The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 07, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives the
leased vrlre report of tho As
sociated Press; the gst-atest
and most reliable press assoc
iation in'the -world.
mm latest
British Steamship Lost 100 Miles Off Virginia Capes En
tire Crew Rescued by Palmer and Landed on Chesapeake
Bay Men Drifted Twenty-Six Hours in Small Boats
Officer Positive Torpedo, Not Mine Struck Boat Huns
Evidently Further Out to EscapP Patrols
Bolsheviki Ready to Give
Black Sea Fleet to Hans
PARIS. June . M. Tchitcherin.
the Russian Bolsheviki foreign min
ister, has sent-a wireless dispatch to I
ivmoassauor jone in juerun, accord
ing to a dispatch received by the
Havas agency from ' Moscow, an
nouncing that the Bolsheviki govern
ment is ready to surrender the Rus
sian Black sea fleet to Germany on
condition that the -warships be re
stored to Russia after peace has been
declared and that the Germans re
frain from, using the vessels. The
conditions also stipulate that the
German invasion of Russia shall
come to and end.
WASHINGTON. June 6. Sinking of the British 'steamship liar
pathian, 100 miles off the Virginia capes at 0 o'clock yesterday morn
ing by a (ionium submarine, was announced tonight at then navy de
partment. The entire crew was rescued by the steamer Palmer, which
arrived late today in Chesapeake bay. 1
The submarine used a torpedo. One member of the British crew
was injured. The Harpathian was a freighter of 2800 tons net.
I The submarines operating off the coast had not previously ln?en
heard from since the Norwegian steamer Eidsvold was sent down at
5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, 'some 40 miles off the Virginia capes.
The Harpathian was sunk about CO miles further out id sea, indicat
ing that the underwater craft had gone further into the Atlantic to
escape patrolboats. . -
: .
The raiders apparently operated In GrOCerS SuSOt SuDolieS
and Wednesday. The French steam-1
er Radioleine was attacked off Mary
land early Tuesday morning and
about the same time the schooner
Edward R. Baird Jr. was sunk, fur
ther down the coast. That after
noon the Eidsvold was sunc near
the capes, the raiders having escaped
southward through the patrol fleets.
The fact that the submarines are
fcravLag the dangers from patrols
which' are converging around the
area of operations, leads officials to
believe that the raiders are waiting
for much bigger prey than they have
yet found. The place where they
have operated most recently Is In
; the lane of travel up and down the
coast and through It must pass much
,.' tmnnrtant ttiiKnlnc rninr in
" and" out of the Virginia capes,
vi VThe sinking of the' Harpafhtan
brinks thet total of vessels known
Five New Regiments of
Railway Men, Organized
WASHINGTON, June 6. Organi
zation of five new regiments and
nineteen battalions of railway engin
eers for service in France, has been
complted, by Samuel M. Felton, di
rector general of military railways.
They will add fifty thousand men to
those already engaged in railroad
construction in France, said the an
nouncement by the war department
toaay. Nine regiments have gone
across. The government's announce
ment says it has spent 1160.000,'
000 on railway materials for France.
Local Man Picked to Head
Oregon Retail Jewelers for
Coming Year-F. M. French
Meeting to Be Held in Pendle
ton Next Year Banquet
Winds Up Affair
Cat Off as Punishment
ver Willweber, proprietor of a local
grocery store, was found guilty to
day by the U. S. Food Admisinstra
tlon for Califonia pf having violated
the administration's rule which reg
ulates the distribution of sugar un
der the certificate! plan.
Wlllweber's sugar supplies were
ordered cut off for the neriod of ths
war and the supplies he has on hand
Kmust be returned to the jobber.
(Continued on page 2).
CIlfCAGO. Jnne 6. The organi
zation of the 200.000 traveling' sales
news bearers for the spreading of
information to counter-act German
trade Influence i was planned today
at a meeting of the Association of
National Advertisers. , :-,
For That New Suit, Goat,
Dress, Skirt or Waist
; Right now is the best time to get your Silks or any yard
goods you might be interested in. Don't give np until our
salespeople find what you want it must be here. -
In all desirable shades, too numerous to mention, several
qualities, 36 inches wide, at yard . . ,
t . $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $1.85, $2.00
A choice variety of NOVELTY STRIPES and PLAIDS in
Chiffon Taffetas and Satin Combinations, 36 inches wide,
atyard. ie3 10 $2-25
An excellent quality in an assortment of colors second to
none with which to match almostsany shade of Silk. This
line is 40 inches wide, at yard. $1-95
A wonderful collection of qualities in Natural Pongee,
heavy coating and suiting weights for practical and lonjr
service. Also many fancies and colors. These are all
Genuine Imported Goods the best that are produced
33 and 34 inches wide. Look at the assortment and inpte
our prices, 85c. 90c, $1.00, $1.15, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $T.65,
S1.85. $2.00, $255 and $2.45 a yard.
Store Closes An Hour
Weather favorable, this store will close from 3:30 to
4:30 SATURDAY AFTERNOON that all our employees
may have the opportunity to see and observe the magnifi
cent phenomenon THE SOLAR ECLIPSE.
1V : x,r:i';4f;;,---
Oregon City Man Elected
Fifth Time Despite Non
partisan Sympathy
Action on Important Meas
ures Will Take Place at
f Session Today
C. E. Spence, of Oregon City, has
been elected to serve his fifth con-
secultive term as master of the Ore
gon State Grange. Not even a close
race was given Mr. Spence b? his
opponent. J. J. Johnson, of Portland,
notwithstanding Spence's stout de
fense of the Non-Partisan league,
which many delegates predicted
would bring his defeat. He received
70 votes to 39 cast for Johnson.
The election of officers took place
Wednesday 'nieht. but results were
not announced to the State Grange
and made public until 10: 3C a. m.
Itig Vote Is Surprt."e.
The big vote given Spence was
particularly surprising for the rea
son that the last action of the con
vention, before voting on officers,
was the passage 'of a resolution re
fusing to allow the Oregon Grange
to combine with the Non-Partisan
league, with which Spence is In
strong sympathy.
Johnson's -defeat is attributed to
the fart that he is a lawyer. Many
delegates were heard to say they
conld see no reason why a farmers
organization should have an attorney
at Its head.
Other orf leers elected: Overseer.
C. D. Hoffman. Union; lecturer. Mrs.
Minnie E. Bond. Iane; stewara.
C Glover. Clackamas; assistant stew
ard. Charles 1L Hays. Washington;
chaplain, finis H. Walker, Linn;
treasurer,, II. Hirsehberg. Polk; sec
retary Mrs. Mary S. Howard. Clack
amas'; gatekeeper, C. C. norland.
rvros. Mrs. Carry M.
Sales. Clatsop; Pomona. Miss C.oM
eth Combs, I.lnn; Flora. Mrs. J. C
Leedy. Washington: lady assistant
steward Miss Dorothy Byron; mem
ber executive committee. B. G. Leedy,
Benton; members legislative com
mittee. M. M. Burtner. Wasco, anl
hay Gill. Multnomah.
Thin! holce I'sed.
In the electftm of,orficers the Ori
gan Grange used for th;nt tlnw
cMnnd and third choice
Wir. !". .. u.t
9ystem, in n
night the only case iu wu....
vassing board had to make use of
the third' choice oauoi w "7""-'".
the result was for the position of
Flora, which wsrs won oj -
Tedy. or Washington county lies
. rnve-rt was second highest wun
- - Th vote for secretary was
riosV. with 60 votes given Mrs. Mary
a n-.rH of Clarfcamas. sira. v.. ...
Bailey, of Uougias cu-aui,, y
est her witfc 6i . w
TUn Sheldon, oi Jif'", -;v
working in trie mier-is
w . .r. nroon normal schools.
ana - .7, 7? ..,. i tn
... which an miiiau' mcw-c -
nnear on tnea'i --
election. i ,
lution by the Grange favoring
O. A. Hartman, one of Salem's
prominent jewelers was yesterday af
ternoon elected president of the Ore-
con Retail Jewelers association con
ventlon, which closed last night with
a banuuet at the Hotel Marion
Others elected weiie Royal M. Saw-
telle of Pendleton, first vice-presi
dent: Martin J. Reddy of Medford.
second vice-president; Frank J. Don-
nerberg of Astoria, third vice-president;
F. M. French of Albany, sec
retary and treasurer; Filtz Aben
droth and J.. P. Jaeger of Portland,
directors. Mr. French is serving his
second term in office.
Pendleton was picked as the meet
ing place for 1519. the dates to con
form with those of the Round-up.
The delegate representing Oiegon
at the national convention will, be
Carl J. Greve of Portland.
Testerday's speakers were Walter
A. Denton and Jack Littell, deputy
internal revenue collector of Port
land, who chose aa his subject "The
War Excise Tax," Mr. Little gave an
enlightening explanation of this, the
association members following it
with a discussion of the application
of the rules.
The crowning event of the con
vention was the dinner dance in the
Hotel Marion last night. Feature
numbers were furnished by Gene
vieve Barbour, Miss Teryl Staples
and .Miss Ada Miller. Isaac E.
Staples, retiring president, acted as
toastmaster. -
Among the delegates at the meet
ing were Miss Ella C. Meade. F. G.
Will. S. R. Wood and F. M. Freach.
Jr., of Albany, C. H. Morris of Dallas,
Sumner Hickerson of Harrisburg, Mr.
Dielschneider and Mark Hanna of
McMinnville, C. A. Morris of New
berg, F. Abendroth of Portland and
C. A. Luthy of Stay ton.
Borglam Wants Hughes to
. Assist in Investigation
WASHINGTON, June 6. Gutron
Boglum. whose sensational accusa
tions against officers and others con
nected with government aircrart pro
duction were aired before President
Wilson tffcked Charles E. Hughes to
act with Attorney General Gregory
in Investigating such charges, was
examined today by the attorney gen
eral. Mr. Hughes and Assistant At
torney General Frierson. He was
closted with the Investigators all day.
his testimony being recorded. in full
by stenographers.
His testimony was not made public
and officials declined to say whether
he would appear again.
Blockade of Eleven Trains
Broken Up; Flood Ends
TAMA. la.. June 6. Eleven Chi
cago and Northwestern trains con
taining more than 1000 persons
which have been stranded here since
Tuesday morning started east at
noon today.
Thousands of acres of land are In
undated here and in some streets the
water is six feet deep. The paper
mills, the main Industrial plant of
the town, are closed. No mall has
arrived here since Tuesday.
Americans Push" Forward in Chateau Thierry Sector, Tak
ing Prisoners and Holding Ground Firmly-Second Fight
Opens Late in Afternoon, Raging Through Night Men
Whistle "Yankee Doodle'9 While Fighting Like Tigers
Huns Throw in New Divisions .
Eighteen Appearances To Be
Made During Three Sum
mer Months
Some Members Lost to Ship-SmaU Lumber Mills Ask
yards but Others Come to
Take Places
ican inarines attacked the Germans at dawn this morning and gained
three and a half kilometers over a three-kilometer front and capturea
100 prisoners in the Chateau Thierry sector. The Freneli attacking
the same time on the left took 160 prisoners.
The Americans now hold all the important high ground nortn-
west of Chateau Thierry, . , 1
The marines" again attacked at 5 o'clock this afternoon and the
battle is still raging.
The fight started at 3:45 o'clock this morning and the Americans
had attained all their objectives by 7 :45 o'clock.
The Americans have been pressing the Germans so hard that the
enemy has been forced to throw three Jiew divisions of his best troops
in the line during the last three days.
The Americans are like tigers. Their commanders have all they
can do- t-hold the men back. Even the wounded are enthusiastic and
eager to fight. They are proud of their wounds. A general who
visited a field dressing station said he was elated by the sight.
- . -
The Americans sang and whistled
'TiuVm noodle and cneerea as tney
went over the top. They made their
war swiftly through the German
To Be Saved From Ruin
By way of introducing the summsr
season of outdoor concerts, the Cher-
rian band, under the management of
John Graber, went out to the state
hospital grounds last night and play
ed a number of selections for the
i benefit of the Inmates.
The first of the regular series of
concerts will be given at Wlllson
park on Friday night, June 14. if
the weather Is suitable.
Careful Training Required.
It may not he generally known
that the Salem band is under coa
tract with the city council to present
a series of eighteen concerts during
the months of June. July and Aug
ust. , For this the band is paid the
sum of $1450. The contract provides
that the band must be carefully
trained, and shall render such a
grade of music as shall meet the ap
proval of the committee on public
parks. The concerts must cover not
ipsa than one and one-half hours, and
there must not be an undue repeti
tion of selections. In case of bad
weather the concerts may be post
nnned until later date .but the en
tire series Is supposed to be com
nleted bv October 1. Special and
additional concerts are 10 ne put. on
as desired by the authorities, to ne
naM fnr on the same basis as the
rrnriiAuv ic to o r P T V h
LLACfllUn 1 lariVblll " vat,fl lost a number
f its best nlavers to the shipyards
anil the war camps, it nas oeen re-
infm-rprf hv new players, to nearly its
.rnrmr .lie. It will be composea oi
twenty members, ana ine instru
mentation will te aa iouow. ...v
riwm riarinns. mire miw.
haritnnes. two- Dass, iwo U""
!,. one niccoio anu '
i- i.nnwt that several others may
ii is . . ,
be added to the personnel. itriu.
season Is over.
t l-rrtv i fr.iiirieni
The band will be under the leader
ship of Oscar Steeinammer.
k. rmrinipea. " " -
Z the ensemble all that the Jnstrru
i.iiAn win nermit. It will ie
Udily understood competent mn-
nor. Ie pern- n
WASHINGTON., Jane . Small
lumber mills throughout the country.
some 35.000 of them, petitioned the
war Industries board today to pro
tect them from ruin threatened hy
the government's policy of. eliminat
ing the wholesaler. If the whole
salers fo out of business, the peti
tion said, it will mean the closing
of small mills which produce 1 8.-
000.000,000 feet of lumber annually.
LONDON. June 6. Four German
eenerals according to the Itenin
Krense Zeltunr. have been retired o
half pay. The ya re Von Kehler.
Von Helchow. Bromers and on wur-
dead that lay strewn in No Man's
Land. ,
In addition to prisoners, the Amer
icans captured ten machne guns.
German prisoners said they bad not
been fed for four days owing to the
deadly fire from the French and
American guns which prevented the
bringing 'np of supplies. These Ger
mans were without helmets. They
were tired "of the war. They had
been told that the British oppbsed
them., as their commanders were
arraid to let them know that it was
the Americans.
The Germans were cleared out of
Veullly wood also hy the Americans
whose guns were thundering against
the enemy this evening. The fiercest
righting was In progress at last re-
( Continued on page 2)
Six Indians Get Diplomas Un
der New Arrangement of
The Number of the Stores and the Diversity of the Charxctrr
of Merchandise They carry will make it Easy Tor Shoppers to f Ul
all their needs at Eeduced Prices on Bargain Day, Saturday,
June 15.
Girls Make and Design Own
Dresses Prizes To Be
Presented Today
. i m iiinorf"i
Services honoring the memory of
mJmberTof the Oregon Grange who
have died since me w - -
runied the convention yesterday
declaration r war, hu
SStlefield or at encampments
on tAe
AM Indian not the tepee kind
but modernized Indian was the
Commenceenmt program at the Che
mawa training school yesterday ar
Across the top of the Bcenery
which formed the background for the
group on the stage in the auditorium
the spectator might have noucea
decorative frieze showing a wild
west picture with wigwams and
blanket braves, in striking contrast
ram nns. roniDosed Chemawa's first
hnv and eirls the former in tneir
dark blue uniforms and the latter in
immaculate white dresses, who fillod
tho auditorium. Further testifyine
dm rrnit hanirA was the row of
beaming Indian fath ts and mother?
in tho hark of the hall.
Fiv eirls and one boy, those who
rA..Aitrwi .linlnnias for having com
pleted the academic and industrial
ted behind a bank of red
..oil,..- mu all erown on the
.,mniii mmtmsod Chemawa s firs'
crrarinatinir class under the new ten
erade organization. The girls wore
dainty white dresses designed, made
an1 DTIllirni dered by themselves. They
carried great bouquets of crimson
- rmm the school gardens. An
11 riemawa orchestra played the
Trr-eBsi6nal and a Clwmawa chortt?
it., vncai nnniDers
imwirtM! product in that
n,iro hnildine was State Snperin
Schools J. A
and distrih
- .AlArttnnH ran
rendered ty a ,7'
ers. However, there is no question
St the Salem pnblic will he , favor
ed with a most acceptable quality of
music during me '" r, r ynn
gram of the concert of Frjuay f"n
iv. citif edition
14 will appear m iut
of The Statesman.
The aooreclatlon shown by thei
shoppers at last year's Bargain Day
assures the success of Salem's Sec
ond Annual Bargain Day to be held
Saturday, June 15.
The constantly increasing whole
sale cost of merchandise caused the
merchants to feel a sort of reluctance
toward holding a Bargain Day this
ear. They realized that to replace
the goods which will be sold on
Barraln Day they will In many in
stances have to pay a wholesale price
higher than that received from the
Bareain Day shoppers. v
However, so many requests for a
repetition of Bargain Day came pour
ing in from residents all over the
country that the wish of the public
has prevailed aad practically all the
orojcressive merchants or baiem win
offer special Inducements on this day
of all days for economical buying.
This action on the part of the mer
chants should be appreciated for they
are really making a big sacrifice in
reducing prices at this time.
It is a generally recognized fact
that all kinds of merchandise can
be purchased right . now in Salem
at a price that is considerably lower
than is charged In otae- commun
ities. The further reductions that
will prevail on. Bargain Day will
make It an event that the buyers can-
FMtnr Will Convene In
Cfr in Cnmint 1 ear not afford to Iss. 1
ucuttti. ... . The mercnnU are arreaay bdsT
I getting their stocks in order so as
a l Tuna
SPUI.nos. Aim... -""- I tn add to the convenience of shonners
Wash., was sV
window displays for
exhibition of their
Everyone is talking Bargain Day
and word comes from Sllverton ana
Turner that the women there are
ream-. "" " f v.fional marsing prices mat win oe aircwc
1913 conienuuo ,nd pUnning
Editorial assocituU ... advantageous
today. . . ...
1I1C . . will.
ed debate as to the advisability of
u.ui.. . ennrpiit on next year ow--
HlllUIUfc w . .
lnK to war "a',n.s- ild'. organizing shopping parties and will
ed that no n,. to make a day of it. a day of
this time. ieiegav " l.i-.r4, recreation and economical
n- ,.wiii Ma mrr i inEiin lUBiaicv mm i a
nf Schools J. A. unnn uu..iwu - , A mTtA fin. I bUVtng.
delivered the principal address ve tioa l snouia ,h;- followlng Is a list of the bus!
distributed the diplomas ana deorre Creel
Saturday, Jnne 15.
Price- Shoo .uompany, uww u
men's shoes.
Kafofary Brothers, ladies' inrnisa-
A. W. Schninlc, groceries ana ary
IWmtin mtennsniB, laaies
furnishing goods.
I lav L. Farmer Hardware
hardware, cutlery, silverware, etc
F. W. Wool worth Cow, 5c. 10c and
15e goods.
Vkk Brother, automobiles, tract-
ore, auto supplies, etc
Valley lotor Co., aatomobUes ana
, E. T. Bamee, men's and ladles
furnishings, dry roods, etc.
J. L Itosick A Hon, groceries and
Kaiem Hardware Co., hardware
cutlery and silverware.
Kalrrn Woolcs U11 Store, men's
furnishing goods.
V. W. Moore, funiture and hous"
Hartman Brothers Co.. jewelers t
optlciana. . .
The Boot cry, men's and ladles
J. C. Penny Co men's and ladies
furnishings, dry foods, etc
Itotfa Grocery Col, fancy and staple
The French Shop, millinery and
millinery supplies.
Imperial Fwnitare O funltares,
stoves, house furnishings, etc
E. U Stiff So, funiture, pianos,
talking machines.'
C. K. Hajnilum, funiture, house
urnlshings. stoves and ranges.
Hurra's Funitare Store, funiture.
carpets, etc
O. J. tec he I. men furnishings,
r. E. FwUerton, millinery and la
dles shoes. '
Geo. C Will, the pioneer music
(Continued on page 4
who had completed but one cdurse.
Creel I ness houses that have already Join
f"u.V Elding have pledged their work to of
Lnr .h Vn;ntion was read. PcIal Inducements to purchasers
eertificates to three other students, a -J , ?r m ittee on nubile ed the Bargain Day movement and
am a ffrvl rep. I C 1 1 a 1 1 liiAia va ;
moderate winJ-1
Showers, cooler;
mostly southerly.
(Continued on pago 6)
(Continued on page 6)
V --w