The Statesman .receives the leased wire report of the As sociated Press ; the greatest and most reliable press assoc iation in the world. V r ;' i I SlXTV-KKillTII YKAIt NO. CO -' " SAUOI, OUKtJON, Ut:i)MillAV MOKMMi, JUNK 5. IUIk " - 1WI - PIUCB FIVE CENTS TROOPS BEAT OF GERMANS Americans Cooperate With French Near Chateau Thier ry at Critical Point of Ap proach to Paris ATTACKS SLACKENING ALONG MARNE RIVER Reports From Front Show Hans Are Again Losing Their Ygor and Push WITH THE AMERICAN ARMY IN PIC ARB Y, June f .American troops cooperating with th French west or. Chateau Thierry, noith or the Marne, the nearest and most critical point to Paris, reached by the enemy have brilliantly checked the onrushing Germans, beaten off repeated attacks and inflicting severe losses, bue ad ding to tbe glory of the American history. . The troops began to arrive on the battle front on Saturday and partici pated in the flghUng almost immed iately. They not Sonly repulsed the Germans at every point it which they were engaged, but took prisoners, without havfng aniy prisoners taken In turn by the Germans. The work of the American ma chine gunner was particularly note worthy. There was at least one In stance where ah entire attacking party was wiped out. - There were instances or tne sui fest of hand to bandJighting and in this the Americans 'acquitted them selves in a manner which won thej greatest praise from their FtencbJ comrades. The most determined attack against the Americana occurred last night. Preceded by a heavy bombardment, the Germans came in wrfyes. They penetrated the American trenches, but were quickly " ejected, leaving many dead. 1 - ,;- " Two earlier attacks had the same results. . 1 ' FRENCH RETAKE VILLAGE LONDON. June 4. (By Admiral ty, per: Wireless " Press (Official) The military correspondent of the British wireless service wires: "Between the rivers Aisne and Marne while the fighting continues all along the. line of operations may almost be said to have ceased to be a German advance and to hare sub sided into fights for local positions. Thus, while the enemy claims to have taken Chaudun and the heights to the west of Chateau Thierry the French have re-taken the village of Faverolles and the Mont de Choisy. But except on a large scale on the map the change In the Hoe is scarce ly perceptible. " " "On the rest of the hew ground there .have been no changes except for the operation by. wnlch the Brit ish advanced their; line' locally at Thillois, to the southwestof Rbeims. The moment has evidently arrived when the crown prince's army must appreciate- that they alone can achieve no decisive ' results and the German high command must make decisions of great moment. "Meanwhile on the northern sector i Continued on page 2) Brandcgce, Kincaid & OFF ADVANCE Superintendent Moores of Blind School Is Very III E. T. Mooies, superintendent of the stale school for the blind, is critically ill in a hospital at Portland, the state board of control was in formed by Secretary R. II. Goodln yesterday. Mr. Moores is suffering from Bright's disease. At the board meeting last month Superintendent Moores -was given a leave of absence of two weeks because of illness and has not been able to return to Salem. Take Steps to Modify Freight Raising Order WASHINGTON, June 4. Steps looking to modification of the order raising freight rates 23 per cent so as to provide for retention of differ entials and to remove provisions dis criminating against certain business interests or localities, were taken today by the railroad administration. Many changes may be made before June 25 when the higher rates are to become effective. They will not, however, affect materially the amount of the increase. INDIAN SCHOOL WILL GRADUATE NINE STUDENTS Many Come From Distance to Take Up Academic and Industrial Work PRIZES TO-BE GIVEN Thelma Orsen Wins Declama tion Medal William John son Star of Meet Representlng Indian, tribes from distant parts of the western hemis phere, eight girls and one boy at the Chemawa "training school will re ceive H.iplomas when State School Superintendent J. A. Churchill distributes-them at the graduation ex ercises, the crowning event of a luz and interesting commencement "pro gram. Beginning last Sunday with bac calaureate services conducted by Rev. Henry J. Talbott, president of. Kim ball colleg or Theology, the 500 or so students have wound their way through a varied week. The bac calaureate program itself ; .'was n elaborate one replete with musical numbers. On Monday was the base ball game between the shop and the farmers teams, the latter winning. This was followed by a band concert at 6:4 and a declamation contest in the evening. The medal for first place was won by Tnelnla Orsen, an Alaska girl of the seventh grade. Louise De Macon of the same clasa and Wade Minthorne, winner of last year's medal, who Is In the ninth grade, were given honorablo mentun. One Girl I Nurse. Those who will receive diploma this year are Marie Shaishnikoff and Agnes Swanson from the Prlbilotf Islands near Alaska, Leona Johnson of the Klamaths. Agnes Morals or the Montana Flatheads, Myra Rautl, a California Hop!, Mae Adams and Catherine Reed from the Siletz coun- (Continued on page 3) Co Gothes INTERVENTION IS ALTERNATIVE Strike of Western Union Em ployes to Be Called Unless Government Interferes WASHINGTON. June 4. Only in tervention by the federal government can prevent a general strike of ope rators employed by the Western Union and Postal telegiaph com panies. S. J. Konenkamp, president of the telegraphers union, said to night before leaving for Chicago. Up on his arrival there he planned to mail out the call for a walkout as a result of the refusal of the West ern Union company to submit to the jurisdiction of the national war .labor board, which sought to compose dif ferences between the companies and the men. After two days spent here in dis cuEsing the situation with adminis tration officials, members of congress and labor leaders, Mr. Koaenkamp said he doubted even if the govern ment should decided to intervene. action could be taken In time tq pre vent the men rrom going out. He declined to estimate the number that might be Involved. - Secretary Wilson who discussed the situation with the union presi dent, is understood to have laid the matter before the cabinet at its meet ing today, but there was no indi cation that further steps were plan ned to prevent a strike. Mr. Konenkamp said be had been assured' by President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor, of his interest and sympathy and of such assistance, as the federation could; lend an affiliated union. Mr. Gompers made no statement. WILIIELM EES LESSOX AMSTERDAM. June 4. "When I see such horrors of war rendering thousands of people homeless and converting flourishing stretches of the French country into hideous des erts, the thought is forced upon me: What suffering arui misery France might have spared: herself and her people if the peace offer of Decem ber 12, 1916, had'not been so crim inally rejected.' " said Emperor Wil liam, while journeying through the devastated Marne region, according to Karl Rosner, the war correspon dent of the Berlin Lokay Anieiger. Dr. Roberts Arrested for Relations With Miss Lusk Roberts for the murder of" whoso wire Grace Lusk was found guilty on May 29 at Waukesha, was ar rested tonight on charges of Illicit relations Committed here with his wife's slayer. He was brought to Milwaukee. SHIPPING INCREASES RAPIDLY WASHINGTON. June 4. On the heels of the German submarine raids In the North Atlantic, the shipping board announced tonight that produc tion of new vessqjs in May was the greatest of any month in the history of the nation, There were completed and delivered to tUe shipping board forty-four ships, totalling 263.571. three times J(he output of January and twice tht of February. ARREST It UMAX I AX SOCIALIST COPENHAGEN.. June 4. The German military authorities at Buch arest have arrested all the Rumanian Socialist leaders, according to news papers of that city which have just arrived here. The Acid Test OF rvice the real worth of clothes as to whether of genuine or shoddy fabric, of thor- i ongh or careless tailoring, of staple or faddish fashion. Our clothing business this Spring has been very satisfactory even though we have given Suits no special public ity. There now remain just one hun dred and fifty-four BrandegeeJ Kincaid Suits: ; for men. Nearly all of these are con servatively styled staple models for the "staple" men left behind and we feel that you will be pleasantJy surpris ed to know that you can still get suits that will "Stand the Test" at from $15 to $25 ROWS LOOM IN GRANGE HALL TODAY Determined Effort Will Be Made to Hoist C. E. Spence From Chair Opposition May Divide NON-PARTISAN CROWD DUE FOR TROUNCING Four Counties Turn Guns on League and Question Is Special Order Today With the respective factions In battle trim since vesterdav. two hit Iter fights will take place behind the closed doors of the State Grange convention in Salem today. One of these will be a determined effort to hoist C. E. Spence out of the master's seat which he hasoe- cupied for eight years. The other will be on four resolutions that were introduced yesterday opposing any affiliation of the Grange with the Non-partisan league. , TJhe resolu tions are slated as a special order of business at 1:30 o'clock this af ternoon. Election of officers will take place at the session tonight. Officers will be nominated from the floor at 11 o'clock today. Prediction was made yesterday that Spence would be chos en for another term, if the opposi tion splits among several candidates, while, on the other hand, prevailing opinion is that J. J. Johnson of Port land can defeat him if he has the opposition to himself. An effort was made last night to bring all the op position to spence together, but it did not succeed. At the Oregon City convention four .years ago 8 pence beat Johnson by two votes and the two ran another close race at Grants Pass two year ago. While W. IT Lunger of Yamhill county and C. D Hurd of Douglas county seemed al most to have been droppedfrom con sideration late yesterday; they were still possible candidates, and the came of I). D. Hoffman of La Grande was mentioned quite prominently. Should any other candidate enter the field it seems likely that he will be from among these three. Pay Question Issue The fight against Spence Is being made mainly from two angles, his in clination toward the Non-partisan league and the fact, according to some of t the opposition, that he "makes his living off the job." A meagre salary of $300 a year is paid the master of the State Grange, but while traveling on Grange business he is allowed $4 a day and expenses and the antl-Spence crowd' says he travels all the time. It was declared in the corridors of the state house yesterday that Spence makes the po sition of master pay him $3000 year, and it was said further that he has never given any satisfactory- ac count of his expenses. . The question of salary for the state master was made a special order of business- for 9 o'clock this morning and there seems to be a possibility that the system of compensation may 1 changed. Resolutions opposing affiliation with the Non-partisan league were introduced yesterday by the Granges of Multnomah, Douglas, Coos and Co lumbia counties and were referred to the committee on resolutions. The Denton county delegation sent up a resolution demanding that the state emergency board declare a deficiency In the state lime board fund and pro vide $0,000 for the completion and operation of the plant. at Gold Hill This was the question on which tb emergency board failed to produce a quorum a few days ago. Would Control Price. Another resolution Introduced yes terday asks congress to pass legisla tion controlling the price of wheat substitutes, farm machinery and oth er necessities. With the exception of the four directed against the Non partisan league, which are a special order today, all resolutions will prob ably be acted upon Thursday. Although the preponderance of sen timent among delegates seems to be against the Non-partisan- league It is said a warm fight will be waged around the four resolutions. Another fight may be pjrecipitated in the election of a state lecturer. Mrs. Winnie E. Bond of Eugene, ed itor of the Grange Dulletnl. will en deavor to retain the place. She may be opiosed by Mrs. Gertrude Blan- chard of Grants Pass. Mrs. Ulan chard is said to be strongly in sym pathy with the Non-partisan league Entertained by Club. The banquet and reception arrang e din honor of the visitors by tho Commercial club was. in the matter of scope at least, one of the biggest things socially the club has ever done. The floor of the armory was inractically covered by the tables. plate being laid for about S00 peo ple, which Included the grange, vis itors, citizens and a large group of th nor scouts. The tables were tastefully decorated with flower Love Scenes Not Good For Feeble-Minded Inmates Love scenes and films of nromls- cuos dancing will not do for the in mates or the state institute or the feeble-minded. Superintendent J. N. Smith told the state board of control yesterday. The question was brought before the board in a letter from Rev. J. A. Speer of Portland criticising the moving pictures that are used on the ciicuit of the state institu tions. Objection is made to the pictures only because of their effect upon the leeDie-minded. For the entertain ment of Inmates of all of the other institutions, the pictures are said to be first-class. At present it is not possioie ior me noara to arrange for a different set of films for the feeble-minded institution and no ac tion was taken. C;itAIUATKI TAXES PltOPOSKII. WXSniNGTON. June 4. Gradu ated taxes on newspapers and period icals based on the subscription price and circulation was proposed in a bill Introduced today by Represents nve jonnson or wasnington. as a substitute for the postal zone rate system. SPENCE, SLAMS ROAD-BOARD IN ANNUAL SPEECH Highway Commission Is Call ed Incompetent by Master of State Grange MWARY GIVEN PRAISE Need of System for Co-Opera tive Selling Is Pointed Out . C E. Spence, master of the Oregon Grange, In his annual address before the state convention here yesterday afternoon, advocated a policy of road Improvement, but arraigned unmer cifully the state highway commission, which, he declared, is composed of a timber baron, a banker and a poli tician. He cited the road bonding measure and the appointment of the highway commission among a num ber of instances in which he declar ed that the tourists had scored over the farmers. State Master Spence dwelt on the subect of profiteering and commend ed in strong terms United States Senator McXary because he toted for a tax as high as 0 per cent on war profits. Spence asserted that all war profits should be taken by the gov ernment. Another prod was taken at tourist legislation by Mr. Spence when he de clared that part of the $45,000 ap propriated by the legislature to ad vertise the state for tourists should be transferred to the lime board for the completion and operation of Its plant. Unceasing effort to bring about a system of co-operative selling was urged by the speaker and with more sarcastic flings at the highway com mission for selling bonds below par he spoke for a revivifying of rural credits. - "With the coming of good roads and the automobile." he said the so cial and educational part of our prob lem wjir be largely solved if the roads are built so as to connect the farming communities with the mar keting and shipping points, while on the other hand if the craze for scenic highways and pleasure boul fards continue to absorb our avail able funds, the agricultural condi tions will only be aggravated." Referring again to good roads, Mr, Spence said: "During the road bond-campaign the farmer was told that it was all in his interest and it would get him out of the mud, but when it came to the appointment of a highway com- mission, there was no farmer In the state who could bo trusted .with the expenditure of the highwaV funds. A timoer naron, a oanner, ana-a ttician were given the Job. Again the tourists Interest scored over the farmer. 'Practically every condition pre dicted by those opposed to the bonds are assured at this date. "War conditions have caused scarcity of labor and paving costs are higher than predicted. The patented paving has been favored almost ex clusively and toe price is mgn enough to Include royalty and profit. "A second hand paving plant was nnrrhased at a good price last fall but J yet has not been used by the hishwar commission. "The good roads movement has suffered beyond estimation from the inenmnetenrv and extravagance of the commission." N'ext to the war. Mr. Spence e Dressed the opinion that the market Ing problem overshadows all others. He said: "It Is my opinion that a proper solution of It will do more to pro mote the reneral welfare, establish Jutlce and create a united, content Continued pa pag 2). IN01R DDED TO Edwin R. Baird, Jr. Fonnd in land Coast After Having Be en Bombed U. S. Destroyer Interrupts Enemy Attack on French Steamer Radioleme Signals Arranged for Towns Along Shore Lights Will Be Dimmed at Night Air Squadrons Prepare for Raiders I WASHINGTON, June 4- A destroj er rrrorted to the nary de partment tonight that she interrupted an enemy submarine attack on the French steamer Radioleine, 65 miles off the Maryland coast at 9:30 o'clock this morning and had found the American schooner Edward R. Baird, Jr., in a sinking condition after having been bombed. LEWES, DEL., June 4. Firing was heard off the Delaware capes tonight but the cause of it could not be learned. i The tanker Herlert L. Pratt, sunk yesterday by a submarine, was hauled 'off the lar on Which she settled yesterday and was towed to the Delaware breakwater stern first, arriving tonight. Her crew went aboard the vessel and it is said an attempt will be made to take her to Philadelphia. Most of her cargo is still intact. . ' . CHARLES WARREN FAIRBANKS DIES Former Vice-Preiiflent Sac combs to Long Illness at Home in Indianapolis . INDIANAPOLIS. Ind..Jnne 4. Charles Warren Fairbanks, former vice-president or the United States and former United States senator from Indiana, died at his home here at 8:5Scloek tonight. Death was due to intestltlal nephritis, which had been a chronic ailment with him bat not regarded as particular serious until recently. All members of the former vice-president's family, ex cept Major Richard Fairbanks, who is ia France, were at his bedside. The deceased was vice president of the United States during the sec ond Roosevelt administration and la 19 IS he was again the Republican nominee for the same place, on the ticket with Charles E. Hughes. He was discussed more or less as a Pres idential possibility ia connection with each or the last four Republican national conventions. Native Of Ohio Mr. Fairbanks was a native of Ohio, but had made his home in ndianapolis since 1874. shortly af ter his marriage, to Miss Cornelia Cole, daughter of Judge P. B. Cole or Marysville. O. Union county, Ohio, was Mr. fair banks' birthplace, and the date was May 11, 1S52. Youth and early man hood were passed by the fntore viee (Con tinned On page S) SATURDAY, JUNE 15, SECOND ANNUAL BARGAIN DAY Salem Merchants 'Accede to Demands of People In all Parts of Marion and Polk Counties and Decide Upon Date for Biggest Merchandising event of the year. -... . . - Kitnrriav Jun IS is th date of Salem's Second Annual Bargain p.y. That It will be the biggest merchan dising event ever held in Salem Is foregone conclusion. necever nearlv fortv of the leading merch ants of a community like Salem band themselves together for the accomp lishment of a definite object It is safe to predict that their object will be attained. Last year's Bargain Day was a pronounced success: but thU year's event promises to leave even it In the shade. More merchants have join ed the list of bargain day stores and there will be a friendly rivalry be tween them as to who can offer the greatest Inducements to the buying public. The decision to hold this second Annus! Bargain Day ta in re- rponse to requests and demands from residents in various parts oc Marion and Polk counties from people who participated In the bargains offered a year ago and who apprectaiea wonderful money savings they secur ed by buying on that occasion. In speaking of Salem's first An nual Bargain Day. the following Quo tations from some of Salem's leading merchants will demonstrate what they thoaght of the event:' "It was a wonderful success a success to the merchant who sold so largely and to the buyer purchas ing so economically. " 1 have believed from the first that It would be a success bat It has by far surpassed my expectations sail Will lata Mo SCHOII LIS! VICTl Sinking Condition Off Mary NEW YORK. Jane 4. The toll of dead and missing from the raid of German submarines against shipping ' off the American coast apparently stood rtnlght at SS. all from the steamship Carolina or the New York and Porto Rico line. , Sixteen or this number are known to have perished when one or the ships boats capsized la a storm Sun day night alter the vessel had bees sunk. The fate of the others is cot known, but ft Is hoped they have been picked op by a passing ship and will ;yet reach shore safely. Officials or the company have placed the- number of passengers aboard the Carolina when she was st uck ed 125 miles off Sandy Hook. at 220 and the crew at 120, making 350 in alk . . Captain Barbour of the Carolina reported te the company today that he wan on board the schooner Eva B. Douglas with 15 passengers and 94 of the crew. The schooner Is being towed to this port by a tug and Is ex pected to arrive tomorrow morning. Boat Are Arriving. , A boat containing 28 survivors. 21 passengers and seven of the crew, arrived at Atlantic City this after noon. Another lifeboat with" ten passen gers and nine members of the crew arrived at Lewes, DeL, with the re port that IS of the 35 who had started from the ship had lost their lives in the storm Sunday night. If the company's figures as to the number aboard the Ill-starred liner are correct, this leaves 42 nnsccouat ed for. That number might have been crowded Into one lifeboat. ' The only possible clue to their fate was fosnd In the fact that an empty boat, marked with name of the Carolina, was picked op at sea by a British Continued on page 3) I Gilchrist of the Imperial Fnnltnre company . Barnes Cash store-, . -I never believed newspaper publicity had such pull ing power. Yon can Just double my subscription to the Bargain JJay puo liclty fund.- 0 lt's opened my eyes as la what . concerted effort of the merchant backed by strong newf paper pnbllcity can accomplish." said Chan nee y Bishop of the Salem Woolen. Mills store. -BHrgest day I ever had," said O. E. Price of the Price Sho company. "AH records broken In this store. was the comment of P. K. Fnllerton. Mr. Kafcrury was strong In his praise of the event. "I had mafhy extras salespeople but will have to apologise for not being able to serve all the people that crowded my store. t The local manager of T. W. Wool- worth company sure! wore 'that Bargain Day Smile when interviewed. He said: This Is the klndrof an event that will make Salem a. real live town. It'll let people Fnow Sa lem Is on the map.. I never say so many out of town people In my store. It's been Jammed all day Ion,-." W. S. KUU exclaimed and tie (Continued on pag S) THE WKATHrit. - Fair; wotso warm northwest por tion; moderate wetter! vlaia. Continued, ga page S).