The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, April 24, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Manufacturers Meet With fu
el Administration Upon
Voluntary Curtailment
. ,
Formal Order May Be Issued
Within Two Weeks To Be
Effective on July 1 -
WASinKOTONY April 23 Iad
Ine automobile manufacturers of the
country met today with official of
the fuel administration end war ln
durtrlej board to ngreo upon a vol
untary lurtailment of passenger au
tomobile, manufacture which prob
ably will total "5. percent after July
l.! There already is a SO pr cent
urtallmf.nt order In effect. "
rinal action was not taken owing
to the failure of several manufac
, turera to reach the'clty In time for
the meeting. . ! ;
It 1 expected that within the nett
day or two a sufficient representa
tion of the Industry kill get together
to carry out 'the program. It was
stated In quarters close to the manu
facturers and the fuel administration
that the manufacturers have reeog-
. nUid tbat drastic restriction of the
out jut cf pleasure and other pas
senger cars would be .made neces
' sary ow'ng to the shortage of chrome
and manganese. The fuel adminis
tration, it is understood, .has deter
mined on a 75 per oeat curtailment,
and the j manufacturers practically
have agreed. It la expected a formal
order wl3 be Issued in ten days or
two weeks.
The policy of the government will
be tb convert to .war work the facili
ties of plants freed by the curtail
ment order.
1 . - ' r ... - , - -- ;
Bruce McDaniel Comments on
Situation in Letter to
, Brother 7
, j . ,
One of the most Interesting and
enlightening . letters- received from
France comes from Sergeant Bruce
McDaniel ' to his brother. Ivan Mc-
- DanleL of the commercial club. A
lew excerpts follow:
"Yo 4 wanted, some. dope for the
hunch. Following are some lac!
dents that may prore of value
When we arrived here tfjven months
ago our weakest hones portrayed
triumphal marca down the streets of
Portland not later than the first of
August.! We had fair visions of rose
wreaths bung about our necks'.' and
the valiant band strutting before us
as we returned the ehouu of welcome
from those we left behind.- Christ
was the first date set. It passed
, amid a flurry of French snow and a
passe celebration, the French tight
ened their Up bit and doggd1r-
malntalned that the New Year would
see the- finish. .-That, date has xonie
and gone. Now some stoutly declare
' that August will see the end. Re
cently I wss talking with a tieuten
ant from 'the Verdun lector and
asked him directly when he thought
the end, would come. - He merely
shrugged his shoulders and replied:
"'The Americans think In August;
ve who have been la it so long ean-
, not see such a victory. It will last
a long time perhaps longer than
the French expert
Mote Change German Mind.
"Personally I do not feel that
there will be anything definite this
spring or! summer; It Is not merely
a question, of military victory . It
never has been and I doubt If it ever
will be. It will mean the bending of
tne German mma rather than the
annihilation of the German concrete
trench. 1
Two theories have been proruul
gated, - One that the offensive com
batting of the submarine will be the
deciding factor. Borne hold that at
the present rate of shipbuilding and
opposite rate of destruction of the
submarines tbaUJhe Doc he will get
the upper band. I feel that such
position is sntenable. Questions of
diplomacy in foreign fields are, In
my mma, far more important. '
"The second theory Is one of man
power. The morale of the German
troops on our front is far weaker
than during1 the days when the
French were compelled to swarm to
the front in an n a prepared state.
One cannot help but resch the eon
elusion that 'the allies with their
combined forces will reach a decid
Ing victory. Perhaps not within the
next few months, or the next few
years. Put when it does come it
will be a peace that means business.
Not Fighting Yet.
"Our forces have not yet begun
to fight. ' The percentage of Ameri
cans at the front Is not very great,
but we, must; realise that we have
Just begun to . make our ' presence
felt. Up, till within recent weeks onr
work has been behind the lines. Our
dock .construction and' installing of
rolling stock fsellltlea will bow be-
If you are not able to digest your
food, if you lack aa-appeUte. H your,
stomach is sour, gassy upset, your
tongue coated your bead aches' and
you are' diary and have heartburo.
use Ml-o-na at once, the first dose
brings sure, safe and effective relief.
Uuy now today-ra box.' . For sale
by Daniel J. Fry. . ,
Miles I
gin to make Itself apparent.
of warehouse 'are going Hp. "Tracks J
spring-up over night and. the jnightJ
of preparation is appalling. One can
start In southern France and go
straight to Paris and wi the results
of American engineering on all
sides ihe whole , length .of the
joarner, . - ;
"The food problem is a delicate
one,, butyls being ably met. Hous
ing conditions are greatly improved.
Transportation Is a mighty problem,
and our transportation forces are on
the job. The sight of American en
gines rambling down American
tracks, with an Amerffan engineer
pulling the cord -of an American
whittle Is enough to make the shiv
ers of joy run up your spine. s
"The transportation problem can
only be conceived of when one gets a
perspective of the entire system pro
poned. I have seen most of It.
When it Is completed France will
hav her arteries of transportation
so ully placed that It will need but
the release of the block signal to
bring the troopsand material. There
will be no more casi of defeat be
eanse of lack of iowder when the
line are completed.; t, ;
Imagination I XretkL
"The American Is intelligent In
his fighting H is not boasting of
his lark of fear I would hazard a
guess that every American that en
ters the trenches for -the. first time
experiences a physical fear. ..To com
bat it theret Is tfcat ever-present
strength of spiritual knowledge of
why he is there.' lilot Imaginative.
A man without a imagination will
break under T the . rv in of the
trenches.- Give tbev leaders men of
imagination and "intelligence and the
most terrible strain -;cf nnot break
them. ' ' a -
"Americans need a wee more self-
sacrifice. Hoover la in ,.the traces
but he wjtf need the--co-ooeratlon of
every man, woman. and child in the
United States. at rather harts the
fellows here to dine on, bread and
beans while those at home are hav
ing their lobster salads and cakes.
"It is hard to realize that we have
been In France for seven months
and that the status of affairs Is no
better, perhaps worse, than when We.
arrived. It seems that the longer
one stays the more distant seems
any hope of peace. So far the
American .army Aa cost Germany
nothing. It is certain that she wtl
compel America to go the, limit in
expense before In any way retracting
her position., , ,
"Salem is getting' Info the scrap.
For awhile the engineers were the
onlv ones here. Now we find an oc
caslonal fellow from home. Last
week my clerk, ate dinner with Dr.
Carl Doner at the Y.'M. C 'A., where
fJ. Eiv's ii G. Watcon, .re on duty.
(Continued, from page 1)
bill itse'f and to twenty minutes on
each amendment offered. .
Senator Sherman said today Secre
tary uaker is "half Socialist and the
other half pacifist." and that Secre
tary Wlison and Postmaster General
Durlesoa are state Socialists. He
also paid his respects to Assistant
Recretary of -Iibdr Post, -Assistant
secretary or Agriculture Vrooman
and Inveighed against what he called
the spread ofBolshevlk propaganda
m tnis country. ; f;
Attacks Non-Partlwin liencuo.
Attacking the Non-Part lean league
the Illinois senator.ssid its president.
A. C. Townley, represents German
influence and "has got pro-German
money t-ome place.".! . ,
Referring to the council of nation
al defenre as a 'nonVlescrlnt orcan
Izatlon. Senator McKeilar. who Is a
member of the mllKary committee,
said th president should be given
power to eliminate the fl a year
men- on that body, select those who
sre efficient and put them to work
at reasonable salaries, k this gov-
ernmenr naa a centralized system for
tne purensse of supplies, he declared
91.000,009.000 could be saved an
nually Curing the war.
(Con tinned from page 1 )
and Albert and records the Tenulse
or use uritian, in an attempt to re
tase ground previously lost. . Tha
text or the statement reads:
"On the battle fronts the activity
was limited.; Artillery duels and lo-
in lmamrr aperaiions were resumea
temporarily. The British infantry
wss especially active between Lens
and Albert.. .
"The reconnolterlng detachments
men advanced at . a. number of
polnta against our lines were every
where driven back. The euomy with
strong forces attempted to regain
ground lout at Aveluy wood Sunday
ana also capture the railway north
of Arras on both sides of the Jlouz-Incourt-Aveluy
road. In repeated
costly assaults lie lost a number of
prisoners. During the last two days
thirty enemy airplanes were brought
down,. ;.,,. , . --r., ,,..
"Macedonia front-. . German de
tachments west of Makovo penetrat
ed the French positions. The Bul
garian troops depulscd Drltlsh local
attacks south of Lake Doiran. A
few French and English prisoners
were taken." . - .
Columbia Si Nehdem Atks
for Increase in Rates
Application for an Increase in
relght rates has been submitted to
the public service commission br the
Colombia & Nebalem Krrer "Railroad
company which operates la Columbia
county. The Increase asked is esti
mated at 33 1-3 per cent of a little
less than CO cents a thousand feet
on log shipments. . The road Is nsed
mainly for logging purposes.
The Toad represents an Invest
ment of $1,371.93,4.04 and in the two
and one-hair years that if has been
In operation has carried 287,429,932
reet or logs. A. 8. Kerrr. resi
dent of the road w hoslgnr the ap
plication says that wages 'have; al
most doubled In. recent months .and
that the eight-hour day means a net
oss of aboot lprr cent In the it tit
ciency of men lad equipment ,
Hopes of Business Interests f
. That Taxes Could Be Paid
Slowly Are Dimmed
WASHINGTON, April 25. Hopes
of business interests that the treasury
might endorse pending legislation
providing for installment payments
of Income and excess profits taxes
were dimmed today by an announce
ment that the government's finances
will not permit installment payments
oh both taxestand liberty loan bonds.
Referring to reports that corpora
tions and other big business interests
withholding liberty loan aub -
scriptions because of the necessity of
using all their cash resources to meet
tax payments June
statement said:
IK n Wannrr
"The treasury department has been
Importuned to make It possible for
those Institutions to pay these taxes
on the Installment plan so that the
burden of -assisting the government
in its financial program may be dis
tributed through a longer period of
time. The treasury department ex
plains that it is impossible to grant
this privilege both in connection with
the payment of taxes and in connec-
lion - with the purchase of liberty
bonds. It calls attention to the fact
that potential llberty loan subscrlb-
ers who find themselves hampered
for cash by taxation requirements!
may pHrcnase bona on the install -
ment pian euuer mrouga an arrange-1
ment with their bankers or by tak-
Ing advantage of the partial payments!
viu u; iuc Ruin umcui nurvi-1
ing oonas ot tne tnira UDerty loan. Degin practicing Internal sanitation.
"Treasury department officials ex- This wlll cost very llttc, but Is sup
pressed thehope that these firms and flclent to make anyone an enthusiast
inuiTiuuais win msie use oi ine
staumeni privilege in tne purcuase
of bonds to make possible tbe at
tainment of a heavy over-subscription
to the third liberty loan.'
Amused at Infantile Cunning
Displayed by Enemies
, 1 of Governor
State Parole Officer Joo Keller is
uckling at the Infantile cunning
being displayed by enemies of Gov
ernor Wlthycorabe In weaving stories
of questionable political tactics every
time one of the governor's appointees
goes on a Jaunt outside the Salem
city limits. Keller has in mind par
vicuiariy no anicie in tne I'oruana
journai or Tuesday.
The article stated that Keller and
a man namea Martin were rolnz
about tho country in a state-owned I
A Jl. II t . I
suioniouue . aisiriDuung ine govern?
ors campaign cards and that they
had questioned the patriotism of S.
A. Harris, a merchant of Hopmere.
because he had refund to place one
of the cards in his window.
I never drive a state-owned auto-
xaoDiic, says jvener. "Tno car 1 1
was driving is my own property and
was paid for with my own money. Nof
one accused the Hopmere man of be
ing unpatriotic and Martin had noth
Ing to say to him except to ask per
mission' to place the card in his win
aow.. wnen ne rem sea. i said in a
good-humored way, 'Then you might
oo sometnmg else patriotic The I
story emanates from Al Jones, can-
didate for state senator 'Ml was th
acquaintance I met as Mentioned Jn
tbe Journal, vile tried to quiz me. ao
1 am not surprised at tbe story that
has gotten into print. ' , .
Incorrigible Girls Are
Sent to Kelly's Battel
Tll.M.Vl. fl ft 4 . If VmimAmm I
the two Vrls, who attempted
fwum" uu waiisiiict auucui.
cape from the State Industrial School
f.'wS'VL rfnS
Uken to Portland today and placed
In detention at ; KsUyT Dutfe. rjhe
girls have been held in the fit Jail
here since' they bolted tnm tb9
schoo premises Sundsy. , j
; - . " 9 - '
Says , German Losses Were
Normal About 100,000 Al
lied Prisoners Taken
AMSTERDAM. April 23. Advices
received from Deriln say that at a
meeting ot the main committee of
the relchstag, which wa. discussing
rmy e. tlmates. War Minister von
Stein mde a statement on the west
ern offensive in which he paid a trib
ute to -hat Jj termed the splendid
nerformances of the German trooos.
"Our officers." said Lieutenant
General ton Stein, "once aaaln have
pred their well-tried faithfulness
unta deuth.' ; .
The war minister said that some
de'chmenti had 'two-thirds of
th lr company leaders. '
"Our losses have been ontiA onr.
mat, and in some cases re'markahiv
mall." 'General von fitcln con
tinued. , "They are mainly attrlbut-
aoi. to infantry and machine gun
fire and a great number of the
wpunded already have been sent
back to tbe front, thanks to tbe de-
vo'.cd activity of our medical officers.
-r... i- w . ...
Our successes in the west are to
be regarded as a gnat victory. From
southwest o( Arras to La re re we
broxe through the English positions
to a derth of sixty kilometers. About
10,000 prisoners and 1500 guns
were our boot.
V ? Afterward we drove the French
frost! Vrong positions across, the
piso-Alnne canal and beat theKng-
Not a 'Bite of
Breakfast Until
You Drink Water
Says a glass of hot water and
phosphate prevents .illness
and keeps us fit.
Just as coal, when it burns, leaves
behind a certain amouut of incom
DIIRtlMo material In iha fnrtYi nt
ahes, ttoithe food and drink taken
day after day
leaves in'the aliment -
aty canal a certain amount of Indi
gestible material,-which if not com-
ff't J minated !rom".tbeiyBte.m
each day, becomes food for the mil
lions of bacteria which Infest the
UUWWB- r rom l&U DUtl left-
wusie, 101.1ns ana Diomain-iiae
poisons are formed and sucked Into
the blood.
Alen and women who can't get
reeling right jnust begin to take In-
sld baths. Herore eating breakfast
eacn morning drink a glass of real
hot water with, a tetxpo infill of
limestone phosphate In it to wash
out of the thirty feet of bowels the
previous day's accumulation of pols-
on and toxins and to keep the entire
alimentary canal clean, pure and
fresh. t
Those who are wibject to sick
(headache, colds, biliousness, const!
patlon. others who wake up with bad
1 taste, rom breath, backache, rheu
uiatic siuiness. or have a sour,
gassy stomach after meals, are urred
to get a quarter pound of limestone
uuivudir i rorn ine-oruf store, ana
id-ion tne SUDject.
nsn again in battle at Armentieres.
capturing more than 20,000 prison-
era ana zsv guns
Arter an allusion to the ion er nnr I
bombardment of Paris, tha minister
eescrii)?j the difficulties of rapidly
pursuing an army.
Rumor Says Carefully Plan-
(IU. A! a
U-Boats Has Begun
WASHINGTON. April J3. Amer-
lean navel officers s wait eas-erlv Ha
run story or the snccessfnl l-Tench-
British naval blow against the Ger
man destroyer and U-boat bases on
the lielslan coast
' The Iranressl Off! T FsVTfl tic fi ira ti
M m m I ... "
ponea oy 'certain facts regarding
AmerlcUd flaval preparations, thst a
carefully ' planned naval offensive
against the t'-boats has he run which
Is to be pressed vigorously ufffll tha
underwater raiders are bottled up or
cheeky to such an extent that their
operations win no longer bo a serl-1
us factor.
" urneiais nre T,iVe been antiefpat-
ing developments in the antl-subma-
rlne warfare within the next few
weeks that would establish a defin- not. in nse they would remove the
Ite check on the U-boats. American license tag and place it on the road-co-operation
ln..tW effort la being ster. The watchful eye of tbe officer
extended In various ways which can
no1 om aisciosea. , , t
" has long 'been' tbe belief of
raany officers hern thst rrinch cnnld
Pflon toward bottling up tbe U-
poats at their source their bases
oa nw ueiman coast. Tne means
to this end suggested "have Ibeen
many. Including mine fields, increas
ed number of lights, surface pltrol
crart, new detection devices, air
craft and submarines. All of these
and other elements enter Into what
ever nisn of nnratlia Oi. .
urtma innni i naa rnvm,.
.... - '
The raid a nn r.hrn'. ..,1 n-.
tend were the most daring operation
attempted by the .111M aea forces
durtng the war and tbe fact that
ashore and th,:
a in th ra f.
land troops shows, officers here say.
that nothing should be viewed as
impossible until it has been tried.
Far Sale Proceeds Over
MilUon Mark in Two Days
Hit. LOUIS, April 23. Sales of
more than $700,000 today at.the
April fur sale being conducted here
Drought tbe total sales ur to $1,
189.000 for the two days of tbe sale.
uussisn sables were fn AmanA tn.
day, 2016 of them bringing $250.-
000. Several of the sable brought
$275 apiece. The nrlc nt ihn aahtoa
nas advanced 10 per cent
since the
January aaie.
' "Does your husband wok-rv abnnt
me grocery Dill 7'
he says there's nof sense In
both himself and the grocery worry
log over tbe same bills."' !
Silverton Department
" Answers False Alarm
SILVERTON, Or.. Aprlt 22.
(Special to The Statesman.) Some X
now imagined that there was a
fire-in the vicinity of South Third
and Koonz streets Sundays afternoon
and turned in an alarm. The house
cart and hook and ladder Company
r"p".,lK)nIa D t6T
iwnea me scene of the snnnosed
conflagration no sign of a fire could
be found. It is suposed to hsve been
the work, of some nrischevlous. Joker.
"Are you going to raise flowers In
;vr aaraeor r
SWAMaa . .S aa a
Tes." replied . Mr. Crosslots. X.
cauliflowers.' Washington
Oregon Reports Tola of 70,-
775 Subscriptions or $17,-
Frnpffafinni of Trwinrv Iliu
1 . . . - tf
partment High Dallas
Celebrates Holiday
WASIIIXaTO.V. April 2 3-(Loan)
Jklessages reaching the treasury to
night indicated that in the balance of
the weeV tbe country will witness
thy biggest outpouring of liberty loan
pledge seen since the nation went
to war. Months of preparation and
the past two weeks of campaigning
now seem to be bearing full fruit and
reports to headquarters tonight pre
dicted that, whole federal reserve dis
tricts, states and cities would reach
their minimum goals by tbe end of
tbe week and spend next week In
gathering over-subscriptions.
Tbe first evidence of tbe new phase
was t& announcement tonight that
$167,123,000 had been reported to
day, making the total obtained in the
entire country up to the. present- $1,
6C7.678.800, or 56 per cent of the
three billion dollar minimum. This
Is tbe largest sum ever reported In
one day ana aoes not include a new
report from tbe Dallas district which
celebrated a holiday yesterday.
Wisconsin was reported- to have
exceeded lts quota today and the city
of Milwaukee has over-subscribed 18
per cent. - - i
Oregon has reported a total of 70,-
775 subscriptions,-20.000 more than
were obtained throughout the entire
second loan. Salt Lake City savs that
lit has obtained one subscription for
every six persons within its limits
Granite, Oregon, has been given a
flag containing 27 stsrs. San Fran
cisco has a subscription percentsge
of 52: Los Angeles 17 and Seattle
48. Subscriptions by states In the
San Francisco-district: r
Arizona .$ 938.650
n uiukvu ...... ....;
Oregon ....iw
Utah I
Northern Callfo'rni;::;; SIjSmSS
Southern California.... 28.941.300
Utah's claims of having gone over
the top have been officially recog
All of Tennessee with the exception
of Memphis has subscribed 100 per
cent of its ouota.
Boys Conceive Idea of K
Hooverizing on Licenses
6ILVERTON, Or.. April 22.
rSoeclal to Th KtatenTtian. Nlrht
pmi v v rnnnt .nnni
of young men named Tokstad Satur-
day night for having driven a car
without liona Tt ama thst
members of the ToksUd family own
two cars and the boys conceived the
idea of 'IIooverixing" on. automobile
licenses. When tha tourinr car was
observed that the number plate he-
longed on the other machine and the
boys were subsequently arrested. Ap
pearing before Justice of tbe ePace
P. L. Ilrown tbe pleaded guilty and
were assessed $12 and, cost, which
they paid. .
Mra A I suppose you find many
cases of extreme want during. your
Vslts to tbe poor. '
Mrs. T Yes. Indeed. I visited a
family today, and actually they had
not a drop of gasoline for their au
tomobile. noston Transcript.
our Printed -Messa?a'
Should fee Appropriate
It ibould harmonize with the bntlness in which you are tngtgtd. It makea no dif
1". el"rd' hlDdbai ,ett"' w
Ton would cot expect a macniniit . or a coal dnler to be tttired the tame aa a
florist or s jeweler. It would not be aptpropriate, Neither would it be appropriate for
their printed message to be eimilar. The coal ad may be printed ia bold? black t.
-uSvV: ?ea,T papr; li Vh gr5de iewelr td ould b Printed artilticSy
with light face type, in refined colon and on finest quality paper.
it more, the printed aeaiage ahould be up to the minute la style,
atyle In printing create, just aa bad an impression aa would the !
le skirt or the Vtrain" If worn today. . , . . . ; .
the hobble
I. .,iiM iSfc XI l?T printed mtugg9 appropritte. Our printing plant
. supplied with the rery latest type faces, ornamenU and other equipment S bUnt
is in charge of printer of unusual ability-a man who raakea t?itudy of what is
ycosaL , ' Ptfaf Job' Ui ,fTle "d ce irV t
r is
' ' 07 THE
' . IN
schools show;
Encouraging Reports Are Re
ceived Frpci All Parts of
That schools In all parts of Ore
gon are actively interested In-patriotic
work Is shown by reports com
ing toe the office of State Superin
tendent Churchill. The reports
mainly cover activity In liberty loans,
thrift . stamp sales and Red Cross
work.Some of the reports fellow:
Morrow county Value of liberty
bonds owned by teachers and pupils.
sil.oso: . value of war saving
sfsmps owned by teachers and pu-
, plls, 11441.97: articles completed by
w I w a . a ' . m
wumor nea iross. 92; oumw 01
districts organized for Junior. Rod
Cross work. 26.
Klamath connty Value of H'wrty
bonds owned by pupils and teachers.
110.000: vslue of war savings and
thrift stamps owned Ty teachers and
pupils. 18563.49. The record shows
that the 114 teachers employed In
Klamath connty own 401 liberty
bonds. ' :
Umatilla, county- i'.oy PnlanJ.
teacher at. Helix, reports tbat bis
high school has qualified 100 pvr
cent for the Junior Italnbo- rsl
roent. . . - . ,
Curry county Ml js Hilda Mnen
der of Agnrss reports thst al.hongh
there are only forty-eight rot?rs in
the district, the pupils hav sold
$729.18 worth of thrift stamps and
the people have pnmaaed $3100
worth of liberty bonds.
Deschutes connty 8cperintndnt
J. Alton Thompson tells of one boy
who has $300 worth ot llbeny bonds
and $120 worth of var tarings
stamps. In many or tho schools 100
per cent of the pupils bar thrift
ca(ds. Superintendent Thompson
has organized pig cljbs. lamb clubs,
garden clubs and canning c'.ubs in
all the schools of tht count r, and
tho children are plsoalng to. pat
their profits ftito thrift .tnmps.
Jason Hoove Has Until
May 10 to Pat Up Bcr l
The state land, board lyestray
gave Jason C. Moore" nntll Mar 10 ti
file a curety bond to giarante the
payment of $16,000-on his Snmwer
and Abert lake lease? by next De
cember. If he falls to put np its
bond by that date Aberfrlake js t9 lj
released from the leas) and be wlil
be allowed to work Summer lake,
Moore said that he &. been unable
to get tho tnnd by .April 22, lU
date on wbica time ncjiiusly allow
ed him exn'ud. but tha. b hoped t9
met tbe ivoii'rement at soon aa ha .
can get into toncfi with Sidney
Smith, one of tha men interested la
Moce'e enterprise.
Chief Witness in Craft
Exposi Escapes From Drj
CHICAGO. April 22-Oeorg B
Owen, tbe Government's chief wit- '
ness in the Great Lakes navy food
graft expose, has vanished. It was
announced today. From November
nntii Saturday nignt he had been
held In the training school trig nn-'-der
close guard. Ha was tha chief
commissary steward during the time
of the food grafting which is alleged
to have netted a gang of thieves no
leas than $25,000. An inveatlgstion
of his escape is being made and la
the meantime the lockup keeper
the brig Is locked up In his place. ,
Ramored Ultimatum of
Hans Unknown to Dzlch
LONDON. April 22. A Renter els
patch from The Hsgue says:
.'Nothing is known In competett .
quarters here of the rumored Gr-
man altimatum threatening' the oc.
cupatlon ot Dutch ports unless car ,
tain demsnds 'are yielded."
LONDON. April 24. Accord It f to
tbe Dally Mail the situation between
Germaauy and Holland was describe
in "authoritative quarters la Lon
don Tuesday night as having eased
Old. an-
e if,
" 1 "iU