120 N. Commercial St.
Our Daily Pricesf
Wool Bags fy2c
White Cotton Bags.. 2c
Shody Bags lc
Sacks 9c to 15V2e
Salem's Leading Jack
Corner of Center and Court
PhoneT06. 2
Watch for announcement on
Sunday ' 2
e .': ' m
Yon . -V, , '
Reason Ii.
way of getting ahead
financially la to bay
front 1 3 f to- 23 ! per
thrift stamps or lib-
a ...
....... V..... 25c
, lc
. . .'12c
, .".V 3c
. ... Oc
. 17c
from he Fanners
Hif.lte Conrt