7 CBaisiilj(dl B 1 r c t r y g e Wants and Needs of theCapital City Are Noted der Proper Headings So You Can Readily Find Them S4I and Exchange all Kinds SElUriU nanii uuuuj ifES CLOTHING, HIIOEH. 1HCY- CLE, TOOIJ4, ETC CAPITAL EXCJIANOE MH 621 Court ft KOnWICII TJNIO.1 miK INKLUANCK HOCIETT YY. H. Wurglunlt, Jr., relent Age" L Money to Loan TH0&K.FORD Over Ladd A Beak Ha alt. Iila Or. CX4ISU1ED APTKTKKTg iuu Fee wee ;!rtt leeerlloe la uVeeqUCBt tDMrtlOBt ....... OM whH UMrUOBO ... ie One moeta .. fe g?s months' eon tract per mo. So Ti MMtbr' Ktuut, par mo... ?e e geeouBt opeaedf or leea tail S6e A Beet card. gives free with is dvertiaeraoBt to the extent of 6to M.ouoclnf "For Sale," - Just," "Roome" or "atoard." - 4 oh IKW TODAT Xi bsw cUaalfled edvertlee meat will be run under "New Today" fr firet ioaartlan, ualeoo etnerwlee ordered by -the adver- tliHr, Bviteequeat Insertion of tbe ad will appear under Ita proper eleee- VlcaUoa. No edvertlement will bo ran eader "Maw Today- for more than m lease usder aoy elreumataneee NEW TODAY WANTED WASHING. 70 .FKIttir atreet CHOICE DAHLIA UL'LHS NOW rdy. lie to It a bulb. I'hone Mrs. fY L. Purvlne, 1000 6th street yuit HAWS A LAIiUB TEAM Or naunic. eound horaea. alao barneae and wtfun, hack, plow, dink, potato --plow, a cuitivetora. inquire at ee ; Korth Hum mar -street, Hal am. WANTKD llili TENT. OR LAHUEH. I'bone 40t22. lWTA KEY HI NO AND KEY. HE lure to E. U. riake, phone 1044-J. Keward. TOR BALK Now modern realdence. ' Located at 1370 8Ute. Attract ive, terms. I'bone 151 J. J tKKJD SKHVICE-THK OHEGON Fl HE Itellef Aasoclatlon of McMJnnvllle haa Ita Halem office not omy to write your Inaurance, but to render you , advice durlnv the entire term of your polliry. We make our endoreementa and attach to your policy, upon r auait, ahowlna any tranafer or other rhanca neceaaary under the State ' Policy Uw, without any chare whatever. II. A. Johnaon Mt Co.. Aaent, Huah Hank lliU., Halwn, phone 147. WHAT CLEAR PHOI'KHTY IIAVK you to offer for an I room houae, modern, encept furnace, but la plpea for It. and full cement floored baae- taeat baa a raraica and two run larea lota, with aood Cardan aoll. corner of car line, ana one block from Capital, atreet pavm. Witi rant for a year If not dlaposed of Immediately. See Wm. Fleming-, 141 klale atreet, Flamina; Realty Co. WB HAVE NEARLY 100 LISTINGS. i propertlee of at klada for aale or r trade, if you are willing- to make a fair oaai wnn ine aaaurance oi aei tlag tbe aame, we Invite you to try tit. Nu wildcat oroDoeitlon wan tea. The Flemlne; Realty Co., Wm. Flam Ine- manager, bualneaa- eatabllahed 1101. Reference our patroaa, or bual rnen, or nana. TUMOtllEtif FKMAI.R VANTtlI WOMAN TO DO HOUSE work for family of three. Muat be heaL refined and a arood cook. Lib- er.l pay to competent woman. If In tereated addreaa box MH 64" Statea. mu office, rlvlnc -your addreaa or itnnna nnmrxr. - MA LB WANTfc.D ifOUNa MAN TO "LEARN prtnttner trade. Apply Stateaman cempoaiar room, upstalra. CKKIO POHlTlON FOR MAN WHO thoroue-hly undaratanda vulcanlxlnr retreadint; and tire repatrlnc. 270 horta Commercial atreet. MALK AND FEMAB HELP WANTED we have an openlnrf In your town for a nwiDiD.r aaleaman. . You could make a food aalary with our propoemon. Addreaa "it 47" Btatee- T"n office. ronrsxiJE . HVKBTOK "'ll MALE FREHII COW. ROUTE !!tl.ri'V H. MIBCKIXANKOtre 'ifHiLT-biNiNU uexm bet. mr rrank Myera, 2 North cottage. ro,RD TRAILER rOR SALE. INQUfRK v aireet. rR SALE CRASS SEED WHEAT. 7re McKlnney, Turner, Oregon. PARSKNOER FORD WITH EX J'm 276. Salem Velle Co, 117 North 'OH SALE LARGE RANGE USPU v oha. Call Monday at 3J WOOD mil bit v w ami t'r orm jnaae a gravel bed or a dump bed. - ai j o ciock. ';:-" ALEte AM AND HARNESS it I, ' town. Kelt cheap. Call worm commercial. Phone 714. A'E- AT A HARGAIV. NEW i-.r.7?l ar,- run only 2S00 roiiea, J"1 ei pi. Commercial atreet dur euaineaa lioura. ,rTU WANT TO GET THE BES 7,-AP,p.r' b4 t the Pacific .ua?.u..4- . Oregon, for a trial --inuun. Mention thla ad, C?hu,TT ur THC "ATMAN OIRIie efA.i" V" mrr or waaiern immi 5i,J ?" been carefully reviaeo. "Una; a h anH .. a i k..l. it ''.raphic terme of the maa aIiT!L0,- Wan family, of the 7.7V Ix.reno. and the caotlvltv r-oM.COB .anAa otl Purchaaed TI" Irajlfene) five yeara later. IrlFil ". poatpald. Ad. col n.1 Z Monthly, Ba POCtTRT 03 F6 or 67 F. PHONE IF YOU WANT TO C1ET TUB UES'i poultry papr published. end It centa to the Northweat Poultry Journal, Salem. Oregon, for a 4ria1 aubacrlption. Mention this ad. FOR RENT rKHi Villi" RENT 26 ACUKM oirOAiiliKS i"?.4 "l Wlwrty; Inquire ; John It, M.Nwry IIQCSBS Foil RENT 3 1 rLIxito77MMnrv ern houae vn paved etreet at 11X0 rw.uwi it ign etreet c. a. Jthoten. 1141-J, any time week day. jVl roil HK.NT THE rulxnwiKn. - 9$'"Jm.,iY. roodaro five-room eot- aa tuoi eaKinaw. in Kuod ordar, ormrly rantad for ill a nuuth Call at Ivjl Bacln.w or luuiman vuamaaa oinra. rttuna 21. Naai md-rn buacaloir .oma at ( North 20th at. Call at BMMimtn ouMinoaa orrtco or poona Mnoi-rn io room houae on i:iitaga atrovt, rloao I n. Call at Htataainan bualnaaa office, or pbona It UO MB ilOUXKKKKI'INO AND SINGLE roorna nicely furnlahed at 011 Kerry etreet. Come and aea them. -OH IIENTCOMKOIITAULE HOOM with uae of bath. In modern home. Addreaa A. II. care Btaleaman. KOIl KENT I ItOOMit POIt LIOHT houaekeeplna on flrat floor. rMeep lnr porrh, pantry and bath. Call 606 Mouth Church or phona UTU-M. GOOD OUTRIDE ItOOM HOT WATE.t beat, modern convenience, alao lu aide room a. Cloae to fcUate llouaj. 1010 Chemekata. Phone 110. TOIIKJSIIT fOlt HENTrllEHTOKEIWKJM at 141 North Commercial atreat, now oc cupled by, Compton'a If.c, and tie More, will be for rent Har. lt nest Kor partlvulara Inquire at room 22 Hrevman Wok. i MISCELLANEOUS M 1 V Tit I 1)1: MONEY TO L?AN ONGOD' SKCUK' Ity. O. E. Unruh, pboneH6. I CAN GET YOU A . LOAN ON ANY kind of eecurlty If go.ni. John II. Bcott, 404 Hubbard buildlnga. FA TIME H8 NEEDINO PKDRRAb Krni loan a ahould not fail to file their apolicatlona at thla time for their fall needa. Intereat 6Mi Pr Cent, 34 yeara tlm. A. C liohrn-eU-Ut, 401 Maaonlc Temple. Salem, Or. WANTED MICKM.ANKOl W A' T K CC--TI i l K NT A FURNISHED houae or apartment or at leaat rour ro..ma. No children. Anewer "II 14' care Stateaman. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR good clean rage, preaaroora statea. man. ' AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY AUTO BKimCIO eountry tnpe. pnone Day., teas wtvnt. tea. 5ATEs"lTAr JT.SOLB TfRW-SERVICl Station 171. South commercial iu phone 42B. -r QUACKENBUSH AUTO mrPPLT AND vulcanising, sir norm commercial .AAA. t) h M A 11 DRACKETT eV GRAY TUr.ES VUU cantsed, lae. netreaaiBf ur epeciai ty. Free aervlce car. Phone 1400 171 North CommerciaL WATT 8HIPP CO RETREADS AND eectlona tubea ite up. service car. Phono Sll. 120 South Commercial atreet 1 ' -pttOTESSIffiAL DtTlITt DR. r. U UTTER. DENTIST, ROOMS 411-414 Baaat oi womoarea jMaar Phone aaa. "HcilcTtEACHERr R . 1IARR. TEACHER . OF PIANO. PTtone 1312 raYSICIANS D R. L. d. aIJTMAN. HOSlESPATfliO Phyalclan. Office ana reaiaeneei are North Liberty. Salem, phone 147i TODGE DIRECTORY BHOTUiSIlIIOOU OF YOEMA9K. idEtsnBlWEb Ing In MaaoBle Temple, fifth floor, at o'clock. All vleltlng member.e wel come. Horace Sykee, Foreman. W. IL Prank. Correapondant f MODERN WOODMEN. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Oedar Camp. No. 6246, mecta every Tburaday evening at o'clock In Derby build Ing. corner Court aad High etreete. H. F. Day. V. Cj J. A. Wrlrht. clrek. WS1NESS CARDS AUTO DEUVKHT BAGGAGE AND PARCELS DELIVER . ed any place, city or country. Phone 4 or 2011-R. W. W. Fiaher. 'BARKER SHOPS THE REAL sfON OF SATISFACTION ' will be found at Ingrey'e. A clean barber ehop with harbera who know how. Ingrey'a Barber Shop, 211 Biae atreet CHtnoPRAcme DR. O. U SCOTT. D. C, GRADUATE OF P. 8. C. Cblropractlca fountain bead. Davetvport. Iowa. Chlropr actio cor rect a tne eauae oi oiaeaae. i-rue 404.7-I, U. S..N. uana Bulldiac. Phone IT. Reeldenee tlt-R. Dft!YiATf D'KXPRK CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER COMPANY Phone 032, Salero'a largeat and beat eoulooed tr ana far company. Oet our reduced frelaht ratee on eaatern ehlpmenta. Alao for atorage aa we have three warebouaea In connection with bualneaa. Furniture moving. packing, er.tr.nlnr and aorlng our epeclalty. ornce m bouib wommer elal atreet "CHIIfEf BTFHf ilCIAK. I DR. la XL HUM CURES ANY KNOWN 1 idlaeaaa. 162 S. lllah St Phone 222.1 o. watanabe. I'rop 4J N. Jominar clal tit. Idlra' and a-eittlrmen'a auita claanad afid praaaad, $1.26 and f 1.76. Work called fur and delivered f r, Telephon Main 6&t. JUNK WANTKD WH PAT HIGHEST price for )uak of every kind. Let ue make you a price on your bouaebold food a. The "bViaar Veal" Houae Japttal Junk iUt t71 Cbemeketa Mtreet, Phone til. FULL VALUB PAID TOH BCOND band a-ooda. Hlcbeat market orleaa for Junk and bldea. The Peoplee1 Junk and tfeoondbaad iiora, 171 No. Commar-lal. I'hone 714. I II Al HltCMo V-rfT 'CLEAN WfllTfcr 11 AS PRO VEN f CO eeaaful. Applied here or eold for borne uae. flanltary Uaauty Par lor a, tt Mnhhard Hia LAtJNDRlKO BALKM HTKAM LAUNUHY JUICK dliverv and careful work. Dry waah Co per pound. Ill South Lib arty street. I'hone 15. HOME WET WASH LAUNDRY REG ular weeding- done at a rate every, body can afford. For only 10 centa we will collect, waah and deliver your waahtng within twenty-four hntire. I'hone 1471. MAC'IIISIBT WE DO MACHINERY REPAIRING OF all klnda, automobile repairing, oay acetylrnce welding, gaa engine re pairing, model and experimental work. Iowa Machine Hlo.p, it. it, llrown, prop., til Chemekela St., Ha lem. (IBTK.OPATIIT DR. W. L. MERCER. ORADUATE American School Oateopathr, Klrka vllle. Mo.; treata acute and chronle dlaeaae. Office 404.401 U. B, Na tional Rank Rider. Phone til. Real, dance 411 North Summer. Phone lit. DRS. WHITE A WALTON, 08TEO pathle phyalcana and eurgeona. (traduatea of the American Bcbooia of oeteopathy. Kirkavllle. Mo. Poat Sraduate and apeclallaed la nervoua laeaaea Mt Loa Angelea College. Treat acute and chronic d laeaaea. Officea 606 0-7-I. U. 8. National Hank Dldg. Phone 161. Residence, 1420 Court atreet. Phone 2216. Dr. White, realdence phone 441. ffCKBERIEB. 1 " ' r Hi ' l laaisiir FRU1TLAND NURSERY SALES YARD haa moved their -lock to the country, route (, Halem, phone 100F21. Special prlcea on grafted walnuta and Hal Ian prunea. A. J. Mathla, proprietor. TEcswiTTTiinrTjooDir . WE RUT AND SELL. SBrrnVTt If AMI) goooa or an Kinaa, pipe fittinga, bar. ai, avii are, conai pea a, looia, chaina. Fred Ichiadler. 26? Center eirreet UWDERTAKERS Wfcuit 4 CLWaT&.mEBiCA?E viouKn, lunirti airectore. la test moaern mtmoai Known to the pro feaatnn. 4t7 Coort atreet TRA IVariC HH A fTLIKO AUTO TRUCK SICKVICli '" ANT 1&ND of hauling. Uouaehold moving Jobe done prompt ly. Trv me once. Tlmma. f7B state bc rnoae . Thfm 11 11-J Reeldeaee wrtrnAPEic-Tiwt 6xiXTtVH. jdtlit'HHElMAN FOR paper haaglng, painting- and tinting. Choice wall paper and cut-out bora era. Phone 2606W1. QLENN L. ADAMS FOR HOUSE DEC- eoratlag, painting, tinting, paper hanging, ate. Work done by contract or day; good workman. Location 1020 Center St Pboae 6II-W. TEN CENTS A DOUBLE ROLL AND upward for choice Wall Paper at tturon'e Furniture store. 171 Com mercla! St, XEB PORTER FOR PAINTS WALL paper ana Picture Framing, oood wnf.B 4R i-rmrt mt Fhnn. 411, "Water"" SALEM WATER CO. OFFICE, 201 & Commercial atreet. For water eervlce apply at office. Make ail complaln'ta at ine onice. no aeauctiona in bllla will be allowed for abeonce or for any cauaea whatever unlcae water la cut off from premlaea. Hereafter , water foe irrigation will only be ' furalabed to Regular euatomere tralng water for domeetle purpoeee. Con traetora for aidewalka. brick work, or plaaUrlnr. will oleaae read "for building; purpoaea" under achedule of raiee. Apply at office for copy. Depot Xitlaatl Jk Aaaertean Feaee, atu mtmrm, wm mm, mm IBk aJaTaw Palate, Olle mmd Vatnalak. ttovee Keballt a ad Revalroel t-ogaaberry aad Hop I leek a. Saleaa Feae A Stove Werka. SS4) Oart St PBm ltd ft- w. rKMiwn. -ALWAYH TUB TRVTII.' Salvatore CirlrUano. the dlstln- rulshed newapaper merchant of the Park Uow Building, went to Wood stock, Md.. laat week to aee the ordi nation of hie brother Domlnico aa a Jesuit prleat. He took hie little boy with him. At tbe cloae of tbe cere mony the child proceeded with tbe otberg to kiaa the ring of Cardinal G-ibbone. "What ia your name?" Inquired Ilia Eminence. "Antonio Clrlgllano, air." "Ah. the nephew of Father Domln ico. And how old are you?" puraued the cardinal. "I wag four and ahalf on the train coming here," aaid Antonio, "but I'm really aix." "Always tbe truth." said the car dinal,, bla eyes twinkling. "Always the truth!" New York Sun. AUXTIK WAS EXCITED. Never had there been such a com motion In tbe little flat. And the mot excited person present wag tbe slater of a young mother who bad jUKt presented her husband with twins. Auntie was wldly delighted at be ing auntie In a double sense, and off she rurbed . to the cpoatof flee for stamps to. spread the great tidings. "Stamps:" she jerked aa she reached the counter and flung down tbe money. "How many, miss?" politely in quired the cleik. "Two!" ano criea joyouny. "What kind?" "A boy and s girl." ahe returned . a .).. I. a ,1a htm titirr-r. i . . . T . ." -rnnaueipnia wrujrr. WHEY For Feeding Hogs Can bo had at the Marion Creamery Call or Telephone) 2 4 If SALEM MARKETS I1UVIXO I'llICK I'ggu sn4 I'oolirj. Ecri. SOe. Old rooatera, IS to He. Staica. ie to lie. I'ork, Mat ton sn! llcf. Pork on foot, IS to ice. Kwea, & to 9c. Veal, d rfaaed. If to He. Sprint lamb. He. Ileef ateera, 7 to 9c; cowa, 4 to 8e. liulli, 4 to Ce. IUf Cheat, per ton. ft 4. Clover, per ton. 122. Vetch, per ton, $24. Grain. Wheat. 11.85 to $1.17. Oata. $1. Heana, 10c. Mill Feed. ItUil. Dran. per ton. $38. Shorta, per ton, $2$. WlIOLrXALH TO VKAUZM. Country batter. 45c. CreamerV butter, 4Se. Hutterfat, f. o. b. Salem, 43c. Flab. Steelbeada, 26c. Smelt, Be per pound. Salmon, Chinook, SOe. Vegetable. Lettuce, crate. $3. Celery, 90c. Nebraaka rice eorn, 12c. Bananaa, 7c. Appleg, $1.25 to 12.25. Lemona, $6.S0 to $7.25. Dromedary date, $f. ltetall Price. Creamery butter. 66c. Ecgi, 2 Sc. Flour, bard wheat. $2.10 to $3. Flour, valley, $3.60 to $2.60. Sugar, iane and beet. 11 lb. $1. Potatoea, tack lota, $1.28. ' PORTLAND MARKETS (iraln. PORTLAND, April 23. Grain. 30 day options: Bids Oata,.. No. 3, $66.60. Eastern oats and corn in bulk Oata. No. 3. $61: 3$-pound clipped, $62; corn. No. 3, yellow, 266; No. 3, ml led, $83; oata. No. 3, $61; clipped, $62; corn, yellow. $66; mixed, $66. Dairy Produce. nutter: Printa, extras. 42 O 43c; cubes, extras, 37 He; prime firsts 37c; dairy, .10c. Duttetlat: -'Portland delivery No. 1 aour cream, 41c. Potatoea: Buying price LocaJa 76c; aelllng price, 76 $1; sew Cal ifornia's 9 010c. SHARP ADVANCE HADE IN CORN Announcement of Food Ad ministration Leads to Change in Market CHICAGO. April 23. Announce ment that the coarse grain division of the iood administration would recommend cancelling the embargo on east bound ehlpmenta r.f grain lal to a aharp advance today In. the value of corn. Prlcea closed strrng. 1-8 to 1-4 to C-8e net higher with May $1.27 1-4 and July $1.49 1-S t $1.49 2-4. Oate gained 3-4 to 7-8 to 1 1-8 and provlalona 36 to 47 to 60 -ents. Froapecta or embargo remova more than offset everything bearish regarding corn. Aa a result prices "cored a awl ft advance after a de cline which had followed tbe open Ing. Activity on tbe part of the New York and Boston export Interests had much to do with the upward awing of the oata market. Liberal exporta and tbe fact that lard ahipmenta were materially In excess of laat year hoisted provl alons. THE CY1IJ1KHT wlXTEIt. Edith Wharton, the novelist, la do ing war work of all klnda in France, and at a Paris dinner, apropoa of the coal ghortgge, she aaid: "Well, let ua be glad, anyhow, that a French winter la not Hke a New England one. Let tie comfort ourselves as we bend shivering over chill radi ators, with tbe welrdeat stories of New England cold. "I know an aged New Englander who. rolled round the stove In the general atore at Croydon Four Cor ners, talka about the cold In this fashion: 'Cold? Shucks, you young fellers don't know what cold Is! Take the winter of '67 now. Thar ye bad cold. Why. In '67 it waa so blamed cold that if ye reared a pott of bllln' water out of doora it cracked like s gun. Yen. and live coala frli! aolld In four minutes' time, nut tbe queerest thing of all waa the way yer converaatlon would actually freexe up before It could be beard, t's hoys used to have a practical loke we'd often play on strangers. We'd Up up and put a couple of armfnla of frozen shrieks and growls and cuases in tbe stove unbeknownst, and as they thawed out they'd yell and carry-on like demonds, and we'd tiava a aruw4 1 II e h at t he at ra n eera T" I " -.w' TI.V. l.h, -Waal. "r"w WV,M "a ew... REAL ESTATE W ANTKO To KXC'HANUK A TITT lot. Iix-aled on a pavad atreat, for a IlKht 4 paaaengar auto. I'hona 76. 340 AC I (KM, 200 CULT4 VATKD 40 limber paatura all Rood aoll, i3,00. Kcolofky, 141 Htata a I real OH SALE SMALL TRACTS IMPROV. ed cr unimproved on eeev terme or -will eit-hanae for city property. 404 Hubbard building. f r 'Oit NALKMOUICHN 6 ItOOM IIUNU- alow at a real eaerlflce. liargaln worth Invaatla-atlna-. Kor partlvulara phone llt.W. 2 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, WEIX located, Monmouth. Oregon, will take realdence In Halem, t 11200, offered et 4 velue. price ft. 400. ttocolofaky, 341 Btate atreet 1 FOlt SALE 12 ACRES OF LAND. quarter mile from Clatter; II36 an e.re. Will aell half. If d-aired. John Wealey, Salem, route 6. Pboae 67F4. CALL ON ME FOR ANY KIND OF AN eihange. or ranch to buy. Bocolofs ky. 341 State atreet . A OOOD IIUY 2(120 FEET ON EAST aiae commercial atreet, one door north or State street, Salem, together with perpetual right of way over the 1464lVr feet tract extendlnar from thla ortMtrty (a ntat .t...f Apply Scott Rosorth, 701-2 Bpaulding uiug., luriiana. Oregon. FOR HALE FARM AHOUT 100 ACHEh 00110m land, lie upland, on Oregon Electric, Llvesley atatlon. Uvoa houaea. barna. apringa. alao mineral apringe In houae. Addreaa Charlea rVhmid. 2ti Ivy street. Portland, wrraun. win aeii one nair, tnree quariera or ait ROOM HOUSE. 12 LOTS, EASY walking- dlatanca of Unlverelty, Eu gene, Oregon, to exchange for ranch not over 23,000. Socolofaky, 341 Sale atreet FINE 6 ROOM HOUSES WELL Lo cated In Halem on paved atreat all modern and 40 acres of Improved tend 0 miles out to trade for a larger farm. Thla property la all clear property. See I'errine A Maratera, 402 Hubbard iildg., phone 007. 00 ACRES, 0 CULTIVATED. 20 HltUSH paaiure, z rrutt escnange for South ern Oregon, not over 310,000. Soco ! lofaky. 141 Slate aUeet I; IK NOT ADVERTISE MY RL'SI. neas tranaactlone. 1 leave that to the e'oree of aatlafled cllenta I have bad thla aprlng. Therele a reaaon, you know why my realty deela are lead Ingall othera In the dlatrlct. And If you are In the market to buy a home or acreage, or make an ex change of property. It might pay you to call on me. Detter etlll telephone me at 1000 end 1 will call on you. C. W. Nlemeyer, 644 State atreet (No etalra to climb.). BARGAINS 4 ROOM COTTAGE GOOD location two iota 11200. eaay terme, a room bungalow, fire place and fur hance new 31760. 10 acre tract on main road, fine lend bearing orchard good buildlnga $3(00. 220 acree lota oi aooa timber eome open lend on main road, cloae to railroad $12.60 per acre; room cottage two lots, peved street, for rent Wood Bayne evaawgj- FOR SALE 17 ACRES OF ORCHARD in riret ciaaa condition, aia yeara old. Engllah walnuta, Italian prunea and rherrlee. macadam road, four ml lea irom naiem. inia ia a a nap, price f 4 boo. ISO acre farm, 40 acree under cultivation, balan-e timber and pee ler e, aome fine bottom lend, running water, houae and barn, price 140 per acre. 6 erree, all cultivated. 8 room plaatered houae, barn. well, macadam road, t mllee out. Price $1000. 132 acre Howel Prairie farm. 126 acree cultivation, balance paaiure and tim ber good farm buildlnga. price fllOOO. If you want to buy, trade or aell, aee ua. W. H. Grabenhorat A Co., 27k State street LOOK AT THIS-A REAL OPPORTUNITY . About 400 acrea of choice Tolk coun ty land about 110 acree clear j about 60 acree la atump pasture: balance In rholw piling timber and oak.grube. Timber alone worth $10,000. New four room houee, new dairy barn, providing for 20 cowa and four horeee; new pig pen and new milk houae. Water piped from fine aprlng to all buildings. Will fell the whole at a great bargain. Very eaay terma, 0 per cent Intereet Addreea X. owner, care The Stateeman. GAINS IN METAL GROUP RETAINED Rails Give Promise at Open ing Pools Abandon Their Bullish Tactics NEW YORKj April 23. The atrength of rails gava promise at tbe opening of tod ay 'a stock market of general Improvement, but thla proved of brief duration, tbe entire Hat. coppers excepted, later revers ing Ita courae on ateady offerlnga of leaders, especially industrials. Gains In the metal group and a few spec ialties were retained in part but else where pools abandoned their bullish tactics. Dealings were on a reduction scale, such Issues as Distillers Securities, Inspiration and Anaconda coppers, Studebaker, Baldwin Locomotive and Central Leather contributing largely to the turnover. Central- Leather made an extreme decline of four and s half points following publication of its quarterly report disclosing an enormoua ahrlnkage In the earnlnga, and Nevada Consolidate copper's an nual report waa likewise disappoint iDr. persistent pleasure against United Statea Steel at an extreme loaa of s point waa a potent factor in tbe re- .'action. 8alei amounted to 460.000 shares Bonda were firmer on the whole than the stock list, although liberty Issues- varied. French municipals were active and strong but Toklo S's yielded one and a quater points. Total sales, par value, aggregated $5,260,000. The United States bonds, old Is sues, were unchanged on call, rerla- te-ed 4's advancing one eighth on . . . j TH.'SGS TriAT NEVER HAPP EI 1 ly CLNL BYRNES yr . VOO DO , f i UNOcasTAo'. nails w wca I just oner, crvta- V Vthat "Sl NO DILL DOLJ 1 TOH Ht' Jajj J t-lAlR TON. A . V VfirXNlCOWCO ) JiU &rr4ltl.?.- IS KiK6 I v ' m HALF HOLIDAY NOT ADVOCATED ' e- Liberty Day in Oregon to Be Observed Otherwise. Sayi Governor Because Oregon already has ex ceeded Ita quota for tbe third liberty loan. Governor Wlthycombe baa de cided not to declare s half holiday on liberty day, Friday of thla week. In s statement Issued yesterday tbe governor saya be doe a not believe it would be wlae to Interfere with In dustrial actlvltlea, In view of the re sponse that baa been -made In tbe state, and be haa been Informed that Oregon liberty loan offlclala are of tbe same opinion. Obaervanre Commended In deference to tbe prealdent'a wishes, however. Governor Withy combe calls upon tbe cities of tbe atate to obaerve the day In whatever manner they believe will atltnulate the continued success cf bond gales j and be commends the noon-day ob aervance .planned in Portland. The governor's statement follows: "inaemucn aa the state or Oregon has already made s magnificent re sponse to the third liberty loan call I do not believe It la neceaaary to de clare a half holiday on Friday, April 26th which haa been designated by Prealdent Wilaon aa Liberty day in order that empbaala may be placed on tbe campaign in the statea which have not yet completed their qnotaa. I hardly believe it would be wlae. In view of tbe fact that every Oregon community baa more than gone "over the top." to interfere with industrial and other important actlvltlea and the Liberty loan offlclala are of like opinion. ' . - 'However, in deference to tbe wlah ea of our prealdent, I reepectfully call upon, the governing authoritlee In the varioua cltlea of Oregon to pause long enough Friday to make suitable observance of Liberty day and nromote auch patriotic demon- atrations aa they think will moat ef fectively atlmulate tne continued succeaa of the Liberty Loan drive In their communities. In this connec tion I commend tbe noon day enter tainment observance which baa been arranged in Portland and suggest tbst this plan be emulated In the other e'Ues. Vrgea Vote of Approval. "Every Oregonlan baa ample rea aon to feel proud of Oregon's aplen did achievement In thla third liberty loan drive and I believe It would be entirely filing for the general public to expreaa at the demonatratlona to be held Friday a vote or apprecia tion for the untiring work of tbe of flclala and solicitors who have been In charge of tbe campaign for the state, counties, cities and communi ties. In s certain sense each con tributor to the success of the Liberty loan is a soldier and a patriot." -"I don't aee anr sense in refer ring to tbe wisdom of Solomon. said the man. smartly. "He bad a thousand wives." "Yes." answered tne woman, tart ly, "he learned bia wisdom from them." SOU EY KJXG5TS DUmill SRHUffiF; OA SmV I Taea ea athmr, S-reTr-ae w I I prtrr-4 A eei II 14 IfUTtll lU 1J eUMS BkBrii-Laj jlS Sergeant Ro bin Day Soon to Leave for War Region t Tbe military company of which Robin D. Day of Salem Is a member is expected to leave, for France so mo time this month, according to a let ter received from Mr. Day by Oscar Steelbammer. Day bag gone from buck private to sergeant In three weeks. He Is with Company E, Thir tieth engineers. Fort Myer. Virginia. "Tonight is the first time I have bad an opportunity to drop s line to any one for almost three weeks. "Entered tbe army aa s bock pri vate in the rear rank. Waa made s corporal within s week. Now am a sergeant. My company will leave for France thla month. So far I en Joy the work." Mrs. Exe So you've got s new gown after all. I thought yon said yon couldn't afford one thla fall. Mrs. WyeSo I did; but my hus band bad a alreak of lck recently. He broke his leg the next day after taking out an accident rolley that paya $50 a week.-Boston Transcript. Get Wise-Try a Classified Ad mt Tables sotmiF FAcino co. weetaaeaae No. No. No. ft No. 13 Sheeta Limited 4 f :00 p.m. reea 3:10 p.m. reight.. 8:00 a-va. So. 14 Portland 1l.at ka. fll Local Wsv Fr No. 221 Portland Feet Freight 11:26 pm. aoataaeaaa No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. II Oregonlan .......... $:2ta.m. 22 Cooe Ray , 10:01 1 16 California Eioreee ..10:M i If Roeeburg Paeeeager. 4:30p.m. 11 Sheeta Limited ..... 6:42p.m. 27 Willamette Llmtted.. 4:10 p.m. 13 Baa rraaeieea paee...ie.ST ttl San Fran. Feat Frt.. . 13:01 a.a. 227 Local Way Freight.. 11 :31 aa SAlEM-GVrKH UXTBi No, 78 Arrive at Salem..... trl8 a.m. No. 74 Leave Salem. 8:06 pjn. SALEM. FALLS "ciTY ek WEtTEXXI 161 Leavea, Salem, motor .... f:fta.nv 12 Leavea Kalem. motor.... 0:26 a.m. lit ueavee Baiem, motor.... i:epra. Through car to Hoameau ane Arue 137 Leavee Salem, motor .... 2:43p.m. 140 Ieavea Salem, motor..... 6:6T p.m. 230 Wey Freight leavee Salem 6:00 a.m. 166 arrives at Salem 3:10 a.m. 114 jirrlvee at Selem 11:40a.m. If 4 Arrives at Selem ........ 3:00p.m. 113 Arrlvee at Selem ........ 6:36p.m. J7f'Arrivee at Baiem ,. i:jtp.m. 40 Way Freight Ar. Salem.. 8:10p.m. ORSOOX BXKCT2UO S4mCaaaa4i Trala '"Leave Arrive Arrive No. Portia ad Selem Eugeae 8:16 am. 40:66 am 10:11am 12:26 pm, 12:60 pm 4:16 pm 6:31 pea 0:40 pm 8:60 pm :06 pm Selem oalr 11:30 pm Salem oaly 1:66 am 4:60 ana 1 ..... 4:10am 6 Ltd. ..2:20am 7 10:46am f . .....2:06 pm 13 Ltd. ..4:40pm 17 ...-a. .4:06 pm 10 0:10pm II n:pm Nrth Beak Station f leave Jeffar aen Street 16 and 20 mlaulee later.) Sfeetbi Train . Leave Arrive ' Arrive Portland 0:60 am 0:16 am 11:36 am l:20pnv f t40 am No. - Eugene 2 .....12:06 am 4 e e a e 10 Ltd. ..7:48 am 1? rrrlt:18 am 10 Ltd. ..1:66pm 20 4:10pm Salem , 4:36 am f :16 am 0t46 am 11:10am 1:60 pm 4:00 pm s:itpm 1:66 pm 12 ......4Ht 10:00 pm x North Beak Station t Arrive Jaffar. larrec. Leave) eon street is miautea auuati. ei CorvaUla. . CORYAXLIS COBSBXTIOSS Ne-rtbbe-and Leave Corvatlla Arrive Baiem :26 am S:4laaa . 12:12pm 1:60am :4l I 4.00 pm :ivm l:lltia : I 6:18 pm t:6lpm . aoeta Bonne Leave ff'lem Arrive CeevaUle i.1l am 0:17 am 14 11am ll:S8am 13:41 pm $:tfpm 4:16pm 6:30pm 4 -40 era I-Mim aakcr alee, ref aWereed t "TSae Baaaeej a-aj m eai aJ jg , Oregon Eipreee ..... 1:06 a-ea, $4 Oregealaa .... :16a.m. 33 Willamette Limited.. I:tf a-tn. i PotUand Paaeeager.. 1:31p.m. 14 Cooe liar 1.44 .m. LUKXS WHTTMAJO e. Ca 1 Ml S-aaW.r. NewYe-k ' r '