The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 12, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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8 Pages
King Georg Reviews 3,000
Americans in London
Spirit of Welcome Accord
ed Men Shows Change
French Will Observe
American Memorial Day
FRANCE. Ma? 11. The French are
preparing to Join the Americans fn
the observance of memorial day. Th.
American graves scattered here and
there behind bo fighting front, with
their simple wooden crosses.-Ill ba
decorated by the comrades In arms
of the fallen. , .
It will have a new significance on
this side of the ocean, as it will b
the first tme that American memor
ial day will be observed in a foreign
land. I I
! ABOUT $3000
Big Business Is Done by Wo
men in Charge of Booths
on Streets-
Ambassador Page Receives
Soldiers From Embassy.
With Other Officers
j- 1
John R. Mitchell and Warren
W. Tolman Placed on
; Supreme Bench
L OLYMPIAN Wash.. Mar 11. Gov
ernor Lister today announced the ap-
LONDON, May 11. Three thous
and American soldiere marched
throught London today. They were
men of the new national army, of
which Londoners had often heard,
but whom they had never hef ore been
privileged to see in marching order.
The weather was perfect ana Lon
don turned out In masses and lined
up along the broad avenues of "the
Royal Borough of "Westminister."
The crowds were even greater than
on the occasion when the American
engineers marched over the . same
route, several months ago.
There was a differenc in the wel-
. come which London gave : today's
marchers. When the engineers
, marched, American troops were curi
osities and were cheered . as some-
i thing novel and new. Today London
has been accustomed to American
khaki and today's marchers were
greeted as friends and brothers.
" X-early All Xew'Xorkers-
' The Americans, who were virtually
all from New York City, marched in
column of fours from Wellington
barraeks,ver a three-mile route, clr
cling that parv of London in which
are located the government offices.
the embassies and the principal pub
lic hiiMHInr 1
With American precision the pa
rade kept exactly to the time table
which was laid out for it.
.The first men filed out of the
. parade rround at Wellington bar-
-.racks into the famous Birdcage walk
at exactly 11:45.
Premier Pya Tribute.
" i On the .warl office Dalcony were
Premier Lloyd George and the war
cabinet which nd suspended its sit
ting in order to view the paraders.
The highest Compliment Mr. Lloyd
' Geprge could pay them was to say
"They have the same swing as
our Welsh troops
At Buckingham palace. King
George and Queen Mary, the Dow-
ager Queen Alexandria and the Duke
of Connaught stood in front of the
middle gate where they shook hands
with General Biddle. The king took
the salute from the guard of honor,
which with the famous Grenadiers'
band was drawn up in the street.
At the end of the parede the king
and qneen congratulated- General
Biddle. who chatted with the royal
party for seveial minutes.'
ij The Americans returned to Well
; ligton barracks for luncheon as the
guests of the British guards , regl-
aa en t , T"hey returned to camp by
polntment of ! Judge John R. Mitchell
Of Olympia and Warren W. Tolman
of Spokane as supreme court judges.
John M. Wilson of Olympia. now
chairman of the industrial insurance
commission, is named by the gover
nor to succeed Judge Mitchell as su
perior judge I for the Thurston and
Mason ' county circuit, j Judges Mit
chell and Tolman are Democrats and
Judge Wilson is a Republican.
On the supreme bench Judge
Mitchell succeeds Judge O. G. Ellis,
who recently i retired to resume pri
vate practice In Tacoma. Judge Toll
man fills a supreme court vacancy
caused by the; resignation of J. Stan
ley Webster of , Spokane, who will
make the Republican campaign for
congress in the fifth district.
If there' was any Sfk-m - citizen
who entertained a doubt as to the
feasibility of the war savings stamp
campaign on top of all the other cam
paigns, he was very much enlighten
ed yesterday as he watched the in
flux of cash at the decorated booths
in the business sections.
There weie a score of them on
prominent corners, gay with the na
tional colors and made more atrac
tlve by the young women and the
children who had then in charge. It
wasn't a case of waiting for the spirit
of. generosity to loosen up a man's
pocketbook; the young vendors went
after the passerby like "barkers at
a side-show.
And their efforts showed up In
the results. Chairman T. F. Ithoden
was kept busy throughout the day
running from one booth to another
with additional stamps. People
bought, not in big lots, but numer
ously. Up to a late hour last night
no definite figure had. been ascer
tained as to the totals, reports from
various booths indicated that none
of them were running less than $100
and some of them had approximately
$400 In sight- A guess was made at
headqualters that the twenty booths
would average $150 each. The exact
figures will probably be made known
fAME lftT WCCT BritiA Army Countfl Cond-
UfliHLi 111 HLUll ert Explanations Made br
General at to Charges
Purpose in Holding Off Bat
tle Not Understood by AI-
LOXDl. May 11. The army
.Aimll tiavfn nn el Arewt f hft T Til A-
HeS. Who Better Positions nations' tendered by General Freder-
Special Railroad Fare
Granted to Soldiers
CHICAGO, May 11. Railway fare
of on cent, mile -including war tax
may be granted to enlisted soldiers
and sailors by Director General Me
Adoo within a short time, according
to William E. Golden, an attorney,
who returned today, from Washing
ton after a conference with the di
rector general.
Mr. Golden filed a petition with
Director General McAdoo bearing
names or 50.000 Chicagoans askias
for the reduced rates.
During Lull
Nitroglycerine Explodes
KUUng OH Well Shooters
shall be placed forthwith upon re
tired pay. I 1
The retirement of General Maurice
was made known tonight by a brief
statement from the war office. It
reads as follows: "
The army council, having consid-
ered tne explanations irnawea vj cenne. nrst reports were mat a
Major General Maurice of a breach I nitro-glycerine factory had been de-
of regulations committed by him in i st roved, and. In addition to the two
Foch Counts On Germans to writing and causing to be pubiunea men killed, six others were missing.
Make NextfMove Big on the 7th Inst., have decided that
he be pracea roruiwuu on reurru
Churches Prepare Special
Sermons and Programs and
Carnations Will Be Worn by
Young and Old'
WELLBURG. W. Va.. May 11.
Robert Pugh and J..L. Williams, oil
well shooters, were Instantly killed
live miles from here today by the
explosion of a quantity of nitro-gly-
Drive Looked For
The retirement or General Maurice
was fully expected. It is believed
that the army council has made it
impossible for him to write anything
regarding the controversy
Arrests Continued by
Germans in Uhrainai
Another week has passed without I more
renewal by the Germans of the I which he brought to a climax. His
- MOSCOW. Wednesday. May 8
The Germans are coninuing to make
arrests In Ukralnia. A rigid censor
ship has been established by them at
WASHINGTON'. May 11. Notice
was given in the senate today by Sen
ator Watson or Indiana, that next
Monday he will move to suspend the
rules to introduce a bill postponing
for one year .enforcement of the pro
vision in the war revenue act in-1
creasing second class postal rates,,
which goes Into effect on July 1.
Two Obserers at San Antonio
Effect Mysterious Escape
When Aircraft Falls
German Soldiers Surround
Meeting Place and Search
1 Legislators
a renewal oy me oermana oi i which ne orougnt to a climax, uis i ' - V" , "VTvi;
offensive that they began March 21. side of the case, however, has .been Z1 "SS??.
which Was htlted before Amiens circulated in army ana Pcai ear-
early in April, and came to a definite learn f , nn after th waT
pause oh Us right i flank before the I
barrier of the Flanders hills. Just yoman Appointed Aerial
rosiai LieTR tor noaie
Possibly the Germans have been
waitinr for some allied counter-blow
which they felt able to witnsiana.
CHICAGO. May 11. Miss Kather-
they have rearehed the residence of
Professor Grouchevsky, president of
the Kiev central rada. He escaped
fro mthe city. They attempted to
arrest Commissioner Salikovsky, who
also escaped. A member of the. rada
named Petoura was arrested, bat
subsequently was released after pro
tests by several local organization.
and therefore, hoped would be deU.- ne Stimson. aylatrix was sworn in D MWigr iQ
If this was the case they must today as a postal clerk and Monday cisiun muiiict ,iu
h, disanoointed 'by the wait- morning will start for New York. In FmW State
SAN ANTONIO. Texas, (May 11. -r
Two cadet observers who were in an
army observation t ballJon which
broke away at a balloon i field near
here today, reached the field tonight
by automobile. The camp adjutant,
in the absence of Major A. B. Lam
bert, commander, declined to give
the names of the cadets or siaie .now
hMr effected a landing, i
Tho balloon came to earth thirteen
miles north of Austin an hour after
c.nlnr. without Its occupants. Of
ficials at the balloon- school then de
oi.roiT ther believed the men es
caped by descending In the parachute
with which the balloon was equipped.
The balloon escfn&cL.when it .was
fielng hauled down for the noon
hour, breaking away with about fifty
feet of cable. It ascen4ed quickly
to a great height and began drifting
northward. An air squadron from
Kelly field was called upon and gave
pursuit. 1- I .
m dpsrendinr the ballooh bounced
along the ground for several miles'
before settling.
WASHINGTON. May 11. Further
details of the situation in Ukralnia
reached the state department today
in diplomatic dispatches. An official
Ukrainian report on the recent Inter
ference by German military author
Hies with the rada given out by the
department, said:.
"Yesterday at 4 o'clock in the af
ternoon, the building In which the
central rada sits, was surrounded by
men un the- uniform of German of
ficers and soldiers and members of
the central rada as well as member
of the government who had assem
bled for the session of the rada.
Vrere searched and arrested. With
out warrants of any sott being shown
the following ministers were arrest
ed: Minister of Interior Tkatschenkq;
Minister of Foreign Affairs Lubins-
ky Minister of War Schubovsky- and
Director of the Political Administra
tive Department Kajevsky.
"The' German minister. Baron
Mum. was Informed of what had hap
pened and asked whether the case
was known to him. As representa
tive of state frieadly toward the
Ukralnia. the minister was request
ed to inform the German government.
The Ukrainian government filed a
decided protest and pointed out the
serious consequences to which inter
ference might lead. The. German
mtnltUr nrnmlsed tO inform his gov
ernment nt the event and remarked
that what had taken place in the
rada was unknown, to him. .
The report spread like lightning
throughout Ukralnia. disorders
have been disappointed by the
ing attitude of General Foch whlcn
It is felt now will compel the enemy
to reveal his further purpose witn
little delar as time is one or the
things he cannot afford to squander,
with the American forces now rap
idly assuming formidable numbers.
Allies Show Alertness. -Everr
day gives evidence of the
alertness of the allied forces. Nu
merous minor operations have Deen
undertaken to Improve their posi
tions on the various fronts and tneir
artillery fire has been directed to
equally good purpose .In breaking up
the organizing efforts of the enemy.
Airplane raids without number, in
which the superiority of the entente
air forces has been clearly shown.
have served the same end, besides
being notably productive of valuable
Information, while mnumeraoie in
fantry raids have been almost 'uni
formly fruitful in an informative
Hetterments of the allied position
reported yesterday included an ad
vance hy the French on the Flanders
front, in the. neighborhood of Locre,
where the approaches to Mount
rtnure ' one of the bulwarks of the
allied yne. have thereby been made
more secure.
Take Slice of Land.
Far to the south of the Somme, on
the southerly side of the great Mont
didler salient. French troops likewise
carved a slice out of German-heia
territory; near Orvlllera-Sorel, seven
mil outheast of Montdidier.
Indications are multiplying that
Oermanv's nositons in the east ia
causing her uneasiness. She is re
ported to have made additional de
mands on Russia which are said to
jiave affected sensibly the sentiment
of the Bolshevik!, whose attempts to
weld an army into shape tne uer
man are attempting to thwart
In the Ukraine the situation is
even more disturbing to the Ger
mans, according to current at
her airplane, carrying A number of
especially addressed letters for de
livery In that city.
In connection with tne rugni. worn
was received from Washington an
nouncing that a new stamp of the
24-cent denomination is to be issued
for aviation mail. It can also be
used on other matter for which tha
rharees amount to that sum. The
new stamp will carry the picture ot
an airpiane.
First Formal Protest Is
Filed With Secretary
United Stales Recalled
WASHINGTON. May 11. Mehdl
Khan. Persian minister to the United
States, has been recalled by his gov
eminent and left today for Persia.
MIrxa All-Kull. formerly counsellor.
has been appointed Persian charge
d'affaires In charge of the legation.
Chief Executive Asks Prayers ;
for God s Blessing Upon
- 1 i
U tContlnued on page t.) i before settling. -
This should be of interest to every woman and impel her to choose at least one
more dress before these Woolens become a mere memory.
MMHsit -frnrn rarions localities, so j rial.v,A. which announce a growing
that the country is threatened, with I antl-Gernlan sentiment because of
iv.o nr va measures oi me teu
tons. To meet this, additional Ger
man troops are being sent to tne dis
turbed region, the western front ven
Kolnr rirawn ODOQ for Cavalry. dlS-
natches from Dutch sources an
nnnnro Xnese TCPOn iariu
horsemen arriving at Liege. Belgium
on their way to the Ukraine.
v Trnnm of the new national army
of the United States paraded through
tendon Saturday, three battalions oi
them, to the plaudits of large crowds
and the compliments of King George
Premier Lloyd George ana otner
first formal protest
ommendations of
pnmmlssion was filed today with Di
rector General mcaooo. ny iae
Brotherhood of Railroad Station Em-
la keeping, with' the president's
proclamation and the messages that
are sent out to American motheis
from various officials in Washington,
Salem will today fittingly observe
Mother's day. not only with addres
ses and music and white carnations
In the churches, hut with a deeper
shade of thoughtfulness and tender
ness in the hearts and homes of the
It is pleasing to note how large
a place is to be given to the mothers
in the city churches today. ' At the
First Methodist church Dr. It. N.
Avison is to speak upon the topic
"Literature's Lovllest Picture cZ
Womanhood." At the First Preby
terian church a portion or the San
day school hour will oe cevoted to
a Mother's day program. Rev. V.'.
C. Kantner, ot the Flrtt Congrega
tional church will speak upon The
Love of a Mother." At the First Bap
tls church Rev. O. F. Holt will hate
for his subject -Our Debt to Mother
hood." The primary division ot the Sac
day school at the First ChrisUaa
church will carry out a special Mo
ther's day program. At th Court
street church Pastor Frank E. Jocer
. i wnfc vuuica i uiur w rut x. wul( J
c. May ii. The Secretary Daniels Proposes wm have tor m subject, -ur la
test against the rec- , . - Miffs a heritance From My Mother." Other
r the railroad wage Allghty Army 01 Militant churches will have appropriate ob
filed today with Di- tal J?. servanes. and if ever the youcrer
servanes. and if ever the youcger
generation1 went to church with a ser
ious mind it will be today, for never
305,776 VOTERS
nloves. I ATLANTA, UL, May u. secre-i since me oara: aays or me tivu ar
It will be aDSOluieiy irapuiuic tary uanieis. speaamg lonuni oeiorr m uvuvi ui uirsun ua ci
rn th railroads to maintain a per-1 he reneral conference of the Meth-1 America carry a deeper shadow upon
manent force of freight handlers at odiBt Episcopal church, south, urged I their souls than they do today. If
the rates Indicated In tne recom-i an branches or American Metnoaism i ever me wmie carnauon was appro
mendaUons.' the protest i said. i'njto nnit into , "one mighty army of riate as a token it U today.
view of the fact that they .nave noi militant Methodists. I oomS reaaers may noi anow mil
recommended the basic eigni-nour-i Reciting how the recent unity oi i wfl w jiouiwi.mj onpunea
command In the allied armies in omy a iew jwmr ago wun auss aueo
Franve have mobilized the forces of Jarvis. of Philadelphia, who planning
civilization itno one Invincible army a memorial for her own dead mother,
t omeet the Prussian onslaught, the conceived the plan of a nation-wide
secretary of the navy asked if this commemoration in which mother
wise action did not afford a convlnc- hood should be recognized and
Ing reason which American Metho- made more sacred. The Idea spread
dlsts should do likewise and gala through the ountry and la 1914 con-
Methodist church in AtlanU or a is now universally observed, not
southern Methodist church In Seat- merely as c recalling th.
tie If noliticians and business men memories of dead mothers, but to
have forgotten there was a Mason stimulate regard for tho living. Arg-
and Dixon's line, the Methodist ament in behalf of the observance t
church can not longer wisely longer that people generally do not realize
.-.r.t. mmns under the worth of mothers until after it
UISIVU u " I I. . 1 . . . V - .f .
Uon and that there is need for some
thing to recall thoughtless grown-
jips as well as nnappreclative young
people to their duty to absent mo
thers, since the tendency of the age
is toward a lack of deference.
Of Whole Number 64.36 Per
Cent Are Members of Re
publican Party
L 0: P. Shows Slight Drop
and Democrats Gain in
separate oragnlzations." he said.
think or these spienam nnvWrv STRIPES AND PLAIDS
black, navy d .therAUo JOVELW $8,.
SnEPAEDcSoKS-TNot a finer line in Oregon at present day price.
Body Vests For Boys ,
Wa have iast received a Kneo Protectors, real stock-
new lot of these! lon looked
for Body Vests ifor Wpmen,
fine ribbed... .30c
New Hose
Women's lisle and fiber silk
in tobacco, bronze and pntty,
Lisle ..........
Fiber Silk .. ....
inff savers. ThiJ is marble
time enough said, pair. .25c
Man Experienced in Dry Goods Prefcrcd.
FiiANCE. Mar 11. Lst evening
French poilus stormed and occupied
pile of brick, once the hamlet of
Iloulooze. just soutn or henerpen
berg hill, and they also smashed the
Germans out of iwuiooze caoam
nearby. But an enetny counier-ai-
tack during the night seems to nare
forred the French to retire to tneir
nrevious line. Boulooze is on torn-
nrtlvlr Milk- cronna wnicn nm
hn hotlT contested In recent days
The Germans hare recently maae
some most exiriTiKgni
their wlrelcw dispatches regarding
the British casiialtles. It being
iterted that "enormons losses naa
hPn suffcTd by the various Britisn
units on the Iys and Somme battle
fields. '
Itetall nrltlKli lxscn.
It is now possible to give the
losses of a few of the units referred
to. Here are some typical instances
of allegations made by the enemy.
The German statement asserted that
the fifty-sixth division was "almost
completely wiped out." This division
lr!t forty-tliree orncers ana nz
otber rf.nks.
The fifth Berkshire regiment. was.
When rezistratlon closed last
month. 30 days prior to the primary
election of May 17. approximately
305.776 voters had slgnea aneir
names In the registration hooka in
Oregon as shown by acompHation
of figures' by the office of Secretary
of State Olcott basea on reporcs
furnished by the county clerks. As
classified by party affiliation, the
rerlstration follows:
Reoubl can. 176.805: uemocrai.
S4.443: Progressive. 1270; Prohibi
tion. 8686: Socialist. 7202: miscel
laneous, or those who railed or re
fused to state their politics. S3 69.
An excess of 4.294 Is shown in
the total rerist ration over tne total
when the Cloks closed prior to the
primary election two years ago when
the figure wai 241.482. classified as
fellows: - .
Republican. 161.819: Democrat.
6A.570: Progressives. 5500; Social
let. 5434: miscellaneous. 6884.
Of the total registration for tnis
year 64.T6 per cent of the voters
hhow affiliation with the Republi
can party. 27.61 per cent are Demo
crats. .42 per cent rrogresslvles
2.19 per cent Prohlbiuonlsts. 2.36
per tent Socialists and 3 06 per cent
bave no party affiliation. Prior to
the 1916 primary election the per
cf-ntages were: Republican.- 67.01
rrr cent: Democrat. 25.08: Progres
sives. .53; Prohibitionists, 2.28; So
cialists. 2.25 and miscellaneoas..2.5
Percent. Comparison' shows that the
Republican registration has decreas
ed 2.65 per cent while the Democrats
Romania To Make Good Dam
age Suffered by Consul .
(Continued cn Page 7)
(Continued oa race 7).
WASHINGTON. May 11. A" na-
tionls unity tomorrow In reverence
and In homage to motherhood was
advocated today by President Wilson
In a Mothers' day message to the
American people.
AMSTERDAM. May It Under a Especially is It fitting at this time.
supplementary legal polFtlcal treaty I the president said, that the mothers
between Romania and Germany, me i oi American men oo nav utta up
former country must indemnuy i arms in derense or world unerty. De
German consular officials for all revered and he called upon all to
damare suffered by them during the I pray God -for1 his divine blessicg
war or done to consular nuuamgw. I upon mem wi apuu uinr wuum
nnminii renounces ndemnlflca-1 whole-hearted service is now given
lion for damage caued In Rumania j to the country, which we love."
as a result of German military meas-1 messages 10 American momers ai
ures. including all requlrltions and so were issued tonight by Secretary
contributions. oi ar tinrr, oecreiary oi me itj
Within six months after the ratf- uanieis ana ur. Anna nowara uaaw. ntMhm nesre Ireatr. tin-1 cnairman oi me woman a rommiiiee
mania must redeem noten issued byjof the council of national defense.
the Banc Generate on the order ot ,Mr. uaaera mewwRe w.
the occupation administration and from the soldiers at the front aak-
will not put them In circulation In . their mother! to be of good
against balances of deposits held-by cheer, while Mr. Daniels called upon
the German reiensbank tor covering, the nation to Join In prayer for-all
Another clause provides that uu- 'u'." , . "c . Li
mania .all Indemnify Germans for President AVIlson's message. Issued
all damage suffered by them on Ru- in response to a house resolution,
manlan territory by the result o! the ..
miliUry measures or one of the "I take the liberty of calling spec
belligerent power,. This stipulation 1; a "entlon to the f act that thl. I,
also applies to losses whim Germans , . . V .
suffered as shareholders of under-ofJb.e occasion ' V:.""?'"1:
takings in Rumania. A romralwlon r v . . ,
having a neutral chairman, will fli P" f Pftri?tlCBT?
k. ..( r .nrh loei I which are being so freely and gener
the amount of such iosKes. I mnih,f. rr r
sons to bear arms. and. If need be.
trsl nations for damage cause! them
on Rumanian territory as a result of
German military measures.
Fair and warmer, model ate north
westerly winds. ,
to die In defense of liberty and Jus
tice, and that we especially remem
ber the mothers In our prayers, pray
ing God lor Ilia dUine Uesing upon
them and upon, their sons. wb
whole-hearted service Is now given
to the country rlch ire lore." .: