DTDd H TSq VOi rt" fh fv T? V7 Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted 0 11 U3 Mj IL 11 y Under Proper Headings So You Can Readfly Find Them ED Rut SeN and-Exchange all Kinds SECONU itAnu uuuua mrrs cumu.sG, shoes, mcy- CLKS, TOOLS, ETC CAPITAL EXCHANGE fkoil 4l ' Court ft. NORWICH UNION yntE INSURANCE SOCIETY ; w. 1L Burgunrdt, Jr., I jjldent Agent . 889 tate St. Money to Loan ' mi timofKD farm Ain cm ' rftOrKRTT AT LOWEST RATSS THOS. K. FORD CLASliriKD AD YKRTlSJEJUa TS Rat Fee Wrd First laartlon le BttbMQtMnt Insertion Ho On week (alx Insertions) -... ie On month Six months contract per now to It tnsnths' contract. per mo... 7c Ho account opened for less than 15c A neat card given free with an advertisement to the txUnt of toe ssounelng -For Bala." ."For Rent," "Rooms or "Board." IEW TODAT Sack new classified edvertlse tnnt will be run under "New Today for first insertion, nnless 4 etaerwis oruerea ay ut aaver- User. Sutsequeat Insertion of the ad wtu appear under Its proper class ification. . So advertisment will ba run Bder "New Today for mora than ae issue under any circumstance NEW TODAY FOR S,ALE ONE OOOD MILCH COW. 1187 First street. WANTED UIRL FOR GENERAL bouse work. Apply 64S South 12th. phone 2S5-M. ..-;.- ANT TO SECURE $1000 LOAN ON - $2i0 Salem residence. Socolofsky, 341 BUte street. FOR RENT t ROOM MODERN HOUSE inquire at ivs tncmtuu sireei. Mrs. J. C Rhodes. . 1 OR SALE OR TRADE TWIN CTLI inder, two speed Indian mor tor cycle with side car. See Bennett, u Ma sonic Bldg. Phorro 1427 or 2028-R. I OR RENT REAUTIFUL NEW SIX room dwelling. well furnished. a rare, cement basement, furnace and fireplace. Larlar and Boiinger. FOR RENT $14. SIX ROOM MODERN house. Twelve fruit trees. 980 North Cottage. FOR SALE THE FOLLOWING MORT r.rea. f50. 1750. 81.209 and 83.100 . H. M. Hawkins. 314 Masonic build WANTED A COOK FOR SIX OR eight people. No washing. For .further Information phone 3F11 or address Gervais. Ore, box 45, It. F. D. 2. WANTED The Justice of Pac office. rlm District, no that It may not srsy Into wrong hands. Substantial ft ward for .generous delivery. Frank avey. No. 70 on ballot. (Paid adv.). FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED ROOMS . for light housekeeping"- Private en trance, on first floor. -Pantry, aleep r tw nmh and bath. Desirable loca- -lioa. Call at 0 South Church street. r phone XS7V-M. FOR RENT A BEAUTIFUL SUBURB . an Disc of 4 acres, modern house. barn, fine wster sytem. orchard, fine vunimer home on the hilL convenient to South Commercial car. Be wii liam Fleming. 341 State street. FOR RENT A S ROOM MODERN house with reception hall, and sleep ing iurh screened, one block from car L 812.50 to a good party. See Wm. Fleming. 341 Stat street. A SMALL ACREAGE. CONSIDERABLE In bearing fruit, fin water re-modeled house, srood barn, convenient to car. lust nutmide limits, and a fin lo rn ion overlooking the valley, very deoiraW for a home. Will take a food farm or stock ranch, and pay difference cash and first, mortgage. A r.ir niiitti trade can b had on thia He Wm. Fleming. 341 Stat street, phone 303. tmimmm FEMALE WANTKn vnirvfi i.iniF.3 FOR TELK- Phone ODeratlnr salary paid while learnlnr rrnilir and . freouent in rrasea. Apply Chief Operator. Pac lei Tei co. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOU3B ork for family of thre. Must bo nt. refined and a good cook. Lib- eral nay to comoetent woman. If in- eroated addreav box H f4- States- wn on ice, giving your uui. " i"ote number. MALE VANTiLD BOYS WITH BICYCLES TO weed onions, near Chamawa. Phone 44F2. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN rtutinr trade. Apply Statesman composing room, upstairs. lABORKRS WANTED FOR RODGERS obip Yard. Good wages and fin op portunity to the right kind of men. ppiy m. a. Johnson & Co, room Id 4: Bush Bank Bldg. ItALB AND FEMAE HELP WANTED W have an omnlnc in Tour town ' for' a newspaper salesman. You could mak a good salary with our Proposition. Address "H 47" States- "ea otf ica. WANTED A JOB? .EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. WAGES ? toll. ( for 8) hour day. Clean i at mill 5c niicht. eats I30e meal, or hoard and bed In Oregon City . w. re employment office In "nunii serosa bridges rrom ore KonClty. Chun pen tnr advancemen mm... Come and send- for your fam Jiy later. Farmers cisn work untlli J'T'vesi - snd come back sgaln In the ?- Strike now six months old. JM wt to. write. Oorno and your rw!B to 11 w, b refunded by Mill T.l r lftp working one week. i .,rflrod agent'a receplt for WISCELlTANKOPa . fT.ABRRYAVr)rHi.RnT rtCK - J'nted nA j0h. rtone 93F5. f SHouId Worrr-Let the Ads Work forToo 1.1 KKTOCK " FUR SALE A tHKJD TEAM OP MORS ee at fctli Nurth Hummer itreeL VAISB MULES THE MAMMOUTH Jk' P-Fsaaater No. .i 7?..111 mk the 'on t Gilbert Patterson's Kola farm. MISCELLANKOUS. FOR SALE STUDEBAK ER 1 4 TON spring wagon. Phone 734 271 N. Com mercial. Will aell cheap, FOR SALE CHEAP. AN ALMOST new illu, 13 by 32 feet, with heavy . irons. I'hone 254 or 622. FOR SALE A 1917 EXCELSIOR MOT orcycic. cash or on time. 1112 Mill in w i. FOR SALE ONE ALMOST NEW tension top Studebaker carriage at a ". none lir a. 1 FOR SALE STEVENS -DURTEA touring car. Suitable for truck. Will rneap. i-none 734. 271 North commercial street. BEANS FOR SEED WE HAVE THE pure Michigan pes (tree) beana for sale. Lebold at Co. FOR SALE l FINE DRIVINO MARE weighing 1117 pounds, dark dapple, bay in color. Mr sire is Crawford. . he by Cord Alene. record 2:10. Also top side spring buggy end-good sing. 1 harness. Will sell cheap. Phone 1887-W or caU at 436 N. Summer St. IK TOU WANT TO GET THE BES;" farm paper, send lc to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. CAPT1VITT OF THE OATMAN GIRLH This true story of western Immi gration has been carefully reviseo, making a handsome tittle book. It tells In graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the escape of Lorenxo. and the captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indians five years later. The price Is 20 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Ba, lem. Oron. POCXTRV FOR SALE 5 PURE BRED WHITE Leghorn cockerels tj. A. C, Strain. C ; feheppard. fchaw. Oregon. IF TOU WANT TO GET TH K RESt poultry paper published, snd ! cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR RENT HOUSES HOUSES FURNISHED AND UNFURN- Ished. C-W. Niemeycr. &44 Stat SL Phone jouu. FOR RENT CHEAP TO RIGHT PAR ty. June 1. a 5 room bungalow, mod ern except furnace. Phone 254 or C22. FOR RENT I12.5S SIX ROOM lfOP ern house on naved street at 192. South High street. CIA. Rhoten. I 1141-J. any time week days. FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING $10 Neat modern bungalow 5 rooms at 960 North 20th street. Form erly rented for $13. Call at States man business office or phone 23. IIS Modern is room hnuM on Cottage street, close In. Formerly I rented for $35. Cell st Statesman! b9iner office, or phone 23. I ROOMS FOR KENT NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms at street. Phone 1808-W. 84 5 Ferry FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM with use of bath. In modern hou. Address A. B. car Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern eonrenlences. also ln sld rooms. Close to Stat Houaa 1030 Cbemeketa. Phone 1280. STOREROOMS FOR RENT THE STOREROOM AT 141 North Commercial street, now oc-l cupled by Compton's 15c. and 25c I store, will be for rent Msy 1st next Vr.'r etl.Mi1 mrm Innnin t mAm 9 ' .v. tr - - - - - - Breyman Blck. TYPEWRITERS UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS FOR rent. Latest Model. 84.00 per month. New 191$ Underwoods at no advance in prices. Underwood Typewriter Co, G. L. Steinau. resident Manager, Phone 810. LOST end FOUND LOST LOST ROAN .PONY. B. J. ON RIGHT shoulder. L. Townsena. rout : z.i Gervais. Oregon, phone CFS. MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE C1RR INSURANCE INSURE YOUK nronertr in the uregon nre tieuei Association of McMlnnvllle the com pany with an unexcelled loss paying record. Insurance on your home Is just as Important as a safety: box for vour vaiuaDl papera. r. "" son A Co., Agent, Bush Bank Bldg. Salem.' phon 317. MISCELLANEOI HIGHEST CASH PRICB PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom States- WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED BY PERMANENTRENTER at rikim modern house. Address H 70" care Statesman office. . WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED i housekeeping rooms, with heat. I'hone 1 1284 after p. m. WANTS TO BUY RUBBER : TIRED in. hue-arv. 845 Ferry street. I'hone 1806-W. . .xi.r ki HP in OF NANY GOATS. ' eV,od rade. No culls. O. D. Miles. F. T. Co. Camp 8. Siiverton. Ore- sron. - '" - ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY "AUTO SERVICE BHTpI?SAUTO SERVICEITT AND Wasn j -m t-t. ,enfcasftW rflM. rDODOJ mmkWm www TIRES- BEPAIRgP VTJLCANY23NO . Ar.vRni.lB TTRK 8ERVIC Station 177. South Commercial 8t phon 428. j OUACKENBUSH AUTO SUPPTnY AND Q Vulcanising. $19 North Commercial street. Phone " WATT SHIPP 0 RETKKADeJ ANL) eections tubes 25e ap. Prvic ear. tkn. xss. 12$ South Commercial atreet. . . ctunni, m mi ty. free per view PROFESSIONAL DKSTUTS DR. F. L. UTTER, DENTIST. ROOMS 411-414 Rank of Commerce Bids. Phone MUSIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER Phone 1383. OF PIANO. PHYSICIANS DR. U Q. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC Phyaiclan. Office aad residence 2? North liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TUEMAH MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAT EVEN ing In Maaonie Temple, fifth floor, at t o'clock. All visiting member wel come. Horace Sykes. Foreman. W. Lrunk3oMespdnt MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 34f. meets every Thursday evening at S o'clock In Derby building, corner Court and High streets. R. F. Day. V. C; J. A. wrifni. eireK. BUSINESS CARDS AlCTIOXEERS COU W. F. WRIGHT. AUCTIONEER f arm sales a specialty. Turner, Ore gon. ACTO DEXITKRT BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DElVER- ea any place, city or country. Thone or zusi-k. w. w. usher. BARBER 8IIOPS EVEN THE CHILDREN II AVE LEARN ed to point out our shop for hair cut ting, hair bobbing, etc. Ingrey's Bar ber Shop, 311 Stat street. cui RontAcno DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. S. C Chlropractlca fountain bead, Davenport. Iowa. Chiropractic cor rects the cause of disease. Of flea 4-7-S. O. & N. Bank Building. Phono 17. Residence 82f-R. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 933. Salem's largest and beat equipped transfer company. Get our reduced freight ratea on eastern ahlomenta. Also for storaae as we have three warehouses In connection with business. Furaltur moving. packing, shipping and storing our specialty. Office lit South Commer ctal stret- CUIXESB PHYS1C1AK. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 1S3 a Hirh St. Phone 22. DRV CLEANING AKP PRESSUfO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. IB. Wat an a be, Pron 434 ri. Coromer ciai-- tit. LAQiea ana gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. 81.28 and 1.7. worn cawed ror ana deliver ea free. Telephone Main 882 JCNH JUNK. WANTED-WK pax HIGHEST P"c lor juaa pi every una. ii us mak you a prlc on your household Kovua. mm MWf tJmmA Hou Capital Junk Co. 371 Cbemeketa Street. Phono sis. FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND hand goods. Highest market prices for Junk and - hides. Tho People's Junk and Secondhand Stora, 171 No. Commercial. Phone 724. HAIR REMOTXD -CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN Suc cessful. Applied here or sold for homo use. Sanitary Baaty Parlors, ti Hubbard Bldg. LAUNDRIES SALEM tSTEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work.- Dry wash Cc per pound. 138 South Lib erty street. Phone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REO- ular washing don at a rat every body can afford. For only $0 cents w will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 247L MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy acetylene welding, gas engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. Brown, prop.. 252 Chemeketa 8L. Sa lem. OSTEOPATHY DR. W. L. MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Klrks ville. Mo,; treats acute and chronic disease. Office 404-40$ U. B. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phon 919. Resi dence 419 North Summer.- Phon 414. DR3- WHITE A WALTON. OSTEO- nathlc oh r alcana and surgeons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Kirksvill. Mo. Post graduate and specialised In nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. Treat acuta and chronic diseases. Offices 505-4 7-8, U. & National Bank Bldg. Phon 859. Residence, 1820 Court street. Phon 2215. Dr. Whit, residence phone 4C9. SECOND HAND GOODS JVK BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods of sll kinds, pip fittings, har ness, collars. coital pads, tools, chain. Fred Icatadler. 354 Cantor Street. STORAGE AND TRANSFER ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOUSE- hold goods specialties; storsg p.-c ic ing, shipping and moving, horse and suto vans; special freight rstef to all points. C. O Pick Transfer A Stotsge Co.. 2nd and Pine streets, r-' -Mnnd. Oregon. Broadway 598. A 199C. UNDERTAKERS M KKtt A CLOUGH C. B. WEBB. A. IX dough, funeral directors LAteei modern methods known to tho pro fession. 497 Court street. THA Ifr-fewM rilCLIMU .ITTll TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND -. of hauling. tiovseooia W moving Job don prompt-m7S- iv Try m one. Tim me, .76 Ste St. Pbon 982. Residence WALL FAINT GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE D EC- coral ng. pamiing. ububb. ninging: etc Work done by contract r day: good workman. Location 102 Venter St. Phono $-W. i Ruren r uriuuit ovwrn - : tnerclal BL WALL PArKIL I'AIXT Jbst rVKTKK MXJtk f AiNTa ' Paper and Picture Framing. Good I k. sf 1 " Oo srkk at m 1 w www m wwrwww u wtmt an.. W ascrrtop e) fA, WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. Stl a wommtrciti street, iror water service apply atf office. Mak all complaints at the office. No deductions in bills will bo allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water la cut off from premises. Hereafter water fo Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors fer sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will" pleas read "for building purposes" -uader schedule of rates. Apply st office for ropy woven wire rcircrxo Depot Ma tie ma I A Aaserteasi Few wee. h mm. ww mm u. nuxh. Palate, Oils and Vsrmlak. twee RebeUlt and Repalrod Mtaasmy anei He Heofta. ateaa Feave A Steve Wrfaa, zoo ueeurt St. R. B. F EMI SO. 1S4 PL B LIC KOTICKS. NOTICE OP . ASSESSMENT- FOR THE CXST OF IMPROVING D STREET IN THE CITY OP SA. LKM, FROM FIFTH STREET TO THE WEST LINE OP TTIE OAKS ADDITION. To. E. M. Bosworth. W. O. McAl lister and Minnie A. McAllister. J. B. Young. Arthur Swarta. Ednsrd Burns and Ju&nita Clark: You, and each of yon are hereby notified that the city of Salem has. by Ordinance No. 1534. leried an as sessment upon your respective prop erties hereinafter described, and In the amount hereinafter set forth for such property's proportionate share of the cost of lmproTlng D street In the City of Salem, from Fifth street to the west line of the Oaks Addi tion. A description of each lot or part thereof or parcel of land, the owner thereof, and the amount as sessed and levied upon It la aa fol lows, to-wlt: Lot . Block 6, of Boise's Second Addition. E. M. Bosworth. Cost .' 343.t,7 Lot 5. Block 6. Boise's Second Add I Uon. E. M. Bosworth. Cost S3 9.0 7 The west 83 feet of Lot 6. Block S. of Boise's Second Addition. V. O. McAllister and Minnie A. MeAl lister. Cost .. $32.2 Lot 4. in Block 10. Boise's Second Addition. J. B. Young. Cost 128.23 West half of Lot 2, Block 2, Boise's First Addition. Arthur Swarti. Cost $9.09 The west half of Lot 4. Block 2. Boise's First . Addition. Edward Burns. Cost $4.64 Lot 2. Block 9. Boise's Second Addi tion. Juanita Clark. Cost $52.4C Said assessments were entered In Volume 3. Docket of City Liens, on the 29th day of March. 118. as a charge and lien aralxwt the aald properties, and are now due and pay able to the city Treasurer. This notice Is served upon yon by publication thereof .for ten days In The Daily Oregon Statesman, a news paper published In the City of Salom, by order of the Common Council. Date of Jlrst publication hereof. Is May 4. 1918. Earl Race. ' Recorder of the City of Salem. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OP APPOINTMENT Notice Is hereby given that the County; Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Marion did on the 19th day of April, 1918. duly ap point P. O. Johnson administrator of the estate of David E. Johnson, de ceased : that he thereafter duly quali fied and letters of administration duly Issued unto him In said, trust. and he hereby notifies all persons having claims against said estate to present them, with the proper Touch ers, within six months from the date of this notice, to said administrator at the law offices of C. M- Inman In the Breyman Bldg.. Salem, Oregon. Dated April 23, 1918. at Salem, Oregon. P. O. Johnson, Administrator. 1 I SALEM MARKETS BUYING PRICE F4Egs and Poultry. Eggs, 31c. Old roosters, 13 to 15c. Hens. 21 to 22c. Pork. .Mnttnn ami Reef. Pork on foot. 15 to 16 Uc. Ewes, S to e. Veal, dressed. 14 to 15c. Spring lamb, 12 to 14c. Beef steers, 7 to 9c; cows, 4 to 8c Bulls. 4 to 6c Hay Cheat, per ton, $23. Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain. Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oat.t, 90c." Beans, 9c Mill Feed. Ra11. Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton. $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country - butter. 45c Creamery butter. 45c Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 42c . Flh. Salmon Trout. 30c. Silver perch. 12 He Salmon. Chinook. 25c Halibut. 2-V. CVwUisfr 15e Clams, 25c dozen. v Fruit. Oranges. $6 to 97. Strawberries. $3.25. California Grape Fruit. $3.00 to i.75 Peas, "c Ne potatoes, 7 He to Sc. Cabbage. 3 He to 4c. Asparagus. $1.80 crate. t Vegr-,1'. lettuce, crate. $3.40. Bananas. 8c. Apples. $1.50 to $2.25. lemons. $6.00 to $7.00. Dromedary date, $6. Bermula onions, $3.25. Retail Price, Creamery butter, 50c REAL ESTATE FOR SALE MODERN 8 ROOM BUNG- alow at a real sacrifice. Bargain worth' Investigating. For particulars phone S19-W. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1(0 ACRES Lake county farm. Will take Salem property In exchange inquire at (i( North Summer street. f HE OREGON REALTY EXCHANGE Inv. Co. Inc. lists property every where and charges no commission for putting buyers, sellers and ex changes of realty together. Room 28 Breyman Bldg.. Salem. Oregon. FOR SALE FARM ABOUT 100 ACREM bottoni land, lie upland, on Oregon Electric. Livealey station. Goo houses, bsrns, springs, also mineral springs In house. Address Charles Schmid. 2"i Ivy street. Portland. Oregon. Will sell on hair, three quarters or alL A GOOD BUY 25x80 FZET ON EAST aide Commercial street, on door north of Stat street. Salem, together wh perpetual right of way over the 14xo feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Boaorth. 701-3 Spauldiag Bldg, Portland. Oregon. CANADA A LANDSEEKERS PARTY will leave Salem for Alberta on Sat urday May IS. For details see C W. Niemeyer, 644 State street. 332 ACRE FARM. LOCATED IN LAKE County. Oregon. 50 acres cultivated, balance pasture, buildings, drilled well, close to school and Umber, farming tools and household goods, 2 miles to town, will consider Im proved .arresge or orchard In ex change. $5000. 50 acre farm located on ; read island. 30 acres cultivated buildings, silo, close to school and cannery. $850. 180 farm, all culti vated land, good butldinrs. good road crop goes In deal if sold soon. $125 an acre: is acres all in cultivation, good buildings, rock roan $2800. 98 acre farm all cultivated land, crop In. - buildings, good road, will ex change for foot hill farm. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co. 275 Stat street. EXCHANGE NICE LARGE MODERN S room house In Roseburg. Or. All modern, hard finlahed plaster, all picked lumber In thp house and nicely finished off Inside. 4 rooms -below besides closets pantry, large hallway, toilet and washroom. 4 bedrooms above and closets and bathroom, fur nace In basement and house steam heated, large porch In front, cement basement. lot laoxisa feet, barn (and garage combined, also hen house ana poultry yara. several nice Dear Ing fruit trees, cherries, apples. peaches, plum, good garden spot. good lawn, fine view and good loca tion and a rood home. $4000. Also 10 acre suburban tract. Vt miles from Roseburg on fin gravel road level and good land In thickly settled community on good corner, no buildings. Prlc $2500 Exchange for 1st class residence or acreage near Salem. Perrtne 4k Ma raters, 402 Hubbard building, pbone 87. FOR SALE TEN ACRES EAST OF city, fin land, good buildings, a snap at $2250. 23 acres river bottom land new bungalow, some young orchard $1000. 220 acres Kings Valley thre million timber $10 per acre. Have a well Improved ten acre tract aad cash for larger place. 0 room plast ered house, good plumbing, good I oca tion. nearly new fits. Kin six I bungalow, paved street fine location large rooms, fin lot. Just the home you want $2700. Neat five room bungalow full basement paved street. South Salem IU'(. 7 room fine new house nine blocks" from Post Office $2250. A fin stock or grain farm on main highway not far from Sa lem $S0 per acre. Houses for rent. 1918 Ford also five passenger Reo for sale. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY i . - About 400 acre of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acre clear; about (0 acre la stump pasture: balance In cholw piling timber and oak errube. Timber alone worth $10,000. New four- room house, new oairy barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new pig pea and new milk house. Water pipe from fin spring to all buildings. Will sell tho whole at a great bargaln. Very easy term. S ver cent Interest. Address L, owner, care Tho Statesman. Sutherlin Valley Oregon Farm - Land Bargains Friends In the east have placed In my hands for immediate sale over 400 acres of choice Sutherlin Valley arm which they have acquired through mortgage foreclosure. These landa are suitable for wheat and grain growing, or general farming purposes, aad crop can b sown at once. One tract of 123 acrea Is es pecially adapted for dairying and stock raising. Irrigation ditches on sll the lends which can be used if desired. In order to ciose out the lands in the quickest possible time they will be sold at 50 per cent or more below their actual value. My friends are In the mortgage business, not Isnd .dealers, therefore are not looking -for land profits. There are farms for the 35 sere farmer as well as the 800 acre farmer. The. other fellows loss your gain. Write or call for further Information todar. A. d llohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple, Sa le m. union. Eggs, 40c. Flour, hard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, valley. $2.50 to $2.60. Sugar, cane and beet.' 11 lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. I PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy Produce. PORTLAND, Mav 13. Butter: Prints, extras, 44 O 45c; cubes, ex tras. 39c; prlme firsts. "Mc; dairy. 11c. Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream. 43c. Potatoes. Potatoes: RuTlnz t.rice Local. l75f?85e: selling price. $Hi!.25; CaUfornl.'.r 6 O 8c Grain. Grain: 30-day options Oats, No. 2. $61.50 bid. Pastern oats snd orn ! hu": Bids Oats. No. 3. white. $52; 3- nonnd clipped, white. $53; corn. No 3. yellow, $61; corn. No. 3. mixed. $60: oats. No. 3. $52: clipped. $53: corn, yellow. $61; corn, mixed. $60. Yon Should. Worry Let the Classified Ads Work for Yon THIHTHATNEVER HAPPEN Cerk, VALUE OF CORN IS INCREASED V ..M.aMsaasssasBii-sasBSBB Prices Bulge When Visible Supply Shows Inclination to Fall Short CHICAGO. May 13. Corn bulged In value today owing more or les to a good sized decrease of the visible supply total. Prices closed strong at a shade to 2 He net higher, with May $1.27ttQ4. and July $1.45 OU. Oats advanced IS to 2 Vie. Provisions finished unchanged to 4f lower. It became apparent almost from the outset that the corn market was In an oversold condition. Evidence that big commission nouses were buying made shorts over freely and Demand, however, failed to last. and the market had undergone a ma terial setback when the railing off In the visible supply figures attract ed notice. Fresh advances then fol lowed and the close was at virtually the top figures of the day. Oats were bulllshly affected by ab normally cold weather northwest and by excessive rains elsewhere. Weakness of the hog market car ried down provisions and so. too. did disappointing exports. The grain strength, though, led afterward to rallies. STOCKS AGAIN MAKING GAINS Ball Campaign of Last Week Resumed on New York Ex change With Vigor NEW YORK. May 13. Last week's bull campaign in stocks was promptly resumed with greater vigor at the opening of today's market, extreme gains In a wide variety of Issues ranging from two to almost ten points. The rise encompassed practically all the popular war Issues, shippings, motors and their accessories nd fully two score active and Inactive Industrials more or less directly af filiated Srith the war group. Rails were slow to come forward but made gross gains of one to two and a half points, which were ma terially reduced In the final hou-. United States Steel's leadership was again undisputed, rising 24 to 112. Total sales were 1.235,000 share. Shippings wer two to five points higher at their best and oils, fert l Iters and several of the minor metals registered substantial gains. Li res made yet another. low record I at 9.07. exchange on the neutral countries yielding part of last week's rirmness. The better bank state ment caused per ceptlbly easier con ditions In rates for call money. En larged offerings forced the liberty 44's down to the new low of 97 80 and the second 4's made a new min imum at 94.60. first 4's and l'i also denoting renewed preaa-ir. To tal sales, par value. $.50.0A0. Old United States Issues were un changed on calL f r Gfturra 5m your deafer or frtJmirS. 1 Ef'SKkTN svV tfjr-rVoWQ-Q GREAT THOUGHTS ON PEACE. Peace Is liberty In tranquility. ,. Cicero. 1 .have never advocated war. except as a means of peace. U. 8. GranL .Nothing can bring you peace but yourself. Nothing can bring yon peace but the triumph of principles. . Emerson. ,-t I am a man of peace. God knows I love peace; but I hope I shall never be such a coward as to mis take oppression for peace. Kossuth, Peace, above all things. Is to be desired, but blood must sometimes be spilled to obtain it on equable and lasting terms. Andrew Jack-, son. -,... .r Peace? A brutal lethargy Is peace- ; .; the noisome grave Is peace able. We hope for a living peace, not a dead one. Carlyle. , ' s iii. i 4 l NEW YORK, May 13. Evaporat e apples, dull; California's. 14 O f 15e; state. 15 016. Prunes, firm; California's. I 14V: Oregon's. i2014fcc Hops, quiet; state medium to coiee, 1917.1lS6T-41e; 1916. nominal: Pacific coast. 1917. 20023c; 1916. 14G1SC. . TIMETABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. BeeThbnn No. 18 Oregon Express :0$a.as, No. $4 Oregon Ian .... ..... B:15a.snj No. 28 Willamette Lisa! tad.. pcta.sa. No. 1$ Portland Pass soger.. 1:38 pan, K. 84 Coo Bay $: P-as. No. 33 Shasta. Limited I:-. No. 14 Portland Kipmt 8:1 psa, No. 228 Local Way yeM.. 8:a-a. No. 828 Portland Fast r-nl 11:38 psa. No. 8$ Oregonlan 8:10 a.m. No. 18 Coos Bay 10:1 1 Nil 18 California, Exnre ..10:58 i it,., if HAMbuv Paaeeasrer. 4:301 No. 11 Shasta. Limited 8:41 p-sa. No. 27 Wills mett Limited. . 0:1 P-sn. No. 18 Ban Francisco Paee,..l.3T pvaa, No. 221 San Fran, Fast Frt..13:0J -. No. 221 Local Way Freight.. 12:01 a-an SALEM-CKCR LI KM T$ Arrive at Salem..... 9:1$ 14 Leave Salem 8:01 No. No. iit rv. villi CITT da 181 Leave. Salens, motor .... 1:08 aas, 142 Leave Salem, motor.... 9:18 a-ss. 18$ Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40 p.m. Th roach car to Monmouth and Aril 187 Leave Salem, motor .... 8:48 p-n 14 leaves Pal em. motor 8:87 psa. 239 Way Freight leave Salem 8:00 a-ss, 185 krrive at Salem $ :10 a.m. 184 Arrives at Salem ........11:00 an. 148 Arrives at 8alem $ :00 p.m. 14$ Arrives at Salem $:SSp.m 1T0 Arrives at Salem 7:3 P-nv 240 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 8:10 sua. O REG OX XvLKCTSUG tho - Arriv Salem 8:15 am 10:11 am 12:50 pm 4:15 pm TraJa Leave No. 'Portland 1 0:20 am t Ltd.. .8:10 am 7 10:41am 9 2:05 pm IS Ltd. ..4:40 pna 17 8:05 pm Arriv Eurv - 10:45 am w 11:15 pas - HI 5 8:50 pm Salem only Beiem nly ' : pas 8:05 pm 11:20 pn 1:55 am I 9:10 pm 21 11:45pm 0:50 am North Bank Station (lv Jeffer son Street It and 20 aalanteo later.) . rthMf4 Leave Arriv Train Arrive No. 2 ... ... Keren Salem Portland .12:01 4:35 am 8:50 am 7:14 am 9:28 am 0:45am 11:14 am 11:10am 1:20pm 1:50 pm 4:00 pm 4:0 pm $:45psa 8:1 pm 7:40 pm 1:5ipm - 10:00 tm 10 Ltd.. .7:41 am 12 14 11:1$ am 18 Ltd. ..1:88 pm 20 4:10pm xNortk Bank Station (Arrive Jeffer son Street II ralaat arlir. Leave CorvalUa. CORVALLIS COH.IECTlOaS Leave Corral 1 la Arriv Saless 8:35 am 12:12 pm 2:41 pm 4:10 pm $:l$pm 9:45 am 1:50 am 4:00 pm 8:10 pm 7:45 pm Laav I Vn Arriv Corvalllv V.I I am lHltia 13:5$ pna a 9:87 am 11:31am 8:10 pm $14 pm I4ts 4:15 8:40 Tvtry reader I thia "J SkBrB ansavhw a m i i asnsat V WEI DURrUM DUPVEX RAZOR CO. JEgsrrOTvWJ u J a