The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, May 02, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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Zeebnigge Mole
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' 'l ' : . " ' MAP SHOWING OSTENP I : 0 . Kil-
sLOMOOM . 1 cnGur coast. ' . I ; ;
i P
This mole, wRlch juts out into the
North jSea.more than a mile and a
half from, Zeebnigge, thus forming
the harbor for-the town because
there la no natural hay to receive
ships, was the scene of the desperate
battle between ihe ' British raiders
uder Admiral Sir R. Y. Tj-rwhitt
and i Germans recehtly. The ad
miral led his men In cruisers to the
mole and boarded it.- After a fight
"the Germans ran jLnd much property
was destroyed by the Britisn. Two
old submarines , loaded with explos
ives were sent arainst"The sides to
L1ot7 up the mole. . , , ;
The map . shows the relation of
Zeebrugge and Ostend, points on the
CAMP LEWIS. Tacoma. Wash
May 1. Arrangements for a recre
ation hut for the-soldiers at work
-digging thertrehches and dugouts in
the divisionaljtyench field were made
today by the army Y. M. C. A. The
hut will be constructed wlth walls
of fir boughsand a tarpaulin for a
roof and will be bu lit by the men
themselves within' a day or two.
The soldiers digging the trenches
are quartered In tents on the grounds
and are too far away from the rest
of the camp to enjoy the facilities of
TODAY r'-;r
ill - - ' - J '..
L ;: .y tymmmm
1 'i'f ' I":- r:-"; . Vv;
-1 - U : mtr vs d
Think Of A Beauttful Bride TaWrHer
Rejocfcd-Suitors On Her Honeymoon
CAN you Imagine the feelings of the frantic husband with three
loveskk rivals at his tVb&tt Can you picture the plots, jeal
ousks, suspkkis and accusations? And, can you imagine anyone
on earth who can get the drama and the fun out of this role so
werfany as beautiful f - i u U,
Th'.story U
Our Little
from thi ttaqt tuccett
' Use this coupon and enjoy pleasant afternoon at the
Three of these coupons of cons ent ire dates will be exchanged at
Tlw STATFLX office for a ticket which will admit one person to
any matinee except Saturday and Sunday, by paying 5c -
this critrox is dati:d .tiitrsd ay. ly 2. tots
Blown Up by British Under
Belgian., coast, which the ; Germans
have made : their submarine bases,
to the coast of England and the
English1 channel. Roth joints were
attacked by the raldisg force under
Admiral Tyrwhltt.' Neither towa has
a harbor, so small vessels and nar
tlcularly submarines have entered
the cabals " for refuge and repairs.
The admiral sank three did cruisers .
filled with cement at the mouth of
the canal leading from Zeebrugge to
Bruges, so submarines will be bot-
tied u; there, and those at sea will I
not be able to get in. j He ran two
more cruisers toward the mouth of
the canal at Ostend. but there was
some donbt If they j reached Its
mouth. - , . I
the Y, huts or afmy canteens. They
have been working In "eight-hour
shifts and their only means of rec
reation, has been baseball games,
quotls and volley ball with equip
ment brought to the grounds each
noon by Y secretaries.
The new hut will have provisions
for writing letters, reading and
lounging. Games "will be provided
and plans call for the construction of
a motion picture screen oh which pic
tures can be thrown by means of a
projector connected with an automo
bile magneto.
'The men miss most the candy
which Is supplied by their regiment-
for v,i
6y Avery llopwood
Admiral Tyrwhltt
ai canteens ana mere will be a can-4
teen in the hut to fill the needs in
this direction. A secretary will be
assigned to permanent duty at the
trench camp. - .
Attractive quarters hare been fit
ted out by First Lieutenant John W
Lawton of Berkeley, of Company M.,
363rd infantry. In a stone walled
hut, covered with tarpaulin, which
is about five t fiom the ground
at Its highest point. Lieutenant Law
ton has built a fireplace of stone
with a wooden shelf above for-"toilet
articles. A tiny, front yard not as
the ordinary bedroom contains a
gravel walk and sundial and is sur
rounded by. a log- fence. Lieuten
antLawton has constrcted little im
plements for use about his quarters
from; old pieces of wire and stone
and spends most of his time here
when not directing his men in trench
Instructions were, issued at camp
today for careful attention to de
tails of sanitation to lessen the dang
er of .disease. The coming into camn
of large numbers of new men and the
prevalence of warm weather .is re
sponsible for the warning, to organi
zation commanders that bedding and
clothing must be carefully aired In
the sunlight and barracks and tenta
must be thoroughly ventilated. All
available housing .facilities must be
filled to capacity and unusuaf pre
cautions must be taken, the order
says. - " r
Instructions regarding the fourth
officers' training camp to open here
May 15 were given, to the press to
day. Provision is made for entrance
into the camp of students at certain
educational institutions and men of
the army under the age of 40 years.
They must be citizens and not natives
of any c6untry with which the United
States is at war.
. Students and. college graduates
must have had military training in
reorganized courses of- military in
struction and enlisted men must
have the recommendation of their
commanders. - Applications must be
made Immediately to Major General
H. . Greene, commander of the 91st
division. .
The Camp Lewis baseball team will
play the Duthies shipyard team at
Seattle-; Saturday afternoon and will
meet the same team here Sunday,, it
was announced today.
Dr. T. E. Winecoff. Of educational
secretary of hut No. 5, left today pre
paratory to going to France for, ed
ucational work with the French
army, Dr. Winecoff, whose home is
in Tacoma, at one time was United
States marshal in Alaska and is an
educator of note in the northwest as
well as - newspaper editorial writer.
He is the first Camp Lewis secretary
to be assigned to work with the
French army. ,
The lover In Finland never himself
proposes marriage to. the girl of his
choice. The momentous -proposal is
always made through a third person,
called the "ralman,", to whom the
happy couple give a present when his
delicate mediation proves successful
and-ends in a wedding.
When Mixed with Sulphnr lt
Brings Back Its Beautiful
Lustre at Once. '
, Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing are. We all know
the advantages of a youthful appear
ance. Your hair is your charm. It
makes or mars the face. f When it
fades, turns gray and looks streaked.
Just, a few. applications of- Sate Tea
and Sulphur enhances its appearance
a hundred-fold., . ; , -1-.Don't
stay- gray! Look young!
Cither prepare the recipe at home or
ret from any drug store a bottl of
;Wyeth's Sace and Sulohur Com
pound." which is merely the old-time
recipe Improved by the addition of
other ' Ingredients. Thousands vt
folks recommend this ready-to-use
preparatidn. because . it darkens the
hair beautifully, besides, no one can
possibly tell, as it darkens so natur
ally and evenly, , You moisten a
sponge or soft brush with it. draw
ing this through the hair, taking
one small strand at a time. . Ey
morning the gray hair disappears:
after another application or two its
natural color is restored and it be
comes thick, glossy and lustrous, and
you appear years younzer. ; -
Wyeth's Saje- and Sulphur Com
pound is a delightful toilet requisite.
It is not Intended for the care, miti
gation or prevention of disease:.'
Cannot Be Reprinted, , How,
ever, According to I Attor
' ney General's Ruling
Secretary Olcott Immediately
Sends Telegram Inform- ' '
ihg Clerks
In reply to an inquiry by Secre
tary of State Olcott, Attorney Gen
eral Brown rendered an opinion 'yes
terday advising Mr. Olcott to inform
the county clerks of Oregon that
they need not prjnt the name of S.
B. Huston on the primary election
ballot as a Republican candidate for
United States senator, but under no
circumstances to go to the expense
of reprinting ballots if they have al
ready been printed with Huston's
name upon them. . t , K ,
In reply to a question the attorney
general said the fact that Huston's
Knanift mlcht nnntar nn tha hnllot In
some counties and not appear in
others, would not affect tho validity
of the election. . Secretary jOlcott pnt
the question to the attorney general
for an opinion in behalf of the coun
ty clerks, the question-having passed
from Mr. Olcntt's jurisdiction when
he certified lists of candidates to the
county clerks prior to Huston's an
nouncement of withdrawal..,
' Candidate Changed Courwe,
Attorney Genera Brown quotes all
the statutes applying to the case, in
cluding the original primary law,
He holds that, under the original
law, Huston could not withdraw on
the grounds set forth in h's affidavit.
Tho opinion, however, calls attention
to the fact that Huston started his
campaign under the original primary
law, but.abandoned it. and filed un
dfr chapter 124 or the legislative act
I ''f 191C. Mr. Brpwn sets out section
7, r.nd calls attention to the fact that
the people said in adopting the law
that it should be liberally construed
The opinion emphasizes the point
that the rights of electors must be
considered even above the rights of
candidates and. that, . when the elec
tion official hands a primary election
ballot 'to an elector, it must contain
the truth as nearly as official action
ban ascertain the truth,
.-. Olcott Iues Statement. ...
I Secretary Olcott Issued the follow
ing statement relative to his request
that the attorney ' general write an
opinion: . s . ,
"As soon as S. B. Huston filed
with this office his request to have
his .name withdrawn as a candidate
for the Republican nomination for
United States senator, I at once took
the matter up with Attorney General
Brown, who officially advised -me
that it, had passed from my Jurisdic
tion, as I had already certified the
list of candidates to the various coun
ty clerks, and that it was a matter
which could' be adjusted only by tha
coaniy cieras. v ii
"Since. then many ofithe county
clerks have wired me fortlrnSaUant:1100! orchestra will play for the
as to 'what action they should take.
and on behalf of these county clerks
and to the end that there be as little
delay as possible. I requested the at
torney general to give me his opinion
fit to what course they should pur
sue. Jhat opinion reached me today,
and T am sending a telegram to ev
ery county clerk In the state advising
him of the attorney general's ruling.
"I wish to add that this office lias
received no request from the county
clerk of Multnomah county or any
other person asking if Huston . hatf
filed wfthdrawal until late yester
day afternoon when a telegram was
recelvefl from, Mr. Bcveridge, clerk
of MuHnomah county, and which was
answered immediately by telegraph."
. Olcott Wires Clerks,
i Although the name of S.. B. Hus
ton will not. appear, as. a candidate
for the United States senatorial nom
ination on. Orejon. ballots .that are
not yet printed, tho numbers corre
sponding to the names of other can
didates will remain unchanged .lil
rectlon to this effect was telegraphed
to Oregon' county . clerks by , Secre
tary of State Olcott. yesterday after
Attorney General Brown had given
an opinion holdiag that , the clerks
may omit Huston's flame on the
primary ballot.
Qlcott's telegram to the clerks fol
lows: . ....:,.
S. n. Huston, candidate for Unit
ed States : senator, filed affidavit
withdrawing his candidacy April 27.
Attorney! general, immediately a J
vised matter without Jurisdiction l
this orrice. after certification to
county clerks t April 20. , Howevtr,
acting upon opinion of attorney gen
eral, just rendered at my request in
behalf county. clerks, you ure adrisej
to omit Huston's' name and number
from official ballots, provided such
ballots are not already printed. Leave
other names and numbers as they
are. iney snouia not be re-nura
bered. If ballots are printed you are
not required to reprint them and put
county to additioaal expense of re-
Every family requires a safe and
reliable cough s and cold remedy.
Mrs. John. Tetter,-20 : Shupe SU.Mt.
rieasant. Pa.; writes: "I have used
Foley's Honey and Tar, for colds for
TW and highly recommend it to
all families.'' Contains no opiates.
Checks . bronchial and . grip coughs.
croup and whooping cough. J. C
Perry. .
. ,- 1 :
Visitors From All Parts of
State Are Expected on
University Campus
The May festival at Willamette
University, an ancual event, will take
on more importance In the college
calendar this year than ever before.
Friday and. Saturday of this week
ar9 the dates set for the fete. Visit
ors from all parts of the state will
be in Salem for the event, a large
number of .fhem prospective students
for the freshman class of 1911-1919.
The program for the two days fol
At 7 o'clock Friday morning tne
bugle will call all students of the uni
versity to work on the campus. This
will continue until about ll:3U
o'clock. ' ' .
At noon. Friday, exercises of dedi
cating the cement walk recently con
structed by the students will be held.
The presentation address will be de
livered by Arlie Q. Walker. presi
dent of the Greater Willamette club,
with an acceptance by Dr. 'B. L.
Steer es, president of x the board of
trustees of the university. .
Friday afternoon at 12:15 o'clock,
a student's lunch' will be served on
the campus, preparations being made
for 65.0. This number is to include
members of the senior class" of th
Salem high school, the two military
compapies of the highy school and
members of high schools from other
narts of the ' state."" The Chemawa
band, will play during the lunch.
At 1:16 o'clock, following the
luncheon,? the high school military
companies of the Salem high school
will drill In front of Eaton balL .
At 2:30 o'clock Friday afternoon,
on Willamette field, the annual base
ball game will be played between the
university alumni and' the 'varsity
team. .'.. ,
The Friday, exercises will close
with the presentation of the play.
"Tha Junior," at the chapel by the
Junior class. .
Saturday. Program.
From 6 until 8 o'clock Satprday
morning a breakfast will be served
on the campus near Lausanne hall.
At 10 o'clock there will , be be the
annual Co-Ed tennis contest between
Willamette university and the Uni
versity of Oregon teams, to be played
on the cement courts at Twelfth and
State streets.- .
. Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
the program will begin with the an
nual green cap stunt on the queen s
court east, cf tne- campus. AC z
o'clock, the Chemawa band will give
a concert. . : , ,
The crowning of Queen Blanch I,
who happens to be Miss Blanche Bar
er of Hillyhrd. Washington, is sched
uled for 2:30 o'clock. The dances
included lu the crowning are Spring
Day dance and chorus. Fairy dance.
Awakening of Flower dance, muk
Maid dance. Crowning of the Queen
dance and the Winding of the May
pole. , .
A double header in baseball is
scheduled for 3 J30 'o'clock On Wil
lamette field between ! Salem high
school and Stayton and Willamette
university and Chemawa.
The real excitement or the exer
cises will be when the tug of war
takes place at 5:30 o'clock at the
Mill race east of the grand stand,
wheir the sophomores and freshmen
attempt to pull each other into the
water. . , ,
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock, the
junior prom will be held on the-east
campus closing with refreshments
LPn thequeen's court.
The high
prom. . - '
Vesoer services will bmheid early
Sunday morning In the chapel, led by
Misa Vesta Mulligan.
Strength comes from well digested
and -thoroughly assimilated food.
Hood's Sarsaparilla tones the digest
ive organs, and thus builds up the
strength. .If yen are getting "ruir
down," begin taking Hood's at once.
It gives nerve, mental and digestive
Very Successful Event Is Giv
. en at Shaw Salem Talent
' Is Heard
FIIAW. Or.. May 1. The basket
social for the ilea cross recently
was a very enjoyable affair. The
program, was very, much enjoyed.
Mrs. Pauline Amort opened the pro
gram with a beautiful solo; a read
Ing was given by Mrs. Bucket; Plga
Is Pigs, a dialogue, , was given by
three little girls. Anna Masser, Lu
cille Lewis and- Florence Felber.
Misa Coppick of Salem redted sev
eral selections. Mrs. A. J. Rahn of
Salem s'ans several solos. Including
"Keep . the Home Fires . Burning."
Seymour Jones of Salem gave an ad-
drefM. About forty baskt-ts were
auctioned off by Ben 'Kaiser of
Macleay and ice cream and hot cof
fee yere served to those who' did
not obtain - baskets. The receipts
were over $6"0.
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Townsend and
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Spencer of Salem
motored out to Shaw Sunday to call
on old friends.
Tom Jand. visited over Sunday
with his family.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young visited
their daughter. Mrs. Effle Xaftzger.
of Salem.' Sunday. -
A large number of women enjoyed
the demonstration given by Miss
Genevieve Potter and Mis Lorene
LParker last Thursday at Red Cross
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
McAllister. Saturday, April 27, a son.
Miss Veda Howd spent the-weekend
with her parents, Mr. and Mirs.
William Howd. , '
I . ' 1
Through our direct Eastern connections we just re
ceived 40 New Coats at prices away below the present
jnarket These Croats are now being unpacked and go
on sale tomorrow ...
$7.90, $10.95, $11.95 and $14.95
Our Prices Always the Lowest
- . . -
Phone 1072
Commercial and Court 5t& y formerly, Chicago Store
, -. X'l .I'll
Because United States Senator
Charles L. McNary has made good
he should be nominated to succeed
himself in the Republican Primary
May 17th.
From the day he became Senator
he has loyally championed the pros
ecution of the war, and during his
term of office . has. accomplished
more for Oregon than any other
member in congress In a like period.
t Among his colleagues he is known
as "the man on the Job," and dur
ing the present war crisis Oregon
should consider itself fortunate in
having an opportunity to return hlml.
and not be compelled to send to
Washington a new. untrained man.
I Believing that the supreme obli
gation he ' owes his country Is to
help . win the war. Senator McNary.
instead of returning to his State to
conduct a political campaign. Is at
his post in Washington working for
Oregon and aiding In the prosecution
or tne war. - .
J Always since entering the Senate
he has been a friend of our soldiers
and sailors and.has introduced legis
lation giving them preferential
homestead rights and repeatedly
championed their cause when their
welfare was In jeopardy.
Championing the cause of the Or
egon farmers. Senator McNary pro
cured ror tnem a primary wheat
market, saving thereby several mil-
i . . .
uon aouars to tne wheat growers
of tne Northwest.
' Realizing the present Food Con
trol Law fails to fix prices for many
commodities. Senator McNary Jas,
lniroaucea, ana is laboring for the
passage of a bill, striking, at prof
iteering and fixing prices on the nec
esaaries of life. -
Senator McNary haa procured:
Government contracts for the first
time in state's history for Oregon
products. - -
Large contracts for" army clothing
for factories - and construction of
life boa's. .
Contracts from government for
shipbuilding and lumbering Indus
tries. . . y t
Senator McNary is working: For
prompt payments of allotments to
dependent relatives of our, soldiers
and sailors. ' i -
. For the construction of a coast
military highway at government ex
pense. 1 - j
A comprehensive, plan for the
utilization- of the water power ire
sources of Oregon.
Senator McNary was horn 'en a
farm In Oregon; reared in the Bap
tist Church: educated -in tlie public
schools; worked hi way. through
Stanford University; Is a lawyer and
farmer and has been a life-long Re
publican. He was formerly a Justice
on the Supreme Court aryi later
chairman of the State) Republican
Central Committee. J .
Space forbids further enumeration
of the vast amonnt of worlc Senator
McNary .has, done for Oregon, but
an rone will realfre from the fore
going the Senator has displayed
truly remarkable ability, coupled
with extraordinary diligence and
energy. His native State can bet
show Its appreciation of bis faithful
and efficient services by nominating
ano electing him. rt
Thomas B. Kay.
I State Treasurer.
B. W. Sleeman. . -Bos.
Rep. of District Council of
Mrs. Geo. W. McMath, c
Pres. of Co-Operatlve League.
Thomas A. McBride.
Chief Justice of Oregon Supreme
Court.- .
T..B. Xeuhausen.
Vice Chairman - Hughes Cam
paign Committee. , .
(Paid Advertisement)
Twenty Mittio'n-DoUar
Firm Operates in Stcte
Butler Bros., an Ilinois firm capi
talized at $20,000.000, -was yester
day granted a permit tcf operate in
Oregon after filing declarations of
Intention at the office of State Cor
poration . Commissioner Schuldef
man. - The company does a general
mercantile business., W. P. Gibson
of Portland Is attorney In fact for
Mason. Ehrman & Co.. of Port
land, have filed resolutions at tho
office of Mr. SchuI'derman showing
an Increase In . capital stock from
$400,000 to 1500.000.
SPOKANE, Wash-. April 25. Tts
federal employment bureau here has
sent out 700 men to farm jobs thJs
spring, according. to' B. A. Hunter, In
charge. He declared the office had
been able to fill all applications for
farm tinln tn (ha nnrlhwMt with nf
. poMibi, exception.
The office also cent 200 'carpen
ters to the Pacific coast shipyards
and supplied-a number of men for
work In Canada. ..A ... av...,..;
DandraHy Heads
Become Hairless
If cyou want plenty of thick, beafl
tlfL glossy, ailkr hair. do"by all
means get rid of dandruff, for It will
starve your hair and ruin it ,Jf you
don't. . . . . ' f
' . It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure
way to get rid of dandrur Is to dis
solve It. then you destroy It entirely.
To do this.- get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon; apply It at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gent-,
ly with the finger tips.
By morning, most If not all. of
your dandruTf will be gone, and three .
or four more applications will, com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of it.
You will find, too. that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. - You can get
liquid arvon at any drug store. It
is inexpensive and four ounces Is
all you will need, no matter how
much dandruff you -have. This;
simple remedy never falls.
Rbad Show
'.i ; ; REVUE .
Matinee and Evening
? :. z