ass 111(80 H-.1HCh rT iV fT T? TV The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted U U yf ii V Un der PrODer HeadinfXft Sn Yon fan RonrlHxr Frnrl TTim I OrtT Sell and Exchange alL Kinds SECUWli nAnii uuuui S,fEr8 clothing, shoes bicy- CLES, TOOLS, ETC. ? ' CAPITAL EXCHANGE rtesoOt , 337 Coart It. NORWICH UNION ffSS INSURANCE SOCIETY j W. D. Burghardt, Jr., . jddeut Agent . State 8L Money to Loan Sf tVFROTKO FiAM A1TD CTTT rKOFKRTT AT LOWEST BATES HIOS. K. FORD'gJirtiiiUw! CLASSIFIED ADYERTMKXKJm Rata Per Word ,, rtrrt lnsertioa lo Subsequent Insertions Ho Ose week (tlx Insertions) ... to One month .................. fits months' contract par mo. to 11 months' contract, par mo... 7c M account opened for less than 25e A noot card given froo with an advertisement to tbo extent of toe announcing- Tor Bala." "For Rant." "Rooms" or -Board." -. .XKW TODAY Sack new classified advertise- 4 -neat win no nan unaer -Mew Today4 for first Insertion, aniens otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. - Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under Its-proper class tflcaUon. Ho adverti amant will bo ran asder ilw Today for more than so issue under any circumstances NOT. TODAY f WANTED TOUR EGGS TO IXCU- bate. For sale, Wyandott eggs. Phone 2502W3. FOR SALE MODERN S ROOM HOUSE, tun porch, sleeping porch, fireplace. all builtin conveniences, complete ' with gas-range. ' linoleums etc. No I cosier home- in Salem. 1370 State street. , V . FOR SALE THE BEST HOME TRACT around Salem. Fully modern bunga low. good outbuildings. acres fine mixed orchard. $6000. C W. Nie- meyer, S44 State street. (Opposite the court House. , COMPLETE 2 5-AC RE ORCHARD WITH s I5v0 crop on it: all implements in eluding a new Samson tractor, good buildings, on main road. $10,000. C. W. Niemeyer. 544 State street. (Op sosite the court House.) INSURE TOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAIN- t (ire. theft and accident. A. C Bohrnstedt, Agent. 401 Masonic Tem ple, Salem. Oregon. . MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED farms at 64 per cent. Call or write for particulars. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 411 Masonic Temple. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE HORSE. BUGGY AND , harness, f l. Turner road ana X?nd street. . ; - WANTED 1 J LOGANBERRY PICK era Women or experienced families preferred. Good camping! ground, po tato patch, well, and wood. Seven , miles south. Transportation furnish ' ad. IVic if stay through. Address tx 7 a care "Statesman otlice. HIGHEST CASH PRICE S PAID FOR rood clean cotton rags. Apply at I Statesman Press Room. Pnone 2 J. BERRY PICKERS WANTED LA RG- ast yard in the valley. kod camp- ' Ing. good water, provisions on the ground. We move you ! out to yard and back to town. Picking begins about June 25th. Register now. we - pay 1 cent with H cent bonus per pound. L. H. Roberts, K. F. D. No. 7, phone 41F24. Salem. Oregon. PROTECT YOUR HOME WE DO NT claim that Fire Insurance will pre vent your property from burning. But if you should -meet! with a fire los, the insurance money comes in at a time to be highly appreciated. 'or good dependable Fire Insurance PretecMon patronise your own Home Company, the Oregon Firs Relief Association of McMinnville. H. A. oh neon at Co.. Agent. 1 and 2 Busb btik Kinr., Swlem. phone 147. EMPLOYMENT FEHALB WANTED DAT WORK. CHAMBER work, or dish wsshlhg In restaurant SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER WANT ed by young lady. Can furnish ref erences. Address 11 ? care atates- . man. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- work for family of three. Must be neat, refined and a good cook. Lib- V era! pay to competent woman. If in t t created address box "H 54" States- V man office, giving your address or phone number.- WOMEN WANTED FULL TIME SAL ary $24 selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer 50c an hour spare time. Big business. Experience unnecessary. Ouaranteed Mills. Norrlstown, Pa. MALE WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN printing trade. Apply Statesman : eompoaing room, upstairs. MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED We have an opening In your town for a newspaper saleaman. Tou . eould make a good salary with our proposition. Address "H 47 States- rnan office. MISCELLANEOUS 15 LOGAN BERRY PICKERS WANTED Good picking. Good camping ground or walk and live at home only 15 minutes walk from end of bridge. Wallace Road Pollr countv. Would jso like to register same crew for iMf-amg Deans, pbone 5ZF14. w, u. Franklin. - 4 WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS ; tor 45 acres of berries located h mile rom canine at Salem Heights, a-if-- 1 teen minutes service. 5c fare to Sa ; lem. Fine camp grove, free wood potato patch and straw for bedding j. water piped on camp-grounds. No ! tents or bunk houses. Telephone on i; camp-grounds and free daily delivery u of groceries. Picking will start about : June 17th. T.Ubhnn 9Vi It t'nn- 1j jhsm, Salem, Oregon, route 3. box FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOuR. SALE 80 OLD GOATS AND 9 aius near Waconda. I'hone 970. 1 L. . : - P Ll . SALE OAK DI N I NO TABLK chalrsand serving table. Phone SIS FOR SALE STUDEBAKER H4 TON spring wagon. Phone 734 271 N. Com mercial. Will sll cheap. FOR SALE 8TEVP.TttoTi.i touring car. Suitable for truck. Will sell cheap. Phone 734. 171 North Commercial street. IP TOU WANT TO GET THE BESi- i?rJ!r.P.,r-c'Tnd ,0c o Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a Uial subscription. MenUon this ad. CAVZlYlTT F THE OATMAN GIRLS nTr. lLto- of western ttsml- gration ms been carefully revlaeo. making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the maa sacre of the Oilman family, of the escape of Lor en so. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of statvation and OHe was purchased from th inrf ... ... aw a a v v 64nYJ SP aVema.C8e JbB Price la 20 cents, postpaid. Ad- vawB incseri axonuuy. ta. lm. Or-rnn M HCELLABKOC FOR SALE GOLD COIN AND BUR- a SSt SV . . A - J . . , v nwiBi poiiioes. 'suitable for r t n1 ''. ac pr ack- 1'hone WH1TK VAPR Rl.irif awaikJieii- for hatching. M. A. Vanderberg. rt IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST rvw.u ymwT yuiiiifDeo, a en a it cents to the Northwest Pnnllr. Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WOOD. WOOD FOR SALE OAK GRUB AND rir. Located 3 miles northwest of Marion. Oregon. Address C. M. Smith. Jefferson, Oregon. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY -FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPC ing apartments. 1047 South Commerc ial street. Mrs. Ireton. uocsca i"OR RENT 1 12.60 SIX ROOM UOD- ern bouse on paved street at 1120 South High street. E. A. Rhoten. 1141-J, any time week days. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOM bungalow, choice residence section, near car. References given and re quired. Phone 1082. 1 FOR RENT! THE FOLLOWING: 10 Neat modern bungalow S rooms at 960 North 20th-street. Form erly rented for 312. Call at States man business office or phone 23. 1 r jiooern 9 room houe on Cottage street, close in. Formerly rented for 25. Call at Statesman btmlnos office, or phone 25. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern home. Address A. b, care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER neat, mooern conreniences. also In side room a Close to State Hons. 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1280. TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR rent. Latest Model. 34.00 per month. New 1913 Underwoods at no advance in prices. Underwood Typewriter Co, O. L, Steinau. resident Manager, Phone 810. WANTED ROOMS WANTED A ROOMER MODERN room in private family. 3 blocks from Masonic Temple. Call 419. Address XYZ Statesman. MISCRI.LAXKOt' HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom 8tates- W ANTED 50 HEAD OF NANY GOATS, good grade. No culls. O. D. Miles. S. F. T. Co. Camp 3. Sllverton, Ore ron. MOSEY TO LOAN MONEY. TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE H. M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic, building, Salem. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE CTTT AND country trips. Phono Day, 93; nlarht. 889. . TI RES REPAIRED VTLCASIHIIQ GATES HALF-SOLE TTRE 8ERVTCI Station 17. South Commercial St, phone 423. QUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 219 North Commercial street, phone 33. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND actions tubes 25c up. Service car. Phone 333. 128 South Commercial street. BRACKETT et GRAY TUBES VTJL cantsed. 25c Retresdlng our specie 1 ty. Free service ear. Phono 1403 279 .North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. 1 UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMf 4i-4i4 tanrt , or commerce Bldg Phone 800 MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO Phone 1382. PHYSICIANS DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence Srt North liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TOEMAN MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAY EVEN Ing la Mason lo Temple, fifth floor, at " 8 o'clock. All visiting members wel come. Horace Sykes. Foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 5243. -meet every Thursday evening at 8 o clock ' In Derby building, corner Court and - High streets. R, F. Day. V. Cj J. A. , Wright, eirek.. f BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COL, W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. . Turner. Oregon. HAOCAfiE AVn pmcpiii ruM-ivpp e any piece, city or country. Pbwoe C4 or teil-H. W. W. Fisher BAHBF.R MOP BEFORE THE DANCE GET YOt'R self in fine shape at Ingrey's Barber l-.h.p, 311 State street. CHinonucno DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C, GKADUATK OF P. B. C CniropracUca fountain bead. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Office 404-7-1, XX. & N. Bank Building. Phone 27. Residence 121-R. DRAYS AND BXPRKS9 -CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 922. Salem's largest and beat equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we nave three warehouses in connection with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 1(1 South. Commer cial atreeu C1IIXESH PHYSIC! All. DR. J. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN dt-ase. 1(3 8. High 8t Phone t DRY ClUAKIXO AIU PRCSSIXO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe, Prop. 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladles and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. $1.21 and 2L7S. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 62 JCHK jvnn JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household goods. The "Square Deal House Capital Junk Co, S71 Chemeketa Street, Phone 393. FULL VALUE PAID TOR SECOND hand goods. HlgbaSt market prices for Junk and hides. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, 371 No. Commercial. Phone 734. hair RSMorcb -CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 223. Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash Cc per pound. 133 South Lib erty street- Phone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO ular washing done at a rate every body can afford. For only 30 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 347L MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING Or all Kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylence welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop, 353 Chemeketa St, Sa lem. OSTEOPATHS DR. W. L MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Ktrka- vtlle. Mo.; treats acute and chronic aiseaae. uirtce oi-40S U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone MS. Real. dance 419 North Summer. Phone 314. DRS. WHITE eV WALTON. O8TEO pathic physicans and surgeona Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Klrksvtlle, Mo. Post wraduate and specialised In nervous oiseasea at ls Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices 605-0-7-3. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone 85. Residence. 1(20 Court street. Phone 2213. Dr. White, residence phone 439. SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUT AND 8 ELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, coiiai paae, tools, chains, Fred Echindler. 2(3 Center street. STORAGE AND TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE- hold goods specialties; storage pack ing, shipping and moving, horse and auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O. Pick Transfer & Storsge Co, 2nd and Pine streets. Portland. Oregon. Broadway 4)3, A ISO ERT A K E RA WEBB 4k CLOUGH C. R. WERH A vr Clougn, funeral directors. Latest moaern metnoas Known to the pro- isssioa. 9 1 boun street. THAKlrKw a4ACLlIU VUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household moving obs done prompt ly. . Try me once. Tlmme. 473 SUte 8C Phono 9C3. Resldsnee WALL PAPER, PAUTt GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- corating. i painting, tinting, naoer. banging, etc, Work done by contract or uay; good workman. Location 1020 Center St- Phone 638-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wail Paper at Uuren a Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial St, SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 485. WATER SALEM WATER COv OFFICE. 381 8. Commercial street. For water service apply at office Make all complaints at the office. No deductions In hills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from -: premises. Hereafter water fo Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using wiwr i or uompiiic purposes, con tractors fer sidewalks, brick work. or plastering, will Die as a read To- buildlng purposes' under schedule of eeiea awilT at oTTIee Tor eopv. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depel Nattonal Aaaerleaa Peaee, aU atsee, XO law te SS law Talgh, Paints. oOs and Varaiah, Steves Re ball t and RaJre4 Latajaaberry anal Me Heetaa. -s renew aTt Steve W'evtaa. tse) St. Pkasa 12-4 it- rEMTjrta, t SALEM MARKETS RUYIXO PRICE KZS and Poultry. Eggs. 33c Old roosters, IS to 15c Hens, 21 to 22e. Inrk. Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 15 to 18 He Ewes, 5 to 7c -Veal, dressed, 14 to 15c Spring lamb, 12 to 1 4c. Beef steers. 7 to 9c: cows. 4 to 8c Hulls. 4 to Cc. Hay s Cheat, per ton. $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton. $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oat. 80c. Bean a, 7c. 4 Mill Feed. Retail. Tlran. per ton. $38. Shorts, per ton. $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country batter. 46c Creamery butter. 46c Butter fat. f. o. b. Ralern. 42c Fish. Shad. lCc Salmon Trout. 30c Silver perch. 12 He Salmon. Chinook. 25c Halibut. 25c Codfish. 15c Clams, 25c dozen. Fruit. Oranges. $7.00 to $8. SO. Strawberries, $2.50. California Grape Fruit. $3.00 to $4.50. Peas. 7c. New potatoes, C to 6 He Cabbage. 34 to 3 He Asparagus, $2.25. Vecetablce). Lettuce, crate $3.25. Bananas, 8 Vic. Lemons. $8.50 to $9.50. Bermuda onions. $2.15. Dromedary date. $C Retail Prtcea, Creamery butter. 50c Es. 35 to 37 He Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour. Talley. $2.50 to $2.80. Sugar, cane and beet, 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. PORTLAND lIARKETS PORTUND, Hay 28. Grain: Bids May delivery Oats. No. 2. $59. Eastern oats and corn In bulk Bids Oats No. 3 white, $50.50; 38-pound clipped. $52; com. No. 3 yellow. $80, No. 3 mixed. $57.50; Oata. No. 3. $50.50; clippid. $52; corn yellow. $59.50; mixed, $57.50. u Dairy Produce. Butter: Prints, extras, 44 45c; cubes, extras, 39 H 40c; prime firsts. 39c; dairy. 32c Butterfat No. 1. 42c .Potatoes. Potatoes: Buying price Locals. 80090c; selintT price. $101.25; new California's 4 H Cf 5 He. NEW VORK MARKET , NEW YORK. Ma 28. Prunes. firm. Hops, unchanged. STOCKS FEATURE RAILS' STRENGTH Pressure Against Industrials and Specialties Renewed Market Unstable "SEW YORK. May 28. The strength of rails and renewal of pressure against Industrials and spec ialties were the sharply defined fea tures of today's active but unstable stock markeL These divergent movements were regarded as the direct result of anch recent developments as the railroad rate Increase and the government's proposed taxation program, the lat ter bearing most heavily upon war shares and kindred issues. Over all. however, hung the fore ign situation, bulletins from the western battle front contributing to the scattered liquidation and giving further encouragement to the short interests. Selling was at its height Just be fore noon when steel, equipments and speculative issues as a whole reated two to five points. Sumatra Tobacco making a sheer descent of almost eleven points. j On the increased activity of the last hour prices rallied sharply. Sales amounted to 950.000 shares. Italian exchange experienced fur ther slump with lires at the new minimum of 9.16 for demand bills. Bonds of various classes were in clined to ease, liberty second 4 s at 94.26 and the 4Hs at 97.20, estab lishing new low records. Total sales. par value. $3,600,000. United States old 2s and 4s rose H Pr cent on calL Hot Weather Prospects Again Change Prices CHICAGO. May 28. Prospects of renewed hot weather more than over came in tbe corn market today prices advances due to severe drops in temp erature. The close was heavy He to lMc net lower, with June $1.35H snd July $1.36 0 H- Oats finished un changed to He decline and provis ions unchanged to a decline of 75 cents. Deals in Real Estate I Clara P. Fourh to Rena Dawson. lot 8. block 74. Salem. t J. R. Linn to Idd & Rusk lots 7 and 8. block 47. Salem. J. J. Hershberger to J. M. Mishler. 10.51 acres In Jackson Cooley claim, T. 5. R 1 W. S. J. Connor to Gerald Connor. 63 acres In claim 61, T. 4. R. 2 W. Fannie McMorris to J. B. Harrlgar. lots 1 and 2, block 6. Ben Hall's ad dition to Woodburn. D. T. Potter to L. W. Potter. 3 acres In a. Carey claim, T. 8, R. 3 W. Elizabeth A. Downing and C. A. Schelbrede to Robert E. Downing. REAL ESTATE CASH AND TRADE TWO HOUSES and lots and timber tract close in, J. Watson Raker. New berg. Oregon. FOR SALE AN IDEAL HOME CALL at ltzit Court afreet and inspect this property. FARM FOR SALE 300 ACRES IDEAL- ly situated for home and iaveatiueat. Firat class soil and buildings, fully equipped and stocked. Phone 2140. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE SS ACRES an cultivated, house, barn, well fenc ed. 18 acres In prunes, 1 mile from town. 87.900. 24e acres. 200 cultivat ed. 40 timber pasture, will take In come property up. to 23.000 price 323000. These propositions are worth your Investigation. Box 215 Salem. . GOOD BUT 5xt0 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together wih perpetual right of way over the 14xe feet tract extending from thla property to State street. Terms Apply Soptt Boxorth. 781-3 Spaulding Bldg, Portland. Oregon, A FINE BUSINESS. FAM1LT HOTEL wiin i rooms. All furnlsned In good shape. Now doing from 9200 to 8100 per .monin. wun ft acre ground. Large barn and chicken pen. Want residence la Salem. Price 33800 for everyuung. too much work for old people. See Perrine A Marsters. BARGAINS ALL KINDS OF WOOD. A set 01 term harness, iron woodrack. a dump bed. several houses at real bargains, from 8750 and up. One is a 7 room residence and 3 nice lots with 20 bearing fruit trees for 81250. This Is a bargain. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building. 382 ACRE FARM. 225 ACRES CULTI- vateu. balance pasture and timber, good buildings, price 885 an acre. 70 acre farm, all in crop, fine buildings, stock and equipment, price 81L5O0. 700 acre stock ranch, well Watered. 211.200. 17 acre orchard. $4500. 1 room modern house, paved street, $2750. 10 acres, all cleared good buildings. 82850. W. H. Grabenhorst, dc Co, 275 State street. FOR 8ALE 200 ACRE STOCK RANCH. gooa location an fenced, on county road. 320 per acre. 200 acre valley farm, bottom land, good buildings, on main highway, a snap at $75 per acre. 10 acres, close in, on main road, good" buildings, orchard and berries 81250. Fine 7 room modern house new on paved street, bearing trees, fine 1 location 82800. 8 room bungalow, : fireplace and furnace 8isoo. fcix-- room house, good con dition, nearly new. $1050. Two good used cars for sale fheap. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. TO EXCHANGE I ACRES' IMPROVED z in rruit. for residence not over 84.000. 10 acres with modern t room house, close In for 5 room bungalow and mortgage back for difference, price 84500. 15 acres all cultivated, joining town and cash for good Sa lem residence. 1C0 acres on the river several million feet of saw timber, 1 mile from. town, take 85.800 resi dence, price 88.000. 480 acres North Dakota for valley ranch, pries 840 per acre. 240 acres. 200 cultlvsted. 40 timber pasture. 3 miles from Pratnm, Ore, will take residence or Income property not over 33.000. Socolofsky. 341 State street. TRADES FLEMING REALTT CO., 341 State. A 4 acre Suburban place with an improved 40 near Cashmere, Wash, or either for a stock ranch will as sume several thousand. An equity In a 5 room new bungalow for a town lot, A 8 room house and fine location on paved street (Stair) for clear pieo of land or timber. A Court street house for Falls City residence or acreage. One or two Falls City bouses for simtlsr In Salem, value anout 8ie each. A nice Salem buna- aiow equity for a Eugene lot, 200 acre stock ranch good, barn and water, family orchard, between 40 ana 4 clear land, good main road part caah part trade, what hava tou See William Fleming. 241 State street opposite Pattons Book store. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 403 acres of choice PoTk roan. ty land about 110 acres clear; about 50 acres in stump pasture: balance In cholw oillnsT timber and oak arrnhs. Timber alone worth 319.000. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing lor zv cows ana tour norses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine spring to all buildings, will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. 8 per cent Intejeest, Address L, owner, care The Stateeman. 154 acres in Lark In Pried claim, T. 8. R. 1 W. 1 Elizabeth A. Downing to W. II. Downing, 40 acres In M. T. Smith claim. T. B. R. 1 W. Also 103 acres in M. B. Wisdom claim, T. 8. R. 1 W. J. M. Mishler to J. J. Hershberger, lot 4. block 12, Hubbard. Hattle C. Foster to Agatha U. Thomas, part of block 1. Stayton. Hattie C. Foster to B. F. Fresh, part of block 1, Stayton. Henry J. Prlem to Harry Blodgett. part of lot 7. block 7, Jones addition to Salem. j The Willamette Valley Southern Railway Co. acquired title to 60-foot right of way and sidings from the following property owners in the tI cinitr of Mt. Angel: Martha G. Hat haus. Henry Hnmpert. G. W. Ebner. J. B. HausInger.Gregor Feser. oJsef Paul!.' Edward Welp. Fred Schwab. Henry Bernlng. II. II. Annen. Joe Bauer. St. Bebedlct's Abbey. Q. Wet zel. John Gilles, Martin Kaiser. Wil liam A. Hosier. Chris. Schwenk. Jo seph S. Prauer. Adolph Schumacher. The Bohemians are revolting against the rule or the kaiser. The anger of the people cannot be for ever stifled. Things are working under the nase of the)PrussIan Junk ers. e V President Farrell of the United States Steel Corporation has been asked to ast as director of the ship ping board. . And Farrell Is a "trust magnate. too. How things are changing! CHICHESTERSWLLS PtUs fca Bad as te mukVwj asMss aat Ota - - VT triT.tS.'All'fa.fn tA,a-TTj g IiAsMsa saAkB rtlXs, m a SCtDnKLSOSTStY NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive b!ds up till 5 o'clock p. m., Monday. Jnn Z, 1918, for the construction of cement sidewalks to be laid on the south side or Wilson street, and the west side of Saginaw street, in front of and abutting upon lot 1, block 9, Southwest Addition to Salem, and owned by Bell M. Rogers. Plans and specifications can be had at re corder's office. Earl Race. City Recorder. STATE OF OREGON Proposals For Supplies. The Oregon State Board of Con trol will receive sealed bids on June 12. 1918. at 2 p. m- for furnishing supplies to the various state insti tutions, consisting of dry goods, clothing.- furnishings. groceries, shoes, hardware, brooms, drugs, sta tionery, crockery, plumbing, etc, for the semi-annual period ending De cember 31. 1918. Specifications and schedules will be rurnuhec upon ap plication to the Secretary at Salem. Oregon, also from the Industries and Manufacturers Bureau, Chamber. of Commerce. Portland. Oregon. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified cheek representing 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid. payable to the Oregon State Board of Control, which shall be held as a guaranty of the faithful performance of the contract. The board- reserves the right to re ject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. Good In, Secretary, Oregon State Board of ControL NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING 12TH STREET IN THE CITY OF 8A LEM. FROM MISSION STREET TO THE SOUTH LINK OF THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SALEM. To Elizabeth M. Densmore, T. M. Hamilton, J. T. Talent. W. B. Far rier. Sarah McVicker, Frank W. Allen. F. 11. Reeves. H. c S. A. Edwards. J. T. at A. M. Flsco. An gle Harriett, Lenora M. Mickey. W. R. Robins. Margaret L Richards, Mrs. M. V Robertson. Dorilla F Loughary. W. D. & Jessie W. Pugh. S. Lv Burk. Montle Emma Les ley. Mrs John Wolford. Hoyt H. it Eliza A. Wilson. Leslie Cade. B, G. Ashby and Grant Ashby You, and each of yon are hereby notified that the City of Salem has. by Ordinance No. 1627. levied a assessment upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and in the amount hereinafter set forth for such property's proportionate share of the cost of improving 12th Street In the City of Salem from Mis sion Street to the South Line of the Corporate Limits, of the City of Sa lem, together with six per cent in terest thereon from the date of de linquency of the original assessment. A description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount assessed and levied upon It Is as follows, to wn: The north one-half of Lot 9 In Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. : Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $ 75.10 - - Interest 16.01 The east 230 feet of Lot 10 la Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore Cost $ 27.59 Interest l.SS Lot 10 In Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $160.24 ' Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of the north one-half of Lot 9 In Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $ 13.96 Interest . 2.9$ Lot 12 In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 34 96 With 6 per cent Interest from March 27. 1914. Lot 13. In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of 8alem. T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 24.95 With 6 per cent Interest from March 27. 1914. The east 20 feet of Lot 14 In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 13.96 Interest 2.98 Lot 7 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. J. T. Talent Cost $157.70 Interest 33.62 The east 230 feet of Lot 7 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. J. T. Talent Cost $ 55.18 Interest 11.76 15 of Yew Park Lot 10 in Block Annex to the City W. B. Farrier of Salem Cost $150.37 Interest 32.05 The east 230- feet of Lot 10 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to tbe City of Salem. W. B. Farrier Coat $ 27.64 -1 Interest 5.89 Lot 11 in Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Sarah McVicker Cost $150.37 Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of Lot 11 In Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Sarah McVicker Cost $ 41.5 Interest 8.8 The east 50 feet of Lot 5 In Block of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Frank W. Allen Cost $ 31.87 Interest 6.79 . Lot 9 In Block 4 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. F.H.Reeves Cost $248.74 Interest 63.02 The east 50 feet of Lot 12 In Block 4 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. II. S. A. Edwards. Cost $ 29.97 Interest 6.29 The north 5 feet of tbe south 50 feet of Lot 1 In Block 3 or Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem J. T. A. M. Flsco. Cost $ 17.48 Interest 3.73 The south 63 feet of Lot 3 la Block 3 of Yew Park Addition to tbe City of Salem. Angle Harriett Cost $175.12 With'. 6 per cent Interest from March 24. 1914. - Lot & la Block 3 of Yew' Park Ad dition to tbe City of Salem, Lenora M. Mickey. Cost $219.52 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan uary 9. 1914. Lot 11 in Block 23 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. W. R. Robins. Coat $ 40.00 Interest 8.41 Lot 4 In Block 17 of Yew Park An nex to tbe City of Salem. Margaret I. Richards Cost $178 09 Interest 37.96 Lot 6 In Block 17 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem Margaret I. Richards. Cost $209.42 Interest 4 4.64 Lot 6 In Block 17 of Yew Park An nex to the City of Salem. Margaret I. Richards. Cost $191.95 Interest 40.92 Lot 1 In Block 17 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Mrs. if. F. Robertson. Cost $212.94 Interest 45.39 Southwest one-fourth of Block 14 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Dorilla Loughary. Cost $512.49 Interest 124.17 Lot 1 In Block S of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. W. D. Pugh at Jessie W. Pugh. Cost $323.97 Interest 71.19 The south 25 feet of Lot 3 in Block 6 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. S. L. Burk Cost $ 88.89 Interest 18.95 The north 25 feet of Lot 2 In Block 5 of Yew Park AddlUon to the CityW Salem. S. L. BuNc Cost $ 89.86 With 6 per cent interest from Jan uary 16. 1914. The south -60 feet of Lot 2 In Block S of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Montle Lesley ft Emma Lesley. Cost $178.09 With 6 per cent Interest from March 25. 1914. The north 60 feet of Lot 2 In Block 5. of Yew Park AddlUon to tbe City of Salem. Mrs. John Wolford. Cost $160.00 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan- nary 14. 1914. The west 85 feet of Lot 4 In Block 8 of Yew Park AddlUon to the City of Salem. Hoyt L. Wilson & Eliza A. Wilson. Cost $186.91 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan- nary 19. 1914. Lot 3 In Block 11 of Yew Park AddlUon to tbe City of Salem. Leslie Cade. Cost J 267.50 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan uary 12. 1914. Lot 7 la Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. R. O. Ashby - Cost $ J4.76 Interest 7.41 Lot 6 In-Block 27 of Yew' Park Annex to the City of Salem. Grant Ashby. Cost $ 34.76 Interest 7.41 Said assessments were entered In Volume 3. Docket of City Liens, on the 2nd day of March. 191$. as a charge and Hen against the said properties, and are now due and pay able to the City Treasurer. This notice la served upon you by publicaUon thereof, for ten days In the Dally Oregon Statesman, a news paper published in the City of Salem. by order of the Common Council. Date of first publicaUon hereof, is May 29. 1918. EARL RACE. Recorder of the City of Salem. Oregon TTUYTALLES' SOUTHERN PACIFIC COm evthlaeeiad Vo. 18 Oregon Express ..... 8:91 No. 84 Oregon laa , 8:18 ajn. No. 28 Willamette Limited.. 8:10 a.nv No. IS Portland Passenger.. 1:11 No. 34 Cooe Bay 8:44 pLlaw No. 18 Shasta Lfmlted ..... TOswsa. No. 14 Portland Express 8:10 svas. so. 228 Local way Fi is Loeai way rr ait., 8:00 s-BX no. szi roruana : Fast Freight 11:33 pan. NO. No. No. New No. 33 Oregon Ian f:3ta.a. 21 Coos Bay 10:01 1 18 California Express ..10:13 1 If Rosebnrg Passenger. 4:20 1 11 Shasta Limited 8:43 No. No. 27 Willamette Limited.. 0:10 p.m. IS San Prase! co Pass.. .18.37 sua. No. 321 8aa Fran. Fast Frt... 11:01 a-s. no. 227 Local way Freight.. IS. -OK SALEM-CEIOS 1XXM Vo. 73 Arrive at Salem 9:13 No. T4 Leave Salem 3:83 SALEM. FALLS CTTT 4k WESTEEN 151 Leaves, Salem, motor .... 7:05 a.m. 1(3 Leaves Salem, motor..., 9:18 ajn. 185 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40 p re. Through car to Monmouth and Arlie 187 Leaves Salem, motor .... 1(0 Leaves Salem, motor..... 8:57 avsn. 130 Way Freight leaves Salem 5:00 a.m. 1(3 irrivee at Salem 8:30, 1(4 jtrrtvea at Salem ........11:00 a.m. 18 Arrives at Salem 3:00 p-sa, 1(3 Arrives at Salem ........ 5:35 lie .Arrives at nan em ........ t:ioi 40 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 3:10 1 OREGON ELECTRIC freerthaoatd . . Train Leave Arrive lo. Portia ad Salem Arrive Eugene 10.33 am 12:28 pm 8:35 pm ' 8:54) pm Salem only Salem only 1 8:30 am - 3:33 am 8 Ltd. ..8:38 am 10:11am 7 10:45 am 12:50 pm 9 2:05 pm 4:15 pm -8 Ltd. ..4:40 pm 8:40 pm 17 8:05 pm 8:05 pm l 0:20 pm 11:20 pm 1 11:45 pm 1:55am 0:50 1 North Bank Station (leave Jeffer en Street 16 aad 20 minutes later.) - Trala Leave Arrive Vo. Eugene - 8a lata 2 12:05 am 4:25 am 8 . .. .. 2:15 am 10 Ltd.. .7:46 am 0:45 am Arrive Portland 3:50 am 9:35 am 11:38am 1:20 pm 4:00 pm 8:43 pm T:40nm It 11:10am 14 11:13 am 1:30 am is Ltd. ..1:58pm 4:00pm 18 -4:10 pm 8:30 pm 11 turn 7:apm Pm T:5Sna II Mm xNnrth Bank Station lArrtva, J.rr. 5? 11 earlier). Loav CorvalUa. COKYALMsToS EXTIOEST Horthl Leave Corvallis Arrive i:lin 12:12 pm 2:41 pm 4:10 pm 9:45am 1:50 am 40 psn 5:30 0:18 pm 1:88 p Leave Srtem Arrive CorvsIU 9:57 am 11:28 am 8:20 pm 8:14 pea 40 pen i v.SSam 10:15i 18:55 1 4:18i 1