The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 11, 1918, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Statesman receives the
leased wire report of ' the As
sociated Press; the greatest
and most reliable press assoc
tatioa iu the world.
SALK3I, r.tX;o. SATIKDAY MOUM.VU, MAY 11, lttlt
Army Intelligence Service
Files Sensational Sworn
; Statements Against Gutzon
Borglum 4
to Be Silent Partner in
New Aircraft Manufac
taring Company
WASHINGTON. May 1 0. Sensa-
j 1 - --.a- 9
t tonal sworn statements, letters and
telegrams from the files of the army
intelligence service were Tead into
the senate record today to showthat
Gutzon Borglum. while holding a
personal commission, from President
Wilson to inquire. Into the govern
ment's aviation program, was nego
tiating secretly for the formation of
o nrivata air Diane company to take
war contacts and capitalize his
friendship with the president.
The sculptor who has been the
chief critic of aircraft production of
ficials. Is represented as seeking for
himself a position as silent partner
in the proposed new corporation, his
-sole asset in the transaction to be
f riendshio -with Presi
dent Wilson, whom he stated
could do anything with,
t ? lluuro Gitmon a Partner.
With Borglum was associated, ac
cording to the documents, Hugo C
niKcnn i pmoloTe of the British
ministry of munitions of war In, the
located In New York-
in hrTe in the oeaL
fa formal statement by Kelyon W.
Mix of the Dodge Manufacturing
r Indiana, settlnr forth a
detailed account of his negotiations
With the two men. is among me pa
pers put Into the Congressional Rec
tw vere presented by Sen
ator Thomas of Colorado, a member
.nate military committee.
wVrn tin fheen
nartleularly active In
eni.ectlon with the aircraft agita
tion. ? - ' "V:V " . ""' ' .
VOmmi.XoC Informed,
f ti. statement shows that -coy
. Including Vice
TAoMsfi Marshall and Howard
Cofrin, formfer head of the aircraft
Wrd have! had most of the iufor-
a;ci(A ! todav since last
lonnarv There i Is no indication
' ttk,t It i reached President
Wilson himself, at Uiat time or that
w T.r..ir0t knew of Its existence
tn soveral 'weeks ago when ne
called a halt upn the sculptor' tn-
vetl8;atlosin his name.
' AIl of the document submitted by
cJuts-., Thnmu as well as much
- other data from the war department
k wn nlaced in the hands of
Assistant Attorney Yleneral Frierson.
who has Just started the inquiry or
dered by the president Into charges
of graft disloyalty and incompetence
In1 the government aircraft. These
fT..rra. referred to first in capltol
cloakroom gossip and finally on the
n... r n9tP have been at-
iiwi v. f- - ' .
.t .,,,. ,t i,i.ti to assertions or
Borglum. - :.. , . '' :
i Kaolee Mke AccnKHUon. s
With the Mix statement there was
tiUA Pnnr nf a formal statement
MHiii Itnrrliint made to the mill
tary intelligence section ofx the
m ronr4i staff late In January
by Henry Harrison Suplee, Mix
consulting engineer, and who partlc
.tp&ted In many of: the conferences on
the subject of the proposed corpora
tion with Borglum and Gibson, de-i-riy.A
w hit ehief. The latter says
he became suspicion rhen he visited
rtAiniw in washiwrtovi during Jan
uary, and wa shokn President Wll-
sonfs letter authoiizlnir tne nves
mtlnn h-r fh ttcuiotor and decided
then to report the whole matter to
rovernment authorities. 1
There are intimation that a reat
deal of information bearing on Borg-
lam activities an4 motives lias been
- assembled by the army Intelligence
service. J There is an unconfirmed
report In official circles that evi
dence of German influences In some
fgrm will be brought to light when
. the full story is revealed.
5CEW YORK. May 10. In a state
ment issued here late tonight. Gut
son Borglum characterized as a
seurrllous frameup" the charges
RUde against him in "Washington to
day in relation to his connection
with the investigation of airplane
TirDdnntlnn In ha TTnltPlt "StatCS.
"This scurrilous framenp. which I
charge It to be, has been 'n the hands
f- the rovemment for months," he
saidj "and Is now sprung when it has
finally become evident that ! stall
TerBlts nnt!1 the nirnlane failure i
honestlr anil thnrnnrhlv investigat
ed. The charges of Mix, a .confessed
tool of Deeds, and Mix' engineer are
lies unreservedly, both 'n inference
and statement, as annlied to me in
anything T ever did. .directly or in
directly, that was improper In my
rapaelty as a renresentative of the
Brayless Army Mules and Qaackless Docks Object of
Veterinarians' Clinic To BcJIeld in Portland Next
Month; Theories Advanced
Just one thing prevents -the
army mule from being 100 per
cnt erririent. This is his ten
dency to bray at unseemly
times. The mule, it ape pars,
nses no discretion about his
braying and will lift up his
voice in a peal of ribald laugh-
, ter with the enemy in easy ear
shot and frequently throws a
whole army into consternation
by revealing his presence to
the enemy.
French veterinarians have
discovered a method to deprive
tht mule of his bray by a sim
ple surgical operation, but the
secret has not reached this side
, of the ocean and American vet
erinarians are anxious to get
hold of it. At a joint clinic of
Oregon and Washington veter
inarians to be held In Portland
next month exeprlments are to.
be performed upon two ani
mals in an effort to produce
the brayless mule. According
Government Leader in House
t of Primrose League Speaks
Before League
Opposes Placing Generals and
Admirals as Members of
LONDON. May 10: -Speaking
the annual .meeting of the Primrose
league today. Earl Curton, govern
ment leader In the house of lords.
and member of the British war coun
ell, defended the British war cab
inet '
"We have been told 'frequently
during the last few montbs mat our
government was In weekly, - if s not
daily, peril of having an end put 10
It.i existence. Against It only yester
day was directed a lethal blow which
somewhat glanced off the target," he
said. ' - " ;.T. .
-The t resent is not a moment for
prophecy. It Is a moment ror grap
pling with hard fact, because the
military menace I greater than at
any time during the last four year.
It may truthfully be said that the
enemy is at our gaies
of destiny is with n at tbla very mo
ment," I -
Earl Carton, said he was thorough
ly astonished wnen ne reaa jo i
newspaper proposals made by re
s'tonsible persons that the right thing
to do at this emergency was to place
generals and admirals insiae me cab
inet The strange thing about this
suggestion, he said, was tnai u w
made by jtbose wno "SDneu
German mllftarlsm. .
"Let the generals and admirals.,
he continued, "attend the cabinet
inor thev do every day ana
advise cabinet minister, but the mo-
- la niacea m
of policy and administration, the sol
a,JZ i- .rvniiAd and he doe not lm
.X.iniatratinrf. The name
J1..1.11M. ni a dangeroua form
. practice Is ex-
TOniafVOBV-r.,X". to' the army it-
trenieiy vMiav-
He said that mistake mlht have
He saio .aid. "since the
peen " . . ln nf-
csesent government
the empire ha. given forth
viv. h never pw
wuivu ,it
The posiwoa w
equauea i Vh. f at the
England toaay -hM,wark
moment v --,,WtiM of
which 1 upnoiamg
the world.
.n - rii. hearing of
PARIS." MTi----;- -
eviaence T 1
Captain lor
was conciuaea """f !.. . un his
net. the prosecutor. "",tt6' ey
and seven
case louu ----- riead. The
for the defense wlH then pieao,
court contemplates sitting
day. , ,
Searching Parties Look
For Traces of Aviator
HONOLULU. May 10.-
they hd
nartte renortea ionisui
Tunable to find any trace or Ma
who left here to-
T "V r.r.i.iant trio br air
niT on iiivci-io - . - ,
plane and who ha not been heard
from since, r V .
cMiir. SwiUfiemen and natives
tonlgkt are searching the slopes or
f.... troa ami the entire coast of
for Performing Operation
to Dr. V. II. 16 tie. Oregon
state veterinarian, three thv
orie are ad? anced for the suc
cessful performance of the op
eration. t)n is surgical treat
ment of the "false nostril."
another the severing; of cer
tain muscles In the neck, and a
third the cutting of some or the
muscles in the tail, notwith
standing the mule's caudal ap
pendage Is extremely remote
from the braying point.
Since agitation for the bray
less mule has started Prof. R.
T. Sims of Oregon Agricultural
college has conceived the Idea
of the quackles ducji and a
set of experiments will be per
formed to fix ducks so they
can't quack. Appeals from
quiet-loving persons have
racher Mr. Sims to find some
way to keep ducks from dis
turbing the neighborhood
pt-ace and maybe the teat
will be accomplished, , x
American Batteries Showered
With Gas Shells Patrols . '
Give Aid
Germans Payj Big Price in
Men for Recent Tempor
, ary Successes ,
IN, FRANCE, May 10. The Ameri
can artillery participated and the
American Infantry lent some assist
ance Id 1 successful French raid in
the ADremont forest, northwest of
IToul at dawn today. The American
batteries acting with the Francb ar
tillerists in a heavy two-hours bom
bardment were showered with gas
shells by the German.
Slightly to the east of the section
raided American patrols created a
diversion. One patrol entered Ap
rcmont village, which was found to
be deserted. This provoked a Ger
man barrage wnile the .men were re
turning. Another patrol cut the en
emy's first, system of barbed wire
and was engaged en the second en
tanglement ten yards from the
trenches, when it was attacked by
fifteen Germans, using rifles, bomb
and Bl3toIs. The Americans lougnt;
for fifteen minutes and retired, with
out suffering casualties, on the ap
proach of enemy reinforcements.
On the Lunevillc sector quiet pre
vailed. - f
RRRI.IV via Londan. May 10.
The German official coiomunication-i
Issued today" says:
"Oa th battle front tnrougnoui
the day there was lively trtillery ac
tivity only in the region or Mount
KemmCl. on both sides of tbe Luce
brook and on the western bank of
the Avre. ,
"The strong Increase m ine nrm?
In these sector was followed by en-
iL . Afttitaa
emy advances, uurmg iu i""
or these and during nvaiy iwuu--tering
activity we took a number of
"In the evening and during the
night the artillery battle was fre
a vi An Hv revived between the Yser
and the Oise. On the remainder of
the front the fighting activity re
mained restricted to reconnoiteriug
FRANCE. May 10. The temporary
uccess of the Germans cost them
dearly, for they suffered heavy cas
ualties from the rifle and ncJn
gun fire which was poured as they
came up the elopes. The operation
was undertaken at about daybreak
and shortly afterward the enemy at
tempted to advance lt their
lines east of Bouilncourt. about 2000
. K unrth. Here also the
hotdinr defense on the
high ground, which the invaders eov
n.1E? sJl" . it. orrnoation would
g thVm TbetTer position to work
. . hl attack.
irora 1 " .hnntlntr
lw : . fh
mm it.. i van SI Tl Dill iivav
. 'r the British. The
"'"T 'Vt the Germans acted
mIa Tell back, leaving
i " -e-.V and wounded behind.
The hostile artillery fire was very
heavy last nigDl soma "i -
air services on ooiu D,"- " -ictive
throughout the
Snditions were ideal for obsenra
Uon. There wa mnch bombing and
many engagement were fought in
the air. '
MoTetnent Are Slight.
PARIS. May 1. "The artillery
fighting ha been rather violent in
(Continued on Page S.)
Salem Children Cause Won
derment Among Grown
Ups Who Saw Their Work
in Dances Last Night
Advent of Queen Beautiful
Feature of Extraordinary
A real bit it Fairyland, with all
its lights an4 colors and flowers,
was lifted upon the -stage of the
Grand Opera house last night in the
May Day performance of the Salem
school children. It was one of the
most unique, most beautiful and
most . laughable little productions
ever placed upon the local stage, and
it give evidence of infinite pains In
drilling and the greatest Ingenuity
In Its arrangement. With appropri
ate stare dreading and a glow of
harmonising color schemes as a set
ting! and tbe etfin spirit of childhood
entering every feature of the play.
It will be long remembered by the
delighted audience as' an almost
faultless piece of juvenile work. The
children were trained by Mrs. Ralph
White. r
Little tots, resembling animated
rosebuds and sweet peas, danced out
before the audience and took, part in
rhythmic evolutions with a grace and
precision that Hras as surprising a
pleasing. The winding ot the May-
nole wa in itself a bit of visible
music and poetry, and this was fol
lowed by a long series-of gracerul
motion dances by individuals and
groups In costume. .
One or the most beautiful features
or the play was the advent of the
May Queen, preceded by tiny pages
scattering flower and followed by a
train or attendants. With an elab
orate address of welcome she was
crowned and" seated upon her throne
In the midst of a galaxy of courtier
In pink and white and blue. This
grouD furnished, the background for
all tbe subsequent features, which
followed each other in rapid suc
cession. '
There wa a group or Highland
fairies who rollicked In the fling in
plaid kilts: a gorgeous cluster of
rvusr maids with tambourine aid
their characteristic dance: a circle of
ih fairies In rreen and white who
abandoned themselves to. the frolic
of the "Irish Washerwoman In a
manner that was convulsing; a squad
of tiar Zouave In scarlet coats and
raps and top boots made an lastant
hit with their military evolutions
and reetures: a company of .colonial
dames with their flack-ultef es
corts trode the stately minuet and
bowed and eourtesled In a way that
was killing: there were dances of
every form and color by dainty lit
tle maids In pink and green. jy cou-
piM that
birled In the wait, ny
sailor lads in white; flower dances,
skirt dances, oriental dances, all en
tered Into with the spirit of the oc
casion and all delightsome to wit
ness. One of the most strlklnr scene
came, on with darkened stare and
a group of little tots In th gnise of
winred falrie rollicking in the
shadows, and there was a most beau
tiful effect as the stage ,was suddenly
flooded with light.
The musical side of .the program
wa most pleasing all
of the finest numbers beln the ren
dition of the "Blue Bird" by the en
tire chorus. Half a dozen solo num-
hei hv little women were inter
soersed with other features, and all
were received with the most hearty
applause and encores.
Following an ntermisison or or
chestral music, the curtain went up
on a stage full of soldier, sailors
and Red Cross nurses, with Uncle
cam fnlnmht and Britannia In toe
center. There was a serle of intrl-
oat nmmenande and military evo-n
lutlons that won the admiration 01
the audience, and the entertainment
closed with the "Star Spangled
There was a generous house for
the production and every evidence
that everyone was rratlfied and Just
ly preud or the little folk. The per
formance will be. repeated this after-noon.-
s ,
Portland Bread Prices
' Rise One Cent Monday
PORTLAND, May 10. Bread pric
es will ro up one cent in Portland
Monday. The onice ot tbe food ad
ministration announced today ' that
tii. zone committee of the food and
grain commissioners which met in
Sookane. Wash., last Tuesday had
authorized an Increase of one cent
nc-r loaf.' The new price shall not
exceed, nine cents-wholesale or H p. PITTSr.URO, May 10 Earl Ham
ccnts retail for one pound loaf or I Uton. leading pitcher of the National
1ZM cents wholesale or 16 ntsre-Meague this season by virtue of co
tail for one and a half pov;rr-r$,ind six victories, left tonight
The increase Is a result of a pvUUoJl toflUiv Island. Cal., to enlist in th
ot bakers and flour jobbers, s . I United States navy.
Will March. Through London
' King George to Review
Troops at Palace
LONDON. May 10. The American
troops who will parade In London to
morrow, will march over a route
three miles long. They wil start
from the Wellington barracks. Hyde
Park, at about noon and pass through
some o fthe most fashionable streets
of the metropolis. The regiment will
be headed by Its staff officers on
horseback. On its way the column
CPpass by the American embassy.
where Walter Mines Page, the Amer
ican aiubafloador, will receive tbe aa-
lute from each man and acknowledge
the dipping of tbe colors.
A few minutes later the Ameri
cans will pass in review before King
George at Buckingham palace.' Af
terward they will return to barracks
American flags began to appear
today on scores of houses along the
route of , march and there Is every
Indication that London will give the
Americans a flattering reception.
Approximately 150 Persons
In Iowa and Illinois Injur
ed Thursday
Town Practically Leveled
Telephone Communicabons
Perform Freaks
CHICAGO, May 10. Fourteen
deaths, seven in Iowa and seven in
Illinois, and a property loss estimat
ed at more than $1000.000. was tbe
toll taken by yesterday's tornado
which swept through Iowa and Illi
nois. Approximately ISO persons
were more or less seriously injured.
The tornad. which was felt more
in Iowa than in Illinois, played havoc
with telegraph and telephone com
munication and performed many un
usual freaks. Houses Were unroofed
and In one town. Calmar. la., it was
reported that half of the town was
practically levelled, killing four per
sons. This was the heaviest toll
taken In the two states in one town.
DES MOIXES. May 10. Appar
entlr reliable r-norts from th tor
nado-stricken district pi norrneasi
Iowa tonight increased the death list '
from yesterdays storm to twelve.
Additional dead are: -
E. G. McMlCHAEU Republic.
FA Kit HIGELOW. Itenubllc
ALICE liUROESOV. 't'alruar.
mar. Dead already reported, whose
deaths are verified tonight, are:
Theodore Krelgef. Jr.. Albert
Smith and Mrs. Thomas Dodd. New
Hampton: Peter Aoderfia and Mrs.
P. O. Sandarer. Calmar: Roy Hus
band and Mrs. A. G. Carpenter.
Nashua. !
Salem Man Mentioned in Eli
gibles for Officers' Reserve
Camp at Stanford
PALO ALTO. Cal., May 10
tudents from Leland' Stanford, rJ.
university wbo are eligible ror en
rollment ror thefourth series of of
ficers tralmag camps as announced
today by tbe 'faculty Including the
following: ! '
N. R. Allen. Salem. Or.: A. L.
Merry, Portland, Or.: C D. Moore.
Aberdeen. Wash.; J. T. Wood, White
Sulphur Springs, Mont.
The fourth series of officers
training camps commence May IS at
various army camps and Jrom among
the successful graduates men will be
chosen for commissions as second
lieutenanta in the .national army. .
K. Br Allen! mentoned In the above
dispatch, is a son or Wilford Allen,
one of the state industrial accident
commissioners. '
Leading Pitcher Joins
. In United States Navy
CAREY, who won fame
Amiens when he closed line
and held back German
hordes. '
B ri-Gen... Carey '
- Driradier-aenentt Carey' la
one-of the great heroes or the
nritlsh, who will live In their
history forever. ; He-it wa who
closed a gap in the line before
Amiens In the battle ln France
thereby keeping the. Germans
from breaking through and
flanking the Dritisb army.'-Ordered
to close the line General
Carey hustled about until he
got together an army of sig
nalmen. American engineers,
labor battalions and even Chi
nese workers behind the lines.
He provided them with guns
and ammunition, and in a short
time had improvised an army
which stayed the flower of the
German troops.
- a .
Thomas ToVYTUend lr LleCted
President Reminiscences
Are Enjoyed
An alumni association of former
students of the University of Oregon
was organized la Salem last night at
a meeting held In ten Y. W. C A.
rooms and officers wer elected. . It
was a reneral "ret-together" and
held in conjunction with the celebra
tion of "University .Day" yesterday
at Eugene.
' Thos chosen as officers for the
Salem organization were: President.
Thomas Townsend; vice president.
Dr. Fred Thompson; secretary. Miss
Florence Cleveland. Miss Cleveland
Is the local Y. W. C. A. secretary.
About twenty college people renewed
their loyalty to their alma mater last
night and enjoyed reminiscences.
The committee In charge of the
informal proceedings last night was
composed of W. T. Neill. Mrs. Frank
Spears. Miss Florence Cleveland and
Miss Marie Churchill.
Sharp Criticism Made in Main
Committee of Reichstag by
Socialist Member
LONDON. May 10. Germany's
eastern poltejr. particularly respect
ing Ukraine, has again been criti
cised sharply in the reichstag main
committee, a Central Ne"a dispatch
rrom Amsterdam reports. Gustav
Noske. Socialist, asked tor rurther
Information regarding the situation
In Ukraine, and protested against
conrmued Interference by Germany
In the domestic interests or that
country. He said It was impossible
to conceal the existence or dlscora
between Germany and' Austria on ac
count of this situation.
Matbias Erzberger. Centrist lead-
. . a 1 J
er, protested aramst vni ne -..-
the German military dlcJ.iilori.hIp In
Ukraine. He said the Center did not
accept responsibility tor Germany's
present policy there.
CHICAGO. May 10. The funeral
of Mrs. Potter Palmer, tbe society
leader was held at her late residence
here today. It wa private.
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I 5 , . -JLILm v
i''- :r IO w !
Harbor Partially Closed by
Sinking Another Vassel
U-Boats Will Be Forced
From Sea I! Plans Mature
Admiral Keyes in Chnrge cf
. Latest Maneuver Bed cf
Mines Soon Laid
German submarine operatlcr.s
from the harbor of-Ostend. BIriuM.
have been seriously hampered for a
time. If not rendered ImposilUe, t r
a darirvraJd made on the barbor 1
the Itritish Friday morning. ,An rf
flcial statement Issued by th I-r.t-Ish
admiralty cays the channel ! a.:
Ing os't of the Inner harbor has k n
completely blocked by the hulk
the old cruiser Vindictive, which wa
maneuvered Into position bet
heavy fire and then sunk by bomt.
It appears.' however, that there l
some doubt that the entire channel U
blocked, one report saying that tl
vessel lies at an angle and does rot
absolutely interrupt the cse of tt
fairway. J -
The; German official statemrt
concerning the-raid says the atter.. ;t
was a failure and that the hnlk '
the old cruiser lies outride of tl"
navigation chancel. This report c ar
be compared to the one Issued cn
the day following the raid on 7.--brugge.
which claimed that no dam
age wa done to the mole or the
harbor there. Subsequent eTer.t
have proved that the damage do--'
by the raid on April 23 was of a f -rious
Kobmarlnew Short lived.
It is pointed oat that tie obstruc
tion in the channel at Ostend v. i'1
tend to eventually close the barter
through the action of tho tides sr 1
the rapid silting up.
If Ostend and Zeebrurge are re
moved as ports from which the Car
man U-boats may be operated. tL
Germans apparently will be ten
pelled to withdraw their subtn-rs-ibles
to their home prts. In ttii
conaectlon It la Interesting to nct
that a week ago It was annotttc- :
the greatest mine field known to r a-
I Til uyriiuuu m ' . -
the North sea to combat tbe subma
rines.' It was otnciaiiy siaiea uu
the area of this mine field wouM l
I21.7S2 square miles and It wosld b
completed by May 15.
Fighting MoUf Loral.
The military rorees were engir!
in local fighting ln the Ypres an I
cinmnie nectors. The French made a
notable advance at Crivesnes. whtr
they took the part of the town which
had been In German hands for three
weeks. '
Along the front to the north there
were scattering engagement.
ably at A veiny wood, north of All rt.
where the contending armies are
striving for strategic ground. Thre
were , also small operations la the
Kemmel hill front, southwest of
Tpres. .
Pope Benedict has set aside Jnr.e
2 as a day to be observed In th
Catholic churches of the world as a
day for prayer thi peace may be
restored to the world.
LONDON. May 10. The Crii'5!i
ncv fi completed its operations for
the bottling up ot the German sub
marine mouths on the Belgian coart
by the sinking of tbe scarred c!J
cr osier Vindictive, staffed with con
crete, at the entrance of Ostand har
bor. The feat, accomplished In the ear
ly hours of Friday, was th second
exploit of the Vindictive with tbe
object of closing the submarine bates
and it appears to nave neen nu&;y
Indictlve went In nnder a
heavy fire from the German bat
teries, and her crew escaped, leav
ing only a few dead men, on board
motorboa'ts. which transferred them
to torpedoboat destroyers.
.The Vlndletlve's dash was covered
bj & bombardment from, several cru
isers. The German official account
of the affair seems to hav been writ
ten to save the face ot the Germans.
It says that several cruisers attempt
ed to enter the harbor and were driv
en off. but that an old on strand d.
Naval men here believe that their
plana, which were worked out try
Admiral Keyes and approved by Ad
miral Jellicoe. when he wa first fea
lord. weYe wholly successful.
DOVER. Knglaad. May 10. As
on the former occasion, the opera
tion to block Ostead harbor was un
der the direction of Admiral Keye.
Some of the men who participated
ln the affair returned here todar.
They saa, it was completely ue
( Continued on Page S.)
moderate northwester:
(Continued on page 6.)