The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 06, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Win 8 to 2 Five Runs Se
cured on Quick Play in
Third Inning
Angeles evened up the series -with
Oakland, winning 8 nZ. Five An
cles, a double and an error in the
third pave the-Angel five tf their
runs. Brown was In, good form and
pfter the fifth inning was not In
danger. - r ;
Score: i R. H. E.
Los Angeles ........... . 8 17 0
Oakland 2 9 4
, Brown and Doles; Trough and
MHze. : -
SALT LAKE CITY. June 5. Salt
Lake won today's game tl to 5. In
the fourth inning the Bees tools. after
Sea ton and six hits combined with
errors and all round loose playinri
on the pat of the Seals "gave the
locals seven runs for the inning. One
of the errors occurred' when Brooks
throwing to third in an effort to
catcb a runner, struck Sands in the
back of the head, two runs scoring
Score: R. H. 77
San Francisco ........... 5 1 v 3
Salt Lake ... 11 1." 3
Scatli. Johnson. McKe and
Brooks; Leverenz and oKnnlck. VL
LOS ANGELES. June 5. Brenton
weakened in the ninth allqwing Ver
non. to take a fast hard fought game
from Sacramento. , The Tigers scored
the winning run when Daley walked,
advancea a base on Borton's single,
took third when Moore walked and
tallied when Wlsterzil sent a long
sacrifice fly to left field.
Score: It. II. E.
Sacramento . . . s.2 6 1
Vernon - ...... J. Z 7 0
Brentonand Easterly;. Dell. Chech
and Moore. '
(Continued from page 1)
got started In it."
He went.on to point out the dem
onstration of the value of the pay
roll which the shipyards have given
the state. , This, however, be said will
not last Always and we must" pro
vide I for the future. , .Most excuses
for riot doing this are "white lies
wrapped tn artistic white and tied
witb,!tainbows" he maintains; '"Let
us How pull together for every fact
ory of every kind." Mr.- Clark con
cluded. "Oregon payrolls are doing
a lot" lor you. Do a little for them."
-. Flection Is Today.
The evening was occupied with a
social gathering at , headquarters. A
musical program was provided.
Today's events include an address
by -Walter A.; Denton-on "Modern
Merchandising" and another by Jack
Little of Portland. Election of of
ficers, will take place late in the af
ternoon. A banquet in the main din
ing room at the Hotel Maiion will
wind up the annual gathering.
Those delegates who registered
yesterday are as follows: S. Land-
trom, Lebanon; G. F. Steele. lone;
C. II. Morris. Dallas; C. V. Logan;
William C. Retzer; F. M. French.
Albany; I. E. Staples, : Portland: C.
F. ratge, Vancouver: Royal M. Saw-
telle, Pendleton; William Gardner,
Oregon City and U. S. Miller. A. L
Wallace, Otto Hartman, Charles
Pomeroy and L. R. Burdette of Sa
lem. President Staples presided over
the convention. I
Helpful Hints on Banking
Fill Out This Blank
IF you wish to open a Savings Account at
the United States National Bank by Mail
so that your savings will be drawing Inter
estall that is needed is to fill out the blank
below: j
Namei . ..i. . . . .. ...... .
Signature ...... . !;..?!!..!..
Amm&t to be deposited $.....
Ecturn this with your first deposit in Check, Draft,
Soldier Home on Furlough
Wins for Brooklyn With
Shutout for St Louis .
BROOKLYN, June 5. Sergeant
Leon Cadore. home on furlough from
Camp Gordon, pitched his f irit game
of the season for Brooklyn today
and shutout St. Louis. 2 to o. Ca
dore allowed onlv four scattered hits
and received brilliant support.
Score: R. II. E.
St. Louis 0 41
Brooklyn 2 91
Ames. Tuero and Gonzales; Ca
dore and Miller.
BOSTON. June a. Chicago made
it four straight aeainst Boston to
day. The score was 7 to 2. In the
first inning Ha ran was hammered
for four runs and Hearne pitched the
palance of the game for Boston.
Score: v y.. II. E.
Chicago . ..... 7 15 0
Boston i , 3 10 1
Hendrix and IKIIifer: Ragan
Hearne and Wilson.
allowed 16 hits today but Philadelph
ia was in the game until the eighth
when doubles by Dressier and Roush
drove in three runs and clinched the
contest. 7 to 4
Cincinnati 7 16 3
Philadelphia 4 10 2
- Bressler and Wingo; Mayer. Wat
son and Burns.
NEW YORK. June 5. A ninth-inning
rally, netting three runs, enab
led New York to retain first place In
the leal.e race today by winning
from Pittsburg, 4 to 3. New York
scored the winning run on McKecb
nle's low throw to the plate.
I Score: R. H. E.
Pittsburg . 3 5 2
New York . . - 4 7 0
I Cooper and Schmidt; Dcnoree
Causey and Rariden.
i am mi- !
Vancouver Makes It Three
Straight by Defeating Beav-
ers in Ten Innings
VANCOUVER, s B. C. June 5.
Vancouver Jmade It three In a row
today by defeating Portland. 8 to 7,
in ten innings. The game was list
less, the only bright feature being
McNulty s home run with a lost ball
over the left field fence, one of the
longest hits' possible on the Van
couver grounds.
Score: R. II. E.
Portland ....... 8 14 2
Vancouver ............. .9 14 3
Clow, Fisher, Morton and Peter
son; Henion, Slattery and McNulty.
ABERDEEN, Wash., June 5.
Aberdeen nearly overcame a 6 to 3
lead In the last of the ninth today,
but after getting in two runs could
go no farther although there were
runners on third and second.
Score: R. H. E.
Seattle ....6 11 1
Aberdeen 5 6 2
Leroy, McMoran and Downey;
Shader and Roland.
Six Sacks of Flour Get
Minister Into Trouble
SPOKANE. June 5. Under libel
taction brought in the United States
.district court heretoday, six sacks
of flour were seized by federal of
ficer! in the residence of Rev. I
Gaiser and are being held at the fed
eral building. The manager of a
mill at Ritzville which is declared
to have shipped the flour here last
November, has been cited to appear
before " State Food Administrator
Charles Hebberd and show cause why
the license of the mill should not In
Rev. Mr. Gaifer is district super-
I ntendent of the Pacific German
! Methodist conference, and at pre-
nt is absent from the city.
Money Order or if Cash
in registered package or
A. oalem Oregon,
Chicago Scores 4 to 3 Vic
tory Over Philadelphia in
First of Series
CHICAGO. June 5. Timely hit
tins by Chicago rave them a 4 to 2
victory over Philadelphia in the first
game of the series here todav. "Gan
dils sinsle in the ninth rent Weaver
home with the winning run. Wil
liams was hard hit in the fourth in
ning when the visitors tied the score,
and Cicotte finished the game for
Svore:- - R. H. E.
Philadelphia -3 S 0
Chicago 4 X 0
Perry and Perkins; Williams, Ci
cotte and Schalk.
Wellington .". Itetroit 4.
DETROIT, June T.. Ainsmith's
two base hit, his stolen base and
Bush's throw to the plate of Shot
ten's grouader tn the eleventh In
ning gave Washington the openins
game of the aeries today, & to 4.
Score: R. II. E.
Washington 5 10 I
Detroit . . J 4 7 0
Harper. ! Johnson and Picinich,
Alnsmith; Kallio. C. Jones and Spen
cer, ill innings). '
New York .1. St. LouU 2.
ST. LOUIS, June 5. With the
score 2 to 1 against them In th?
eighth Inning and the bases fl'led.
Pecklnpaugh tripled to the left field
fence, giving New York a victory
over St. Louis today, 5 to 2.
Score: R. H. E
New Yorkr. 5 7 1
St. Louis. . ......... 2 8 4
Thormablen," Love. Russell and
Hannah; Loudermilk, Houck and
TWMton 4, nevcjaml 5.
CLEVELAND, June 5. Cleveland
defeated Hoon. 5 to 4. today. RutU
hit the ball over the right field wall
in the sixth for his fourth home run
In four days.
Score: R. II. E
Roston 4 X 4
Cleveland 5 8 1
Rush and Agnew; Enzmann. Rag
ty and Thomas. 110 Innings).
CAMP LEWIS," Tacoma. Wash..
June""!;. Camp Lewis officers haTe
received instructions from Washing
ton to prepare approximately 12.000
new men to come in the June draft,
it was announced today. The men
ar scheduled to leave their local
boards during the five-day period
starting Jne 24.
What states will send troops to
camp this month could not be learn
ed today. Whether the Dakotas and
Minnesota would be included this
month as they were last was not
known to officers of the depot bri
gade where the new men are quar
tered. California and Oregon did
not send men here In the May contin
gent of the draft and officers here
have not been notified whether these
states wfll be represented this month
Slightly more than 12.200 came to
camp last month, the largest move
ment to camp of draft men la many
The last of the new draft were
sent through the mustering office
thi morning and definitely accepted
or rejected from army services. The
percentage of rejections were slight
ly higher than In the preceding
month, this being due to the -closing
of the limited service detachment
to men found unfit for general ser
vice. The rejects s averaged sev
en and a fraction per cent, which i
considerably lower than the average
last fall when the firrt draft men
came to camn.
The arrival of seven new secre
taries, announced today at Y. M. C.
A. headquarters, gives the association
Its biggest camp personnel since the
onening of the work here last fall.
Eighty-l)or secretaries are now on
duty in camp.
The big number Is due largely to
the demand for secretaries for for
eign service, a large number of the
men now in camp expecting to go
overseas among the ten a month to
be sent from here. They will be
given preliminary training in huts
The personnel boards of Tacoma
and Seattle .are to meet in their re
spective cities tomorrow afld exam
ine a nnmber of applicants- for Y
M. C A., work both In camp and
with the expeditianary forces in
France. O. K. Taylor, district sec
retary, is chairman ofthe Seattle
board, and E. E. Curran of the Ta
coma board.
Alumni of the University of Mich
igan, now In the service here, will
hold a get-together meeting tomor
row night in the recreation hall at
Montana avenue and North 14th St.
Alumni of Tacoma and Seattle also
will attend.
In addition to tbe Red Cross head
quarters building here has been au
thorized and work will begin within
a few days, it was announced today
bv W. R. Van Valen. assistant field
director. New rooms will be built
to provide a work room where wo
men from Tacoma can meet and
mend clothing for the soldiers. Sew
ing machines will be provided and a
supply of tape and other materials
wil be kept in a store room. Here
tofore tho women have lx-n coming
to camp one afternoon a week and
a sectif j of the ramp library has
been given them for a work tpQtu.
FRANCE. Jnn'5. An American
lieutenant and another piIotengaged
a Herman biplane over the lines
northwest of Toul this morning and
iorcca me enemy plane down inside
its own lines after a hot fight.
Superintendent J. A. Church
ill to Present Sheepskins
to Nine Indians
Diplomas will be prewnted to tho
nine graduates of Chemawa Indian
school today at 2)30 this afternoon
bv State School Superintendent J. A.
Churchill. Other events on the pro
gram are the competitive military
drill and parade at 9:30 a. m., the
band concert at 6:45 p. m., and the
rlass play at 8 o'clock.
A number of visitors enjoyed yes
terday's physical culture exhibition
In the gvmnasium and the play "Cin
derella." Brewer hall was awarded a banner
for having the best apeparing house
at inspetcion. and the Small Roys
home and Wlmola hall will each re
ceive cups for the next best.
The program for the graduation
exercises, which will take place in
the auditorium at Chemawa, is as
Processional Orchestra
Vocal solo, "O Come for It's June..
Rose DesChamp.
Salutatory Mamie Frisk
Girls' Octette, "Summer Days". ,Abt
Valedictory Catherine Reed
Girls' Octette, "Life's Dream"...
Presentation of Class.
Address Hon. J. A. Churchill
State Superintendent of Public
Presentation of Diplomas
Hon. J. A. Churchill
Recessional Orchestra
Statement Shows How Many
Austos Have Registered
A statement filed by the motor
vehicle deoartment of the secretary
of state's office shows that during
the month of May $29,126 In fees
was received. This Includes fees for
motor vehicles, motorcycles, deal
ers' and chauffeurs' registrations.
The number or motor vehicles reg
istered, aside from motorcycles, was
3675. Motorcycles registered num
bered 307. dealers 18 and chauf
feurs 268.
For the first five months of the
present year, from January 1 to Mar
31, motor vehicles to the number of
54.471 have been registered. The
number of motorcycles registered for
the five months Is 2846. dealers 433
and. chauffeurs 2113, aitd the total
In fees received Is $403,677.50.
Gerritt Fort Will Work
for Federal Railways
OMAHA. Neb.. June S. Gerritt
Fort has resigned as passenger traf
fic manager of the Union Pacific
system, in order to devote his entire
time to passenger traffic on the Am
erican railways nnder government
control, according to official an
nouncement at Union Pacific head
quarters today.
B. L. Winchell. director of traffic
of tbe Union Pacific, system, has
ajso resigned and becomes director
of the southern . reaton.
J. A. -Munroe. vice president of
the Union PacRic, will henceforth
handle passenger traffic matters for
that company and the Oregon Short
line, with headquarters here. F. W.
Robinson of Portland will handle
passerrjer traffic for the0.-W. K.
N. I'ne.
(Continued from page 1)
as it was begun.
A Hie Improve Pvmitions.
The allies even 'have been able
to improve their positions at -some
This was the case between Corey
and Longpont today. Here the op
posing lines run along the edge of the
forest of Villers-Cotterets. Into which
the Germans are trying to obtain an
entry. In the meanwhile the Ger
mans have assaulted several times
unsuccessfully. From this vicinity
they have been bombarding I .a Ferte
Milon, but have been unable to break
1own tbe barrier of allied resistance
and have been subjected to very
heavy losses. Their objective seems
to be the envelopmnt of the allied
troops occupying the bulge, or forc
'ng them to fall back.
The allies, however,, are holding
firmly at both ends for the present,
despite their inferior numbers, and
the German push appears to hav
reached an obstacle which the enemy
Mnds difficult to ovrcome. '
PARIS. June 5. All the efforts-of
the Germans to advance in the
French sectors have been repelled,
according to the war office announce
ment tonight. Gronnd has been re
gained by the French and prisoners
The text of the statement reads:
"During the day the enemy at dif
ferent points renewed his efforts to
ldvance, but was everywhere repuls
ed, with serious losses. An attempt
to cross the Oiae near Montagarhe
completely failed.
"North of the AUne oiir counter
attacks regained ground rear Vin
gre. We raptured more than liO
prisoners and some machine guns.
"In the region or Longpont the
Germans who had succeeded in mak
ing some progress around Chavignv
farm were driven out. leaving in our
hands about fifty prisoners. Every
where our positions were main
tained. "Our viators were very active in
the while fighting zone. On Jnne 4
in the valley of the Savieres our
bombing) esradrille dropped more
than seventeen tons of projectiles
on enemy concentrations, which were
completely dispersed. On the night
of the fourth about fourteen ton of
explosives were dropped o the rail
way stations at Fisraes, Fere-en-Tar-
denols. Rove and Dohaln. .
- "Four enemy machines were
brought down and two captive bal
loons burned. An enemy machine on
a grand model, having four motors,
was brought down on the night of
June 1 in the region of Nanteull le
Haudouin. Its crew of eight men
was made prisoner."
June 5. Field Marshal
llaig's report from Itritish headquar
ters tonight says: 'As a result of
an enemy raid this morning in the
neighborhood of Moorlancourt, we
captured 21 prisoners and three ma
chine guns. Beyond the usual crtil
fery activity there is nothing to re
port from the British front."
LONDON. June 5. (British Ad
miralty, per wireless press.) The
military correspondent of the British
wireless service writes as follows
concerning the operations on the
western front:
"The situation in the Alsne sec
tor may almost be said to have reach
ed that position or stability to dis
turb which would require the intro
duction of some new factor. All
operations of the last 24 hours have
had only local or tactical signifi
cance, and, in the balance, have been
as much in favor of the allies as of
the enemy. Tow points are especial
ly noteworthy. The appearance and
successfully operation of an Ameri
can unit on the Cha.Xiu Thierry
front, and the considered expression
of confidence published by tbe allied
supreme war council."
WASHINGTON. June 5. Penetra
tion of enemy positions in Picardy
and Lorraine by American patrols in
flicting losses upon the enemy in
killed and wounded was reported to
night in General Pershing's commun
ique. In the Woevre artillery fight
ing hes diminished.
The statement follows:
"Patrolling activity continues in
Picardy and in Lorraine where our
troops penetrated the enemy posi
tions and inflicted losses In killed
and wounded. In the Woevre artil
lery fighting has diminished."
BERLIN, via London, June 5. -"On
the battle front the Istuation is
unchanged," says the German offi
cial communication Issued this 'eve
ning. "Successful advances in Flanders
brought some prisoners.
"On the whole front lively recon
ooitering activity continued and the
artillery battle revived temporarily.'
Several Killed When Boats
Collide; Explosion Follows
. . LONDON, June 5. Several 'per
sons were killed by explosions' or
drowned in the capsizing of a life
boat from the steamer Kenllworth
Castle. -which reached a British port
today in a .crippled condition as a
result of a collision. A number of
persons are also reported to be miss
ing. The steamer had ion board
about 300 passengers and mall from
South Africa.
The exolosions rollowed the
lision. .
Late reports are that eight mcm -
bers of the crew of the Kenllworth
Castle are massing and that three
nassengers hav not been accounted
ror. A score of persons Injured are
In hospitals.
Date Set for Telegraphers9
Strike, Says Konencamp
CHICAGO. June 5. Sylvester J.
Konenkamp. president of the Com-
mefcjal Telegraphers' I'nion of Amer
ica, announced on his arrival in Chi
cago from Washington that a date
had been set for a nation-wide strike
of telegraphers to enforce their de
mands, for recognition or the union.
He rerused to give out the date but
said that it would not be this week
and that instructions would be seat
to the workers tomorrow.
SAN ANTONIO. Texas. June 5.
Meutenant Franklin W. (Clark, of
Medina. Ohio, died tonight at the
post hospital at Brooks field as the
result of a fall yesterday. Clark'3
accident was not made known until
his death was announced.
He was a graduate of Oberlin col
lege and was the son of F. J. Clark
of Medina.
When Tommie goes "over the ton"
Beat Off Two German At
tacks in Maine Battle En
emy Wiped Out
Another Group of Americans
Put Up Fight Behind
Hun Lines
FRANCE. June- 5. American ma
rines wrote another glorious page in
their history Tuesday night and
Wednesday morning in beating off
two determined German attacks on
the Marne battle. Last night they
wiped out a large enemy patrol, this
morning charged and captured en
emy machine gnna and this after
noon killed many of the enemy and
took prisoners.
The Germans concentrated large
forces before Veuilly wood and be
gan a mass attack. They were mown
down by the American machine gun
ners and the attack was broken up
before reaching the American line,
the Germans fleeing In confusion.
The marines are fighting like Tro
jans, and have no desire for sleep.
Arter inflicting heavy losses on the
enemy last night they almost anni
hilated an enemy patrol this morn
ing. Tbe outfought the German ma
chine gun position this afternoon,
killed seven Germans and captured
a Wounded German.
The story of how the Americans
aided the French in stopping the
German advance at Chateau Thierry
Is a most remarkable one. The reg
iment which bore the brunt or the
fighting bas had a glorious career
dating back to revolutionary days.
Although it is now composed mostly
of newly enlisted men, many of whom
had never been under fire, it arrived
In France and marched direct to the
battle line from Its training camp.
The regiment's fire was so deadly
that (they broke up an entire German
formation and drove orr the enemy In
conluslon. Their French comrades
say Ihey showed the greatest skill
and accuracy while under fire.
Yankee Lie In Walt.
An American aptrol of 20 men
penetrated to the enemy thiid lines
me L.uneviIIe sector early this
morning. The American encounter
ed two hundred Germans nd at
tacked them with grenades, bayonets
and bullets.
The fight lasted twenty minutes
ana heavy losses were inflicted on
col-if"0 ene",r - American loss was ex
llre4HC,r I,ghL
l The Americans had crept Into the
! ST." Iine8 "1 ww lyiDg l.n waU
for the enemy. Soon many shadows
began to move about. The order
was given and the Americans, kneel
ing and standing, delivered a barrage
with hand grenades into the enemy
ranks. The German were disorgan
ized for a moment but recovered and
(opened up with rifle fire.
I. When they were apparently great
l ly outnumbeied. the American re-
i tired, still fighting. The Germans
i followed at a distance and many of
tnem were seen to fall under the
American fire. Soon arterward tho
American artillery deluged the Ger-
Sman positions with shells.
Make I Hiring Rewrne.
Two American lieutenants, both
from Tittsburg. played conspicuous
parts in stemming the German ad
vance along the Marne. Lieutenant
Walter R. Flann?ry was the first
American decorated with the French
war cross for participation In the
present great battle. Lieutenant John
T. Bissel. a West Tolnt graduate,
commanding two machine gun units,
was the first American to cross to
north of the Marne during the fight
ing. .1
Lieutenant Flannery volunteered
to swim the Marne Monday night to
rescue a woinded Frenchman who
had been cut off and made prisoner
What Tommies Think of Huns as They Go
i the bir German tri. k- ..
by the Germans but bad escaped. The
Frenchman crept to the north bank
of the river In tbe afternoon and
signalled to the Americans. He was
told to bide In a certain tpot until
night fall.
Tying a rope around himself. Lieu
tenant Flannery swam to the rescue
while enemy bullets, hit al around
him and brought the wounded man
back. This afternoon French and
American soldiers lined up while the
lieutenant was decorated with war
cross while the cannons boomed and
enemy aircraft flew overhead
Lieutenant iD&sel had tx--n cited
for the French war cros. At the
height of the fighting the Germans
bad captured Hill 204 and wer
sweeping the river front with their
fire. Bissel and his men were in an
Isolated position and their retreat
to the southern bank of the river bad
been cut off by allied guns which
were sweeping a nearby bridge. Ar
ter he had held up the German ad
vance for 24 hours. Rissc-1 signalled
his comrades to cease firing. He and
his men then- recrossed tbe bridge
and saved themselves and 30
Frenchmen, who also had been cut
off. The bridge was then blown op.
Better System Relieves
Spaulding Car Shortage
IT. G. Holt of the Spanlding com
pany states that the car shortage
that has ben holding up tbe produc
tion of the new camp cn the Siletx
has been relieved and the company
is now putting out about 0.000 feet
a day of the finest grade or fir tim
ber, suitable for ship bnilding and
airplane construction.
The company is supplied with la
bor for the time being, the scale f
wages established by the joint ac
tion of tbe Loyal Legion and repre
sentatives of the government, being
high enough to satisfy tbe laborers.
The lowest price now paid In tbe
larger camps Is 40 cents an bonr,
this being the rate of wage for. Ja
panese roustabouts and whistle-boys.
From this-the schedule runs all the
way up to 90 cents an hour for men
who are performing hazardous or
skilled operations. The great ma
jority of men on the rolls are draw
ing Horn 50 to 80 rents an hour,
and in ramps where the work Is un
usually heavy the entire schedule Is
subject to a raise of 10 rents an
Not only Is the labor status virtu
ally In the hands of the government,
but the output Is so tied up with
government spoliations that no con
signment of timber can be turned
over even to a lo-al purchaser with,
out securing a release from the au-
Another event of Commencement
week at Kimball College of Theology
was the reception held last night by
President and Mrs. Henry J. Tal
bott. Tomorrow Rev. Achison. the
only graduate, will receive his di
ploma. .
Non-Partisan League Is
Defended Before Grange
5. The State Grange In session here
today held memorial service in hon
or or late State Grange Master C. B.
Kegley and listened to Impassioned
addresses by Roy McKalg. past
grange master of North Dakota, who
strongly defended the Non-partisan
League. He declared that President
Wilson has already accepted the prin
ciples of the league and declared crit
ics are supporters of the war prof
iteers. McKalg Is a former secretary
of the league In North Dakota.
Prospects Brighten for
Wounded Americans
- PARIS. June 5. Ninety out of
every hundred American soldiers
wounded in the Cantigny battle will
recover. '
This Is the Judgment of the princl,
pal surgeons in the American army
medical corps, which is caring for
them. The -wounded were brought
away from the battlefield without
delay while tbe battle waa still In
Wounded have been brought to
American hospitals In the neighbor
hoc of Paris, Wh from Cantigny
and Voilly wood. i
"0?er the Top"
v. . . .
, . .... .. .