The Statesman receives the yy ' 'jffVV - .-V : i . L f fl ' . v i SlXTY-KHllTlt KAH xbrjY . . i SALEM. OUKUOX, THURSDAY MOKM.Mi, MAY 2. 1018 ' .... , P1UCE FIVE CEMa ' SIXTY -SIXLOSE WHEN FRENCH CRUISER ISU.S;S City of Athens Sunk off Coast ef Delaware Panic Stam pedes Vessel As It Rapidly Submerges no ADDS TO FRIGHT. , F PEOPLE ON BOARD Many Trapped in Berths- Only Time for One S. 0. S. Call I , AN ATLANTIC PORT, May 1 Sixty-sit persons lost their lives when the steamship City of Athens, bound . from ,New York for. Savannah, was rammed ana sunk ... by a French cruiser off the Delaware 'coast at 1 o'clock this morning. , The missing include ten men -and two women who were on board, 14 out of 20 French sailors and 33 members of the crew. All the passengers and many of the crew wexeln their berths when the bow of the warship pluged Into ,the side of the 2300-ton coast wise vessel. Tire broke out almost im mediately afterward In hold No. 1, Jut it had no bearing on the fate ' - of the ship for the flames were quick ly quenched by the, rush, of water which poured In. . .. ; Unable To Avert Panic. 'Captain J. Forward, one of the veteran commanders in the ' service of. the Ocean Steamship, company, owners of the vessel, did his best to avert a panic and man the lifeboats. So quickly, did the doomed vessel Ink, however, that there was no time to get the boats away and many of Jbose who perished were trapped la their berths. - .,. A ' Those of the passengers and crew who were able to reach the deck, all of them thinly clad and many with out life preservers, plunged Into the tea. ... ;, ... . The cruiser launched' lifeboats im mediately after the crash and turn ed its- searchlights upon the waters la which men and women were strug gling for their Jives, ,, Sixty-eight per sons were picked up and brought back to this port by ' the warship, 'which was not seriously damaged. . Fog Is Blamed. ! Both ships were carrying running lights because of. the heavy fog which hangover the sea. " 1 E. J. Doherty, the wireless opera tor, was able to send out only one "S, O. S." call after the warship's bow plunged Into the City of Athens' FIRE Elvin Tells French Audience of Salem's Most Noted Advertising Coup, and Recites Exploits of Cherrian ; Bunch Predicts Long War and Advises Preparation Through James Elvln, pastor of the First Congregational church who is now In France, the people of that country have heard of the Salem Commercial club, the Cfcjerrlans and of ihe advertlPins idea which caused the city of Salem to make bold and all the other Salem ites in the United States to change their names. , In a letter to F. W. Steuloff, presi dent of the Commercial club. Mr. Elrln says when he told a French audience of Salem's most memorable -sdvertlsJng coup his listeners laughed , until they cried. Mr. Elvin commends the thrift that Is shown by the French people, and declares that when the Willamette alley is cultivated as thoroughly as the soil of France the people here will all be millionaires., Prepare for a long war, is the ad v'ce of ,Mr. Elvln to the people at .orne. if- writes as follows: 1 "By thfe time I am pretty well f customed to army IKe and army aJ"s L'fJe Sam has surely taken on a blg jpb and I never realized bow Immense the task is until I came over here to see for myself. : J haTe; been over a considerable Portion, of, France and it Is indeed very beautiful country. It i of course a very old country and is nat om,y iilifklr populated. When the Ulamette valley is cultivated as weruny as some of the districts , nere I anv now, we ehall all be mil lionaires. Y The French are a very TlnZ DeOnl . TJnthlnr lo w.aot , tvery; little twig, and cutting, form grape fine is saved for kindling. uere are no modern buildings of h ftj a' The Prench are great h?'M ,n 8ton and everything they is consiructea to last Tor cen turies. Everything is saved and they iitTT fruKal- It very wonder- w me io watch the women work I hey work at nnvthlnir nnA tWn&-oa cars, in shops, jdean nduct business, and farms with th?err phrre one 18 impressed viih larr rnat iha vnmen nra the job. v , , .T """raUty Not Rampants m regard to immorally I am of inr; opinion that it is no worse than m.0"1' 1 have e,"n "worse things the streets of Boston than I have fv "een in France. Silly little fools rr are lu the larger centers eager LIVES TEA1SHIP side near the bow. There was no re sponse to the appeal for aid and the vessel sank so quickly: JJoheity had opportunity to repeatwthe call He is believed to have "been drown ed at his post. Many heroic deeds were recounted tonight by the Burvivors. One of the heroes of the sea tragedy was Harry A. Kelley of New York, an oiler, who swam to. an overturned lifeboat and dragged utkm the bottom of it four persons who were struggling in the sea. He held them there until they were taken off by a boat from the French cruiser. Captain Forward Injured. Captain Forward, who was one of those saved, was painfully injured and was grief -Btricken at the loss of his ship; He said he was proceed ing at half speed about 20 miles off shore sounding the usual fog signals. when the dim bulk- of the cruiser loomed up through themist and the crash followed. Fortunately the sea was calm or many more lives might have been lost. " ; - Captain Forward refused to make a statement concerning the length of time his vessel remained afloat after the collision. Member of the crew declared however, that Tthe City of Athens sank within' four minutes. A great hole was torn in her side below the water line,' near the bow and she was carried down by her own mo mentum as the water inshed in. i The loss on the ship ana cargo was estimated by the Ocean Steamship company to exceed J2.000.000. The major part of the cargo was, made up of cement, rope, foodstuffs, gen eral merchandise and parts for ma chine guns., ; . Marines Drowned. The following United States ma rines were reported drowned: - F. R. Dixon If. Van Hanegen. S. H. Tynge. i H. Rosenfeld. W. J, Mack. S. Ginsberg. ,.. H. E. Wetmore. . Among the members of the crew believed to have been lost are: Claude Lewis, second officer. Charles Cooke, assistant engineer. .. James Poole, oiler. . Nich Salraos.' water-tender. Part Of Passengers listed. i The following passengers are be lieved to have been lost: M. GreenrAsoria, N. Y. ," James J. Kastl, , Morristown. N." J. Richard Bonzeiner, Mobile, Ala. . Miss E. G. Stiles, New York City. Jean Cadron, New York City. Rev. J. P. Reynolds, New York City. Isaac Darzell, Paterson, N. J. Mrs. F. D. Holthan, Hyde Park, Mass. , - . Edward Clug, Savannah, Ga. , Gaw Donk, Brooklyn. N. Y. R. A. Young. Brooklyn, N. Y. for the soldiers' money. I have met some splendid French people and the only difference between them and ourselves is the language. Jt is just as easy and far more profitable to look for the good as it is to look for the bad. A Frenchman would not feel at home in Oiegon. They surely love their wine. A-French home poor or rich without wine would be like an American home without funi- ture. Usually the members of the family at luncheon and dinner take about half a glass, sip it very, very slowly and this is the custom in every home. Two Frenchmen, were my guests at the officers' mess the other evening and it was the first wine less meal that they had ever eaten. The wine Is the backbone of the pros perity of France. . Attend ComnK'rcial CluD. "I had an interesting experience several evenings ago. One of my friends here Is quite progressive and has publishedNiuite a little literature about the commercial opportunities of this town. He Invited me to at tend a meeting of the Commercial club. The . meeting was held in a room, over a cafe and, about thirty five men, most of them quite old, at tended. - They invited; me to speak and my friend Interpreted the speech Into French. I told them all about our valley and our products, about our commercial club, the number of members, the dues, the work of co operation, the Cherrians and the priz es they had Captured and all about our publicity!, work. When I relat ed to then the story of asking the other Saleros in " America to change their names so that our Salem might fee? the only Salem in America they laughed till they cried. When I fin ished my speech they asked me ques tions about Oregon and' the Pacific coast till nearly midnight. Some of them were acquainted with Portland . ' . . . ft 14 1- naviQK aone some irauiuK wiui Iritv - r llnv our fellows would have laughed to se3 a room full of French business men standing, noiaing meir glasses high In the air and shouting "Vive la Salem. Oregon," while I yell ed" In retorn TVive la France." the president, at the close made a grac ious speech-in. which he thanked me heartily tr coming and bringing to (Continued on page 2) . - - -.. v . ; r . ' ! . ' BRITISH ARMY TAKES MEZRAH Operations in Palestine Suc jcessful Lines Arc Stead ""' ily AdYancing LONDON, May 1. An official communication Issued this evening regardlngthe operations in Palestine says that the British have advanced along a line of one mile in the vicin ity of Mezrah and occupied that vil lage. The British troops east of the Jor dan river attacked the enemy hold ing the foothills south of Ec-Salt on Tuesday and the; mounted troops were within two miles of Ec-Salt by nightfall, says a British official com munication tonight dealing with the fighting in Palestine and Iledjaz. The communication adds that 260 prisoners had been taken. Information from the Arab force operating in , the Moab area showt that 550 prisoners were taken in the course of the recent attacks along the Iledjez railway! West of the Jordan our line advanced to a max imum depth of one mile in the vi cinity of Mezrah. The village and high ground to the west were occu pied after slight enemy resistance. SUSPECT MOTIVE OF PEACE TALK ' c ' ... - Statements Quoted From Co logne Papers Considered Hun Propaganda f WASHINGTON. May 1. Wireless dispatches, dated The Hague, and ing Pope Benedict intends to issue a new peace otfer on May 19 were ac cepted in official circles here today as' another bit of German propagan da. Heretofore, the state depart ment has been able to gather an in timation of the purpose of the pon tiff to initiate peace proposals, but not a suggestion of such an inten tion has come from any source re cently. A. - '' The statement in the. dispatch that the -news .of. the. pope's purpose had reached Berlin "where it had been received sympathetically, was taken hero tte Indicate that German . influ ence is being brought to bear on the bontlff to InterVefle Assuming such to be the case, officials feel that there might be1 come grounds for believing that the Germans now recognize that their efforts to obtain a military de cision In the west this summer are doomed to failure. BOHEMIANS ARE LEAVING ARMY TO JOIN ITALY Detachments Already Wear ing Unform of Ailed Troops 1 oni South Front OFFER PEACE TO FRANCE Sends Representative to Con fer With King Alfonzo of Spain LONDON', May 2. The Daily Mail's correspondent at Italian head quarters says that Bohemian troops are joining tho Italian troops against Austria-and that the first detach ments are. already on the Italian fighting line wearing Italian uni forms. Mnke Peace Offer, LONDON, May 1. Pfince Sixtus of Bourbon-Parma, to whom the fa mous letetr written by Emperor Charles offering peace to France was addressed.,' the Times says, visited King Alfonso of Spain on Monday; according to the Madrid Sol. The Spanish newspaper understands that he gave to King Alfonso explanations concerning his correspondence with his Hapsburg relatives, (His sister, Zita, is empress of Austria-Hungary.) Simultaneously a report reached Stockholm that Emperor Charles was making a fresh peace attempt and that he was appealing to Italy to consider it in her own interests. . All that can be said abont these rumors, the Tlmesdds. Is that they are not inherently incredible. The dual monarchy and Its ruler are unqmpstionably in a highly criti cal, position, the newspaper contin ues, and it may well be that the youthful emperor is trying to tempt Italy,, possibly also Belgium, as he tried to tempt France. The detachments belonged to a Czecho-Slovak army which is being formed in many centers from former subjects of Emperor Charles. They already occupy positions at various (Continued on page 6.) ' - 1 .. I . BAKER WILL SUBMIT PLAN TO CONGRESS Secretary of War Expected to Ask That All Restriction on Number of Troops to Be Raised Be Removed NEW CLASSIFICATION SCHEME IS PROPOSED Chairman Dent, Introduces Bill Authorizing Mobiliza tion of 4,000,000 WASHINGTON, May 1. Secretary Baker will carry to congress tomor-' . row me array increase program map ped out, by President Wilson and his advisers and based on the determina tion to win the war, if it takes the wholeman power of 'the nation to do it. There are indications that he will ask that all restrictions on the number of troops raised be re moved and the government authoriz ed to mobilize as many men as it can equip, train and send to the battle front in France. When the war secretary appears before the house military commit tee with supplemental estimates for the army he is expected to disclose that the department has reason to be lieve it can handle during the pres ent year at least double the existing force under arms of approximate 1,600,000 men. ; That would mean a wiai oi a.zuu,- oon soldiers for whom clothing, equip ment and transportation-Are now in sight. Should additional lacmues become available, however, it is in dicated that President Wilson wish- to be able to call out more men without delaying to seek authority. inMiiilnt sleets CADinec - . TiiA n resident's war cabinet met wltlThim today at the White House onH -wont nver the erountt inorougn- ly. Secretary Baker remained more than an hour with the president af ter the other members oi me - war cabinet "had left. - i. tho hnim Chairman Dent or n.nitnrv committee. Introduced a bill that would authorize the mobili zation and organization oi .uvu.vv -iH,r, rvlce men. instead of tne 1,000.000 to which, the government Is limlted-uy tne exisims yy rflT, id the measure was his own and he had not consuueu. iu -"-" ...J v . n depaitment on it. . t xr tLrtiomM Ontlinetl. vtj- h new classification Mheme. there are V.ffihl! . onn nAA mm immediately avaiiaDie for active military 8e"rlceJiCla1?f 1. That estimate is based on the returns of numerous states law of averages. It ludM rated as fit only for limited special "rvice and-all delinquents, slated 5:!, rj;Lii.u infliction into Class i wk unorehended. and all of the j vomiial cases, the men . "k" f.t for active service after operations or ""'V6;!. ment to correct minor Physical de fects. Behind tnai. jJ - t. roarhpd 21 years since nWBUHW Ji.ii'v - - y-n the draft act W P4 wh .7. in tinder pending amendments. Probably the total of HfecUves in Class 1 will prove to ? koo oofTmen when the definite ng ures are available. This Is the first reserve! r r rom . . . in lu drawn to fill np 7he new armies: It 1. concfiv.ble that Class 1 will be "JS but not that it would faU to ( -ii the men who can be shipped to France before congress, meets again thin reason U 1 resa'"" as probable that the ae5tion of J Increas- .1 it- i va draft act or oi KwTng upo'n ClasH can be deferred until congress again m im Irerarea. Military precautions forbid dis closure of the rate at which the army r: Sii- .ot in the front, but Mr. Baker will be able to give the house committee tomorrow som interest ing figures in this regard. In pressing forward the troops, the war department., it is learned, has rbiidonPed it. Previous policy of JoTpletlng organization of a unit be fore it goes over. Under the new nlan regiments or larger units go forward In schedule 6hort a considerable part f their full enlisted strength. They will be fill ed p on the other side. . . .The number of men rKcduled to be called to the colors this monih under the selective service act has W-en raised to 250.000. Last month unnnn wer mobilized. At this rate half of the 00.000 which the depart, befor the eeiman drive was launched, had planned to call dur- In the present year, will nave neen called out In two -montns lime. ITALIANS lftSK ONE SHIP. ROME. May 1. Only one sailing vessel over 1600 tons was sunk by submarine or mine in the week rna Ing April 27. ' BABES ARE KEPT SAFE IN TRENCH French Soldiers Counter-Attacking Find Children in German Front Line BRITISH ARMY IN FLANDERS, May 1. Prisoners say that the 1920 class of Germans are being mustered in at Krels Offenbach and they have been mustered in at Kreisnimptsch. Some of this class already are in the field, but they are not to be used in the fighting unless their aid is ab solutely necessary. . ' ' " The recent fighting in Flanders has furnished many unusual and trying 'experiences for civilians liv ing near the. front, but none of these was more amazing than that of two tiny French children who are In a British military hospital. .These tots were among the few unfortunate persons in Neuve Egllse when the Germans $ overran that place. The town immediately . oecame a storm center which was continually chang Ing hands and German soldiers took these two babies into trenches for their nrotection. -Durinr a During a counter-attack the British .stormed and captured the trench. They found the little ones safe and sound and brought them back.a The children had been living under terrific gun fire, and 'how they escaped death cannot be ac counted for.' Another French baby was found by two British signal men at another place. As the child Jiad no protec tion the soldiers took It with them to their billet in a barn.' That night the signal men went to sleep with the baby between them so that no harm might come to it. German air men bombed the barn, both the Tommies being killed. The child escaped injury and later was rescued by other soldiers. : Seattle Farmer Pats t . Bullet in Own Heart SPOKANE, May 1. Lyman F. Williams, a resident! of this city for twenty-five years and proprietor of the Steno farms near Trent, east of here, was found dead in a hotel room here this afternoon with a bullet through his heart. A note addressed to the public stated his intention of committing suicide. Mr. Williams, was one of the orig inal owners of the Le Roi mine at Rossland, B. C, and twenty .years ago was part owner of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. Friends believe business worries were . responsible for ills death. , ' FRUIT CROPS WILL REQUIRE MANY WORKERS Indications Point to Great In crease of Products in Wil lamette Valley - PRUNES WILL BE TRUMPS i - Local Plants Will Employ Hundreds of People Dur ing Season Repeated allusions have been made In the press with regard to the influences thdt are pulling people away from Salem and vicinity. Over against these should be placed some of the factors that are not only go ing to hold people in this vicinity but attract a large number from the out side. Not the least of these is the fruit. industry in all its phases, from the field to the tin can. i A recent visit to the Hunt cannery showed a squad or men at work put ting on a fresh coat of paint on woodwork, cleaning up"" machinery and making preparations for the run of business .which Is scheduled to begin on the first Of June., It is the expectation of the management to make a 40 or-50 per cent increase over theiiUfut of last year, and the plant is. being lined up wTtn that in view. The management has stow ed away something over a million tin cans of. all sizes; hundreds of thousands of berry boxes and thou sands of crates. Not less than 300 people will be employed- about, the plant throughout ,the season, and at a greatly increased rate of wages. Price Not Fixed. , No estimate can be made at this time as to the amount that will be paid for the various fruits and veg etables, but it is assumed that the tendency will be toward a better rate than was paid last year, owing. to the increased cost of. labor. The Hunt plant alone will consume thou sands of tons of produce during the season, and this means the employ ment of thousands of hands In the production and harvesting. of crop (Continued on page 2) I - . I BRIMS HOLD AGAINST ATTACK Bombardment at Villers-Bretonneux Followed' by Onrush of Germans Many of Ene my Killed and Left on Field Remarkable Bravery Displayed Throughout : Battle Hand-to-Hand Fighting 0c curf Along l&tire Line "... -. WITH THE FRENCH ARMY -IN TTJANCEMay 1 A heavy German attack launched yesterday against the Americans. in the vi cinity of Villers-Bretonneux was repulsed with heavy losses for the enemy. The German preliminary bombardment lasted two hours and then the'infantry rushed forward, only 'to be driven back leaving large numbers of dead on the ground in front of the American lines. The German bombardment opened at 5 o'clock in the afternoon and was directed especially against the Americans, who were support ed on the north and s?uth by the Frenth. The fire was intense, and at the end of two hours the German commander sent forward three battalions of -infantry. There was hand to hand fighting ail-along the line, as a result of which the enemy"was thrust back, his dead and woundejl lying on the ground in all directions. Five prisoners ie ained in American hands. , . , These Men Will Shave When Berlin Is Taken Theoaore Rowland, Fred Klein, and M, S. Farwell, all employed In the 'state engineering department, have announced their intentions to allow their .moustaches to grow un til the American troops occupy Ber lin. Dating from yesterday no razor will be allowed to touch their upper lips until Old Glory waves over the palace of the kaiser. Heretofore th faces of the three men have been unadorned with beard or moustache. Democrats in Wyoming Endorse Prohibition CHEYENNE, Wyo May 1. Wy oming . Democrats endorsed state wide prohibition here -tonight by resolutions adopted " by the state Demor ratio committee, in session here. ' ' The committee also adopted reso lutions endorsing the national ad ministration's War program. Traps Laid for Yankee Souvenir Collectors WIT-THE AMERICAN AftMY IN FRANCE, May l.-o-Knowing that the Americans are persistent 'souvenir hunters, the German in the Toul sectors have been atrewing No Man's Land with all sorts of Infernal de vices. These consist of ..electric wires attached to bells, helmets, rifles and other paraphernalia con necting with concealed bombs. . In a number of instances .Ameri can soldiers have tripped over theseJ and escaped. . . ACCIDENFSIMS STEAMER FJELL Crew Saved by Ljvingstonia, Other Vessel Involved in Collision AN ATLANTIC PORT. May 1. .The Norwegian steamer FJeli was sunk off the Virginia coast at mid night last night when she collided with the British steamer Llvlngsto- nia. The Fjell'-a crew was aaved by the Livingstonia and landed here to day. . . : .. The collision occurred In a heavy fog.: The Livingstonia, outward bound from this port, crashed bow on amidships of the Fjell. which was coming down the coast. With a great hole in her hull the Norwegian ves sel sank soon after the crew had taken to the boats. . - Captain Johannesen of the Fjell and his crew lost all their effects, many of the men reaching the boats half clothed. The captain said his ship was sounding her fog signal reg ularly and taking all proper precau tions, . and that the Livingstonia stonia would be libeled for damages, . The British captain would not dis cuss the collision further than . to say that he would make a full report at the proper time. -The Fjell was a little vessel ot 591 net tons. The Livlngstonla's net tonnage Is 2799. . Struggle Is Violent , The struggle, which lasted a con siderable time, was extremely vio lent and the Americans displayed re markable bravery- throughout. . , It was the first occasion in wDch. the Americans were engaged In the ' battle which has been raging sinc March 21 and their French comrades are full of praise for the manner- in which they conducted themselves under trying conditions, especially la view of the fact that they are fight ing at one . of the most difficult points on the battle front. ' -The American losses wert rather severe.-- . ': BOHEMLUtS rPESERTv " . LONDON. May 1. The Bohemian troops are. Joining the Italians ' against Austria, according to the London Mail's correspondent Vt Ital ian, headquarters. Even now some of the Bohemians are on the Italian line, clad fn Italian uniforms. This information has passed through the hands of N both Italian and British censors and would therefore appear to be authentlc The - defection, . of the Bohemians would in a measure explain the. de lay in the proposed great offensive, long-heralded,, of the,. Austrians against the, Italians: , . . -i IUotteg In Prague. V ' Prague,, capital of the Crowland of Bohemia,, recently has 'been the center- -of . riotous - demonstrations against Germany and the ' Germans. -The Austro-Hungarian foreign rnin- ' ister, - Count - Cxernin, has , been strongly ; denounced, and . Presided Wilson and the entente allies have been cheered. The Csech members , of . parliament together with. the. Slovene and Serbo-Croat," delegates, have . been leaders in the opposition to German rnle. - " American troops around VUlers- Bretonneux engaged for the first time in the reat battle on the French front, have reputoed a strong German attack, preceded by. a heavy bombardment and cart Vrd ont by three battalions of infantry.. The Germans left many dead and wound ed before the American lines. The American - losses are reported as rather severe. v r ? v. . ' I-oies EnoJrrKrmw . , Having been defeated with enor mous losses - In every' phase of the- fighting around Yores, -the Germans have attempted no further on slaughts. Inaction prevailed Wet nesday before the positions held by the British and French troops, espe cially those In the hands of the Brit ish, which it has been the ambition of the Germans to capture.. Is Since Monday what activity there has been In this region was carried ont by the British and French, both of whom - have materially bettered their positions- the' French near Locre nad the British at Meteren. On; both sectors ground was 'cap tured and prisoners taken. Meanwhile, British and French ar-. tillerists are sending a veritable rata of shells on Mont KemmeL - Thaa far the allied gnns have held back all attempts by the enemy 'to rein force his men on the hill and If the good work is kept Tip the hilltop is likely soon to prove a death trap for its cantors. - ... J ' No News on CodnciL -Nothing as yet has been vouch safed regarding the inter-allied war council which, is holding sessions at Versailles, which are . expected to bring forth decisions of great moment. Great faith In the ability of Gen- ( Continued on page 8.) THE WEATHER. , Cloudy west, fair east portion; moderate northwesterly winds.