The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 19, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    , - vg Subscription to the Second Red Cross War Fund Is In on Time to Make that Slogan Good. "Over the Top in Forty-Eght Hours."
HA 1.1-31. OKKtiOX. SU.M)AY MOUXIX;. MAY 19. 1018
r 8 Pages
Jeff Baldwin, Convict,
. St ill Evades Officers
Factory Buildings, Hurled
High in Air in Midst of Ter
rific Conflagration Yester
day ' ' ' ; "
Rescuers, Trapped Amid
j Deadly Streams of Fluids,
Fatally Injured
TWo Receiving and Sending
Stations Found by Federal
Jerf Baldwin, escaped cnncicti Is
still successful in eluding the par
ental elate police and penitentiary
guard.. A report yesterday that he
had held up a house near Independ
ence brought Parolo Officer Keller
from Clackamas ;eounty. lint proved
to be erroneous. Warden Murphy Is
still of ta opinion that Baldwin is
In the Clackamas timber.
i Pittsburg. May 18. Probably 200
men were killed today when an ex-j
.'plosion of T, N. T. demolished the
plant of the Aetna Chemical com
pany at Oakdale, on the Panhandle
: division of the Pennsylvania rail
road, eight miles from here. -j
Five hundred workmen were star
tled at, noon, by a report not much
louder than the crack of a pistol. It
came from the soda house, bnt they
Woew Its deadly import and as one
man they rushed for the nearest
-exit. Before they could gam the
pen the very air seemed to burst
Into flame, the earth heaved and
Cocked, and with a roar that was
beard for miles, the long factory
buildings were hurled high into the
air, carrying with them ponderous
eanlnment and scores of men. -A
great cloud of dust and smoke set
tied over the scene and through it?
deadly fumes torn and mangled
formi dropped to the earth, many
dead, but others to meet their ena
la the flaming debris.
Injured lUown Far.
The number of dead had net been
determined tonight and it la possible
that it maynot be known for days.
If. "Indeed, it will ever be known
- State- and county authorities agreed
l i (Continued on pare 6)
TACOMA. Wash.. May IS. Two
wireless receiving and senJits sta
tions were discovered in th fir for
ests bounding Paget Sound near Ta
coraa yesterday by government
agents after a search of two days.
Trees stripped pf their limbs were
used as aerials and the locations
were Well hidden by the sarro.inding
forest. The apparatus had lecn re
moved from " one but the complete
outfit had been left behind at the
other station In the hurried flight
of the operators.
A abi stove still" warm and re
cent tracks in the mud were found
by the searchers. No arrests were
Figures on Supreme Judge
and Treasurer Incomplete
at Late Hour
Mutiny Occurs in Hun
Regiments in Esthonia
Issues Statement of Apprecia
tion for Generous Confi
dence Expressed in Him by
People of State
MOSCOW. Wednesday. May 15.
Mutiny is reported among German
regiment at Wesenberg Esthonia.
Several officers have been killed, it
saia. ,. :
The Herman high command Im
mediately dispatched trustworthy
troops to Weinberg and arrested
about 200 of the mutineers. Ten of
them were condemned to death.
Another mutiny occurred In a Ger
man regiment at Dvlnsk. which was
supported by prisoners who had re
turned from the Interior of Russia.
Defeated Opponents Pledge
Loyalty and Support at
November Election
Heavy Rainfall Accompanies
Storm in South Dakota
and Minnesota ' '
Big Vote Cast for Withy-
combe and McNary West
Would Cut Campaigning
In a brief statement Issued Sat
urday. Governor Wlthycombe ex
pressed appreciation of the winning
vote cast for him tnrougnout me
state In the primary election ti
day. Among telegrams and letters
Emergency Board May Be
Asked to Provide Money
r to Complete Plant
. . -'
Because of a shortage of funds
needed to complete installation and
to operate the tramway at the state
lime plant at Gold Hill. aTmeetlas
of the state emergency board may
be called in a few days for the pur
pose of declaring a deficiency of $10.
OOOAn the lime' board's fund to pro
vide money to carry on the enter
prise. A. B. Cordleyi chairman of
the board, will write a letter to the
(Continued on paga 2)
:l T . I
June Brides
What an opportunity & presented here for-tte selection of
beautiful materials lor aresses suiwuue ur tuc vi
sions! The completeness of our goods by the yard -in
thesa lines will make it aJ genuine pleasure for
us to show and you to chooso. Then too. the
policy and integrity of the store, gives
you tne assurance ina wucmci
yard is sold for 30c or $3 it rep
resents the best in its class.
' The materials are the
.best that are pro
1 ; duced in that
' V . ., -.' ' 1 .' L particular ... :
...'! ,' V . -"- fabric ; l
Fine white Satins. !n several qualities, 36 to tacbw wide
These make up beautifully in combination with 5
Tulle, Silk Nets or the incomparable -Oegg,
Fine, crisp, new, white goods of all kinds.
Look at this collection. j
Extra fine quality Voiles, 36 to 44 inches wide
- at yard... ......35c, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c
Beautiful, Sheer, Swiss Organdies 40 to 44
inches wide at yard. . .. . . .40c, 50c, 60c, 80c ;
Fine white Mercerized Batiste 40 to 44 inches
wide at yard,..-.,';.-....--350' 45c' 500
But we can't list all the Persian Lawns, Silk.
Mulls, Fine Crepes and other White Goods
together with the numerous, trimmings and
little fixings so necessary for the occasion.
See them now.
PORTLAND, May 18. Ex-Gov
ernor Oswald West, nominee of the
Democratic party1 in yesterday s
primaries for United States senator.
tonight issued a public statement
addressed to Senator Charles L. Mc
Nary. nominated by the Republicans,
proposing that for the sake of their
"lifelong personal friendihip' and
because the public will be better oc
cupied with helping to win the war
than in prosecuting a political cam
paign, thy refrain . altogether from
any activity whatever between now
and the November election in behalf
of their respective candidates. Prior
to the primaries West issued a pro
posal to all condidates for senator
except McNary that they withdraw
from the contest in the senator'
favor. The proposal was rejected
by candidates for both party nomln
Returns from the primaries were
still Incomplete tonight, but results
for the" principal offices as forecast
were unchanged. Indications were
that McNary's plurality might reach
25,000 and; that of Wlthycombe for
coventor 1.000.
In the Republican contest for the
nomination) for supreme court -Justice.
Charles A, Johns led tonight
on nartial returns from all counties
with Multnomah complete. Latest
fieiires were: John. 24.236: Percy
R. Kelly, 21.712; John S. Coke. 20,
Latest figures for Etate treasurer I
give Thomas F. Ryan of Oregon City
the lead. The vote so far Is: Ryan,
l s 736? William Adams. 15.113. It
was ex pected complete returns from
up- state would Increase Ryan's lead.
of congratulation that poured upou DM -i f j aj "
the governor's desk came missives several rcopie injured 'ft one
Reported Killed Damage
from four of the candidates whom
he had defeafed. all pledging their
sunnort in the election next fall. No
ipKaee came from uus c aioser.
previously had ae
eated he would sup-
message came
but Mr. Moser
clared that If del
port the winning candidate.
"I am deeply
honor conferred
to Crops Light
Senator at Washington and
Salem Brother Talk Across
An interesting Incident of he pri
mary election here was atrznvontl-
nental telephone conversation be
tween John 11. McNary and nls
brother. Tnlted Stales Senator Me
Nary. In Washington. , At 2 o'clock
Saturday morning, the Salem brother
and law partner or Orexoa's Junior
senator, pnt In the calL A few min
utes later Senator McNary
aroused from bed la his WafhJngton
apartments to answer the 'phone,
The conversation was direct and not
relayed, and the brother had no dif
ficulty la converting over the thou
sands of miles of wires. Senator Mc
Nary was told of the big vote east
for him In Oregon and given the con
gratulation of supporter seated in
his law office la Salem
One of the endorsements reaching
McNary supporters here prior to the
tfnghesJones, Looney, Liar-
tin and Weeks Sticcessfd
'Quintet for Lower Hoosant
Next Session ,
Ryan . Carries Cocnty fcr
Treasurer West and
Pierce Favorites
AnrnnrK a n f. is ip.l rlwilnn vit the followinc from a
kenslble of the great Pendleton maB.
iriicuiuwu mrj mr m m wnw lirAarr vnn b v mH
1 I a m . I evs " I
pie of Oregoi." saia uovernnr was general over wim par, oi we , teamster In my younger day, and 1 1
ylthycomDe lnBis siaiemeui. i state, ,a cyclone today aemoiisnea I never would swap horse when I had
am delighted with the magnificent I bulIdlBgl on B doMn Urms in the one In my team that w palling
endorsement of my dmlnistraUon. ' . I rood Xor one that was unbroken, and
I havet given tbje best that is in me w.uu, ihat I did not know whether he
fn the service oC the state and I '"- of here. Three persons received roald or wonid pull. especially 1M
cerely hope my administration shai. minor injuries. There waa a slight 1 was on a steep grade sad a heavy
continue to meet the approval of the
people. I am profoundly grateful for
this splendid expression
hall but no damage to crops. Aber-
of conf 1-1 deen was struck by a bad wind and
rainstorm, but no serious damage
was done.
Olcott Pays Personal iwr.
Among the first felicitations to
reach the governor was a personal
nr nnn-at ulation from Sec re
Urr of State Olcott who went to the
governors on ice nu
hi. Ata Later In the day aJt.
Olcott addressed, the following let- nortb of exrly to.
a vAVftrAflfT 1 w . m
MITCHELL. S. D.. May 18. A
high wind storm, accompanied by
ram ana sieei. nppro " . r w r
through Woonsocket. S. D.. about I filT. anu iiiTS rTCy ,t IClXdS vl
ter to the gorernort
Mr dear Governor: i
"In a clean, clear-cut campaign
you have achieved a decided victory.
Please alow me to extend to you my
heartfelt congratulations,
Trichinosis After Eating
Rare Pork
With their parents dead from
I trichinosis, four youna children of
night, leveling a number or resi
dences and other buildings. Reports
received here tonight Indicated tnai
none was killed or Injured. The
storm entered the town from the
. : . ... i w.A narrow nam.
Permit me lo say io r. -m r ri.m.r. wrourht th .otl-knn.n It it Krer family of
tlon to foyow you will be given my ;lTcd here sT Paul. Or.. Tie seriously III at the
loyal support. - I Willamette hospital with the um
"Tbe campaign jui y- , t Unmn mm a renalt of havlnr
Tvwwtiii.v KKVKIL1L DKATHS. eaten some under-cooked jork. The
vn'nrni.K. Neb.. May 18. A cy- father. Henry Frey. who wst 28
t-.V i. rAnArti to have caused onjlreara old. died late Friday night at
i iuuc .a . . - . I - . - . . -.. m,
or more. deaths, destruction oi onjtne nospitai ana xne moinrr mni
.hnrrh and several buildings at No-1 early yesterday moral n. four Pours
arter ner nusnana. ine youngesi
child Is 3 months old and u the only
one of six children that has not
t PAl'l. May l. a "i""1-1 oeen Hi.
-rm nt over Dart of South - it Is Jald that the family killed a
i . trwlar -accordlnr to rrag- i rir few weeks ago and front con-
mentary Information receivea m siaeraoie questioning oy me puju-
Twin Cities early lonigDi. ai- ciin in cnarsje it. wu ircrnni mil ati
deen was Isolated, so iar
communicaiiou w
Deputy Posts Armed Guard
in Dining Room and Clash
es With Warden
Official Disregards Instruc
tions While Murphy. Is
On Man-Hunt
Because of a disagreement that
arosQ fl-iddenly between' Warden
Charles A. Murphy of the state pen
itentiary and Deputy Warden C. E.
nrna rotative to the nos;me of a
gun guard In the prison dining room
at meal hours. Burns has submitted
his resignation. Warden Murphy
has accepted (the -resignation and
Burns will go out June 1. .
On an interior balcony in the din
ing room Is constructed a cage wherj
rn.n..rir nrison regulations requlr-
of an armd icuard at
WV f"- r - a
hours as a precaution a sinni
nossible disturbance by the convicts
whn con cremated at that tuna
Warden Murphy opposed, to this
practice and soon arter
charge of the prison he
l .. .. . . !
Aonrilins to available iniormaun
" . j 4
the Burns artair. me arp.nj
KtationcMl a can cuaru iu me
rar days aaowhen Warden
t..rnh was in lacaaman oniuij
l" " 1 .'. . , .
ihi uparrb for jcii
Mi return to Salem Murphy
j;.w,rrl the enard in the dining
room, ne called Burns to account
-- rAort that there bo no further
violation of the ruling Murphv
again went to Clackamas county and
i is Mid that Burns again posted an
armed guard over the prisoners as
been conducted along dignified and
gentlemanly lines and the Republi
can party Js to be congratulated upon
this feat. It augurs weu ior me -ture.
"With assurances or my cvroi-i
support and extending you all good
wishes. I remain
"Yours very sincerely,
Kimrwon Fr Party TnHy.
T. i. Rinmson. in a message to the
mvpmnr. declared it the duty of ev
ery loyal Republican to stand square
ly behind the parijrs nomintr.
"Please permit me to oner my
hearty congratulations to you noon
your nomination, ine urpuum-..
voters or Orecon have selected cer
tain individuals laelr standard
harrm in the November election and
it Is now the unquestionable duty or
every loyal Republican In the state
.i.n.i solidly and loyally behind
the party's nominees and I hasten not
only to offer congratulations to yon
but to orfer my personal services In
the coming campaign m a,ny.way iu
which I can be of service. Do not
hesitate to call upon me. Yours for
Republican success.- '
From Dr. J. K- Anderson of The
Dalles, another defeated candidate,
came this message:
"AccepC my congratulations on
vour -victory. I will be glad to ren
der you any service which may help
you to an even 'greater success In
Ktanficlil Offer Service.
Mayor Harley of Astoria sent this
laconic message:
"Congratulations, touni on iu--for
loyal support In Clatsop county
next November. ;
Robert N. Stanfield. aeieaiea oy
n..ria McNarr ror -me incu
RtatM senatorial nomination, showed
no disgruntled spirit in his message
which reacnea uovernur uim;wm.
..U Satnrriav: a
Please accept my eongratula
tlonsv I am yburs to command In the
iArAta nf th rrand oia pany. ah
defeated primary candidates should
rally to the support or the party lead
i reiteiate. any service that I
can render you will De niosi nap-
pily performed.
Ugh. Neb., tonight.
W. Al Jones aad Louis Laehmucl
will represent Marlon coaaty la ti
state senate at the 19 15 cession of
the state Ifglslatare. Complete re
tarns from the seventy-three pre
cincts In the county shew Jana
highest of the four men who con
tested for the two nominations. !!
vote 'la 2SCS. La ch mend Is only
seven votes behind hla with StSt.
and La Follett dropped cut vllh
forty-eight rotes behind lacfcmanl.
or ZS10.
Jones Is HI at his home aad re
ceived the returns la bed.
As the counting n eared the finish
at the office of County Clerk Boyer
atS:2Q o'clock yesterday afternoon
the race became an exciting ne be
tween the,three leading candidates.
Jones has 'served two terms la tie
lower hi use. Lachmsad has sever
been a member of the leglilatore.
while La Follett has served Ja belli
the upper and the lower hooers.
No Shake Up La CmuU
In the lower house the concty wl!l
be represented by-S. A. XIalhcs. Sey
mour Jones.. D. IL Looney. Ivaa C.
Martin and Aeorg W. Weeks. Dia
woodle and .Rigga were the low men.
While L. J. Adams ot Urertcn
polled tfZl of the COBS caxt for
county Jndge. W. M. Baahey. Incus
bent, maintained a contlaooui lead
over hlsopponent and the lae was
never In doubt from the first flua
of the results on the screen. . There
will be no change la the board cf
county commissioners for at leait
two years for W. II. Con let succeed
ed la defeating both his opponent.
James P. Feller and Ben . Rob
ertson. Glenn C Uarah conquered Frank
Davey In the tilt for, the Justice or
the peace nomination for Saleta (SL
trict and Walter E. DeLong over
came Achesen. Robertson and Sooth
wick for constable. t
MrXary TrlBmph at Howe.
Marlon county paid a rousing com
pliment to Senator Charles L. Mc
Nary. handing him 5170 votes to
Stanfleld's 1174. Ben W. Olcott
(Continued on page 3)
(Continued on page 3)
i r
he took
W.T.Foster Lectures
in Salem Tuesday Ntghl
Tlr W. T. Foster of Portland will
lecture Tuesday night at the arnory
on the subject "Iiestrnction ana n-
fonstrnrtion In France." i ne lec
ture will begin at s:30 ociora anu
will be givca under the .is'W or
Willamette chapter. Red Cross. Ir.
Foster will show pictures taken by while In France and will
..n rnnditons exacllVi as he found
ih.m The nictures" include those of
maimed soldiers and destroyed prop-
The accompanying partial list of
advance subscriptions Is some Indi
cation or the spirit with which this
community will enter upon the big
drive for Red Cross war funds to
morrow morning to raise $-0,000 In
Marlon county and $9000 in Polk
county, and In which It Is the con
fident expectation to go "over the
ton In forty-eight hours."
Final advance reports at the
workers' assembly this afternoon
will swell the above total materially.
The executive committee has ruled
that the complete list or names and
amounts 'contributed will be pub
lished. Soldier CVme Tody.
"All workers are summon to the
workers' apenlnjr rally at the First
Methodist church at 3 this afternoon
and 100 per cent attendance ex
nected. Some rreat addresses are
cro raised. The speakers are Lieu
tenant Iiolston. a Canadian rmy of
ficer, and Klton Watklns of the ae-
nartment of Justice. Manage Ging
rich savs he is assured that theJ
speakers are fully up to the capacity
of those of the recent Iinerty oona
drive who started that work with
such pronounced Impetus.
Ilolstnn Striking F1rC.
Lieutenant W. II. M. Rolston. vet
eran of the Somme. who will speak
In Salem this afternoon.. Is one or
wounded Canadians who have
come to Oregon to speak .on henair
of the Red Cross. While Lieutenant
nnlntnn'i life was not artnally saved
by the Red Cross, yet he. has en it
In action and can testify rs to wheth
er the American public receive value
ror Us dollars. Well over six feet in
helrht. looking: more a nlalntman
than a soldier. Lieutenant Rolston
Bush family m SSOO
Thomas B. Kay Woolen
Mills Co 30
H. S. Glle & Co ".. 200
T. A. Livesley ITS
Salem Water Co. ISO
D. A. White A Sons .... 100
Vlck Brothers ......... 1
P. R.. L. at P. Co 100
C. P. Bishop 100
J. O. Goltra
R. P. Boise and wife .. 100
D. W. Eyre 100
J. P. Rogers Estate ... 100
E. T. Barnes ? 100
Weller Brothers 100
William Brewn and wife 100
C. I McNary 100
John McNary 100
Salem Bank of Commerce 100
Roth Grocery Co 100
Steuslorr Brothers 100
Drs. Steeves and Flndley 100
Irwin Griffith 100
was a machine runner In the famous
death-dealing battalion r the Fort
Carry horse. He won't talk abost
himself. That he has been d fee rated
fnr Talor Is known and that he was
Invalided at Victoria ' military hos
pital when- he was summoned to Ore
MM l known. Salem will be
thrilled to the utmost. a Pcrtlanf
was thrilled, when ft hears this sol
die for a principle; when he tells of
the bells that men are endirlng la
Lieutenant. Rolston was delighted
to learn he had been assigned to Sa
lem. He wUl tell Salem all about
war at first hand, but he has ece
request to make. -Please ask thcta
not to talk to me about war. Gel
them to tell tne of their famous
loganberries. Ask them to tilt about
golf, gardens, girls anvthtac but
about war."
The executive committee will as
semble at the church at 2:30 for
final reports and deliberations.
Pktare hbowv KnliMed.
Two moving picture films portray
ing In a most vivid aad practical
manner the Red Cross appeal la
thia drive will be nsed by local the
aters tomorrow. One , Is entllle '
"Humanity's Appeal and the otbei
"Field Service on the Westerr
Front-" A third picture. The Pplrii
of the Red Cross.- by James Mont
rotnery Flagg. will be shown at i
local theater on Tuesday and Wed
nesday. It comprises two full recli
and 2000 feet or film.
County Organlier Pace rpota tr
organization ot all outlying dlstrirt
completed and everything la read!
nesa for the beginning of active won
tomorrow moral z. A trip e
the north end of the county Frlda:
to lha principal centers ot actlvit
assured. Mr. Page, that everythlrg l
in fine shape.
Butterille will form an I "depend
(Continued on paga 2)
Showers north, fair souCa portion
dler tell of the way he has seen, men I moderate westerly winds.
(Continued on pago 2)
lerty. : '