TUB OREGON HTATESMANt FRIDAY, MAY 3. 101 VfTA fl'V The Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted 11 J Under Prope r Headings So You Can Readily Find Them ID) 1 t e t Buy. Sell and Exchange all Kinds paper SECOND HAND GOODS I by gf I ftrEVS CLOnilNO, hUOfc UlUX.iMay " irnnf a I CLES. TOOLS. ETC CAPITAL EXCHANGE ...a 433 1ST Court Pt NORWICH UNION FTRE INSURANCE SOCIETY i W..IL Burehardt, Jr.. ddnt Annt 83 State St. Money to Loan , ' w IwPROVsCD TAtM AND CTTT PROrKHTT AT LOWEST BATES THOS. K. FORD S7Wf?.r. ciASsnrxKD aykbtiskiht ' fLata Per Wnrd " V. First Insertion ....... v Bubsequent insertion ....... Ho n. weak talz UmtUoM) ... 8 On month ......... Jo Bis mo nth a contract per mo. le It Bientaa contract, fer mo... Te Ko account opened for leaa than 2 (a . A seat card givn'freo with an advertisement to tae extent of 60c announcing "For 8aJe,"- "Tor Kant." "Boom" or "Board." JTKTW TODAY Each new elasslfled advertise ment wlU be run under "New Today" for first insertion, unless etherwlss ordered by the adver- gttVeeqaeat Insertion off the ad will appear under its proper class ification. No sdrartlsment will bo ran aader "New Today" for mora than a tasus sadar any circumstances NEW TODAY WANTED 15 YEAR OLD BOY , work at Salem Cigar factory. TO FRUIT TREES NEED SPRAYING. 'DO it now.. Phone 754. WANTED 20 WOMEN IN PREPARA ' torr Department. Good wages. S hour day. Apply at once Sal?m King's! products Co. WANTED A SHOE REPAIR MAN. .steady work guaranteed.- Apply 461 Court street. BARBER -WANTED AT 165 SOUTH ... Commercial 1 street $11 guaranteed. - Inquire at once. , WANTED A" MAN AS CITY SALES- man. 8aiary and commission paid -to an energetic man. Address 11 6b Care Statesman office. ' - WANTED LABORERS FOR HIGH way work at Sheridan. Or.. $3.50 per day of 1 hours., board and room $7 per week. For "further information enquire State Highway Dept. room 3UJ Capitol Building. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TEL- -ephone operating. Pay while learn Ing. apply Chief Operator. Pacific Telephone c Telegraph Co. WANTED A MIDDLE AGED LADY to keep house and be company. during day. Call 710 Cross and . Cottage strees, South' Salem. FIRE INSURANCE INSURE TOUR .property in the Oregon Fire Relief Association oi AicMinnvuie xna com- '. pany with 4an unexcelled loss paying record. Insurance on your home is " just as Important as a safety box for your valuable papers. H. A. John- sen- A .Co, Agent. Bush Bank Bldg- 4lem, phono 147. r SACRIFICE SALE BEAUTIFUL NEW 1 room houne. All built-in features, roomy closets, full cemented base ment, garage and garden apace. This close in, desirable property will be sold for less than you could build it, and terms may be. had if desired. 4(2 South Capitol street, or phone 47-j. 4 ' i - WANT TO EXCHANGE $ 1 2.000" HARD ware stock and building for ranch of about equal value. C40 acres. 1, j: (66.600 reel saw timber. 3 miles from sawmill on the railroad. $15 per acre. 2(0 acres; 200 cultivated. 40 timber pasture. 200 in crop. 3 miles Prat urn, $23,000. 60 acre, all cultivated. 1 acres prunes, stock, 100 hens. 1 mile, Aumsville, Or.. $1,500. 40 acrea in Missouri for acrsage near Salem .not over $4,000. 150 acres river bot tom. 50 cultivated. 2 miles to town, good road, $5 per acre. Socolofsky, m state street.. xoncTj on as&kuhmest von , THE COST OK I3IPIIOVIXG 1 RTRFJ-rr IX TUB CTTY OP SA. FltOM F1PTII hTRKKT TO THE WEHT LINK OP THE OAKS ADDITION. i- To. E. M. nosworth. W. O. McAl lister and Minnie, A. McAllister. J B, Toong. Arthur S warts, Edward Burns and Juanlta Clark: Ton, and each of yon are hereby notified that the city of Salem has, by -rainance No. 1534. levied an as Anient upon your resiwctlve prop wiles hereinafter described, and In tie amount hereinafter set forth for wh property's proportionate share the cost of Improving D street In the City of Salem, from Fifth street w the west line of the Oaks' Addl ,lou. A , description of each -lot or Jut thereof or parcel of land, the "raer thereof, and the amount as sessed and levied upon It Is as fol wt, to-wit: lt , Block 6, of Holse's Second i Addition. E. M. Boswortb. Cost r :.. 34:7 Lot 5, Block . Boise's Second Addi tion. E. M. Bosworth. Cost $39.07 Toe-west 83 feet of Lot 5, Block 8, o( Boise's Second Addition. V. O. McAllUter and Minnie A. McAl Wter. Coet ........... .$32.28 ut 4, in Block 10. Boise's Second Addition. J. IL Young. Coat $26.23 wt half of Lot 8, Block 2, Boise's i lrst Addition. i Arthur Sart. -Cost ,. ... i $.09 The WMt half of Lot 4, Block 2. Bolss'p First Addition. Edward Brns. Cost ". ...... $4.54 3. Block 9. Bolse'H Second Addl-- "on. Juanlta Clark. Cost $52.46 aid assessments were entered In voinn, 3, Docket of City Liens, on . day of March. lifU. as lnt : and Uen agalfiat tha ald -;mes, and are now due and pay tO the Tit Trun ims notice is served upomron by 'oilcation thereof for ten days In c "aUT Oregon Statesman, a news published in the City of Salem J order of the Common Council. I Tlate of first publication hereof. Is 3. 19J8. EaTl Race. j Recorder of the City of Salem. EMPLOYMENT DRESSMAKERS EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER AND taiioresa will work in your home by the day. Good Work, rlce reason ihlr. Phone 1M0-W. l-GMALfi WANTED WOMAN FOR . GENERAL nouaework. Jn country., Two In family, route 2. box 67-A. Salem. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work for family of three. Must be neat, refined and a good cook. Lib eral par to competent woman. If In terested addreaa box m (4 States man office, giving your address or pnoneniimwr. MALK WANTED A FARM HAND. PHONE 63F13. L WANTED FOUR TEAMSTERS AT Oregon State Hospital. Salary $40, board, lodging and laundry. ( WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN printing trade. Apply Statesman composing room., upstairs.; " MALE AND FEMAE HELP WANTED We have an opening in your town for a newspaper salesman. Tou could make a good salary with our proposition. Address "H ;47" States man office. LABORERS WANTED "WAGES $3.36 to $3.C4. 8 HOURS. West Linn Mills opposite Oregon - City, at Free .Employment office. strike stui on. jtauroao receipt tor fare ud to 22.00 rashed after work ing one week. Come along. Work assured. Board and bed 18.65 week at Mills or 17 at Beck's hotel. Ore aron City. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD JERSEY. COW. fresh thla fall. Inquire 1Z3S r. I8tn FOR SALE 2 HORSES, 1 WEIGHING . 1500 and the other liuo pounas; eacn T years old. Phone UnSCELXANEOUS Fon saie A DUMP BOX AND SEED wheat. Phone 254 or C22. BEANS FOR SEED WE HAVE THE pure Michigan pea ttreei , Deans tor .sale. leDoia c wo. FOR SALE--GRASS SEED WHBAT, Vlayro MCK.inney. mrner. uron. WrtW SAt.K 1S1T' H.UCWEUi TOUK " . . r . 1 1 . . ins- tr in rirm eiaaa conaiuon aoav. Rutherford r Riedesel. Capital Garage. 171 South. Liberty street. FOR SALE RUSSET BURBANK SEED potatoes, thoroughly accnmaiea, very Kih mutlitvJ Address Mike Kep- pinger route 2. box 1. Gervais, Ore- gon. , FOR SALE . STEVENS - DURTKA touring car. suitable ror true, win sell cheap. Phone 714. 271 North Commercial street. , FOR SALE HORSE. AND S1SULK wagon, harness. Yi. tiorse wcign Ing 00 lbs. and In good condition. "Spier & Smith. Cotteil apartments, 24SS4 N. Commercial. Ihone 1041. IF. TOU WANtTO GET THE BESr firm naner. send 10c to the Pacific Homestead. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR SALE 1 TRAILER FOR AUTO. also 1 pair sharta for working tnree horses on wood wagon. J. A. Bishop 4c Son. 244 South Liberty street. rm vi i TMif rATTLf ii rnmtj W A mvA v- This true story oc western mi mr gration has been carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the mas sacre of the Oatman family, of the at w nr mn th cantlvltv of. Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased fvAM h Indiana five vears later. m.. I. 9A enta. nntnald. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly. Sa. lem. tiresron. POTJLTRT WHITE LEGHORN BABx CHICKS rnr aaie isncrea ana t. n.. w.. sb' horn strains. Phone 66F21. L 11. Scovel. Wallace road. v . IF TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper publlahed. send It cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. WOOD. F61t8ALE-HOrcl: "fIR WOOd"AT reduced price for early orders. Phone 254 or 622. ' ' 7UICRENT uorjsEs FOR RENT $12.60 SIX ROOM MOP rn house on paved street at 120 South High street. E. A. Rhoten. 1141-J. any time week days. FOR RENT AN 3 ROOM HOUSE with modern conveniences, desirable location. Inquire 625 North Liberty Hone 1351. FOR RENT 5 ROOMED FURNISHED house North zisi srreeu irn, Krn variety of fruit tree, .cnicken yard - Ivan G. Martin. Masonic Temple. ; FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT The home of the late Miss Zaidee Palmer. Rent $25 per month. In quire of Mrs. S. A. Rigrs. 1190 Center street or Mrs. Harry B. Cosper; Dallas, Oregon. '). FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: hi kmi moaern dudkiiuw .Mini at $6 North 20th at. Call at Statesman business office or pnone 33. ' - ' $20 Modern 10 room house on CotUge street, close i n. uii Statesman business office, or phone 33. . ' - ' - f ROOMS FOR. RENT CUMJUHIAULJi nw With Use Or DSin. in mouern Address A. B. car Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, side room. Cloe to SUte Hou i 1030 Chemeketa. Phone 1210. . STOREROOMS vntt . HEVT THE "BTOREROOM at 141 North Commercial street, nowoe- ' Kv Pnmnlnn'l ISC and 2C store, will be for rent May 1st next Vn nartlcular Inquire at room 22 Brevman Btck. WANTED "RltiS AND CARPETS SAVE-TOUR OLD CARPET AND clothing. Have them made Into ruga. Salem Fluff Rug Co., :75 Mill street M1SCELLASEOIH HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rags. Pressroom States man. WANTED TO RENT A FIVE OR SIX room, completely furnished, modern houae, within walking distance to Suite Hoimc. ' l'hone 160. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY auto sun vice- SHIPPTS AUTO SERVICE CITT AND country trips. Phone Day. 63; ntrht. 159. TIRES HEPAIREO VCLCAHIZIHO GATES HAJiF-SOLE TIRE 8ERVICH Station 'HI. South Commercial 8t phone 428. QUACKENBU3H AUTO 2TOPPLT AND Vulcanising. 21 North Commercial street. Phone 66. BRACKETT GRAT TUBES VUL canlsed. 26c. Retreading our apeclsl ty. Free service car. Phono 1400, "..17$ North Commercial. j WATT 8HIPP CO. RETREADS AND r sections tubes 25c up. Service ear. Phone 161. 123 South Commercial street PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR.' F. L, UTTER. DENTIST, ROOMS 413-414 Bank, of Commerce Bldg. Phone Mt'SIC TEACHERS R HARR. TEACHER OF PIANO. I Phone 1383. PHYSICIANS DR. L. G. ALTMAN. HOMEOPATHIC , Physician. Office and residence 1?4 North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD OF TOEMAM MEETS EVERT WEDNESDAY EVEN- Ing In Masonic Temple, fifth floor, at I o'clock. All visiting nr lemoerv wel come. Horace Sykes. Foreman, W.I H. Pmnk. correspondent MODERN-WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 5246. meets every Thursday evening at s oclock I. fkAK Kitllill. m A I High streets. R, F. Day. V. C; J. A. I Wrlsrht. elrelt. BUSINESS CARDS AUTO DELIVERY RAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER-1 ed any place, city or country. Phonal 44 or 2081-R. W. W. Flaher. BARBER SHOPS SEND THE CHILDREN HERE WHERE vou are assured of perfect hair trim ming: Just the way you want It. I Ingrey'a Barber Shop. 311 State street. CHI ROPRACT IO DR. O. L. SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. 8. C Chlropractica fountain head. Davenoort. Iowa. Cbirooracue cor rects- the causa of disease. Office I 404-7-1. TJ. S. N. Bank BuUdlng. Phono 37. Bealdehea 321-B. bRAVi ATfCTMXPRES CAPITAL CITT TRANSFER COMPANY Phone til, Salem's largest ana nesti quipped transrer company, uei our reduced freight rates on eastern shipments. Also for storage as we I have three warehouaes In connection I with business. Furniture moving. I packing, shipping and- storing our specialty. Office 161 South Commer rial street. - CH1XESB PHTSlClAlt. DR. L. M. HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 163 8. Hiarh St. Phone 23. 1 DRY CLEANING AND PRE9SIHO JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. 8. Watanabe. Prop 424 N. Commer cial St. Ladiea' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and Dressed. 11.26 and $1.76. Work called for and delivered I free. Telephone Main 652. JUNK JCNK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST I price for Junk or every kino. Lot us make you a price on your household roods. too "square veai uoui Capital Junk Co ' Street. Phone 393.. 271 Chomeketal FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND 1 hand rood a. Highest market prloes for Junk and hides. The People's Junk and secondhand store, i7i-o.i Commercial. Phone T4. - HAIR REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE HAS PROVEN SUC- eesafuL Applied nere or soia ior home use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. I 223 Hubbard Bldg. LACXDRTES SALEM STEAM LAUNDRT O.UICK delivery and careful work. Dry waah So per pound. 136 South Lib-1 erty street Phone 26. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRT REG ular waahlnr done at a rate every body can afford. For only 30 cents we will collect, wash and deliver your washing within twenty-four hours. Phone 2471. - - . MACHINISTS 1 WE DO MACHINERT REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile repairing, oxy- pairing.- model and experimental! work. Iowa Machine Shop. U. v. Brown, prop., 253 Cbemeketa St,' Sa - lem. OSTEOPATHY American School osteopathy, .iras - treats acute ana enronic disease. Office. 404-40$ U. B. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone fl. Resi dence 410 North Summer. Phon 414. DRS. WHITE A WALTON. OSTEO n.ihio. nhvslcans and surgeon. Uraduatea of the American School of Osteopathy. Klrkavllle. Mo. Post graduate and specialized In nervous , diseases at Los Angelea College. Treat acute and chronic diseases, nrri &S5-C-7-S. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Phon 853. Residence,! laze Court street. Phone 2215. Dr. I White, residence phon 469. "WCRSERfES. KRUITIVND NURSERT SALES TARD i.... mnvwi thlr stock to the country. route 6. Salem, phone 100F21. Special! f trice on grafted walnut and Ital an prune. A. J. Mathls. proprietor. NURSERY, STOCK AT HALF PRICE TO Clean up. J11 at Jones nursery Auburn east of asylum. Howard Jones, route 6. Salem. aBCoyiTTiAirp coops urn tiTTV AKD SELL 8ECOND HAND I good of U kind, pip flttlnge. by- BMI. collars, coiiai . i h-ins. Fred Bchladlar. 364 Center BUMt. . . ; UNDKRTAKERt WEBB St CLOUdlPC. B. WEBB. A. Clough. funeral directors. Latest Clough. funeral directors. - Latest 1 modern methods known to the pro- f.ulnn 4S7 Pf.nrt alM.t I TRANSFER--H AVXXHO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANT KIND of hauling. Household moving lobe done prompt It. Try me once. Tlmm a. 471 State St. Phono tls. Realdeace vne 1U-J. WALL PAPER. PAINT Glenn l. adams for house dec- coratlag. painting, tinting, paper, banging, ate. Work dona by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St. Phone 616-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at Buren's Furniture Store. 179 Com merclal St. SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Ft ami a g. Good vorkm). 411 Court Rt Phone 466. WATER- SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE. 101 a Commercial street. For water service apply at office, Malta all complaints at the office. No deductions In Mils will be allowed for absenca or for muim whatever nntnu nttr la cut off from premises. iieree.rter i water fo Irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic purposes. Con tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or plastering, will pleaaa read "fo? building purposes" under schedule of I rates. Apply at orflce for copy. WOVEN WIRE FEJfCIXO Depot Hatloaal Jt Aaeevieaa Fen. aU alaee. 2 Us. to SS lav high. Paints. Oils and VarmJasw , Steve Renault an4 HepaJred Loganberrr and Mep Heoka. Salsa restee Jt Steve Werks. ZSO Conrt St. Ffcawo 1S4 R. B. FKHlSOr WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery .Call or Telephono lilt . . i , - SALEM MARKETS nunxo PRICK Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, 32c. ... Old roosters. 13 to' 14c. SUgs. 16 to 18c - Pork, Mutton and Beef. Pork on foot, 15 to 16c Ewes. B ;to 8c ' ' -Veal, dressed. 16 to lie Spring lamb, 19c. : Beef steers, 7 to tc; cows, 4 to 8c Bulls. 4 to 6c i Hay Cheat, per ton, $23. Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton, $22. Grain, i Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oats, $1.' . ; Beans, 10c " Mill Feeds. Retail. Bran, per ton, $36. Shorts, per ton, $38. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country; butter, 45c Creamery butter, 45c ' Butterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 42c Fish. Salmon Trout. 30c. Steelheads. 25c, Salmon, Chinook, 25c Halibut, 23c. Codfish. 15c. VegeUblea. Lettuce, erate, $3. Celery. 0c. Nebraska-rice corn, 12c Bananas, 7c. - Apples,. $1.25 to $2.25. Lemons. $6.00 to $7.00. Dromedary date, $6. - Retail Prleea. Creamery butter, 65c Eggs, 35c Flour, bard wheat, $2.80 to $3. t Flour, valley, $2.50 to 42.60. Sugar, cane and beet. 11 lb. $1 Potatoes, sack lots. $1.25. PORTLAND MARKETS Dairy Produce. - ' PORTLAND. May . 2. Butter: Prints, extras, 44 0 45c; eubes, ex tras. 39c; prime firsts.' 38c; dairy, 30c. 1 Butterfat: Portland delivery No. 1 sour cream, 43c ' Potatoes. Potatoes: Buying price Locals. 754785c; selUng price, 75c$l; new California S, 6Vx9C. drain. PORTLAND, May 2. Grain. May delivery Oats, ! No. 2 white feed, $62: barley, standard feed, $53. Eastern oats and corn In bulk: I Tt tA. r Mrt V whit. X57 XX. i pounu cnip-. wuir, No. 3, yellow, $63; No. 3,'mUed, $63. Selective Draft Men Are Honored Upon Departure The eroun of selected men met at the court house at'the appointea tuna yesterday, were given. final instm tibns by Attorneys Hall ana snieias, and were ' addressed briefly by Rev. F. T. Porter. In company with a group of G. ; A. R- veterans they marched to the Southern Pacific de pot. headed by the Cherrian Dana discoursing spirited selections. J l The men who left yesterday were: Harl O. Clancy, Des Monies, Iowa. Hollls G. Ingels. Salem. t Charles E. Woods, Cascade. Lpcka. Ivan Darby, Sllverton. " ' Edmund C. Warner, Sllverton. j . Ferdinand E. Barniclf. Salem. Ralph W. Miller. Salem. aiDEAI ECTATEIRAHV QTRIIfPQ 111. Ml. .il I I . WANTED TO BUY 7 OR Jt ROOM modern homo In Salem, phone 270. SAW MILL FOR SALE. ALSO SOME choice farm. Scott. 404 Habbard building. FOR SALE OR TRADE. GOOD 120 acre homestead relinquishment. Phone 1522-R. FOR SALE MODERN S ROOM BTJNQ alow at a real sacrifice. - Bargain worth investigating. For particulars phone 812-W. FOR 8ALE 11 ACRES OF LAND. .Quarter mile from Claxtar: 3126 an acre. Will aell half. If Oeslred. John wesiey. saiem. route s. Phone S7F4 A GOOD BUT 25x10 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street, one door north of State street, Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x50Vj feet tract extending from this property to State street. Terms Apply Scott Bosorth. 701-2 Spauldlng Bid., Portland, Oregon, rj unu nAma iuurc enufcni i and you would sell. We charge no commission for putting buyer ana seller together. For further Infor mation address Oregon Realty Ex chnge Investment Co.. Inc.. 14 Breyman Bldg., Salem. Oregon; Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Eugene. Oregon and 2501 Third tst Portland. FOR SALE FARM ABOUT 100 ACRES bottom land, 110 upland, on Oregon Electric. Livesley station. Gooo houses, barnat springs, also mineral springs. In house. Address Charles Hen mid. 293 Ivy Street, rortland. Oregon. . Will sell one half, three quarters or alL " FOR SALE WELL IMPROVED FARM ef 215 acre In Douglas county; 26S acres cultivated and In crop. Inqlure John H. Hair, 225 North ZUth St- ea lem. Oregon, RENTER WANTEB AT ONCE FOR 400 acres. of farm land In Sutherlln Valley. Oregon. Muat have equip ment and be financially able to sum mer fallow and sow to fall grain 3ft acres of land. Call Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. A. C. Bohrnstedt. 401 Masonic Temple. Sa lem. Oregon. 120 ACRE FARM AND STOCK RANCH near Silver Falls, a beautiful place. A Salem owner finds It a little too far out for his use. and will exchange it for a nice small acreage closo w Salem. There la something of ai opening to cater to the public sum raer season If .such la agreeable to entertain. See William Fleming. 341 state street ler particulars. ALSO IN THE SAME VICINITT A 200 acre place at $50 an arte. Not leas than $2500 cash required time on an equal amount and property for the balance. Place sold at 112000 and foreclosed. Owners have gone from the state and say liquidate. See Win. Fleming. 341 State SC. room 7. WE HAVE SEVERAL PLACES OP different values, small reaidences to .! sell on installment plan, and at two I thirda their original coat about, and one at much less than that rate, a 6 room modern bungalow. See Win. f Fleming Realty Co. Alao a 16 acre 1 tract fine for" Loganberries and close i in cheap. ,, BARGAIN 10 ACRES LOCATED ON main road eaat of Salem, good aoil well drained our room house .good barn, large hen houae. wood ahed and other out buildings, bearing fruit trees, half acre loganberries, a snap at $2500. look at It and make an of fer. Have a new six room bungalow, basement, furnace,- fire place. ' all built In fixtures, worth $2500 make us an offer. Houses for rent. F. L. Wood. Bayne Bldg. 1 10 ACRES OF LAND 24 MILES FROM Salem, s acres in cultivation, good S room houae. barn and other out buildings about 4 acres wf commerc ial apples. Some strawberries. 24 acres gooseberries, to exchange for a good residence In Salem. A 6 room modern houae In Salem and good collateral paper for farm up to $10,000 Dallas. See Perrine Maraters. 402 Hubbard Bldg phone 207. FOR SALE 17 ACRES OF ORCHARD In rirat class condition, six years old. English walnuts. Italian nrunea and cherries, macadam road, four miles from Salem, this Is a snap, price $4500. 100 acre farm. 40 acrea under cultivation, balance timber and pas ture, some fine bottom land, running water, houae and barn, price $40 per acre. 6 acres, all cultivated. 3 room plastered house, barn. well, maeadam road. 24 miles out. Price $1000. 112 acre Howel Prairie farm. 125 acres 'cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber good farm buildinga. price $26000. If you want to buy. trade or sell, see us. W. H. Grabenhorst A Co., 27 State street t LOOK AT THISA REAL OPPORTUNITY, About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110. acres clear; about 6S acres - la stump paature: balance la chol. piling timber and oak grub. Timber alone worth $10,000. New four- room bouse, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cow and four horses; new pig pen and new milk house. Water piped from fin soring to all buildinga Will sell the whole at a great bargain. Very easy terms. 4 per cent Interest Address L.. owner, car The Statesman. Prize Is Awarded to Mrs, . I C. D. Query at Livesley LIVESLEY. Or., May 2.A ver: delightful evening was passed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Johnson I last Thursday by the women of the G. T. clnb and their husbands. The igames and contests conducted hy Miss Leila Johnson were enjoyed by all. In character sketching., con I test. wh!ch caused much merriment. i the prize was won by C. D. Query - 1 During the evening a beautiful cut i glass dish wias presented to Mrs. I Johnoso as a birthday, gift from I the G. T." members. Delicious i "Hoover. refreshments w-e served - ltte in the evenln;. Those present i were Mr. and Mrs. .W. V. Johnson. IMlss Leila Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. S. Davenport. Mr. and Mrs. James Fid- ler.'Mrs. T. Holly. Mrs. Alice Cool Idge, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Fidler. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Kogle, Mr. and Mrs. FWiwab, Mr. and Mrs. Townee tv1. Mr. and Mr. C. D. Puery. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Dressier, Gladys Dressier. IllXXLiU A U 1 11LL&.1AJ CORN IiIARKETS Signs That Recent Selling Has Been Overdone Is Held Responsible CHICAGO. May 2. Signs that the selling of late hasl been greatly over done led to a sharp rally today In the corn markeL. Prices closed strong to 2 He net higher, with May $1.27 and July $1.47. Oats fin lshed U to 1 cent lower. The out come In provisions ranged from 65c decline to a rise of 15c. Too much enthusiasm among the bears In corn resulted from the fact that reasonable .temperatures and plenty of sunshine appeared' to be assured for at least the next two or three . days. The . consequent free selling with which the day began carried down prices to about 9 cents a bushel below the top level of last uV At hla nnliit larirtV i Kf I a th. hnlnr M hilt fnilTTd that ltl'7 was difficult to-cover. Propectlvo scantiness of supplies from rural sources gave further emphasis to the view that improved conditions for plowing and planting had been more than discounted, and, that decided upward readjustment was In order. Government purchases or 250.000 bushels . checked weakness in oats. Previously there: had been pronouas ed bearish sentiment on account of absence of export demand and bo- cause of the excellent .crop outlook. Provisions Influenced by the com 'bulge recovered partly, from declines doe to lower quotations on bogs. Macleay Is Listening to Revival Addresses MACLEAY. May 3. Revival meet Inga are now holding the Interest of the neighborhood." Guy Fitch Phelps. Salem's evangelist, began to hold a series of meetings In the grange hall Sunday of this week. He win con tlnue them each night, Saturday ex ceoted. for another week or m .or. For the convenience of the farmers who have evening work, the meet Inrs do not begin until 8:30.- The Ladies Aid met at the Charles Garrett home yesterday for Us regu lar Mar session. Red Cross wor held the attention of the mesdamca who gathered. Hoover style luncn- eon was. ser ved at noon. The next session of the Aid will be held either at the Theron Russell or Onle Martin home, crop conditions being the deciding factor. miii Hilda Lents, who returned from the Salem hospital last week, la able to be out again, although, as ah anva "it's awfully slow." ; Dur ing her sickness she received many Hfts from her friends. New doors have been hung at the Gran re hall, and rew flooring put tn 7 in the, entr way. The im- nmmnti were made by the Grange. , Mr. and Mrs. Perry Taylor are an HHnatlnr a short automobile trip to southern Oregon. They Intend to stop at Roseburg and Grants Pass during the trip. , , in a letter to his mother, Mrs. Henry Yung. Guy, who Is "Some where In France." said he was being well treated and fed, and. on the -rhnia was en loving life. He was not aeoarated from any of the mem bers of the regiment who had gone rmm thla neighborhood.' D. J. Miller will soon build a new barn. Id place of the one which was rcentir destroyed by fire, wmwi will be hauled today. Mr. : and Mrs. George Hlgglns, Mr. and Mrs. John Watson. The women belonging to the Red Cross auxiliary here spent Wednes day wltn Mrs. C. D.' Query working onS Red Cross qullt which Is to be sold at an early date. John Watson and family moved to a farm in Kelxer Bottom last Tues day. . V. Walter Bowman nd family are spending the week with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Bowman- - William Meier, who Is living In Portland, spent Sunday at his farm here. - F. M. Jasper of Portland, former castor of Livesley church, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Carpenter Monday night. Mayday exercises will be held at the school Friday afternoon. Mabel Ekln"has been chosen May queen. Mr. and Mr. IL It. Carpentrr spent the week-end In Portland vis iting friends. . Colorlos a hit Facts ICWTCSS DAY ENHANCES -GAIN IN STOCK - Mi Preceding Session Outlined ' by Activity in Board of . Trade i - . NEW YORK. May 3. Stocks sub stantially enhanced today, their gajns of the preceding session, but pioflt taklng made moderate Inroads before the close. Although trading' Tre quently halted, there were, .marked Indications of a revival of public .In terest or supporL - - The further strength of rails prob ably was based on the liberal policy of government regarding financial assistance, although the better-earnings already submited for March promise much' needed relief from the mid-winter's adverse conditions. . Equipments easily led the entire movement, United States SteeJ re peating its previous maximum, of the Ye' year at a gross advance of 1 to Republic Iron and superior Steel were 2 and three points higher, while Bethlehem Crucible and Lackawanna steels gained one to one and a half, points. - Shippings were the only reaction ary shares, although American Ship building was conspicuous for its gain of eight points. Sales amounted to 475.000 shares. Bonds were Irregular, liberty first and second four's yielding to later pressure. Sales, par value, aggregat ed $6,150,000. United States bonds. old Issues were unchanged en calL May Day Festival Will SftTrt cf University Today The following prorram for the May day exercises Is announced for Willamette university today: 12 o'clock, noon Dedication of new cement walk. 12:30 Student march. Music by Chemawa bnd. 12:45 Distribution of 2000 copies of special Issue of The Col legian." Indian xlub swinging. 1:15 Military drill by fclga school cadets.. 2:10 Basketball, Alumni v. Varsity. ; 8:00 Junior play. "The Junior. YffitTTABLES SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. ' HHktoea4 Va. IS Oregon Ex or ess ..... 6r0Ii No. 64 Oregonlan .... ......6:16a., Ke. 21 Willamette Limited.. 0:20a.. No. 11 Portland Passenger.. 1:15 p.i No. 24 Cooa Bar !: i No. 12 Shasta Limited 7:op.m. No. 14 Portland Kxpress 3:10 pjn, No. 221 Local Way Freight. .t:9 a.m. No. 222 Portland Fast Frelghtl:3( pn No.. Ne. No. No. No. No. No. 63 Oregon iaa 3:30 a.m. 22 Coos Bay lt:tla-tn. 16 California Express ..10:61 a-nv. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4:20 p.m. 11 Phasta Limited ..... 5:41 p.m. 37 Willamette Limited.. 6:10p.m. It San Francisco Pass,. .10.17 p No. 221 San Fran. Fast FrU. .11:41 a. nr. No. 227 Local Way Freight.. 11:01 a-aa ALKSf-CKER LTTB No. No. T3 Arrive at Balam . 9:11 74 Leave Salem.... ...' 3:66 p.m. ALEX. FALLS CITT A WE91EHH 161 Leavea. Salem, motor .... 7:S6a.n 161 Leaves Salem, motor.... t :11a.m. 166 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40p.m. Through car to Monmouth and Aril 167 Leavea Salem, motor ... 1:41p.m. 169 Leaves - Salem, motor.. :67 pa. 22 Way Freight leaves Salem 6:40 a-m. I6S inives at Salem t:20a.an. 164 jtrrlvea at Salem 11:00a. 1C4 Arrive at Salem ....7... 3:60 p.m. 161 Arrives at Salem ;.. 6.16p.m. 170 Arrive at Salem ........ 7:26 p.m. 240 Way Freight Ar. Saletn.. 3:10 p.m. t ORECOX ELKCT RIC Train Leave No. r Portland 1 4:20 am 6 Ltd. ..3:20 am 7 10:46 4m Arrlvo Salem :16 am 10:11 am 12:50 Pm or en 10:66 am 12:26 pm t 2:06 tm 4:16pm- f-8W 6:40 pm 3:60 pm 8:06 pm ' Etlem sly 11:30 pm . Salem only 1:65am 6:60am 18 Ltd. ..4:40 pm 17 6:05 pm It 3:20 pm 21 11:46 pm North Bank Button leav Jeffer son Street 13 and 10 minute later j t Vert Train Leave Arrive Arrtva No. Euren 2- ....12:06 an Salem ' Portland 4:26 am 4:60am 7:13 am . 3:26 am :45 am 11:16 ana 11:10 am -, , 1:20 pm 1:60 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 3:46 pea 6:14 pm 7:40 pm 7:65 Dm ' 10:00 e 10 fid.'. 7:43 am IX 14 11:18 am 14 Ltd. ..1:65 pm 10 4:10pm 13 4:ipm xNorth Bank Station -(Arrtva Jef far- no Street IS minute earlier). Lav CorvaUl. OORTALtIS 4J4JS .1 CCTlUgS Nertht Leave Corvallla Arriv Sales. :45eaa 1:60 am 4:00 pm 3:20 pm . - ' 7:66 pm 8:26am 12:12 pm 2:41pm 4:10 pm :is pm Leav -1em Arrive CorvaUit :67am , 11:23 am ' -3:30 pes . 1:16 pm . aepsa . V.-26 am 10:16 am 12:66 pm 4:16 pm 4:40 pm Ueautiful Bast and Shoulders " ' re paaaibl if yea will wear sricvtiScaJly const rted Stca Joli Bfassirr. The drscriar weicht of aa aacMi4ed bs4 atietchea the sapportiag lIis that the coo tour ef the aga is spoiled. . f fcHJLia pat the bwt brk vliev It he- MfLVli loBca. prevent -the fail beat froes Af 1TXI r? haviag the apecar ace wt Sab- . . ju, qT liVj biaesa. elieiiaau the daarrr ef rT3 a, c J C1 rj p C drama ssaacle sad ca Site the i,a ef the saoalder gvin graceful line t the entire appcf body. ' They are the daintiest aad msst senkeablersn neats hwagt nablt i ocss I all BMtcriaU aad styles: Cna Umrk. Ilouk ' r nUSnrplire. Baadea.etc Boned with " Wtkan," the matlsM busing-pcnaitUag washing wltboet re ao J. Have yoer dealer shew yoe Blea Jolie Bn ualerea. If net stork ed, we will gladly aend Uiom, prepaid, saiplna te show .' DE.SJAMIN it JuIIN'lS, 61 Warren Street. Newark. N. J As Age Advances the liver Ileqxxires cciilsasl sCght sti-nnatioa. CARTER'S LTTLX UVER FILLS cam ct CONSTIPATION. WlraaisSM Wm4L r4. t TTT- vdMch W s dr aa if wiiu una 1 1