0 ' -mmm -w-iM MMBM.VHMHHHiHs.HHMM laB na.i ei I HI?9 (T2i fP -rt irv rw The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted 11 11 Mj 0. II y Under Proper Headings So You Can Readfly Find Them ) 1 pnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds C0ND HAND GOODS trrA CLOTHING, SHOES, BICT , - CLKS, TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 411 OW NORWICH UNIQN yiSB INSURANCE SOCIETY - W. H. Burg hard t, J apdent Agent 3 StAte St. ftloney to Loan AT nTPKOTKD FIRM AND CTTT rBOFJCRTT AT LOW JEST RATES THOS. K. FORD zmtilS?. 0,mmiP ADTEBTlSKMKSTa :" Sat P Wrd : rtrst Insertion le Lbeeo.uent lnrUona ....... Ho 0 VMk (six Insertions) . .. $ One month .... 9 c , Booths' contract per mo. le it swaths' contract, per mo... Te jj0 Mcooat opened for la than 15 a iut card gives fre with an I advertisement to th extent of tee 7 Kent" "Booms' tlWHBVIU. w. ' , or "Board." a....s..4 NEW TO DAT' Each "new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today" tor first Insertion, nnlesa ether wise ordered by the adver- eatoeqaeat Insertion of the ad will appear under Its proper class ification. - Xo' adTertfsment will be ran ndr "New Today" for more than ae , under any clreumstaneee J, m TODAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE . PAID FOR rood clean cotton raga Apply at Statesman Press Room. 1'hone Z3. WANTED TWO OR THREE MEN TO - help set tomato plants, text weex. phone 273 M. COOD COW TO LET ON SHARES Owner furnishes half feed for half milk delivered. Phone 2 135-J. FOR SALE A YOUN DRIVING MARE, rubber tire top buggy and. harness. Phone 14F11. BEANS WE HAVE A FINE LOT OF - California tree beans for planting . D. A. White Son. NEAT TRUSTY LADY PAST-MIDDLE t age- wishes employment at light housewovk. Phone 1802. BOT WANTED TO CARRY THE ' Statesman. Apply in person today, PAID IN FULL THE OREGON FIRE .. Relief Association of McMinnvilie is sues paid up policies for one or three year that are absolutely non-assea- : aiuio. vur in, cir puuciri are sued on the regular annual assens . ment plan. For "Oilt Edge Protec tion" at a very reasonable cost pat . ronise your home company. H. A. Johnson & Co.. Agent. 1 and S Bush Bank Bldg. Salem, phone 47. EMPLOYMENT FKMALK WANTED WOMAN OR OIRL TO wash dishes evenings call at once. 40S North Uberty atreet. V WOMEN WANTED FULL TIME SAL- ary $24 selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer aoc an hour spare time, utg . - business. Experience unneceasar) - Hiarsnteen Mills. Norristown, pa. MISCKLLABiKOpa IS LOO AN BERRY PICKERS WANTED . Good nicking. Good camping ground or walk and live at home only 16 minutes walk from end of bridge, Wallace Road Polk county. Would ' also like to register same crew for ' picking bean, pnone bzr i. w. j, ; Franklin. WANTED H LOGANBERRY PICK ers. Women or experienced families i preferred. Good camping ground, po tato natch, well, and wood. Seven .miles south. . TransDortatlon furnish . ed. lV4c if atay through. Addresa ,4 ",H-.U" care Statesman office. BERRY PICKERS WANTED-r-LARG est yard in the valley. Good camp ins, rood water, nrhvlslons. On tbi "' ground. W move yoa out, to yard ' and back to town. Picking begins about June J5th. Register now, we pay 1 cent with 4 cent bonus per pound.: L. H. Roberta. R. F. P. No. 7, phone 41F24. Salem. Oregon MALE AND FEMAB HELP WANTED We have an opening la your town for a newspaper salesman. You ' could mak a good aalary with our proposition. Address "H 47 States man of fie. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE OAK DINING TABLE chaira and serving table. Phon 511. FOR SALE STUDEBAKER 1 TON spring waton. Phon 734 271 N. com mercial. Will sell cheap. FOR SALE STEVENS - DURYEA touring car. Suitable for truck. Will sell cheep. Phon 714. 1 ! 271 North Commercial street. I ' IF YOU WANT TO GET THB BES r farm paper, send 10c to the Pctflc Homesuad. Salem. Oregon, for. a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR SALE OR LEASE A GOOD PAY Ing newananer and lob slant, near Portland. Investigate. I. V, McAdoo. - Sherwood, Oregon. FOR SALE SEVEN PASSENGER AP Person car good aa new half price or trade for acreage also Reo 5 pae senger In fine condition and 1914 Ford cheap. Also Motor boat. Phone FOR SALE A STUDEBAKER 30. PER ' ject condition. $200. Some terma Highway Garage 1000 South Com mercial. FOR SALE M)LD COIN AND BUR- Bank un sorted potatoes. : Suitable for eM and feed. 50c per sack. Phone CAPI?yiTY OF THE OATMAN GIRtS , tr story of western immt ; T',on bs been cref ully revie. king a handsome little boolcj It tells la srranhic terma of the mik cre of the Oilmin famllr. of the escape of Lorenzo, and the eaotlvltv or Mary and Oltv. Mary died of tatvation and Ollv waa purchased i5?m th Indians flv years later. !The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. B. , vragon. PtICLTRT VA.rto TOUU EOG3 TO INCU- Phone 2re2rw3'aU- Wd" IFLT.?,V-WAXT TO GET THR BEtTl pou.ltrr DPer publ.shed. aend It ,to ,th Northweat Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a tril anbgrriptlon. Mention this ad. WOOD. WKiD TOR.SJALE-AKT7RUK AND tt -i Located 3 miles north went of jJrr 0rfKon- Address C.,M. Smith. Jefferson, Oregon. FOK JfcEtfT APARTMENTS NICELY FUKX1SHKD HOUSEK EEP ? Ppint- 1047 South Commerc ial street. Aire. Ireton. , UvCfcE FOR RENT $12.60 SIX ROOM HOIV 2 .nouse on pa Tea street at 1410 South High street. C A. Rhoten, 1H1-J. any time week day. FOR RENT THE TOLLOWInn- $10 -Neat modern bungalow 6 rooms at 0 North 20th street. Form erly rented for $11. Call at States man business office or phone 3. J51ih".Mode.rn unKlow. & rooms, at ,J8lfl,e',B,h,L' with u ' Srage. If desiried.. Call at Statesman busi ness office, or phone it. $18 Modern 9 room house on Cottage atreet, close in. Formerly rented foi" $25. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 13. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORT Am. r nnnu with us of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. ear Staterman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER raoowa. conreniences, also in 'Tilit r?m-, C1 to State Hoasa 10SO Chemeket. Phone 12$0. TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR LnC t;1?1041- 4-00 Pr month. r(ew Hl$ Underwoods at no aovance in prices. Underwood Typewriter Co, 2l I Steinau. resident Manager. Phone 110. LOST and FOUD LOST LOST ONE NEW FEDERAL TIRE 24x4 on rim.' and, one second hand Goodyear tire 34x1 on rim. Wednes day forenoon on Pacific II itch way, between Woodburn nd New Era, 'Finder please roUfy this office and receive reward. WANTED MISCEI.LASEOC WANTED 50 HEAD OF GOATS. GOOO eraae. no culls, o. J. Miles. S. F T. Co, Camp 8. Sitverton. Oregon. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean raga Pressroom States man. . MQKY TO LOAV MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE! J4-M. Hawkins. $14-Masonic building. Salem. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED farma at H per cent. Call or write for particulars. A. C. Bohrnatedt, 401 Masonic Temple, " Salem. Oregon. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPP8 AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trip. Phon Day, 941; nlrht 15. TIltKS REPAIRED-S CCCAXlZIKO" GATES HAU-SOLE TIRK 8SRVICa Station 171. South Commercial St, phon 421. - QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUILT AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial streets Phon 44. WATT 8HIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes lie up. Service car. Phon 841. 124 South Commercial street. BRACK ETT 4t GRAY TUBES VTJL canlsed. sic Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phon 1400. 179 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. T. L. UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 411-414 Bank of Commerc Bldg. MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER Phon 1311. OF PIANO. PUTSICIAKS DR. L. G. ALTMAN, HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence lv4 North Liberty. Sslem. phon 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TOEMAN MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAY EVEN- Ing In Masonic 1 em pie. rutn rioor. t 8 o'clock. All vialting member. wel come. Horac Sykes, Foreman. W. H. Prank. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. unnERH WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. no. z meet very Thursdsy evening t S o'clock In Derby building corner Court and High atreet. k. . w7. . -Wright, clrek. BUSINESS CARDS ACCTIOXEERS COU W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONKe.lt Farm sales a specialty. Turner. -re- rn. AUTO DELIVER T R A GO AGE AND PARCELS D ELI VE li ed any place, city or country. Phone . 44 or 2011-R. W. W. Fiaher. BARBER SHOPS TAKE ME TO THAT GOOD BARBER shop and get my, hair dolled up in the latest fashion. Ingrey'a l.arber Shop. Jtll estate street. CHinoPRAcmo DR. O. I SCOTT. D. C GRADUATE OF p. 8. C Chiropractic fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Cbiropractio cor- rftm the eaua of diSS. OfflC 404-7-8. D. 8. N. Bank Building. Phon 47. Reaidenee 4I4-R- Yon Should Worry Let the CLusified Ads Vcrk for You DRATS AND EXPRRSS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem largest and beat equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rate on eastern shipment. Also for storage as we have three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving, packing, shipping and storing our specially. Office 11 South Commer cial atreu CUIXKSB PHYSIClAia. DR. I. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. IS) a Hlrh St. Phone ft. "BY C&KANIXO Aillt PRESSIXO ' JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. ' S. Watanabe. Prop 414 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's auita cleaned and pressed. $1.1 s and $1.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main (SS. IN5CUASCE INSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAIN at fire, theft and accident. A. C Rohrnstedt. Agent. 401 Masonic Tem ple. Salem. Oregon. JUIfK JUNK WANTED WE PAY HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let ua make you a price on your household goods. The "Bquar Dear Hon capital J una uo Street. Phone t$. 171 Chemeket FULL VALUE PAIS FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prloes for Junk and a idea. The People'a Junk and Secondhand Store 171 No. . Commercial. Phone 714. UAin KEMonm "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied her or sold for bom use. Sanitary Bauty Parlor, sis unnoara mag. LA Clf DRIBS SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry waah fe per pound. Ill South Lib erty atreet. Phone Ik. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG-1 ular washing don at a rat very- body can afford. For only 10 cents w will collect, waah and deliver your washing within twenty-four noun, rnone z7i. . MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kind, automobile repairing, oxy acetylenc welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop, 252 Chemeket St, Sa lem. OSTEOPATH DR. w. L. mercer, graduate American School Osteopathy. Klrka- viu. aio.; Treat acute ana cnroni aisease. orric 404-401 U. 8. Na tion! Bank Bldg. Phone f IS. Real- dene 419 North Summer. Phone 414. DRS. WHITE 4k WALTON. OSTEO-I ?itiH1.?..-?,iun! E surgaona.1 OsrpVthrT Kirksrii.rM Poii k-raouat ana specialized la nervous Mem, together with six per cent in TrVar'acuV. t"d tEStS SSSSSZ""" thereon from he date of de- Office 605-C-7-1, u. a. National! Bank Bldg. Phon 859. Residence, I 1420 Court street. Phon Z21L Dr. I Whit. r.M.n. AC " I SECOND HAND GOODS WK BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND gooo or ail Kinds, pip fittings, bar. nee, collars. coliai pads, tools.! chalna Street. omuiuuE. IIlMSftn I ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE hold goods specialties: storage pack- Ing. ahipping and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points, c o Pick Transfer Storage Co, 2nd and Pin streets. Portland. Oregon. Broadway 694. A UNDERTAKERS WEBB CLOUGH c B. WEBB, A. M. I Clough, funeral director Lataatl modern thods known to th pro-1 "v. il vur LreB I TRANS Fa. ssACLiaiO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household I moving lob none oromst. I r. Tr v me one. 11 mm a. I 478 Stat 8C Phon 941. Rldoee! WALL PAPER, PA1J4T GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- wae-iatHeH ajreava as v a as fa . mwuhi aaVFV0r I hanging, etc. Work don by contract I -A 1a fvalakOltaar llea ak.ua.. "7: :a. workman. . LocaUonl v. w Hvaw . TT . - I TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND I opwaxa 1 or comet vu r-pr at 1 Rue.n'a Vimltn.. B.--. tl4 I merciaj Bt. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL paper na Pictur Framing. Good workman. 455 Court St. Phon 415.1 WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. $91 8. 1 Commercial atreet. For water aervlce pply t of fie. Make all compUlnul at th office. No deductions la bills will be allowed for nbsenc or for f vwuct .ntifTir wale water isi cut oil from nr,mlM. H....f., water fo- irrigation will only be rurnianed to regular customera train a-1 ors'fcwiiffXt- SV or plastering, will pie read -for nuuaing purpoM--nnder schedule of woven wire resenro lepet KatleMl Jt AaneeOeaa Feae. aa eieee. a lau a Isv UgSfa Fatnta, OUa aad Varmlakk. Stevee Keballt aad Repaltndl LgaaberT aavS He) Hoka. Sale Feste at Srev H ark SS Ceeirt St, rseat 1S4 h. sx, rxxuiir 1 SALEfil MARKETS J BUYIXO PRICE Ecxs and Pooltry. Eggs. 34c. Old roosters, 13 to 15c Hens. 20 to 21c Pork. Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot. 15 to 16c Ewe3, 5 to "c VfwI. dressed. 14 to 15e. Spring lamb, 12 to 1 4c. Ileef steers. 7 to 9c: cows, 4 to 8c Bulls. 4 to 6c H.y Cheat, per ton, $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton. $22. Grain, ft-heat. $1.85 to $1.S7. Oats, 90c ' Beans. 7c. IIU1 Feexl. RetalL Ilrtn. per ton. 3(. Shorts, per ton. $38. WHOLKSALK TO DEALERS. Country batter. 4Se. - Creamery butter. 45c Batterfat. f. o. b. Salem, 42c. Fish. Shad, 15c. Salmon Trout, 3 Or. Silver perch. 12 He. Salmon. Chinook, 2 Sc. Halibut. 25c. Codrisr. lSc Clams, 25c doxen. Frail Oranges. $7.00 to $8.50. Strawberries, $2.50. California Grape Fruit, $3.00 to $4.50. Peas, 7c. ' New potatoes, 6 to 6 He Cabbage. 3 to 3c Asparagus. $2.35. Vegetables. Lettuce, crate $3.25. Bananas, 8 He. Lemons. $8.50 to $9.50. Bermuda on sons, $2.15. Dromedary date, $1. Retail Price. Creamery batter, 50c Eggs. 40c Flour, bard wheat. $2.80 1 to $3. Flonr. valley. $2.50 to $2.(0 .Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOB THE COST OF IMPBOVIXQ 12TH STREET IX THE CITY OF 8A LEM, FBOM MISSION STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CTTT OF SALEM. To Elisabeth M. Densmore, T. M. Hamilton. J. T. Talent. W. B. Far rier. Sarah MeVIcker, Frank W. Allen. F. H. Reeves. H. & 8. A. Edwards, J. T. & A. U. Flsco. An gle Harriett. Lenora M. Mickey. W. R. Rbblns, Margaret. L Richards, Mrs. M. F Robertson. Dorllla F. Loughary. W. D. & Jessie W. Pngh, S. It. Bnrk. Montie & Emma Les ley. Mrs John Wolford. Hoyt H. Jb Elixa A. Wilson. Leslie Cade. R. G. Asbby and Grant Ashby: Ton. and each of yoa art hereby notified tbat tbe City of Salem has, 1' Ordinance No. 1527, levied a re- assessment upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth for such property's proportionate share of the cost of improving 12th Street In the Cltv of Salem from Mis- Blon street to tbe Sooth Line of tbe Corporate Limits of the City of Sa "IQ00 oi me onguai assessment. A description of each'- lot or part .-e i M t.. .v. w thereof, and tbe amount, assessed and levied upon it 1 as follows, to- wit Tbe north one-half of Lot t In Block 1 6 of Tew Park Annex to the nit v of Si1m aa) a, a wV avaasvaMW ve wes w w Interest 18.01 tv een nf t in in T ... v n . . a- .1.- oiwk x v vi sew riift ahum iu iuc City Of Salem, Elisabeth M. Densmore Cost $ 27.68 Infrat S SK . . i. . ,1 ' Lot 10 In Block IS of Tew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $160.34 Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of the north one"h of Lot 9 In Block 1 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elisabeth M. Densmore. Cost $ 13.88 T4 eh M 49) a w a sa Lot 12 In Block 27 of tew Park Annex to the City of Salem. T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 34 95 With per cent interest from March zi, ii4. Lot 13. In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 34.95 With 6 per cent Interest from March 27. 1914 Tha. . n rl nf tt 14 In Block . - . . , . - 24 01 xew fara Annex w me cii. wt Salem. f r ii.mitn. A. At. HlmlllOn, Cost $ 13.98 Interest 2.98 Lot 7 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. J. T. Talent Cost $157.70 Interest 33.62 The east 230 feet of Lot 7 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the ritv of Salem. V i J- T- Talent Cost $ 55.lt Interest 11.78 Lot 10 In Block 15 of Yew Park 1 - . , . , - . ruuc iu iuu vi uwu. I w. B. Farrier Cost 8150.37 Tn.r..i 99 as Tbe east 230 feet of Lot 10 in I Dlock 15 of Yew Park Annex to the I City of Salem. Interest - 6.89 11 . riy.fc. 1K ni Tm p.rk f Timoer aione wortn iv.eve. new iour LOt 11 In BIOCK 1 OI lew rarKl wn... ..w .Irv h,rs Brovldlaa Annex to tbe City of Salem. Sarah MeVIcker Cost $150.37 Interest ' 32.05 The east 230 feet of Lot 11 In Block 151 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Sarah MeVIcker Cost $ 41.61 i Interest 8.85 The east 50 feet of Lot 5 In Block 9 of Yew Park Addition to tbe City of Salem. Frank W." Allen Cost $ 31.87 Interest 6.79 Lot 9 ln Block 4 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. F.H.Reeves Cost $248.74 Interest . 63.02 Tbe east 50 feet of Lot 12 In Block 4 0t Yew Park AddlUon to the City of Salem. H. ft S. A. Edwards. Cost $ 29.97 - Interest 6.39 The north 6 feet of the south 60 feet of Lot 1 In Block 3 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem J. T. ft A. M. Flsco. Cost $ 17.48 Interest . 3.73 The south 53 feet or Lot 3 In Block 3 of Yew Park AddlUon to the City of Salem. Angle Harriett . Cost $176.12 REAL ESTATE CASH AND TRADE TWO HOUSES and lots and timber tract cloae In. J. Watson Baker. New berg. Oregon. FOR SALE AN IDEAL HOME. CALL at 125 Court street and Inspect this property. FOR SALE 30 ACRES CHEAP AND easy t-rraa. (iood buildings; well watered. 12 miles north of Salem. W. M. Bernard. Amity, Oregon. FOR SALE MODERN 4 ROOM HOUSE. aun porcn. sleeping porch, fireplace, all builtin conveniences, complete with gas-range, linoleums etc. No cosier home In Salem. 1370 State street. FOR SALE THE BEST HOME TRACT around Salem. Fully modern bunga low, good outbuildings, C acres fin mixed orchard. $0uu. C W. Nle meyer. (44 State atreet, (Opposite the Court House.) COMPLETE 25-ACRE ORCHARD WITH a sauvv crop on It: all implements in cluding a new Samson tractor, good buildings, on main road. $10,000. C W. Nlemeyer. $4 4 State atreet. (Op posit the Court House.) MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE SS ACRES all cultivated, house, barn, well fenc ed. 1$ acrea in prunea, 1 mil from town. $7,900. 240 acres. 200 cultivat ed. 40 timber pasture, will take la come property up to $2,000 price $33000. These propositions are worth your investigation. Box 21S Salem. A GOOD BUT X0 FEET ON EAST sia vommuciai street, on door north of State street. Slm, together win perpetual right of way over the 14xA feet tract extending from this property to Stat street. Terms Apply Sqptt Boaorth. 791-1 Spnuldlng Bidg, Portland. Oregon. . BARGAINS ALL KINDS OF WOOD. A act of farm harness, iron wood rack, a dump bed. several house t reel bargain, from $750 and up. On is a 7 room residence and 1 nice lota with 20 bearing fruit trees for 11250. This la a bargain. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building. 341 ACRE FARM, 225 ACRES CULT I - vatea. Balance pasture and timber, good buildinga. price $15 an acre. 70 acre farm, all in crop, fine buildinga, stock and equipment, prlc $11,500. 700 acre stock ranch, well watered. $11,200. 17 acre orchard. $4500. 4 room modern house, paved street, 22750. 10 acrea, all cleared good buildinga, $2S50. Vf. H. Grabenhorat. Co, 275 Stat street. TO EXCHANGE 1 ACRES IMPROVED 2 In fruit, for residence not over $4,000, 10 acrea with modern 4 room house, close in for 5 "room bungalow and mortgage back for difference, price $4500. 15 acres all cultivated. Joining town and cash for good Sa lem residence. 140 acres on the river several million feet of saw timber. 1 mile from town, take $5,000 resi dence, prlc $3,000. 480 acres North Dakota for valley ranch, price $40 per acre. 240 acrea. 200 cultivated. 40 timber pasture, 2 mile from Pratam, Or, will -tk residence or Income property not over $3,004, Socolofsky. 141 State street. HAVE REAL PURCHASERS FOR both an improved end n unimproved farm, but unleaa you ar the owner nd have a good buy. do not waste time answering, aa I mean business. State price, term. nd particulars in your first letter. H. C Irwin, 114 Stock Exchange Building. Portland. - Oregon. FOR SALE 300 ACRES BOTTOM land on main highway good Improve ment close to town $75 per acre. 200 acre stock ranch fair buildinga fenc ed goat tight, on main road 94.000. 10 actea well improved cloe In $2200. Modern 7 room bungalow, paved atreet. swell location 1 300. 4 room bungalow $1050. Exchange 509 acre farm close to town $50 per cre. take eastern farm. 15 acres fine land for home In Salem. F. L. Wood. Bayne Building. 87 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. AD- Joining good valley town to trad for Salem residences. Fin brick block consisting five ; store rooms on ground floor and 15 rooms upstair of 1 and 1 room suite. All furnished and all modern. Price 117500. Now bringing an Income of $150 per month. Want good valley farm. 320 acr farm. 210' In cultivation and crop fair set buildinga Place well watered and fenced. Also th following goes with place: 4 horses. 15 head cattle. 15 hogs, all poultry and all kinds of farming tools and machinery. Prlc for all $75 per acre, will take In amall place up to $8000 and some cash and balance terma See Perrln 4k Marsters, 402 Hubbard bulldng. TRADES FLEMING REALTY CO, 141 State. A 4 acre Suburban place with an improved 40 near Caahmere. Wash, or either for a atock ranch will as sume several thousand. An equity In 5 room new bungalow for a town lot. A 4 room house and fine location on paved atreet (State) for clear piee of land or timber. A Court street house for Fell City residence or acreage. On or two Fall City houaea for similar In Salem, value about $1500 each. A nice Salem bunr- alow equity for a fcugene lot. zee cr stock ranch good barn and water. family orchard, between 40 and 45 clear land, good mala road part cash part trade, what have you. See William Fleming. 241 State street opposite Pattona Book store. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 449 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 119 acre elr: abont 41 acre la stump pasture: balance In chol. piling Umber and oak grab. .'or 20 cows nd four hora; new pig pen and new milk hone. Water pipe from fin spring to all buildings. Will sell th whole at a great bargain. Very easy terma, 6 per cant Interest. Addreea L, owner, car Th StAteamaa. With 6 per cent Interest from March. 24. 1914. Lot 5 ln Block 3 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. Lenora M. Mickey. Cost $219.52 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan uary 9. 1914. Lot 11 In Block 23 of Yew Park Annex to tbe City of Salem. , W. R. Robins, Coat $ 40.00 Interest 8.41 Lot 4 in Block 17 of Yew Park An nex to the City of Salem. Margaret I. Richards Cost $178 09 Interest 37.96 Lot 6 in Block 17 of Yew Park Annex to tbe City of Salem. Margaret L Richards. Cost $209.42 interest 44. 4 Lot 6 In Block 17 of Yew Park An nex to the City of Salem. Margaret I. Richards. Cost $191.95 Interest 40.92 Lot 1 ln Block 17 of Yew Park THINGS THAT NiUVE-rl HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES jS I INTENDED To J SHA M POO. Jin&C rVvO Sov-tt I I haio tonic. SuT too rlAVC I 1 50 rANi CUJTOMU3 11 7vY TO DCVAV THCK SO 6ivC . Nfnt A SKAve INSTEAD I A f CarwitVi.. J- Annex to tbe City of Salem. ' Mrs. M. F. Robertson. Cost $212.94 Interest 45.39 Southwest one-fourth of Block 14 of Tew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Dorllla Loughary. Cost $582.49 Interest 124.17 Lot 1 ln Block S of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. W. D. Pugh & Jessie W. Pugh. Cost $333.97 Interest 71.19 The south 25 feet of Lot 3 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. S. L. Burk Cost $ 88.89 Interest 18.95 The north 25 feet of Lot 2 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to tbe City of Salem. S. L. Burk Cost $ 89.86 With 6 per cent interest from Jan nary 16, 1914. Tbe south 50 feet of Lot 3 ln Block 5 of Yew Park AddlUon to the City of Salem. ' Montie Lesley & Emma Lesley. Cost $178.09 With C per . cent Interest from March 25. 1914. , The north 50 feet of Lot 3 In Block 5 of Yew Park AddlUon to tbe City of Salem. Mrs. John Wolford. Cost $150.00 With 6 per cent interest from Jan uary 14. 1914. The west 85 feet of Lot 4 In Block 8 of Tew Park Addition te tbe City of Salem. Hoyt L, Wilson ft" Elixa A. Wilson. , Cost $186.91 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan nary 19, 1914. Lot 3 ln Block 11 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Leslie Cade. Cost $267.50 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan asry 12. 1914. Lot 7 in Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. R. G. Asbby Cost $ 34.76 Interest -7.41 Lot 6 ln Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Grant Asbby. Cost $ 34.76 Interest 7.41 Said assessments were entered In Volume 3. Docket of City Liens, on tbe 2nd day of March. 1918, as a cbsrge and Hen against the said properties, and are now due and pay able to the City Treasurer. This notice Is served upon yoa by publication thereof, for ten days ln tbe Daily Oregon Statesman, a news paper published In tbe City of Salem, by order of tbe Common Council. Date of first publication hereof. Is May 29. 1918. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City of Salem, Oregon Carter's Mttle liver Pills You Cannot be Qt A Remedy That Constipated and Happy ea-art& AB5H. BARTER'S IRON PIT T Blood 4 tha any eolorleee faces bet tj r amible if . - m 1 iotie nrirra. 0 roet. Serplire. la illm beaiag BRITISH VISCOUNT FIXED. LONDOX. April 11. Viscount As tor has been fined 850 for "causing petrol to be used unlawfully." Tb cbsuffeur of his car was fined $19. TIME TABLES SOUTHERN FACTrto CO. hetshsnd No. 14 Oregon Expr ..... 4:01 a SB, No. 54 Oreajwntaa .... ..... 5:14 asa, No. 21 Willamette Limited.. 9:20 ana. Ne, 10 Portland Passes gar., lutlp-aa. No. 14 Coo . Bay 1:44 p.Ba No. 13 Shasta Limited 7:00 p.m. No. 14 Portland fucpre 1:10 paw No. $2$ Local Way Freight.. 1:00 am. No. 121 Portland aat Freight 11:34 pan. No, $1 Oregon iaa .......... 9:10a.. No. . 13 Coo Bay 10:01 a.. No. 15 Calif oral Ex pre ..10:5$ ass. N. 17 Hoaeburg Pa see agar. 4:30 P- No, It Sheet Limited 5:4$ p.sa No, 17 Willamette Limited.. 4:10 p,nv No, It Saa Fraaclac Pa.. .10.17 pan. No. 221 San Fran. Fast Frt,. ,llrt a. No. 227 Local Way Fralga t.. 11:01 1 SALKX-CEER LTXE Ne, Tt Arrive at Salens..... 9:1$ No. 74 Leave Salem 1:04 ALEX. FA LLSVCXTT et WESTERN 141 Leave. Salem, motor .... 7:04 as. 1(1 Leavea Salem, motor.... 9:34 a-ra, 145 Leave Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through ear to laoamonth and Aril 147 Leavea Salesa. motor .... 1:41 fxaa. 1(0 Ieavee Salem, motor 4:57 p. as. 219 Way Freight leave Salem 40 an. I(i Wrrivea at Salem ., $ :21am. 144 Arrive t Salem 11:00 am. Iff Arrive at Salem 1:00 p.m. 14$ Arrlv t Salem 5:11p.m. II Arrive t Salem f :20 p.aa. I4S way Freight at. Bales.. S:30 OEECOS ELECTRIC Trala Leave No. 'Portland 1 ..... 4:10 am 5 Ltd. ..9:30 am T 10:45 am 9 1:05 pm 11 Ltd. ..4:40 pnt 17 4:05 pa 19 9:10 pe Arrlv Arrt Salem Luge 4:lera 10:4m 10:11am 11:1$ pea 12:50 pe 4.14 :21pm a . pea 9:40 pm 9.03 pm Salem ealy ll:x0pfa Salem only 1:45am 4:50 am 11 11:44 pm North Bank Station ( leave Jaffa son Street 15 aad 14 minutes later.) Train Arrtve Portland 4:40am 9:24am 11:14am 1.20 pm 4:00 pm 5:44 pm 7:40 pm No, Eurea 8 11:04 ana 6 10 Ltd.. .7:41 am 11 14 11:11am 14 Ltd. ..1:44 pm Balers 4:34n. T:14 am 9:49 am 11:10 am 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 8:10 pm 10 .....4:i pm IS : I pt t:i pm is ret pa xNorth Bank Station tArrtv Jeff eon Street 14 mlaata earlier). Lev Corvallla. CORVALLIS COM SECTIONS n Leave Corvallla Arrtve 0:21 am 13:ltpm 1:41 pm 4:10 pm 9:44am 1:40 am 40 pm 8:10 pm 7:54 pm S:lS pm Lav S-lem Arrlv Corvallla V.-tlm 10.15 am 11:55 pea 4:14 pm 0-40 fea f :iT am 11:21 am 1:10 pm. -5:14 pm ' t-e awe W W fl W eat rcTRTERS iuaKes Lite Worth Living ITTLC IYER PILLS. m rmy hTr rrrnsr rT a faro d f 1 nplg Beautiful Dust and Shoulders re wUl wear arhmtiacally Thedracxiar weiaht e4aa aaraaSaed bet ea strrtrhee the sepeertia saaarare that tae aUa( tae Ifin ka ape had. pet the beet Wer where It be- ' . loac. preveat tbe rell beat feaa fll baviag the arpearaace ef Sai jTJ'jj biaisa. eitaaiaate the 4aaer ef shealdcr giiag grace ful line te th entire apper bad y. Tbev are the daiatieat and Baaat aerrireaWe garstenta taai-' aalili 1 aea la all atatenala aad atrWe: Creea berk. He laadna etc. Boate with parsBtttiac waahiag witaeat Have year dealer shew ye Si Jelie Braaalirn. If eet eterk d. we will glaoly asad hiss, prepaal, saapica le shew yea. DENJA1IIN 4k JOUXLS. 41 Wafre Street, Xew ark. N. f