STATESMAN t TlfTlWDAY, )UT 2, 118 m essoined ID B rectory i e Wants and Needs of the Capital City Are Noted der Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them fto i pt Sell and Exchange all Kinds FOR CECUM tlATIU UUUUJ -va cixmnxo, shoes, dicy- CLK8. TOOLS, ETC CAPITAL EXCHANGE IK 4$ " - - vvw c tat NORWICH UNION WRE INSURANCE SOCIETY W. M- Kurghardt, Jr., sjiJant Ag 883 FOR Si. Money to Loan T1TFKU Bl ,m Ti:0S.K.FORD Bask. Ha Irak. Or. CLASSIFIED ADTBHTUKXcaTi Bate Fee Word ! rtnt Insertion .............. lo Bubawiucnt Insertions ....... Ho 0,Mk (six IbwUom) ... 3e Ons month jo V. nVonths contract per mo. to ii msaths contract, per mo... , 7c M account opened foe 1 than 86c A neat ear Stjii tr with an artrUMOMBt to ths extent ofJOe lsouaclng Jor Bala.- "War Itsat." "Rooms" or "Board." ? IF gEW TOPAT .. Esek Welaasliflad " neot will ba run under "New Today" for first insertion, unless ethsrwise ordered by the adver- Ueuaeo,aent Insertion of the ad wiu Mppear under Its proper class incauon. No edvertlsment will bo run aaeer "Ksw Today" for mora than as issue under any circumstances NET TODAY TOR--BALE GOOD JERSEY COW fresh this fall. Inquire 124 N. 18th SAW MILL FOR SALE. ALSO SOME choice farms. Scott. 494 Hubbard building:. " ,; TOR SALE A DUMP BOX AND SEED wheat. l'hone za or ezs. rs-OR BALE CHOICE FIR WOOD AT reduced price for early orders. Phone 144 or (22. FOR RENT 5 ROOMED FURNISHED houne North 21st street. Barn, garden, variety of fruit trees. cnlcKen yard. Ivan U. Martin, Masonic Temple. FOR SALE HORSES. 1 WEIGHING 1500 and the other 1100 pounds; each 1 yars old. Phone 3FA. ; KURSERY STOCK AT HALF PRICE TO clean us. Call at Jones Nursery at Auburn east of asylum. Howard ' Jones, route 0, Salem. SEND THE CHILDREN HERE WHERE you are assured of perfect hair trim ming; Just the. way you want it Ingrey's Barber Shop. 311 State street WANTED TO RENT A FIVE OR SIX room, completely furnished, modern house, within walking distance to Ktate House. Phone 1409. ton axl.V. STEVENS - DURTEA innrlnr rar. ' Suitable for truck. Will ell cheaD. Phone 734. 271 North Commercial street j- GET BUSY TODAY IS THE TIME tnr art ion. if rou are without fire protection on your home and other property. Tomorrow may be too late The Oregon Fire Relief Association t u.u in.Till. has heloed thousands of Oregonlans to re-establish their homes which had been destroyed by fire. The time to Insure Is before L the fire; H. A. Johnson at Co., Agent, ' Hu.h Bank FIdr. Salem, pnone 14 ACRES OF LAND 34) MILES FROM ,rr.i in cultivation, gooa room ' house, barn and other out buildings about 4 acre "Of commerc ial rni.i Some atrawberriea. ZV acres gooseberries, to exchange for a-rwui reatdencA In Salem. A 5 room modern house In Salem and rood collateral paper for farm up to 210.009 Dallas. See Perrine A Msrsters. 402 Hubbard Bid , phono 07. - - ELlPWmEltT DRESSMAKERS EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER AND : lslloress willwork In your borne by ths dsy. Oood woric. price reason hie. V Jhon 1140-W. FEMALE WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. In country.. Two in i family, route 2. bok 47-A, Salem. WANTED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work for family of three. Must he neat, rerined and . a good cook. Lib eral pay to competent woman. If in terested address box "H 54" States man office, giving your address or phone number. ' MALE WANTKDA ri3. FARM HAND. PHONE ; W ANTLD FOUR TFAMSTERS AT V Oregon State Hospital. Salary, 840, board, lodging and laundry. WANTED YOUNO ' MAN TO LEARN printing- trade. Apply Statesman . composing room, upstairs. kale and femae help wanted We have an opening in your town r a newsnaner salesman. You could make a food salary with our proposition. Address 11 47 utaies "a office. . - LABORERS WANTED "WAGES 33.24 to 22.04. 3 HOURS t Linn Mills opposite ' Oregon City, et Free Employment office. trike still-on. iHailroad receipt for fare up to $2.00" cashed after work la one week. Come along. Worn assured. Board and bed $0.05 weea at Mills or $7 'at Beck's hotel. Ore S"n City. . - MISCElXTNROtS "THAW BERK V I'ICKERS WANTED it June 1st. l'hone 03F5. FOR SALE BKa FK SEED-iWE HAVE THE pore Michigan pea (tree) beans for rvil SALE GRASS SEED WHEAT 7ro McKtnney, Turner, Oregon. yj BALRltT uivwni. TrtTl ng car In first class condition 3(50. 'urtherford sc Rledesel, Capital oarage, 173 South Liberty street j I 1USCKLLAXEOCT. 'OR SALE RL'SSET BURBANK SEED P?Utoea thoroughly acclimated, very fa nuallty. Address - Mike Kep- (gOBu"' ,OUt ' b0S l GcrvmI' re MISCELLANEOUS KALE HORSE ANU S1NULE wagon, harness. JS5. Horse weigh ing; t00 lbs. and in good condition. Spier & Smith. Cottell apartments, N. Commercial, Phone 1041. DR. YOU WANT TO GET THE BBSs' farm paper, aend 10c to the Pacific Homestead, Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention tbla ad. : SALE 1 TRAILER FOR AUTO. also 1 pair shafts for working three horses on wood wagon.. J. A. Bishop jmiv isoum ii Deny street. CAPTIVITY OF THE O ATM AN QIRI.S This true story of western Immi gration hs been carefully revlaeo, making a handsome little book. It tells in graphic terms of the ma- sacra or tit Oatman family, of the escape or Lore n so. and the- captivity of Mary and Olive. Mary died of starvation and Olive was purchased from the Indiana five years later. une price is Z0 cents, postpaid. Ad dress Oregon Teachers Monthly.. 8a. Km. Orton. P4ITJI.TRT WHITE LKUHOUN . 'UABY CHICKS for sale. Tancred and O. A. C. Leg horn strains. Phone 56F21. L. It. . Scovel.' Wallace road. " . " TOU WANT TO GET THE BEST poultry paper published, send 10 cents to the Northwest Poultry Journal. Salem. Oregon, for a trial subscription. Mention this ad. FOR RENT KAKMa FOR RENT 25 ACRES OF GARDEN land for rent at Liberty; inquire jonn rt. MCNary. MOCSKS FOR RENT $12.50 SIX ROOM MOP- ern bouse on pavea street at io South High street. ' E A. Rnoten. 1141-J, any time week days. TO RENT MODERN FOUR ROOMED house partly furnished. Address H I 5" care Statesman office. - FOR RENT AN S ROOM HOUSE with modern conveniences, desirable location. Inquire 5 Norlh Liberty Phone 1351. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT The home of the late Miss Zaidee Palmer. Rent S25 per month. In- qulre of Mrs. 8. A. Rlggs, H9 Center street or Mrs. Harry U. Cosper, Dallas, Oregon. . . FOR RENT THE FOLLOWING: 212 Neat modern bungalow 5 .mibi at SCO North 20th at Call at Statesman business office or pnone "220 Modern 10 room bouse oh Cottage street, close I n. Call at Statesman business office, or pbone ROOMS FOR RENT COMFORTABLE ROOM . with use of bath, in modern home. Address A. H. care Statesman. GOOD OUTSIDE ROOM HOT WATER heat, modern conveniences, also In side rooms. Close to State Housj. 1030 Chumeketa. Photic 1280. 8TORER0031& FOR RENT-THE STOREROOM AT 141 Nortn commercial sireec now oc- ounind h Comoton'i 15c. and 25c store, wilf be for rent May 1st next For particulars inquire ei room Breyman Rick. ' ' - WMTED RIGS AI CARPETS SAVE YOUR OLD - CARPET AJU clothing. Have mem maae mio ruga. Salem Fluff Rug Co.. 2075 Mill street M 1 SCElL. AN EO tr Highest cash price paid for good clean rags, rreureom onwr- man. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTOR? AUTO SERVICE 6H1PPS AUTO SERVICE CITY AND country trips, pnone , tr. "," nlrht 3 SO. " "TIRES REPAIRED VLCCAJltato nTirj TIRE SBRVICb Station 177. South Commercial St, I phone 422. - - QUACKENBUSH AUTO" SUPPLY AND Vulcanizing. 210 North Commercial street Phone . ' CRACKETT GRAY TUBES VUL canlsed. X4c Retreading our special ty. Free service car. Phono 1406. 272 North Commercial. WATT SHIPP CO. RETREADS AND sections tubes 26c up. Service car. Phone 303. las oouia voauuerw street ' PROFESSIONAL DENTISTS DR. F. L. UTTER, DEWT13T, wm 411-414 Bans. OX whdbkics Phone 004. "MCSIC TEACHERS R HARR.- TEACHER OF PIANO. Phone 13B3 PHYSICIANS DR. L. G. ALTMAN. UJ,c;'jrAi"', Physician. uiu u North Liberty. Salem, phone 147. LODGE DIRECTORY BROTHERHOOD MEETS EVERY WEDNE8DAT EVEN Insln Maaonlo Temple, fifth floor, at P t t o'clock. All visiting" member wel- ter ZV Mara fivkes. Foreman. W nm enme. Horace ors,e, vr.m H Pmnk. Correspondent MOtTETtSrOlTMEnr - r1 modern woodmen of America- awTOTaynl. In Derby building, corner Court and High streets, iu w. wwi Wrirht. elrek. mSIMSS CARDS AUTO OELIVERY SAGO AGE AND PARCELS DELIVER--edany place, city or country. Phone 4 or 2041-K. W. w. r in.r. ftiiKornitonp OR. O. L. 8COTT. O. --. C.IAWUA vrjr P STC. Chlropractlcs fountain head. DavenpSrt. Iowa. CblropracUc 1 cor rects the cause of disease. Office 400-7-3. 08. N. Bank Buildlna Pbone 87. Restdenee 333-R. DRAYS AND EXPRESS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY 7. 1 t..f.r com Dan r. Get our reduced freight rates on "te shipments. Also for storage m we have three warehouses In connection IL; .inae Furniture moving. , packing, sh tttW'. specialty. CHINESE PUTSICIAK. U XL HUM CURES ANT KNOWN disease. 153 8. High St. Phone DRV CLEANING A!SU PRESSING JAPANESE PRESSING PARLORS F. S. Watanabe, Prop 434 N. Commer cial St. Ladies' and gentlemen's suits cleaned and pressed. 31.26 andi $1.76. Work called for and delivered free. Telephone Main 652. JUHK JCKK JUNK WANTED WE PAT HIGHEST price for junk of every kind. Lat us maae you a price on your nonsenoia goods. The "Square Capital Junk Co, Street. Pbona 898. Deal' Houi 871 Chemeketa FULL VALUE PAID FOR SECOND band goods. Highest market prices for Junk and aides. The People's Junk and Secondhand Store 171 No. Commercial. Phone 784. HAIH REMOVED "CLEAN WHITE" HAS PROVEN BUC eessf uL Applied here or sold for bom use. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. tH Hubbard Bid. LAUNDRIES SALEM 8TEAM LAUNDRY QUICK delivery and careful work. Dry waah 6c per pound. ISC South Lib erty street. Phone 25. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG- ular waahing dona at a rate every body can afford. For only SO cents wa will collect, wash and deliver your washing; within twenty-four hours. Phone 1471. MACHINISTS WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all kinds, automobile reparrlng, oxy j acetylence welding, gas engine re- pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Shop, D. B. "Brown, prop.. 252 Chemeketa St. Sa lem. O STROP ATHT DR. W. L MERCER. GRADUATE American School Osteopathy, Kirks vllle. Mo.; treats acute and chronle disease. Office 404-40S U. 8. Na tional Bank Bldg. Phone lf. Resi dence 410 North Summer. Phone 014. DRS. WHITE A WALTON, OSTEO pathlc nhyslcans and surgeons. Graduates of the American Schools of Osteopathy. Klrksvtlle, Mo. Post graduate and specialised in nervous diseases at Los Angeles College. ' Treat - acute and chronle diseases. Offices LOS-S-7-t. U. 8. National Bank Bldg. Pbone S59. Residence. 1420 Court street Phone 2215. Dr. White, residence phone 419. I ERI E. FRUITLAND NURSERY SALES YARD has moved their stock to the country, route C. Salem, phone 100F21. Special prices on grafted walnuts and ltal ian prunes. A. J. Mathts. proprietor, SECOND HAND GOODS WE BUY AND SELL SECOND HAND roods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, collars, coiiai peas, too is. chains. Fred Schlndler. 250 Center Street UNDERTAKERS WEBB aV CLOUQir C B. WEBB. A. U. Clough. funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the pro- reunion. 417 cwmrt street. TRANSFER rfATJLINO AUTO TRUCK SERVICE. ANY KIND 01 naming. uoasenoia moving lobe done prompt ly. Try me once. Tlmme, 475 State St Phono MS. Residence the 1122-J. waLL paper, rAnrr L GLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- coratlng. painting, unung. paper banging, etc, - Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St Pbone 534-W. DOUBLE ROLL AND unward for choice wau raper at Buren'a Furniture Store, 179 . Com mercial St SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Oood workmen. 485 Potirt Bt Phftss 425. ' WATER SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 201 8. Commercial street For water service aooiv at office. Make all complaints at the office,1 No deductiona in bills will be allowed for absence or for any causes whatever unless water is cut off from nremlses. Hereafter water fo irrigation will only be furnished to regular customers using water for domestic nurnoses. ixn tractors for sidewalks, brick work, or olaaterinr. will please read "for building purposes' under schedule of rates. Apply at office for copy. WOVEN WIRE FKWCTNO Depot National A American reneo. aU elaee. H la it H lav saga. Paints, oil and Varnish. Steves Rebel It and Repaired Legaaberry and Hep Hooka. Sale sa reneo sc Stove Werke. 25$ CwutOt, Phone 124 r. Bt Tvnma, TRETCHIXG, A POUND OP BUTTER. Two pounds of good table butter out of one pound and a pint of milk 7 Yes. It's done. 'The churn which performs the feat was recently placed upon the mar ket. It is square in shape and heavy of glass, and the churning mechan ism, entirely of: metal, is attached to the glass churn by a metal screw .-clh making the "stretched" but- the churn is warmed before the milk and shaved butter are put in. After stirring one minute the whole churn Is placed into cold water and the operation is completed by churn- I , for gnother minute. Salt and, if Mmf2? SSSZrE ded before churning. Popular Scl- ence-Monthly for April. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE County Court & the State of Oregon for the County of Marlon. . In the Matter of the Estate of Ab ble It Von Hue hen, deceased. .Notice Is hereby given that the un-dert-ed. F. Von Eschen. has been appointed administrator of the estate tkhi. it Von Eschen. deceased. by the County Court ,f ther State of Ores-on. for Marlon County, and has qualified as such. Ml persons having claims against raid estste are hereby notified to nreaent the same, duly acknowledge as by law required to the undersign H the residence of the undersign ed 1775 Court street. Salem. Oregon, within six months from the. date lhDated and first published this 18th day of April. 1913. . I F.- Von Eschen. ! Admlnlstrstor. Wiie-Try a Cbssified Ad.SV WHEY' For Feeding Hogs Can be had at the Marion Creamery Call. or Telephone) 24IS FOR I j SALEM MARKETS BUYIXO PRICK , ' Kjcsts and Io ul try. 'Eggs, 32c. Old roosters.' IS to 14 e. Stags. 16 to lSe. Pork. Mutton and ncf. Pork on foot, IS to 16c. Ewes. 5 tQ le. ' Veal, dressed. IS to lc Spring lamb, 19c , Beet steers, 7 to Sc; cows, 4 to 8c. I Balls, 4 to 6c. r nay : Chest, per ton, $23. Clover, per ton, $21. Vetch, per ton. $22. Grain Wheat. $1.85 to $1.87. Oati. 11. J" Beans, 10c. Mm Feeds. Retail. - Brsn. per ton, $36. , . Shorts, per ton, $31. WHOLESALE TO DEALERS. Country hotter, 45c. Creamery butter, 45e. I Bntterfat. f. o. b. 8alem, 42c 1 Fish. Salmon Trout, 30c. ; . Steelheads. 25c Salmon, Chinook, 23c I Halibut, 25c : Codfiir. ISc. Vegetablea. j . Lettuce, crate, $3 Celerr, 90c I Nebraska rice corn, 12 c. Bananas, 7c. Apples, $1.25. to $2.25. ( Lemons, $6.00' to' $7.00. Dromedary &t. SC. Retail PHces. Creamery butter, B5c Eggs, 35c Flour, hard wheat. $2.80 to $3. Flour, taller, $2.50 to $2.60. Sugar, cane and beetll lb. $1. Potatoes, sack lots, $1.25.'- PORTLAND MARKETS I ' Grain. PORTLAND, May A. Thirty-day delivery: No. 1 oats, $60. Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Oats. No. 3 white, $55; 38-pound dipped, white. 157- enrn n. 3 vellow. 144: NO. 3 mixed, $55.-, ' Dairy market unchanged. GERTilAN DEFEAT LIVENS MARKET Associated Stocks Higher Locomotives Respond to Federal Contracts NEW YORK. May 1. Stocks were again active and strong at the open lng of today's "market on the further check to the German forces and the favorable Quarterly report of the United States Steel corporation. Is sued after the close of yesterday's session. United States Steel led the movement throughout, making an extreme advance of two and one- eighth points. - ' , Associated stocks were one to two and a half points higher, as were also the better -known equipments. American and Baldwin Locomotive's resoondinr with American Car to larre Kovernment contracts. Cop pers were backward. Shippings de noted occasional pressure which was overcome In part at the strong close, Reading. Transcontinental, New York Central and St. Paul preferred advanced one to three points iwth shorter coverinc a factor. Total sales of stocks amounted to 360.000 shares. Lires made another new minimum with checks at 9:03 but rallied later. Call money stiffened from its le rate of three and three-quarters, closinr at 6 per cent. ! Bonds, Including liberty Issnes, which chanred hands in large amounts, were firm. Total sales, oar value, aggregated $.150,000. United States bonds, old Issues, were unchanged on call. RfflBm Pvire nn HldiS Maximum rriCC on "uc h Fixed b, Committee wifiuiwr.Tnv. Mir 1. The price fixing committee of the war indust- ries board today fixed the maximum price of the present stocks of packed and country hides at that prevailing April 24. this year, uy nus siao llizing the raw material market, of ficials think a reduction In the cost of shoes will be effected. Nineteen British Are " Missin From Vessels ; - . . Tjrwnnv Mar 1. Six officers and. sad this moral n ! thirteen men are miss sult of the naval disasters reported tonight by the British admiralty. The sloop Cowslip wss torpedoed and sunk April 26 and five officer and one man aremisslng. and torepdo boat No. 9o foundered and from her one officer and are mis- REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY 7 ' OR S ROOM modern home in Salem, phone 070. SALE OR TRADE. GOOD 320 acre homestead relinquishment. Phone 1S22-R. FOR SALE MODERN S ROOM BUNG- alow at a real sacrifice. Bargain worth investigating. For particulars phone i-W. FOR SALE IX ACRES OF LAND. quarter mile from Claxtar; I11& an acre. Will sell balf. If desired. John Wesley. Salem, route a. Phone S7F4. HAVE CLIENT WITH EQUITY IN Tl acres near Waldport to exchange for anything of value. Mortgage ma taxes about isoo. tf HUbbara building, Salem. A GOOD BUY 25x10 FEET ON EAST side Commercial street one door north of State street Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 14x50 Vt feet tract extending from this property to State street Terms Apply Scott Boxer th. 701-2 Spaulding liiug Portland. Oregon. SOME ONE WANTS YOUR PROPERTY ana you wouia sell, we charge no commission for putting buyer ana seller together. For further Infor mation address Oregon Realty Ex chnge Investment Co., Inc.. 14 Breyman Bldg- Salem. Oregon Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Eugene Oregon and 2501 Third BL, Portland. FOR SALE FARM ABOUT 100 ACRES bottom land, 110 upland, on Oregon Electric Liveslev station. doom houses, barns, springs, also mineral springs in house. Address Charles Schmid. 295 Ivy Street. Portland. Oregon. Will sell one half, three quarters or all. FOR SALE WELL IMPROVED FARM of 215 acres in Douglas county; 260 acres cultivated and in crop. Inqlure John B. Hair, 225 North 20th St. Sa lem, Oregon. 1 RENTER WANTED AT ONCE FOR 40 acres of farm .land la Sutherlla Valley, Oregon. Must have equip ment and be financially able to sum mer fallow and' sow to fall, grain 200 acres of land. CalT Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning. A. C liohrnstedt 401 Masonic Temple, Sa lem, Oregon. 120 ACRE FARM AND STOCK RANCH near Silver Falls, a beautiful place. A Salem owner finds it a little too far out for his use, and will exchange It for a nice small acreage close 10 Salem. There is something of an opining to cater to the public sum mer season If such Is sgreeable to entertain. See William "Fleming. Ill State street for particulars. 4 ALSO IN THE SAME VICINITY A 200 acre place at 1 50 an acre. Not less than 22500 cash required time on an equal amount and property for the balance. Place sold at 912000 and foreclosed. Owners have gone from the state and say liquidate. See Wm. Fleming, 341 State St, room 7. WE HAVE SEVERAL J? LACES OF different values, small residences to sell on Installment plan, and at two thirds their .original cost about, and one at much less than that-rate, ji room modern bungalow. See Wm. Fleming Realty Co. Also a 15 acre tract fine for Loganberries and close in cheap. BARGAIN 10 ACRE9LOCATED ON main road east of Salem, good soil well drained four room house .good barn, large hen house, wood shed and other out buildings, bearing fruit trees, balf acre loganberries, a snap at $2500. look at it and make an of fer. Have a new six room bungalow. basement furnace, fire place, all built in fixtures, worth 12500 make us an offer. Houses for rent F. L. Wood, Bayne Bldg, $40 ACRES ALT A, CANADA. FOR valley ranch not over $4,000. 10 acres near Salem, modem Im provements, will take small residence and mortgage back for balance. price 14500. 240 acres Waldo Hills. 3 miles rrom Pratum. 222.000. will take $2500 In trade. 300 acres of $115 per acre land at $S5 per acre . socoiorsky. ill state. FOR SALE 17 ACRES OF ORCHARD In first class condition, six years old. English' walnuts. Italian prunes and cherries, macadam road, four miles from Salem, this Is a snap, orlcej $4500. 100 acre farm. 40 acres underT ture. some fine bottom land, running water, house and barn, price $40 per acre. 5 acres, all cultivated. 2 room plastered house, barn, well, macadam road. 2tt miles out Price $1000. 131 acre Howel Prairie farm. 125 acres cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber; good farm buildings, price $21000. If Jrou want to buy. trade or sell, see net W. H, Grabenhorst 4k Co.. 27k State street LOOK AT THIS A REAL OPPORTUNITY About 400 acres of choice Polk coun ty land about 110 acres clear; about 50 erti in stumo pasture: neiance in rhol oiling timber and oak grubs. Timber alone worth $10,000. New four room house, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cows and four horses; new pig nen and new milk house. Water pipe fronrjfine spring to an ounainsa. win sell 'iha whole at a great, bargain. Very easy terms. 0 per cent interest Address U; owner, care The Statesman. THE IRISH FLAVOR The CO. of a certain battalion applied for a groom, and Paddy, not knowing anything about horses or harness, put in for the Job. yon understand all about horses-and how g JT' '""" Inquired the 'Yes. sir." was paaays repiy; I "what I don't know about hoses Is not worth knowing. - Accotdlngty, at 2?p. to. that day Paddy was ordered to saddle the C. O.'s horse, which he did. putting the saddle on me wrong way rouno. 1 u colonel Appeared, 'glared at Paddy and snapped: "Don't yon see. you fool, that the saddle Is the wrong wsy round?". -Yes. sir." replied Paddy, "but why did you cot tell me which way y you were golnl I "Ah, Mrs. Flaherty. but ye look "Faith an why shouldn't 1 ioosi"'"' . sad when me Dennis has been drop - ped from th force?" "Ye don't sayl And what fur?" "Well, ye see It was this way: There was a soign on a buildin what read. No trespassing; police tage notice.. An' me poor uennis tooa, Ul" THINGS THAT NEYER HAPPEN By CENC BYRNES l tOU PONT ' TAKC THi CASTOR OIL IMMeOlATtLS , - I I WONT LET I a' "THAT 50M Of fAINt IS 1 ONE OOD I ( STNSl&tE .i.r tCamki. PRICE OF CORN TAKES TUfilBLE New DcvclopmcnLf Toaclun Peace Efforts Give hnpaiie to Sellins: , CHICAGO, May 1. Corn prices tumbled today owing to general llq nidation brought on largely by re ports that the east was offering to re-sell cash rraln and br fresh $ms sip regarding peace. The market closed -weak at the same as yester day's finish to 2 B-8e lower, with May $1.27 1-4 and July $1.45 S-8 to 3-4. . Oats lost 1 1-4 to 1 3-4 to 1 7-8c In provisions there was an advance of 12 to 40c At the ontseL new developments touching peace efforts gave consid erable impulse to selling of corn and so. too. did warmer weather that points to increased planting. As sertions later that rece'.ts at Kansas City and St. Louis would be light from now on led to - moderate rally but before midday the selling broad ened again and weakness became acute In the last hour. LOats were ruled by the same fac tors which governed corn. Provisions went up grade chiefly on account 'of knowledge that May deliveries of lard, aggregating 1.- 000. 00, pounds, had gone into strong hands. SCOTO GALLS SENDS THREE Crowd Giyes . Farewell to Young Men Who Are In ducted Through Draft 4 SCOTTS MILLS. Or., May 1. A large crowd was In Scotts Mills last Thursday to see the three boys leave for Woodburn, who were called In the first draft, some going as far as Woodburn with them. The boys were Elmer 8. Stultz, Daniel Law rence and Charles Logue. The boy were sent to Camp Lewis from Wood burn Friday. R. L. La Rue and son Bob. Ceorg Richmond and F. Miller of Salem. were up to the Ablque falls Sunday fishing. Messrs. August and Anton Semolk were week-end visitors in Portland A few of the young people of Crooked Finger gave Leo Wellma a farewell party Monday evening at the Wellman home. Mr. Wellman leaves for Woodburn tomorrow, be log called in the second draft. Albert G. Hettwer. who has been living In Detroit. Michigan, for the past four yesrs. is visiting his par- eats. Mr. and Mrs. John Hettwer at Crooked Finger. A. H. Ehler and family have soldi their homestead above Crooked Fin ger and mbvedlo'Portland last wee. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Wilson and son Frank were visitors In Sllverton on Wednesday. - C. A. Dunagan and son Shirley. E. R. Lawrence and W. T. Hogg were Salem visitors Tuesday. Misses Bessie and Stella Altkens returned home from Portland Satur day, where they have been visiting several weeks. . Mrs. C E, MulvlhlU spent the wesk end in Portland. Miss Mabel Baars who has been worklnr in Oregon City for some at a f-isl. . Va rsnt at ear PrYWaT , d ringer- . Portlanf vis itor Tuesday. Mlaaee Frances and Pauline Se"i olke, vlsiled relatives at Noble, tho first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. A. U Deaton 01 Port A YOU Co TO , J V j SCHOOL tMOW land visited Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Flsber s at Noble Sunday. Mrs- Deaton Is a sister, of Mr. Flsber. Dr. and Mrs. O. C Bellinger and family of Salem were visitors at the Bellinger home Saturday. T. Msplethorpe of Salem is visit ing his daughter and family at Noble, Mrs. and Mr. W. T. Hogg. Mr. Ms plethorpe is enjoying the fresh moun tain air, hoping It win oeneiu bij health. ' A crowd from Noble attended the rural school picnic, held at Wood- , burn last Saturday. A picnic dinner was spread on the lawn at the high school. A program was giTen la thef morning and afternoon. Misses Grace and Irene Dunsgan, Grace Williams. Loraine Hogg. Dortha Shepherd. Dollie and Ruby RIchter. Messrs. Louis and. Otis Shepherd. Vernon and Ray RIchter, Averltt Dunagan and their teacher. Mrs. E. MlbilL na Mr- u-"unaaaa. A. F. RIchter. Elvln Shepherd. Mrs. W. T. Hogg and daughter Doris. A. P. RIchter was . in suvenon Monday on business. Few batr teams have as good neighbors as have the New or Giants. The Brooklyn Dodgers never fall to make the Giants- opening happy and profitable affair for the Giants. J. - MOTHER GttArS SWEET POWDERS , FOR CHILDREN . A Oii'ia ' Fevertssasis, (MiirallM, II ' HlMsvk Treoblee.JTeetelae: It I eerier a. D 1 It t r 4 Wtrat. Dea't accept la sb fll t. 44 eta. RF A44aM. , suBetssts iStVlUU rum TABLES SOUTH KRIS PACIFIC CO. Herthbooskd ... 1$ Oregon Expreea !;!!Mi 54 Oregonlan .... 28 Willamette Limited.. 0:14 a-m. 18 Portland Passenger., l'-ffp-ns. 24 Coos Bay ........... J5..-!? 12 Shaata Lfrnlted I:J! B 14 Portland Express 8:10 p-re, No. No. No. No. So. No. No. Wa. 228 Local War Freight.. 8:00 a-aa. sZ 222 Portland Fast Freight 11:31 pa. No. $8 Oregonlan ,! I! M?" 23 Coos Bay tT 15 Callfemla Express ..1:J; a.m. 17 Roseburg Passenger. 4 :30 p.m. 11 Shasta Limited ..... 5-41 p.m. 27 Willamette Limited.. 4:14 p m. 12 San Francisco Paea... 10.87 pjn. No. No. No. No. No. No. Ko. 831 San Fran, reai itu..i;;ii rjo. 837 Local Way s-reiga..xs; VI Arrive at Salem..... V'.lsl J&CJ MW-W 1 No. T3 Arrive at Baiem j:ia j So. 74 Leave Salem......... 8:03 pi SALEM. FALLS CITY et WXTE3U8 141 Leaves, Salem, motor .... i:v;a-m. K2 Leavea Salem, motor.... t:35 a.m. 105 Leaves Salem, motor.... 1:40 p. re. Tnreugn car w uuuiuum m". -t!7 Leaves Salem, motor .... 8:43 p.m. 140 Leaves 8alem. motor..... 5:17p.m. tl Way Freisbt leaves Salem 3:00 a.m. IC& krrlvea at Salem 8:80 a.m. 144 Krrlves at neiem .......:-. Arrives at Belem s:e p.m. in iprlm at Ralem ........ 5:35 n.nv 170 Arrives at Salem 7:20 p.m. 40 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 2:30 OREGON SOJCCTRIO Train Leave, So, Portlsnd 1 8:80 am t Ltd. ..8:30 am 7 10:48 am 9 8:08 pm 18 Ltd. ..4:40 pm Arrive JLrrlve Eur see 10:46 am 13:36 pa Salem 8:33 mj, 10:11 am 13:50 pm . 4:14 pm :35 pm ' 8:40 pm ' s:4pm 17 .0:05 pm 8:05 in : eaiem oniy. Vaalem only t 0:20pm 21 11:48 pm 11:20 pm. 1:44 are :4H North Bank Station (leave JefTar- sen Street 15 and 20 mlautee Uter.) Srorthhewnd Train Leave Arrive ' Arrtve Portland 0:30 am 9:38 am 11:33am 1:20 pm 4:00 pm 6:46 pm 7:40 ra No. Encene naiesa 3 .....12:04 am :sam s 7:18 am 10 Ltd. ..7:41 am 3:45am 12 11:10am c, 14 11:1$ am 1:50 pm 10 Ltd... 1:55pm 4:00pm 10 4:lo pm :ip pm tl 4:15 em T:55 Pm 10:00 pm xNorth Bank Station t Arrive Jeffer son Street 15 mlautea earlier). Leave Corvallia. . . CORYAXL1S COSHECTIOSIS Nerthhonnd Leave Corvallia Arrive Salem 8:28 am 3:45 am 13:13pm 1:30am 8:41 pm 4:00 pm 4:10 pm 8:30 pm . 8:18 pm t:85pm Leave tem Arrive CorvaUI. V.llara .!:5!m . 10:15 am l!:!!m " 13:65 pm 3:14 pm 4:14 pm . : 8:40 pm 8:00 pas I clal street.