( THE OREGON STATES3HN; TIU11SDAY, MAY 16. 1018 ' 7 (Classified DSr(Gt y The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted Under Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them Rnr Sell and Exchange all Kinds u ititm rnnnc MOT'S CLOTOTXO, SHOES, BICY " CLES, TOOLS, ETC. CAPITAL EXCHANGE rasa 4J3 Ill Court ft. SOKTITCCH UNION FOtK INSURANCE SOCIETY fi IL Burghardt, Jr., jjent Agent , 885 State St. Money to Loan V IwpnOVKD FA PROPUHTT AT LC TH0S.K.F0RD HfPflOTKD FARM MO CTTT I Over Ladd Buaa Batik. Salem. Or. CXASSmED ADTKRTISEinCJm ! Rate Per Word lint Insertion lc Subsequent Insertion He One wek (six Insertion) ... So On month to Bis months contract per mo. ko 11 months contract. per mo... 7c Ko account opened (or leu than t&o A aeat card given free with an advertisement to the extent of tec announcing- Tor Bale. "For Beat." "Rooms or "Board." XEW TOOAT Sack new classified advertise ment will be run under "New Today for first Insertion, unless otherwise ordered by the adver tiser. Subsequent Insertion of the ad will appear under its proper claaa lficatioa v No advertlsment will be run under "New Today for more than ae Issue under any circumstances NEW TODAY FOR 8ALE HACK. TWO SEATED; IN A,-i condition. ii. rnone 3ZH i. FOR SALS RANGE. ROUND DINING table, dresser, and folding baby cart. Vbone'1159. VALLEY FARM WANTED IN TRADE r for a $12,000 equity in $17,000 Port--i land income property. Well located. Consists of picture theatre. Z store and 4 flats. C, W. Niemeyer. 541 State street. - WILL EXCANGE $300 EQUITY IN $700 douse in Salem for lot in Portland. C W. Niemeyer, 544 State street. HAVE CLIENT WHO WANTS A GOOD souse and an acre or so land. Will par casn. C. W. Nemeyer 544 State ' street. , i . FOR SALE X DUMP BFD. IRON wood rack, ai set of fine harness and a silo. 12x34 feet as good as new. Phone 254 or- 22. ,0R SALE OR TRADE TWIN CTL1 : inder, two speed Indian mortorcycle ' with side carl See Bennett, 214 Ma tonic Bldg. Phone 1427 or 2026-K. FOE SALE THE FOLLOWING MORT ryes. $S50, $750. $l,2b(r and $3,100. it M. Hawkins, 314 Masonic build ing. ... FOR SALE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN Hull, sixteen months old; also, one fresh cow And two heifers, one and two years old. Ray Perkins, Salem, route 8. box 175. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP on; account of sickness. Business rsns $150 per month. Will trade for small car. Inquire at 155 South Com mercial street, Salem. :l IEPUESENTATIVE FOR SALEM AND "orroundlng territory. Printograph pwkijt sealing and advertising ma chine. Exclusive territory. Big op portunity for right man. W. J. Jonea, Inc.. 201 Board of Trade. Portland. HAVE SOLD MY DAIRY: WITX. HELL my bay loader nearly new fZ5. Dei Ing seirdump hayrake $IS. Powerful Kraawley - Ensilage i cutter l-inch '". fMjver used at :a bargain. Walter Domes, McCoy. Oregon. , i:t ACRES, 20 IN CHOr. 1 ACRE : r)rdeB In. 1 acre potatif-a. 80 acres tillable when cleared, all cut over nd slashed. running water, 4 rnile from good town, poor house, good : barn, price I2B00, easy terms. Soco 1ofKy 341 State street. Cirr AWAY FROM THE RUSH OF business and rest yourself while get : ting refreshed at Ingrey's Barber Mmio. Ill State street. Best Barbers in the slate. - FOR SALE RET OF FARM HARNESS s"d iron wood rack, a dump bed. a silo- hy 32 feet as good as new for i one-half price. Phone 254 or 622. I HAVE THE FRANK FORD FARM j 1J acres near Chemawn ror sale at i bargain; about 100 acres In cultl i vation, 35 in beaverdam now leased to Japs and Is worth the price asked "r tly whole farm. This is a choice ! farnr good residence orchard timber nil Is well watered. Will take some 1"V,. John 1L Scott, 404 Hubbard T'W'R COMPANY THE ORKGON FIRE -HeHef Association of McMinnvlllo is. nd has been evtr since It was or Mnlred. operated In the Interest of H the people of Oregon. The divi dends that ordinarily are paid to tockholders are left to Jlngte ' In nn pockets. Do you like this ystm? , Over 55.000 Oregon lans now hold pol- le In the O. F. It. A. Tl. A. .lohn n A To;. Arent, Bush Bank Bldg.. alem. Phone 317. ACRES, 200 IN GRAIN S MILES rronj Pratum. Or.. $23,000. 60 acre l cultivated, j 9 acres 3 year old SII"' 1 mt, Aumsvllle, equipped. lSa arres finest valley and ttm, 50 cultivated. 3 miles from wacanda. $S5 per acre. 640 acres. '"'I1' w timber. 3 mlt- of saw 'H. a lot of open grazing. $15 per pr4 Acrease with 9 room residence, to university. Emrt-ne, Or., for ."Heytm-h, 69.000. 332 acres east ern Oregon, for valley ranch, not ver $6000. Salem residence for tlm- - Jr tract about $2,000. Fully modern , '1om house for ranch. $1,000. Close lot and rash for auto. 80 acres. lr2't' ,r- for vHcy ranch not over all 2: ',net 5 room bungalow in Ben.$2100. Socolofsky, 311 State. r'-AX THESE 10 ACRES WELL ,7V'M, new bouse barn and out l"V"'nf water system, fine xpring r.... "'acres timber nnd stumps well ;,'" hd cross fenced, price $H000. i,Vrr , l " a miiea.out, newi ounsraiow and barn. 6 acres in colii- uon. on a good road, price $223 h,T, 10 acres. kom! five room I,,. n'1 ol,t building,! 34 acres uin i rrJ wired up. balance eLJL';,"n1' Price $2400. Five acres " Wtohi In cultivation. 5 miles Pie "Uildlnisa. price tlZi per acre ' ,.r rou bungalow on a a o ,'l lot rZ, 8 tnodern as can be with ien ' f,r "" ht,i,t in Uitm i...r,.HT'TT',' " porch, notise would ' " i V??'ln build, price $2000. See NEW TODAY ThiJS!. ?UUcKot rc office. . m. D,strct. o thai It may not ,,4w.r,Jw?.Wronsr hn'- Substantial ward for generous delivery. Frank avey. No. 4Q on ballot. U'ald adv ) EMPLOYMENT KKMALE V A.NTLH t;im. FOU GKNEUAL Phone "85r-kM. APP,y "5 l2th WANTED A COOK FOU SIX OK eIfht p"Pl- No washing. For . further information p hone 3 Kit or address tiervais, Ore, box 45. It. F. D. WANTED YOUNG L. A DIES ARB I)E ired to learn telephone operating " paia to Deginners. Regu lar and frequent increases, extra pay liT. Sunrty and holiday work. Apply hlef Operator. The lac Tel & Tel Co. WANTED WOX1AN TO DO HOUSE work for family of three Must be neat, rerined and a good cook. Lib. , era! pay to competent woman. If in terested address box H 64" States man office. giving your address or phone number. MAI.K WANTED YGUN'Q MAN TO LEARN printing: trade. Apply Statesman composing room, upstairs. MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED -We have an opening in your town for a newspaper salesman. Tou could make a rood salary with our proposition. Address "11 41" States man office. "FEW JOBS OPEN EVERY DAY" While operating full you can find a J"n ai J.3S eight hour or bettfr at iree employment office West Linn I across bridge from Oreeon Citv. I Strike Is still on but over 900 on I pay roll. Take railroad fare receipt I for ticket. Will refund up Come now." to 1 after work week. MISCKiiLASKOH STRAW BRRY" AND CH IK RY I 'TcK -era wanted. Good Job. I bone S3F5. WANTED STRAWBERRV 1MCK ElUS; camps, rood ground, good pit-1: inn. Geo. G. Adams. R. No. 4. box 11511. phone 9F6. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Ft)R'SAIE ONE GOfJD MIIXTH COW. 1107 Fir street. FOR SALE A GOOD TEAM OF HOK3 es at 666 North Summer street. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CATTLE six horses. A. W. Lathrop. Tuner. MISCELLANEOUS, FOR SALE STUDEBAKER li TON spring watron. I'hone 734 271 N. Com mercial. Will sell cheap. FOR SALE A 1917 EXCELSIOR MOT orcycle. cash or on time. 1112 Mill street. FOR SALE ONE ALMOST NEW EX tension' top Studebaker carriage at a bargain, i'hone Ilr J. FOR SALE STEVENS-DURTE A touring car. Suitable for truck. Will sell cheap. Phone 734. 271 North Commercial street. BEANS FOR SEED WE HAVE THE pure Michigan, pea (tree) beans for sale, leooid & Co, FOR RALE 1 FINE DRIVING MARE weighing 1117 pounds, dark dapple. nay in color. Her sire la Crawford, ho by Cord Alene, record 2:10. .Also top side spring buggy and good sing le harness. Will sell cheap. Phone 1867-W or call at 430 N. Summer St. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE BE9 :' . farm paper, send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem, Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. 1 CAPTIVITY OF THE OATM AN GIRI.K This true story of western immi gration has been- carefully reviseo, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenzo, and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of st ai vation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly, Sa. lem. Oresron. - POTJVTRY FOR KALE I'.L'HK BRED WHITE Ieghorn cockerels o. A. C. Strain, C Sheppard. Shaw. Oregon. IF YOU WANT TO GET THE REST poultry paper published, send 19 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a trial : subscription. Mention this ad. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR" RENT MODERN NINE ROOM , house and garage $14. Phone 935. HOITS?:S FURNISHED AND UNFURN ished. C. W. Niemeyer. 544 State Sf I'hone 1000. FOR RENT 8 ROOM MODERN HOUSE Inquire at 1096 Chemeketa street Mrs. J. C. Rhodes. , FOR RENT $14. SIX ROOM MODERN house. Twelve fruit trees. 960 North Cottage, rnn tirtiT 1!2 SO SIX ROOM MOD- ern house on paved street at 1929 South Hlarh street. B. A. Rhoten. 1141-J. any time week days. r ikvx rtKAtrriFUL NEW SIX tonm "dwelling, .well: furnished. aaraare. cement basement furnace nd fireplace. Laflar and Bolinger. FOR RENT A 5 RfOM MODERN h..o. with reccntion hall, and sleep ing norch. screened, one block from . T. 115 DO-to a good party. See Wm. Fleming. 311 Slate street. ...... t . T- x T TUB SYil.IlfflKO: run ivi... i ..... - - . , lift Neat modern bungalow a . t ti.n North 20th street, form erly rented for $13. Call at Slates man business office or phone 23. $18 Modern 10 room house on Cottage street, close in. Formerly r.niMl for 835. Call at Statesman business office, or phone 23. ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. B. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATKR heat, modern conTenlenee. also in side room. Close to State House 1030 Clwemcketa. Phono 1280. FOR KENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS or light housekeeping. Private en trance, on first floor. Pantrjr. sleep ing porch and bath. Desirable loca tion. Call at 606 South Church street. or phone 1870-M. Get Wije-Try a Claiiificd Ad STOREROOMS FOR KENT THE STOKEKOOM AT 141 North Commercial street, now oc cupied by Com p ton's lie. and 1 5c store, will be for rent May 1st next ror particulars inquire at room 22 ftreyman Kick. TVl-KHIllTKIH UNDEKWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR rent. latest Model. $1.00 pr month. New 1918 Underwoods at no advance in prices. Underwood Typewriter Co., l. L. Steinau. resident Manager. Phone 810. MISCELLANEOUS aistKLLAMCUM HIGHEST CASH good clean rasa, man. PP. ICE PAID FOP. Pressroom Statea- WANTED MISKKI.LANKOIS WANTED TO i:OIUtOW $2W; GOOD securety and bonus. Box 333. Salem. WANTED AUOUT 800 FEET OF ONE inch water pin'. Clayton W. Jonea. Salem, route 3. WANTED 50 HEAD OK NANT GOATS, pood grade. No culls. O. D. Miles. S. F. T. Co. Camp 8. Silver ton. Ore eon. WANTED CARLOAD SECOND HAND funiture. rugs and Move. Will pay liberal cash price. If Interested, ad dress box "II 99" Statesman office. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY ACTO SEIIYICB SIHPP-S AUTO SERVICE CITT AND country trips. Phono Day, 943; nlrht. 239 TIRES repairs: VTJLCANIZINO tATr.SJ UKZJT-BULJS TIHK BEKVitl Station 171. South Commercial St, Phone 43. QUACK ENBUSH AUTO SUPPLY AND Vulcanising. 219 North Commercial street, l-hone 66. WATT SniPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 15c up. Service) car. Phone 868. 128 South Commercial street. BRACKETT V OTtAT TUBES VUL canised. 5c Retreading our special ty. Freo service car. Phone 1409. 279 North Commercial. PROFESSIONAL DEVnTS DR. F. U UTTER. DENTIST. ROOMS 418-414 Bank of Commerce Bldg. Phono 604 "MCSIC TEACHERS 1 R HARR. TEACHER Phane 12S3. OF PIANO, PHYSICIANS DR. U G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Physician. Office and residence 2?4 North liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF YOEXAH MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAT EVEN- ing in Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at 8 o clock. All visiting member wei come, Horace Sykes. Foreman. W. H. Prunk. Correspondent. MODERV WOODXKX. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No, 8246. meets - every Thursday evening at 8 o clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streeta It. F. Day. V. C; J. A. vvris-ht. clrelt. BUSINESS CARDS AlCTIOSEERS COL. W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER Farm sales a specialty. Turner, Ore- iron. ALTO DELIVER! HAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVEIt- ed any place, city or country. Phone C4 .or IMI-U. W. W. Fisher rHIROrRACTIV DR. O. L SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. B. C Chiropractics fountain head. Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor recta the cause of disease. Office 406-7-8. U. 8. N. Bank Building. Phone 87. Raaldence 8I8-R. "DRAVS AND K.t PRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY I'hone 933. Salem'a largest and best eoulpped transfer company. Get our reduced freight ratea on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we have three warehouses In connection with business. Furniture moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer cial strait CHIftKSE PHYSICIAN. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN diabase. 153 S. irth Bt. Phone is. Urv cleaxino ap pressing JAPANESE PRFSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe, Prop, 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's auits cleaned and pressed. $1.25 snd 11.75. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Mnln 552. JINK J17NH JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for Junk of every kind. Let us make you a price on your household roods. The "Square Dear House 7-anital Junk Co, 271 Chemeketa Street. Phone 398. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hsnd goods. Highest market prices for lunk and a idea. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store, 871 No Commercial. i"none -. lT.4,1 R RKMOTKU -ri.KM WIIITE-! HAS PROVEN 8UC- .-.r.il jnolied here or sold for .., use. Sanitary Bauty Par lor a. tttihhard Bldr. 4.A17NDKIE9 c.i.-M s-TKAM L,UNDRY QUICK "dci'verv and careful wort Dry wah 6c per pound. 138 South Lib erty street. I'hone 15. HOME -WET WASH LAUNDRY REG ulr washing done at a rata every .. .i. . rr.r.l For only 80 cents w will collect, wash and deliver vo.ir washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. MACHINISTS WIT DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automooiie rrpniii. . w.lilinz. Eli engine re . ' ... .i . i and exnerimenta Turk1!,. Machine hn. I. B r,.wn. prop, 253 Chemeketa St, Salem. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L MERCER. GRADUATE American scnooi osteopath y. Kirks-1 vine, ha; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404405 U. 8. Na tional Bank Bids;. Phone MS. Resi dence 419 North Summer, phone 414. DRS. WHITE & WALTON. OSTEO pathlc phystcans and sura-eons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kirksville. Mo. Post graduate and specialised in nervous diseases at Los ' Angeles College. Treat acute and chronic diseases. Offices &05-4-7-8. U. S. National Bank Bids;. Phone 959. Residence. 1C20 Court street. Phone 2215, Dr. White, residence phone 4(9. SBCO.VD I1AHD tSOODS WK BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND foods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har. nesa. collars. collai pa da. tools, chains. Fred Cchlodler. SiC Center Street STORAtaK AMU TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE hold goods specialties; storage park in, chipping and moving, horse and auto vans; special rrelght rates to all pointav C. O Pick Transfer & Storage Co.. 2nd and Pine streets, Portland. Oregon. Broadway 696, A UNDERTAKERS WEBB 4k CLOUGH C B. WEBB, A. M. Clough. funeral directors Latest modern methods known to the pro fession. 497 Court street. TRAVgrKh rtACLIXa AUTO TRUCK SKRVICB. ANT KIND ?or hauling. Household moving Job done prompt ly Trw fn. nar Tlmm. 478 SUte St. Phone 968. Residence VhMM 1129-J. wall paper, raiirr GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HO USX DEC coratlng. painting, tinting, paper banging, etc Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1910 Center St., Phono B86-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice) Wall ' Paper at Buren's Furniture Store, 179 Com mercial Bt, SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Oood workmon. 466 Conrt Bt Phone 416. WATER SALEM WATER CO. OTFICE. 201 & commercial street- For water service apply at office. Make all complaints at the office. No deductions in hills will be allowed for absence or for any causes .whatever unless water Is cut off from premises. Hereafter water fo irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domeatie purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will please read "for building purposes' under schedule of ratea. Apply at office for cop v. WOVEN WIRE FENCING Depot National Jk Assert all aiaea. 24 law te M lav. taiga. Palate, Otla Varnish. tovea Rebuilt and ItcpeJradl Lgaaerry and Mow Hooka. Miens mn A Bin aa S3 lart St. 1M R. B, VEXING, PUBLIC NOTICES, NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT FOR TIIK COST OF 131 PROVING D STREET IN THE CITY OP SA LEM. FROM FIFTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF THE OAKS ADDITION. To. E- M. Boswortb, W. O. McAl lister and Minnie A. McAllister. J. H. YourtR. Arthur Swarts. Edwird Burns and Juanita Clark:' You, and each of yon aro hereby notified that the city of Salem has, by Ordinance No. 1534. levied an as sessment upon your respective prop erties hereinafter dencribd. gad in the amount hereinafter s?t forth for uch property's proportionate share of the cost of Improving D street In the City of Salem, from Fifth street to the west line nt the Oaks' Addi tion.. A description .of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount as- nesred and levied upon It Is as fol lows, to-wlt: Lot 6. Block C, of nolae's Serond Addition. E. M. Bosworth. Cost S345.h7 Lot 5, Block 6. Boise's Second Addi tion.. E. M. Bosworth. Cost S 39.07 The west 83 feet of Lot 5. Block 8, of Boise's Second Addition. Y. I. McAllister and Minnie A. McAl lister. Cost $32.2 Lot 4. in Block 10, Boise's Second Addition. J. R. Yonng. oit $2.23 West half of Lot 2, Block 2, Boise's Fiirt Addition. Arthur Swart. Cost $.03 The west half of Lot 4, Block 2, Boise's First Addition. Edward Burns. Cost . .". $1.54 Lot 2. Block 9. Boise's Second Addi tion. Jnanita Clark. Cost $52.46 Said assessments were entered la Volume 3. Docket . of City Llins. on the 29th day of March. IS 18. as a charge and lien against the aaid properties, and are now dua and pay able to the City Treasurer. This notice is served upon you by'. publication thereof for ten days In The Daily Oregon Statesman, a nerws paper published In the City of Salem, by order of the Common Council.' Date of first publication hereof. Is May 4, 1918. Earl Race, Recorder of the City of Salem. i.i:; AL SOTICKS NOTICE TO CREDITORSIN THE County Court of the State of Oregon for th Countv of Marion. In the Matter of the Estate of AbJ tie R. Von Ks-hen. deceased. Notice is hereby piven that the un dersigned. F. Von Kachen. has been appointed administrator of the estate .f Abbie t. Von Eachc. deceased, by the County Court or the State of (irrcnn. for Marlon Countv. and ha qualified ' as sucn. All nersons having claims against aai.l mix are hereby notified to present the same, duly acknowledge a hv law renuired to-the undersign- rri at the residence of the undersign ed 1775 Court street. Salem. Oregon. within aix months from the date Ih.tMif. Oated and first published this ltth day of April, 151" ' F. Von Eschen. Administrator. REAL ESTATE WANT TO SECURE 11900 LOAN ON 12509 Salem residence. Socolofsky, 341 State street. FOR SALE MODERN t ROOM BVKQ alow at a real sacrifice. Bargain worth investigating. For particulars phone 119-W. v FOR SALE OR TRADE ISO ACRES Lake county farm. Will take Salem property in exchange inquire at 9(4 North Summer street. FOR RENT A BEAUTIFUL SUBURB- an place of 4 acrea. modern house, barn, fine water aytem. orchard, fine summer home on the hill, convenient to South Commercial car. See Wil liam Fleming. 811 State street. FOR SALE FARM ABOUT 10 ACRES bottom land. 119 upland, on Oregon Electric, Livesley station. Goon houses, barna. springs, also mineral springs in house. Address Charles Schmid. 295 Ivy street. Portland. Oregon. Will sell one hair, three quarters or alL A GOOD BUY 25x8 FEET ON EAST aide Commercial street, one door north of State a treat, Salem, together wla perpetual right of way over the 14x.i6 feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Boxorth. 791-3 Spaulding Bldg, Portland. Oregon. A SMALL ACREAGE. CONSIDERABLE In bearing fruit, fine water re-modeled house, good barn, conveniens to car. Juat outside limits, and a fine lo cation overlooking the valley, very desirable for a home. Will take a good farm or stock ranch, and pay difference cash and first mortgage. A fair, equitable trade can be had on this. See Wm. Fleming. 341 State street, phone 303. 332 ACRE FARM. LOCATED IN LAKE County, Oregon. (9 acrea cultivated, balance pasture, buildings, drilled well, close to school and timber, farming tools and household goods, 3 miles to town., will consider Im proved acreage or orchard In ex change, $5000. 60 acre farm located on Grand Island. 39 acrea cultivated buildings, silo, close to school and cannery, $6500. 169 farm, all culti vated land, good buildings, good road crop goea in deal if sold soon. 3125 an acre: 19 acres all in cultivation, good huildinera, rock roan $2800. 96 acre farm all cultivated land, crop in. buildings, good road, will . ex change for foot hill farm. W. H. Grabenhorst Co. 27S State atreet. EXCHANGE NICE LARGE MODERN 8 room house In Rose burg. Or. All modern, hard finished plaster, all picked lumber In the house and nicely finished off inside. 4 rooms below, besides closets pantry, large hallway, toilet and washroom. 4 bedrooms above and closets and bathroom, fur nace in basement and house steam heated, large porch In front, cement basement. Lot 190x166 feet, barn and garage combined, also hen house and poultry yard, several nice bear ing fruit trees, cherries, apples, peaches, plum, good garden spot, good lawn, fine view and good loca tion and a good home. $4909. Also 19 acre suburban tract, 3 Mi miles from Roseburg on fine gravel road level and good land In thickly settled community on good - corner, no buildings, price $2500 Exchange for 1st class residence or aereaae near Salem. Perrln A Ma rater a. 492 Hubbard bulldinr. phone 997. FOR SALE TEN ACRES EAST OF city, fine land, good buildings, a snap at $2259. 22 acres river bottom land new bungalow, some young orchard $3000. 220 acrea Kinga Valley three million timber $19 per acre. Have a well Improved ten acre tract and cash for larger place. room plast ered house, good plumbing, good loca tion, nearly new $1950. Fine six room new bungalow, fire place and furnace $1600. Swell seven room bungalow, paved street fine location large rooms, fine lot. Just the home you want $2700. Neat five room bungalow full basement paved street. South Salem $1SS4L 7 room fine new bouse nine blocks from 'Post Off ice $2250. A fine stock or grain farm on main highway nt far. from Sa lem $59 per acre. Houses for rent 1916 Ford also five passenger Re for sale. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 499 acres of choice Polk coun ty lsnd about 119 acres clear; about 89 acres in stump pasture; balance In rholw piling timber and oak grubs. Timber alone worth $10,000. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing for 29 cowa and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fine spring to all bulldinga. Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. per cent interest. Address L, owner, car The Statesman, Sutherlin Valley Oregon Farm Land Bargains Friends In the east have placed In my bands for Immediate sale over 400 acrea of choice Sutherlin Valley farm which they have acquired through mortgage forecloaure. These landa are suitable for wheat and grain growing, or general farming purposes, and crop can be sown at once. One tract of 123 acrea Is es pecially adapted for dairying and stock raising. Irrigation ditches on all the lands which can be used if desired. In order to close out the lands in the quickest possible time they will be sold at 50 per cent or more below their actual value. My friends are in the mortgasre bus I nesa. not land dealens. therefore are not looking for land profits. There are farms for the 25 acre farmer as well as the 300 acre farmer. The other fellows loss your gain. Write or call for further information today. A- C Bohrnatedt, 401 Masonic Temple, Sa lem. Oregon. I SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICE Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 32c. Old roosters, 13 to 15c. Hens. 21 to 22c. Pork. Mutton and Rewf. Pork on foot. 15 to 16 Uc. Kwcs, S to c Veal, dressed, 14 to 15c. Spring lamb, 12 to 14c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 8c Bulls. 4 to 6c. Hay Cheat, per ton, $23. Clover, per ton, $21. VetcJi. per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats; 90c. Beans. 9c ; Mill Feed. Retail. Bran, per tors. $3. "Shorts, per Ion. $38 WIIOLESAI.ri TO DEALERS. - Country butter. 45c . THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN Br GENE BYRNES fra f REALIZE .r Wf THAT I'rA NOT NftvL) W IN A CLASS VJITH gjT JV6SOrl, fLA4,C OR fer Jfl CHRISTY THE REASOI4EK 1 M Ctt NOT 4SETTIN4, h r Jt THE. MONEY IS- , Creamery butter, 45c, Butterfat, f. 0. b. Salem, 42c Fish. ' Salmon Trout. 30c. Silver perch. 12 He Salmon. Chinook. 25c Halibut, 25c Codflsr. ISc Clams, 25c dozen. Fnr.lL Oranges. $C to $7. Strawberries, $3.25. California Grape Fruit, $3.00 to $3.75. t Peas. 7c New potatoes. 7c to 8c. Cabbage. 3 He to 4c Asparagus, $1.80 crate. Vegetables. Lettuce, crate, $3.40. Bananas. 8c . Apples. $1.50 to $2.2$. Lemons. $8.00 to $7.00. Dromedary data. It, ' Bertnula onions. $3.25. Retail Price. Creamery butter, 60C Eggs, 35c Flour, hard wheat, $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley. $2.50 to $2.80. Sugar, cane and beet, 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. ' I PORTLAND MARKETS PORTLAND. May 15. Butter: Prints, extras. 44 9 45c: cubes, ex tras. 39c; prime first. 38; dairy. 31c Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 rour cream. 43c. Potatoes? Buying price Locala. 75985c; selling price. flOl-25; new California's. (6 8c Grain. Grain: 30-day options Oats.'- No. 2. $80 bid. I Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Bids Oats. No. 3. white. $50.50; 38-pound clipped, white. $52; corn. No. 3. yellow, (0; No. 3. mixed, $60. CLOSE SILVER MARKET LONDON. May 15. The silver market here will remain closed Sat urday. May 18. NEW YORK MARKET. NEW YORK, May 15. Hops, un changed. Prunes, firm. WAR SHARES IN LEAD ON MAuKET Rails Relinquish Prominence . Greater Breadth in Yes terday's Trading NEW YOJtK. May 13. Greater breadth attended today's stock deal ings, although the volume of opera tions was slighfly under recent large totals. . Rails relinquished much of yesterday's prominence and strength after the first hour when war aha res dominated the market. United States Steel was far out distanced In strength by Ballwln Lo comotive, which made an extreme gain of nine and a half to 7, vhlle Mldvale Steel, at an advance o three and three-quarters, rose to 53 3-4. Mldvale's rise was accompanied by reports that the government proposes to erect a plant or Its own use. - Other notably strong and actire In dustrials Included Colorado Fuel. Great Northern and Cmcibic. Lack awanna and Gulf States Steel, these gaining two to five points. Pronounced strengtn was sl-own at Intervals by oils. Texas company gaining five and three-nnarters. American Sugar and half a scoie of utilities. . - ,ow prlcrd rails again displayed more resistance than standard erniip. coalers, 'Rock' Island. New Haven and minor grangers rlelng one to two and a half points. Silcs amounted io l.l75.0o abarea. Ubcrty, bonds rallied, the 4 Vs rising to SS.l". Total bond aales. par valo. $H.3io.00. United states bonds, old issues, were unchanged on call. MARKET RALLIES WITH SUNSHINE Considerable Selling Pressure Daring First Hall of Session . CHICAGO. May 15. UxMnes- ot receipts rallied the corn market to lay from the bearish effects of weather favorable for planting. The result was. an unsettled close. May $1.27 3-4 and July $1.43 1-2 tt 5-8. with the( finish as a whole 1-Sc off to a like advance, compared with, twenty-four hours before. Oats gained 1-2 to 5-3 to lA-lc naL la Provisions the outcome varied from 70c decline to a rise of 27c Prevailing warmth and sunshine out the cam market under eonsider tble selling pressure- during the first half of the sesaloa. Decided wt barks In prices resulted, bat en larged demand for Immedlare deliv ery of corn became manifest In the later trading when notice was di rected to the fatT that fresh sup plies la Chicago today amounted to -nlv sixty-one cars. Congestion In May eont-acti led to advances In all deliveries of cats. "Humph!" remarked tre swine as pearls were east before him, "Reg ular food baa evidently become ro expensive that thev'r. tT?nctO hold out on me. Washington Star. TIME TABLES tomirsv PACTPTO co. K-rfaad 4a. 14 Oregon Express No. (4 Oregon la a .... ..... 9:1 Vol 21 Willamette UmRad.. 9:99 Vs. 19 'Portland raaeeager.. t:9t No. 24 Cooe Bay 3:44 Now 12 Shasta Limited ..... t Xo. 14 Portland KUpreas 9:19 Va. 91 luteal WlT Frelaht.. 9:941 P "V So. 322 Portland Fast Freight 11:31 a aotaeonaOj Ha St Oregonlan .......... I:9 fa 22 Cooe Bay 19:91 Ma, It California Espreaa ..19:41 17 Roe burr Paaaeager. 4:29 Va 11 KiititA f J Baited ..... S:42 So. 27 Willamette Limited.. ! No, 12 Ban Francisco Feea... 19.27 Va 221 San Fran. Fast Frt. .11:91 Va 227 Local Way Freight. .11:91 a ai. km-: a-am Lxjrx am. fa-aa a. Va Tl Arrive at Bales..... 9:11 an. ia 74 Leave Baiem. ........ ! naLKN. FALLS CITT A W gVI F.RW '1 Leavea. Pa Una, motor .... T:9la.au 'tl Leaves ftalem. motor.... 9:21am. 41 Leavea Baleen, motor.... 1:49 p re. Through car to Monmouth and Arlle C7 leaves Salem, motor .... 9:41p.m. 49 Ieavea Salem, motor l:ST p.aa. 29 Way Freight leavea Salem 9:99 aw. . . r . i d 1 . . . , m . in 1 1 mm m r itih ........ ..w m 1 144 Arrives at Salem 11:99 ana. 144 Arrives at Hal era 9 se p. an, - . . . c a arrives it Mica ........ w- 79 Arrive x Salem f:29 p.aa Way Freight AT. Salem.. 2:19 n-m. OtUC430!V KLKCTaUO tha a a Arrive Arrive Salem Tea gene 9:1 tarn 14:44 an 19:11am 12:21 pan 11:59 pra 4:11 pro 4j:tffa :49prn 9:19 pra' 9:9$ pm Salem only 11:74 pra Balenaoaly 1:14 am :S9aaa TYala Leave Va Portland t ..... :Iam S Ltd. ..8:29 am 7 19:41 am 9 2:4Spm 1 Ltd. .. 4:49 pm 17 :9Spm 19 9:29 pra 1 11:44pm Vnrlk Raalr fltatloa I laaaa Jaffar en g-treet la and 29 nolaatae later.) worthl rrala Va 9 ... S ... Leave Arrive Arrive Portland 4:4 am Ultra 11:14 am 1:29pm 4:99 pm 4:44 pm 7:49 pm Kugeno .12:91 am Salem 4:14 ana 7:19 am 9:41am 11:19 am 1:99 pra 4 . -99 pm 9 19 pm Ltd. ..7:48 ant 12 14 11:11 am t Ltd...l:4t pra 19 22 .4:19 pm ..4:19 pm T: pm 19 99 pm xNorth Hank Station Arrive Jeffer- sow Street 18 ralantea earlier). Leave. Corvallla tPORTALI.IS raaTRSttTITOXS Nenhtaonad Leave Corvallla Arrive Salem 9:24 am 9:44 am 12:12pm 1:49am 2:41 pm 4:99 pm 4:19 pm 9-19 pm 6:18 pan 7:49 pea aaanssaaa Leave S-tem Arrive Cow all I 9:47am " 1111am t:tl 9 M pm t:94)rn a t 9 em 19:14am 11:44 pm 4:11pm :49 pm uu, 3Z9 ttate street.