THB-OnCT.OX-8TATESMAX: TmWESDAY. MAYS.-!! 8 .. ' : : - IWAR REVENUE LEGISLATION TO -BE ACTED UPON Congress Finds Solution to Problem WitHout Sacrific ing Vacation Even a dyed;in-thewool pacifist will come out of the theater a boiling, fighting, red-blooded American when he has seen it. SUBMIT PLAN TODAY Vnn'll fret a D-limnse of his inner- I . ; , most personal life from authentic in- lV cidents in this film and it will make .. lvl yon hope to heaven that the "Mad Jf v Do? of Europe" meets just the fin- - A-esrhtJ c ish that the photoplay portrays., W" "" " QF LESLIE'S WEEKLY. ram maesem'- z - i east of Berlin- " i . 1 1 U Youll Go J ' 1 - m ' , ' ... : . .... U T-r Democrats Expected to Frame Tentative Draft as Basis for Bill i) WASiii;suru.. aiay zs. mjo- gress tonight apparently had found a way to provide the new war revenue legislation Insisted upon by Presi dent Wilson without abandoning en tirely its long cherished plan to gel oat of Washington for a summer va cation. Leaders of both parties joined In conferences and approved a program that contemplates prompt action op pending appropriation bills, to ; be followed about Jane 15 or 20 by a recess of both houses until August 1- while the ways and means committer frames the revenue fcllL After pas sage of the measure by the house probably about August 10, the hoas would recess for thirty days to await action in the senate. ' The plan will be submitted to the ways and means committee tomorrow The Democrats of 'the country prob ably wil frame a tentative draft up on which the entire membership will build the bill after hearings lastln a fortnight or more. Representative Kltchln of North Carolina, chairman of the ways and means committee, in "the house today charged that a powerful lobby work ing for revision of the new zone pos tal rates on newspapers and periodi- i cals was responsible for the demand for keeping congress in session. He declared the loby hoped to have the senate put an amendment rpeallns: or modifying the sone system law to the revenue bill and to keep it there by getting the president or the sec retary of the treasury to insist upon the house conferees yielding when election or adjournment time approached. Ladies' Mat Special A wonderful collection of Hats at prices made possible orly lj cut direct buying--methods. See window display and prices $1.98, $2.75 and $2.98 Our Prices Always the Lowest Gale; & Company . ....... . . . Commercial and Court Streets, Tormeriy Chicago Eicrt. Phone 1072 Wniiams Bill Would i4ffon? Soldiers' Votes S. TJ. Huston of Portland, on be half of Ralph Williams, yesterday filed at the secretary of state's of fice an Initatfve bill to amend the existing statute by providing that Oregon, soldiers and sailors absent from the state may have, the right to vote. The bill would amend sec- stltatioa and would make that 4 lion tead In part as follows: , ; roe legislative assesj&iy or ti. people, by Initiative, may eaaet t general law providing thai sold, and sailors la the service of t United States who are abacs! I: the state of Oregon at the t'.rr ! any election on account of rock Ices, may vote and that their shall be counted at sach elr. tion 2 of article 2 of the stile - Three Days Only-r-Thtiri day, Friday and Saturday. Matinee and Evening LIBERTY THEATRE Dally Mat 25c; Evenings 50c ' -Chiiareri25c - THE EWTOirS MATE. A tountry editor, who Is also an TODAY FATTY ARBUCKLE BUSTER KEATON AND AL ST. JOHN Vv: IN ."THE BELLBOY" "IT'S SIMPLY A. RIOT OF LAUGHTER ALSO i ' "BRACE UP" A THRILLING FEATURE THAT HOLDS YOU EVERY MINUTE. . OTHER FEA TURES TOO LIBERTY THEATRE authority; on certain industrial mat ters, recently came up to town, briny ing his wife yith. him. j This good woman was one after noon the guest of a rather patron ising club woman. ; "So your husband is an editor?" the latter asked. "Yes." ' l - ; ' "Since you have no family and have '.considerable leisure on your hands. I dare say you assist him In his editorial work?" "Oh. yes." said the editor's wife- who 'is lso his cook. I edit nearly all his Inside matter." Chicago Her ald. Mrs. FJcMath Appointed by Governor Withy combe Mrs. George W. McMath' of Port land was yesterday appointed by Governor Withcombe to serve temp orarily on the advisory board of the state industrial school for girls, suc ceeding Mrs. kola G. Baldwin, who has gone into federal - service. By terms of the appointment Mrs. Bald win will resume her place on the board upon her return from govern ment service. Other members of the board are Mrs. M. H. Dancy of Sa lem and Mrs. Aristene N. Felts of Portland. V I " "Mrs. Jaes M. Perry, of Greenville, S. C is the first woman to bo ad n.ilted to the ira.tice of law in South Carolina. Will II. Hays, the new chairman t.t the republican Xallonal.CommU- tee. urges that women take part in -politics to the fullest extent. HEROIC 1 FRANCE v ' : A 5 Real Special Feature Attraction YOU'LL SEE OUR ALLIES ATTHEFftONT "IT'S OFFICIAL" THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY BLIGH THEATRE Woodruff Spends Freely , in Fight for Harley Mark Woodruff, manager - of the Harley for Governor league in the recent campaign, reported to Secre tary of State Olcott yesterday an ex penditure of I2156..53. and Mr. Har ley personally reported an expendi ture of $234. Frank J. Miller, de feated for Republican nomination for public service commissioner, spent nothing. The following statements .were filed yesterday: -t , ,W, V. Fuller, representative, elev enth district, Repablican. 30.0. - ilarb Woodruff, manager Harley for Governor league, $2156.53. 'Joseph G. Richardson, representa tive, eighteenth district. Republican. $16.25. I. L. Patterson, state senator, ninth district, Republican. $55.i0. Frank J. Miller commissioner of the r public, service commission. Re publican, nothing. ! . - McArthur campaign ' committee. IL S. McCutrhan. treasurer. $141$. F. C. Harley, governbr. Republi can. 334. William Adams, state treasurer, Reoublican, $591.08. Percv R. Kelly, jnstic of supreme court.' Repablican. $397.60. H. E. Abry, superintendent of wa r division No. 1, Republican, $107.15. . Robert C. Wright, circuit Judge, fourth iucjlcialj drtrict, department 4, Republican. $173.63. ! W. T. Vinton, state senator, tenth district. Poubflcan. $2r.9rt. D. C. Thorns, representative, see on district. Reoublican. $10. . Louis E. .Bean, representative, third district. Rnpublican, $10. David M. Graham, representative, "third dfstHrt. Republican., $ 3 J. IL Crawford.' represents Mv. thirteenth district. Republican. $9. 50 Harold C. Steohens. .represnta ive. sixteenth district. Republican. $43.35. . - Pavid VL Lofgren. representative, fventeenth district. Republican, $41.50. M. . ,J. Clohessr. representative eighteenth district. Republican. $S.25. F. A. Rice, representative isht eeih district. Republican. $87.91. - ;AV. G, McLaen, in behalf rf candl dacvof Geirge A. Thacker. $37.25 .-- D. W. Freeman, representative, twentieth district, Republican, $1.75. "flenton G. Berdick. refresentatlv. lwntvflrst ' district, Depublican. $27.15. ..- . K. O. Imniel. cretarv-treanrr of political committee whose object was nomination of FermWean : c" idf Jhn n. P-ll. O. IL FnMr. IL C.-'Wheeler, L. E. Bean and David M. Graham, $22.50. - Luchmand and La Follett Nominated by Democrats Louis Lachmund has the distinc tion of having been -given the Demo cratic as well as the Republican nom ination ' for state senator, and the other Democratic nominee is A. M. La Follett. one of the defeated Re-1 pnblican aspirants. The names of Mr. Lachmund and Mr. La Follett I were written In by the Democrats. Also Democrats voted for W. Al Jones and Sam Brown, the other Re-1 publican candidates. The vote was Jones 38. Lachmund 48. La Follett 41, Brown .21. Under the law' can didates of one party cannot acept th nomination of another party, but the vote Is nevertheless a flattering en dorsement. We dees - - , . . ... day Special AT OUR GlosMe ' Out Please Read This Carefully 'Get ;tfie -Habit of Drinking: Hot Water Before Breakfast 8ays w cant look er feel right with th's system full of "pots one, Millions of lolkf-bilbe intornallT nrr insUad of had:ax!'thir drugs. -Wtat'aan inside b-th?" ? sar. - Well ' ir ia ea&raiktr1 n kperforra - miracles if you could be- iive mese ha: ; water enthnsiasis. There are -vast number of mn ani women who, immediately upon arising in 'the WOrnrnx drinV rb of real hot water' with a teaspoon- iui oi line pDospnate In it. This is a very excellent tt.iith mir.T it is Intended to flush the stomach, liver, kidneys and the thirty feet of Intestines - of the previous day's waste, sour bile and indigestible ma terial lert over in the body which If not eliminated every day, become food for the millions of bacteria which, Infest the bowel3. the quirk result In poisons and toxins which are then absorbed into ' the blood, causing headache, .bilious attacks, foul breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trouble, kidney misery, cleeplessness. impure blood and -all sorts of all ments. ?" PODle Who feel mod asp ilar n.1 badly the next, but J who simply can not get feeling' rigkt are urged to trouble, kidney misery, cleeplessness. phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but is sufficient to make 'everyone a real crank on the subject of Internal sanitation,. AWPLO PEESUN BUGS Die patterns, - -BODY BRUSSELS HUGS, gnptHor qualilj, the tert your money can buy. Regular prica reguUr $45, very ipeclil $88.75 - $39.60 ROYAL WORCHESTER WILTON RUGS 1 AXTJTNSTES RUGS T regular price, $79.00, very special - ' price, $103X0, rery tpecial $64:85 $84.95 LATONIA WILTON RUGS, very high grade, : CONOOLEUM RUGS, very nice patterns to regular price $69.00, rery special ' aelect from, regular price, $16.50, rery rpecial $57.50 $10.75 Remember this sale' will last just a thort time and we will be surprised if jca don't take advantage of our dosing out sale eyerytning must go, nothing reserrecL For your accominodation'we will take any of your used furniture in exchange, making good allowance therefor. All the used goods we will ship to our big store m Portland. . .; - , . : v ; : FeldsteSnDrektor -. i . Furniture Co. . (Formerly Chambers & Chambers) . . . 467 Court Street, Salem.