The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 03, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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, . -Hartmaa Brothers offer you the opportunity to select your
; Jewelry, and Silver Ware from a stock of ajways kept well filled
ijwltb all thenewest and most beautiful designs.-
. J State and IJbrty Streets.
Quality Service ' V ivire
OREGON- State street near
O. E. depot. Home of Artcraf t
and P a r a m ou n t pictures.
Edna Bennett In ''Naughty,
Naughty." r
IJBERTY I I o rt y near
State "dur JJttle Wife.'Vwlth
Madge Kennedy.
k BUGH State between iJb
, erty and High, Mutual and
Bluebird films. Special films. :
"The Garden of Allah," featur
ing Helen Ware.
"Society MceU Friday
- The missionary society of the First
Presbyterian church will meet in the
church parlors Friday, May 3. at
2:30. There will be a report from
; the Presbyterlal delegates and the
subject will be "Immigration." led
by Mrs. Carl II. Elliott and Mrs. W:
H. Emmons. f
Knkrr m Moonllsfct RId
To the big dance; at. Rlckreall to
night. , L
:". ? - ' !
Everybody's Going to Rickreall
Mrs. Lillian Hunt, Miss Pelts. Bud
De Lapp. ; Warren. Hunt. William
,Christinson. Jeff McDougal and
Homer Sauter are the personnel that
will put on a big dance at Rlckreall
tonight. ,
Enjoy a Moonlight Ride
- To the big dance at Rlckreall to
.. . i
Wanted. Twenty Women
r In preparatory department. Good
wares. Eight hour day. Apply at
once. Salem King s Products Cor
With Our. Complete EauHment
. Refined services and latest meth
ods ot embalming, 'twill be a 'funer
al beautiful." , Webb A Clough Co.
Towns' Man Wanted, f
To learn printing trade. Good
- wages while learning. Apply States
man'jDomposlng, Room, upstairs.
" . '' ' ,:
, "A. Rom Away from Rome.
trictly Modern $1.0 Per Day
IN Rmbm ef all4 Osafort
Oaly Hotsl In Business District
r Salem Velie Cos Phone 44
Oregon Taxi & Baggage Co.
1. Phone 77
Try our Checking System on
Baggage. Claim Check for avery
.parrel handled. .. . .
. i Buy One
At -.
Welch Electric Co.
. 220 N. Com.
- Phona 953.
Used Fcrniture Wanted
Uisaest cash airiees ald fee useal
f aaltare .
! f " E. L. BTITP & SOW,
' - '; Phone 941 on 608
Doctor White
Diseases of Women and
Nervoui Diseases
601 United SUtea National Bank
a Building, Salem, Oregon '
Day phone ,
'5i ' ; 930 '
. . Night phono
, - 198-
Efficiency Speed
t? " Responsibility
J. We ."will pack, move or store
. your goods and guarantee sat
v Isf action. 1 ' -
, Rates on Eastern : Shipments
. our specialty.
piano Movtng and Out of Town
" , Trips.
457 State Street.
New Family Coming
R. P. Rozell. a visitor at the Sa
lem Commercial club yesterday, an
nounces that he has bought a home
In Salem and intends to make his
domicile bere for the rest of bis
days. Mr. Rozell's new home will
be at 280 Richmond street in East
Salem. Mr. Rozell's family is still in
Hancock. Wis., whither he has gone
to bring them back with Aim to the
Willamette valley. He has a wife
and three children. He has purchas
ed also a twenty-acre ranch and will
devote his time to the culture, of
prunes and walnuts. Mr. Rozell was
for some time agent for the C. M.
&. St. P. at BeverleyJ , Wash., and
acted while there as secretary of the
Beverley Commercial club.
Big Dance at Armory
Saturday night. The coolest and
best place to enjoy yourself.
Player Piano
I have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for S562. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor
tunity for anyone wanting a high
grade Instrument at a low price. E.
L. Stiff tt Son. 446 Court St.
The Calptal National Rank
Wants nine hundred ninety-nine
thousand' nine hundred ninety-nine
subscribers for $50 liberty bonds on
the Installment plan; which with
President Wilson's last subscription
of $50 will add fifty-million dollars
to the third liberty loan.
Go Wher the Crowds
. Armory, Saturday night.
The Rebekah Drill Team x
Will put on a fancy drill with
progressive cards following I. O. O.
F. hall. May 3. 8 o'clock. Admission
10 cents. All Invited, v
Bdsslonary Meeting
- The missionary department of the
Women's Union of the First Congre
gational church will meet this after
noon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. McCilchrist on South. Commer
cial street. All members and friends
are cordially Invited to be present.
Gloves, All Kinds
Auto gloves, work gloves, $1.25 to
$6. Shafer's Harness Store, 170 S.
Commercial street, south of Ladd ft
Bush Bank. .
Rridse Bid
Notice is hereby given that seaiea
bids will be received at the county
clerk's office in Salem, Oregon, up
to the hours of 2:00 o'clock, p. nw
on Monday, May 6, 1918, for-the in
stallation of the electric lighting sys
tem on the Salem bridge over the
Willamette river as per plans and
specifications prepared by - state
highway "commission. Plans and
specifications are on .Tile in said
clerk's office and with the state
highway commission, capitol build
ing, Salem, Or. U, G. Boyer, County
Clerk. i . .
Player Piano
I have a $750 Singer player piano
which I will sacrifice for $562. It's
an unusual bargain a rare oppor'
tunlty for anyone wanting a high
grade instrument at a low price. E
L. Stiff ft Son. 446 Court St.
- .
i At
Cor. Ferry and Liberty Streets
- 10:30 A. M.
Horses, Hacks, Plows, Harness,
Tools. Etc -if
1:30 P. M.
Household Furniture and other
F. N. W00DRY
THE Auctioneer '
y Phones 510 or 511
Note: I will buy your furnW
t lire, tools, farm miirhlnorv-'
auto 1 1 res, and In fact anythius
of value. See me before yon
I ay the highest rush price.
Jlefore you sell, get my prices.
I alno buy all kinds of second
hand furniture and Junk.
The Square Deal Iloune.
271 Chemekela Ht. Phone 398
Initial Bond Payments Due
The managers and committeemen
in charge of the liberty bond cam
paign have been working themselves
to the frayed edge in the .endeavor
to get everything lined up by Satur
day night when the campaign closes.'
Attention is called to the fact that
a number of bond subscribers have
not as yet made their inital pay
ment on subscriptions, and they are
urged to give the matter Immediate
attention. '' While they may have' the
best intentions and their signatures
may be a guarantee of payment, these
subscriptions cannot be officially rec
ognized until these initial payments
are made. If by chance there are
those who do not consider these obli
gations a urgent as eo me others the
fact should be emphasibed that nei
ther board bills, grocery bills or f rist
mortgages should take precedence
Dver a pledge to the government in
a time like, the" present.
Dentists to Clone
The following dentists will close
their offices Saturday afternoons
from May 4 to October 4: Drs. Epley
& dinger. Darby & Burton. F. L.
Utter, Mark Skiff, Beechler & Ellis,
Smith & Bowman. O. A. Olson.
At The Police Station
' A. L.
Utoiint f xrt A-t a I
C. D. Ross of this city, were called
to account yesterday for high speed
ing on the city streets an deach de
posited a fine of $5 for the hurry-
up. T. Wilford. of Silverton. who
was taken into custody. Wednesday
Dy an oincer ror being In an intoxi
. ,. ....j
to insure his appearance ,wa- declar-
eu iorieuea to me cur., 1
. . ! ' " I nil I
Moose hall. Sat. night. 8.30.
and pleasant. , W. L. Bryant, mgr.
Fun-?ral On Sunday-
Awaiting the arrival of a daughter
from San Francisco, the funeral of
the late Robert Tindall will not be
held until Monday, the services to
be at Sherburne. The body is at the
chapel of Webb A Colugh. Mr. Tin
dall . died Wednesday night at his
home, four miles east of Salem.
Vital SUtisUes for April
The records of City Health Officer
Miles show that during the month
mere were twenty-seven deaths with-
tn tne city, or wnicn fifteen were
male and twelve female. About half
of the number were old people of 70
years and upward. As usual the
number of births was slightly in ex
cess of tne deaths In the city.
Salem Fmlt Company-
Pays highest cash price for egc. I
any quantity. 267 S Commercial St.
... v . . .
Donald Couple Wedded-- , '
A marriage license was Issued yes
terday to Cecil Lander and Florence
E. O'Connor, both of Silverton. The
couple were subsequently married at
the office of City Recorder Earl Race.
Cool And Cheerful-
Dance at Moose hall. Sat night'
8:30. . .
New Firm Comes In
Carstens ft Earls, lumber and
shipbuilding firm of Seattle, capital
ized at $300,000, will operate In Or
egon and N was issued a permit yes
terday by Corporation Commissioner
H. J. Schulderman. , Chriss A. Bell
of Portland Is Oregon representative
of the firm.
Social and Athletic Notes
From WiUamete University
After the close of the program of
the Philodorlan socley ' Wednesday
night there followed the election of
officers for the ensuing year. Homer
Tasker. manager of the Wallulah,
was elected president. Roswell Waltz
vice president. Howard Mort secre
tary, and David Lamson treasurer,
Joseph Bemer is to be the new cri
tic. and Bryan McKittrick reporter.
j Paul Green, the retiring president.
was cmicu Berseaui-ai-arnis. ; me
officers treat is scheduled to be held
after the rcgulaf program next Wed
nesday night.
The inter-class tennis tournament
is about to open at the university.
and this "tournament will decide
which men will -rep resent Willam
ette In ' coming, collegiate contests.
This year instead of having a men's
tournament to begin witb, each class
held a tournament of its own. The
two best men from each class are to
represent that) class In the intenders'
tournament. The freshman tourna
ment was the most difficult to de
cide as the class had over twenty
contestants at the start. McKittrick
and Davies have at last been chosen
GULUFORD In Salem. Thursday,
May 2. 1918, Miss Etta Gulllford,
who was 41 years old.' " '
' A private funeral will be held this
morning at the chapel of Webb A
Clough. A brother has arrived from
Woodburn to take charge. Rev. F.
T. Porter will conduct theservices
and the body will be sent to Telso,
Or., for burial.
to represent that class. Walker and
Adams will represent the seniors.
Nichols and Sparks the juniors, and
Doney and Dimick the . sophomores.
a Announcement
This is to Temlnd you that I am a
candidate for the office of mayor of
the citv of Salem. As a resident of
this city for the past fifteen 'years, a
business man. taxpayer and a mem
ber of the city council for four years,
I believe that I am qualified to give
n efficient and business-like admin
istration of the city affairs.
I favor the most rigid economy
and believe that civic Improvement,
unless vitally Important, should
wait until after this war, In order
that our resources may be conserved
in aiding Hie government.
If nominated and elected I shall
continue to perform my duties as a
public officer In the same conscien
tious manner which has guided me
In the past. Very truly yours. "
' Frank S. Ward.
(Paid Adv.)
Dave Nelson, and CL C. Nelson of
Snohomish. Wash., are guests at the
Arro hotel this week.
Mrs. O. Auld or Stockton. Cal.. la
In Salem this week and Is stop ipng
at the Arao hotel.
A. W Martin is a business visitor
In Salem this Week from Stockton
Miss Mabel Patrick has left for
Newnort for a month's vacation.
Mrs. Fred Hartley of Ely, Nev.,
and Mrs. B. Shorey of Roseburg. are
the1 house guests at the Home or
n Hartlav thla woek.
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Johnson of
Dallas were over Thursday visitors
In Salem
William Brown, will return to his
home 1n Salem the last of the week
after having sent the winter in Red
lands, Calif. "
C. T. Lane of Falls City made a
business trip to Salem the first of
the week
S. E. Ray of Salem left Wednes
day for Portland where he win spend
the summer,
Dr. W. J. Thompson returned to
day from Dallas, where he had been
attending to business mailers.
State Highway Engineer iterDen
Nunn left yesterday on a trip to
Al Lundsrom. who has been cm
ployed with the Watt Shipp store.
left yesterday for Eugene where he
win engage in tne repair Business.
... . . i
Mrs. L. R. Burkhead, of Mon
mouth, was among the visitors In
town yesterday.
Mrs. C. C. Campbell came over yes
terday from Dallas to spend the day
in town
Hugh K. Smith, of Silverton, was
in me cuy xm ousinesa yesusruaj.
cently withdrew from the firm of
Page & Pogue, has moved into quart
ers in the Ladd A Bush Bankv. build
ing, and has entered into partnership
with Mrs. Page who also is an at
Three-quarters of a trace ot pre-
clsltation was nrecipitated
ln mis
!"We?irSLUy hfftS
1" Wl. w .
I 1
Mr. and Mrs. c. t. Hernca.
Los Angeles,' were registered in the
citv vesterdav.
Mrs. O. Auld and L. W. Martin, of
Stockton,' Cat, were among the
guests at the Argo botel last nignt.
W. A McGllvary came up from
nanvonville yesterday on a business
W. T. Rlgdon attended the celebra
tion at Champoeg yesterday.
. .. t . .
County Christian; Endeavor
Workers Meet for Three
. Day Session
"Co-Workers With Christ" will be
the theme ofrthe fourth annual con"
ventlon or tne nrisnan"
sncietv for - Marlon county which
opens today at Hubbard, continuing
through Saturday ana sunaay.
. Committees appointed to prepa
for the convention are as follows:
Pmmm '.eommittee. Harold i.
Cook; registration. May crittenaon;
decoration. Winnie rrance; page.
Vesta Scholl: entertainment, Mrs.
Brown; social, Ruth Rosebraugb
music. Eva Richmond. '
; Sneakers will be H. C. Stover, Sa
lem: Howard McConnell. Dallas;
Edna Whipple Ute president f
the- Christian Endeavor society;
Carroll Roberts. president lr tne
Lane county union. Music during
Intermissions will be inrnisnea oy
Wendell Helm of the State School
for the Blind.
The program for the three days
Friday Evening.
7:30 Devotional and Song Serv
The Great Attraction 4
At our store Is the low prices.
While everything in the gro
cery line is going up, we are
holding down all that Is pos
sible. We have flour and. all
the substitutes, everything in
' the way ot "eats" for the fam
ily.. Drop In. and "get our prices.
- We will give you a square deal.
243 I'rIm St. rbeae IM
a. P. Ttefcet Offlee I t ttra
Don't swelter in the hot sum
mer weather when jou can
get a light weight all-wool
suit made to your personal
rJvjasure at practically the
price of good ready-to-wears.
We have a very large line
of high grade suitings from
-which you may make selec
tion Let us show them to you.
Regularly This Sprina Heed's s.rsa-
parilla Before Maala Pcptiron Attar.
This combination is having wonder
ful ucce-!i everywhere.
It is relieving rheumatlm.,expemiur
humor-, restoring lost apprt". living
the glow of health to the cheek-, mak
ing faces bright and complexion-clear,
and literally giving worn-ouU br-.'n-
fagged people new Atnoiuon ana me
strength of Iron. -
"For it combines that most useful or
all metals iron In a coijik of medi
cine that Is peculiarly effective.
Hood's Sarsaparllia is mane irom n
unsurpassed formula of blood-purifying
and stomach-toning remedies, and
Peptlron from pepsin. Iron, nux and
other blood and stomach tonics that
physicians prescribe. .- .
In cases where a cathartic Is needed.
Hood's Parsaparilla and .peptlron are
very effectively Supplemented by
HoodJ Fins,' relieving hihuuhp-,
constlnatlon. and all liver Ills.
Ice Alice JudO. Salem; Rev. .Long.
Hubbard. ' -
Welcome by County President Ro
berta Morton.
Welcome by Mayor Mayger of
Response by Delegate.
Special Music Alice Judd. ?.
8:15 Keynote Address Rev. II.
C. Stover, Salem.
9:00 Closing Watch,
Saturday Morning.
st -an-9 -00 Quiet Hour. .
9:00-9:15 Song Service, Alice
Judd. , '
9:15-9:30 Business Session.
Appointment of Committees.
9:30-10:30 Conference: J on I-
or, Mailne uiuoii. - war cr
Gladys 1 Parker. Press and Good
Literature, Harold Cook. Finance,
Carroll Robert. ....
10:30 Spelling Bee, Gertrude
Eakin. i Junior. Song, .Junior En
deavor, Hubbard. !
-11:00 Address, Carroll Roberts.
Saturday Afternoon.'
f : 1 : 20 rSong Service, Alice Judd,
1:45 Spice Boxsdtt minute re-
porta-from societies.) . ,
2; 15 Conferences: Missionary.
Emma - Moore. ; Lookout, iiowara
Zinser. Debate by Elolse Upson.
Praver' Meeting. Rhoda Persons.
Wilma ware.
3:1.5 Business Session: uepons
of Secretary. Report of Treasurer.
ReDort of County Committeee. Re
port of Nominating Committee. Elec
tion ot umcera.
4:00 Cabinet Meeting.
Saturday Fvening.
6:00 Banauet. Harold L. Cook
of Salem. Toastmaster.
7:30 Social Hour, under direc
tion df Ruth Rosebraugb of Hub
bard. -I '
9:30-10:00 Closing Watch. Hel
en Orr.
Sunday Mominjr. .
9:00 Quiet Hour. Helen Orr.
10:00 Bible School.
11:00 Address. H. . C. Stover.
Cabinet Banquet at Hubbard Hotel
Sunday, noon.
Sundar Afternoon.
2:30 Song Service, Alice Judd.
Devotional. Rev. Long. Hubbard.
2:45 Conferences: Intermediate
I Mrs! Bertha J. Darby.
Marking the
Chart, Mary Eyre. Life Work Re
cruit, Helen Orr.
3:30 "Co-Workers With Christ,'
Howard McConnell, Dallas.'
MODERN three room furnished
apartment. Water, light, heat,
phone, very central; only $22.50.
MODERN five room cottage close in;
$13 per month.
GOOD two rooms, furnished for
housekeeping; $12 per month.
- fHONE 743
Wanted, Junk
' Ail All Klsrfa ( Saa Has
..Pull Market rrlrrs Spsisl .
Frleea sl far Baeka
Get mv (triers aetara yaa ' sell.
,S71 W. Cassl St. Pkaaa 7S4
Used furniture, tools, farm
machinery and implements
of all kinds.
, W. W00DRY
The Anctipneer
, Phone 510 or 811-
$1.60 per cwt. for Cast Iron
85o per cm for Store Cast
$1XX per cwt, for Iron, Steel
Have you anything in that
line? '
No 1 Sacks. 15o each!
Dispose of it now j
Bring it to ns .
It'i a matter of dollars in
your interest to do so.
Salem 'i Leading Junk
Corner of Center and Court
- Phone 706
Watch for announcement on
Sunday Evening.
- 6:45 Pre-Prayer Service, Emma
Moore. 1 - '
7:00-i-C E. Meeting, Edna Whip
ple, Eugene.
. 8:00 Installation Service of New
County Officers, Edna Whipple. Eu
gene. ., i -
8t30 Closing.. Address, Howard
McConnell. Dallas, f - '. '
San Francisco Passes Quota
1 In Loan Subscriptions
SAN FRANCSICO, May 2.-Uber-ty
loan subscriptions actually sent to
the federal reserve bank from the
Twel fth Federal Reserve bank dis
trict, it was announced tonight, are
well beyond- the district's quota of
$210,000,000. Subscriptions not yet
reported and . others In the mall, it
was said, would make a total of more
than $260,000,000.
The goal of those in charge of the
campaign in. the. twelfth, district is
to establish a record for the nation
in the number of subscribers. Cam
paign Manager George K. Weeks,
said tonight that he believed every
county in the entire district win ex
coed its quota. - -"
Oregon and Southern California
and Nevada have reported every
county beyond the allotment. In
Arizona six of the nine counties have
exceeded their quotas. In Northern
Caliofrnla only two counties were
reported to be behind.
The total number of honor flags
awarded today in the district was
1182. California baa" received 517
flags; Oregon 351: Washington 205;
Idaho 80, and Alaska seven.
Bread That Tastes As Good
HOLSUM is just as good as it was before we began ,'1
using the substitute flours. " v: 7
Instead of losing any of its well known qualities,
HOLSUM VICTORY has gained through the use of the
new cereals. . v
'It Takes You Back to Younger Days'
"For economy and perfect briad -
: satia faction buv tht hs"t I5r - i . "
loaf ofHOIsSn ' " - - ;
rt -
Compound . .
A. A 11. Soda
3-gallon crock
6-gallon crock
8-gallon crock
'25c' Coffee ..
25c Coffee ...
Corn . .
Tomatoes .. '
Peas . .
I gaL Puritan
Corn Flour . .
Itarley Flour
Oat Flour
AH above, goods yte Rnarant.vr
money v ill be returned. .
Why Pay More?
Oppoalte. Court lloaso
.On High Mreet.
Ther e's No Danger
In Chiropractic
Chiropractors aid nature In doing its own work of eradicating
disease. No drugs no knife no dangerous method is used to
do away with the abnormal conditions.
Chiropractors remove the ca-e of the ailment. Nat ure then
performs the cure that is. it fiTHctions properly a condition that
preclude disease.
y. . '
4 Dr. O. L. SCOTT,
. Rooms 40n-7J, U. 8. National Rank Building.
' Office Pbone ST. Residence Phone 82KR.
positive -Convincing prC;
. i
We "publish the formula of Vbj- j
to prove convincingly that it has u !
power -io create siren gin. '
i R- Cod Liver and Beef Pep.
tones, . Iron and Manganese
- 'Peptonates. Iron and Aramo-
-nlam Citrate. Lime Cascarln.
Any Woman who buys a bottl
Vlnol for a weak, run-downnerroq
condition and finds after giving it i
fair trial it rid not help her,
have her money returned.
You see, there is no guess' worl
about Vlnol. Its foimula ' prot
there la' nothing like It for al) weii
run-down, overworked, nervous nsu
and women and for feeble old Pec;'. '
and delicate children. Try,U ontt
and be convinced. ' uUt.
Emll A. Scbafer, Drnggtstr Salen, '
and at the best drug store la eTery
town and city in the country. t
New Shipment Phoenix Hosier.
Just received by expreu.
. All"popular shades.""-"
Used to Taste
with cover
with cover
with cover
. 5c
. 0c
. 95c
. 1S
. 12e
. 12c
. . 6C
. . tc
.. fc
S- -
. .
Salad Oil
. I .. . .'. i
v ... 1
- V