The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 18, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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,Tha. Statesman receives the,,
leased wire report of the As
sociated Press; the greatest
and most reliable press assoc
iation in the world.
,sixtv-kk;iitii yeah xo. -ir.
SALKM, OltiO., MATl'KDAY M()U.l.(i, MAY JK, 1UIM
I f .
oveirfiioir Takes Lead Throughout State and Ballot Eg OloGe Em. fJJawon Qounfiy q-j
PJJSdmSgM-WfeGt SEwvG ESgM Lead Oven0 Ryan Em Nome Locality-AEbEp-Eg nflayor
mm vrv QUIET
kudUvi MMismu in on battlefield
Count in Thirty-Two Precincts of Marion County Give Him
! Immense Lead Withycombe and Olcott Neck and Neck
With Secretary of State Slightly Ahead Ben F. iWest
Runs Ahead at Home for Treasurer With Ryan Only Ten
Votes Behind I
Perfect Weather Along Front
Leads to Large Number
of Aerial Duels
Monitor Shells Ostend, In
flicting Losses Among
Population )
American troops are awaiting the
time when they will be thrown into
Charles L. MeXary, of .Salem, present. Un it ed States Senator,
has given Rohert N. Stanfield the worst drubbing conceivable in
this,, MeNary's own county, op the face of incomplete returns avail
able last nisht and early this morning, while 32 precincts, partially
. . i.ii ..iwx-n.l (i nu.l' oii.l tio1t rain le-tlnie
complete ana paniuuy mwrnper ...... ...... -- baU,e on n entJrely new part tf
tween Governor Withveombe and Secretary uicou in mis cuuuijr.i tne battlefield in France. The an
rr.t r.f. fnr Witbveombe. ! Inouncement that the stars and
uuuii liming w.v , etripea are waving with the British
Ben-West for State Treasurer is leading Ryan, his nearest com-i nnIon jack and the Krench tri-color
A't 4i : i... 4a .,(., t Ion thla battlefield said that- the
petitor in this county by ten otes. , umerIcans were ..compieting their
The vote on 32 precincts, some complete and some incomplete m I gaining m the area occnpled by the
r.: : fnlUw. i droops which are blocking tne.patn
Committeeman Dennis, 450; Williams, 517.
: United States Senator McNary, 1434; Stanfield, 34.
(Governor Anderson, . 76 ; Ilarley, 1)5 ; Mpser, 1 17 ; Olcott, : CC3 ;
Simnson. 206: Withvcombe, 533.
Treasurer Adams, 53; Cusiek, 242; Hoff, 251; riumnierL 47;
Ryan, 539; West, 549. f
Justice of Supreme Court Coke, 220; Johns, 211 ; Kelly, 1120.
l oiii. r!nr..miunner.ba1zieL - 239 : ' Oram'. 348 ; Hoiston, 185;
AJawi - - - i -
Niekuin, 161.
Public Service Commission Miller, 670U Williams, 494.
Sixteen precincts for water superintendent give Abry, 40 ; Cup
per, 360-,Scha,efer, 64.
By majority of Sixty-One He
Wins Out Over Frank S.
Ward and Is Now Unop-
posed for Final Vote
- i
Returns up to 1 o'clock thi3 morn
ing indicated the domination of .W.
Al Jones and Sam II. Brown for state
senator for Marion county. Nomina
tion Is tantamount to election since
there la no Democratic opposition.
Jones4s leading the ticket. Because
of the very imcomplete condition of
the returns, however, there is ample
room for the results to be changed
entirely. Only thirty-two of the
seventy-three precincts'ia the county
had reported complete or incomplete
For representative In the lower
house of the legislature it looks like
Seymour Jones, S. A. Hughes, Ivan
G. Martin, " David II. Looney.and
George W. Weeks, running in the
order nanfed. John Dinwoodie and
Z. J. Itiggs are the other two can
didates. W. M Bushy, who is serving his
second term as county judge, is ap-
i parently nominated by. a large ma-'
jority over I J. Adams of .Silverten.
V. II. Goulet.- incumbent, is run
ning far ahead of Jamea P. Feller and
Ben E. Robertson for county com
missioner. I G. E. Unruh apparently has defeat
ed Frank Davey. for justice of the
peaee foT Salem district.
Figures on the county Republican
ticket at 1 o'clock were as follows:
' State senator Brown 733, Jones
IT7. Lachmund 611. La Tollett 582
I Representative Dinwoodie 753,
Eughes 972, Jones 998, lxwney 896.
Martin 939. Riggs 768, Weeks 87Z.
County judge Bushey 839, Adams
876. '
1 Commissioner Feller 387, Goulet
C07, Robertson 306.
Justice of the peace, Salem dis
trict Davey 293, Unruh 358.
Returns, coming after 1 o'clock
showed La'chmund gaining j. for state
senator. t
of the Germans to the channet ports'
which may Indicate that somewhere
along the line froip Merville to JTpre
is the point where General Pershing's
men will once more strike tne Ger
This is the fifth section f the
front where Americans have been
located. The others are: East of
Liineville. northwest of Toul, nortn
of st Mlhiel and on the heights of
th Meuse. and in the Montdidler
sector of the Picardy battle area
How manv Americans are behind
the British front, when they arrived
and . the part of the United States
from which they came are as yei un
known. It is- probable that tney are
not to be used as a separate unit
hnt will b bricaded with tne uruian
in meeting the next stroke or ine
Germans in the northern nauieuei'i
Vlhfr 1 Hood.
During the last 1 day the activity
nf th enemv has been most pro1
nounced at the tips of the salients
driven Into the allied k lines in the
Tnere wai
German ar
Loyal Citizens Called Upon to
Yprea and Somme fronts,
k t . n ' L A I nntahle Increase in the
iscicai vwui ; "t itnierT ire on the L,ys front in iron
Country's Name . of Haxebrouck. while lUlUes. east
vuuuujr. I f Amiens, has aeain been deluged
' with shells from the German can
TiUBUX . Mav 17. A proclama-I 1( .1,1. the French havi
tion issued tonight says a German e aotable advances of late and at
plot in Ireland has been discovered. m early in April, has
In the proelarcation the viceroy rails . leU
. w .M a HAioni i - - . .
upon ail loyai irvsuuivu. he perfect weathex tnai nas pre
vailed for several days over me
ir woKtrm front" has led to an un
usual number of battles between the
aortal antiadrons.
All .along the Trent, in ranee in
i...iah nnHor which the men are
the conspiracy.
TENDON. May 17. A dispatch to
k I'vrhanm TelrraDh says a proc
lamation- was issued tonight signed
Amendment Increasing Ten
ure of Aldermen Carried by
Large Majority
New Negotiations Postpone
What Promised Pitched
. ' Battle in Senate
Leaders of Both Factions For
; see Easy Agreement to
Simpson Appears to Be Ahead of Moser for Third Phce
-Choice of Malkey Orer Schnabel for Short Term Conceded-
Oswald West Will Be. Opponent for Inccnbent
in Noyember Vote Light Throughout State With 40
Per Cent at Polls .
C. E. Albln will be the next Mayer
of Salem. Completed returns from
the seven wards last night. showed a
majority of sixty-one votes for Albln
over Frank S. Ward.
Percy M. Varney polled heaviest
for chief of police but had only a
slight vote over Joseph E. Wright,
and the two candidates will be pitted
against eaach othef in the final elec
tion next November.
As was general! expected the vot
ing on the city f fleers was, very
light, running as lbw as 50 per cent
by Edwar Shortt. chief secretary ior k hag reflected by the
troland. assertine
sons in Ireland have been In com
munication with Germany 'reflecting
on Ireland's fair name." I
Th proclamation calls upon all
loyal subjects Jto aid In defeating
the maneuvers. It urges voluntary
recruiting so that compulsion may be
mxDON'. Mar 18. Chief
lareg number or irenm ramms
There has been no further reports
rmm Rome or Vienna, relative to op
erations on the Italian front, where,
on Thursday, the Italians made de
termined attacks on Austrian posi
tions east of the isrenia river,
points. f
blr ishmen and Irish women In active b . attacked mountain positions
. i "i
President of Argentina Deliv
ers Annual Message to
. .Congress
15UENOS AIRES. Mar 16. Ar
Eentlna is at npace with alii nations
ni hag no j-eason to change her
Prwent policy of nentrality. declared
. '-President' Irigoyen in his annual
message at the onenlnsr of the fifty-
Reventk congress session Itoday.
The message referred again to the
talraT:tlon by Germany In the cases
th (Argentine vessels Monte Pro
Sld9 and Toro. arter their sinking
.German submarines t and noted
Paritcnlarly the visit of 1 a Mexican
delegation to Argentina within the
f Fast few months, stating in this con
nection that the relating between
, ijexico and Argentina were growing
(t f.oser1 daily, with resulting benefits
w both nations. ' n-
a .mmarv of the military situa-
in mi the western front, given out
B1W ?r,r th. nntlsh eeneral staff, states
tary Shortt. says a press sKiaou unltUs attack by the
. . 1 A
Germans is immmtui.
view a via London. May 17.
The Austrian official communication
Issued today says: v
"The artlllenr auei dm imru i...
lively on the Italian front at some
rmm Dublin. J-fierriua
the proclamation, authorises the
statement that the mea srres i for
which he accepts full responsibility
with tie lord lieutenant. Viscount
French, are directed solely against
a dangerous German intrigue i of
which they have knowledge. I
r The Irish government, it is added.
are iuuy aware mi i" ,
Albania the Italians and the
orrainn with the German enemy I an rwoli rivers.
Is very small, but many might wn oT ' nn!mportnt gain of
Wnowinelv become involved nnd tney !"--. ftf Korfa. he enemy
twonv therefore, they cin re'y epon
the support of the Irish without re
gard to creed or political views in the
measures they have taken. The
Irish government are determined, to
tpn to stamp out the
German plot
soufe wards, and it was noted that
Women voters were largely in the
majority at most polling places. The
chief Interest centered about tne can
dldates for mayor. Both candidates
had made an active campaign and up
to a late hour it was generally felt
that Ward had a generous lead but as
the first returns came in It was
shown that Albln was pulling away
raddlv from his opponent.
By wards the contested onices are
as follows:
First ward Mayor: Albln. 139;
Ward. 98 Marshall: Varney. 9i;
Wright. 101: Welch. 35. Alderman:
Smith. 164: SlmeraL 180.
Second ward Mayor: Alhin. 242;
Ward. 171. Marshal: Varney. 182;
Wright. 135: Welch. 85. Alderman
Utter. 289: Vandevort. 265.
Third wardMayor: Albin. 70;
Ward. 81. Mtfashal: Varney. 34;
Welch. 41: Wrleht. 78. Aldermen:
Austin. 63; Edwards, 69; Wilson 89.
Fourth ward Mayor: Albln, isu;
Ward. 197. Marshal: Varney. 138;
Welch. 101: Wright 135. Aldermen,
Fifth ward Mayor: Albin, 140;
Ward. 138. Marshal: Varney. 124,
wirh 70: Wriaht 90. Aldermen:
Harding. 210; Edward Schunke, 178
Sixth ward Mayor: Aioin. un
Ward. 152. Marshal: Varney, WS
Welch. 55; Wright. 116 . Alderman
McClelland. 189; Wlest. 188.
Seventh ward Mayor: Albln 14
Ward. 142. Marshal: Varney 122
Welch, 70; Wright. 125. Aldermen
Clark 127; Elliott 99; Scott 123
Thorn nson. 165.
The returns on the amendment to
the city charter showed that the pub-
lie was eenerally in favor or the con
solldation of elections and of the long
term of alderman.- The figures were
Incomnlete at the hour of going to
Wm but thev indicated that the
amendment had carried more than
two to one.
A feature of the election was the
laree number of voters who were
sworn in.
Commenting on the result of Mr.
Albin said: "I wish to take this op-
oortunltr to express my apprectlo
of thegenerous support giver men in
the primary election, and in' return
will give my best efforts to serve
the interests of tne citizens oi a
iem." went or Korea.
everywhere was repulsed.i
nronv t London. May it.
The GerroVn official communication.
issued today, says
An nemv monitor nrru
Di,rin a repulse of strong Eng-
lish thrust nortn oi
near .Beaumont-IIamel.;and also
during a successrui """y:""
dertook south ot Arras, we made
" enemy alr-
PORTLAND, Majr 18. Partial return from a majority of the
counties of,0rcgon rcceivotl up to an earljr hour today indicated to a
practical certainty these nomination in yesterday's slate-wide pri
maries :
-Governor: Republican James "Withyeombe, renominated.
United States Senator: Long terjn, Republican Charles L. Mc-
WASIIIXGTON. May 17. -Nego
tiations for a compromise today
postponed what promised to be a
pitched battle in the senate over the
resolution objected to by President I Nary, ineumlent; Democratic Oswald West.
Wilson for further war Inquiries by United States Senator: Short terra. Republican Fred W.
the senate military committer. The Jfulkey.
rnuiuiiuu wrui u uuwi .iuuu; . t t, r 1 1 : TV :..; ! rt tt l .
ith headers of both faction, pre- . -j up m " o- ' incumueni.
dieting that ; amendments would b ocwui. uisinci, r. oiuuon, mcumofui, onopposcu ;
agreed upon, which would permit the Third district, C. N. MeArthur, incumbent.
committee to proceed with its inquiry II. G. Starkweather and Walter M. Pierce were runninr a clos?
Into army aviation without disre- . . rumrt,r,f- Bftm!ni frt h
garding the wishes of the president: I . ,? . . . . .
Comnromise nronosals developed Ul uuii r jw-puuuean nominations ior sxaie treasurer.
In private conferences after formal lalor commissioner and publie senice commissioner were likewise oV
ubmIssIon by Senator Thomiiff.n of I ,
Kansas, chairman ot the expenditure
committee, of a minority report
against the resolution, previously re
ported favorably, with modifications.
by the majority of the commute.
Senator Thompson was join4 oyi
Senator Jones or New Mexico, in de-
T. . . . . . . t i m.- M . r . . I
cianng isai ine rngiuuun n.uiiu.
The count everywhere was unusually alow.
PORTLAND, May 17. State-wide partial returns at 10:30 p. ra.
seemed to indicate conclusively the renomination of Gorernor Withy
eombe as Republican candidate to succeed himself .
The nomination of Senator MeNary for long term senator on the
a dragnet proposition for "wholesale Republican side and of ex-Governor Oswald West to oppose him oa
Inquiries regardless or their neces- .
gity. Earnest represenUtiont were the Democratic ticket also were indicated.
made privately . to administration Voters of Oreiron manifeate1 nlv fInt intr,t U ...
leaders bv those supporting the reso-1 . . a .. . "
lutlon. with the request that they be wiac primaries, noiwunsinamg mat very aeuve campaigns tad
conveyed to the president D'or been made . byucandidates for nomination for vernor and United
pf!u.n?h. genr.Mnjfurl?J States senator. Early returns from over the state indicate that
into the conduct of the war. et sug-iwnen the polls closed not more than 40 per cent of the reruteml
gested in a statement authorized dur-1 Aljl . . . -a .
ingthe day by the president. . I ' . -
The principal controversy now I . Governor James r. Withvcomle. candidate for renomination w
uT'.uVmmmC.1 ou.1 in fnt of Md candidate, for governor on the
consider aircraft, ordnance and Republican ticket as the earlrlallota were counted. Indications were
ihm that Tictory wouU1 ,ie tthe rernor and Olcott. althoughVup-
Administration leaders contend such i porters oi lxmis J. bimpsan and Uus U. iloser, respectively, still
inquires migni ie araggeu n"ui5
summer. Compromise annenduients
tentatively accepted by supporters or
the Chamberlain resolution would
substitute a smaller sum than the
$10.00 authorised for the' com
mittee's expenses.
Finance Corporation Prepar
ed for President's Proclamation
proclaimed their confidence of ultimate victory.
In the contest for senator, long term. Senator C. L. ITeStrj -was
running strongly ahead of Robert N. Stanfield. The nomination of
ex-Senator Fred W. Mulkey, Republican, of Portland, for short term
senator over Charles J. Schnabel, was conceded.
For representative in congress, W. C Hawley, in the First dis
trict, and N. J. Sinnott, in the Second, incumbents, were renominated
without opposition by Republicans. In the Third (Portland) dis
trict. Representatives C. N. McArthur led ex-Rpresentative A. W.
Lafferty heavily on early returns.
In the Democratic primary ex-Governor Oswald West led Will
R. King for long term senator on early 'figures.
Th. proclamation will bo pnbllsh- considerable losses among
ed througnoui ireianu ou,., tthm nopulatlon
ing and tne arrests ui !..- "i -
leeders are expecicu .
n,ediatI1JnT XTMEROUS. i
trtvnnv Mar1 con3idr-
-vi mhr of. arrests have been
i- -rtn'Kiin nH througho'lt iTe-
lantl. according to a dispatch t Tbe nd OQe captive
rw, rnhlin timed 2 o Cioca v ,,
PARIS May 17. ine oliih
.t.;.nV,nt bv the war office tonight
n'nttfV iini! KT.IR1RIJL I I J.
.rj., . I rcu. . . .,,
n..,r inftDllfl Mav 17. 1 DW I T-k.. atiIT tne USUSI uiuj
..n,rBi council or me nciuru jDT tne opposing iruun -
iLl rMrch today took action I fint north and south of the Ave
which makes women eligible to every rlTer. ' a .
was brought up by Francis A. Peale acttTe. on Tuesday night a number
or Chicago and was advocated yof our aviators participated in bom-
Dtshop Samuel rauowa
city. ... ., . . . : :r 1 . s
(Continued on page 4)
Guards Prevent Escape
. of Interned Aliens
attempt to make a dash for liberty
from the war prison compound at
Fort Douglas was frustrated late on
Thursday night when one of the
guards fired Into a crowd of forty
enemy aliens. It became known to
day when one or me prisoners,
wounded, was taken to the post hos
nital for treatments According to
Colonel George Bryam. prison com
mandant, the prisoners, armed with
rocks, attacked the guard, who fired
twic in the air In an effort to stop
the rush. When the prisoners re
fused to halt th gijard fired Into
th nftb. The nrisoners then re
treated. . !
Pullman. Wash., May 17. Wash
inrton State college baseball team
defeated the Whitman college nine
hers today, 2 i to .
EUGENE, OR., May 17. In Lane county, GovernorrWithyeorabe
seems to be receiving more votes for renomination than all of. his
opponents combined. MeNary. for senator, is leadim? Stanfield. O.
WASHINGTON. May 17. Tbel T, irrr r- i n r-.. ti
government half billion dollar war " "" J"" a rnem-
rinance corporation will be ready to ber of the lower house of the state legislature, who was dismissed
trie? iTSo? FdZVwnZ: rom faulty of the University of Oregon for his participation in
has Issued a proclamation directing the conference of the People's Council for Democracy and Terms of
it to proceed. This will be done U teace in Chieagojast September and who sought renomination, is
a few days. i.nir-.,
Directors of the corporation were badly defeated.
mrdVr It'illS of the "TEW FKOil LAXE COUXTT."
Harding, who is governor or tne , n.fiPV,. n, Xla, ...
federal reserve board, vlce-cnairman rl . .
andieneral manager of the torpor- "" g ouoty give Cov-
aUonT Sherman Allen rorme a- iijrmI-AJ"' !
--uTor thea-urV Ssrs 12?." i2i! Kt
a uai w nt-A (am ni t rssi tin rr I w " '
Anderson U a
SecrUrV McXdoo I. esflVr. chair: JtiSfUS
man Qf the board or directors. ?.-!Sr.Jf! 7...
On. ot the first steps of the cor- r. J,?- f!"1" tm-
poratlon may be to esUbllsh branches " ' lMW
In New York. Chicago and other. H-p001' .
nancial renters.
The seven members of the new
capital issues committe. which will
work In eonlunctioa with the finance
corporation also were sworn in to-
day. They elected as chairman
FRANCE. May 18. An Amricn
pursuit airplane was seen to get be
yond control a short distance be-
Charles S. Hamlin, a member of the hind the American lines northwest of
federal reserve board.
MOSCOW. May 12. General Sko
ropauskl. hetmar of the Ukraine, it
is reported here, has been wounded
seriously as a result ot an attempt
made to assassinate him. General
Toul today and to crash to the
ground from a height o( SOftQ met
ers. It was ont of two machines re
turning from a patrol over the enemy
lines: How the accident harpened
Is not known.
PARIS, May 17. French airmen
brought down 322 enemy airplanes
Skoropauskl came into power on the duriag Mareh and April, as compared
overthrow it the Ukrainian rada wun vt i-Tnca airplanes lost la u
some weeks, ago. laams reriod.
Redaction Ordered in
German Flour Ration
AMSTERDAM. May 17. The Gr.
maa food department Jus ordcrtd a
reduction of the flour ration front
200 to -lie grass dally for each
person, commencing Jafit S. accord
ing to advices frcm Berlin.
The announcement. by ta depart
ment breaks the news to the Cersaa
people by saying:
"While the supply or promised
grain from Ukraine can certalaly be
reckoned upon it Is nneerttLi wheth
er such supplies will rah Germany
in large amount before tils year's
harvest. The reduction Is cade la
order to be juile certain of meetleg
the people's needs."
Showers, to the north, fatr.ta the
south portion; moderate southwest
erly wind. - .