-ZZZ THE OREGON ST ATF.N.M AX; TI F.SDAY. MAY. m2H, 1018 (S II ass if Bed ir(ctry The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted ! Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them II D) J?!.00 SECUrili nAnu uuuua rrs oxmtim shoes, mcr. Ci" CLES, TOOLS. Em CAPITAL EXCHANGE 4S wuri rv Konwicn union pOlK INSURANCE SOCIETY W. H- Burghardt, Jr., jAlent Agent 885 State 8L Money to Loan A IWROVKl) rHM AND CITY PBOrKHTlf AT LOWEST RATES THOS. K. FORD 0;v.r.!,t iR CtXSSmKO ADYKRTlSKxTJEJITn Ilat Pes War Strat Insertion .............. lO V Subsequent Insertions fee On month t Sis months' contract per mo. ke 11 months' contract, per no.., 7c No account opened (or less than tie A neat card given free with an advertisement to tha extant of tOc announcing "For Bala. Tor Beat," "Rooms' or "Board." IEW TO DAT Each saw classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today for first Insertion, nnlesa otherwise ordered by tha adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of tha ad will appear under Its proper class tflcaUon. No' advertlsment will ba run under "New Today for mora than ee Issue under any circumstances . . i NEW TODAY ' WOOD FOR SALE OAK GRUB AND Fir. located 3 milet northwest of Marion. Oregon. Address C. il. Smith, Jelierson, tyregon. , TARM FOR SALE- 309 ACRES IDEAL Ir situated for hom and investment, first class soil and buildings, fully tquipped and stocked. Phone 2140. c- . ; JOME FOR SALE ONE: ACRE ON car line and. paved street. 8 room m J em house, fruit and garden. 1'W'ne 2110. CASH AND TRADE TWO HOUSES and lots and timber tract close in. J. Watson Baker. New berg-. Oregon. . WANTED A ROOMER MODERN room in private family, 3 blocks from Masonic Temple. Call 419. Address XiZ Statesman. THREE BRIGHT "CAPABLE WOMEN to travel. $25.00 to $00.09 per week. Weekly advance for traveling ex penses. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 702. Omaha, Nebr. FOR RENT MODERN FIVE ROOM bungalow, choice residence section, near car. References given and re -. quired. I'hone 1082. JlR. REAL ESTATE BUYER. THERE'S absolutely no allowance made by us' for a commission on property we list for sale or exchange. Our ' method enables us to sell property from per cent to 5 per cent lees than the Real Estate a Kent- We list property everywhere and charge no - commission for nuttine . ouver ana seller together. Call and investigate Oregon Realty Exchange investment . Co., J nc. ureyman liiag. DEPENDABLE GOODS: THE OREGON Fire Relief Ass'n of McMinnVille, our .Mutual, is one of the largest if i And the Yorkshire Insurance com y pany in the world, writing insurance oa preferred risks only, . -,- 1 And the Yorkshire Insurance com pany, our Old Line Company, was established in 1821 and has over $10.- 00.000 in - assets, and is rated as one of the largest and best of the Standard Fire Insurance Companies. We are now prepared to protect you , on any line upon a moments notice. H. A. Johnson Sl Co., Agt. 1 and J Kush Bank KMr.. Salem, phone 347 r rXBUO NOTICE! notice to cxxtilctoks. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned will receive bids up till 5 o'clock d. m... Monday. June 1918, for the construction of cemeat sidewalks to be laid on the south Bide of Wilson Btreet, and the west side of Sarlnaw street, in front of and ahnttinsr imon lot 1. block 9 Southwest Addition to Salem, and owned r,v r$ell M. Rogers. Plans and specifications can bo had at re corder's office. Earl Race, City Recorder. XOTICE OP ASSESSMENT FOR THE COST OF IMPROVING 12TII STREET IX THE CITY OF SA I.EM, FROM MISSION STREET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF THE , CORI-ORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SALEM. To Elisabeth M. Densmore, T. M. Hamilton. J. T. Talent. W. B. Far rier, Sarah McVicker, Frank AV. Allen. F. H. Reeves, II. & S. A. Edwards, J. T. & A. M. Flswo, An gle Harriett, Inora M. Mickey. VV R. Robins. Margaret I. Richards, Mm M V Robertson. DoriHa F. . Longhary. VV. D. & Jessie WY Pugh, S. L. Burk. Montie & Emma Les ley. Mrs John Wolf ord. noyt Jt. & Eliza Wilson. Leslie Cade, R. G. Ashhv and Grant Ashby: 1 You. and each of yon ars hefeby notified that the City of Salem has. by Ord i trance No. IS 27, levied a re asHesfitm nt upon your respective properties hereinafter described, and ln-tho amount hereinafter set forth for burn property's proportionate hare of lh cost of improving izin Street in the City of Balem from Mis sion Street to the South Line of the Corporate Limits of the City of ba .lem," together with six per cent in terest thereon from the date of de linquency of tho original assessment. A dcscripMon of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land.lhe owner thereof, and the amount assess and levid upon it is as follows, to it: The north one-half of : Lot 9 In Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $ 75.10 Interest 16.01 RnV Sell and Exchange all Kinds The east 230 feet of Lot 10 in 3lof Vew rark Annex to ihe oi saiem. Elizabeth M. Densmore, Cost $ 2759 Interest 5.88 Lot 10 In Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the CItv of Saiom Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost $150.34 ' Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of the north one-half or Lot 9 in Block 16 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. Elizabeth M. Densmore. Cost 13.96 r Interest 2.98 Lot 12 In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem T. M. Hamilton, f Cost ' 34 95 With 6 per cent interest from March 27. 1914. Lot 13, In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. T. M. Hamilton. Cost $ 34.95 With 4J per cent Interest from March 27, 1914. The east 20 feet of Lot 14 In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. H. M. Hamilton. Cost 13.96 Interest 2.98 LOt 7 In Block 15 Of Yv ParV Annex to the City of Salem. T. Talent Cost $157.70 Interest 33.62 The east 230 feet of Lot 7 In Block 15 of Yaw Park Annex to the City or Salem. J. T. Talent Cost $ 65.18 , Interest 11.76 Lot 10 in Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem W. B. Farrier Cost $150.37 Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of Lot 10 in Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. ' W. B. Farrier Cost $ 27.64 i Interest 5.89 -,Lot 11 in Block 15 of Yew Park Annex to the, City of Salem. Sarah McVicker Cost $150.37 V Interest 32.05 The east 230 feet of Lot 11 in Block' 15 of Yew Park Annex to the City or Salem. Sarah McVicker Cost $ 41.51 Interest 8.85 The east 50 feet of Lot 5 in Block 9 of Yew Park Addition to tho City of Salem. Frank W. Allen Cost $ 31.87 Interest 6.79 Lot 9 In Block 4 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. F. II. Reeves Cost $248.74 ... Interest 53.02 The east 50 feet of Lot 12 In Block 4 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem.. H. & S. A. Edwards. Cost $ 29.97 Interest 6.39 The north 5 feet of the south 50 feet of Lot 1 in Block 3 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem J. T. & A. M. Fisco. Cost $ 17.48 Interest 3.73 The south 53 feet of Lot -3 in Block 3 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Angie Harriett . Cost $175.12 With 6 per cent Interest from March 24, 1914. , Lot 6 in Block 3 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. ! Lenora M. Mickey. Cost $219.52 With 6 per cent interest from Jan- nary 9, 1914. Lot 11 In Block 23 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. W. R: Robins. Cost $ 40.00 Interest 8.41 Lot 4 in Block 17 of Yew Park An nex to the City of 'Salem. I Margaret I. Richards Cost $178.09 Interest j 3796 Lot 6 in Block 17 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem Margaret I. Richards. Cost $209.42 ' ' Interest 44.64 Lot 5 in "Block 17 of Yew Park An- nex to the City of Salem. . Margaret I. Richards. Cost $191.95 Interest 40.92 Lot 1 In Block 17 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem.1 Mrs. M. F. Robertson. Cost $212.94 Interest 45.39 Southwest one-fourth of Block 14 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem, t Dorilla Loughary. Cost $582.49 Interest 124.17 Lot 1 in Block 6 of Yew Park Ad dition to the City of Salem. WVD. Pugh & Jessie W. Pugh. Cost $333.97 Interest 71.19 The south 25 feet of Lot 3 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to rMr rf Clam 1 S. L. Burk Cost $ 88.89 Interest 18.95 The north 25 feet of Lot 2 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. S. L. Burk Cost $ 89.86 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan uary 16, 1914. ' The south 5a feet of Lot 2 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem.- . Montie Lesley & Emma Lesley. Cost $178.03 With 6 pr cent Interest from March 25, 1914. The north 50 feet of Lot 3 In Block 5 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Mrs. John Wolf ord. Cost $160.00 With 6 per cent interest from Jan uary 14. 1914. The west 85 feet or Lot f in Block 8 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Hoyt L. Wilson & Eliza-A. w nson. With 6 per cent interest from Jan uary 19, 1914. Lot 3 In Block 11 of Yew Park Addition to the City of Salem. Leslie Cade. Cost $267.50 With 6 per cent Interest from Jan uary 12, 1914. It 7 in Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City of Salem. R. G. Ashby Cost $ 34.76 Interest 7.4 1 Lot jS In Block 27 of Yew Park Annex to the City or Salem, Grant Ashby. Cn.t$ 3.? Interest '7.41 Saldissessm"nts ere entered In Volume 3. Docket or City Liens, on the 2nd day of March. 1918, as a charge and lien against the said properties, and are now due payable to the City Treasurer. This notice Is served upon you by I publication thcreor, for ten days in the Daily Oregon Statesman, a news paper published in the City or Salem, by order of the Common CounciL Date of first publication hereof, is May 28. 1918. EARL RACE, Recorder of the City ef Salem, Oregon ERIPLOYRltNT rESALK WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER. APPLY at once by phone 1I99-.M. WANTED PRACTICAL NURSE FOR two or three weeks. Apply 18S5 Cen ter street. WANTED DAY WORK. CHAMBER work, or dish washing In restaurant Mrs. Kallstrpm. 735 Ferry street. SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER WANT ed by young lady. Can furnish ref erences. Address "II 7t" care States man. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOU3E work for family of three. Must be neat, refined and a good cook. Lib eral pay to competent woman. If in terested address box "H (4" States- man 'office, giving your address or pnone number. WOMEN WANTED FULL TIME SAL- ary $24 selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer 60c an hour spare time. Big business. Experience unnecessary Guaranteed Mills. Norrlstown. !.' MALE WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN printing trade. Apply Statesman composing room, upstairs. WANTED A MILKER AND ROUTE man. Pinckney Bros. Dairy. Phon 1437. MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED We have an opening In your town for a newspaper salesman. You could make a good aalary with our proposition. Address "H 47" States man office. "HAVE MANY SALEM MEN WORK ing West Linn Mills. Everything op erating though strike still on. You can have vacancy few quitters daily. Over 900 working. See free employ ment office across river from Oregon City." MISCELLAKKOC9 15 LOGAN BERRY PICKERS WANTED Good picking. Good camping ground or walk and live at home only IS 'minutes walk from end of bridge, Wallace Road Polk county. Would also like to register same crew for picking beans. I'hone S2F11. W. C Franklin. WANTED LOGANBERRY PICKERS for 45 acres of berries located Vi mile from carune at Salem Heights. Fif teen minutes service. Sc fare to Sa lem. Fine caanp grove, free wood, potato patch and straw for bedding. Water piped on camp-grounds. No tents or bunk houses. Telephone on camp-grounds and free daily delivery of groceries- Picking will start about June 17th. Telephone 21F2. B. Cun nlgham. Salem. Oregon, route 3, box 131. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FRESH COW WITH CALF I'hone W. H. Ramp, 35F13. FOR SALE 30 OLD GOATS AND kids near Waconda. I'hone 970. J HOITEIN AUCTION TUESDAY, MAY ZH. on O. Ii. Miles rarm, b miles south of Salem, on Pacific highway. 15 registered Holsteins, herd bulls, cows, heifers and young stock the best families of the breed are represent ed in this sale Also 10 high grade Guernsey. Jersey and Holstein milk cows, nit heavy producers. 15 head hogs, brood sows and pigs. Sal' starts at 1 o'clock. Catalog gives full Information, ask for one of O. 11 Miles or at thia office. O. H. Miles, proprietor . MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE OAK DINING TABLE chairs and serving table. Phone 51S. FOR SALE STUDEBAKER 1 TON spring wagon. Phone 734 371 N. Com mercial. Will sell cheap. FOR SALE STEVENS - DURTEA touring car. Suitable for truck. Will sell cheap. Phone 734. 271 North Commercial street. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BES farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATMAN GIRI This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully reviseo making, a handsome little book. It tells In graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenxo. and the captivity . or Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indiana five years later. The price la 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, ba. Im. Oreaon. MIS CELL A KEO US FOR SALE GOLD COIN AND BUR bank unsorted potatoes. Suitable for seed and feed. 50c per sack. Phone RftKll. POULTRY WHITE FACE BLACK SPANISH EGOS for hatching. M. A. Vanderberg. rL IF TOtI WANT TO GET THE BES1 poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WOOD. PASTURE FOR RENT AND OAK wood for sale, at Oak Grove. John l.rn. Kickreal). Or. FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing apartments. 1017 South Commerc ial street. Mrs. Ireton. HOUSES FOR RENT $13.50 SIX ROOM NOP ern house on paved street at 1920 S-.'itH High street. E. A. Rhoten. t'.Sl-J. any time week days. FOR RENT LEONARD HoTKU COM liltrly furnished, can Rive itnmedt- atle K,s-ion. C S. Hamilton. 310 Court street. FOR RENT THE FOLIOVVING: $10 -Nent modern bungalow 5 rrns at !0 N-rth 20th street. Form- riv r-n"l for 313. Call at Stales lunri htiKincH office or phone IS. $H -Mmirrn 9 rin houne on 0tti:e street. rl in. Formerly rented for $?5. Call at Statesman bti.ins office. r phone ?3. ROOMS Milt RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of hath, in modern home. Address A. It. csre Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern eonrenlences. also In Pii T'-'tn Close to State House. 1039 Chemckete, I'bona 110. - TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR rent. Latest Model. $4.00 per month. New 1911 Underwoods at no advance in prices. Underwood Typewriter Co, G. L. Steinau. resident Manager. Phone 810. WANTED ljCKI.I.A KO V S HIGHEST CASH 1-KICE PAID FOR good clean rags, man. Pressroom States- WANTED 50 HEAD OF NANY GOATS. Kooa graae. .-no cuiis. j. l. Miles. S. F. T. Co. Cmp I, Silver ton. Ore gon. MOSEY TO 1.41 A Sf" MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE . . . . . . . i ... . . . i - ii. ai. tiawmns. tit 4iaunic ouiiaing, Salem. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO SERVICE SHIPP-S AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips. Phone Day, 9(1: nlrht 15. TIRES nePAIREb VtfLCANIIIKo" GATES HAfJT-SOLE TIRR BERVICa Station 17 1. South Commercial St, pnone za QUACKENBUSH AUTO SJUFPLT AND vulcanizing, zit Morat Commercial street. Wtone WATT SHIFT" CO. RETRK ADS AND seotlons tubes l$c up. Service car. Phone $. 12$ South Commercial street. BRACKETT at GRAY TUBES VTJL canlzed. 36c. Retreading our special, ty. Free service car. Phone 1400. 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL KXTISTS DR. F. U UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 413-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phone 0 MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 1333. PHYSICIANS DR. L. Q. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence Sri North Liberty. Salem, phone 147 LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TOEXAH MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAY EVEN ing In Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at o'ciock. Alt visiting memser. wel come. Horace Sykes, Foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. (340, meets every Thursday evening at S o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V; C; J. A. wrigbt. cireK. BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEERS COL. W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner. Ore gon. . - AUTO DELIVERY BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER-1 . ed any place, city or country. Phone C4 or 2081-R; W. W. Fisher. BARBER SHOPS BEFORE THE DANCE GET TOUR- self in fine shape at Ingrey s Barber Shop. 311 State street. CHIROFRACTle DR. O. L 8COTT, D. C, GRADUATE OF P.. S. C Cblropractics fountain head, Davenport. Iowa, Chiropractic cor rects the causa of disease. Office 400-7-8, U. 8. N. Bsnk Building. Phone 37. Residence 121-R- DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY I'hone 933. Salem's largest and beat eoulpped transfer-company, uet our reduced freight - rates oa eastern I shipments. Also for storage as we I have three warehouses la connection l with business. Furniture moving. I packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 111 South Commer cial street. CHIXESB PHYSICIAN. DR. I. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN dlvoaae. 153 n. Hlsrh 8t r'hone !. DRY ClKAM.NO AND PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe, Prop, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and nressed. 21.3k and $1.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 553. JU.KK JUNK JUNK WANTED WB PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price oa your household goods. The "Square Deal House Capital Junk Co, 271 Chenaketa street, t'oone sis. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand srooda. Hlcheat market Drlces for Junk and hides. The Peoples Junk and Secondhand store, si. no. Commercial. I'hone Tit. IIAIK It EMOTED -CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN 8UC- cessfuL Applied here or sold for home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlor a. 221 Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry wash Cc pr pound. 135 South Lib erty street. I'hone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG star wahina d ra at a rale every body can afford. . For only SO cents we will cll.--t. wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. I'hone 2471. MACHINISTS WE Istr MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile rprrlng. oxy-acetyl-nce welding, gas enKlne re pairing, model end experimental work. Iowa Machine Fhp. D. B Brown, prop. 553 Chomekcta St, Sa lem. STATE SENATOR VO 1. 1' XT EE I IS. YAKIMA. Wash.. May 27. State Senator U. V. Northland of this city has volunteered for Y. M. C. A. war work. He has gone to Camp Lewis tor training, after which he expects to be sent to France. , OSTEOPATH'S DR. W. L MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy. Kirks-1 uia. alo.; treats acute and cnronlei disease. orrice 494-40S U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone fit. Resi dence 411 North Summer. Phone 4)14. drs. white a walton; osteo-I patnie Dhyslcana and lurctaii.! Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kirksvllle. Mo. Poet graduate and specialised la nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic, diseases. Offices 605-S-7-I. - U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phone s5. Residence, 1C20 Court streeC Phone Ilia. Dr. vtnue. residence phone 41). SKCO.fD 11AHO GOOD! WE BUY AND BELL SECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe flttlags, bar. awa. ooiiars. eoiiai pa as, tools, chains. Fred icbindlar. 1st Center Street. ( STORAGE AND TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE noia goods specialties; storage pack ing. shipping and moving, horse ana auto vans; special freight rates to all points. C O Pick Trajaf Storage Co, 2nd and Pine streets. rnnitna, Oregon. Broadway ), UNDERTAKERS WEBB & CLOUGH C B. WEBB. A. If. Clougb, funeral directors. Latest I modern methods known to tha pro- ivwuo. i uuun street. TUA.KSKiLM HA CLIN U AUTO TRUCK PER VICE. ANY KIND I or naming. Household moving lobe dona prompt-1 'ly. Try me once. Tlmma 47$ State St. Phone 91ft. Rasldeaoel WALL PA pick, rami GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC coratlnsr. painting, tlntlna. paner hanging, etc Work done by contract! or day; good - workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone ttt-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wail Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial BC SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 4l Court SC Phone 4 IS. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. S01 B. Commercial street. For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions la bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water foe Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plasterina. will please read "for building purposes" under schedule of rates Ar-oiv at orneo roe cope T WOYKN WIRE FENCING Depot Xtttsaal A- ail elaea. M law e U la. Telgfc, Pa lata, OUe sai Yarwtah. Steve Rebsdlt mm Reire4 Logasvbeery a ad Hep HeeSia. Salens Fence A Steva Wrfu. Z941 Coert St, PTmm 134 R. B. EE MING, I SALEM MARKETS I nUYIXO TRICE Eggs and Poultry. Eggs. 33c. Old roosters, 13 to 15c liens. 21 to 22c. PocX Mutton and Href. Pork on foot. 15 to ltMc Ewes, 5 to 7c. Veal, dressed, 14 to 15c. Spring lamb, 12 to 14c. Heef steers. 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 8c. Bulls, 4 to 6c. Hay Cheat, per ton, $21. Clover, per ton, $20. Vetch, per ton. $22. Grain- , Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, 90c. Beans, 7c. Mill Feeds. RcxalL Bran, per too, $3t. Shorts, per ton. $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country butter. 45c Creamery bntter, 45c Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem. 42c Fish. Shad, 15c. Salmon Trout, 30c. Silver perch. 12 He Salmon. Chinook, 25c Halibut. 25c CodMsK 15c. Clams, 25c dozen. Fruit. Oranges. $7.00 to $8.50. Strawberries, $2.50. California Grape Fruit, $3.00 to $4.50. Peas. 7c. New potatoes, 6 to 6 He. Cabbage. 3 to 3c Asparagus $2.25. Vegetable. Lettuce, crate $3.25. Bananas. K4c Lemons. $8.50 to $9.50. Bermuda onkns. $2.15. Dromedary date, $C. Retail ITier. Creamery butter. 60c Eggs. 35 to S7c Flour, hard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley, $2.60 to $2.0. Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy IVnducey PORTLAND. May 27. Butter: Prints, extras. 41 to 4c; cubes, ex tras. 39 to 39 1-2 c; prime firsts, 3c: dairy. 32 cents. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. I sour cream. 43c. lutates. lluvlnc nrlce. 7-c to i.r: pclling price. $1 to $1.25; new Clifornias. 5 1-2 t 6c. Grain. Grain: 30 day options -twis. ,o. . . i.i Pi utnrn nata and ,fim in . : . a,,.. ... n t ats. No. X white. t:.o asnound clipped. $-2: corn, No. 3 yellow. $60; No. 3 mixed. I.'.T.jO: oats. No. 3. $50.50; clipped. sr.": corn, yellow, $59.50; mixed. New York lark eta. imiik: ihus ' v. ..v. . w,...,. New York. May 27. Prunes, firui.ithe ransry. -..REAL ESTATEISTOCIffiTOHL. FOR SALE AN IDEAL HOME. CALL at 1424 Court street and Inspect this property. OR SALE OR TRADE FOR RAW lands. 20 acres all in crops: good orchard, excellent buildings, close to Salem on main road. I&000. C w. Niemeyer. $41 State street. - BRING YOUR TRADES I can match you. $44 State street. C. W. Niemeyer. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE $5 ACRES all cultivated, bouse, barn, well fenc ed. 1$ seres in prunes. 1 mile from town. $7,900. 34 acres. !M cultivat ed. '40 timber pasture, will take In come property up to $3,000 price 423000. These propositions are worth your Investigation. Bos Zli feaiem. A OOOD BU-:xI0 rSET ON EAST side Comntidtl street, one door north of State street. Salem, together wln perpetual right of war over tae 14s.hV4fe feet tract extending from this property to State street Terms Apply Si.tt Bosorth, 701-3 Spauldiag Bldg, Portland. Oregon. F1NE BUSINESS. FAMILY HOTEL- aon won& submit his riews on rev wlth IS rooms, All furnlaned In good I ,n An ad- shape. Now doing from (ZOO to $30 per month, with H acre ground. Largv barn and chicken pen. Want residence In Salem. Price $3000 for everything. Too much work for old people. See Purine t Marsters. BARGAINS ALL KINDS OF WOOD. A set of farm harness. Iron woodrack, a dump bed. several houses at real bargains, from $759 and up. One Is a 7 room residence and 3 nice lots with 20 bearing, fruit trees for $1350. This Is a bargain. John H. Scott. 404 Hubbard building. 3S2 ACRE FARM. 22S ACRES CULTI- vated. balance pasture ana timner. good buildings, price $IS an acre. TO acre farm, all in crop, fine buildings, stock and equipment, price $11,160. 700 acre stock ranch, well watered. $11,200. 17 acre orchard. $4500. room modern house, paved Street. $2750. 10 acres, all cleared good buildings. $2350. W. IL Grabeahorst. s CoC 275 State street. f-OR SALE 200 ACRE STOCK RANCH. good location all fenced, on county road. $20 per acre. 300 acre valley farm, bottom land, good buildings, on main highway, a snap at $75 per acre. 10 acres, close in, on main road, good buildings, orchard and berries 32250. Fine 7 room modern house new on paved street, bearing trees, fin location $2300. S room bungalow, fireplace and furnace $1(00. Six room house, good con dition, nearly new. $1050. Two good used cars for sale cheap. F. L Wood. Bayne Bldg. TO EXCHANGE I ACRES IMPROVED 2 In fruit, for residence not over $4,000. 10 acres with modern S room house, close In for 5 room bungalow and mortrae-e back for difference. price $4500. IS acres all cultivated, loinlnsr town and cash for good Sa lem residence. 1C0 acres on the river several million feet of saw timber. 1 mile from town, take $5,000 resi dence; price $1,000. 4(0 acres North Dakota for valley ranch, prica $40 per acre. 340 acres. 20 . cultivated.. 40 timber pasture. 3 miles from 'Pratum. Ore- will -take residence or Income property not over $3,000. Socolofsky. 341 State street. TRADES FLEMING REALTY CO, 341 State. A 4 acre Suburban place with aa improved 40 near Cashmere. Wash, or either for a stock ranch will as sume several thousand. An equity In a 5 room new bunrtnv for a town lot. A S room house -id fine location on paved street tState for clear nlee. if land or timber. A Court street house for Falls City residence or acres re. One or two Falls City houses for similar In Salem, value about 21500 each. A nice Salem bung alow equity for a Eugene lot. -300 acre stock ranch good bam and water, family orchard, between 40 and 45 clear land, good mala road nart cash part trade, what have you. See William Fleming. 341 State Street opposite Pattons Book store. SUTHERUN VALLEY. OREGON IR- rigated Farm Bargains. 1S.7 acres ,.$1,000.00 13 (0 acres 25 acres 9.91 acres t year orchard ....... .. 900.00 Llioeo old prune 750.00 132.05 acres-Includes 9.34 acres bearing apples and pears T.500.00 Larger farms at proportionately low pricea. These lands are priced low to clean them up for a friend In the east who secured them under mort gage foreclosure. A.C. BOHRNRTEDT 401 Masonic Temple Salem - - - - Oregon LOOK AT THISA REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acree clear; about 50 acres la stump pasture: balance in rhul.. otlina timber and oak gruhe. Timber alone worth HO.eOO. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cuwi and four horses: new pig pen and new milk house. Water pipes from fine spring to all buildings. Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. S per cent Interest. Address L, owner, care The StaUemaa. California!. 8 to 14 3-4c; Oregons. II 1-2 to 14 3-4c Hops, steady; state, medium to choice. 1917. 35 to 43c; 191S. nomi nal. PaciHc roast. 1917, 20 to 23c: 1916. 14 to ICe. HAVE YOU Ev'EK TnOUGITT OF ITT Artistic dress Is common sense In dress. An artistic dress la. first of sll, comfortable in form, texture, and color. It Is adapted to the build, complexion.' and character of tbe wcarrr. its iimcwrs never acpenar inpon the "latest style nor upon "what Is worn," but upon what Is tw.om,nc I tha amatl birds that l note of a o .. mtm ..... I " sing Tou never hears King from the eagle In yonr life, nar from the turkey or th ostrich; but - - brard t from mn the Isrk.and tha mocking-bird and BAtll ANU rUKlii Keep Pace Willi Derelop menU of Settion Array of Losses Imposing: NEW YORK. May 17. Stocks were tossed to and fro today, their confusing course keeping pacs with the many eonflicuns; deTtlopmrats of the session. The net result left an Imposing" array of losses, these ranging from two to ten points" among-industrials, equipments, shippings and special ties and one to three points among rails. Transportation stocks were clear ly disposed to strengthen at the op ening In consequence of the Increas ed freight and passenger rates or dered by Director General McAdoo, but made only slight progress when It became known that President Wil- guusy i;0ieativii w- w.-w"as- ditional deterrent was offered by the early war bulletins. At no period until the final hoar, when the full text of the. president's message was available, did the mark et manifest more than moderate ir regularity or the selling attain un usual proportions. United States Steel recorded an extreme loss of three points, but la such mercurial issues as Mid vale Steel. Baldwin Locomotle. Indust rial Alcohol. Marine, preferred; Colo rado Fuel and Atlantic Guir. reces sions extended from four to ten points. Sales 935,000 shares Bonds sagged with stocks, liberty second four's at 94.50 and the 44's at 97.2C, breaklnr into new low ground. Anglo-French bs also leu 1U points. Total sales, par value. aggregated $7,550,000. HEAVY DECLINE IN CORN PRICES Condition! Ideal for Promot ing Growth of Seed Weather Good CHICAGO. May 27. Ideal condi tions to make seed germinate and to promote growth brought about a ma terial decline today In prices or corn. The finish was nervous 1 to 2U net lower, with Jnne $1.35 and July I1.3THOH. Oats closed on- changed to ftc down, in provision the outcome varied from Zc orr to am advance of 12c. Auspicious weather seemed to gov ern the corn trade to the exclusion of al other factories. Knowledge that to some extent rains were Interfer ing with field work seemed to be generally ignored. Oats sympathised with the weax- ness of corn. Besides, for the first time In months, the visible supply total was In excess of last year's cor responding figures. Announcement of big exports of lard and meats gave strength to pro visions. Downturns in the vslue of hogs depressed the market at first but hsd no lasting effect. TUIE TABLES SOUTHERN FACTFIO CO, -XeetaboaaA No. 10 Oregon Ex press 0:05 a-sa. No. 54 Oregoalsn .... S:lSssai No. 23 Willamette Limited.. 9:t0a.aa No. 13 Portland Peases gar.. 1:31 p-ra. No. 24 Cooe Bay 3:40 p.m. No. 13 Shasta Limited TrOOp.aa. No, 14 Portland Ka press i:itpjav No. 310 Local Way Freight.. s:se-na. No. 332 Portland Feat Freight 11:35 pas. No, $2 Oregon laa 2:29 S.1B, No. 23 Cooe Bay 10:01 a-B. No. IS California Express ..10:5$ a-sa. ft, 17 Roeeburg Passenger. 4:10 p-BV No. 11 Shasta Limited 5:4 3 p. sa. No. 37 Willamette Limited.. 0-JOp.aa, No. 12 San Francisco Peea...l0.3T p-aa. No. 221 San Fran. Fast Frt. . 13:01 a-a. No. 227 Local Way Freight. .12:01 son SALEX-GFER LXNBi No. T3 Arrive at Salem 9:11 No. Ii Leave Salem.. 3:05 SALEM. FALLS CITY A WESTERN 101 Leaves. Salem, motor .... 7:05 a.m. US I,eavee Salem, motor.... 9:35 a-sa, ICS Leavea Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through car to Mob month and Arlle 1S7 Leavea Salem, motor .... 3:41p.m. C9 Ieave Salem, motor 5:57 p.m. tl Way Freight leave Salem 0:00 a-sa, It; Irrlves at Salem 0:10 a.m. 144 Arrives at Salem ll:00a.a. 1 Arrives at Salem ........ 3:00 exm. 1(0 Arrives at Salem 5:35 p m, tie Arrives at 83era t :10 pm. 140 Way Freight AT. Sal am.. 2:30 p-aa. OBCcox rxirruio 3 aHhS nl Train Leave Arrive So. eportland Salem I ..... 0:30am S:35am S Lld...B:30am 10:11am T 10:45 am 13:50 pm Arrive Eugene 10:55 am 13:35 pea v ...... i:epm cuia 0 35 pm 0:50 pm Salem only aJem only l Ltd...:0 pm -40pm 17 (:05 pm 1:05 pm 19 9:20 pm 11:20 pm II 11:45pm 1:55am I II i North Bank Station (leave Jeffar eoa Street IS and 20 mlaalea later.) NerhBae4 Train l-ava Arrive Arrive Vv F.uaeaa Ssleiv rnrtlaad 2 12:05 am 4:35 am 0:50 ere 0 7:15 em 9:25am is Ltd...7:4Sem 9:45am 11:95am 12 11:10am 1:20pm 14 11:1 Sam l:l( ia . 4:epae 10 Ltd...l:5Spm 4:eem 5:4 5 psa la 4:10pm S:30pm T:40pm 33 4:23 pm 7:55 pm 10 ee pre Nrth Baak StaUon (Arrlva Jeffer son Street IS mlaatea earlier). Leave Corvallla. coRYAl.tta ruRcnoii aj tkhs aag -Leave Cnevaltle Arrive Salem S:S3em 9:45am 13:13pm 1:5eem 3:41pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm " 5 10 pm 0:13 pm 7:55 pm soataasaaa Leave Ftem Arrlva rvsrvanie a.ts am 10:15am It -ft an 4:15 pm 0:40 pm 9:ST am 11:31 em 0:e pm 0-14 pm S 00 pm